Newspaper Page Text
THE DAILY NEWS. HEXJ. HAIIKISOX, Editor. The Daily News is published every morn ing, except Monday, and delivered by can In the city, or mailed postasrc free, for 50 ec t3 a month, $1.1.) for three months, $2.50 for dx month, or i per annum. TheWi-kklyNews is an 8-paffe 48-colu.Tin paper, published every Saturday, contain -i all the news of the week, local and jreneral. It is the largest ind handsomest weekly pa or published in Florida, and will be mailed p ;t igefreo for 51 a year, or 50 cents for ix .aouthc. Siocimcn copies tree to any addr is. Local advertise unents 20 cents per line ,'yr first intertioi nnd. 10 cents tier line for each d- ditionp.i inser. n. Special notices 10 cents or .at-'n on continued a-lverti e- Mne. P,eduet -.enta. All alvertis1 . very month. ie expiration ': lHorted. All roinittanc "v-ipy-order o -.dress, W i!ls tioeome due pro t.ta .1 advertinemciits due -it time for which they re Id re. by e x pre js, jttter. IlANDAIiJj. . i ness Manager, "alatka, Florida. i' tk a Post Okfijk "Tail Matter, TEHED AT .-'.. AS SECONU-C i 'ALATKA, FLA.. JUNE 2o. 1881. They say that Bcner has declur- 1 he is conscientiously opposed to Cleveland. It is just because such men will not him that the reform governor is so powerful with the people. If the democrats wish :i candidate who is strong with the masses they cannot expect the dead beats and wire-pullers to work for him. If the voters give tip the gov ernment to such men the democracy may buy a coffin immmediately, but if they give the leadership to these we will be disgraced as well as beaten. Our delegates at Pensacola are now laboring under the responsibili ty of chosing a candidate who will represent the foremost thought and most progressive ideas of our citi zens. That the nomination will be satisfactory to our party we cannot doubt; neither can we be apprehen sive of the election of any man to be chosen by those who assemble to day in Pensacola. But the impor tance and significance of the inde pendent movement must not be dis regarded, and each man owes it to himself and his party that no effort on his part shall be wanting to make assurance of success doublv sure in November. One of our citizens was at "Wash ington and participated in the grand reception of Logan. He is now of the opinion that the republican tick et is invincible, and that even Flor ida must go to swell the Blaine re turns. Another has learned of Kel ly's dissatisfaction, and is in hopes that Cleveland will be nominated so that Iiis opponent may have a w: Ik over with only enough trouble to bind the members of the g. o. p. in closer bonds of union. Against these two we place the opinion of a noble orator from Volusia who knows tl at Cleveland can win the national eh c tion as easily as ho did that of N w York, and who sees in the aspect of a; "airs only a fair field -.n vhich deni " -ts may amuse theia elves by -"ring laurels easily on. So n'i' "ie views of intelli gent men wht n political excitement Iieats the bnin to fever, and the 1 for pari fur fuel to the en. But in .11 this the very r. feeling prevails, and no more is iiiTerenee of opinion a mark of moral obliquity. This is one of the best signs of the times, and shows that not even the bloody shirt would avail to sow discord or hate in the hearts of honest men who are politi cal brothers. For this we are trulv grateful. von OONCJHKSS. The prominent candidates before the Palatka convention will be Dougherty, Sanchez and Martin. Each is indorsed by his own county, and the contest will be warm and intensely interesting. But we have no fear that any such bitterness will be excited in the district as charact erized the preliminary state canvass. The contestants are all democrats tried and true, and each will earnest ly and enthusiastically support the nominee of the convention when the decision is once made. Partisans are too apt to forget that they are also citizens; in Florida of bite we have been forgetting to some extent our duties as democrats. It is some consolation to know that attacks on opponents within the party usuallv operate only as boomerangs, and the anonymous attack on Carrington Sanchez in the Times-Union will rather strengthen the chances of Alachua's entry. Delegates to a convention are like all Saxons in their sympathy for the part' attack ed, and the emphatic letter of The executive committee will give Mr. Sanchez a good start in the race. Dougherty is especially strong with the men who are hard to bring out, and the method of managing the canvass as outlined by him will be new and effective. It is the farmers and stockmen who give the demo- pntip moinritipa 5ti tlio river criiin- ties, and with these Dougherty is a ! declared iavont-c. His weakness lies in his supposed inability to influence the conservative republicans who vote with us on state questions. .Mr. Martin seems to be the unani mous choice of Marion, but he is less known with us than either of his op ponents. His well-known and ex eellent character as man and demo crat, however, will give him a strong folio whip; in the convention. THE PUIXCKSS ANJ ANITA. We report from the Times-Union the finding of the inspectors in the case which excited such angry feel ing in some quarters. The language wherever possible is almost identical with that of the coroner's jury at the inquest. While the owner and officers have the sympathy of our community, a juror is bound by his oath to disregard such considerat ions and make his verdict dependent alone on the law and the evidence. The course pursued by some parties who decide without hearing the ev idence and give emphatic utterance to their disapproval of court and jury is subversion of all law and or der. Public opinion must approve of the proceedings or the effect of the sentence on the public is entire ly lost. The juries of Cincinnati and Jacksonville are blamed for al lowing sympathy to overbalance jus tice; the juries of Palatka are blam ed for doing what seems at least to them only simple justice. In such case it is well to give prominence to the endorsement given by other courts. IX Till B10AK PITS. The Spelling Hook Fable Put to Ac count. In Paris recently a workman fell over the parapet of one of the lieur pits at the Jardintles Plantes, and very nearly be came a prey to two huge bears awaiting their afternoon repast. The man lay for a few minutes insensible, with a bad wound on his head, from which there was a copious flow of blood. The spec tators for a short time kept the bears em ployed, by throwing them broken pieces of bread, but they made so much noise in carrying out their well-meant stratagem that the animals were fright ened away from this frugal entertain ment, and the male, wandering about in search of refuge, approached the more palatable food and licked up the blood flowing from the prostrate sufferer's wound. Amid intense excitement, the keepers arrived and the man recovered Iuk senses. Seeing his danger, however, he lay still, as if dead, while the keoers prepared a rope, and distracted the lear from its prey by striking it with long IHiles. At length the prisoner clutched the rope and was .sjieedily hauled aloft, to the disappointment of the Itear, who displayed much irritation at the with drawal of so dainty and ample a meal. The rescued individual, who was badly hurt by his fall, was conveyed to the hopital. Senator Pomeroy Nominated For President. Chicago dispatch June 20th says: "The platform of the American Prohibition Anti-Masonic Convention declares that the ( iod of the Christian Scriptures is the author of civil government; fa vol's the use of the Bibles in the schools; asserts that Cod requires and man needs the Sabbath; demands strict prohibition laws, the withdrawal of all charters to secret lodges, and that their oaths be prohibited by law; opjioses prison and imported contract lalor; pledges the party to vote for woman suffrage; as serts that the civil equality granted bT the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fif teenth amendments should le extended to Indians and Chinamen; that land and other monopolies should le discouraged; that the government should furnish a sound currency; that the tariff should le reduced, and that polygamy should at once lie suppressed. S. C. Pomeroy, of Kansas, Gov. St. John, of the same state, and the Rev. J. Blanc-hard, of Illi nois, were named for President of the United States. Of the 77 votes cast Mr. Pomeroy received 7'2, and his nomination was made unanimous. For Vice Presi dent, J. A. Conant, of Connecticut, was nominated bv acclamation. Coming Down to Lower Duties. New York World. So wo are afraid the Blaine party will have to meet the issue of reform, pure ami simple. After the democracy has won that Kittle and obtained possession of the government it will pay due atten tion to the great necessity of revenue re form, lower duties, economical expendi tures and honest taxation, on which the party will he found as united as it now is on the preliminary necessity of the rescue of the government from corrup tion. Twelve varieties of fish were taken in one day by a fisherman from Indian River, 11 H AUD X WE F. C. COCHRANE, VfllOLE.SALK AND KET AIL BOOKSELLER AND STATIONER 1 AND uealer in FISHING TACKLE, FINE CIGARS Iloi'iiln. Ouriosiilie 5 Florida Maps, Books, Canes, die Post-olhce Building, Front Street and next door south, PALATKA. - - - FLOUT DA. Calhoun, Gillis & Calhoun, INSURANCE AGENTS. REPRESENT THE IK M E 1XSU RANCE COM FA X V, f New Y rk, THE "SUN," of London, THE NEW YORK UNDERWRITERS, THE (JKKMAXI A, THE FACTORS & TRADERS, of .New ( hleans, THE ACCIDENT, of North America, THE EQU1TAULE Life.) FRESH MEAT MARKET Oldest Establishment in Town T1EST OF NEW YORK BEEF AND KENTUCKY MUTTON A LWAYS ON HAND, DRESSED POFL--Y try received daily. Call at the old stand on Lemon street. FRANK R. POND, AGENT FOR THE SIMPSON & GAULT MANUFACTURING CO.'S CELERRATED PORTABLE GRAIN MILLS FOR WHEAT, CORN OK FEED -A N 1 ) aenmery 01 1 O CASTINGS, SHAFTINGS AND IRON WORK OF ALL KINDS ON.SIIOKT NOTICE. .IACKH( V I Tj I , I V I u A . SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO COMPANY'S Orange Brand For Garden or Grove. Guaranteed Analysis on Every Barrel"- Manufactories: lloston, Ma?s., and Chariest S. C. For sale by DREW, H. L. & GARDNER, SOLE AGENTS, FALATKA, FLA. Also wholesale dealers in FLOUR, GRITS, MEAL HAY, GRAIN, LIME, CEMENT, PLASTER, HAIR, Etc. fN CHANCERY. In Circuit Court, Fifth .Indicia! Circuit, State of Florida, in and lor Putnam County. STKl'HEN IIAKT, vs ! .lOHN It. M A KS HALL and f JAN K MARSHALL, his wife, j IT AFPEAKINO RY AFFIDAVIT THAT the defendants reside out of th Fifth Ju dicial Circuit, of the State of Florida, and be yond the limits of said State, to-wit.: in the State of Arkansas. Now, therefore, it is or dered that the defendant, John H. Marshall and Jane Marshall, his wife, do ariear and ad swer the complainants bill filed uirainst them in the Court on or before the 7th day of July, 1SS4. otherwise sAid bill may be taken pro con fen). Witness niv hand, and the seal of our said Court, this, 21t March, lssi. SEAL WM. F. Foil WARD. Clerk Circuit Court, PEOPLE'S LINE STEAMERS! j St. Johns River, Florida S. B. PLANT, CHATTAHOOCHEE And .J I'Z TV IV T X. .V TV 1Z. ITViRMINC (IN CONNECTION WITH THE P DcHary-Huya Merchant.;") a Dol'JJLE DAILY LINE lor As! or, San lord, Enterpr se and intermediate landiny-J, connecting at As tor with the St. Johns and Lake Eustis !t;.il way; nt San ford with the SOFTH FLORIDA Railroad lor Maithsnd. Orlando. KissimiiKH' a. id Tampa, and 1'roai this siiips 1'oriVclar Key, Kej W'est and iiiieru c ( hiixiiiers on the west coast of Florida. Steamer 11. li. Plant lea es I'alal ka from Florida Southern ifailway whaii at s::n o'cl'k, i. in., on Monday-., Wednesdays ;md Fridays. DeUtiry-Uiiyii Merchant's Line Steamer City ok ,Iac'ksonvii.i,i:, leaves Falatka from Florida Southern Railway wharf at s o'clock 1. m., on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Returning, leaves Sanfonl daily on arrival of the train of the South Florida Railroad, from Tampa at:? p.m., arriviiijr at Jackson ville in time to connect with the List mail train at s::ti a. 111.. of the Savannah, Florida ami Western Railway. Steamer Cn atta hi cn kk leaves Palatka from Florida Southern Railway wharf at 11 o'clock, p. m.. on Tuesdays and Saturdays. Returning, leaves Sanlord 011 Mondays at :$ o'clock p.m., on arrival of train on South Florida Railroad from Tampa. Returning on Thursdays, leaves San ford at '.i:;r a. 111., on arrival of train 011 South Florida Railr. .ad. Steamer .1 kn. mk Lam; leaves Falatka from Florida Southern Railway wharf at L.' o'clock p. m. 011 Mondays and Thursdays. Returnintr leaves Sanford on Wednesdays and Saturdays. Tickets on Mile at W. O. Woltz's Druyf Store, Falatka, Flu., and on hoard of 1 he steamers. All tickets and passes of the Deliary-liaya Merchant's Line will be honored until turther orders. Steam Jlarjre Fncle Sam, suitable lor carry ing unusual and heavy freights, open for charter, For further particulars, impure of R. S. DOWI, Ayent, People's Line t. Johu'.s River, OUice Waycross Steamboat Wharf, Jacksonville, Florida. DE BARY-RAYA Merchant's Line ST JOHNS RIVER STEAMERS. CARRYING THEU. S. MAIL ONE OF Till'. STEAMERS OF THIS LINE will leave Jacksonville daily, from wharf foot ol' Laura si reel, at p. m. FALATKA, AS TOR, SANFORD, ENTERPRISE Axn Ar.T. Lmkhmkiuatf. Landings South nv Fai.atka. Will make close connection with all Rail Lilies for FOINTS IN THE INTERIOR, And with all steamers at Sanford lor FOINTS ON INDIAN RIVER. Returninyr, leave Enterprise at 7::t, and San ford 011 arrival of Tram, arriving at Jackson ville EARLY NEXT MORNING, Makitifr close connect ion with Rail and Steam Lines for all points NORTH, EAST AND W F.ST. For all points lief ween Jacksonville and Fa latka, take one oi (he Steamers leaviujf daily, Sundays excepted, at H::u a. m. The ihroiiirh boats ol' this line run in con nection with the People's Line, and all tickets and passes issued by that line will be honored on the throuuh ISoats. (HAS. R. FEN WICK, General Passenger and Ticket Aent. W. M. WATSON, General Manager. THE FINE. NEW STEAMER CAPTAIN JOHN L. AMAZE EN, H as m:r:x rr.u.M axkxti.y flackd on the route between Jackson v il Ie, San I onl and Fntcrprise, in connection with the New York ami Charleston Steamship Company and the Steamship City of Falatka, Making all the Landings between Falatka and Sanford. Ieav inn Jack sonville every Monday and Thui-sday, at 4 p. in., close connections made at Aster with St. .loli 11s and l.a ke Kust is railn ad, and at Sanlord with South Florida railroad. Connects at Falatka wit h Florida Southern railroad. Freights Taken as Low as any competing line. For rates of freight and tickets, and further information, apply to II. CAlLYAitl), Atrent, odieo on wharf, foot of Hojran St., f. i-:. nici.KV, S. V. (iODllKN, Managers. Or I.F.VK & AI.DKN, Cor. Ray and Ocean sts., Jacksonville. GOOD IVKWS FOK NORTHBOUND TRAVELERS QN AND AI-TKR MARCH Z THE (iFOKC.IA AND FLORIDA INLAND STEAM- ROAT C IMI'AN'Y will ortranie a jx rfect day lisrht service from Jacksonville every Monday, Wednesday and Friday to all jxiints North, known as the MONTGOMERY ROUTE. Only eleven hours from Jacksonville to Sa vannah. I-ave Jacksonville, F. & J. R. R 7:.)"a. m. iA-ave Fernanditia by Palace .t'm's ..S:4")a. m. Arrive M'.ntironiery 5:4"p. m. Arriv e Savannah :-' p. m. NO HURRY OR BUSTLE, NO HEAT OR DUST. Sure connections made with steamers for lotoit. New York and Philadelphia, also with fast trains from Savannah to all points North and We: t. hate as low ashy any other line. For Tickets ami information applv to li-:vi: v ali)i;n, Mor.ijriif Pharmacy. LEGAL! F.C.AL BIVNKS OF EVERY DESCRIP- I tion and of the most approved form printed and sold by the undersigned. Stationers and members of the leg-al profes sion f urnished at reasonable rates. WARREN, THAYER & CO., Eeid street, Palatka, Florida. mm & 11 1 im a -()- SOLID o- GREAT - AT IX A N I DeveMx, Iry We invite the attention of our customers, Ladies especially, to the many in ducements offered for the next few weeks. Prices on all grades of goods in these departments are reduced to a summer basis, and a GENERAL CLEARING OUT MUST TAKE PLACE before laving in our fall stocks,. Look at our White Goods, Laces, Hamburg's, and French Embroidery. In taking account stock we find a large supply of these goods on hand which MUST BE SOLD. LINENS, LAWNS, SEARSUCKERS, Ginghams, and an endless variety of summer dress goods must go. Ladies' and Misses' under ware. Collars and Cuffs. Lace Gloves, Mits, Parasols, Pearl Buttons, &c. In all of these goods OUE STOCK IS LIRGKE, and comprises all grades from the f nest to the cheapest. The most com plete stock of Ladies', Misses and Childrcns' hose of ali grades and prices. DEVEREUX, ROGERO & SON. I'Zfit sill ilmiii !-Mu i li. G. S. Hacker & Son M A N F F A CT I ' R E RS OF Doors, Sash, Blinds, Mouldings AND BUILDINd MATERIAL Established in 1S4;.'. Office and Warerooins, Kintr, opposite Can non street. E. M. HACKER, Proprietor. Chariest 011, S. C. Buy direct from the Factory and save deal ers' profits. THE STXHST. NEW YORK, issi. About sixtv million copies of TukSi n have Kone out of our establishment during' the past twelve- months. If you were to paste end to etui all the col umns of all Thk Si n printed and sold la year you would tJret a continuous st ripol" interesting rnformiitioii. common sense wisdom, sound doctrine, and sane wit Ioiik efioutrh to reach from Printing House sijuare to the top of Mount CoK'riiictis in the moon, then back to Printing House square, and then t liree-'pm r ters of the way back to the moon atiaiu. Hut The Sc.v is written for the inhabitants of jhe earth: this same strip of intelligence would girdle the k!"'k- twenty-seven or tvventv-eijrht tim-s. It every buyer of a copy of Tiik St'N durintr the past vear'has sj-nt only one hour over it, and if his wife or his irrandfat her has si-i it another hour, this newspaper m ls: has af forded the human nice thirteen thousand years of steadv reading, nitrht and da'. It is oiily by little calculations like these that you can form any idea of the circulation of the most popular of American newspaers, or of its influence on the opinions and actions of American men and women. The St'N is, and will continue to le, a news- j paier which lelis the truth without f-ar of i consequences, which jfots at the facts no mat I ter how much the process costs, which proents ) the news all over the world without waste of : wonts and in the nnt remlable sha, which I is working with all its heart for the cause of i honest yovernmcnt. and which therefore le- lieves that the Republican party must no, and must fo in t his coming 3eard our fn-d, lssj. If you know The Sc.v, you like it already, and you will read it with accustomed diligence and jirolit during what is sure- to ! tin- most iuterestinir year in its hi-.torv . If you do not know The Sln, it. is hirli time t ret into the suiisliine. rI't-riiis to ZMnll Subserlbcris. The several editions of The Si n are sent by mail, jHistpaid, as follows: DAILY 50 cents a month, $tl a year; with Sunday edition, ?7. SI NDAY Eitfht padres. This edition furn ishes the current news of the world, special ar ticles of exceptional interest toev eryhody,r. nd literary reviews of new Ijooks of the highest m-rit. 1 a year. WEEKLY $1 a year. Eijfht iitfes of the best matter of the daily issues ; an Agricultur al lM-parttnent of uuejuuled value, speiial market rejiorts, and literary, scientific, end domestic intelligence make The Srx the newspaper for the farmer's household. To clubs of ted with $ln, an extra copy f reo. Address L W. ENG LAND. Publisher, Thb Sex. N. y. City. FACTS I REDUCTION & Son's, SIlOBS. :n.2: Goods. - Brightest, Spiciest and Most Reliable Commercial Newspaper in Boston. Am tin A 1 vtM'l lfi nn" lcdliim II iss I ) ii 11:1 1 ed . As 11 Democratic Journal it adheres with te nacity to the time-honored principles under t he opera I ion of which 1 he Administral ion of A nd re w Jackson was crowned with vlory, ami v h ieh just ilicd t he remark in his partim; ad dress t hat he left t he A inericati people pn r- er 011s and happy. The Post never vvamlei s n 1 ter false-yod. It never soils its fair lame by de sert inu' t In' fundamental principles ot the I em 1 icriit ie tail h. Its ci 1 cd is built on t he solid I C U ol' tilt 'ons.1 il ill loll. and is as sound and imperishable as the foun dation 011 which ii rests. Hut in all its di- cus hions it lei' perfect, freedom of opirjon, and 1 reals il s opponents with a cut hoiic spirit worthy a. candid ami iiniuirinyr ne ami ii. manner to hai nioiii.e courtesy with honesty and fidelity, luils cist inct ive characteristics it never stofid higher with its polit ical friemls throughout the Cnion, or with t he public lit latere, than now. Daily $9 per annum in advance. Will be sent on trial :i months for $,l.M fret of tost:tti'e . Hostou Semi-Weekly Post, Mondays tind Thursdays, per annum in advance. ltistoii Weekly Post, Weekly, Fridays, I .(Ml a year in advance. Post Prill.lSH IN; Co.. Publishers, Post Huildintr, Milk Street. The Philadelphia Times. 1 I . THE PHILADELPHIA TIMES, l.Hst. The Times will enter upon the new year st ronrer and more prosjierous than ever I' fore in its history more widely read and ipioted, more heartily commended, and more fiercely criticized, with a more complete or ganization, and an able ssoff of cont ributors and with the same indep iidt-nee, itjid fearless ness that has made it successful and jhihci fu! : .. I. .. .1111 in: 'aM . The Times has no party to follow, jio candi dates to advance, but. will meet every issue, r. i it has ever done, with consistent devotion to ' the ritrht, to honest jrovornment, ami themib i lie welfare. And, while maintaining its j'sl tiou as the leadintr journal of Philadelphia'--; will aim to le continually in the advance in all" : that can add value ton newspaer. ! The value of a iiewspaj-r is not in its size or I display, but in the inteiiiucnce and care, the i conciseness and freshness with which it i-t edited. The Times nonds lavishly for newu ; from ail parts of the world, but all its dis i pati hes are ear fully edited and condensed, in i order to jf ive the complete news of the day' in ; the most concise and attract ive shape, and with i it a larve v ai iety of -ntertainin and instrue ! tive reading. The l-st writers at home and abroad are employe to enrich its columns, j and to make it a. journal adapted loth to the : busy man and to the leisure of the home cir : cle. a weleoim; v isitor to intelligent and honest citizens of ev-ry political, religious and social taste. The Weeki.v Times is altogether different from the weekly .'lewspajx-rs of twenty years : asro. The- day of tlios- paj-rs liave vrone by : The tele(fradi and better local newspaiers everywhere. esirf eiaUy in the thriv intr centres of rural population, have made the old weekly metropolitan newspajier utssat i.sfyinjr. Those ' that clinif to their hrteieut usajfes have ht i their hold on our forw ard-uiov injr l-ope;tliey : are but shadows oft heir former prreutncKs, and they have but a shadow of thoii former power i Those papers have had their usefulness, but it is pint-: and, with it, thoj- Ure iroiiur, tj It t was not the lault of the papers: it was the im : provemeiit of the country that brouvht about, ithechamre. Men ai.d women, wherever they ; live, now reouire fr'-shcr news; and they re i (piire more than nrvs. The KKKt.y Tims fathers off the trties of ; every pa.-smx-weciv whatever has lunin" in ; teret to the people at larjfe, and eta it lief ore ; them in such Keuer, ity 01 i1,ip-ra..(l print as , would have astontshed us all twenty veorsajro. DAIL)-Iwelvecentsa week, fifty cents a i month, Jti a year, two cents a copy, i 'LMi''0,lr -nt9 a cjpy, a year, i " ELKLV One eopy, Jiayt-ar; tive copies. s.-' j- . a jinr; iweiirj cop- ICS i--) a year, with one copy free to the getter up of every club. THE TIMES, Philadelphia.