Newspaper Page Text
TAIj3IAGE'S STIRRING ADVICE. Business College Graduates Toltl How to Begm Life and AViji. The Pierce College of Business, of Phila ilelpliiu, celebrated the completion of its nineteenth year at the Academy of Mu fic last week L)' the graduation of a class of fifty-two. The feature of the pro gramme was an address to the graduates by Rev. T. De Witt Talmage, of Brook lyn, w ho in his own peculiar w ay gave much good advice to the young men just starting out in life. He was glad to find the graduating class composed of young women as well as men and wished there were more women in business. It would be better for the merchants of the coun try if they would introduce more women into commercial life. No man had ever yet committed a dishonorable act, had absconded of forged notes who had iirst consulted with his wife, lie advised the graduates to concentrate their lives to one direction to choose an occupation j and stick to it. As a general rule the ; best mason sticks to his trowel, the carpenter to his plane, the. lawyer to his brief, the minister to his pulpit, the fire man tf one locomotive, the navigator to one ship at a time, the professor to one department. The mighty men of all ages have been men of one occupation Thorwaldsen as a sculptor. Irving n a writer, Rothschild as a banker, Forrest as an a-tor, Brunei as an engineer, Ross as a navigator and Punch as a joker. Sometimes a man is prepared by Provi- ,kT for omo great mission. Hugh j -HAliCI ( .lilil'CU ll.IMiejil 1. 1 t i. ' j Wi.S I it S Ui. C'roinariy to his high work, but ! allv bv tlurtv vcars of nr'v a man or wo- i a man or wo- f . , . , , c , . . . ! i ,1 i "" a ..-'i. .u.i mi i; wHlLe suecs iu that Ur,ction if thor- onzUy followed. "It does not matter,' sni.l Mr. Tal- niiiii ri i n . u i mi .i i ' i' i i' c i : iiiiu ii !i i t ; nia;co, "what you lo. f,o far as j,ucos i. concei Mod, if von do it to theliest of vor.i it,-, r iii ii-i l. atilility. lirandrolli made n iortunc out , of jiills, Adams y exiv:-..'( Van Ne: in Jiarncss, v oo,cr one oi :ue an i ion- nen out jf lia.ts. (.'(.in tractors make for tunes by manufacturing slnxldy, mcr ciiants by putting sand in suu-, beet juice in vinegar, chicory in colfee and lard in butter. Are you a merchant, you Avill find a sv eep for the energies which absorbed a Brunei and a Leonnox. If a lawyer, there is a scoop for the height and depth of intellect of a Marshall, a McLain, a Story and a Kent. Are you a physician, then you can waste but little time outside of a profession which was the pride of a Rush, a Harvey, a Cooper ami a Sydenham." The speaker counselled the graduates not to let the persecution of life discour age them, but rather lie the means cf developing them and to make amuse ment an accompaniment of earnest work rather th.nn an object. lie concluded by urging them to cultivate enthusiasm and go to work sure of success. Tlwre never had been such a time as this since the world tiegan to work. This was the greatest century of all centuries; this was the greatest decade in the country; this the grwtcst year in the decade; thin the greatest month in the J'ear and the present the greatest night in the month. We fire at the supreme moment of ages. It took all the six thousand years and all the geological ages to make this moment possible and now is the moment for all honest men and women to go to work and be successful if they will trust in God tind do their level best. A Brave Iiittle Girl. ( Xew York World. Annie Mack was the heroine of Roose velt street last night and she bore her honors with becoming modesty. Annie is a twelve-year-old child, rather slender and somewhat delicate, and yet she did not hesitate to leap from pier 27 into the East river to rescue a girl of her own age. an entire stranger to Iter, and mcceeded after an heroic sffort in drawing the half drowned girl upon a raft and saving her life. It was a few minutes before 7 o'clock when Annie MeAulitTe. of Xo. lo? t'l'.crry sstrect. wss !ayiu,c on iho i rher, to, some rmt or near Sr. Ausrusur.o, , : ,.! r i i n: 1 ''rmn l h chr,:;;ie! :' ! '. er to iU-'-:i w - .UT. ( au-hlP.- p-.occ cf r,.j:c-, icswnix ; u.r inlhl, .uir.nfi.. ocean, and aid cana! 'shall lun-M If over the striti-i.iccc. intenuirto i c.tilb-.e ti,.-wat.-rs of th- sr. .lohns riy-r o . , , , , ' I .t.-'-t her iviai i!u y.-aua-.-i ot Moiasrse creek in Sr. land on a rail that i'oaicd hclovv. A i Johns county, i'iorida. on the Fast, ami tlnw yy.avo sw out tho raft -.sldo bowover nod ; the iil pluugeJ iuto the river Her ! Kcrt'atii was hcarJ by little Annie Mack, who had been sent by her mother on an errand to the water front, ami without tdoj-pit'.e; f. r a moment to think of her jvril, lie spran.L-; from t!ie pier anl ;..!i;;lit ed on the raft. The other irl had sunk twice, an.l lie:- hum! was ins vcu above tho water. Ar.ruo it and drew her head above water. "Then." said the little one to a "World reporter last night. "I kctched her by the shoulder am! rizher higher; then I ketch- ... , , . !" . . , , ed her round tho waiste ami dragged her on the raft. It was all I could do. then got skeered and didn't know what ! I was going to do, when a man ho cum along and tCHk US ldh OtY." i i. ...;..iv uiu uni iviu me '-No. l don t know tier ironi a crow. Annie here began to erv find when aked the trouble said: I'm afraid the ' ,lt appeain- l.v the affidavit of the com- luod w nc-ove c nis,- t hat 1 he de COp II get llie. ' len.iant resides out of. and bey end tan limits ci , i i ...ii, l, , oi tin" State ot Florida, to-wit, in the State of She was reassured and told to dr her; j,.,,;,.!. Nw therefore it is orden-d that eves, which she Sivedilv did. the defendant Tartar J. Crawford, do appear 1 , . . ... ! and answer the said complainants bid for di- V ouM you do the same thing again: : vorce tiled niruinst ber in our said court on r was asked " j before the fnt day of September. A. D. 1t, " : otherwise said bill may le taken pro confess... "I would that." snid the r.luckv little ' Witness my hand and the seal of our said court .o.,., -u. i . one. KMit.' wasntno lrifiui eu mine, and of she had o" been I'd a drown- ed or got her out." A chest of monev, containing 7000 in I ivimn s;iror,ni" ... , .1 Li.ic.ui Miur ana public documents Of ! great value, was unearthed nM, p,,,,,-,, . mlllta near leuras ISegrass, Opposite Eagle Pass Tex last ,,.,1- Tim frDoci,, t,., i i' . - ueea Duriea tbirty yreas. THE DVHox'ag'xxo Pliarm acy ESTAHLISIIEI) 1 H.-. Corner Lciikiii 4iul l"rnt ! Prescriptions Can-full' FRESH DRUGS! FRESH DRUGS! FRESH DRUGS! RECEIVED DAILY AT .A-Qlkzenr-m guru. & iXeLoZfesozo-'s 1HAItMACY. All orders filled promptly ami at bottom prices. PRESCRIPTIONS com pounded at all hours by experienced Druggists. ZB-A-ZtTIBI OIPT1 AV3I. .T. WIMXi AK A General Ituii letup; XJtissliies Transacted. ISu.v and !-ell Foreign ExcIiuiikc. Correspoiuk-nts: IVow York IMivst 'a tlonnl IJank; Kouatze JSro., T$oloii; 3IaverIo3c ZVtitioJial Ittink. K I T. II. AsRUR Y, Pa-sident. HAMILTON DISSTON, Vice-President. 5fl0 linn ACKES CHOICEST? LOCATIONS FOR RESIDENCE AND CULTIVATION OF 4.0U1UU0 OraiiRCS, Lemons, Pineapples, Ilanannas, Cocoanuts, etc.. in the counties of Orange, Brevard, Sumter, Polk, Hillsborough, Manatee and Monroe. J"oll in QiinntilicK to fSnit I?n'i-s. Prices to 10.00 per acre, according to location and quality. KIS.-IMMEE CITY ) Business Lois. 1 i'lve-Acra Lots V. rr. Special Master's Sab of Real Estate. i ii'ii-r and m p;:. 'livoit Court (-1 t! Florid, ;, in iind foj Miac.ce of a Ver"C of i c Fifth J udieial 'ir, ::!;, .;' l'ut nam (1 .un! y. m:;di on th.-:.$:. day of y.:-.; . A. 1). ;s. m a c: ! t:'.::i cuu-e pen-tiiiu' tin-rein, on (he chancery :-:'..' of .r. ; (,;ii't, wher. "i ii V. the v .u!t, wh'r.i!i A;,iriistu Monroe com- jP r forfe.old!. j.idder for easli, : Monday tlie'tth da of .hV- iv. a. 1.. rt. j., i nr oi the ire.nt inorr, eity of I'aii.tUa. i-"!. i .a rs of s:'.;e. the !':ie in l'ut nam c;m:i:v. ! .f . he i! e ' of ,!.' ! '!!!:; iIM!'-'i i'j t h r V-i:;;r las es w' e,l to i'l-t u'ci-ii : iic t isi ! : 1 ooseri!..-d 1 1 :i '-sur. ,!;,,.. ;.: Th- w j rS.; e, v.'ith ! the saiii.e 1-,. he exeeption of twelve i'.e: nurniir to S. ti ruhasn. eon vev unx oy sam .loan ri. Meijeati, nad the (t'-:-r;p- I . ion ol Wli.e;: i er In.'t Ii in I , : ! 1 ot iei. tiled in said eaae. I'lireieoers to iiay for "lee h;. .)i:s, V,. Ualdwix Special Mater in 'haneory. In Chancery. In the Cm-nit Court Fifth .1 uilieial (.'ireuit of Floi ida, Putnam County-In Chancery. James J. Montgomery, Complainant f Suit for Mary A. Montgomery, DefiMnhsntA Divorce. It aijeiwlnr to Die court lh;'. '.lie bill of conj jilaint was duly filed in this ease ami aiiiduvit. tuih'e ami fileil thiit Mary A. M ont;:'' m'-ry t h t defr'iidant, revldc; beyond Die limits of the ;-'ta;e of Fl. a'i'la, but in one of tlie I;ii1ed Sl.i" es, it is thf refon rrdcred that ihe ?aid Mury A. Mont v'i mery, defondaut , do apje;ir nd :t::sv, er t he said bill, on the First Monday in Svj.teiubei-, A. D. ss4, otherwise the complainant's bid will be taken pro conie.-so. Wm. F. Fohwahi, ( 'lerk ( 'ireuit Court. V.'m. Thompson. Conplainant's Solicitor. IN CHANCERY. State of Florida, in the Circuit Court for I'ut nuiii Count y.fiih J udieial Circuit of Florida. James V". ltolK-rbson, Comolt. 'j vs. Norman II. Chamberlin, V In Chancery. Mary Et tie Chamberlin, Defts. J Itappenrin by affidavit, to the satisfaction of the court, that the said defendants reside out of the saiil 5th Judicial (.'ireuit of Florida, find tx'yond the limits of said State, but within the Friited States, the particular State beintf unknown, now, therefore, on motion uf Cal houn, f i ill is & Calhoun, eomphiinnnt's solicit ors, it. is orilere.l that the defendants Normun II. Chamberlin and Mary Ettic Ctiuniiicriiii, do nfipear and answer the bill of complaint, tiled by t lie complainant, in the above cause, on or before the day of October 18S4, otherwise said bill phnll be taken as confos'icd. It is fur ther ordered that a copy of this order be pub lished in the Palatka, a newspaper pub lished within said Fifth.) udieial Circuit, where in nid morttrag-ed premises arc situated, once in every week, for at least, four months before said Uh day of Oetolier Dated May 31st, 1SS4. TSv the Court. seal. Wm. F. Fokwaiu), Clerk Circuit Court. Calhoun, (Dm. is & Cai.uoi n. Cmpt's Solicitor, Notice of incorporation. BY AUTHORITY OF AN ACT OF THF IiCtrislat ure of the State of Florida, enti tled "An net to provide for the Incorporation of Kailroads and Canals," approved February 19th. ISTt, and the acts amendatory thereto, notice is hereby piveti a company has been formed under the name of the !"t. Vu-uM Ino Jiinl lnlntlva Canal iinl lj'iiiii-iiJtu'liition to 1h invested with all the rights, powers, pri vileges and franchises conferred upon compa nies formed under said act, for the purpose of constructing, maintnininir and eporatintr a canal and vessels of various kinds for ihe transportation, of persons and property within i t lie .l an Hi I I' ll 11 l.M . The main '.me of said canal pi I 7'OTll a 11. .1 P.! f.t l.r TH !'l- lu'.'H I '"I f h, . SI- .1 1 iM I ic of Deep Creek on the West end of thepropo.s- i i i'u canal. Dated June 1st, IsS4. J. K. l'.AIXEV. li. 1!. (iAUNKIT, J. S. 1 'OWDCi.V, In Chancery la the Cnv.t o;ra I i h .: loLcm. Civc.-t I'!"! id:;, 1 ut cam Coiuity -1 a C!:s :'ee;-y . -maiiua or.vwnt ompi.t iiaiu u;t ! r borce. V !m I'.i . n O. It appt ai imr 5 o !:e co-irr t !i;.t the b::! of ei-m- plaiat vn da'.y Uh-d in this cae ai.-i aiiidavit mane an I 1'de.'. t:;;:t John !!. : 'i'.e iie!i-nd-sni resi.l' - b on l ; lie li.sots of i i(e S;ate of Fior'..'.:;. but in om- of the Fiiiud -tates. is in the state of (Jcoriria. it is therefore ordered that the said John llrmui d aepea.r and an swer t he said bi! ! on the Firsi Mondavin S. i- i tcndH-r. A. D: lss4. otherwise the complainant's bill will be taken pro eoni'esso. ; m. Fokwaio.. t i Cle'-k Circuit Court. A i IVm Tl. l..: ... .,: j QjfQijjj GOUTt Putnam County Fifth Judicial Chvuir of the Stated Fior la. In Chancery. lliil for Divoiii'. . v- , F. Q. Crawford V s J. Crawfovi tint -'h day ot April A. D. 1SS4. w m. r.roawARn, i rl, rk Ciri U,t Cou, t- NOTICE TO TAX PAYERS. '"THE UNDERSIGNED will HE AT PA 1 latka Election District, No. S, mi Monday May 5th. and remain durinir the week enduii on Saturday the loth., for the purpose as of as- , jjinjj. the State and County Tax for the rear ; A. D. 1SS4. All taxpayers wishing tax blanks i will please call at .either the o!hce of clerk of Circuit Court or Tax Collector, .where they will find them. J. . W tKH). Tax Assessor Putnam County. - ts., - - I'AJiA'I'KA, Compounded Day ;mil Nirltf. PALATKA CO., UVXItlSTe?. LAND OQMPikWY. L. VT. K LA Hl. Treasurer. T. V. l'AUIili, Secretary. to ?.-)O0 , . . 1) $.v:o Fift. T.-"OIlI5I'X Ma,w S S 5 V. id Ufi 5 1 : . lAflTl AQ I lilllAPC I lliU Ii lllUOa JJll tlUl 5 : 1 1 AcioT, M. rrnU - ( u.'s C!ioI! S?sjiSi of Imftorted Segars P i I i i c rr? nnrl QniAlinT DilllCliU dliU DUWlillti j Parlors Attached " Si iuajT, iUI.AT;CA, FLA. i BRADLEY'S FERTILIZERS GEORGE E. WILSON, "o. 15 West Iiay street , JACKSONVILLE FLOHIDA. i tampa & key west railway THE GEM CITY" ROUTE. j Till-; ONLY ALL KAIL LINE TO j ORANGE PARK, MAGNOLIA, GREEN ! COVE SPRING & JACKSONVILLE. icker to any etc.. t o J o li ' J U . IVibO .'ban i::;oad;f.. steel kails, ah: UK AMES, F! I,.'. S Forii'MEXT. 'pKAlNs; KEN As FOLLOWS; 1 (iuiMi sot rii. Leave Jacksonville H.ria. nt. p. m. Oramre l'ai k in. Si " Matrnolia 1D.54 " 4.37 ' " (ircen Cove Spriiii.- Ibid " 4.4- " West Tocoi 11:41.1 " ..:1. " Arrive Paiatka l.': i ;. i:t. ,".;W " i.-UNi, c;:'!:t. i-eave l'sttatKa . . . ,: a. m. 4:i i p. m. Floida Sou. J unc . 1 ':4-"i " i.-.' " Wot Toe"! fb.'Ui " .:! " Ctveiu'o'.e ;a-;:i- Ib'o .';:'" " Mar ::- .ea " ..: ; I " " oruv.;:e Park !-.'::7? j. m. .:cl " Arrive Jack-: -ro eie. . . . Fee " F " THE ST. JOHNS' RAILWAY MAKES iiiti-':c"T coA 'ii- At V'e.-t Tocoi. :'.nd fro:u r?:. Ai:prtine. lti.Tc and Fare To all Foint as Low as bv any other line, and bar -aire check, 1 rh'-oujrh. M. 11. Mi i'u .N, (,. w. iiENTLKV, ' Cieu. I 'ass. Asrent. (Jen. Macacer. D!ID! fn nn nnp.jsTr nnn'o ruDLili Un illliH I L DUUad JEPT BALANCED OR ADJUSTED, IN stnet confidence, l y Ci. 3IOATES, I Expert accountant. Practical instructionain Bookkeeping. Best of references. Apply at this office. 33P' THE PalatkaDailyNews A HANDSOME, NEWSY SIX-COLUMN NEWSPAPER PVULISHBD A I'AJjATKA, FLORIDA FIVE DOLLARS PER ANNUM npiiE IMPOU' I L AXCE ol" I'ALATICA AS A trade disiriluitinr point and railway tenur, ;ual its maanilieent location at the heal of ocean navigation on the t. Johns, and in th midst of a charming farming and fruit produ cing section, render? it a natural focal point 101 Hie uuns oi i no renins uiur, sua nunij ... , ,. . . the opportunity to make it what It is pro nounced by the pre to be, a lirst-clafs news- paiHM', both in its make-up and in the charac ter of its collated news. POLITICALLY Tns News is Democratic, and while it will bo ! courteous to nil, it will stand steadfast in it 1 . . . , . . ! adherence to the principles of that party, i i thesncceesof wliichaloive Insures liberty and I I ; good government. The Year i 884 is a Campaign Year Both the National and State Campaigns are to be vrajfed. Towards the settlement of the momentous political isaues they Involve, THE EWS will tflve It untirinfr effort to iufluencv pub lic oiinion for the beet interests of the people. To do this more effectual!', tho editors will nt ffiu e lie-in the publication of vii tTT 1 t IT 'I'll A hl AAU ITT M AUTO S llH VI HHK U llHWS I liU II UUiVl I ll U 11 U 0 A folio 4-cohimn paj-r, cjuippc i with the , x ra comidete digest of the ha enrrn' t new penitiR-s of tin; week Tins pulilication, at the price of OftfE DOLLAR ' we hope to introduce into every household in this section too remote to te reached by our Daily. i We urge our friends, 1oth in an.l out of Putnar-county, to aid us in tho distribution of both our publications. A copy will be mailed free to the jetter-up j cf clubs of the subsci rs to either tho Daily or Weekly edit ions, Address all corresjiondence Jto JHE PALATKA DAILY NEWS. I tiLk i b4h I Water Street, - - Palatka, Florida. Wholesale an-1 retail di aler in all kind? of Paints, Painter's Supplies, Ready Mixed Paints, White Lead, Linseed Oil, Shelac, Varnish, Turpentine, Putty, Window Glass, Paint Brushes Fireproof Paint, Roof Paints and allldnds of Dry Paints. Neatfoot Oil, Lard Oil, Machine Oil, Benzine, Ladders, Step-Ladders, Wall Paper In fact Everything Kept In a First-class Paint Store. Ilein? a practical painwr and havinj? 1$ year? experience in mixing and usin rin I mix my own paint, and cannot lo imposed upon by the inferior mixed paints with which this part of the country is Hooded and !old to unexperienced dealers I offer one hundred dollars to niy Ixxly who can lind one grain of adulteration in any paint or goods that are mixvd or sold in my store. Respectfully, T. 3Il'TVrei.t. HE V DBS Bib An Unadulterated Natural Guano, imparted direct into Savan nah, Ga., from the Grchilia islands in ins Caribbean Sea, by Tra vers, Snead & Co., cf Richmond, Va. We are now offering this High Grade Fertilizers to the Planters and Orange Growers of Florida, feeling confident that it is just the thing they need, hav ing stood the test side by side with the best Fertilizers in the market for r. number of years, and costinuss to grow in popu larity vhcrover it is used. ORiiF.ll- PKOMl'TLY 1" I.LI' I AND I N r i 1! . ; '1 1 'X VI ' ' I -'1! Ki X AIT Tl CATION BY 1 5 . ? : T A 5 . 1 , I x., i linp-H-r-i .,---;;. Vi;;.-r -;;ri et. i'AI.ATXA, i"f.( )K1 DA. DISSTOS TilTD fill JSC!? FLORiOa LAHO MID IMFROVEfflEHT COMPANY. HAMITOX niSTON', I'r. '-ident. J.J. IM'.N.NK, iee-l'ie-i' lit. USDS F0H SALE AT G0VERKBEST PRICE OF SI. 25 PER fiCRE. FN flLOCKS OF NOT LF.SS THAN fl N(1 MO UK THAN MO AC11F.S. WITHIN SIX MILES OF RAILROAD LINE, PR! rPFlFSK LANDS INCLCJiK A LI. VA 1'ILTI ', '.. adai't ei! to ranges. Lemon.-, ','-.. ( i n - n i.. n, . .. ...,.,,.... ..,.. Our I.attds .!'; fe'iirnr rapis.'iy. '1 tinif-muls Fix mo'iilw. Do not dehtv if von wat't tl a - ; f t!li,. ,.,ininny wilt he re.-eiv. o ! compact bo. ii.'--. of Ciii acres or more, t ov farther intoria: ; ' v. T. F()Ul)i:s, Lan-'. 'aiimissi.iier L k G. C. G and S. I!. CKfcY. TVe-Uerd. li. Wi;'.;iiT, Vice-i J. M. K RHA M FF, Lnyuieer. dent. LANDS FOR SALE IN LOTS IN THE COUNTIF.S OF P.KLVAUU. I'oLa, M.WATFi-; AND MONRO F 3'i;iCi'.: ' r- - j or .1 it;'!.t me ! r..p oi'....lit.i IViirinoii.l I'.il'ti-i. ; j.-ur Lake'iind River Fronls. .. .". .". '.' '. .' ,'.'.'e:.jVi 'to hiiperMcre For Suwtr Lnni! lti.HO pt-r acre i The Lands of this Comw.nv are siet-tallr fsrtapted to the Caiture r Tropical Fruits, Uice, ; 8l:iriir ra,)0 oU,mt Mtd ar,i K, i,eraMv H ceible 1 v ki.-hpi na i-.Mtion. 1 W. rV. i 'Olt Ul Land Commissioner, Ja.-ksonvilhs Kla. Florida Sout Iicrti itailrray. OfriCE Sl' (Ti! I N'.'i-.NPl N'T, i A I.ATK A, ,'r-.reh ::, lS; i. f t CiOiN'O SOFTM STATION'S. j i;,-:,; M1I, 2:1 si r M : " ;l::i " :i:.v. " r.:in " 4::!7 ' 4:.'i'l " 5:4i " fi:fO " C-.rA " 7:ar " Wait's Crossing. . . . " Oruelle " Micanopy " Lochbie " Itediiicks " Oca la . " North Iike Weir. . ' South Lake Weir. . Ar GOING SOUTH. STATIONS. V MAir! Lr IiCesburg Ar South Lake Weir. " North I.ake V'eir. " Oca la " Ueddicks " Loclibij " Micanopy " (iruelle " K'nit's (Yossinfr. . " Interlachen Arl'alatka filrt I A M r:.Vl " S:07 " 8:10 " 10::!5, " 12:43 p M 1:31 " fi:10 " 3:211 " 4:48 " :04 " 7:35 " 8:53 " P:2i " 9:59 " 10:55-" TRAINS AltKIVE AT O A IN L.SV 1 LLE From faint k a, " I O:30 i m and Ocaln f.nd f 12:30 r m Leesmire. i-.'.'C1 " Fr.'nn 7-C A w fiuvr",f ivii.Vi'ivrAyri . r ! ItAI ? L,?AA?iltlI":-I.r','r'-.. r or rniat Ka, i ":' a k Ocaia and f I!:(o r M Lee-l-ura-. For Miennopy 3:ii r m 5:f P M ! Train leaves at j Train arrives at f.::i a m ):l;i r m First-class car through from Talatka tc Gainesville on all trains. CONNECTIONS. I - - ' At Palatka with JaeksoIiViile. Tnmpa i Key lv, fast river steamers for St. Ati- i irustine. Crcoti Cove Sprim.-. Jnok.-onvil , f.n.-i all poin--' North.. Fa a ;;) '.Vc'. nr 1 -:fh in. r:ir ;". ? .i for J, . A N; i ! 1 " el ! :!i, .ai:-n.' w : ; i 1 1 : Twin S r r Iron S I'al?t k:," for (. J.,.r!.--m:!. New l'h;i:i'!' ipl.ia, etc. At Vt'a:-.'-- C;- wltb. '. for v;. r", - r . i '. r , At ( .:: - T-il'; Ttt . - c,..i;.r k--v. ivi's-n-i'la. New vi Tor i pn. Ai oea:a witn . ransd Hsi. wr.y find lin-as for r-iivr Sprinu's. At Lee-1 iiirir w:th b nits --n Lak liarris j..r jH.iuts on Ijike and alony st. Johns an; Lake i-.ustis Kai.way. Al-o wit a ' rv.iia m s Ducks for iir. vpviile, ?ii iut-r i and a;i roi;u.; in South Florida. S. CON A. NT. JA: . I). yOLLISTFfl, Su p"ri'it . n.'i'i it. C. T. F. A i'. A. iii -neral Mannarer. o. W. i'.iiO.M WELL KEUKA AND ' ORAHGE"SPfi!SG TRANSFER COMPANY TEAM WILL LEAVE KF.TXA EOU 0rar,., f-.5,,ircr c ry rnorn!ntr f,n arTivai of . the frei-ht train fivrn Palatka, for the purpose ; ff Transporting Passengers and rLl For further information address ' KEUKA AND ORANGE SFElNO T R A N . FE i i () M PA N Y, At Iveuka, Putnam Co., Ha. C. A'. LOPEZ i CO.. npts at Orange Spring. For Sale. rpVO CONE PULI-Sp, tone a split pulley. X three inch face, four steps, from ten to fif teen inches diameter. Apply at ,THIS OFFICE km 6 I but 5 Ft ' -4,000,000 Acrs T. H. ASMI'KY. Treasurer l:. :;A idXf . I II. Secienuy. nr 0 &n dcd a for: KS OF FI'LANI AN! LOWLAND AND ARK A j j ies, l i;, e ire;. '..'Ka'-t ',nu-, r!y Vegetables. Volusia, Hrovard, Oratize. Sumter. Levy vi. ...... i, of settlers ;,-u e ht V' -cut t,.n - I at i:.. p r i-l:a lit.-(I . ii ( !.cra durinir t'ac past lie in ; aymee.t for land located in !i ai'plj at the oiKec of t he eom- .ksonville, Fla. Okeeclioboe Land Go. II AM 1 i. TON DISSTON, Treas. J(. SALINCLI!, i eeretary. OF Vm 10 TO 10.001) ACRES v !." per scr 1 ' . f I u . .rt K.'wminii Savaiiutsh, I lorida & AV (.tern K'y i All trains cf Uiis ro;cl five run l,y Centra iilMith1 Meridiam lime, which i m;nutei : slower than Jacksonville t inie. Aeoiarin X find after Sunday, May 11, Sf, " h im a m j FasseiiLrcr TraiTis will b as e und arrive as (!:.t- ! follows: NEW Oltt.r.ANS TXPItK.SS. 11:54 " Leavo Jncksonville daily at 8:30 am Arrive at Jacksonville daily at 8:15 p m :H v M j Arrive at Callahnn daily at 0:11 a ra " Arrh c at XVnyeros ilaily at, Il:(i5nm .1:55 " " Arrive at Hrunswick daily nt 3:() p m (1:15 " Arrive nt Thomasyille daily nt 3:17 p m C:'.V " Arrive nt, IlainbriilK'" daily at 5:10 p m 8:39" Arrive at (liat tahoo'iee daily at ft:lH p m --.r.-.r.: i Arrive at I'ensacola daily at 11:45 pm I Arrive at Mobile daily im 4:45 am Acora'd'tn ! Arrive at New Orleans daily i 1:I0 a m " - j Connecting nt Chattahoochfir with I'camfico ,;. .. la nnd Atlanlic Knilroud daily for I'cnsaeola, I Mot ile, New Orleans, Texas and all traris-Mis- rir-iiii i'.hiit. i ixiiiii'iii iiuiiri iiiio . j'utj Csrs on this 1 rain, Jacksonville to I'cnsaeola, Mobile and New Orleans. j FA ST MAIL. i Le ave Jacksonville daily at 2:30 p m I AiTive at Jacksonville daily at 2:1(1 p m ! Arrive nt CKllahan hiil nt 3:10 p in I Arrive at Wayeross daily ks 6:tft p ra i Arrive nt. Jessuit diiilv nt H:'M n m j Arrive at Savniinah daily kt S:17 pm ( Arrive at Charleston dttiiy Ht 1:45 urn i Arrive t WashltiKton. 1). C, daily at..ll:(i p ia 1 Arrive nt Iff-w York dniiy at ;::! am '! inr p.t AVnycress with ThroiiK'li I'ull- i mnn T'a!n'-;' Huffot f.'ut Druwimr ltoom S!eep- injr Cars, Wnycross to New York without hanre. .1 At KSONy ti l.n KXPItKSS. L are JaeV-sonville daiiy r.t Arrive at .lacKt-onviile dai.y M .i r: e ;! i 'nilahroi flaily v.i Arrive at Waycnu-s dni'lj at Leave foi:nes ilb- daily at Leave Newnans ille daily at Iioe New Hradlord daily at Leae Live Oak dail a. Arrive at Dni ont daily at Arrive at Albany daily at Arrive at Jescp daily at . f):.) p m !:') a in . i;-.:u p in . !):( i) p m t'.:l.! p in . f.:;77 p m . S:2II p m . !l:45 Ji m .1:11) a m . :L':1 a in . 1 1 :i -5 p in . '. a m 12 ::5 p m . S:.M) p m . !:- n vn . 7; ',' a in . 7:'0 a r.i . lil'M ) III . i : ' la . a 1:1 . l:.':; 'i p m . l:.': ei in . 1 'l:'.'." n m . .'i::st: III r,:4." R m .ib 'ti a in . p in . '.' m a m . v.lti n m . :!:t! j m Tr'o p in . '. J) tt m ; .unu'iiij'ianiii uiuiv in Arrive at AJ;''!,a (i'lii5',i;- Arrive at ( i hattanooa d;.,ly at . Arriy.j at Nhsiivu c ..c:,y at . ... Ar'-:v:. i v ; , - ;.i . A rri vc al Maeoii daily at . . . at i n; .:a . .V ii-.oi- :. d. r'"-l ' '.Cr-i;i;.c-t. v- -v 1 11. .. '. :'! Ar: A i !;. ..II- t . i . f. r I.. I i-. i:'." i. id: c ;'t Arri e -,t Ciijeiii;;:;:: d.oiy at Arr: e 1. 1 M . Lou i- ili,il i, t Arrive ,it ( hiea'o daM nt .:d a m i'UicrfDi Pa! :c ' lU-f i 1 and lh:iii!;' l;K,m Si i ' I . -: - -,?, t'.is '1 iidn to V a-t:ii:u n il. I' :;iai ' M. ( pic;'- ( ars, Jacl,-(;i, ille to s i N ;, i-,:,;,,, I':e,i.i: r t : p'.mr ' on U,i.Tra:n toLoui.'.s lo:' i ; : d S!e. -ehw l'ar, tliis 'i'rf in to ( ... ; . S.n;,: n.:'i. A j:e-(.,iiiuit ha-bee;, oo..-dnf Wavcro?, r.nd a!.:.:.d.o.; t;n- v il; .U: v:i d metOu oy ail i a i ,i;-rr tr,.in C .r; I ' . i "'lit H '. 1 : , in 1 1 V 'Oi s i ... i i e f, .c V' ri:, Fhi;.;d 11! ta. 'on and Dalti- 1 o:,e. ct :r:r at ( r.: v. w York, i h:i.- Tram- o ', ii. !!.'! :"',.;-' Wis;. ;,; p.'.l - :;t '..'.! i p. )..: ;.. c ti l i F .",. : ii wD( sfeaia.-re for . .a ' r.d ;!ill in: ore. '. 2 : .:. ii'iivi- ,e in tion, u:., aial for Prill - wick an - in' ' v Fail eel eonv.eia ions, and Maygt ir t !:--cked t :,:-oj;j.-i;. Ai.-o sh pint Car riertln !C I St 1 i.-Kct ( ;!,( . -i.J.:-. 1.. i A l.liii, flenc-ral i'i.-.-etiirer Agent A. M. IVES AEKET. I HAVE JUST OPENED A lir-t-c-:iss Meat Market, and keep constant ly on Lund a soi,jy ,,i Nef. pork, pout try, and vegetable in w.-a-on. tioodsdeuvtreA tree. Give me a trial is ail I ask- C. II. WIGG, cor. Lemon & 3rd Sis. L'POI