Newspaper Page Text
THE. DAILY NEWS. BEXJ. HAItlllSO.V, Editor. The Daily News is published every morn inp. except Monday, and delivered by carriers ia the city, or mailed postupu free, for ,r0 cents a month, fl.flO for three mouths, for six months, or $5 per annum. Thb Wmekly Nkws is an 8-pape 48-oolumn paper, publinhed eory Saturday, containing all flic news of the feck, local and pejieral. Jt is the larpest and handsomest weekly paper published "in Florida, and will be mailed post free for $1 a year, or f0 cents for six months. Siecimen copies free to any address. Local advertisements 20 cents per line for irst insertion and 10 cent. per line for each ad ditional insertion. Social notices 10 cents per line. Heduccd rates on continued advertise ments. All advertising bills become due pro rata very month. Local advertisements due at the expiration of the time for which they are inserted. All remittances should b mr.d.) by express, money-order or rejristcre setter. Address, AV. W. ItANDAIilj. JSrjPTN-Fss Manager, ' Palatka, Florida. Khoisterrd at Tnz Palatka Tost Office as Second-Class Mail Matter. PALATKA, FLrA., JULY 1. 1S-S4. Democratic Conservative Ticket. fop. governor: EDWARD A. PERRY", Of Eseamlni. FOR LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR: MILTON II. MAIiRY, Of Sumter. We wonkl fall special attention to the U-ttej of Mr. LmUo ProeMont of the Seville ninl Halifax Ii. R., ip. reference to t Ii-r? chrfs .v.iirssij tiii"- Hon. C'hac. Doiiirhcrt v. Mr. Lento is v. idely known in Ka Floril;i, an. Ms lefrnce like the en dorsement of Mr. Bishop carrier weight. Wc are glad to reprint the en dorsement of Perry's nomination by Judge Hilton of the Economist. His opinion that Perry is the strongest man in the party carries with it much weight, and he is so indepen dent of any bias that Ids endorse ment is a pledge of support outside the regular ranks. But the opposi tion to Perrv in Escambia was a matter of personal feeling and will npver extend to the nominee. The Nkws saw tne result of the conven tion before the Economist, and our contemporary "may refer to this last prediction before the campaign is over; meantime we aro glad to see the old war horse ready for anoth er battle. Messrs. Sandier., Dougherty and Martin are on the ground and their forces were placed in lino on yester day ready for the grand struggle of to-day. Fortunately these are all good democrats and there can be no question of division in the party re sulting from the nomination of any one before the public. These have been fully endorsed by their friends at home and articles discussing the claims of each have been presented in our columns. Of one thing we are very certain; that the attacks made on Messrs. Sanchez and Dough erty have fallen entirely without ef fect on the ears of the people who have known both gentleman for years. When all are equally good we can only hope that the strongest may win, as ire believe either of the three can beat Bisbee on the field that has been his for years. ron 'ox;i;r:sS. To-morrow's sun will sop the dem ocrats of Florida readv for the fight. In the next issue of Tin; Xev the I name of our candidate for congress j will be nailed to the mast, and the j real work of the campaign will be- 'in I None of the apprehension-; which I attended the state convention will follow the session of his bodr. All the indications prefigure harmony and easy agreements. There are no complications between the candida tes, and, so far as we know, the best, of feeling exists throughout the dis trict. Maj. Abrams has shown the only proof of dissatisfaction, and since that gentleman is not a candi date his personal feeling will proba bly influence only himself and his immediate friends. Except the ar ticle on Sanchez in the Times-Union, ho mud has entered into the prelimi nary contest, and that was promptly eliminated by the action of the Al achua committee. All will be satis fied if each knows he had a fair show. All the candidates now prom inent are voung and each is willing to wait for the gratification of his ambition if the people so decide. Our friends will find no weakness in the party as .a consequence of the pomkiation at Palatka and the delegates will realize the fact that in the second district and es pecially in Putnam county will come the warmest work of the campaign. Here is the real headquarters of the Bisbee forces, and here his best troops will be massed. And in our county the decisive blow will be given which shall consign Bisbee to that retirement, which, in pure kind ness of heart, we have long courted for him. It is no child's play we have undertaken, but neither will the democrats work by childish methods, and the party is fully aroused and in line. With the de feat of Blaine and Bisbee, a stins: ing blow will be directed against that subordination of public means to private ends which has character ized the republican party. Origin ally unselfish to the verge of fanati cism, the martyrs of 1 00 are Blaine men of IPS t, .and the people will ad minister the needed rebuke in jus tice to themselves. When Curtis J and Adams stand aloof democ rats mns keep their powder dry. "Till: SIDE KIIOV." We think the Pensacola conven tion did wisely and well in all things except the sanction extended to the lnr!y election of county officers. ! Whatever qualification to the oxer-1 i-ise of mrlrnge may be prescribed, the one now enfort-l by : the demoM-atic party, is in our oo'i,- ; ''li. nn p!M to citizens w r.o 'na . , ,. . - - witii us politically, and unfair to ourselves. The dt-moi-ratie partv j owes its perennial vouth to the fact i that it is the embodiment of llio j popular will on public subjects; in Florida it furnishes th only possible medium of expression for the intel ligence and business interests of the .state at large. Looking to these el- . inniw ioi Mij.jioii, eoeu j)oiu ;is j well as unchangable principle, require the exercise of justice to all men, and only thus can wc carry out the measures we have advocated. By a strict adherence to the principles which have actuated us in the past, we can draw to our support all rtiat is valuable in the opposition; by an abandonment of principle for any object of temporary expediency, we inevitably weaken our position. And in setting a party qualifica tion on suffrage, we plainly make a sharp departure from the path laid down by the principles of our organ ization. The constitution under which we live is bad, but we are not responsible for its provisions even when it allows the governor to ap point the county officers. Now if we follow the constitution our op ponents know that we only use a weapon furnished hy themselves. If we refuse the uso of this weapon, we should allow every citizen to ex ercise due weight and influence in the selection of his officers. A bad president may wound his patriotic pride, and increase his taxes by a slight per cent, bad officers in his county may be a source of hourly vexation and loss to himself and his nearest interests. Therefore, above all others, be is interested in the choice of these. The constitutional convention to which we stand pledg ed, will give this opportunity to use his best judgment for the benefit of himself and In friends, but, mean time, there is no middle ground on which democrats can consistent iv stnr.d. No mi!' ean justly blame us if our g.-vernor takes the "iin 'm ii.iiuiii i iii.- uuiiiu own ers, b-;. if we depart from this, everr -i! izen, as w , 1 :i t hwr-e who vote the lein." ;J io stale ticket, i-dVmM owed to OX Vd'Oit'IVP.Ci Mit?.in!n 4't!io show" we tl iin k: the iv.rty occupies b.i-1 ground; we Iiel ic ve it is nlso hivl j.-'Iicy. Vv'e an U'hi.l t" see tlia ?Ir. (Ira Fiori'.l.i Ilersthl Ipis heou l:col upon lie electoral ticket, hut fire surprised tliat the Herald should consider the selection a compliment to '-the vounq- democracy !" a few months aero the same authoritv reprove.l the writer for the use of I the term by assuring us that no fac-j : i ii. . n- ! uiKis e.isieu in me camp. e would prefer to consider the selec tion a compliment to East Florida, and a well-merited mark of the ap preciation in which the party holds the journal representee! by our friend, but if it Avas impolitic to speak of '"the voung democracy," months ago merely to explain defeat in a past conflict, surely the expression should be carefully suppressed in the heat and excitement of "a hard struggle. The compliment however was well bestowed, and the honor richly earned. F. C. COCHRANE, WHOLESALE AMI liETAIL BOOKSELLER AND STATIONER AND DEALER IN FISHING TACKLE, FINE CIGARS Flox-Itlix Curiosities!, Florida Maps, Books, Canes, &c Post-office Building-, Front Street unJ next door south, PALATKA. - - - FLORIDA. Calhoun, "Gillis & Calhoun, IXSLT1LLCE AiiEYrs. REPRESENT THE IK M E INSURANCE d M PA V, 4' New Vt Tk, Tin: "Si'v." ;,..: the new you;. undf.kwui ri:::s. Tin: : f.kmania, THE factors A- Til A 1; !:.:-. .-.j N.- v.- ( ).:-.:-,-. TilE AO'ii ,i . vi A:!;i-rit-ii, TfiH F'ji rr - ?,::V.) FRESH MEAT MARKET est Establishment in Town F.l .- ! NEW YORK BEEP AN ! KENTUCKY MUTTON A LAVA YS ON HAND, DRKSSHD I'OFL try received daily. Call at the old stand on Lemon street. FRANK P.. POND, AGENT FOR THE SIMPSON & GAULT MANUFACTURING CO.'S CF.LF.RRATFD PORTABLE GRAIN MILLS FOR WHEAT, CORN 01! FEED AND Flour Mil! Machinery of all Kinds CASTINGS, SHAFTINGS AND IRON WORK OF ALL KINDS ON SHOUT NOTICE. .J-V CKS "S A" 1 I a I 1 V LA. mi m i o For Garden or Grove. Guaranteed Analysis on Every Barrel, Miinul'aotoi-ies; HoMon. Ma-.-., and i-ar'u-Mnr!. S. C. For sale l v DREW, H. L. & J i SOLE AGEXTS, PALATKA, FLA. Also wholesale dealers in FLOUR, GRITS, MEAL, HAY, GRAIN, LIME, CEMENT, PLASTER, HAIR, Etc. isT'chTncIryT Iu Circuit Court, Fifth Judicial Circuit, State of Florida, in and for Putnam County. STEPHEN II A KT, 1 vs i JOHN K. MARSIIALLand I JANE MARSHALL, his wife. ! TT APPEARING P.V AFFIDAVIT THAT J. the defendant reside our of the Fifth Ju dicial Circuit, of the State of Florida, and vend the limits of said State, to-wit.: in the State of Arkansas. Now, therefore, it is or dered that the defendants, John K. Marshall end Jane Marshall, his wife, do upjvar and ad Fwer the complainants bill tiled airuinst them in the Court on or ld'ore the 7th day of July, 1hS4, otherwise said lull may le taken pro con fess.. Witness my hand, and the seal of our said Court, this, 21st March. ISM. sealI .Wm. F. Forward, Clerk Cirenit Court. SOLUBLE! i mm S h ! PE0PLE'S L5AME"S St. Johns River, Florida S. B. PLANT, CHATTAHOOCHEE And .t is rs' is' 1 1 : l rs' jz. IOIOilXCi (IN CONNECTION WITH THE 1 l)eBaiy-Iia.r Men-hit nts') a l)()l"IJLE DAILY LINE for Astor. San ford. Enterprise and intermediate Jandin?, conneetinyr at As tor with the Sr. Johns and Lake Eutls Rail way: at San for. I with the SOl'I'H FLORIDA Railroad lor .Maitland. Orlando. Ki-tsimmee and Tampa, and from this point with Steam ships for t Y-dar Key, Key W't-st. nnI interme diale landings on tin." wesi eoa.-t of Florida. Steamer II. II. Pi.ant lea ves l'alal ka from Florida Southern Rail way wharf at s::0 o't-l'k, p. m.. on Mondays. Wi-dnesdays and Fridays. I e Bury-1 Java Merehant's Line Meatner City f'.T.u ksonvii.i.k. eav s Palatka from Florida Southern Rai'way what f at s o'eloek p. in., on '!'ia---iiay.--, T';m - !,ty- and Saturdays. Retii'-niiiir. t tr.v.s S-.i:t: rd daily on arrival of the li.e.n -t 1 he Sou; li Ijo!-i.,i f;-.ilroad, fl-ol!! T;;!l;p ill 'i p. 11!., I' il'i I i at .!:a-kOIl- i:;c i;i t inn to i oiiti.-el wii It tin- fat train :n -: rt u. ta.. of te.e M'vat-.nal:, Fiofidtv :i:t ! --Mi !ht.!u;.y. Steas.n-r ( lA'n'.i: i :if e !.,'v;.; i'-iiatka fi-oi-i i'i. iij.iu ;.r.i ; i,i r.i i i.ii! wtiy whuri at II (eelook. p. in., on Tneda.v. and Saturday.. S.Ieturninir. ica es Sar.f.'n-d on Mondays tit : o'clock p.m.. on arrival of trin 0:1 South Floridit Railroad from Tampa. lc-t tu rn!! on Tina- lav-, iesives Saiii'oni at '.'-.'V a. in ie- '- a. , on i vris id of train on .! h Florid; ...Mi i--a : 1 I i w , i'i at oVlot-iv is. :!! Wedn.Sii.tVS 'I"'-, I r- li iry-I.'ava r ii furl la i- 'i- eat ! i. : .: 'v.dl-!i-f, . i ioi'ii 111. ; DE BftRY-B&YA !S.2 r -. " ' H AJLUi iJIIcLjlI b to jLJxLLO ST JOHNS KIVKK STKAM LUS CARRYING THE U. S. MAIL ONE OF TIIK STEAM EI IS OF THIS LINE will i.-avo .laeksnnvilie daily, l'rom wharf loot-of Laura street, at '::;() i. m. I'ALATKA, ASTOU, SAN FORI), ENTERPRISE And At. i. Ixtkkmkoiatk Landings South OK iV.I.ATKA. AViil make (lost- eomn-etion with all Hail Lines for POINTS IN THE INTEKIOII, And with all steamers it Sind'ord fr.r I'dlN'TS ON INDIAN RIVER. Returning, leave Enterprise at. 7:W, and San ford on arrival of Train, arrivinur at Jackson ville EARLY NEXT MORNING, Makinir elose eonneetion with Rail and Steam Lines for all points NORTH, EAST AND WEST. For all points Let ween .Jacksonville and Pa latka, take ne of ihe Steamers leaving dail v, Sundays excepted, at 9:.'i0 a. in. The throierh boi.ts of this line run in con nection with the people's Line, and all tickets and passes issued by that line will he honored on t he t hroimh Roats. HAS. R. FEN WICK, Cieneral Passenger and Ticket Ajrcnt. AV. U. WATSON, (icneral Manajrer. THE FINE. NEW STEAMER PI I B P 1 II twit r m rs ? Mi if 1 E 11 It s m CAPTAIN JOHN L. AMAZEEN, i as i seen p;;i:mam:ntlv placed in i 1 tin- route .irPAven .lacksoiniiie. Sam ord imdEnterprise, in connection with the New York ai-.d Charleston Steam-hin Company and the Steamship City of Palatka, Minn a!i the Landings t ' .-".V 1 I., ariP:: .laek- '-vv-y M .:;.: v i.u I I'liur-: . at 4 p. - i ' 1 : i :.!. .i i ; !l:-e : v . it h St. .ad l.-ike t-.n--.ti- iidir..d, e'ldat .-.-.i-lord a I i' ".,! if h Freights Taken as Low as any e ini'ctinjr line. For raresof treitrht and tickers, and further infonnatioti. apply to H. (i-Vl LVAIil). Aent, o I lice on wharf, foot of Iloiran St., E. E. II IC LEV. S. V. ( i( 1 ij ll'.V, .V:!TV:rcrs. i.FV!" .V ALiiF.N. t 'or. i i.; y ;-. i:d ' '. .i !i l ,oi- n iiie. Ci ooi i : v io i ? A t: v? s i w SL nJ -it AND A FT Eli MA ECU S), ls.t. THE GEO EG I A AND FLO III DA INLAND STEAM- I ;.' AT COMPAN V will orpntiize a perfect day liifht service from Jacksonville every Morula y, WodtifM'hiy and Friday to all points North, known as i he MONTGOMERY ROUTE. :-.:v c!"Vl'Ii h.:i:rs lri:i . v.innah. l.c; .Pt.-k-oti'. iile. F. V .T. l. ;e F( ril.Ult;'l .i .y Fai,;L Arrive Monrirot.iery Arrive av::n;i;:h mviUe to a- 7:-' i'i a. m. . -V4". p. in. . C-.'S) p. in. NO HURRY OR BUSTLE, NO HEAT OR DUST. Sure connections made with rteamt-rs for Fic'ston. New York and Philadelphia, also with fast trains from Savannah to all points North snd "-t. Hates as low as by any other line. I-or Tickets and information applv to i.kvi: A: ai.i;n, Moraine Pharinaey. J EGAL BLANKS OF EVERY DESCIUP- tion and of the most approved forms printed and sold by the undersigned. Stationers and members of the legal profes sion furnished at reasonable rates. WARREN, THAYER & CO., Reid street, Palatka, Florida. Si If 1 1 SOLID 4 7i 9 & E , r We invite the a:iO;ii'o;: c' c;;r,to.;;ci (kiconionts offero-J for li..; ::c:;t .o; tiscse departments ae r::.!i.:o.; ic a GENERAL CLEARING U'.oio lLi',ie' oi Kill iliJ-hj, LUUfv . . . n . . . 1 1 1 ' I r 1 . r , Til ' ii' tail S10Ci3i and French Embroidery. In taking tlioGo goods on hand whicn MUSI dl GREAT t LINENS, Ginghams, and an endless variety of summer dress goods must go. Ladies' and Misses' underware. Collars and Cuffs. Lace Gloves, Mits, Parasols, Pearl Buttons, &c. In all of these goods OTTR STOCK IS XjA-IiG-iC, and comprises all grades from the finest to the cheapest. The most com plete stock of Ladies', Misses and Childrens' hose of all grades and prices. LARGEST and MOST COMPLETE Iitjlli!Kliniii Hon! 1. G. S. Hacker & Son mani:fa(Ti:;u:i:s of DOOrS, SaSh, BlindS, HOllldingS )l KTUL Oil) U1111U.UJ -AND- JlUlLDlNd MATEPJAL Kstal.lished in Ollicennd Wan-rooms, Kinir, opposite Can non street. E. .V. HACK El!. Proja -;. tor, 'h.-srl.-r- ;:. C. isuy d:i-ect froe- i'c- Fa--iorj and s -.e ;:- NEW 1 Aeoiii l:.ii';.-:i Co;,:, o Kone out ot our e.-Ui! s.-iii;i -lit i in s;-. i'.ac uruiK' the past twelve months. If von were to paste end to end ail the . unins d ail The Si n printed au'i sol, last v ir i you would get a cunt ;nuoii. -trip oi m: information, common sense wis, lun taer sound reacli (iocrr1 t fc-,;l Mooii 11!)' : n ne w-.r r lo-n-.-oel.s ;;) K r- joar:-. Hi ;e-r" t t- ri oi' U t,. En: 'i'i r thee; Wi a, id t v.-;-M v If ve, the J.nsl io-d if til ti i!ot'r,er lor"! d t fit- i.' i e .c t in --( ; t ii ,,r t;n a copv . ft or.iv Tl.K T"- tC IN U r dl.Ti :t. p.-if- oi or. tlii iiuinai n;s tf-mr.'iin.i: ne','--- ip. i- in 1-xi h li !- ra.-e thirteen t In a.:t n.i e. of steady H-ai'.tiU'-. ti ti r nnu ,sy. It is olliy by little caicubitioiis like these tliitt you can form nny idea ot f hecireulation of th.. inot popular of American newspapers, or of its influence mi the opinions and actions of American men nnd women. The Sun is. and wih continue to be, proper which tells the truth without consequences, wliich K'-isat the facts ter how much tin- process co-is. which a news . f no mat I'l est-iit- t iu- news nil over t he vo-.-M witln.ui v. .;'- :..- of words rmd in the most ivadu' !e shtii-e-. whi.-t; is workiiiir with nil its heart for the cause i f ic.nest government, and which tiieref--re be lieves that the Republican porfy must jro. and must cro in this cominr year of our Loid, l-t. If you k;i''wTrr. StV. you like it r,. ready, iiiid you will rend it with accustomed diiijren.-e and profit during what is sure to "be the most, interesting-year in its history, if you do not know The Sex, it is bifc-h time to get into thc sunshine. Terms to ZNTall fSnl-crnt'i,si. Tlie several editions cf The Srx are sent by mail. postpaid, as follows: DAILY 50 cents a month, $6 a year; with Sunday edition. ?T. SUNDAY FJirlit papes. This edition furn ishes the current news of the world, special ar ticles of exceptional interest toeverybody.and literary reviews of new bocks of the highest merit. I a year. WEEKLY 1 a year. F.ipht papS of the best matter of the daily issues ; an Agricultur al Department of unefjualed value. sfKit-ial market reports, and literary, scientifie, and domestic intellijfcnce make The Weekly Sr.v the newspaper for the farmer's household. To clubs of ten with li), an tfxtra copv free. Address I. W. EN G LAN D. Pti bl isher. The Scs. N. Y. City. () FACTS I o- REDUCTION ! .vrr 6m k b'-o cirecl:i;i. o c n.,ny in- v.'ocks. Prices o;: alL-jradoc of goods in sumir.o: basis, and a OUT MOST TAKE PLACE J. - . . . . I :i I . . . i . . , . J . . T ..... . Uv uli! VVIiuU Uvi (..., Litvo, riail.Ou "S. account stock we find a large suppiy of bOLiJ. Son's, Pifsf Si I an a1 DEYEREUX. ROQERO & SON. I S Brightest, Spiciest and Most Reliable Commercial Newspaper in Boston. A i-iiiii A1 ilnw .AIflIim It I ITii-i im Asa Denificrnt ic Journal it adheres with te nacity to the time-honored principles under the ojort ion of which t he Adrniiiist rat ion of Andrew Jackson was crowned with jrlory, and wliich just ilied t he remark in his parting nd ilress tlint he left the American people prosper ous and happy. The Post never wanders after ta Ise-vrods. It never Foils its fair fame I iy de MTlimr the funds' -"entnl firinciiiles of the Dem ocrat ic faith, Its ere..:' is built on the solid Hook oft lio tmst H ill Ion. and is its Found and Imperishable as the foun- iKtion on which it rests. Rut in ail discus sions it ret perfect freedom of opinion, and t rents its opponents wit h n eat holie spirit worthy a candid and iiepiii inr are and ii. manner to liftrmoni.e coui tesj- with honesty and fidelity. In its ce-tinctive cliaract-i ist ics it never .stood hiL'her Tit h its political friend.H throu.irhoui the I'nion. or with t in- pulilic at lai vc i arm now. ! Dally $9 per annum in advance. V ill 1 i sent on t rial ;i months for f:.'.."0 free j of ! . P.o-ton Scmi-W(-ek!y Post, Mondays and i Thursday. ?:1 per annum in advance. ; Host oil Weekly post, Wt ekly, Fridays, $ I a year in ad ance. i PoT Pl'ltl.isii iNf; Co.. Publisher., I Po.-t Hnildinjr, Milk Street. i,t Hid iiiiduc 5. 1 i i . TllV. PHfLA DELFHIA TiMes. Jl. "in,; Ti.Mi's v. ni r-f,-t.-r uj ..n i he new year s-ti-onyer and more prosj n-iis tiam eer be fore in its history -more widely read and ipioted. nnr heartily eommendeti, and more liei. elv l itiviiCil, with a more complete or ganization, and an able ssotf of contributoi s und with tie; .-arne independence and fearless ness that has made it successful and powerful in the pas! . Tn. i i.Mi.s li;):j lii, party t.. '.!!' w. no candidate- ia advance, I.'.-: i j i : , -r r : i i r ,i ,;ie. v. ::h ( i,i:;-:-tiiii t;. , .--ij to 1 1 . " ri. it . to iioee ; cos , : tt:!i.-;,t. an S t h- pilb oc w. -'.'i-.-. Atid, while ti-aitd.iinii.-y n.s po.i lio'i es tee S.-'t'.'im.- 't I'lehid.-iphia, it will rdm to 1 - f-.f It, i;.:i';i pi I h-- t.U afe.( ill 11 t litii an add .,,,1'- to n ri' The va'u of a new-1 -:. ; V.Sj,,, ;.( -. r !- no .ii lis size or d circ, the '-.hich it i di'-pl'-y, i :' in the inci!'vo.c--onciet:es !! f r . 1 : 1 . . uji edited. Tin: TIMES sp : i lshi v f r news fi'-ia n.i part i, th jj: lc'i.-s arc carcfhilv world. t,iit p.!l its di- d and ( otiilciisefl. in ,y to h i c t tie complete news oi mo day m t i.e most concise a n.i an ract ive skat-, and wit h it a lartre variety of entertaining and inMriic ti e reading. The best writers at liome and cbrosd are employed to enrich its columns, and to make it n journal adapted both to the busy man and to the leisure ,f the home cir cle, a welcome visitor to intelligent and honest citiz'-n - of every political, religions and sociul i a -te. Thk V.'Fi.iii.Y TiMEsi is ulio-jvtrf r different fr'-m th.-- w.-ekly newspapers of twentv yt-ars air... The day o! tho'e pap-'-Js have v' l,y. iiie teU-frrapli and better local nevtf pat-r4 i viTjv-r'-. cpecialiy in the thrivinir e i.tres. of rural population. Lave made tin- old weekly me trope-Hun newspaper rmat ;.-! intr. Thoso i hat ciinir to their ancient usace hale lost their hold on our forward-moving people; they are but shadows of their formr r greatness, and they have but a shadow of their former power. Those pajw-rs. have had their usefulness, but it is pone; find, with it. they nre poimr, trM. It was not the fault of the papers; it was the im provement Cf the country that broujrht about the. chanpe. Men and women, wherever they live, now renuire fresher news; and they re quire more than news. The Weekly Times fathers off the types of every passimr week whatever has lasting in terest to the people at larpe, and .sets it U-forc them in such penerosity of paper and print a would have astonished us all twenty veoraairo DATLY Twelve cents a week, lifty cents a month. 6 a year, two cents a copy. SUN DA Y Four cents a copy ' a year WEEKLY-One copy p a year five co'pie. ?aycar; ten copies, 1., a year; twenty eoiU ics ii a year, with one copy free to the iretter up of every club. i..r THE TIMES, Philadelphia,