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THE DAILY NEWS. CORHESPONDEXCJJ Solicited on all interesting topics throujrhout the state. We will be especially Kratc-ful for all local items of interest to the public. Xews ent by wire should le abbreviated when prac ticable, and sent after 6 o'clock, p. m., address ed to PALATKA DAILY NEWS. AGEXTS FOR THE NEWS. The following gentlemen are the authorized Kenta of The Palatka Daily and WiitKL N ews, in their several localities: V. t. DeWitt, San Mateo. W. C. Valentine, Nashua. C. S. Packard, Welaka. R. M. Hard. JCorwalk. J E Marshall, Fruitland, ria. J 1 McCallnm, Orange Mills, Fla. A. 11. Bartlett, Ueoriretow n. Daniel Darling, Drayton Island. K. L. Hirlcy, Lake George. J. L. Hurt on. Crescent City. J. C. Strickland, Interlachen. A. Munroe, Hclteekin. Wm. 1'. Ii-ldock, Seville. J. S. Cowd n, St. Auffustine. H. A. Voreiback, Melrose. PALATKA, FLA., JUNE 2".. 1881. Can Tic purchased at F. C. COCIIUANCJ'S j XEWS .STAND, at the Post Otnce. The ''Vo-ws Olllee. The office if The Daily News is loeu.ed on Water str- f., in the new budding next to TteiTii ;?eneraJ tors. DAILY The thcrmoinv SKiHterert yetfie X ig-rees aO:2 rr . . xTHER REPORT. ..tthe Moraine Pharui'iey y 7 denrees at 7 a. m.; :J u ., dejfi'ces at p. in. Heading Notleew. Win. F. Forward delivers Ice free within the city limits to his customers. Lartre quantity of 'best Luke Ice on liana at all times. Hay, Grain, Lime, Cement, Hrick, etc.. at Wm. F. Forward1.", cove him a call when in need of anything' of the kind and examine his stock and prices. For Kent. Furnished and unfurnished Rooms, a fine Store handsoinelyfitted up on Lemon Street. Apply at this otlice. Now receiving the honey peach. They take the place of the een-to and are very fine tla vor at the Family Store of H. U. Iteid. First of the season aai ii. Fine pine appics from Indian river received at the "Family Store" at reasonable! price. K. It. Heio. ' Millinery Goons. Mrs. J. A.Smith is sel ling her entire stock of Millinery Goods at jrreatly reduced rat'S and invites the ladies to call early and jcet bargains. Use Odenta for the teeth, prepared only at the Putnam Pharmacy. The II a ji sett House, Savannah. Visitors to Savannah, ia., will find the Harnett House a comfortable and desirable stopping place, where the uniform excellence of the table is a Subject of general remark, while the price is only $2 ier day. Chicago Nat ional Hot el lte- lorter. Call for Srcnud District Con vent ion. At a meeting of the Democratic Exec utive Committee of the Second Congres sional District of Florida, held in Jack sonville May 29, it was ordered that a convention of the democratic part' in the district le held at Palatka, Putnam county, on Tuesda', the 1st of July next, at 12 in., to nominate a candidate for Congress, to apjaiint an Executive Com mittee for the district, and to consider such other matters as may lie brought before it. The lasis of representation will be the same at that prescribed by the State De mocratic Executive Committee for rep resentation in the State Convention. The several counties in the district are requested to select delegates to the Con gressional Convention at the same time that they select them to the State Con vention as far as may le practicable. E. M. L'Enule, Chairman. W. B. Young, Sec'y. Captain Bravo Not to Ilia me. Savannah, (1a., June 20, 1884. Stephen A. Bravo, Master Steamer Air' tar Sip. -We herewith render our deeinon in the case of the United States vs, ;he steamers Anita and Princess for colds ion. The charge, violation of Ride I. of the rules and regulations for the govern ment of pilots, we find that the sterm ers Anita an 1 Princess, on the night of May 27, 184, were approaching e; eh other in the tirst position as laid down in the rules and regulations for the govern ment of pilots. The Princess blew one whistle ano received one in reply from the Anita: when the steamers were within one hi ndred or one hundred and fifty feet of each other, the course of the Princess was changed from rt to star board, bringing the Princess across the bow of the Anita. This is in violation of all rules laid down for the government of steam vessels. It further appears from the evidence produced on this investiga tion that the steamer Anita was slowed down and all possible means taken to avoid the collision, an 1 after the collision every effort appears to have been made by the Anita to save the lives of the two passengers who were thrown in the riv er, one of whom was picked up by the Anita's boat We find the special pilot of the Princess, Richard W. Lucas, guilty of the violation of Rule I. of the rules, whereby Edward R. Hall, of Bos ton, Mass., lost his life, and revoke his license. We exonerate Master Stephen A. Bravo, of the steamer Anita, of any blame in the collision. Peter Jones, Inspector of Hulls. H. D. Headman, Inspector of Boilers. The Cemetery. The writer walked over to the ceme tery with friends on Sunday afternoon, and was gratified to note the neat ap pearance of everything out there. The lots are all kept clean and in good repair, while the walks and roadways have been covered over with sawdust. The ladies who look after the cemetery deserve a great deal of credit ' for the thorough good condition in which they have it kept. When the shrubbery and trees that have been put out grow up our "city of the dead" will rank among the pret tiest in the State. CITY NOTES. Rink opens again Thursday night. The schooner "Marcus Edwards'' set sail yesterday morning and went down the river, having discharged her cargo i here. Don't forget the skating rink to-morrow evening. Drew, H. L. & Gardner will now fur nish enough brick to rebuild the town in substantial style. See the new adver i isement. Dr. Estes gave this reporter a nice ride the. other cveniyg in his new turn out. The Dr. has a nice Imggy and a regular 2:10 horse. W. Wallace McCall, Esq., a prominent attorney of Cainesville, is confined to his bed quite sick, and serious fears are en tertained that he will not recover. The J. T. & K. W. R. R.'s construction train is leveling up the yard of that road here with band, covering over the saw dust on account of the danger from fire. Mr. E. B. Lane is constantly replen ishing his stock, and his building is now crowded with goods in his line. lie en- joys a fine trade, and deserves every bit of it. Tlx skating rink is now opened every Thursday evening, and the young folks seem to enjoy the fun tole had down there immensely. Go and see for your self Thursday evening. People in northern cities are leing stricken down by the intense heat, while here in Palatka we are having the pret tiest summer weather imaginable, with good health and cool breezes. In making a circuit of the town it is noticeable that substantial dwellings and cottages are going up on all hands. There must be close on to twenty-five houses going up in this city at this time. A smoking set, offered as a prize to the purchasers of the " Cute" cigars by Mr. E. C. Post at the Tropical Hotel, was won last night by Mr. Wm. Berry. It is a handsome brass set and the winner is correspondingly happy. Harry Heath has a pet he thinks a great deal of. It is a five-foot rattle snake, which seems to be in bad humor over his confinement, as he tunes up his rattles and attempts to strike everything that goes in reach of him. Mr. Fred A. Garrison will leave for Boston in a day or two. seeking health and pleasure. He has recently recovered from a long spell of fever and his friends are glad to know he is again able to undertake so long a journey. We call attention to the commence ment advertisement of the Academy of the Sacred Heart to le found elsewhere, which will take place in the hall of the academy next Monday evening. The price of admission has letn placed at 50 cents. Nothing will surprise a married man more than for him to go home and sur prise his wife in liinpingaround the house with her little toe bandaged, and to have her say, in a half -reproving way, that she don't see why he need keep such an awful sharp edge on his razor. We all know J. M. Griggs and our friends often ask for news of him. He is publishing a newspaper in Georgia; they call him "Colonel," and he says he has only a picture of the " Original" with which to console himself during the few moments of leasuro left from his many and arduors occupations. Kind words from the Enterprise Her ald, for which, thanks: "The Palatka News is making its mark. It is a paper that has opinions and expresses them fearlessly and clearly. Besides, no one doubts its sincerity and earnesntess .As the advocate of urgent reforms in the state government it has already taken a prominent place among the paers of Florida." We learn from the Jacksonville Herald that a young locomotive engineer named William F. Clark, of the South Florida railroad, was shot and mortally wounded at Sanford, Sunday, by a woman said to 1k from Tampa. Clark was from Jack sonville, and has relatives and friends living there. The woman came from Tampa in the morning, went out to where Clark was living, called him out and shot him down. We have two arrivals which will ex actly counterpoise each other. Major Ilealy conies from the South and Hon. J. H. Fry is just home from Washington. Blaine or Cleveland would dispair but that the efforts of one is counteracted by those of the other. So our readers will note no change in the political stock market as vet. John Kelly may die or desert as suiteth him lest, but while either candidate has Ilealy or Fry he will be certain of a following. A Berlin, newspaper has Rot hold of a Pennine sensation. It says that an enor mous hotel is soon to le built at St. Au- gustine, Fla. It will le three miles long. six miles deep and 75 stories high. Guests will lie taken to their rooms by 500 bal loons; the tables in the dining room will t four miles in length, and the waiters will be on horsekack. There will le a cuspidor in the office 100 feet in circum ference. The German doen't often try to lie funny, but when he does he meansy business. Ex. Arrested for Murder. On yesterday Mr. John J. Thomas was taken to Georgia on a requisition from the Governor to be tried for a murder, alleged to have been committed in Chat ham county in 1375. Mr. Thomas was found by Anthony Manns at DeLand and. immediately expressed his willing ness to go heme and abide the result. Entertainment at St. Augustine. St. Augustine, Fla.. June 24. Editor Palatka News. Last night an entertainment was held at old Fort Marion in this city for the U-netit of the Presbv ter ian St i nda v school, also of this place. It was a grand success. Some two hundred friends attended its literary and refresh ing exercise. Among the literary notabilities were the following: Mr. Reidy. of Augusta. Ga., an Irish elocutionist of very supe rior attainment, who r leased de lighted bis appreciative a .d.'en?. Now, why can't lie be heard again, and that at an early day ? Then came some of Mr. C. M. Uevau's peculiarly pleasing recitations. Nexj tableau "Romeo and Juliet, " by 7dks Jcsie S. Van Dorn and Mr. J. W. V'ns low, Jr. This was simply grard. Music Vocal duet, by Mrs. Foster and Mr. Enslow. j Then other tableaux "Pocahontas I and Captain John Smith axplcining his compass;" played by Miss Florence Hue iett and J. S. Cowdon. The dress of this Indian princess was sujerb. The Wax Works of Mrs. Jarley, other wise Dr. DeWitt Webb, was the hit of the evening. The concourse w?is in its most happy humor, and, I guess, the reason of this was the abundant and excellent supply of nature's sweetest flowers by one of the fairest of St. Augustine's flowers in the person of Miss Mary Reynolds, who re alized a handsome sum from the sale of those of her own raising, and which sum she generously donated to the Sunday school fund. The music by the artillery band was also of its usually superior selection and rendition. One young lady in dancing a momen tary whirl or two with some of her sweet girl friends fainted, near the end of the entertainment, which caused a commotion, but Dr. DeWitt Webb as sisted in restoring her to speedy con sciousness. EsjH'tial credit is due to Dr. J. K. Rainey for the excellent stage of which he so ably and kindly managed the erec tion. Drs. Rainey and Webb and Messrs. Bevan and Enslow, all four composing the committee of arrangements, were untiring in their efforts for its success, and the good result following their labors add another link in the chain of kind re gards which binds them to us, and which link we one and all unreservedly extend to them. It was certainly an affair not soon to be lost in memory among the many happy ones held in the Ancient City during the past season. Everylody had a good, fine, jolly time, and surely this is the fairest winter and summer re sort on this mundane sphere. Come over with all your friends and see us. Senator Mann, of Crystal Rive P. O., Hernando count, Florida, spent Satur day and Sunday nights in this city, with his children, who are at school here, and early Monday morning he left for the Pensacola convention. Mr. E. C. Beasley, of Lake Maitland P. O., is here with some of his family, for his health. J. S. Cowdon. An Amiisiii- Sloi-y. Boston people tell a somewhat amus ing story, says the Chicago Times, about Mr. Charles Perkins, Commodore of the Hull Yacht Club. Mr. Perkins, it seems, is a popular and well-to-do pietir.e -frame dealer in the Bean City, mi 1 having any (inantity of leisure on his hands, he eon eluded to join the Hull Yacht Combining every element of polarity, he was soon elected commodore of that organization, and a formal reception was given in his honor on board the flagship of the squadron. Now, while Mr. Per kins was thoroughly acquaint ;'-d with every detail of the picture frame busi ness, he was wofully uninformed as to nautical matters, and hardly had be boarded the yacht on the evening of the ovation to him than he made a most compromising break. Surrounded by his fellow sailors he proudly paced the deck of the yacht till he came to one of the traps leading down into the hold. Pausing here and peering cautiously into the empty space lielow, an expression of surprise illuminated his countenance, and heexclaimed: "Gosh! the darned thing's holler, ain't it?" The Decks are Cleared. Newark Journal. Thus the decks are cleared for Chicago. The democratic party, represented in na tional convention at Chicago three weeks hence, can make no mistake. The brain and the brawn of the party will 1? thero in full force, the spirit that brooks no de feat and a conscience always sensitive to what is wrong. There may be earnest contests over the men who shall be the instruments to lead in the victory for good government. Pure statesmanship mav plead in the name of Bayard; vigorous reform may rise up and cry for Cleve land: sturdy honesty may demand Thur man; the correction of flagrant abuses seem to require that the knife le placed in McDonald's hands but, no matter who he may le. he shall not wholly lack Bayard's statesmanship; nor Cleveland's vigor, nor Thurman's honesty, nor Mc Donald's pruuing-knife. The party is rich in many good names, and, whoever he may le, he cannot but shine by con trast with Blane. About the time Mr. Bayard was mak ing his Dover sp?ech Mr. Douglas and Mr. Lincoln were exerting all their influ ence to keep Senator Logan from going off to the Confederates with a regiment of Southern Illinois young men. An instant ,ind permanent c ure for Neural gia. Hek and N erven Headache and all ner vous pa "up: 'fake a teasj.ont'ul of Jordan's .lojoes Julep : per direction-ion bottle. In palnfui menstruation it ,-ts like maric. If one dose relit vc yen iii- t :nt!y don't stop tak ing till you ait- pei iui'iiei'itly cured, Price "tv. for saie by druiryists m i'alatka and else where. ws The Fi.ohioa Mki'U'ixf.-Hoom's F.ihkk.v Prepared e.xpr 'ssly for this At sea-on in this climate a perfect household pan acea. It prevents maluria. cures biliousness, relieves constipation and keeps you healtny :;nd Well, 'i o the business man it is invalua ble. Simply t.ike a dose when you feel unwell and yon w;!l not have to lay up. but can at tend t business and ear 'i..f u Ii., c and -i in'any sort of weathei. For sale 1 dniv'.iri.'ts in I'ulal ka ami elsev, here. wws BRICK! BRTcBRiCKi!! Parties Wishinsr to Purchase Will do Well to Call on Drew, H. I. k Gardner, Who have on hand an Excellent Quality from Georgia, CHEAP. I 8ASY CARRIAGES i ltd H Q n H CHASES BABY CARRIAGES H. J. CAMPBELL, ARCHITECT k CIVIL ENGINEER Plans, Specifications, Superintendence and Estimates For all Kinds of Buildings. Surveys, plans ;i:i1 estimates made for all Icimls of eivil enjrineeriinr. canals, docks, ter minal facilities for railroads, water works, sewerage, irrigation, dramatic, river and har bor improvements, and I uidscape .uardeliiii'. hand surveying, examination, laying out ami ma f j i 1 1 ir off town sires. Uaroaiet l ie levels and llyiejf reeonnoisnuee taken. Properties and proposed work examined ami reported on for non-residents. (Mlieein GrilHn's Uriel; lUoek, Palatka. Fla. Artesian Wells. Irrigation. IRRIGATE YOUR GROVES. The rapid prowth of trees amltiie jrreatest de elopement of fruit, can only be obtained by proper arraimements for . irrigation, du rinjr the dry spells that vicit us every year. With plenty ol water at command, the growth of join)'! trees, and t lie crops of those in beai inr, are an assured siiceess. i kkk; ATioN is Tin: mippp anciiok op (Mt.N(iK ( PI1 phi:. The epcriine;i(s thai have already been made a iii on hi nt ly prove i: s va lue. t"' por the purpo-e of irreruion. prop erly con: I meted. Artesian Wells are the cheapest , be- t and most relic. ble. 'orrcspomietiec solicited. list intuits yiven. Contracts taken for wells, pour to six-inch' pipe l eecoiiuiii ieie l as most pract ical .1: 'I'. ' v ::!(. Palatka, Pla. p. o. pox Or sit Office of P.. 11. McKian, !,omon St ret. AlOllNISTHATOirS NOTICE. 1 LP XA1MS AO AINST TUP HSTATP OP j. S. II. Oemont must be presented as prc scriled by law or this notice will be pleaded in bar. And all part it's concerned will take not ice t hat six uiont hs from the date hereof I will ask for my final discharge lrom sta ll administration before the county judne for Putnam count v, Florida. P. A. KNOWPTOX Ap . Administ ratr. State of Florida, County Court for Putnam County. In the matter of the estate of Frederick I). I'tite, deceased. Notice is hereby yiven that the undersigned lias been appointed ,v the count v court of Putnam county. Florida, administrator of the estate of Frederick It. I.ente, deceased. All persons ha vitnr any demands against the es tate of said deceased are hereby notified to present t he same to the undersigned, within the time prescribed by law or this notice will be pleaded in bar. William Kkmiii.k Lkxtk. Administrator of the Kstate of Frederick I). I.ente. decease,, Palatka, Florida. The Changes in the Election Districts of Putnam County. In accordance with the statute in such case made and provide.) the chancres in flic Im.uii ilaries of the elect ion districts of I 'lit .nam ( " uni ty Fioi Haare liereby niihle nwfteis of public notice, at the regular meeting of the P.oard of i unity 'oinniissioncrs f ir saiii ct unity on Jiin uur.v a, ss:, in compliance with a jH-titiotl to such ctlect. On motion ordered. That the north half of section 'J, township 1, south of ran ire T cast lw embraced within the boundary lines of election district No. 5, as heretofore laid out with votinir place or precinct at C T. Potter's store. In compliance with a jx tition from the citi zens in The vicinity of and livinir at Iiuilalo Minn", asklmr to lie annexed to election district No. s: on motion it was ordered that elect ion district No. s, U- 1 minted and dcscriU-d as fol lows: Itejriunuur at the intersection of the Ocklawaha and the St. John's liivor, thence foUowimr the ( K klawaha Pix er to the line ! tween township 11. ran ire i". and I rani.- "jr. S. A" K. Thence runnitur north, to liicet'reek: thence following Uice ( reek to the St. John's Kiver; thence southerly alonyr the western bank of said river to a point directly west of the mouth of lninu's ( Ycck; thence east across said river to the mouth of said creek; thence followitiff said reek to a point where it crosses the township line, thence west in a direct line to the west bank of the St. John's Kiver, southerly alomr said west bank to place of h trinniiur, with votiny j dace or precinct at Pa latka. t tin motion it was ordered that all that por tion of election district No. 15 Ivinjr south of the present northern line of Putnam county, and east of Sim's Creek, be annexed to and made a part of election district Is'o. 14. EOBT. IR. IRIEXIO. THE ZETIMII ,V X. .V T Iv V, IRo"fc)i3. R- IRocL &c Son, 1 v ii 3c n , Dealers in Genera! Merchandise. partment. Alv it lm l me p sii y ii in $ All ClASSES Of REM. ESTATE BOUGHT AND SOID. MONEY TO LOAM !N GSTY PROPERTY 1A UlTHA. i'l-OIJI JA. VEBTBEES & CO. .v.'i aviioi;i:sai,i: in FLOUR, GRITS, CORN, HAY, OATS, BRAN, COTTON SEED EVSEAL &. FERTILIZERS. GRIFFIN'S 1SLOCK, WATI'.lt STIMOKT, PALATKA, Vl.A. All Orders Will Receive Prompt Attention and Quick Shipments Made IE. T. Xj 1 araware, urocKerv. sieves ' a ' HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, SASH, DOORS AND BUNDS, HARNESS, SADDIES & MIXED PAINTS K.vccutcd on short notice and on reasonable terms. I'jilnt Kji, - - ----- l "ln-il:i. MY STOCK OF MISFITS AND ORDERED CLOTHING K3UST BE SOLO FOTJETBE2NT DjT"S wiria 101 it i i:?-ii-:ic v i: To make room for m v SI' M M V.K ST( )( 'K. No reason.: hlc olfer refused. .My son will stay lit town, at the ohl stand, all summer. All work left in his cha i).re will receive his closest at lent ion . ii. w. ii :ik;k loiff. CREArVH -Willi -vi rrii Hunyadi Janos Water on Draught. FOR GROCERIES -(!-'- -AJLl EZinds, (it Tit B. G. LASSiTER, I.KMt N AMI 4 lilt S I S, PALATKA, lJ.O I 1 1 A. FOR SALE! I 7S THOMAS, IO TOWN LOTS. rieatiftilly situated U tweeu the Station on the Jacksonville, Tampa and Key West Rail way and the Church, .Masonic Hall and I'ubiic School It.Mim. Distance from Thomas Station one-half mile. Good pine land, healthy 'rood water, jrood society. Map recorded. Clear ti tle. 11-ices reasonable. For further informa tion, call at the premises or address at Palatka. Florida, J. W. THOMAS. SODA WATER. ICE COLD, Fruit Flavors STOSE 1" L O R I 1) A. I.1 I o i i 1 :i Full Line of Goods Kept in Eae'i tfe ays give us a Call. V Pa A ZLST IE LANSING & CO. Keep con-bint ly on hand ii complete frock of Fresh Groceries CANNED GOODS -AND PROVISIONS We have now tin assortment of VVAIY FINK TIC AS LANSING & CO., I.KMOX STIir.KT, 1'AI.ATKA. FLA FACTS WORTH KNOWING! That we have not oiened a carriage reposito ry for the of MclJinjf ntr a lot or cheap jroods, but it is a fact that we have oenod n re pository for t he sale of iroods. We have conn- to st;ty and intend to make our re pository a -i-edit to Palatka and old Putnam county. tiir stock consists of ladies'eait-i. la tin -s' phii tinis, etui Hpriiur tint sile-tmr toj. Imir tries, larm and e.vpr.'SS Wilsons mid CiirH (d J. I;. i)i:vs MaKk, jACKsoNNii.i.r., platform spriinr waron, Watertown trrocers' wagons, two-hoi-se (rearinir, lumber (fcarintr. broad tire-. l!artn-ss of all tri-ades, h1-s. shafts, halters, whips. All our trooUs are warranterl to 1m- just what we recommend them to t (Jive us a call and see that we mean business. FARRAR k JONES, MKUKYDAY'S lU'II.DINti, Lemon street, opposite Court House W. COMtAI), FLORIST k LANDSCAPE GARDENER I.AIHIi: VARIETY" OF PALMS, It A HE j. x coses aim .--emi-i roptcal Plants in trenentl : eon.-tantly on hand. 'or;'es).oud -nee solicited. , ... 1 1 1 sue ., iii-.n iu iiutiK, i A I.ATK A, I' I.A. ADA3I II. jWlIS'Lir GEFi! CITY HAIR DRESSING ROOMS LEMOX ST., PALATKA. YUi. FRESH, SALT & SULPHUR BATHS