Newspaper Page Text
ORIGINAL I THE DAILY NEWS. IJKVJ. IIAKI1ISOX, ""'. c TrTi.iii.TKW9 is uu'uiishfil eveiT mom-i in, tX T'i .M.'-inhiy, ami k'lim'd by e..rriei : In tllC Cll V , Or ITIiii t U lOMaL'lirr, on eel : i j a mon:h,$L.V for three months, for si.x ! Rioiithf. orf'iperanuuni. j The' in an f-j.a?e 4-eolnmi ! pajr, published -even' !-aui'U:tj coin tinin;.' ! in . t. 1. .,.,! iml in.nrl! It ' Is the largest ami handsomest wee kly pap. r published in Florida, and will ho mailed po.-r-atre free for $1 a yer.r, or .Mi contn i'or six months. Specimen copies free to any address. Local advertisements 2t cents jkt lino first insertion ami JO eunts per line for cucli ditional insertion. Special notices 10 cents line. lieduced rates on continued advert lor ad- JWl" incuts. All advertising bills become due pro r every month. local advert isoments due the expiration of the time for which they inserted. ata at are CSS, All remittances should b by ex pi-money-order or reg-istere tter. Address, Y. AV. HAXDAMi. JSCS I. NESS Manackh, PALATKA, Fl.OIUI) A. IlEGIfiTEKKD AT THE I'AI.ATKA T'OST OFFICE as Skcond-C'i.ars Mail Matter. FALATKA, FLA., JULY G. 1881. Democratic Conservative Ticket. FOR (iOVKKXOU: EDWARD A. PERRY, Of Escambia. FOR LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR: MILTON II. MAI Jit Y, Of Sumter. FOR CONGRESS 2ND DISTRICT: CHARLES DOUG IIERTY, Of Volusia. PRESIDENTIAL ELECTORS AT LARGE: JOHN T. GRAVES, Of Duval. ' RICHARD C. LONG, Of Leon. PRESIDENTIAL JCLECTOR 2NI DISTRICT. WILLIAM MAC: W ILLIAMS, Of Nassau. UTUMinncnliuj The article on "Free Schools" in this issue is from a colored man who has gained for himself a good edu cation and has definite views as to the future of his race, and the real needs of the people. V.'ould that he had more imitators '. The pea brt have euro'' S of St. A UO-UJ tHK i. ;i 11 j " p f it' i v ( ;i ! V I , i ! v' ililM tl-;it (idv. Drevv in a recent inter view witSi tlu- Fiori.ia Herj! 1 avows Ll.s m oi ini; Gen. Perry a full and lie: riy MijKirt. We are glad the vcteriiii's investigation into the workings of the convention have resulted so satisfac to-ily lor himself ami the party. His isiipjioit of Dougherty is equally emphatic ami whole-souled. IIakmo.vv presages, victory. Our county commissioners have at last provided an armory for the use of the Hem City Guards. The drill of the company on the fourth showed that the members of the or ganization are in earnest each and every one, and some day we will have a model company out of the excellent materials so hastily thrown together. There is also a possibility that wo shall soon have an artillery company, and then Ave will be pre pared to celebrate in a fitting man ner the democratic victory in Xo vember. Till XATIOXAI,lss"LT. Ill the democratic national con vention soon to assemble in Chica go the voter must be considered of more weight than the dollar. The laborer has conquered a continent, and made our present position among the powers of the earth pos sible. We do not say this to divide the country into two classes as George and Most would do. The The working dollar is as necessary a factor in the growth of our pros perity as the working hand or brain. But capital is the curse of Kurope because it there lies idle in enor mous masses. The dollar WHICH helps to build a railroad or factory j is indispensable to the muscle which I shovels the soil or raises the timbers The dollar in a printin- press aid ' . v, i , , " . . : me oe eiouneni 01 a section in eo operation with the brain which dic tates. In this effort the power of the rich nia:i ::td i: est e.;.)-, s s!on. "i i;; - . v -,,', .. v t ; . ;. ail ei:;pl:;: ic:.' . i , , ,,' t ; man oi eat the kin:;- to tives for ilu : as it : e I ' :'. ' i -M l oi i.:.- " tt bill i::e capital w:;ic:i .s 'i- d to debaueii lei'i-l.ition cr control the judicial department of our i,'overi: ment, is a tyranny more ruinous than that of the sovereign atrainst , 1 which our fathers rt-bi I' I. The "man with a barrel' who puts his money into a political campaign as the readiest mode of doubling it, is tin4 dini-rer real and present to us to day. A plutocracy lias always proved the mo:-t pitiless and exacting of all tyrants, because it has no pride of race and is never satiated with spoil. The danger is one anomalous to our stage of developcmcnt. but it. grew out of the disorders of civil war, and its power is not pet annihilated in our midst. The citizon must pro tect his liberties from the attacks of capital as well as against the danger, so much dreaded of a standing army, or we shall be unworthy of the des tiny which we have been laboring to fullfill. The roots of the poisonous tree which grows in Wall street, and is called stock gambling, permeate our whole system ami poison the finan cial wells from which the thirst v wayfarers in field and factory should draw comfort and health. Hut each man has the right to employ his money as seems to him best, we sup pose, and the great danger lies in the fact that our people seem inclin ed to make a God of the mammon of unrighteousness by worshiping pecu niary success. It is some comfort to know that in a few years posterity will scarcely remember the Goulds and Vanderbilts who now till so large a place in the popular admira tion, but a combination, if possible, among these nabobs can no.v dic tate the choice of a president or mould by easy manipulations the judgments of our legislative bodies. The party which de.-erves our support must keep watch and ward over the public interests, and stand firm in advocacy of the rights of the people. Only thus can the demo cracy vindicate its claim to our sup- -oorf; only tin as can it realize the 1 i K IlOt.CS Oi tf:m !:;:. x; i: l !v!:th in- oi;r' Kit l (t t:ie ! ,;iH'lrMUI. (hiiy .-..v. nt the flo.-r of si in niini llie house. !'! were on i .1 'Hit theV sed a. i 'o'lnion that a'. 1 .ill look to iht moral ms a'i liu- cnmliuates v ;m claim ed their support, and voted down a strait-laced rule that they would vote for no man who entertained views on the liquor question differ ent front theirs. This alone would idove they are no fanatics. Hon. W. Lyle of Putnam avowed himself and family to their purpo ses. Judge Wofford Tucker presi ded. QUinULlNU. We said the Times-Union had adopted an article of ours without credit. It was shorn of the date line and signature; with no other change it was called ''Checkmate the Monopolists' and published as an original editorial. The Times Union challenges us for proof and offers to reprint the evidence. We have in our possession the original of the following letter, and submit the question without further argu ment to the jury. Jacksonville, Fla.,Dcc. G, "lsS:?. Judge Harrison. Dear Sir: Not only is your article ac ceptable, but so highly appreciated that I propose using it as an editorial, and thereby robbing you of the credit of it. but I will try to make you up a full measure of glory in some other way. Yours Very Truly. John P. Vaenum, A Model Government. Xew Orleans Times-Democrat. Iu the last number of the Consular Reports. Mr. "VYorthmgton. United States consul at Malta, gives an account of the government of that little eountrv, which lie claim:; to he a model one. It would ! rove :i !r,nm- Wl mtl,,,.., w!:o dislike taxes. Mt. interest, etc. Tl-.ere are absolutely no taxes of any ,K'n,l levied on the inhabitants. There ar n inp"raniV rates to Iw.v- auseall the lmildine-s are rire-nroof. There is no tire department in Malta and no need of one. The islands have no debt. and. therefore. m interest to juiy. On the are no L.OV-. of i t -:U'S a xt p;tyi i i : 1 ; i : : r. .-;;rv :X ' M.r; ..;. -i'.-w ;; M, v-.j - l , tii i'lf it Pt.a-iie; (J... us iir. t it it hahit: l- a-, as tbate is acuiauv ); As far as the roLT.S.ition of its finances , are eoneerneil, there aro manv lar-rer countries that might well follow the ex- ample of tin- little Island of Malta. F. C. COCHRANE, MUDLtvM.E AM' liKT.UL BOOKSELLER AND STATIONER AMI OK.VI.K.K IN FISHING TACKLE, FINE CIGARS Florhla Ouriossit i--s, Florida Maps, Books, Canes, &c Post-office Building, Front Street and next door south, PALATKA, - - - FLORIDA. Calhoun, Gillis & Calhoun, INSURANCE AGENTS. REPRESENT THE HOME IXSUPtAXCE COM PAN Y,of New Vork, THE "SCX." of London, THE NEW YORK UNDERWRITERS, THE C EI 'MANIA, THE FACTORS & TKADF.KS, of New Orleans. THE ACCIDENT, of North America, THE EQUITABLE (Life.) FRESH MEAT MARKET Oldest Establishment in Town! BEST OF NEW YORK BEEF AND KENTUCKY MUTTON V LWAYS ON HAND, 1) HESSE!) I'uUL- 2 V 1 rv received dailv. Call at the oi l stand on Lemon street. A. W. 3I'-rVISTrV. THE SIMPSON & GAULT MANUFACTURES OO.'S CI'.I.I'liRA'I'F.Ii PORTABLE GRAIN iVJLLS FOR WHEAT, 00PJ1 OH FEED AM) Flour Mill Machinery of ail Kinds j u CASTINGS, SHAFTINGS AND IRON WORK OF ALL KINDS OX SHOUT NOTICE. .r.v cic.Moxviiiii i:, i-" i a. SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO For Garden or Grove. Guaranteed Analysis on Every Barrel. Manufactories: Huston. Mass., and ( 'liarleston, S. C. For sale by DREW, H. L. k '.jjit, SOLE AGEXTS, PALATKA. FLA. .vlso win It-saie liea.a-'.'s in FLOUR, GRITS, MEAL, HAY, GRAIN, LIME, CEMENT, PLASTER, HAIR, Etc. ' ! v ' a ' r- , ii UHriia.lV: Mate . A.-,.n.-;.s. .m.-v. ' a -r.-a t; at Ti.. .ict.-i...-jr-. . ai'-l a ue li.u .- h.ili. ids v ii.-. , - t-r the com pia in I nt- bi ii 't. a . i i- .-.r t.-. : 1 a-jon.-t them :n 4'ie ( ourt mi or 1 lore the ,1 n tlav of Jul v iiti.. i .- 14, ,,; Uerwirc .in ma ! i.iM'ii pro c . fesso. Witness iv.v hand, and the seal of our saitl Court, this, -Mst March. 1.SS4. ISEAJLI V M. F. Fota-VA lilt. v M. r'. Fot;'VAt;i., Clerk Circuit Court, COMPANY'S OrangeBrand PEOPLE'S LINE STEAMERS - ?..-uaa.-- St. Johns River, Florida S. B. PLANT, CHATTAHOOCHEE Ami .t tz rs i i : i. .v : i:. iouMiNt; (ix c.'xx motion with Tin: I lleliarv -Hava Merchants") a DiilliLE OAILV LINK lur As! or, a;i 1'. .rd. Enterprise and inti rmi'diate connecting' at ' A tor with the St. .lol.iisand l.a !;e l".ut is list il wa.v ': :ii S;m!..rd with the MM'TII FI.OlilDA Raiiroutl l'or MaitLncl. o-laii'lo, Kisiimnee and Tamim. a nd I n an this point wit li Steam ships l'or ( 'ediir Key, Kev West and interme diate landings "ii the w,-i coast i Sieamcr 11. l!. 1'i.vNi' leaves Florida Sontliei n Uailvvav v lia! I' I 1 'a !at a from at ';;;:) "cl"k. p. m.. on Mini' hi v -. Wi 1 H ilary- I5a v a Met i -.hnilav s :.nd l'ridays. hant's I, ins' m earner t'liv ok Jackson vi i.i. k, leaves 'alatka from Florida Southern Railway wlmrt' lit K o'clock ). in., mi Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Ketuiiiin', leaves Saulord daily on arrival of the train of the South Florida Railroad, from Turn ( ti at :j ji. in., arriv injr at Jackson ville in time to connect with the fast mail train at S::iil a.m.. of the Savannah, Florida and Western Railway. Steamer t h a ita in mni kk leaves Pulatka. from Florida Soiitheiii Railway wharf at II o'clock, p. in., on Tuesdays ami Saturdays. Ketiiniiiitf, ietives- antord on Mondays lit Ii o'clock j, m., on arriv al of train on South l-'iorida Railroad from Tampa. Returning' on '1 hursdays, leaves Sanford at !i:o." a. m., on arrival of train on South Florida Railroad. Steamer .1 kxmk Lank, leaves Palatka from Florida Southern Railway wharf at lv; o'clock I. in. on Mondays and Thursdays. Keiutnin.Lr leavi:- Saulord on Wednesdays and SatnrUavs. Tickets on sale at W. O. Wolt.'s Drujr Store, Palatka, Fla and on hoard of the sti'amers. All tickets and pusses of the Deliary-Iiava Merchant's Line will honored until further orders. Steam Ilarye Uncle Sam, suitahle for carry ing unusual and heavy freights, open for I charter, j l'or further particulars, inquire of ! It. S. D lVI), Asreut. Peoi'li-'s Line St. John's River, Ollice Waycross Steamhoat Wharf, Jacksi mv ilk', Florida. DE BaBY-BAYA 5 i5V st us ;i!'f,;; steam f.;;. CARRYING THE U. S. MAIL : .-.t e- i : i .! ' i Oi 1 iY : i 1 1 : I , ...i,, : j i n it .; mi NTs in iiii: iNTi.Kio;:, V 11' I vv il Ii ; 1 1 st e:i iFiei - ; I .-',! 1 1 J'ort I tor Pi'IN'l'.- ON I MM AN KIVl'P. !tet lii nhi1;', leave Enterprise a! 7:, am! San t'or 1 on a ri i v ft I of Train, arrivimr at .laek--t .n- V II !e ;:.i;i.V M".T "inllNiNii, .'.i.' t t it ii , xv- it ti Pail aii'i teani 'an.-. I. , ; oi ; ii - I'li. E.ST A M Wi'.T. l'or . 1 1 c a i. Is I i-i vv e,-a .lacKoiiviile atil Pa Ua. sake one .f t !. St i a nit r.- leuvin t.'a i! , n i " - o 'pte.l. :; I ' a.m. '.'iie I Ii 1 1 ait ii boa i s o this line run in con nection wiili in- People's I. inc. ami a II t ickets ami passes isiiel iy that line Avilllie lionoretl on 1 1n r .null P,i iats. ( H AS. It. I' P.N WICK, Genera! Passenu'cr ami Ticket. Afrcnt. W . 1!. WATSt N, ( ieneral Mana'rer. THE FINE. NEW STEAMER CAPTAIN JOHN L. AMAZEEN, TJ AS IIEI.N TPRMANI'.XTLV I'LACEDOX 11 the roiile lit'tvveen .Jacksoiiv il!t, Sanlord ami l'.iilerpriso, in connection' with the Nevv "k ami Charleston Steamship Company ami the Steam-hip ( 'ity of Palatka, Making all the Landings between Palatka and Sanfoiil. I'avinj.r Jack sonville every Monday ;.ml Thursday, at t p. m.. close i' nne,'t ions matte at A-Iter vvithM. Johns and l.a ke l-'.ust is ra i I road, and at San tort I with South Florida railroad. Connects at Palatka with Florida Southern railroad. Freights Taken as Low jus any compering line. For rates of freight am! t ickets, ami furl her iufi n-mat ion. appl v to H. GAIIA API). Airent, ollice on wliart, foot of Hiran st., E. E. IMG LEV. S. V. G( ihDF.N, Managers. Or LEV E - ALliE.N, Cor. Uay and ( lectin sts., Jacksonville. GOOD XKAVS iOU HE TRAVELERS X ANT AFTF.K MAKCII i".. 1-st. THE in:U:tilA AM vr.( ).".!! 1XL.X1 STEAM- i : '. i M i'AX V w i.l'aa.e i perfect da j -!': .-.I.: -el v ic , 1 1 a' .'a.'k.-. villi' t ei y M - aida v", V'c l:---.:.i; an I Fr..i.iv t- s.!l point X rd:, ' Montgomery route. Only ei-.v.-n hours from Jaelcsoiiviile to Sa vannah. Leave Jack-onvl'.le. l". - J. K. It 7:i a. m. Leave Fernai'diaa by I "a lace M 'in's . .s:f" a. m. Arrive Mont u-oim rv ArrivcSavaenal:. . . ..:., !'. m. li: J" p. IU. NO HUPRY OR BUSTLE. l"t-- It. MOON I j iA'L-Ol ICiACi iX.' Hiinbaimer t rU: A M l(lltH.-t E i MILK KEJ) ; i Men's Hall, Laurel stivet, Palatka, Ha. m o f5- S3 3B s -0- SOLID o- AT evereux, i. v GREAT Rogero We invite the attention of our customei Ladies especially, to the many in ducements offered for the next few weeks. Prices on all grades of goods in these departments are reduced to a summer basis;, and a GENERAL CLEARING OUT MUST TAKE PLACE before laying in our fall stocks. Look at our White Goods, Laces, Hamburgs, and French Embroidery, In taking account stock we find a large supply of these goods on hand which MUST BE SOLD. LINENS, LAWNS, SEAI -(SUCKERS, Ginghams, and an endless variety of summer dree ;s goods must go. Ladies' and Miacs' snulerware, Colic,; a?iu Cults, Lac :o G'oves, MUs, Parasols, Pearl Buttons, &c. in ah of i.iiese goods OTJS, STOCK IS X. A "RG-HS, LARGEST and MOST COMPLETE K r HnKHr M SM i'W-V 1 v jr.: MAXIJFACTUKFIIS OF Doors, Sash, Blinds, Mouldings. AX I)- BUILDING MATERIAL Established in 1S4::. Ollice ami W a re rooms, KiiiK, opposite Can non street. E. M. 1IACKEU. I'roprietor, t harlesron, S. C. Ituy direct from the Factory and save deal ers' prolits. THE STJ3ST. ' NEW YOItK, ls?4. About sixty million copies of The Ki n bar Kone out of our establishment (hiring the i&s' . t civ e mont lis. nil the eo .. umns of all Thk Sr. printed aial sol-1 last yi iV you would yet a contumoiis stripot interestu information, common sense wisdom, son doctrine, and sane wit lniijf enough to from Printing House square to the tor. Mount ('oiteiiiii us in the moon, then bacl ud ,ch of to Pi uit injj House stpiare, hihi tneii uircc-y ters of the way hack to the moon atrain. Hut Tut Sln is written for the inhabi d' the earth: this same strip of intcllii would girdle the jriube twciitv-suv twent v-eia'ht times. uar- :aats cencc n or If every buyer of a copy "f Thk Sc.v thi' jiast year'has spent only one hour c ami if his wife or Ins itrnoi'lfat her ha another hour, this newspaper in Ism; forded the human race t turtecn t holism of sready readintr. niaht arid day. It is only by little calt -illation- like tt you can form any hie.", of t he ciivi: : iti "most popular of "American newspape lis in.lueiicc "ii the opiiiior.s ;;ad at Amen. ?.".- n'i'. .men. Th;-: SfN is, aim win continue t i e ap'-:' vvaicii 1 1 a ; he tiuth wahou co:isc j u-. 'in t's. wiiicii Lets at th' fiit t tcr how much the !' ice cos; wine ; tlurinif ver it, . spent has af al years icsethat m of ; he s. or f tlolis of r III! m I re-.'ia- WlisTi' 'a the new-an .,v i-r i lie v.-orfi Wiihtiu: wortis ami in tiif most readable s is wtii kinir with its heart fur t ii In 'fe-t irov t nnierit, and which tin l.eves that the Uepubiican party m iiiu-t u'n iu ti.i ftiiiiiiiir year of ou If you know Thk Si'n", yoi,; like and you vviii read it with accustom and protit during what is sure to ! interesting year in its historv. If I'1 which i-i.iw or I'l'tole b"- !t pi, mni . I.rd. I-s;. it already, t-d dltitfCIiee tiie most yon do not .-t into 'le 'V.- -'.1 1 ,iK m , it is n :, i i e t-:. S.I , i '. -- --I e.i int.'-r. st o. : 1 V . '-. . : I;!-1V 1 n !.:, :: "it. -1 a r. .VF.KKi.V tI a Eii.t i-ia-es ,. the i-e-t mat ter of The daily i--'i ; an A n ricu it e r- ai Hepai'tnieliT of u net puled V;di;e. social market ii'H-, and iiten: rv , scientih.-, and nn-sf.e intv'llijreiice lauke l nr. ; i:kk l.V M .". tl.e nt-wsimiH i- for tiie farin.-r's ; household. Cilll': "L tcu nun .;i"i. mi en ' llfv, Adlrt3 l. W. EXCLAJ. , I. Put risher. . Tm$ . a-,v. X. V. City. llrfilllllSfcifeiT FACTS I REDUCTION a Son s, Shoes Clothing r:i- .X3 -g" G-ood-S. Vlttitl )M itiiGEBO & SUN. 111 rfnii Priisf Brib. t..)3t, Spiciest and Most Reliable Con: orcia; Uciwcr in Boston. u V(iM'''li-m;; Me'litun As a !, it n.t .era l ic .! m; i nal it .itihei's with te naeit ; .n ht' I ime-honoi't'il principles under theo ,k -:::u ii Hi t it vvh it'll the Ailminisl rat it .11 of Vn li v .-lacksoii was crowned with nlory, mni whit s ;i lis l i tiet ! 1 he remark iu his parting' ad tlres: ; ;c ! tt I he A merit an people prosper ous tit.i Uippv. 'I'iie Pot i.evcr wanders a I Icr fa '-i .-!. i o. it never sods i t s fa i r I a me I .y de sert ii'-v I in- Iu tida ni'-ata I prineiples ol t he iem oer ,t , let ,i. Its ii i -tt I i- I a i ill on 1 lie sol ill v.L. ol'l 'nt It nl Ion. a ii ,1 i s k ,i : nd and i in per is ha die as t he ton n tly lion - i.i iviiich it rests. Hut iu all ils discus si mis it perfect freedom . I opinion, a i,i i it ;. I s us t p loiien ts with a cat ho I ic spirit, v orthy a candid and impm in.: aueaiitlu. 1 Siilim'i'tn l;;j I iiioiiize courtesv with hone.-ly i uid tnltdiiy. !u its clstinctive characteristics it never s;"mT higher with its political friends ; tlti-ou'hiiit the I'nion, or with theputiiiciiL i liirj;v. t lain iitiv . Daily S9 per annum in advance. ; Will lie scut on trial :i months for free -,f 5 Mistype . ' lidst'Mi S-taAVeekly Post, Mondays ami ' Thurt'ln vs. isif )H'rnnnum in iitlv nnee. tiirtdii WeeJily Post, Weekly, Fridays, J1.IX) at yesv in advance. ' Eost PuiiLisiir.M; Co.. PiiMisheir, Post liuiltliny. Milk Street. The Philadelphia Times. 1 88-1. THE PHILADELPHIA TIMES, 1.Ss4. Tin: Ti.miis will enter upon tlie new year f.tini:(."'r nii'l iiKirc proseroiiM than ever be fore in its history more widely read ami quoted, more heartily commended, and more tiercely ci itici.eil, with a more complete or ganization, urn! an nble ssotf of contributors and with the same independence ami fearless ness that has made it successful and powerful in the past. Thk Ti.mks has no parfv to follow, no candi dates to advance, but w ill meet every issue, uh it has ever (lone, with consistent dev otion to the riiriit. to honest government, and the pub lic welfare. And. while inaiiita inimr its. josl tion as t he leading journal of Philadelphia, it will aim to be continually in the iidvuucJ in all that can add value to a newspaper. The value of a newspaiier is not in its size or display, but in the iritellitrence ami care, the conciseness and freshness with which it is edited. Thk Times f-pends lavi-hly for news from all parts of the world, but h 11 its dis patches are carefully edited ami condensed, in order to jr:vc the complete news of the day in the most concise and uuract i veshape, and with it a l :i ire variet y of cntertuinaix mid instruc. ive ! eadiiiiT. The Ik st writers at home and a'oroH-1 are employed to clinch its columns, in i t i i'j; ae it a j ci ::;' 1 ad. pte.l to the bu -y man a i. 1 Oi t he l..'isur- of the home cir :, a vs , 'iconic vis tor to mrelii-.-iit and noni-st citizens of eery lOiitieal, iciigious and social t.!-t Tin; Vi'i kki.y TntKS is e!toretlier 'afferent In -in the weekly lit-u .-papers of twenty years i: .'(. 'I he day of those papers huve vrone by. Tlie teleiii-apii ami Irf-rter local newspapers i vervwhere, esix cially in the thrivinjr ccutr-s of rural population, have made the old weekly tiict l'opoa.tau newspaix-r unsatisfying. Those that t-linir to Their ancient usaRi-s have lost their hold on our forw ard-inovimr p-oph-; they are tut shadows of their former r at ness, ninl they in--, e ur a shrdow- .f t tiei;-lor'eer -wer. '; !:..( p..t :: have l.a.! tl.eii i;si fi:aiess, but it - h they i.t- vmsr, too. n - :.- : - - i .' . :i. a v.- - j t , "" ' : t : ' t a'- i , :. ' '- ,i. , - . . ;,. i . : I , ( r '" ' ' ! lev .- I . - i.i-r., ,ir j.-. Tee-- to .. e . e at !: , an -.-t-s ;t before tl.. ic .;. -a -i.t O v ; -a per n 1 i-i -1 ; n t as won 1 a e a-a i ii i.s all t vver.t v v corsao. DAil.V- Twelve cents a wick, lilt v cents u im ir ' h. .-i. a yea r, t wo ci nt- a copy. M'NHAY- Four ivms eoj v, :i year. WEEKLV- ne copy, j-' a year ; liv'e copies, ?S a vi';ir: ten copies. SI.", i. vfi.r- t v ...n- To , its s, a vear, with ( lie coi.y'lrce to the iretter- li o ji e ci V ClU 1 1. THE TIMES, l'UILAUKLI'llIA.