Newspaper Page Text
VOLUME I. PALATKA, FLORIDA, SUNDAY, JUNE 15. 1884. NUMBER 94. TELEGRAPHIC SPARKLES. THE LATEST NEWS FROM ALL PARTS BY WIRE AND CABLE. The Tichbone claimant is to be re leased on a ticket-of-leave. The English Court of Appeals has dis Holved the injunction restraining the Telephone Company from erecting over head wires. The Harvard overseers have decided not to confer the degree of LL.D. on Governor Robinson. The Dupont Powder Company has paid the Vulcan I'owder Company $75, 000 to fitop work for a year. Four members of the Salvation Army were fined $10 each or ten days impris onment at London, Ont., Friday, for txsating drums in the streets. They will appeal. The Chilian Government has stopped further exerts of guano from the Lobos Islands, 38,000 tons having already leen shipped thence, and the balance belongs to Peru, according to the treaty of jeace. The following persons have teen re cognized by the President as Vice Con suls of Brazil: Charles S. Iangdon, at Darien, Ga.; Barton Meyers, at Norfolk and Newport News, Va.; William II. Adams, at Savannah; Chas. F. Hutchet, at Charleston; Herman R. Baldwin, at Richmond; Augustus Barette, at St. Marys and Satillo, Ga. ; S. G. Scaring, at Jacksonville, Cedar Key and Fernan dina, Fla. REFORMS FOR CUBA. Madrid, June 13. The economic crisis in Cuba was discussed at a council of Ministers held to-day, at which the king presided. The government proposes to adopt a series of reforms, including a re duction of the Cuban expenditures and the establishment of a coasting trade be tween Spain and Cuba. BUSINESS FAILURES. New York, June 13. The business failures throughout the country for the week ending to-day, as reported to the Mercantile Agency of R. G. Dun & Co., number for the Unitod States 303, and for Canada, 25; total, 228, as compared with a total of 215 last week, an increase of 13 failures. The casualties are light in New England and the Western States, but an increase is noted in the Middle, Southern and Pacific States anil in Canada. tilden's refusal absolute. St. Louis, June 13. The Republican, of this city, referring to Tilden's letter, having interpreted it to mean that when Mr. Tilden is nominated he will not re fuse to be the caudidate of the Demo cracy, the Chronicle telegraphed to Tilden asking him if that was the proper construction to be placed on tho letter. The telegram was referred by Mr. Tilden to Daniel Manning, chairman of tho Democratic State Central Com mittee, anil he to-day sent tho following reply: "Mr. Tilden's letter means what it says. His declination is absolute. Under no circumstance will he be a candidate. "Daniel Manning. " If He Were Rich. "I wish I was as rich as Vanderbuilt," said a brakeman as he smouged an orange from fhe train boy and proceeded to pay for it in talk. "If I had that old duffer's money I'd have some rare sport I tell you." "What would you do?" inquired the train loy as he removed the oranges from the breakman's reach. "Well, I'd take a piece of railroad where two down grades meet; then at the ltottoin of the two 'hills I'd put up a big grand stand ami have lemonade, and beer, and lunch counters, and all that sort of thing. Then I'd invite all my friends to come there, and when they'd all get comfortably fixed I'd show them some sport as was sport. I'd put one lo comotive at the top of the grade, two or three miles hack, and the other on the other side, tho same distance away, and then I'd have 'em both started with full steam and wide open valve at the same time." "You would want a double track, of course." said the train loy, "your idea being to sea which would pass the grand stand first, and so make a race of it." "Double track fiddlesticks!" exclaimed the bralienian. "One track, you simple ton. Don't you see the engines would run together right there in front of the people, and that collision would Ik? one of the most magnificent spectacles ever witnessed by the human eye. But don't give it away, 'cause I'm going to copy right the idea and play it on shares with Barnum next year. The country will go wild over it. We'll have cheap locomo tives made for our especial use,of course, and carry our own track with us. Then we'll put an engineer on each engine,and they'll do the grand jump act just be fore the collision, having something soft to light on, of course. Oh. there's mil lions in it cully. Lend me a dollar to buy postage stamps to write to Barnum with, and I'll make you a present of the lemonade privilege first season." Justice Stephen J. Field is a "hero" to ! Joaquin Miller, because he went to Cali- i .fornia in'49, "when the cowards did not J start there and the weak died on the way. j fiOVR BLOXHAM SPEAKS ! HE REPLIES BY TELEGRAPH TO GOV. DREW'S CHARGES. St. Clair-Abranis Interviews Him and Sends Us the Result by Wire Drew Flatly Contradicted Damaging Charges Re tortedMore to Come. Special dispatch to the Times-Union. Tallahassee, Fla., June 12. I have to-day had an interview with Gov. Blox ham, and learn from him that it will 13 impossible for him to have his statement in answer to the scandalous assertions of ex -Governor Drew ready for publication in time for your to-morrow's issue. Be lieving that tho real purposo of the charges made by Drew was to make po litical capital with the conventions which meet on Saturday, I take the responsi bility of telegraphing in advance what I understand to be the facts in the case. Governor Bloxham was not aware, until the interview was published, that his relations with Governor Drew were other than cordial, as his correspondence with that gentleman and the social rela tions existing between the two families would fully indicate. No such pledges as Drew claims were made by Governor Bloxham, ever were made. The statement of Drew, in these particulars, is a fabrication. Bloxham's first letter, in 1880, declaring himself not a candidate, was induced by the num ber of letters he received urging him to make the race. He had nothing what ever to do with Captain Dyke's action, urging his nomination; but, on the con trary, repeatedly protested against it. In tho interview between Gov. Bloxham and Drew, in the Secretary of State's of fice, Bloxham never pledged himself not to be a candidate. As showing the falsehood and duplici ty of Drew in this chargo, the fact was that in that interview Governor Bloxham proposed to Drew that both retire from the contest and unite, in using their in fluence in securing the nomination of General Finley. This proposition was made by Bloxham, after a consultation with Drew, in which the hopelessness of Drew's nomination was discussed. Blox ham offered to sacrifice himself. Drew partially assented to the proposition and agreed to telegraph Bloxham from Jack sonville if he determined on taking this course, after consultation with some of his friends. The interview in Jacksonville referred to in Drew's interview was the result of a telegram received from Drew by Blox ham, requesting his presence in Jack sonville. Bloxham went there suppos ing that his suggestion had been accept ed. Only P. P. Bishop and Drew were present at the interview. Neither Gen. Finley or Captain Inglis were at the time present. P. P. Bishop proposed that Bloxham withdraw and leave the field open to Drew. Governor Bloxham never promised to publish any letter in the Union with drawing from the canvass. He never promised to write a letter and place it in Raney's hands for any purpose, as Ra ney was at that time a warm supporter of Drew and a strong opponent of his. Drew's statements in this regard are ut terly untrue. On this visit to Jacksonville, and after this interview, two prominent citizens of Jacksonville informed Gov. Bloxham that Drew had declared that he would not support him if he was nominated. Bloxham investigated the matter, and found that the report was true. He, therefore, determined to leave the can vass in the hands of his friends, and to abide their decision. They insisted upon his remaining in the field and his nomi nation was the result. The Governor's denial of the scandal of Drew will le sweeping and unquali fied. And now, since Governor Drew has seen fit to inaugurate a campaign of per sonal detraction, I think it might lie best for him to explain to the people whose suffrages ho is seeking why tho indem nity certificates for some 18,000 acres of land, issued to the state of Florida, were withheld by him or his friends for many months from the Land Office, where they properly belonged, until a few hours lfore he retired from the guber natorial chair, when he delivered them to the Land Office, and a few days later purchased the greater part, or all of them. When Governor Drew can ex plain this disgraceful transaction, which is a matter of record, I propose to get him to explain other transactions, which equally demonstrate his unfitness for the office to which he aspires. Alex. St. Clair-Abrams. A Dangerous Charger. "That seems to lie an interesting horse you are driving," remark ed a gentleman, as he accepted an invitation to ride. "Yes," was the reply: "he has some excellent points, but at times he is very freakish. He possesses a fine appear ance and good action, is mettlesome to a high degree, and " Just here the animal shied, kicked a hole through the dashboard, and backed the buggy into tne gutter, and the more the driver shouted "Whoa, Jimblaine !". themore Jimblaine wouldn't whoa. THE STATE CAMPAIGN. Columbia Star: Governor Drew in formal a Times-Union reporter that he would not support Bloxham if nomina ted. Is this Democracy? The Gainesville Bee thus heads the Drew interview; "The big fish at war. Either a Governor or an sx-Governor has lied. A disgusting war of words between Drew and Bloxham that will end at the canon's mouth or will be settled by a game of 'mumble peg.' " The Jacksonville Times-Union: Gov. Bloxham has already said that he would not accept a re-nomination, and he has only to repeat tho declaration. Governor Drew could hardly refuse to follow an example that would be warmly approved by his entiro party. Jacksonville Herald: With the largest concessions to Governor Bloxham and ex-Governor Drew: conceding the bril liant era of development that has been a part of the present administration, and with the profoundest recognition of Gov. Drew's splendid service in redeeming the state and ruling it wisely, we are con strained to say, strongly and emphati cally, that, in this critical time, the pre servarion of our state government to the clean hands and interested care of its honest and permanent citizens, is an is sue that outweighs the claims of fifty Bloxhams or fifty Drews, and the merits of fifty administrations even so popular as theirs. HOIST BY HIS OWN PETARD. A Story About a Joker who Served as an Illustration of his Own Chest nut. From the Lincoln Journal. A few minutes after rolling out of Te cumseh for Nebraska City, the other day, Conductor Loe stepped into the car to work up his tickets. The first man he met was lound for Atchison, and the obliging conductor pulled tho cord, stop ped the train and gave the estrayod pas senger directions how to take a short cut back to the depot. Lee started ahead, and as ho had a-ten-mile run to the first station, he worked his way through the car quite leisurely. As he passed the last seat a brisk-looking gentleman asked: "What did you put that man off for? Was ho trying to beat a ride ?" "Oh, no," said Lee; "he was on the wrong train, and I let him off to go back to to the depot." The traveler laughed long and merrily. "Well," said he, "I'll bablowed! if ho hasn't sense enough to keep on the right train, he ought to stay at home and have a guardian appointed." And the merry man jcked on the sub ject, and told a story quite in point so well that the conductor, and several pas sengers who gathered around to listen, were convulsed with amusement. At last ho drew out his little mileage book, and, extending it with the careless grace that characterizes the accomplished trav eler, he remarked : "Just tear me out to Atchison." A hush fell upon the crowd, so deep and 6till that the puffing of the engine sounded like the heaving of a volcano and the only thing that saved the veteran traveler from the expenditure of $3.20 was the absence of a counter where the beer could be set up. The great dancer Taglioni has left me moirs said to contain curious revelations of the life of the Berlin, Vienna, and Paris aristocracy of forty years ago, and concerning the Belgin court. State of Florida, County Court for Putnam County. Tn the mutter of the estate of Frederick D. Lente, deceased. Notice is hereby piven that the undersigned lias been appointed by the county court of Putnam county, Florida, administrator of the estate of Frederick D. Lente, deceased. All persons having any demands against the es tate of said deceased are hereby notified to present the same to the undersigned, within the time prescribed by law or this notice will be pleaded in bar. AVi 1,1,1 a m Kemih.e Lente, Administrator of the Estate of Frederick 1). Lente, deceased, Palatka, Florida. NOTICE TO TAX PAYERS. rpilE UNDERSIGNED WILL IJE AT PA L latka Election District, No, s, on Monday. May 5th, and remain durinsr the week endiii" on Saturday the H)th., for.the purpose as of as sessing the State and County Tax for the year A. 1). 1SS4. All taxpayers wishing tax blanks will please call at either the ollice of clerk of Circuit Court or Tax Collector, where thev will rind them. J. W. WOODS, Tax Assessor Putnam County. The Changes in the Election Districts of Putnam County, j ii accordance wun tne statute in such case made and provided the changes in the boun daries of the election districts of Putnam Coun ty Florida are hereby made matters of public notice, at the reyrular meeting of the Hoard of County Commissioners for said county on Jan uary 5, lSSi, in compliance with a inltition to such effect. On motion ordered. That the north half of section 2, township LI, south of rang-e L7 east be embraced within the Ixuindary lines of election district No. 5, as heretofore laid out with voting- place or precinct at C. T. 1'otter's store. Incompliance with a petition from the citi zens in the vicinity of and living at Buffalo Bluff, askinsr to Ih annexed to election district No. 8: On motion it was ordered that election district No. 8, be bounded and deseritted as fol lows: Berinnin- at the intersection of the Ocklawaha and the St. John's Kiver, thence following the Ocklawaha Kiver to the line be tween township 11, ranre and 11 ranjre 20 S. & E. Thence running north to It ice Creek; thence following Hice Creek to the St. John's Kiver; thence southerly alonjr the western bank of said river to a int directly west of tne mourn or nunn's creek; thence oust across f said river to the mouth of said creek: thence f iouo in sain .TeeK to a iint where it crosses the township line, thence west in a direct line to the west bank of the St. John's Kiver. muuiiiij ai.-u" jsuiti west oanK to piace or te- j pinning, with voting place or precinct at Pa-r latKa. r tion of election district "o ir, u-in vii niuiioii ii wa nnifm th-itii flint mr. he present northern line of Putnam county, made a part of election district No. It. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. BESJ. PUTNAM CAI.HOCS. IRVING GILLIS, WM. LOWNDES CALHOUN. Callioun, 2Illisfc Callioxin, ATTOKNEYS-AT-LAW PALATKA, FLORIDA. Special attention paid to Insurance, Ileal Es tate and Collection of Claims. Will practice in Strte and Federal courts. -A.. "W.ltOYSDON, A.TT OliiV I : Y-AT-LAW Office opposite St. John's Hotel, Lemon Street, Fa latka, Fla. I It. 3IoICl-LVTS", AT TOK IN EY-AT-LAW Apent for Sale and Purchase of IT L O It IDA JLi u. IS 1 H Palatka, Florida. Notary Public State of Florida. v. ii. wm, AT T015NK Y-AT-LAW Office Lemon st., Mann's Building, Upstairs. Paeatka, Florida. PALATKA HOTELS. riIlAJIA3r'S IIOTKU VT S. GRAHAM, Proprietor. Corner Lemon and Water streets, PALATKA, FLORIDA. rpjlia AVICWTIOISIZIYTVI). PALATKA, FLORIDA. White Sri.pnuit Water, Hot and Cold SuLrnuR Haths. Rus meets all trains and steamers. OPEN ALL THE YEAR. j AintiN nouwn, PALATKA, FLORIDA. Addition built last summer of forty-live rooms. Aceommodntions for 300 guests. Open December 15. 1883. LAIIKIN & ALLEN, Proprietors. 1)ITT'V3I HOUSE, 1 December to May. PALATKA, FLA. T7IIVTIt IIOTEIi, VV Dec. to May. JACKSONVILLE, FLA. 17QTJiivo:x: J Jnnc to,Oi:t., No Dogs Kaken. 1IOUSK. MANCHESTER, VT. F. H. OIIVIS. COUNTY COURT, PUTNAM COUNTY, FLORIDA. Office hours, 10 a. fn. to 3 p. m. Justicb Court -First, Monday in each month. ln;-j. Harrison, Count r Judge. J, H. MERRYDAY, HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTER, Corner Oak and Fourth Streets. V. J. HEACH fc SOIV, NURSERYMEN PALATKA, FLORIDA. s A LL FRUITS C. RO WN SUITED TO THIS A climate. Catalogue free. 1 CHAS. 13. S3XITII, Fresh Meals and Poultry jVl-wayts oil Iliiiicl at ITH'S STAND On Water JStreot. HARRY HEATH Practical Watchmaker Engraver Ci AN FURNISH ANY WATCH MADE 20 ' per cent lower than any house in the state. Call and see. Can be found at the music store opposite St. John's Hotel, Lemon street, Pa latka, Florida. READY FOR THE MOSQUITOES I have just received a! largsjlotjof MOSQUITO NETS DIFFERENT STYLE. ALSO FIFTY PIECES NEW PATTERNS -OF AT LOW PRICES. o WALNUT, ASH & PAINTED CHAMBER SUITS A FULL ASSORTMENT. J3 lL. tm 1 m I E Pi S H AL Floor Matting -AJT I. JACOBSOIT'S ONLY FIRST-CLASS- Clothing & Bents' F PAYING REGULAR PRICES, CHEAPER THAN AT OTHER PLAGES FOR COST. COME AND FOR WHOLESALK AND Hardware ETC., A FULL AND COMPLETE Mware an WE ASK AN INSPECTION OF OUR STOCK. GRIFFIN'S BRICK BLOCK, CORNER I.VL.wVT'ICA., B. F. McGRAW & SON, Buffalo Bluff Hurs'y ALL ORANGE STOCK From Sour to the Best Varieties of STKAWBKIJK.IKS, VIZ: FEDERAL POINT, OR FLORIDA FOUNDLING ICE CREAM AND LEMONADE SEHVJH) DAILY BY H. A. Meyer & Co A full and complete line of GROCERIES AVill le kept on hand. IB IEL IE 3D will 1h- served twice a day with AVagons, and ll A. MEYER will do his own baking in fu turo. Palatka, Fla., March 24. WILLIAM F. FORWARD, PIONEER ICE HOUSE AXD DEPOT FOR Hay, Grain, Feed, Lime, Plaster, BRICK, CEMENT, LATH, Etc. Established In 1J. Reid's Rrfck IlWk. front ing wharf, PALATKA, FLA. urnisning, YOURSELF. HUT AIL DHALERS I.N Groceries, ETC. LINE OF EVEVTHIMi IN THE FRONT AND LEMON STREETS FLOlilDA. LARGEST PUBLISHING HOUSE I IV THE HTAT13 "RED CROSS PRESS. ' Warren, Thayer &Co.f Steam Book & Job PRINTERS REID STREET, PALATKA, FLORIDA. T r a vino FITTED UP AN ENTIRELY X 1 new olllco. we an; Tireoared to do nil kind of I look and Job printing-. Jlook Binding Stereotyping, Engraving-, etc. Our facilities an unsurpajwd by any offlc in the state. We have the only Chromatic Press in Florida, printing any number of col ors at oho impression, also tho only Railroad Ticket Press and Numbering Attachment, printing H,(i0 tickets an hour. Call and see us. Estimates on all claeaes of work chee rfully furnished. A trial ordor wilt satisfy all that we can do tho l-t work don in the state. WARREN, THAYER & CO., Rcid street, near Putnam House. PIANOS I ORGANS I IllSiicIll IllHt IMlUMMlt M (VIKl SEWING MACHINES, Cliai for CuhIi andnuEniiy tcrirH of payment when sold on Install ment plan. I buy direct from manufacturer and irive my customers benefit of commimions paid to "Agents." S5.00 to $25.00 Saved II! Machines and Organs shipped to any railroad depot or steamt)oat landing within fifty mile ot Palatka, with privilege of examination ami return at my free of cost, If not per fectly satisfactory. C. F. SULZNER, "Ciem Clty"3riHlc Htore, CALHOUN BLOCK, Lemon Street. 0'KEEFE & M'KINLAY, Machinists, Boilermakers and Blacksmiths. rpEPAITUNG SPECIALLLY ATTENDED to. Now aiH second ImaA fwwflFrtrjr bmijrht and sold. tAipYbes cheap. Corner Keid and Second streets. d Grocery Line