Newspaper Page Text
Fishing With Electricity. New York Sun. "I just have been experimenting with electricity as bait." said a gentleman in terested in fishing and fish culture. "How did it work? Well, we caught fish; I'm afraid its too expensive. My method was to have an electric light at tached just above the bait hook, and so attract the fish; but the people who fish ed without the light caught as many as I did. "It was a curious sight, however. The light illuminated the water around the bait, so that you could see the fish ap proaching it. But there Ls one point that people who get up these are apt to for get, namely, that light under water is not so much of a novelty as you would suppose. You see, all the jelly fishes are luminous, and throw out Ixiams of light almost equal to anything we can get up; so the electric light does not surprise the fish very much, after all. I have noticed, too, that they soon get used to it. That can le seen in Fulton Market, were Blackford has an electric light in the wa ter, and the fish do not notico it at all. "Sinco the jterfoction of the electric light, it has leen adapted to almost everything; but probably in the water it will prove more useful to divers than anylKxly else. Several nets have lieen invented with electric lights so arranged as to attract the fish into the meshes." The Man-Frog and Man-Goose. ('handler's Journal. ' The man-frog was first exhibited in 1H0G, at a French country fete. He had a stout illshapen body, covered with a skin like a leather bottle, and a face ex actly like a frog's largo eyes, an enor mous mouth, and the skin clammy. He attracted a great deal of attention from the Academy of Medicine, and a delegate was deputed to make him an object of study. lie went all over France; and, at the end of a few years retired to his na tive place, Puyre, in tiers. The man with the goose's head was first shown at the Gingerbread Fair in 1872. He was twenty years of age, had round eyes, a long and flat nose the shape and size of a goose's bill, an immensely long neck, and was without a single hair on his head. Ho only wanted feathers to make him complete. The effect of his interminably long neck twisting about was extremely ludicious, and was o much appreciated that his receipts were very large. Ho now passes under his proper name of JeanKondier, and is established at Dijon a.s a photographer. ' He is married; and, thanks to enormously high collars and a wig, is now tolerably presentable. What Should She Call Him? From the Pall Mall GazeUe. What ought a wife to caliber husband in speaking to a third person? Should she say "my husband," or should she uso the surname without any prefix, as Mrs. Carlyslo used to talk of "Carlysle," or should she adopt another plan of that lady's and speak, as it were, of "Mr. C?'' Perhaps it is a matter of indifference in Fngland, but in France a woman's usage in the matter is taken as a test of breed ing. In the provinces, it seems wives sieak of their husbands as "monsieur," as if their particular "monsieur" were suierior to all others. Or jerhaps they think this style expresses an indifference indicative of "bon ton;" "my husband," they imagine, would be vulgar. With the polite world of Paris, on the con trary, "my husband" is accepted as the proper phrase, subject to two exceptions. A very affectirnate wife may speak of her husband by his Christian name, while after a certain nge any other stylo except the surname, with the prefix "monsieur," is held to be .ridiculous and a sign of "provincialism." e Maori King Has Some Fun. Cablegram The Maori King.Tawhia, who has been in England a week, has astonished as well as pleased his supporters by keeping perfectly softer. He has been chaperon ed to a great many of the theatres and has developed an admiration for the bal let which is almost Iteyond restraint. Insist night he was conspicuous at the Alhambra, where he ogled the girls to his heart's content. Afterward, when he had had his supper at the Savage Club he In-came so enthusiastic in a descrip tion of the wonders he had seen that he made a Ik11 but abortive and ludicrous attempt to imitate; pas snel. Themem ln?rs of the club enjoyed the fun, and en couraged each new effort with hravos and iils of laughter. A cold in one of his eyes and a rather severe attack of rheumatism unfortunately prevented the King from lunching with the lord-mayor to-dav- I'mler Sentence ol' Death. Piiit-burjr Dispatch. Directly after his eoedemnation t de:iih the French criminal is stripped naked, every fragment of his clothing being carefully removed for fear of his anticipating the action of the law. He is then dressed in the usual prison cos tume, with the exception of a handker chief and a cravat, which might le con venient for suicidal purposes. Finally he is put into a straight waistcoat, which makes him totally incapable of using deadly instruments, even if he wished it, or of helping himself in any way. He is constantly in presence of a guard, and of a fellow-prisoner ready to act as a spy. The criminal thus treated is gen erally reduced to a state of profound de pression. The assets of the Grant family are still waning. The mil man who received personal injuries frm TJ. S. Grant. Jr.'s Arabian stallion w., on Friday, awarded a verdict for f 3,000. THE Moragxie Corner Lemon :ind Front Prescriptions Carefully FRESH DRUGS! FRESH DRUGS! FRESH DRUGS! RECEIVED DAILY AT -A-o3s:e3r-m stirx & Jackson's 1 PHARMACY. All orders filled promptly and at 1ot.tom prices. PRESCRIPTIONS com pounded at all hours hy experienced Druirrists. W3I. .T. AVINIXiAIl A. Gonoral Itankliir Ihisinesis Transacted. Itny mid Well IorelKrn lOxelntne. CorrcspoiKh-nts: ZVew York Thirst "a tional Rank; Kountze IS row., Itoslou; 3Iaverick National Hank. KSSSE 7 11; A nvfxTKX: Vi,!!;si'V',,t- I-. W. KLAHR, Treasurer. HAMILTON DISSTON, Vice-President. T. W. PALMER, Secretary. 90(1 V'liKS CHOICEST: LOCATIONS FOR RESIDENCE AND (T'LTI VATiONOF Oranges, Lemons, Pineapples, Manannas, Cocoanuts, etc., in the counties ol Orange, Brevard, Sumter, Polk, Hillsborough, Manatee and Monroe. f-Joll iii Quant it ies to J-lnit i ices $.;..xi to sm.ue per acre, according to locution and quality. KISSIMMEE CITY us,n's . t Five-Acre Lois V". rJT. Special Master's Sale of Real Estate. I'mler and in pursuance of a decree of the Circuit Court of the Fifth Judicial Circuit of Florida, in and for Putnam county, made on the 24th day of May, A. 1). 14, in a cortani cause pending therein, on the chancery side of the court, wherein Augustus Monroe 'is com plainant and John II. McLean, and Edward S. Crill as the assignee of McLean A: Pro., defend ants, I will as t he secial master, named and appointed therein, otter for sale to 1 lie highest, bidder for cash, on Monday the 7th day of Ju ly, A. I).. lssf, in front of the front door of the Court House in the city of Palatka, Florida, between the usual hours of sale, the folloM'injf described real estate in Putnam county, Flori da, viz: 'J he a w V of the n e of sec 2ii 1 1(1 s r Zi e, with the exception of twelve aerosol' the same liolonnrinjr to S. Graham, conveyed to him by said John II. McLean, and the descrip tion of which is set forth in bill of complaint tiled in said cause. Purchasers to pay for deeds. Jos, E., Special Master in Chancery. In Chancery. In the Circuit Court Fifth J udicial Circuit of Florida, Putnam County-In Chancery. James J. Montgomery, Complainant 1 Suit for vs. Mary A. Montgomery, Defendant. 1 Divorce. It appearing to the court that the bill of com plaint was duly tiled in this case and allidavit made and filed that, Mary A. Montgomery the defendant, resides beyond the limits of 1 he State of Florida, but in one of the I'nited States, it is therefore ordered that, the said Mary A. Monty-ornery, defendant, do appear ami answer the said bill, on the First Monday in September, A. D. 1SS4, otherwise the complainant's bill will be taken pro confesso. Wm. F. Fouwakii, Clerk Circuit Court. Win. Thompson, Conplainant's Solicitor. IN CHANCERY. State of Florida, in the Circuit Court for Put nam Cou nty, at h. Indicia! Circuit of Florida. James W. Robertson, Complt. 1 vs. Norman II. Chamberlin, -In Chancery. Mary Ettie Chamberlin, Defts. ) It apiH-arintr by aflidavit, to the satisfaction of the court, that the said defendants reside out of t he said 5t h J udicial 'ircint of Florida, and beyond the limits of said State, but within the duted States, the particular State bcinjr unknown, now, therefore, on motion of Cal houn, (iillis iV Calhoun, complainant's solicit ors, it is ordered t liar the defendants Norman II. Chamberlin and Mary Ettie Ctiamberlin, do appear and answer the bill of complaint, tiled by the complainant, in the above cause, on or lieforo the tith day of October ISSt, otherwise said bill shall betaken as confessed. It is fur ther ordered that a copy of this order be pub lished in tin; Palatka Nkws, a newspaper pub lished within said Fifth J udicial Circuit, where in saiil mortirare(l premises arc situated, once in every week, for at, least four months before said tit h day of 1 ktobor isst. Dated May 31st, lssf. Ry the Court. Lseal. AV.m. F. FoitWAHI), Clerk Circuit Court. Calhotn, GH.I.IS& CAMKIl'X, Cmpt's Solicitor, Notice of Incorporation. Y AUTHORITY OF AX ACT OF THE I Legislature of the State of Florida, enti tled "An act to provide for the Incorporat Son of Railroads and Canals," approved February l;t h, 1S74, and the acts amendatory thereto, notice is hereby jriven that a company has bceit formed under the name of the ? t . .A ujsnwt ine ami Palatka (filial mid Traiisjxirtiition Coinpan y, to be invested with all the rights, powers, pri vileges and franchises conferred upon compa nies formed under said act, for the purpose of const met injr, maintaining and operating a canal and essels of various kinds for the transportation of jhtsous and property within the State of Florida. The main line of said canal shall extend from a point at or near Tocoi, on the St. Johns river, to some point at or near St. Augustine, and f r mi the channel of said river to deep wa ter in the Atlantic ocean, and said canal shall utilize the waters of the St. Johns river to gether with the waters of Moultrie creek inSt. Johns county, Florida, on the East, ami those of Deep Creek on the West end of the propos ed canal. Dated June 1st, 1SS4. J. k Rainf.y, R. I!. G aunktt, J. S. CownoN, In Chancery In the Circuit Court Fifth J udicial Circuit Florida, Putnam 'ount In Chancery. Amanda lirown Complainant j vs. John ISrown Defendant. Suit for Divorce. It appeariny: lothe court that the bill of com plaint was duly tiled in this case anil atlidav it made and tiled that John lirown the defend ant resides beyond the limits of the State of Florida, but in one of the I'nited States, is in the State of Oeoryia, it is therefore ordered that the said John lirown do apicar and an swer the said bill on the First Monday in Sep tember, A. D: Ism, otherwise the complainant's bill will be taken pro confesso. Wm. Fuuw AiiO, Clerk Circuit Court. Wm. Thompson, ComplainaiVs Solicitor. In Circuit Court. PuttK.m County Fifth 1 udicial Circuit of tin Mate of FU.i-da In Chancery. F. (,. Crawford 1 vs. - Pill for Divorce. lama i' J. rawford 1 It appearing by the allidavit of the com plainant tiled in the above cause t hat t he de fendant resides out of, and lievmid the limits of the State of Florida, to-wit,"in the State of ! Michigan. Now therefore it is ordered that ihe defendant Tamar.I. Crawford, do apjvar and answer the said complainants bill for di vorce tiled airainsr her in our said court on or N-fore the tirst day of Soptcmlier. A. D. lsst, otherwise said bill may ie taken pro confesso Witness mv hand and the seal of our said court thit 2Uh day of April A. D. ls-4. Wm. F. Fouwari), Clerk Ci uit Court. MEAT AND MliARKET! AV. 15. CIOSS, (At Smith's old Stand.) Water Street,. - - Palatka, Florida. I Fresh Meats and Fish always on hand. Pliariiiacy f - Jt., - - I'ALATKA, IJV Compounded Day and Niht. .V CO., HANKERS. Sr.'oo to ?r,iM) &W0 to ."oo I"OIlISI--;, Manager, Jacksonville, Fla. P. CUNNEELY. IMI'OliTKU OF FmeWmes,Lipors Etc., Kte. Acker, Merrall & Co.'s Olioico ISi-shhIm of Imported Segars Billiard and Bowling Parlors Attached W.VTKIt StkERT, PALATKA, FLA. BRADLEY'S FERTILIZERS GEORGE E. WILSON, No. 15 West Ray street, J A C K SO N V 1 L LP. F LO R I D A . .1 A KSOX VI IsITZ TAMPA & KEY WEST RAILWAY THE "GEM CITY" ROUTE. TIIF ONLY ALL RAIL LINF TO ORANGE PARK, MAGNOLIA, GREEN COVE SPRING & JACKSONVILLE. Three Hours Quicker to Jacksonville Than by any otlierjline. 15ROAD OAFOK, STKF.L RAILS, AIR RRAKF.S, FIRST-CLASS FQFl PM LNT. ''pitAlXS: Rl'N AS FOLLOWS: L (;niN(; sarin. I .leave Jacksonville '.L.'Hia. m. p. m. Orange Park lii.i'! " 4 mi Mairnolia lil..t " i.:r, Ireen Cove Sprint: 11.(4 ' 4.4'.' West Tocoi 11:40 - r:Fi Arrive PalatkSi V:Xt p. m. .")..V (iillNt; NOHTll. Ia-.w Palatka I0::ra. m. 1:15 p.m. Florida Sou. J unc. . hi: 45 " 4." West Tocoi I1::U ' 5:os " tireeiH'ove Spring lLV " 5:: 1.5 " " Mairnolia l:il " r:4u i tranye Park l::t! p. m. s:ol " Arrive Jacksonville. . . Pun " tJ:45 THE ST. JOHNS' RAILWAY -MAKES IIltl":c:J.,, conn hction At West Tocoi. and from St. Aujrustine. Rates and Fare to all Points as Low as bv any other line, and basaire checked throuirii. M. R. MOHAN, U. W. HUNTLEY, (jen. I'ass. Ai,'ent. Oen. Manager. PUBLIC OR PRIVATE BOOKS jEPT BALANCED OR ADJUSTED, IN strict confidence, by Expert accountant. Practical instructionain liok keeping. Rest, of ivf crenel. Apply at this ollice. 2s; rriiii: Palatka Daily News A HANDSOME, NEVSY SIX-COLUMN NEWSPAPER lTlll.ISHKP AT I -V IjAT ka. ft.ohioa. FIVE DOLLARS PER ANNUM rJ"MIE IMPORTANCE OF PALATKA ASA trade distributing point and railway center, and its majnulicent location at the head if ocean navigation on the St. Johns, and in the midst of a charming' farminjr and fruit produ cin section, venders it a natural focal point for the news of the Peninsular, and affords the opportunity to make it what it is pro nounced by the press to be, a lirtt -class news paper, both in its make-up and in tin; charac ter of its collated news. 1 O L I T 1 O ;Y L -V Tun Ni:wh is Democratic, and while it will be courteous to all, it will stand steadfast in its adherence to those principles of that parts-, the snccess of whieh'aloiu' insures liberty and ood government. The Year 1884 is a Campaign Year Roth the National and State Campaigns are to be wajjed. Towards the settlement of the momentous political issues they involve, THE NEWS will tiive its untirinjr ell'orts to inlluence jaib lic opinion for t he best interests of t ho people. To do this more effect ually, t he editors will at once berin the iniblication of The Weekly News A folio 4.-column aper, equip(;d with the currnet news, or a complete dijrest of the liaj'i IieniiiL'S of the week. This publication, at the price of MB we hojte to introduce into every household in this se tion too remote to In reached by our Daily. We urfre our friend, both in and out of Putiiair county, to aid us in the distribution of both our pu" Mention. A copy will In' mailed free to the fretfer-up of clulti of the subse i-s to either the Daily or Weekly editions. Addrf-ss all correspondence to THE PALATKA DAILY NEWS. L. MEYER, Water Street, - - Palatka, Florida. Wholesale and retail dealer in all kinds of Paints, Painter's Supplies, Ready Mixed Paints, White Lead, Linseed Oil, Shelac, Varnish, Turpentine, Putty, Window Glass. Paint Brushes Fireproof Paint, Roof Paints and ai! kinds of Dry Paints. Neatfoot Oil, Lard Oil, Machine Oil, Benzine, Ladders, Step-Ladders, Wall Paper In fact Everything Kept iJemji a practical painter and havinjr IS years my own paints, and cannot be imposed upon of the country is Hooded and sold to unexpcricnccil dealers I i.flt r ere hundred dollars to uj w. ., imi'huji ii in i oik- fjraiu oi auunerauoii in store. Respect full An Unadulterated Natural Guano, imported direct into Savan nah, Ga., from the Orchilia Islands in the Carrifabean Sea, by Tra vers, Snead & Co., of Richmond, Va. We are now offering this High Grade Fertilizers to the Planters and Orange Growers of Florida, feeling confident that it is just the thing they need, hav ing stood the test side by side with the best Fertilizers in the market for a number of years, and continu S to grew in popu larity wherever it is used. ORDERS PROMPTLY TILLED AND INFORMATION FERNT ITFD o PPI TP TION BY S. II. IJOVII t CO., Importers Agcnis, Water st reel , PALATKA, FLORIDA. DISSTOK PURCHASE-4,000,000 Acrs FLORIDA LAND AND IMPROVEMENT COMPANY. HAMPTON DISSTON, President. J.J. DINNE, Vice-President. LANDS FOR SALE AT GOVERNMENT PRICE OF SI. 25 PER ACRE. IN BLOCKS OF NOT LESS THAN SO NOR MORE THAN CM ACRES. WITHIN SIX MILES OF RAILROAD LINE, PRICE $2.50 PER ACRE. npiIESE LANDS INCLUDE ALL VARIETIES OF UPLAND AND LOWLAND AND ARB I adapted to ranjres, Ix-mons, Limes, Pine-Apples, Banannas, SiiMar-Cane, I'arly VeRetablcf. etc., and are chielly in the counties of St. Johns, Volusia, Brevard, Orange, Sumter, Levy Hernando, Hillsborough, Polk. Manatee and Monroh. Our Lands are selling rapidly. Thousands oi settlers have located on thcin during the rnt six mouths. Do not delay if you want them at present Low IYk es. Stock of this company will he received at 45. iki per share in payment for land located In compact bodies of acres or more. For further information apply at thu olhco of iho com pany. "W". rr". F01S.1SJL2!-;. Land Commissioner, Jacksonville, Fla. A. & G. C. ft, and S. H. GREY, President. J. M. KREAMER, W, H. WRKiHT, Vice-President. Engineer. LANDS FOR SALE IN LOTS OF FROM 10 TO 10,000 ACRES IN THE COUNTIES OF RREVARD, POLK, MANATEE AND MONROE. PRICES: For averag-e Pine Lands f per ct For average Prairie and Pasture Lands l.'ij j)cr aero For Lake and River Fronts J5.U0 to 10.U0 per cr For Pujrar Lands M.UO icr cre The Lands of this Company are specially adapted to the Culture of Tropical Fruits, Rice, Sufrar I'ano, etc., and are frenorallv accessible 1 v steam navigation. AV. 'S"1. l -OIS ISl-.o. Land Commissioner, Jacksonville, Fla. Florida Southern Kailwav. Omi'K Sr PKUINTKN III- :nt. Palatka, March 'X, 1SS4. " GOING SOUTH. STATJONS. j mail I Aconi'd'tii Ia' Palatka j 2:ii i m I S:(l a m Ar lnterlachen 2:') " ii;,'),". " " Wait's Crossing- ;j:;K " I 11:1-' " " Gruel le :t:.V " 11:54 " " Micanopy 0:10 " " Iochbi- 4:;!7 " I 1:44 v M " Reddicks 4:50 " I '7 " " cala 5:40 " ;:.V, " " North Lake Weir. ... :40 " j t;:15 " " South Lake Weir.... ti:U) " I t',:.i', " Ar.LeesburH' 7::f." " K:LH.) " 7 (iJ(L NORTll.' STA T I (NS. j J m a u rT AeTmT'd'tn LvLeesburn- :U a m 7:Tmi iTm" A r South Lake Weir. .. (l::i:i " S::J " " North Lake Weir li:50 " K:.V " " Oca hi 7::i " lo::!.-, "Reddicks Mi7 " K:tt r n " Lochbie H:VJ " 1:'J0 " " Micanopy ((:lo " " Gruel le 8:52 " :i:5) " " Wait's Crossing' t: " ! 4:4 " "lnterlachen...". i:;V.t " j C.m Ar Palatka lii:rr " ! 7:,T " TRAINS ARRIVE AT From Palat ka, Ocala and Ijeesbtirjr. From Iiean ipy GAIM i" :sville !i::0 a M and l-'::0 v M 4:.'f0 " 7:t." A M ille7 M a m and 1 1 :00 p m :i:l I' M 5:(Kl ! M JIRA INS LEA YE GAIN I For Palatka, Ocala and Lecsbuiv, For Micanopy MICANOPV. Train leaves at ; A M Train arrives at e;:io i m First-class car through from Palatka tc Gainesviih; on all trains. CONNECTIONS. A t. Pu la L'i wit h luf-lf.nvillt. T. c. r v ...... ...... ...IV. IV.T FII.1H, , l.llliJM a est Ry, fast river steamers f(,r m. Au (rnstine. Green Cove Spruurs, Jacksonville and all points North, East, and West, and with up river steamers for South Florida. Als; with the Twin Screw Iron Steamer " 'it v of Palatka," for Charleston, New Vork, Boston, Philadelphia, etc. At Wait's Crossing with Peninsular Railroad for Waldo. At Gainesville with Transit Railroad for Cedar Key, Pensacola, New Orleans and Tam pa. At Ocala with Transit Railway and Hacks for Silver Springs. At Leesburjr with boats on Lake Ilarriofor points on Iike and ulonjr St. John- and Luke Eustis Railway. Also with Graham's Hack for Rrooks il!e, Surnterville and all points in South Florida. S. CON A NT, JAS. D. HOLLISTER, General Manayer. Superintendent. O. W. IS ROM WELL, G. T. F. i P. A. KEUKA AND ORANGE SPRING TRANSFER COMPANY TEAM WILL LEAVE KEUKA FOR Oranjre Spring every morning on arrival of the freight train f ram Palatka, for the purpose of Transporting Passengers and Freight. For further information address KEUKA AND ORANGE SPRING TRANSFER COMPANY, At Keuka, Putnam Co., Fla. C. A. LOPEZ Sc CO., agts at Orang-e Springs. IToio Sale. TwO CONE PULLEYS, (one a split pullev. X three inch face, four steps, f rom ten to fif teen inches diameter. Apply at ITHIS OFFICE in a First-class Paint Store. experience in uiLxiii'j- and usinif jiainw- -I mix by the mlerior mixed paints with which thl prt hi pa:ni or k'ooits t hat are mixed or leld la usr v, L. 3HEYEM. T. H. AslU-RV, Trensurrr, R. MALINGER. Secretary. Okeechobee Land Co. HAMILTON DISSTOX. Treu. R. SALlNCiER, Secretary. Savannah, Florida & "Western R'y AVii3 ?i'os!s Hliovt Lino. All trains of this road nro run by Centra (POih) Meridiam time, which id S3 luinutCf slower than Jacksonville time. ON and after Sunday, May 11. 13S4, Passenger Trains will leavo aud arrive as follows: NKW ORLEANS EXl'RESS. Ix;ave Jacksonville daily at P:.T0 a m Arrive at Jacksonville ifaily at 8:15 pm Arrive at Callahan daily at b:ll a m Arrive at Waycrot-s daily at 11:05 a m An ive at Brunswick daily ut S:(KI p m Arrive at Thoinasville da'ily at 3:17 pin Arrive at Bainbridtfo daily at 5:10 p ra Arrive at Chattahooelieedaily at 5:lfj p m Arriv; at Pensacola daily at 11:43 p m Arrive at Mobile daily at 4:15 am Arrive at New Orleans daily at 10:10 it m Connect injr ut Chattahoochee witli Pensnco ln and Atlantic Railroad daily for Pensacola, Mobile, New Orleans, Texas n'nd all trans-Mis- 1 Fissippi piHnts. l'uliman Bullet find Sleeping1 I Cars on this train, Jacksonville to Pensacola, Mobile and New Orleans. FAST M AIT.. liOavc Jacksonville daily at.. . Arrive' at Jacksonville daily at. . Arrive at Callahan daily ut". Arrive at Waycross daily us Arrive at .lessup daily at Arrive at Savannah daily at Arrive at Charleston daily at... 2:30 p in 2: 10 p m 3:10 p m 515 j) ra C:;44 p m p m 1 :45 a m Arrive at Washington, D. C, daily at..l 1 :00 pra jiiMic,ii,.i'w i otk uauy au tiiull m Connecting at Waycross with Through Pull tnan Palace Buiret and Drawing Room yierp inir Cars, Waycross to New York without change. .lAC'KSONVII.T.E KXTUEPS. Leave Jacksonville daily at. .. Arriv e at Jacksonville daily at Arrive at Callahan daily at". Arrive at Waycioss daily at Leave Gainesville daily at Leavi; Newnansville daily at Ix-ave New Bradford daily at Leave Live Oak daily at. . . 5.:) p m . 9:00 a m . . :20 p m . . W:0u p m Ci:lS p m . . fi:57 p m . . f p m ... .t:4S pm ...12:10 a m . . 2 :Z a m ...11:03 p m .. ;:iiO a iu . . 12:115 jj m . . 8:50 p m . . . a m . . . 7:50 a m . . 7:')U a rn . .. 0:10 p in . . ti:0 p m . . 8:;0 a m . .liv p m ..1':40 p ni U: a in . . 5::J0 p in . . i.5 a ni ..ll::w a rn . . 7:57 p m . . yJ a ra . . :10 a ra . 3.00 p m 7:25 'p in . . 7:50 a m Arrive at Dnpont daily at Arrive at Albany daily at Arrive at Jesup "daily "at Arrive at. Macon daily at Arrive at Atlanta daily af Arrive at Chattanooga daily at. Arrive at Nashville daily at Arrive at. Louisville daily at. . . Arrive at ( 'incinnat i daily at . . . Arrive at Cliieayo daily ut Arrive at St. Louis daily at. . . . Arrive at Savann.iii daily at .. Arrive at Auirusta daily'at Arrive at 'harleston daily at. . Arrive at Washirnrton daily nt Arrive at New York daily tit Arrive at. Thoinasville daily at . Arrive at Ail-any daily at Arrive at Mont L-oinery daily at . Arrive at New Orlean.; daily at . Arrive at Nashv ille daily at Arrive at Louisv iiie daily at ... . Arrive at Cincirina! i daify at Arrive at St. Louis daily ut Arrive at Chicairo dailv at V:Oi) a ra Pullman Palace Bullet and Drawinw If.w.m 8 till 0! Sleeping 'ars on this Train to Washington. Pullman Palace Slccpinjf Cars, Jacksonville to avatmah. Pullman Sie(.inv Cars on this Train toLouia ville via Thornasville. Pullman Hotel and Sleeping Cara on thla Train to Cincinnati via fcuvannuh. A Restaurant has been oiened aW Waycrotn, Rd abundant time will Lo allowed for ma, by all passei'.jrer trains. 'onnectinat Savannah with steamers fr,r New York, Philadelphia, Bobtou and Iiaitl more. Connectinsr at Charlenon with etenmari for New York. 1'luiadelphia and Baltimore. TrairwonB. and W. It ii. leave junctioa, Kointr west, ut 1:10 p. id., end for BrungwicJc at 12:PJ p. m., duiiv. Through tickets sold t nil points by F.ail and Steamship oonnections, and RagTaa- Checke-1 through. Also Sleeping Car ertL and wctions secured at Company's t)!Tlce iu A stor's Building, ti Bay trect, and at Dcot Ticket Ofliee. JAS. L. TAYLOR, General l'asenger Agent A. M. IVES. Agent. rs w I HAVE JUST OPENED A first-class Meat Market, and keep constant ly on hand a supply of fresh beef. ioi k, poul try, and vegetables in seawin. iood deliTere4 frc-e. Give me a trial is all I ak. C. II. WIGG, cor. Lemon & 3rd Sta.