Newspaper Page Text
cox vkti ox kciio i;s. A Few Points About the Situation at I Chicago. Chicago, July 1. The portraits of Thomas Jefferson. Stephen A. Douglas, ;.'-C u. an l ii rati' lit: :.'.-o to .f lorn the ilenwrat; convention hall. Festoons of red and blue bnntinj will le suspended along the entire length i of the gallaries, and taken up in thirty eight different places by shields bearing the arm.s of the various states. The committee on decoration wanted to put Jlr. Tilden's portrait up with the others after his letter of declination was pul lished, but he was finally shut out on the ground that he was a possible candidate. A great quantity of the decorations used by the re-publicans will bo employed in making the hall presentable. D. L. ( Jib Itons, of New York, a slim young man, beardless and wearing well-fitting clothes and eye-glasses, is here as the advance agent of Roswell P. Flower's boom, and he is holding fourth in fine parlors at the Grand Pacific Hotel. Ho said this morning that though he had been in Chicago only a few hours, he had learned to his great surprise, that the people out here thought that G rover Cleveland had the New York delegation nearly solid. As a matter of fact, Mr. Cleveland had only 32 of the 72 delegates, while Mr. Flower had 30. The remaining 10 were divided between Bayard and some other candidates, but were all anti-Cleveland men. Mr. Gibbons said that, personally, Johh Kelly favored Bayard, but he and his friends would support "Flower first, last and all the time when it came to a New York man. The leaders of the Flower forces, he said, were Gen. Lester B. Faulkner and Senator John C. Jacobs. He did net think Mr. Flower would bo here during the convention. Vicissitudes of Poker. The game of poker has had its vicissi tudes. What, with the well intentioned people, who would stop all card playing on the one hand and the unfair players on the oth. r, poker has had much to do to retain a respectable standing in the worst society. It was in the early days of California that it suffered most, and if it had not been for the wisdom of a cer tain San Francisco board of supervisors, it would undoubtedly have had to suc cumb to ad verse circumstances. Indulg ed in by new-comers to the. Pacific coast, with minds untrained in the value of cer tain hands, there was soon a hopeless confusion and corruption of the great ;;:inic which the loird saw could only he i ii vh.icii t !.! l' . 'vhi; '.: as follows: "Eerv person who. at the game of 'poker,' or who, on betting on a hand of cards, as a "poker hand.' shall by c! lim, pretense or representation that three or four cards of the saure suit shall beat three aces, or t hrees of any kind. ii'. t nn o taUe anv lnnrii I'roj eiuy or a!u;ill!' tlMh;:. with iiUcni ; (le!'r;niM, r. 1 1 ; 1 1 1 !.( (Lvnu'il .tiilt;. mis- (ieiiieaiier and shall le luinishei! accord ingly." - - - - She Asked Too Much. 1 et roit Free Pres. As they were leaning over the jate lie whispered to her that their married life would he one lone; honeymoon, lie hoped to die if he would ever do or say anything to cause her one moment's unhappinesi-, "We'll live in a cottage?'' she asked. "Yes'" "With a lawn in front?" "Yes, a nice lawn." "And w'll play croquet?" " l -e-b. "And you'll let mo leat you every time?" He was silent. His breast heaved and lie clutched the gate withtiron grip. "Go hence; you do not love iue!" she screamed at him. "I know you'd move your hall and lie alout going through the arches. Good-night, forever?" He looked after her until the frontdoor slammed, and then he turned away with the remark: "It was a narrow escape for me. Thank heaven that the tie is broken!" Breaking It Gently. Philadelphia Call. Young Wife My dear, you were the stroke oar at the college, weren't you! Young Husband Yes, love. "And a very prominent member of the gymnastic class!" "I was the leader." "And quite a hand at all athlecic con tests?" "Quite a hand?" My gracious? I waa the champion walker, the best runner, the head man in lifting heavy weights, and as for carrying! why, I could shoul der a barrel of Hour and '' "Well, love, just please carry the lu by a couple of hours: I'm tired." Sims, the London dramatist, says he made $160,000 last year. The legislature of Guadalajara, Mexico, has freed from taxation all small home steads belonging to widows, minors and tinmarried women. There are over TOO light-houses and twenty-five floating light stations on American coasts and rivers, supported at a ye:u'!y cost of :"rl.v'.).i,f'-' i.::i;.; ui rhe R, v. -en t'.. ,;.vr. cf Aj-5eri--:vj is .-; ;rr. lyir.c:, stretthinj: the truth to the or iiiotio" help oilier people out of UNalle. 3Ir. Cileries A. Dana, of the New York Sun, says he votetlfor Mr. (iredj in 1S7', for Mr. Til.len in 1S7G, for Gen. llane.vk in 1N-0, ami expec ts to vote this fall for the candidate of the democratic convention. THE IVLoinebgio-e JPJcLSbJOJOcL&bCZzy ESTAHLISIIED '! --ri !;:: ':i ...v i-hLoii bnubb! triLOn RE LIVID DAILY AT A-cHsienr-m stun. & Jeiclso:rx's IMIARMACV. All orders tilled promptly and at bottom prices. PRESI RIPTK Ns com pounded at nil hours by experienced lriitrjfisits. AV3I. .T. WINKGAU jJoii'riil IiiinJviisy; liiii-lue!- rFrii iiiK't'!. Uuy and !-"ll Irlici IxOm ii jjf v.. CoiTesjxtiHlcuts: York I-"Iir-t tiontil IJniiK; KountKC Itrs., Itoton; Iavei'k'k National KISS! E E T. II. ASItUItY, Paesident. HAMILTON DISSTON, Vice-President. QAH ACHES CHOICEST! LOCATIONS FOU RESIDENCE AND CULTIVATION OF ZUUjUUU rang-es. Lemons, Pineapples, IJanannus, Crn'oanuts, etc., in the counties of Orange, Brevard, Sumter, Polk, Hillsborough, Manatee and Monroe. Hold in Qtumtitiojs to frSuit Buyoix. Prices $2.a0 to $10.00 per acre, according to locat ion and quality. KISSIMMEE CITYfKJCsV. W. T. Special Master's Sale of Real Estate. Under and in pursuance of a decree of the Circuit Court of the Fifth Judicial Circuit of Florida, in and for Putnam county, made on the 24th day of May, A. 1). 18S4, in a certain cause icndinfir therein, on the chancery side of the court, wherein Augustus Monroe is com plainant and John H. McLean, and Edward S. Crill an the assignee of McLean & Hro.. defend ants, I will as the special master, named and jpointed therein, offer for sale to the highest liidder for cash, on Monday the 7th day of Ju Jv, A. D.. lsst, in front of the front door of the Court House in the city of Palatka, Florida, ln'twcen the usual hours of sale, the following descrilHid real estate in Putnam county, Flori da, via: The s w J of the n e 4 of sec. 'M 1 10 s r 'St e, with the exception of twelve acres ef the SHine bclongrnifr to S. tiraham, conveyed to him by said John II. McLean, anil the descrip u,i i,i , Ij ich is sot fort h in bill of complaint "led i.i i.iid cause. Purchasers to pay kr tcciij. Jos, E. i'.Ai.mviN, Secial Master in Chancery. In Chancery. In the Circuit Court Fifth Judicial Circuit of Florida, Putnam County In Chancery. James J. Montgomery, Complainant ) Suit for VS. r iTary A. MontK-omery, Defendant. ! Divorce. It apieari!i,r to the court t hat the hill of com plaint was duly tiled in this case and aii'niavit made and tiiedth.:t Mary A. Montomeiy the !( fendiint, reside-, bejorid the limits of the Jitateof Florida, but in o;h of t he L'nited Slates, il is therefore ordered that the said Mary A. Montgomery, defendant, do appear and answer the said bill on the First Monday in Septeitilter, A. D. ls.-'t. otherwise the complainant's bill will be taken pro confesso. V ,1. I 'i i: w !tT, !':v'; i '.i Ci.i::-t. ' Mo; ;-i ? ;-: ':-!: ': -' -; v ?:,::n (VUii:v,.'.;l; .1 .l ii. l ii ' 'i. v-U.t oi' i 'I.,.-:;;.:, -iiiiiies W. luilx.-rts'iii, Compii. j I . ; , Xoir.iMTi H. Chamberliu, In Chancery, j tirv Ettie hainl'iiin, i DeftS. J ! It appearing by ail'nlavit, to the satisfaction of the coi nt, I ha I ttie said defendants reside: i ;it of tl;i' said -t !i J tidicial t 'iivuit of Kloriiia, :n'He-oed t! lim l o! -..sid Sr:.t. ,v .U.i .-I -:i ;i : -I . Ni'iia.:;. : ! ie ( r. .tl 1 1 i ici'i in. ii' oi cuiro'aiiH. hied love cause, on or i i. Ir.i !.:: ;; .11 ain lllS IT till' bib il.l i:i:i.'tf. ill t he i !iv I he com 1x1 1 ire t he lill! day oi October o .il l wise snid lull shall betaken as onfesseii. L i.- fur ther ordered that a copy of this order be pub lished in the Palatka, a newspaper pub i lulled w it Inn said Pit t h.l udicial ( 'ircilit, where in said mortgaged premises arc situated, once vi every week, tor at least four months betore Si.iid lith ditv oi October 1SS4. Dated May :lst, ISM. Hy ihc Court. Lse.m,. 1V. F. Fouw.::i, Clerk Circuit Court, t'.u.noi'.v, Gn.i.ts & Cai.hocn, Cmpt's Solicitor, Notice of Incorporation. iv AirTnoi;rrv of an act of the 1) Legislature of the State of Florida, enti tled "An act to provide for the Incorporation of Itailroads and Canals," approved February l!th, lsl-i, and the acts amendatory thereto, notit-e is hereby uriven that a company has been formed under the name of the Ht. Ant4it ii aiil Inlatlv Cmiiil rrrtniciiortntlii to bo invested with all the rights, powers, pri vileges and franchises conferred upon compa nies formed under said act, for the purpose of const met intf, maintaining: and operating a canal and vessels of various kinds for the transportation of icrsoiis and property within the State of Florida. The main line of said canal shall extend from a H)int at or near Tocoi. on t he St. Johns river, to some point at or near St. Augustine, and from the channel of said river to deep wa ter in the Atlantic ocean, and said canal shall utilize the waters of the St. Johns river to gether with the waters of Moultrie creek in St. Johns county, Florida, on the East, and those of Deep Creek on the West end oi" the propos ed canal. Dated June 1st, 1S84. J. K. ItAINEY, H. Ii. fiAKNKTT, J. S. Cowuos. In Chancery In the Circuit Court Fifth Judicial Circuit of Florida. Putnam County In Chancery. Amanda Hrown Complainant j()r John Browii Defendant. S Divorce. It appearing tothe court that the bill of com plaint was duly tiled in this ease and affidavit made and tiled that John Brown the defend ant resides beyond the limits of the State of Florida, but in one of the l'nited States, is in the State of Georjria, it is therefore ordered that the said John Brown do appear and an swer the said bill on the First Monday in Sep tember, A. D: l.ssi.othcrwiscthecoTiiplainant's bid will be taken pro contVsso. V.'m. Fokwaiso, 'h i k Circuit Court. Wm. Thompson, Compiainai .' , So'icitor. In Circuit Court. ruTnam County Fifth Judicial Circuit of the State of Fiord.i. In Chancer v. 1'. Crawford ) s. - Bill for Divorce. Tamar J. Crawford It ai'iuarinn by the affidavit of the com plainant tiled in the above cause that the de fendant resides out of, and lieyond the limits of the State of Florida. to-wit."in the State of Michigan. Now therefore it is ordereil that the defendant Tamar. I. Crawford, do apiear p. ml answer the said complainant-; bill for di vorce tiled asrainst her in our mi id court on or b-d'ore the fir day f S-ite!uK'r. A. I. 1-st. ' :'.v , K! ;. ( 'n-cuit 'ourt. NOTin- TO TAX PAYKRS. rJ"Iir. UNDERMINED W!5.1. EL AT W,. I latka Flection Uistrict, N. S on M"i v', lar 5th. and remain deriiiir the wn'Ii en. in on Saturday the luili., for the luirpose as of a sessimr the State and County Tax for the year A. 1). InM. All tax pacrs wi.-hing tax blanks will ph-ase call at either the oilice of clerk of Circuit Court or Tax Collector, where thev wiil tiud tliem. J.W. WOOUS, Tax Assessor Putnam County. 'on; ii 'r -1 - Dhuuo! i i l.Oi ; u: ; wi C0 I A CO., I5.VTVTC 1 LAND COMPANY. Ij. W. K LA Hit, Treasurer. T. W. PAL-MLU, Sec retary. 2W to $500 to $500 FOI 1 15 Tuf-i, MatuiRcr, Jacksonville, Flu. P. CUNNEELY. IMPORTER OF FineWines,Liquors Acker, Merrall & Co.'s Clioi! 15niiils of Imported Segars Billiard and Bowling Parlors Attached Wateh Street, PALATKA, FLA. ' 'i li, if Ala f -a GEORGE E. WILSON, i:it nt,' No. 15 West Bay street, JACK SOX VI LLK FLOH I DA. jac: TAMPA & KEY WEST RAILWAY THE' "GEM CI1Y" ROUTE. THE ONLY ALL KAIL LINE TO ORANGE PARK, MAGNOLIA, GREEN COVE SPRING & JACKSONVILLE. Three Hours Quicker to Jacksonville Than by any otherj inc. BBOAD GAUGE, STEEL RAILS, AIR BRAKES, FIRST-CLASS EQUIPMENT. 1) rPUAINS; RUN AS FOLLOWS: -L ooim; soi'tu. Jacksonville W.5ta. m. 3.:io p. m. OranirePaik tO.'.Vi " 4.041 'a;iii'a lu.5i " 4.::T i . ifeli t "o e Spi insr 1 Li4 " (-.4 " West Tocoi U:4tl " 5:15 " Palatka Mip.m. 5.5.5 " (JIHMi NoltTll. Palatka 10::5a. m. 4:15 p. m, Florida Sou. Jtmc. .10:45 4:-' " West Tocoi 11:: " 5:es " Green "ove Sprinir 11:50 ' r:'X " MaKtiolia UA " 5:4n Orange Park 1::JI p. m. 8:il " Jacksonville 1:00 " ti:45 " THE ST. JOHNS' RAILWAY MAKES DIRECT CONNECTION At Wer-t Too!. find from Sr. An'j'f :n'. L::: : !":ov ; ...I p. -- : - !. ; ;- P;l: -. A." r- Z 1I'T P.A LANCED OU AIMIVT: IN strict conrideiue, by W3I. G. 3IOATKS, Expert accountant. Practical instructionain Iiookkecpiug. Dct ot- references. Apply at tins ouice. aiatiiEDciilViiQS SIX-COLUMN NEWSPAPER PIBUSHEl) A PALATJvA, FLORIDA, FIVE DOLLARS PER ANNUM 'piIE IMPORTANCE OF PALATKA ASA trade distributing point and railway center, and its magnificent location at tb head of ! ocean navigation on the St. Johns, and in the i j midst of a charming' farininK and fruit produ- cin- section, renders it a natural focal point j for the news of the Peninsular, and affords i the opportunity to make it what it is pro nounced by the press to be, a first-class news paper, both in its make-up and in the charac ter of its collated news. 'i'e .. ' - I'le w die I will bo . ' v. ,'. id sicadfast in its . :i. ;;!. c x. : ; .. i i. of that party, . - ' - . . ::. i: . .- s '. i.'vf.- rnd .... T . ft - l ill .-. I. i . -.7-. a mi ... Both the National and State Campaij; ns are to lie wajfed. Towards the settlement of the momentous political issues they involve. THE E W S will jfive its untiring efforts to Influence pul lic opinion for the liest interests of the people. To do this more effectually, the editor will at ooce begin the publication of The Weekly Mews A folio 43-column paper, equipped with too currnet news, or a complete digest of the hap penings of the week. This publication, at the price of ONE DOLLAR we hope to introduce into every household in : this section too remote to be reached by our j Daily. j We urge our friends, both in and out of PutnV o u-!tv. to aid i: in t'-.o distribution A to :ie .:-.! ter-up : i-- r M ii iier thj Daily r . v.-k ,v t Address all correspondence, to :THE PALATKA DAILY NEWS, L. MEYER, "'ater Street, - - w ' iet..;i Paints, Pa: liter's ci'pp'i; i, Fkad !V XC IV. r.tS -:r;: . i ; i j , . o ... : ! U.i. LL.:"u h f-ct Eu-y i Vmr a prac: I.':'! : .nte a:..; . i , 1 tt wiii mm! i uial oi'.e a;i: .f ;u :n ': v n - a a: An Unadulterated Natural Guano, imported direct into Savan nah, Ga., from the Orchilla Islands in the Virr'i'niv.n Sc, I) Tro vers, Snead & Co., of Richmond, Va. We are new offering this High Grade Fertilizers to the Planters and Orange Growers of Florida, feeling confident that it is just the thing they need, hav ing stood the test side by side with the best Fertilizers in the market for a number of years, and continues to grow in popu larity wherever it is used. OUDEUS PROMPTLY FILLED AND INFORMATION lVHXISHF.n ON APPLICATION BT H. II. ltOYALI. V CO., Importers Apents, Water street, PALATKA, FLORIDA. DiSSTON PURCHASE-4,000,000 Acrs P rflDA LAND AND IMPROVEMENT COMPANY. HAMPTON DISSTON, President. J. J. DUNNE, Vice-President. -o- LANDS FOR SALE AT GOVERNMENT PRICE OF $1.25 PER ACRE. IN I1LOCKS OF NOT LESS THAN HI NOR MORR THAN fUO ACRES WITHIN SIX MILES OF RAILROAD LINE, PRICE $2.50 PER ACRE. nPHESE LANDS INCLUDE ALL VARIETIES OF UPLAND AND LOWLAND AND ARB 1 adapted to trnnjfes. Ix-monn, Limes, Pine-Apples, ilnnannn. Sntrnr-Cane, Erly Vegetable etc., and are chiefly in the counties of St. Johns, Volusin, Urpvnrd, Ornnye, Sumter, lw Hernando. Hillstxiroiigh. Polk. Manatee nnd Monroh. Our Lands are scliintr rapidly. Thouwinds of settlers hre located on them during- tk imI six nionlhti. Do not delay if you want them t present Low Prices. Stock of this company Trill bo received at $45.00 per share in payment for land located In compact bodies of 040 acres or more. For further information apply at the offlc of the oo- I'Hiiy. "V. V. VOHBKH, Land Commissioner, JactsonTllle, ria. - - -- - - - - - - J 19SX A. & G. C. ft, and Okeechobee Land Co. !!. r, !tKV. Pres' J. M. K!iE. PUP i 'v.j. e p-lie I. i id- t.vt ra,.e Piairic .nul i' Lands ),:;ke and iiivei J'ronts Mii;ar Lands For For For F r Th Lands oi tiiis t.'onr.pany are specially adapted to the Culture of Tropical iTtdta. Rice. ir Cane, etc., sind ure Kenoraliy nercsMbleby stenm navigation. V". "I. FOni'.ES, Land Commissioner, Jacksonville. Fla. Florida Southern llnilnv. i . I . - ! 'i - ' .Ke Ar I.. ; .(, N' ii '.- il. STATIONS. Mill. Aei. '., 'tn Lv Lce'oliri.' mi A M , ".:' ; M A r South W.dr... : '.::! " " " North l-ike "eir j r.:.",il " S:"i " " H a'a i T: " h1::;', " Ri-d.iiclis ; suit " l:.':4: e M " Locl.liie I H:K " ' 1:20 " " Mii-anopv j i::10 " " Oruelle I S:r,;.' " , " Wail's Crowing I ':J i:4s " " Tnterlat lien , !:."iil ' ' U:U4 Ar Palatka ! I0::5 ' i " TRAIN'S ARRIVE AT C. A I N KSVILLF. From I'alatka, i J:iii a M Oca la and i l:i::i e m iA-esburg, 4:iH" From Mioanopy 7:t" A M '"TRAIN'S IdCA VE! A IN ESV I LLE. For Palatka, I P:H) a m Ocala and f ll:i) r m iA-esburif. ii:'! r m For Micanopy 5:tt i M and and MICANOPY. Train leaves at fi:rtfi a m Train arrives at S:10 p u Firt-c!as car through from Pulatka tc Gainesville on all trains. CONNECTIONS. At Palatka with Jacksonville, Tampa Ji Key West Ry, fast river steamers for St. Au gustine, Green Cove Springs, Jacksonville and all oints North, Kast and West, and with uj river steamers for South Florida. Also with the Twin Screw Iron Steamer "City of Palatka," lor Charleston, New York, Ronton, Philadelphia, etc. At Wait's Crossing with Peninsular Railroad for Waldo. At Gainesville with Transit Railroad for Cedar Key, Pensacola, New Orleans and Tam pa. At Ocala with Transit Railway and Hacks for Silver Springs. At Leesburg with boat on I-ake Harris for points on Lake and along St. Johns and Lake Eii?ris Railway. Also with Grnhiim's Hacks for Lirooksvili-.?, Smitten ille and ail points in South Florida. S. CON ANT. JAS. D. HOLLISTER, Oeneral Manager. Sui crintendeiit. O. W. HROMWELL. G. T. F. & P. A. "keuka and orange spring TRANSFER COMPANY A TEAM WILL LEAVE KEUKA FOR France Spring every morning on arrival of '' T ;,'. it t v;,in framP;.' i.0.'' Vm. for th" ; i: x'- r- KEUKA AND ORANGE SPRING Ti'AN.-Fi I ! CO M PA N V. I At Keul-.a, P.jtnr.m Co., Fia. C. A. LOP EZ S: CO.. ats at Ora :ige Springs. For Sale. qWO CONE PULLEYS, (one a Fplit pullev. 1 three inch face, four Btep3, from ten to flf 1 teen inches diameter. Apply at milo OFFICE Palatka, Florida. d.'iilor in all kinds of -J .3, V, ' ':? Load, Linseed V . - .1; ' li .. Llllbnl. ,v -A v' ',CU;'-aJ4i?, Wall Paper ..... r.,:!,. v if. 1 r. '' ' xin;r and ie j .nirs- I ini.x . ' i; ied ..(.t ;, w i, j jtfrS 1- i' t-r Ol e !;) inii, ,1 ,t Pjir- i r is thut : .e i: ,m d 1 . : n,'y 1.. M I'TI-iK. , .', AND T. IT. ASni'llT, Troanurr R. SALINGER. SecrUry. VEP, H AMILTON DTSSTOV, Tre. '. - ' i ' M : '".It, Hr rctiirv. t'.S; $ l.M per at l.M per arre $5.W to er acre IKKircr kcr Savannah, Florida & TV'estrn Rjr 1 A II trains of this road are ruri by Cen V 1'idiitin fi.:e. which is minuiTg i i J:i. n 1 imo. 1 H, , 1 1? i i .'. is m S' - : I In -i d.". !.'. V Hi. I o.;i,,-, I ',.. . 'ha!!. I'.O.. . .Vi'.tl and A:i:.i,i .e '-hill'o.r! dai!. Oh . :(.:. If. ; Nioi.ile. New ( il n'Snn, 'i en;i -.,iid un ti. ?-A,it.. i si-iippi point-. Pill mi l n Lul'.r-t and : i eping ! ";uv - .ii i:,.iii, .la k.-oi.-. ille to pensact-ia, : Mobile Ulid N. w Orleans. i FAST MAIL. I Leave Jack-' m v i!ie da: iy at.. Arrive at bo Usi.n iile daily at . ; Arrive at allahan daily :t. . . . : Arrive at V'i;yci' l dad j Arrive ai Jessup daily ai Arrive at Savant id datjy st. .. t:.V) p m J -.10 p m I:!!) p m 5: !i p m h:.'- I p rrl -.r, . m '.: ..! t.l Arrive at tiara '-l :i rt : I A rnif it p i(sl i 1 1 ' ' . I '. I ., dyily it..i I:m: p m ! Arrive at New York i'.uiIj it f,:U u m i l.'onnecting Ht W ycro-s with ikrongln PuJl- man Palace jiuffet and Dmwing Room Plrep ing Cass, aycis to New York wtthont chanire. j.a( rson vii.i.f nxrusa. Leave Jacksonville daily at ft:3fi p m Arrive nt Jacksonville daily at S:fiO a m Arrive nt Callahan daily at fl:?0 p in Arrive at Waycrors daily at U:m p ta Iviavc Gainesville dally at. :I5 mx Leave Ncwiia nsville Oaily at. . S:.77 p in Iiave New Ri ad ford daily at f :C0 pm icave Live Oak daily n p m Arrive at I nipont daily nt 1)2:10 an Arrive at Albany daily nt 2:25 an rive nt Je.up dull' ut Il:d5 p ra arrive at Macon daily at 7:00 Arrive at Atlanta daily at U:2ft p aa Arrive at Cliattanoop'a daily at pm Arrive at Nashyille uailr at .., 1:16 a i Arrive at Iouisvtile daily at 7:N a m Arrive at Cincinnati daily at, 7:00 a Arrive at Chicago daily at 6:10 p ra Arrive at St. Louis daily at fl;20 p n Arrive at Savannah daily at S:S0 a m Arrire at Augusta daily at 11.10 p ns Arrive at Charleston daily at 11:41 p aa Arrive at Washington daily at 10:2fl a ra Arrive at New York daily at 4:30 p in Arrive at Thomasrilie daily at 8:46 a Arrive at Albany daily at 11:30 a at Arrive at Montgomery daily at ?:67 p i Arrive at New Orleans daily at :90 a u Arrive at Nashville daily at 8:10 a in Arrive atl-ouisville daily at E:ofl p in Arrive at Cin. inuati dai;y at 7:tff. p m Arrive at St. Ioms dnily at 7:!W a la Arrive at hkajio ilaily at :fl a m Pullman Palate Jiuffet and Drawing Room Sleepinir Cars on this Train to Washington. Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars, Jacksonrilla to Savannah. Pullman Sleepinc Cars on this Train to Louis ville ria ThoraasviTle. 1'ullman Hotel and Weeping Oars on tkla Train to Cincinnati rla Savannah. A Restaurant has been op:ned at Tfaycrosa, and abundant time will be allowed for Biasvls by all passenffcr trains. Connecting at Savannah with steamen for New Y'ork, Philadelphia, Boston aad DalC more. at Charleston with steamers fr New York, Philadelphia and Baltiniora. Trains on R. and W. R R. leave Junction, goiiiif west, at 12:10 p. m., and for Brunswick at 12:10 p. m., daily. 'Ihi" :--h tics.-ts sold t a'.l pofnts Yr Ball ?-'..: ''"ri"" -i'.tts. tr.& Th.vm tra i '' :u .:. , i : . '. i ..t . .IA- b. Ta f.OH, General Pasdcngor Agent A. M. IVES, Agent. TV 12 MAEKBT. I HAVE JUST OPENED A firt-cl.iM Jleat Market, and keep cfiwthuaU ly on band a supply of fresh beef, pork, ponU t ry. and veiretables in season. Goods delivered fro.-. Give me a trial is ail I ask. C. H. WIG C , cor. Lemon & 3rd. ta.