Newspaper Page Text
THE CENTURY PLANT. Some Mistaken Ideas About It When It D loo in. Raid a well known florist to a reporter of the Cleveland Herald, in to the query whether h ever saw a cen tury plant in bloom: "Only once, and that was a great ninny years ago in a conservatory in LonJou, when a plar:', generally supposed to have attained tlrj pge of 100 years, lxgan to show signs cf ! life by sending out a stem in the centre, which grew from weven to eKLt inches daily. It at onve began to attract general attention. Th- wteia grew largL-r ever tlay. The plant was moved frcm pUicy to place, for the glass room was not high enougli, until, a.s a last resort, it was placed under the cuiiola. Before many days tho ttem reeclied the cupola roof, rnd in order that its progress might mt he retarded, the glass was removed and the roof raised. When the stem had at tained a height of alxmt 15 feet, if I re member rightly, it stopped growing, and numerous ninall brandies grew out cf the main stem, each of which was topped with a cluster of magnificent greenish yellow llowers, forming a solid bush of beautiful llowers of aloiit 10 feet in height. It seemed to me all London Hocked to see that flower, and it was the topic of conversation everywhere." "Is it a firct that they bloom only every 100 years." "That's a mistaken idea, which has long ago been exploded. The American aloe, or century plant, as it is commonly known, will sometimes bloom when but 25 years old. It altogether depends upon the climate and upon the care. At times it will not bloom unless it has attained the age of 100 years, but there are not many aloes in northern climates which attain such an age.'' "Are the' a popular house plant in this region?" "Yes, they are growing in jopularitjT ever' year, but, as a rule, eople do not know how to treat them, and the conse quence is that they die before they are any kind of an ornament?" "What do you consider a proper mode of treatment of that plant?" "In the first place they must be placed in a wooden pot, pail or keg earthware pots are liable to be injurious. Before planting them it is essential that the drainage should lx perfect say three large round holes in the bottom and le fore placing the earth in the vessel a quantity of broken crockery or pebbles at the lmttom will improve its drainage. It also minim: constant watering and a great ileal of care and attention." " Will a cent ury plant bloom more than once eV" "No, sir; after the disappearance of the llowers the plant withers and dies, ami no care in the world will save it." TWO ROVINCJ TYKES. A Couple of Celebrated English Can ine Tavelors. There is a famous travelingdog in Eng land known :is "Railway Jack," says the (Golden Argosy. He spends the greater part of his time in making excursions over the railroads of the kingdom, and lias even leen in Scotland and France. Of course the railway hands all know him, and a few months ago. when he was run over and lost a leg, they were all extremely sympathetic and took gre it pains to convey him home. After. lack got out again he resumed his travels, and quite recently ihe English papers had ivi interesting account of the Prince and Princess of Wales, who met him at a railroad junction waiting for a train. There is another dog, a pure Scotch col ley named "Help," who has not leen as long known as Jack, and leads a simi lar life, though more useful. He is em ployed to make collections for the "Rail way Servants' OrjHan Fund," and in th.'s service he brings in on the average, over 10 a week. This amounts to enough, in the course of a year, to support six oi lman children. He carries on this honor able canvass on all the railways, lx-ing "employed" by a charitable society. He lias visited a great number of the chief cities in England and Wales, and has twice crossed the channel to France. This useful dog has a plated medal attached to his collar, leariiig the fol lowing inscription: "I am Help, the railway dog of England, and traveling agent tor tho orphans of railway men who are killed on duty. My olhVe is 800 City Road Iiondon, where subscriptions will le thankfully received and acknowl edged." Help makes his circuit of the trains under the eye of the conductor. He does not perform any tricks, but silently exhibits his medal. First and last, he makes his appeal to the majority of British travelers. After this we have no excuse for saying that dogs are only good as targets for a stone. It is steted by experts that Broad Riv er, at Anthony Shoals, (leorg.a. has a volume of 11.000,0H cubic feet of water per minute, and its velocity is 175 feet er minute, its fall in a mile and a quar ter 1 eing 92 feet. The horse power is calculated to le 3?,2H, while Ixmell has only 16,000. An enterprising seaside landlord ad vertises that the bathing suits worn at his resort this season are far more shock ing than at any other place on the eo;ist and that no advance in rates will take place. T A- r"".i-..ll 1.... l v...,.J flr... , V , ..-..rruumuru acres of land near (.umesville for the purpose of starting a poultry farm. Egg plants grow the year round in the Indian river country,and are as plentiful in December as in May. I THE 3VCoxa,gjCLO ESTABLISHED 1 JS5. Corner Lemon and Front Hts., - - PALATKA, Prescriptions Ciiiefulij Compounded Day and Ni,vrht. FRESH DRUGS! FRESli RECEIVED J)IIAHMACY. Ali orders filled p.-omptiv and pounded at all fiur. by e. periem-ed Dri -rri.- S-J5TSZ OIF WM. .T. WINEGAU A. General Hiiiikiny IJusiness Transacted. 15uy and Jell Foreign Uxeliaiif. '(rresoinln(s: on York First Xa tlonal Hunk; Kountze Kros., Iioston; Jlaveriek INational Jfank. KISSIMMEE LAND COMPANY. ' M;!iliJtY' l'sl'nt. b. W. K LA UK, Treasurer. HAMILTON DISSTON, Vice-President. T. W. PALMER, Seiretary. 911(1 (111(1 ArlU"s CHOICEST" LOCATIONS Fi It RESIDENCE AND CI LTI YATION OF "V"'" "ranges, Ia-hioiis, Pineapples, llananna.-,. Cocoa nuts, etc., in the counties of Orange, Brevard, Sumter, Polk, Hillsborough, frlanatee and Monroe. "oll in Quant it is to s-miU I$n vei-;. Prices $2.50 to 810.00 per acre, according to location and quality. KISSIMMFE c-iTV business Lots ejji'Ml to $.100 - - - . I, , , - , , I . . 4 ( Five-Acre Lots Special Master's Sale of Real Estate. Under and in pursuance of a decree of the Circuit Court of the Fifth J udicial ( 'ircuit of Florida, in and for Putnam county, made on the 24th day of May, A. D. 1hs4, in u certain cause jK-ndinK' therein, on the chancery wide of the court, wherein Augustus Monroe "is com plainant and Joint II. Mclean, and Edward S. Crill as the assignee of McLean & Pro., defend ants. 1 will as the special master, named ami appointed therein, offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash, on Monday the 7th day of Ju ly, A. D.. lHh4, in front of the front doorof the Court House in the city of Paiatka, Florida, between the usual hours of sale, the following described real estate in Putnam county, Flori da, viz: The s w of the n e of sec. 2ti t 10 s r 2.1 e, with the exception of twelve acres of the same belonging to S. Graham, conveyed to him by said John H. McLean, and the descrip tion of which is set, forth in bill of complaint tiled in said cause. Purchasers to pay for deeds. Jos, E. Baldwin, Sjiecial Master iu Chancery. In Chancery. In the Circuit Court Fifth Judicial Circuit of Florida, Putnam County In Chancery. James J. Montgomery, Complainant i Suit for vs. : Mary A. Montgomery, Defendant. Divorce. It appearing to the court that the bill of com plaint was duly tiled in this case and allidavit made and tiled that Mary A. Montgomery the defendant, resides beyond the limits of the Statoof Florida, but in oneof the I'niied Mates, it is therefore ordered that the said Mary A. Montgomery, delemtant, do appear and answer the said bill, on the First Monday m September, A. D. I ss-l, otherwise the complainant's bill will be taken pro confosso. Wm. F. FoltWAliK, Clerk Circuit Court. Win. Thompson, Conpla inant's Solicitor. IN CHANCERY. State of Florida, iu the Circuit Couit for Put nam County,:")! h Judicial Circuit of Florida. James W. Uoliertson, Complt. ) vs. Norman II. Chamlierlin, fIn Chancery. Mary Ettie ChamU'iiin, Hefts. It apK'arin- by affidavit, to the satisfaction of the court, that, ti e said defendants resioc out of t he said .1i h J idicial Circuit of Florida, and lieyond the limi. s of said Stale.but willu.i the Cn'ited States, t! e particular State beit . unknown, now, thet don;, on motion of Ciu lioun, Oillis & Calhoun, complainant's solicit ors, it is ordered that tin- dolcndants N'oim.oi H.ChiUiiberlin and .Mary Eltie CtiamK-i lin, do appear and answer the bill of complaint, tiled by thecomplainant, :n t he above cause, on r before the tit h day o- October lHHt, otherwise said bill shall be taki n as confessed. It is fur ther ordered (hat a py of this Mvler be pub lished in the l'alatk.. Nkwi, a newspaper pu'.: lished wit inn said Fi t li.l udicial Circu il , where in said mort:ared I" cmises arc sit uat.-d, ouv e m every week, for a: least, four months before said tith day of tctoocr lss. Dated May lilst, 186-t. Ry the Court.! Wm. F. Fouwahk, ( 'lerk ( 'ircuit. Court. 'ai,hoi;n, G tl.l.lS & ('ALIIIII N, Ci'ipl 's Solicitor, Notice of Incorporation. 1Y AUTHORITY OF AN ACT OF THE I Legislature of the State of Florida, enti tled"An act to provide for the Incorporation of Itailroads and Canals," approved February Mth, lstt, and the acts amendatory thereto, notice is hereby jriven that u. company has been formed under the name of the f-t. A umist I ne ami I'ahilka CiiikiI and brails-sport a t i n Com pa n y, to be invested with all the rights, powers, pri- ilexes and fraiu hises conferred upon compa nies formed under said act, for the purpose vd' const ruci inr, mamtaiuim; ami uperalinu a canal ami vessels of various kinds for ti.e transportation of persons and property wit hiu the State of Florida. The main line of said canal shall extenil from a point at or near Tocoi, on t he St. Johns river, to some point at or near St. Aimustine, and from the channel of said river to deep wa ter in the Atlantic ocean, and said canal shall utilize the waters of the St. Johns river to gether with the waters of Moultrie creek in St. Johns county, Florida, on the East, and those of Deep Creek on the West end of the propos ed canal. Dated June 1st, ISHt. J. K. Rainev, R. R. Gakxktt, J. S. CownoN, . In Chancery In the Circuit Court Fifth J udicial Circuit of Florida, Putnam County In Chancery. Amanda lirown Complainant i " vs suit tor John Drown Defendant. Divorce. It apiK'aiinyr totlie court that the bill of com plaint was duly tiled In this case and affidavit made and filed that John Drown the defend ant resides beyond the limits of the State of Florida, but in one of the I'nited States, is in the State id' Oeorjfia, it is therefore ordered that the said John lirown do apcar and an swer the said bill on the First Monday in Scp temlHT, A. D: 1S4, otherwise the complainant's bill will be taken pro confesso. Wm. Fokwahd, 'lerk 'ircuit Court. Wm. Thompson, Complaiuat Vs Solicitor. In Circuit Court. Putnam County Yift h Judicial Circuit f the State of r lorda. In Chancery F. Q. Crawford 1 vs. ' Dill for Divorce. Tamar J. Crawford S It aoiH-arinir bv the allidavit of the -o: plaiuant tiled in the above cause that the de- tendant n-sidesout of, and Uyond the limits of the State of Florida, to-wif. iu the State of Michigan. -Now th. refore it is ordered that j the defendant Tamar J. Crawford, do appear i and answer the said complainants bill for di- ' vorco tiled asrainst her in our said court on or it-tore ihe first day ot septcmtier. A. I. t.-st. ouu-rwwe said lull may taken pro couieso. Witness my hand and the seal of our said court tlut 24 h day of April A. D. lss. Wm. F. Forwari. Clerk Circuit Court, NOTICE TO TAX PAYERS. n,E UNDERSIGNED WILL HE AT PA- latka Election District, No. 8, on Monday, May ;tn, and remain during the week endintr en Saturday the liftii., for the nurpivse as of as wssHiy the State and Count v Tax for the year ii , AH taxpayers wishinjf tax blanks will please caU ut either the office ef clerk of oV wu11" or Tax Collector, where they wUltlndthem. j.V. WOODS, Tax Assessor Putnam County. PlLarmacy FLA DRUGS! FRESH DRUGS! DAILY AT at hot prices. PIIESCUIPTIONS com ts. T ALATEZA .fc CO., IKK1 JS. j.:KJ to $,100 FOH Manager, Jacksonville, Flu. P. CUNNEELY, lMI'OKTKK OK FineWines,Liquors i :., Kto. Acker, Merrall & Co.'s Clioioo 1Si-:iim1x of Imported Segars Billiard and Bowling Parlors Attached Water Stkkkt, - - PALATKA, FLA. BRADLEY'S FERTILIZERS mum: , II' mI!;-! '.'. r: , 3- GEORGE E. WILSON, No. l"i West Pay street, J ACKSt . VI LLE FLOKI DA. ,r.v 'KSDNVILLI-: TAMPA & KEY WEST RAILWAY THE "GEM CITY" ROUTE. THE ONLY ALL HAIL LINE TO ORANGE PARK, MAGNOLIA, GREEN COVE SPRING & JACKSONVILLE. Three Hours Quicker to Jacksonville Than by any otlieiline. P.KOAD GAUGE, STEEL KAILS, AIK DRAKES, FIRST-CLASS EQUIPMENT. o . rI",RAIN'S; Rl'X AS FOLLOWS: 1 (KiIMi SUITH. 1-ave Jae?sonville i.50si. m. 3.: p. m. " Orange Park, 4.( Magnolia H).."Vi " l.o'T Green Cove Spring 11.14 " 4 4x " West Tocoi ll:4ll " 5:1) " Arrive Paiatka l:2tt p. m. 5.55 " r.oix NORTH. Iave Paiatka li:;!5a. m. 4:15 p. m. Florida Sou. June .10:45 " 4:i West TiH-oi !::jn " :-:iik " Green Cove Spring- 11:5(1 " 5::j5 " " Matrnolia lli:( " 5:40 ' Oransre Park !-::! p. m. S:d Arrive Jacksonville pun " j:45 " . T M r QT IHUMO DAIIXAAV ! I M L Ol, JUrllNo nAILWAY -MAKES c oxrv ECTIOX At Y est Toc-oi, and from St. Autrustine. At West T.xoi. i j Rates and Fare to all Pointsas Iwasby any other line, an.l imfr-r-acre checked throutii. ! M. It. "li KAN, v. IJKNTLEY, j Gen. Pass. Airent. Cen. Manager. PUBLIC OR PRIVATE BOOKS JEPT BALANCED OK ADJUSTED, IX strict confidence, by W3X. O. MOATEJ?, Expert accountant. Practical instruct ionain Bookkeeping-. Best of references. Apply at taia office. . .... " ' -l i? .- ; TIIK Paiatka Daily Kevs A HANDSOME, NEWSY SIX-COLUMN NEWSPAPER prtll.lSUKU A I 'AIjA T jc a , lTr III I A , AT- FIVE DOLLARS PER ANNUM rpiIE IMPORTANCE OF PALATKA ASA trade distributing point and railway center, and its magnificent location at the head of ocean navigation on the St. Johns, and in the midst of a charuiinj- farming- and fruit producing- section, renders it a natural focal point for the news of the Peninsular, and affords the opportunity to make it what it is pro nounced by the press to be, a first -class news paper, both in its make-up and in the charac ter of its collated news. PO LT rr I O .A T T "V" The News is Democratic, and while it will be courteous to all, it will stand gt t in its adherence to those principles of th ;t party, the success of wliich'aloiie insure? liberty and good government. The Year 1 884 is a Campaign Year Both the National and State Campaigns are to be waed. Towards the settlement of the momentous political issues they involve. E WS will Rive its untiring efforts to intluenee pub lie opinion for the lxst interests of the people. To do this more effectually, the editors will at once begin the publication of ' The Weekly News A, folio 4S-column paper, eijuipi'd with the currnet news, or a complete digx-st of the hap penings of the week. This publication, at the price of ONE DOLLAR we hope to introduce into every household in this section too remote to t' reached by our Daily. We urge our frieud.s. lith in and out of Putnar- county, to aid u.s in the distribution of both our publications. A copy will 1 mailed free to .he C-tter-up of clubs of thesubsci rjin to either the Daily or Weekly editions. Address all correspondence to .THE PALATKA DAILY fiEWS. Water Street, - - Paiatka, Florida. Wholesale and ret.ul dealer in all kinds of Paints, Painter's Supplies, Ready M:xed Paints, White Lead, Linseed Oil, Shelac, Varnish, Turpentine, Putty, Window Glass, Paint Brushes Fireproof Paint, Roof Paints and a!i kinds of Dry Paints. Neatfoot Oil, Lard Oil, Machine Oil, Benzine, Ladders, Step-Ladders, Wall Paper In fact Everything Kept in a First-class Paint Store. Itcinir a practical painter and hav iiff IN years, experience in mixina- and usin-r paints-I mix my own paints, and cannot be impo: cd npoi by the inferior mixed paints with wliich this pint of the c in nt ry is Hooded and sold ti nnex iM-.-a iu ed dealers I otter one hundred dollars to any body win) can find one urain of adulteration in any paint or jioods that are mixed or sold in my store. ltesH'Ctlullv, n n n II i i An Unadulterated Natural Guano, imported direct into Savan nah, Ga., from the Orchslia Islands in the Csrribbean Sea, by Tra vers, Snead & Co., of Richmond, Va. Ve are now offering this High Grade Fertilizers to the Planters and Orange Growers of Florida, feeling confident that it is just the thing they need, hav ing stood the test side by side with "he best Fertilizers in the market for a number of years, and continues to grow in popu larity wherever it is used. OUDKUrs PUOMPTLY DISSTON PURCHASE-4,000,000 Am FLORIDA LAND AND IMPROVEMENT COMPANY. IIAMITON DISSTON, President. J. j. DUNNE, Vice-President. LANDS FOR SALE AT GOVERNMENT PRICE OF $1.25 PER ACRE. IN II LOCKS OF NOT LESS THAN Sit NOR MOKE THAN tHO ACRES. WITHIN SIX MILES OF RAILROAD LINE, PRICE $2.50 PER ACRE. 'PIIESE LANDS INCLUDE ALL VARIETIES Ol' UPLAND AND LOWLAND AND AUE 1 adapted to oranges. Lemons, Limes, Pine-Apples, llanaiinas. Siijrar-Cane, llarly Vevretables. etc., and arechietly in the count ies of St. Johns, Volusia, Ilrevard, Orange, Sumter, Levy Hernando. Hillsborough, Polk. Manatee and Moiiroh. Our lands are sellinf.'- rapidly. Thousaids of settlers have located on them during the past six moulhs. Do not delay if you want them at present Low Prices. Stock of this company will be received at 4.".iki per share in payment for land located in compact bodies of 40 acres or more. Kor further information apply at the olliee of the com pany. V. T. I'OHlll S, Land Commissioner, Jacksonville, F' l. A. 4 Q. u. C and S. H. C.KEY. 1'resident. J. M. KPEAMER, VV, H. W UK i II T, Vice-President. EiiKiiieer. LANDS FOR SALE IN LOTS OF FROM 40 TO 10,000 ACR3S IN THE COUNTIES OF LltEVAl.'D, 1'OLK, MANATEE AND MONROE. PRICES: For uverajre Pine Lands $ 1.2.1 Hkr f.cre For averatfe Prairie and I'asture Lands Lr jK-r mtc For.Ijike and River Fronts f 5.(iu to 10.U) it i cre For Sutrar Lauds )0.(Ht per i ere The Lands ot this Company are specially a Sug-ar Cane, etc., and are irencrallv acces.-il W. 'I'. FOK l loi iilii Southern Railway. Office Sci'Kuintknkknt, i Pai.atk a, March at, I'iM. (iolMi SOUTH." STATIONS. M A 1 1. AcomM'. u Lv I'ulatka I -:( v M I :UI a m Arlnterlaehen " " " Wail's Crossing .. :i:M " 11:1 " "tjruidle a:.V. " ; 11. .4 " " Micanopy ti: 10 " ', " Lochbie 4::i7 " 1:1 1 r y. " Reildicks 4:.l " 2:27 " " Ocala . r.:( " j ;:5." " " North Ijike Weir. . . H:M " 0:1.1 " " South Lake Weir . . f,;.Vi " ti.;i.-, " ArLeesbuix T::i" " .s::W " " (iOINC NORTH. STATIONS- i M 1 1. I Acom'd'tn Ia" IxfesburK i:"0 a M T:Ii a m Ar South Ijike Weir.. t;::t;! " s::r2 " " North Lake AVeir. K:M " s-..Vi " " Ocala Mi " lh:: " " Reddicks s:U7 " 2: t.i e m " LiK-hbie :1'J " 1:2(1 " " Micanoiy 0: In " " tiruelle.'. K:.12 " :i:2H " " Wait's Cifissiiitf 11:22 " 4:ts " " Inteiiachen U::'.i " r,M4 " Ar Paiatka " 7:;ir. " TRAINS ARRIVE AT O A i N KSV I LLE From Paiatka, t !:: a m and Ocala and i l:.'::iii r M lA-esburir. 4:.'!n " From Micanopy 7:t5 A M TRAINS LEAVE GAINESVILLE. For I'alatka, i s:ihj a m and Ocala and )' ll:ui e m lx-esbnrLr. v m For Mica nop)' a-.nn e m MICANOPY. Train leav cs at Train arriv es at First-class car through from fbiinesviile on all trains. (;::;i a m i:10 i- m Paiatka X. Ct)NNECTlONS. At Paiatka with Jacksonville, Tampa A: Key West Ky, last river steamers lor st. A RUstine, (ir-i-n Cove Sprmsis, Jack.-oiivuii and all points North, East and West, and with up river steamers for South Florida. Als with the Twin Screw Iron Steamer '"City of Paiatka," for Charleston, New York, lfostun, Philadelphia, etc. At Wa it's Crossing with Peninsular Railroad for Waldo. At Gainesville with Transit Railroad for Cedar Key, Pensaeola, New Orleans and Tam pa. At Ocala with Transit Railway and Hacks for Silver Sprinsrs. At I-esburj-with boats on Lake Harris for points on I,ake and along- St. Johns and Iike Eustis Railway. Also with Graham's Hacks for Iirooksville, Sumterville and all jxiints in South Florida. S. CON ANT, JAS. D. HOLLISTER, General Manager. Sui-erintendent. O. W . RROMWELL, G. T. F. A P. A. KEUKA AND ORANGE SPRING TRANSFER COMPANY Y TEAM WILL' LEAVE KEUKA FOR Orange Spring every inornitnr on arrival of the freig-ht train fram Paiatka, for the purport of Transporting Passengers and Freight. For further in' r i: '.on address KEUKA Ai'.'I) Ui'.ANGE SPRING THAN S FEU COMPANY, At Keuka, Putnam Co., Fla. C. A. LOPEZ 4; CO., aKt at Orange Springs. For Sale. TWO CONE PULLETS, (one a split pullev, three inch face, four steps, from ten to df teen inches diameter. Apply at THIS OFFICE MEYER, ll.bKl) AND lM'CHMATION 1-l'liMSlil'll 1 1 APl'LIC ATIOX BY s;. II. KOYALl. V CO., Importers Aleuts Water street, I'AI.ATKA, KbOHIDA. T. H. ASlU liY, Treasurer 1(. SAIdNtJEH. Secretary. Okeechobee Land Co. 1 1 A Ml ETON DISSTt N, Ti ers. K. SALINtlEK, .secretary. lapted to the Culture ot Tropical l-ruits, e ! steam na itrati ISl Of-. Land Com ominissioner, Jacksonville, Fia. SavaiiMali, Florida & AVestcrn ll'y Wtivcross Hliori: Jine. All trains of this road are run by Centra (!Hh) Meridiam time, which is .'Cf minute; slower than Jacksonville time. ON and after Sunday, May 11, 1HK4, PasseiiK-er Trains will leave and arrive as follows: NI'.W OKLKANS KXl'llKSK. Leave Jacksonville daily at H-.'V) a m Arrive at Jacksonville daily at S;I5 p m Arrive at Callahan daily at t:ll a m Arrive at. Waycross daily at U:ti5 a m Arrive at Itriinswick daily at ;$:ii) pin Arri e at Thomasville daily at :t:17 p in Arrive at liaiubridtre daily at 5:1(1 p ni Arrive at ChattahoiH'heedaily ut .1:1S pm Arrive at Pensaeola liaiiy at 11:4.1 pm Arrive at Mobile daily at 4:45 am Arrive at New 1 Irleans daily at 10:10 a in Connect im at Chattahoochee with lii and Atlantic Railroad daily for Pensacolu, Mobile, New Orleans, Texas and all traiis-Idis-sissippi points. Pullman Ilutlet and Sleeping Cars iii this train, Jackson ville to Pensaeola, Mobile and New Orleans. FAST MAIL. Leave Jacksonville ilail) at.. . Arrive at Jacksonville daily at. . Arrive at Callahan daily at Ar rive at Waycross daily as Arrive at Jessup daily at Arrive at Savannah daily at Arrive at 'harleslon daii v at. . . 2:30 p m 2:10 p m :t: 10 p m 5:05 p m :li4 p m 8:17 p m I :C a ni Arrive at. Washington, I ). C, daily at. .11:110 p m Arrixe at .New i oik daily at a m Connect inr at Waycross with Through Pull man Palace Pullet and Iiiavvinvr Room Sleel: in;f Cars, Waycross to New York without change. JACKSONVILLE KXIMIKSS. Leave Jacksonville daily at Arrive at Jacksonville, daily at Arrive at i 'allahan daily at". Arrive at Waycross daily at Leave Gainesville daily at Ieave Newnansville daily at Leave New Mradford daily nt ... Leave Li ve Oak daily a. Arrive ia Dupout daily at Arrive at Albany daily at Arriv e at .lesup daily at . Arrive :,t Macon da ly at Arrii it Atlanta daii)- at A rri at hattanooya daily at Arrive at Nashville daily at Am vi- at lnjisville daily at Arrive at Cincinnati daily at Arrive tit Chicago daily lit Arrive at St. Louis daiiy at Arrive at Savannah daily at Arrive at Augusta daily at Arrive at Charleston dailyat Arrive a' Washington daily at .. . Arrive. : New York daily at Arrive ;,t Thomasville daily at Arrive at. Albany daily at Arrive Montgomery daily at Arrive at New irleaiis daily at Arrive at Na-!iv iile daily at. Arrive at Louisv ille daily at Arrive at iiieinnati daiiy at Arrive at St. Ixmis daily at Arrive at Chicairo daily at. . 5::) p m . ".1:00 a m . . i:20 p in . . !t:00 p in t.-.Vt p in . :.17 p m . h:2t p m !i:4." p m .12:10 a m . . 2:2.1 a in ..IHI p in . . . :ui a m . . 12:2.1- p ni . . :"0 p m . 1 :25 a in . 7: :) a m . . 7:00 a in .. i:10 p m . . 11:20 p m . . f::i) a m . . 12:20 p m . 12:40 p m .10:2.1 a in . r::m p m . . i:4.1 a 111 ll::a a in 7:17 p m !';"o a in a in 'i:U p m 7:2.1 p rn . . a m - I 7:00 a ni Pullman Palace liutJet and Drawinur Room Sleeping Cars on this Train to Washington. Pullman Palace Sleeping- Cars, Jacksonville to Savannah. Pullman Sleeping Cars on thisTrain to Louis ville v ia Thoriia-iviJle. Pullman Hotel and Sleepinjf Cars on this Train to ( incinnati via Savannah. A P.estaurant has lx-en ojwneil at Wavcrxs, and abundant time will U- allowed for" meals by all passenger trains. Coiiiiectiniz-at Savannah with steamers for New York, Philadelphia, Poston and Balti more. Connect invr at Charleston with steamers for New York, Philadelphia and Itall itiiore. Trains on 15. and W. K U. leave junction, iroinif west, at 12:lu p. m., and for Prims .vick at 12:ln . in., daily. Through tickets sild t all ixints by ltail and Steamship connections, and ItagaKe Checked throujrh. Also Sli-eFiiiij Car I rths and sections secured at Couiany's Off" - in Astor's Ruildinr, f4 Hay street, and at I epot Ticket Ortice. JAS. I TAYLOR, ocni ral Passenger Acv. nt AM.J VES: A n en t :. I HAVE JUST OPENED A first-class Meat Market, and keep cons ant ly on hand a supply of fresh beef, pork, poul. try, and vegetables in season. Goods deuAere& free. Give me a trial is all I ask. C. H. WIG G, cor. Lemon & 3rd V