Newspaper Page Text
THE DAILY NEWS. COR HISS POX I) I : SC K Solicited on all interestinK topics throughout the Htatc. We will lx: especially Kratel ul for ill local items of interest to the public. News ent by wire nhould lie abbreviated when prac ticable, and went after o'clock, p. m., address ed to PALATKA DAILY SEWS. agents i on Tni: NEWS. The fallowing gentlemen are the authorized rents of The I'alatka Daily A2u weekly Jxws, ia their several localities: W. n. PeWitt, Pan Mateo. W. v'. Valentine. Nashua. C. S. PackArd, Welaka. R. if. Hard, Norwnlk. J II Marshall, Fruitland, Fla. J I MoCallum, Oransre Mill, fla. A. B. Burtlott, Georgetown. Dniel.Dwrline, Drarton Island. E. K. Hiley, Lake Georre. J. L. Hurt on. Oescent City. J. C. Strickland, Interlachen. A. Munroe, McMeekin. Wm. C. Rraddock, Seville. J. S. Cowdon, St. Augustine. H. A. Voarellach, Melroc. Charles Moore, Lake Worth, Fla. rALATKA, FLA., JULY 1. 1884. Can be purchased at F. C. COCHKANE'S KEWS STAND, at tho Post Office. Tlie Xwh Offloc. The office .if The Daily News Is located n WaWr street, in the new building next to Keld general store. DAILY WEATHEIt ItEPOIiT., Tho thermometer at the Moraine Pharnwy fciistered yesterday degrrees nt 7 a. m.; ST decrees ajt ii m. and 73 degrees atC p. m. BOA Ii DIM! , AT THE WOOLSEY HOUSE. An attractive home. Wm. F. Forward delivers lee free within the city limits to his customers. Larjre quantity cf best Lake Ice on hand at all time. Hay, Grain, Lime, Cement, llrick, etc.. at Wm. F. Forward's, Give hiiuacail when m need of anything of the kind and examine his atock and prices. Fore Kent. Furnished and unfurnished Rooms, a fine SCre handsomelylitted Op on Lemon Street. Apply at this Oihee. Now receiving the honey peach. They tak the place of the ncen-to and are very tine lla Tor at the Family .'Store of It. II. Reid. First of the season as-n in. Fine pine appies from Indian river received at the "Family fltore" at reasonable price. H. R. Millinery Goods. Mr. .1. A. Smith is sel ling her entire stock of Millinery Goods at irreatly reduced rates and invites the ladies to call early and get bargains. Um Odenta for the teeth, prepared only at the Putnam Pharmacy. An Instant And permanent cure for Neural tria. Hick and Nervous Headache and all ner vous pains: Take a teaspoonful of Jordan's Joyous Julep as )or directions on bottle. In painful menstruation it acts like magic. If one dose relieves you instantly don't stop tak lnar till you are permanently cured. Price "Hie. For sale by druggists in Palatka and else where. wis The Florida Medicine-Hood's Ei heka Prepared expressly for this climate. At t his season in this climate a perfect household pan acea. It prevents malaria, cures biliousness, relieves constipation and keeps you healthy and well. To tne business man it is invalua ble. Simply take a dose when you feel unwell and you will not have to lay up, but can at tend to business and eat what you lik and go in'arty sort of weather. .For sale by druggists In Pifiatka and elsewhere. w&s Thii Harwktt Hors, Ratajtwaw. Visitor to Savannah, Ga., will find the Harnett House a comfortable and desirable stopping place, whore the uniform excellence of the table is a subject of general remark, while the price is only $2 per day. Chicago National Hotel Re porter. Furnished Rooms the coolest and most desirable in the city. Apply at this office. Call for Second Dislriot Convention. At a meeting of the Democratic F.xec titive Committee of tho Second Congros Hioiai District of Florida, held in Jack sonville May 20, it was ordered that a convention of the democratic party in the district be held at Palatka, Putnam county, on Tuesday, the 1st of July next, at 12 m., to nomirfate a candidate for Congress, to appoint an Executive Com mittee for the district, and to consider such other matters as may be brought brfore it. The basis of representation will be the same at that prescriled by the State De mocratic ExecutiTe Committee for rep resentation i the State Convention. Tho several counties in the district are requested to select delegates to the Con gressional Convention at tho same time fliat they select them to the State Con vention as far as may he practicable. E. M. L'Engle, Chairman. W. B. Youxrt, Sec y. MAYOR'S COl'KT. The Mayor was in a good humor yes terday morning when he ojenltl court, and as the first case was called, that of Wade Jones, on a charge of disorderly conduci , he gave strict attention to the pleadingr, of the prisoner friends, and in consideration of the fact that Wade was a pretty good fellow, this being his first appearance in any court, his honor thought ten cents and trimmings -(costs) was sulrieient punishment. John Lee was the next one called, charged with being drunk and disorderly, he was lined 2 and costs. John Goolsbey got a little too much tangle-foot under his vest, and had to pay and costs for the indulgence. Josh Jemmisomon a charge of disturb ing the public peace and quiet, was fined $2 and costs. Yesterday about noon Mr. Ioeh's horse became frightened at the arte3ian well on Lemon street, and dashed off at a lively gait, and, in attempting to turn into Wa ter street, he ran on Dunn's sidewalk, de molished a wheelbarrow and threw a harrow into the street, and left the lody and hind w heels of the buggy to which he was hitched in front of E. T. Lane's hardware store. Near tho Presbyterian church he threw himself on his back, where he was secured and disentangled from the harness and shafts. Runaways are becoming quite frequent of lat1, and owners of horse cannot caution dirters too particularly fts to being careful in driving and eecurely hitching thm While on the streets. CITY NOTES. Col. Cowan, of tho S. F. & W. light infantry., is recruiting among the dele gates. Tho fact that fish have no vocal organs i a. great protection to those vrho tell stories about them. f t'ii. J. J. Dickerson is in the city, eir dilating among tho congressional dele gates and his friends. Major-General Triay, station agent of the Florida Railway and Navigation Co. fit Jacksonville, is in the city. Mr. J. C. Jackson' ice house is fast nearing completion, and he will bo ready for business "pretty soon right away," now. J Doc. Ilycr, ono of the enterprising t proprietors or ine cnaneston note i, ur- londo, is here with the Orango county delegation. Ed. Rich.mond, one of Orange county's j indefatigable land agents, is numbered among the democratic veterans attending tho convention. Mr. Clark, of the Jacksonville Herald, is in town, and seamed to be getting a good many new subscribers to his paper yesterday afternoon. Mr. Pv. II. Braswfcll. of Fruitland, was in the city yesterday, hound for his for mer home in Valdosta, Ga., where he will spend the next two months. Mr. A. W. Mann received yesterday as Pne drove of beef cattle as was ever brought to Palatka. lis customers will got the benelit of hi lucky purchase. A handsome new box has been placed at the well on Lemon street by Mr. J. II. Fry, and now there will be no more lakes around thereto terrorize pedestrians. Dr. Ii. W. Ainslie and Mr. Frank Wal dron. of Welika, called at The News of fice yesterday. Come in again, gentle men, and you'll eatch us at home next time. As next Friday is a legal holiday, the county commissioners will meet on Thurs day instead of Friday, and all having business with that body can govern them selves accordingly. Hon. E. C. F. Sanchez, of Alachua, was in to see us yesterday. He is stop ping at the Carleton House, and has nu merous friends among the delegates who favor his candidacy for congress. We were glad to meet Col. J. II. Bo dine, of Enterprise, yesterday, who with his wife is stopping at Graham's hotel. He is a delegate to the congressional convention that meets here to-day. Colonel William MacWilliama, of Italia, is in town with the Nassau dele gation, and is doing good work for his favorite. The eloquent colonel i well known in Palatka, and his voice will always b heard. Col. W. S. Wagstaff, of the Tropical TaradiFO, is In attendance upon the pro-1 eroding of the convention to-day. To have him laugh fire minutes will com pensate for the shaking up the defeated candidates will get. Next Friday is the "galariods 4th," but we have had no intimation that the town would be "turned over and painted red"' on that account. The faithful force of compositors at this office will enjoy A well-earned holiday though. It was a Fubject of general remark last night that the delegates to the conven tion already here are as handsome and ft no-looking body of men as was ever brought together in Florida. But per haps all the best looking men came in first. The copartnership heretofore existing between Messrs. TTarren, Thayer A Co., has Veen dissolred. Mr' Geo. C. Thayer retiring, and the business will be carried on by Dr. Chas. E. Warren. as advertised in another place. We wish the Doctor pmeooss. The J. T. & K. W. R. R. is having a shed .constructed over their platform at the passenger depot, and besides adding much to tho appearance of things down there, will alTord a cool and comfortable place for passengers and others who have business at the trains. An oil stove, up-stairs in the Mann building on Lemon street, caught on tire yesterday morning and considerable smoke issued from the rooms. The lire was easily extinguished without doing any damage, further than creating a lit tle excitement on the street. Editor II. IT. MeCreary. of the Gaines ville Atlyoeatc, paid The News a pleas ant call vesterdav. Aluuit the loth inst. I ur commence the publication of live daily paper at Gainesville, to be of the same size as Tin-: News. We wish him every success in his undertaking. We had a pleasant call kvst night from Mr. B. II. Hopkins, passenger agent of tb.-. V T V CI R P n-lin 5e barn or. ranging to carry the delegates and others who will attend the Chicago convention on the Sth int Mr. Hopkins has a let- ter from Hon. C. P. Cooper, chairman of the Florida delegation, informing him that that tody will go by that route. The train will leave Jacksonville over the S F. & W. R. R., on July 4th at 5:30 p. m. Low rates can le secured over this line. "What the Republicans Don't Want. Chronicle-Herald, lem. There i-i no e.iriilid.ite rmnied in tho democratic party for president whom the republicans would less like to see nomi- Tilt 1 t i i i- i-itirviri rry 4 rt ToTTrMi? ( Tl i l t r " 'ri.,iu.m v.u uaim.-, than (.rover Cleveland. Thev know that no one else can poll so great a vote in New York state as the man who a vear and a half ago carried that state by the j largest majority evjp known. Grover j C leveland represents all that J. G. Blame does not repeesent. Ono For-Dougherty. 8f.vii.le, Fla., June 3tli. lsS4. Editor Palatka News. As a friend to, and lieliever in the in tegrity and ability of the Hon. Charles Dougherty, allow me a short space in your columns for a few remarks upon certain reports which axpear to be in cir culation concerning him. The only objection, so far as I have Ix-en able to learn to his candidacy, is that his morals" are not up to the stan dard requisite for a member of congress. Vho is it that vent tires to prescrihe what that standard should he, I know not. hut I hazard tho assertion if put to the i-criptural test, they would not have the right to cast a stone at anvone. No one has attempted to attack Mr. j Dougherty's honest v or ability. Finding ' no other point of attack, his opponent.; ; assail his morals not ifVnllv, but generally and fall hack uprn thoswrep- jreg and unmeaning assertion that Dotigh- ertv is not a "proper" man to send to ' congress. j I have had within the last two years, : probably as good opportunities as anyone j of observing Mr. Donghertv. both in his i public capacity and as a private citizen. I saw him during the last session of the legislature, presiding with as much dig nity and as great fairness and impartiality as any man could show. No man who ever sat in the speaker's chair evinceiLa j more thorough understanding of parlia- j mentnry law and practice, and tho deci- I sions of no speaker were received with j greater respect or "more generally com mended. 1 saw him attending to bis legislative duties with the same intelli gence, energy and industry which he manifests in everything he does. Since I have had business relations with him as have thrown me pretty constantly in his society, and thus far have failed to see in him those vices which tho malice of his political enemies would ascribe to him. I have no wish to claim for Mr. Dougherty that he is either a saint or a pattern of all the virtues, but I can and do assert with confidence that he is as free from faults as the generality of men, and that his ways of life are those of an honorable southern gentleman. In these respects he compares very favorably with his Opponents and detractors: in integ rity, ability and legislative experience, he is fej ie peer of any man in this district. It may seem, perhaps, somewhat un necessary to reply to charges which have lx?en insinuated rather than openly ad vanced, but these slanders have been so persistently whispered and circulated, and so frequently commented upon, that I feel justified in branding them as mali cious falsehoods emanating from the hostility of those who resort to this cow ardly method of attempting to besmirch a character they dare not openly attack. Wm. Kemble Lente. Taxation and Mr. Lylo. FrTTTLand, Fla., June 27, 18S4. T.ditor Falatk a News : In my letter in the The News of the 5th inst., I made a bad mistake in reference to O. W. Lyle's return of real estate for 1SS3. I stated that it was for 2o acres of land in San Mateo; it was for 50 acres; for that mistake I would offer due apolo gy, but the rest of the statements I made ARE correct. The fact that G. W. Lyle owns hundreds of acres of land in Clay county is something that I neither know or care about, nor have I ever aecused him of it. The 23 acre lot that is re turned by his agent is not fully taxed, and I was never assured by the asses-or that it was. The public will remember that the value of real estate returned by G. W. Lyle for lss: Was raised by the Board of Commissioners at the equaliza tion meeting last year. It was consid ered nt the time of the raise that tho 23 acre lot was embraced in the return of G. W. Lyle of property for taxation, as it shotvid have been, but at the meeting of the Board to hear complaints, etc., held October 2d and 3d, it was found that the 23 acre lot was included in the return of .not as agent for (J. W. Lyle, but with other land of which the 23 acre lot was a part, viz : 100 acres. When it was so found it was too late to raise the value of the 100 acres and groves upon it to its proper level, cm ac count of the law relating to notice to be given to the owners of property so raised, fall in valuation of (;. W. Lyle's property in last October. G. W. Lyle was told at the time that it-was a deception which he had successfully practiced upon the Beard of Commission ers. According to his letter of June 12, his returns for a 34 and a 5 acre lot is 50 acres 1 1 acres of extra honesty. If f had it I'd cackle and lay eggs all over it. Of 11. R. Lyle's paying "taxes on real estate in this county to the extent of 75 per annum" we have only his word for it. I sav that the name of II. R. Lvle does j not appear upon the tax books of J'ut- j nam county for the year ISsa as paring ! any tax whatever; and anvone T.vho wants more proof than my word can ex amine the 1h h k in question; it is public property, and open to inspection, ,'th in.o; was said in the Lyle letter of the (Cth alout the "similar charges maileil in Novemlier, I think:"' does he wan' to think, or is he afraid it might tie rotten as my 25 acre egg return of G. "VY. Lyle was. I I again demand that the Lyles prove i the charges they have made against ! Board of Commissioners, and give "f i i , the facts nna ngures to support tne same, ! T , , j Individually yours, j J. E. Marshall. Blaine'6 lo-)k has received a big lift at ail events. It is selling as rapidly as it can be turned out. THE I'l'-Tll VE1! 31A1L.S. 4 Official Schedule f the New Steam boat Service on the St. .lohns. Office ) (Jen. Scp't li.uiY Mail Sr.RvicF., Washington, June '21, 1S84. ) G. "VY. Jones, Business Manager Times Union : In reply to yours of the 24th instant., I have the !unr to f. rward you schedules of hteamboai servieeo on th.- St. Johns river. h into effect oh the f;it prox., to-wit: ROUTE NO. 1C0S8. Leave Jacksonville daily, except Sun days, at a. m. Arrive at ;!a;ka by 8 p. ii. Leave I a! ,S;s' ni- : dailv. exceed Sundav, Arrive j d .iack-onville by p. m. K"i"Tf. No. KjOSj. Leave Falatka da at S p. in. Arrive at Sauforl railroad wharf next day by m. Leave Saufonl railroad w harf daily at S::M a. m. Arrive at Enterprise by it Leave Enin j ii-c daily at m. a. m. Arrive rt San ford railroad wharf by 10 a. m. Leave San ford railroad wharf daily at 3 p. m., or on arrival of R. P. O. train. Arrive at Palatka next day by 2 p. m. kocte no. ICoOS. Leavo T'ai-itka daily, except Sunday, at V" a. ,c. 1 rr!'.--: a: Ktiterprisf by 10 p.m. Arrive at Sauford railroad wharf by 11 p. m. Leave San ford railroad wharf daily except Sunday, at S;:J0 a. m. Leave Enterprise daily, except Sun day, at 9:30 a, m. Arrive at Palatka by S::;o p. m. Ye r y re s p o e t f u 1 1 y , John Jameson. Acting General Superintendent. 12. i. moo . i :v. Undertaker & Embalmer ( FFICE AND RESIDENCE I'NDER RED V Men's Hall, Laurel street, Palatka, IMa. FIFTH ANNUAL COMMENCEMENT -ol rrm:- Academy of the Sacred Heart, IA Ii.VTKA,- WILL TAKE PLACE -IX rFI X1Z HALL OF THE ACADEMY Monday, June 30th, at 8 P. M. BABY CARRIAGES J 1 P. n B I BABY CARRIAGES H. J. CAMPBELL, ARCHITECT & CIVIL ENGINEER Plans, Specifications, Superintendence and For all Kinds of Buildings. Surveys, plans and estimates made for all kinds of civil engineering, canals, docks, tr-niiii:-il facilities for railroads, water works. ' sewerairo. irrigation, drainage, river and har bor improvements, ana landscape traraena-.jr. Lund surveyiiiir, examination, laying: out and mapping ott' town sites, llarotuetrie levels and tiyiiitr recon iioisance taken. Properties and proposed work examined and reported on for non-residents, i t!iee in Griffin's lirick Illock. Palatka, Fla. Artesian Wells. Irrigation. IRRIGATE YOUR GROVES. Ttie rapid vrowth of trees and the greatest I develoe'ment of fruit, can only obtained by proper arrangements fors irrigation, du ring the dry spells tlait visit us every year. With plenty ot water at command, thetrrowtli of yomiK trees, and the crops id' those in bear ing, are an assured success. . IkKIGATlON IS THE SHEET ANCHOR OF j OKANGE Cl'LTC KE. I The exp-riments that have already Ijeen RK?.tlnV,ifn nn J ,. r"xZLir?l "'Pr i V i . . ,, i , ,tf ,..i ohio eiiea,t. best und most reliable . vo.n-siH,no-,e s.., ... umirayiei, Contract: pile reecommeii'led as most practical J: T. Coxovek. Palatka, Fla. P. O. IV,x 2HT Or at Office of E. R. JIcKean, Lemon Street. ..-4.i'ar-.. -.. EOBT. DR. BEID. THE EA.nVCIIL" STOEE i rr iv .v , ij i i) IRotrb. JEl- S;ecL & Son, Dca'e ta s iii usjiitJi cu mui tiuuiu.i partmcnt. Always "vaTEBE & ALL CLASSES OF REAL ESTATE BOUGHT AK3 SOLD. rIONEY TO LQMi ON CITY PROPERTY PALAT.KA. FLOKIDA. VEETEEES & CO. 61! m i it mm i ati wnoidvid FLOUR, GRITS, CORN, HAY, OATS, BRAN, COTTON SEED PJ3EAL & GKIFI IX'S I!I,OCK, V'ATEU All Orders Will Receive Prompt Attention and Quick Shipments Made IE . T. L JST Hardware, Crockery, Stoves HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, SASH, DOORS AND BLINDS, HARNESS, SADDLES & MIXED PAINTS 1JLTJ3IL$IING, TINNING PIlK liTfriNG Executed on short not ice and on reasonable terms. Ftilntkn, - - ----- I-'loriln. MY STOCK OF MISFITS AND ORDERED CLOTHING MUST BE SOLD WITHIN FOTJETEE1T 1DA."S AvirrnotJT itKsioiiv i: To make room for mv SI'MMF.IC STOCK. X reasonable oll'er refused. My son will stay in town, at I lie old stand, all summer. All work left in his chartve will receive tiis closest attention. II. AV. KLICKKK. ., i I, i i i f i ! C I I c V n i s '4 :1 0 J J JLJ a 3 r. Wi ! Fttve J A i HI L A 1 .vt rriM 9 PI M h P 8 Hunyadi Janos Water cn Draught. FOR GROCERIES -OF -GO TO- C. LASSSTER, LEMON AND ;3lil SIS, i lYJL.VT'It.V, FLOIJIDA. FOR SALE IN THOMA.S 1 TOWN jorr?. I Pitifully situated between the Station on 'the JackS,..nville. Tampa and Key. W, Rail- : way and the Churcb. Masonic Hall and Public i School Riwm. Distance from Thomas Station . one-half mile, (i.xni fine land, healthv water, zcxxl society. Map recorded. Clear ti aor s tle. Prices reasonable. For further informa tion, call at the prexuisos or address at Palatka, Florida, J. W. THOMAS. I I o i i i :i . V.r.2 of Goods Kept in Each De li vo lis ii G."!l, WICSOLS ELS Eft ft MA tlaB UK ii u u Li L di:allus i FERTILIZERS. STUF.F.T, PALATKA. FLA. ! LANSING & CO. p ci 'ii -I aril I;, hi hand a complete stock of Fresii Groceries ! CANNED GOODS ANI:- PROVISIONS We have now an assortment of VFltV FJXI-: TEAS LANSING & CO., Li:mo Stui kt, - - PALATKA,' FLA FACTS WORTH KNOWING"! j That we have r.ot o-nd a carriage rejwisito : ry for the porpoe of seiimir oil" a P'f i,f i heap : kooIs. but it isa fact we hn e open-d a re j pository 1 r the sale of tir.-t-class iroodsl. Wo have come to stay and intend to make oiir re : jisitoi y a credit to Paint ka and oll Pirtnam j i iniinty. Our stock consists of ladies' cans, la I dies' j.ha-tons. end S)irin and side-bar toj; iaijr ! fries, farm and express wagons and carts if J. U. ItEV'S MAKE, JAf KSOXNILL:, platform ejirinsr wayon. Watertown jrrcers' wajroiw, two-horse frcarintr, lntnlwr Kcarmir, broad tire. Harness of all rriide, jol?8. shaft halfi-rs. whips. Ali our jroods are warranted to ! just what we recommend thein to be. Give u a call and see that we mean business. FARRAR & JONES, MF.UKYDA Y'S BUILDING, Lemon Street, Opjiosite Court Ifouse T CONUAD, 7i 0 k U k v rig w p! I? ika O k l-i g y W U M 13 ii MJ U Xii9 bi4 m VI f i FLORIST & LANDSCAPE GARDENER LARGE VARIETY OF P4LM5? liRK J. Y Roses and SemJ-Tropical Plants in general const a ntly on ha nd. Correspon.lenee solicited I rent .street, next to Itank. Palatka, Fla. -VI AM 1L p iXL GEM CITY HAIR DRESSING ROOMS LEMOX ST., PALATKA. FLA. FRESH, SALT &SULPHUR BATHS