Newspaper Page Text
COKRESPOXDEXCE Solicited on all interesting topics throughout the State. Ve will oe cs peciauy jrrao.1111 ou .11 local items of interest to the public. News ! sent by wir should lx: abbreviated when pnic- i ticable, hik) sent atter e o ciock, p. in., annies.s- -edto PALATKA DAILY NEWS. I public. VGEXTS EOH THE XEWS. The following gentlemen are the authorized geilt. ot THE 1'AUTKA 1JAII.T ami ir.r.jvii Kews, in their several localities: TV. 0. DeWitt, San Mateo. W. :. Valentine. .Nashua. C. S. Packard, Wclaka. It. f. Hard, Norwalk. J K Marshall, Fruitland, Fla. .J 1 McCallum, Oi-anpe Mills, Fla. A. J!. Hart left, Ceoretown. Daniel Darling-, Drayton Island. H. E. Hitfloy, Luke Georjre. J. L. Bin ton, Crescent C ity. J. C. Strickland, Interlachen. A. Munroe.'McMeekin. Wm. (J. liraddoek, Seville. J. Ss. Cowdon, St. Ausrustine. H. A. Vorelbach, Melrose. Charles Moore, Lake Worth, Fla. PALATKA, FLA., JULY G. 1884. Tins Jally News Can be purchased at, F. C. COCIi KANE'S NEWS STAND, at tho Post Ollice. Tlie Neww OHlfo. The office jf The Daily News id located on Water street, in the new building next to Keid's general store. DAILY WEATHER ItEPOKT. The thermometer at the Moraine Pharmacy retf'stered yesterday 76 degrees at 7 a. in.; Wj dugees at li m. and 71 degrees at 6 p. in. BOARDING -AT-THE WOOLSEY HOUSE. An attractive home. Wm. F. Forward's ice house is always fully supplied and ready to meet any demuud made for the best Lake Ice. Millinery Goods. Mrs. J. A. Smith is sel ling her entire stock of Millinery Goods at greatly reduced rates and invites the ladies to call early and get bargains. Use Odenta for the teeth, prepared only at the Putnam Pharmacy. Baltimore Hay, Grain, etc., arriving all the time at Forward's Grain Depot, llrick. Lime. Cement, etc., alva3's on hand. Prices low una goods always lirst-cluSs. An instant and permanent cure for Neural gia, Sick and iNcrvous Headache and till ner vous pains: Take a teaspoonf id of Jordan's Joyous . I ulep as per directions on bottle. In painful menstruation it acts like majrie. If one dose relieves you instantly don't stop tak ing till you are permanent ly cured, price ."ile. For sale by druggists in Palatka and else where. wis TheFlohii'V Hood's KritEKA Prepared expressly for this climate. Attliis s-ason in this climate a perfect household pan acea. It prevents malaria, cures biliousness, relieves constipation and keeps you heaiihy and well. To tit;' business m.iii it is hivuhni ble. Simply t:' !o-; !oe when 0:1 !'t hi;'.'." I ami you will no! b.tve to l:y ;ip. b-n can ;it tond to buMite-'s and c.if iv' v-"i '.',hf and ?n in?iiny soil of ve.t:l;er. t . sa le i y ' Mi;.- : -. In Pulatka an 1 c' ';. m ;. '. The Haunktt Uors;;, Svvannah. Visitors to Savannah. (!u.. will lind the Harnett House a comfortable and desirable stopping place, where the uniform excellence id' the table js a subject of general remark, while the price is only $:J per day. Chicago National Hotel He porter. Furnished Rooms the coolest and most desirable in the city. Apply at this otlice. THE FOURTH IX PALATKA. A Quiet Holiday Fn, joyed ' Ciii.i'iis. hy Our The Fourth of July was very gener ally observed in Palatka as a holiday. At 11 o'clock all the business houses in the city, except the drug stores and sa loons, were closed, and the merchant and clerk, the mechanic and laboring man, proceeded to enjoy the day in a manner as seemed to them lest. A number of people from the country came to town in the morning, but beyond the occasional rattle of firecrackers hy ''Young Ameri ca," there was nothing more than usual to interest them. The temperance convention met at the courthouse at noon, and lalored in the cause they hold paramount to almost ever other issue. The small boy was up bright and early with his fireworks, and the pop ;ind fizz of the firecracker could be heard at in tervals throughout the day, and when night arrived and the Roman candle and rocket were brought out, he way in his seventh heaven. In the afternoon the Gem City Guards turned out for drill, and the handsome the company makes in neat uniforms and with bright guns, and the remarka ble proficiency shown in drilling and handling arms was a genuine surprise to all who witnessed the drill. The Guards had only drilled with arms twice lief ore. and the boys were quick and generally correct in going through the manual. If they continue to improve as rapidly in the future as in the past, Palatka will soon boast of the crack military organi- zation in the south. Xearly all the afterrnxm tho river was doited by sail and row boats, and their occupants seemed to Ret all the sport possible in such recreation. In the evening, the ladies of the Meth odist church gave a festival for the ben efit of the parsonage fund, at which tho young people had an enjoyable time, and the ladies realized a satisfactory sum of money for their efforts. consuiering tlie tact that there was no : set programme.and no public celebration y-t . j. I or gathering, our citizens spent a most ' enjoyable day, an I all fed better from j the opportunity afforded for leiaxatiou t trom business cares and wotrv. o Cont'i-vint in-g Yet. St. Louis llv-pubiican. The defiant ha. ha, which, like Job's war horse, Blame's was to fling in the face of his foes, has been thing -into his own face and he doesn't know what to do with it. lie has not yet attempted to confront the democracy. The sting ings and rowel ings of a handful of ene mies in his own camp furnish him with all he can do. His campaign is a defen sive one and very sorry defensive one at that. CITY NOTES. Services in all the churches today. Harry Gray is one of the most popular r,nttAffifP rlpri- in tho rnnntrv nnd is pofetotnce clerks in tlie country , and is alwaVs clever and accommodating to the The sun may shine, the wind blow, suu ,1Kt f""'' , .' ' ana uie 1101 c.u.en ua " 1L would get cooler, but it never forgets to j rain not it it knows u. The rector of St. Mark's Episcopal church. Rev. Dr. Williams, having le turned to Palatka, there will le regular services at that church to-day, to which the public are invited. Mr. William F. Forward has another vessel en route with a cargo of ice. He is constantly receiving brick, hay, grain, etc. Give him a call when in want of such things. Mr. II. J. Ireland is in charge of the business. Mr. O. W. Bromwell has an advertise ment in this merning's News, that will prove of sjecial interest to those desiring to make investments. The property he advertises for sale is valuable, and those desiring such investments would do well to call on Mr. Bromwell. The News would return many thanks to the people of Francis for the kind re ception of its representative and for the thorough enjoyment of a most pleasant day in their thriving town. Any report is made unnecessary by the full account given in our pages to-day from one of themselves. Visitors from Palatka were most couiteouslv entertained, and also return many thanks. Mr. J. C. Jackson opened his ice-housa yesterday, and is now ready to serve the public. lie celebrated the 4th of July by placing at several places on the streets blocks of ice, in the center of which were beautiful bocmets, around which the ice had been frozen. These attracted a good deal of attention, and the flowers under the clear ice made a beautiful ef fect. Look out for an advertisement of this house next week. QUEE.V OF THE ST. JOHN'S. A Xcw Boat launched to Hun on the St. John's Iliver. "We learn from the Cincinnati. Com- mercial-Gazette. tho "Queen of the St. John's."' a nev In. -it built for service on the St. John's river between Enterprise and Jacksonville, was successfully launched in that city on June 2Sth. That paper says of her: 'Cheers from lle hundreds throats on 1 ue sin !" nnott n."-.i tMe snccessuu ana i:'.-.'-!i. were resjonle l j j.-:-fieei'id i:':: ! to bv o! ier cheers ii'Oiu three dozen throats on hoard tneooat. Among those (in board w ere Mr. Frank Merton. one of her owners, and a half dozen or more la dies, one of whom. Miss Ida B. Thomp son, sister of "V. B. Thompson. Esq.. of this city, another of the owners, formally christened her as she glided into the wa ter, not by the breaking across her bow I of a bottle of wine, as is usual, but up- ! propriately baptised her with water from j the St. John's river, Fla., which she is j intended to navigate, and which was brought here for the purpose, pronounc ing distinctly and ceremoniously the fol lowing words: " 'Queen of the St. John's! May she glide right royally through the waters of the southern stream, and may prosperity bless her reign as she wields her scepter over the waters of the 'land of promise,' acknowledged, not only in name, but in fame, 'Queen of the St. John's.' 'With her colors flying and wheel re volving she sped unchecked more than half way across the river, and while lazily floating down stream with t'.ie current, was made fast to the Alex. Montgomery and towed to the foot of Ludlow street, where she will receive her boilers and machinery. "TjV Queen of the St. John's is the largest propeller ever built on a western river, with the finest model, both bow and stern, and her hull is said by experts to be the best that has been built here in thirty years. The length of her hull is 183 feet, and her length over all is 193 feet. She has 30 feet breadth of beam, to which guards 0 feet wide must be added, mak ing her breadth over all 42 feet. The depth of her hold is 7 feet. Her propell er wheel, which was made at 8 feet in diameter, with 12? feet pitch. To drive this wheel, Robert Jones &Co. will place on her main deck two boilers, 18 feet long and 38 inches in diameter, with ; iivh S-inch flues, which will supply steam j j to a pair of engines that will be located I in the hold, each with 13i-inch cylinders j ! and lG-nch stroke, which her owners lie- i lieve will force her through the water at the rate of 0 miles per hour. "By the ship inspector's measurement horcapacitv is 371. oo tons. Her timbers tire nearlv three times as large as those of the t 'hesapeake. and as no two are of the same shape, her hull is all model. It is said, that every stick passed under the closest scrutiny of Capt. Kolert Carnes, who selected enouirh to build an excel- lent boat of smaller dimensions. Her main kelson is 8 bv W inches, knuckles 0 bv 10 ii ;ch x.r timbers 4 bv 11 inches. There a-e :n h U4:l stnkes r hull CjsS bolts and ." I Sd,. ; ,l.wt,'r.1 rm-0 , ,u-,b, boat with visitors to the orange clinie.for whose accommodation she will have CO state ro4nis She will rnn from .T.-ieV- souville up the St. John's river 1G3 mile? to Enterprise." Edgar Vincent, of London, who is go ing in August to marry Lady Gladys Lonsdale, is 6 feet 3 inches tad, while the lady herself stands 6 feet in her stockings, making it literally a marriage in high life. MAYOIVS COURT. At tlie Mayor's Court yesterday morn ing, Wash Doby, London Doby and Rob ert Green were found guilty of playing cards for money, and were each lined sin ! and costs. . Knight, on a charge of disturbing ! the public peace and quiet and renting ; an officer, was fined 12 and costs- ! Alexander Holmes. charged with be ing drunk on the street? .was lined s ;tnd costs. W. Milton, on a charge of disorde conduct, was fined $1 and costs. Cuai tei ly Meet iiiy;. The regular quarterly meeting of (he Methodist church will be held to-dav. Presiding elder Fulwood is in the citv. and will conduct the services. From a note received veterdav from the Methodist pastor, Rev. B. Ley, we learn that he is still detained in Pensa-! coia o me eonunuea severe illness ot ins , sister-in-law. We hope to hear of her early recovery. j The First Arrival Tlie new and handsonn schooner ' "Red Wing," Captain Johnson, from I Pbiladelnbin. arrived hereon T-Yi.biv i bringing 450 tons of steel rails, the first to arrive for the Palatka and Indian River extension of the J.,T. el- K.W. R. R., which is now being discharged at that road's wharf. Others will follow, and before anyone is aware of it, the iron horse will speed along the banks of the St. Johns and into Sanford, giving the up-river country an all-rail con nection with the outside world. The "Red Wing," which is a new five hundred ton schooner, enjoys the dis tinction of being the first seafaring ves sel to tie to the wharves of the J. T. &K. W. railroad. The Festival. The ladios of the Methodist church gave a festival at the skating rink on Friday night, for the benefit of the Meth odist parsonage fund, which proved to be a very enjoyable occasion, and the i net proceeds amounted to a handsome sum considering the number which at- tended. The kulies had arranged the hall in a j handsome manner, and tho tables were ; beautifully decorated. The flower table ' was presided over by Misses Annis Hun- i ter and Nellie Priddy. The supper table I was in the hands of Mrs. Deal, Mrs. j Phillips and Mrs. Heath. Tho ice cream j stand was managed by Mr, ,-seigler. ! wdiile the ice Cold lemonade w;; - di-- ' pensed by pretty little Mi.--? May Ga-m,. ' Miss liarco was thechivf waiter, as!,i.-.e.'. bv the -Misses McLaury and Misses Ran- : som. tin; ITII AT FUAXCIS. How t lie Day was lm.joyed hy those who At fended the I'ic-Xic. On account of the of the weather, it wa to change the place Robert's Lake to tlx .j , unsettled condition deemed advisable of meet in-' from new mill iu ! Francis, where a good and commodious! shelter from sun and rain could be had. j The day opened up beautifully, and at 1 an early hour the people began to gather. I At 10:13 a. m., the audience was called to ' order by Mr. 1. B. Hickon'ooper. marshal of the day, who announced the program me. The old liymn "Ab hail I he power of Jesus name," was then sung and fol lowed by prayer by Rev. N. J. Tilghman, next, instrumental music by Mis Ida Tilghman. Then came the reading of the Declaration of Independence, by Judge B. F. Roberts, followed by the national air "America."' Judge Harrison was then introduced to the audience and addressed the people in a neat and grace ful speech of twenty minutes, full of good sense and practical observations. At its conclusion, the song "Star Span gled Banner"' was rendered with stirring effect by the choir. Dinner was then arranged on tables and showed not only a high development in the art of cookery, but was in great abundance also. The Rev. J. II. Thomas was requested to re turn thanks and ask the Divine benedic tion upon it. Dinner being over, an hour for conversation, amusements, introduc tions, etc., was given. At 1:30 p.m. order was called, and an organ duett by Misses Ida Tilghman and Mattie Hicken looper, with violin accompaniment bv J). L. Patterson. The Misses Sauble then j kindly consented to furnish some enter tainment which thev didverv creditablv. in a numlier of recitations and musical selections. The audience was then treat- ' ed to a number of solos, duets, songs and j humorous recitations by Mr. Will Tilgh- j man and Miss Ida Tilghman. who elicited j great applause, and along with ; tie Hickenlooper and Mr. E. L Patterson. i aro wortk.v of l10cial n"tieo vote of thanks was then taken to Judge Harri son for his able address, to Judge i.'o"' erts. to the members of ti e Francis choir, to Mr. E. L. Patteison. vi. -linist. the j Misses Sauble. and N. J. Tilghman & Co.. j for their kindness in simtting dowawork ' and giving the" use of the mill. Alogeui- ' I ''r u s a pleasant affair, and a day long to be remembered. No accident or ! disturbance ot any kind occurred to mar i .1. . .7 . . .. : - i ..u . . i . i UJ. s nijuuunii. ii .m leiiuoeu to j theirho,nes fet'lin- that U was a wdl j Ivu- I It is announced quite surcrnuously that "Wales' oldest boy, Albert Victor, is going to Heidelberg to study German, which he and the whole family already speak much better than they do English. It is the language used in the royal household, and every ore of Victoria's children speaks English with a decidedly foreign accent. orn FI5EE SCHOOLS. What an Intelligent Colored Man Has to Say on the Subject. Falatka, Fla.. Julv 4. lsSl. Editor Palatka News. I would thank you to give me space in your widely circulated paper to siyafew words m retereiue to thefree schools. I have uanv times heard it aked. 'wliv do not our free chroi accomplish more."' The great, the para mount cause why our common schools do not accomplish mote ! is to be found iu the want of interest in j them, the almost universal indifference, I the death-like lethargy which has fallen upon the great mas.-es of the people. Our legislature seems to be too ardently engaged in the great work of developing j the natural resources of the stale to de ' vote much thought to the consideration of wavs and mean., for. the develonin'' i of ils 'm(,nUl aui moral resutirces. Tlie rich, compelled to seek for their ! children in the private schools that which they iu vajn sought for in the public school, fed but Hitle sympathy for a j system which they are compelled to sup- l,u11, m ns pic-eni nmueu situation, out which has, of course, totailv failed to "t their wants. The poor even, strange as it may seem, fail to appreciate the prhilege and op portunity offered them of bestowing upon their children a virtuous and manly education, and yield grudgingly even the tune which is necessarily consumed in the effort to acquire it. Parents, who at home carefully watch the actions of their children, lest an impure word or wrong act should deli'e their mnocency. seldom if ever visit the school and give them a word, of encouragement there, while children wearied of the task in which no one save the teacher manifests the slightest, interest, look forward to the poriod of lib. ration as tho brightest I day in their lives. Such indifference, j negligence and carelessness, we are sorry i to admit is the case; but such ought not to lb1. The grand and immoitnl materials i are now forming in our common schools. which w ill subdtn or tram j ile down th:s chilly apalhy of negligen and unfe?l- iug .symp'.ithv, or they must inherit the disease by heredity, and t ravel slow gra dation up th hill of destiny. When Pa i rich Henry was advocating i he e'li'gral'oii of tlie British refugees to hi! up our country, that there might not be any idle hands, and that in unity there was strength he appealed to the hearts of his countrymen and said: "We are destined at some future date to become a gte.a a:, ; j wei i u: n; li'ni it iS left wuh w net uer we mount at ojcc to 11.., I point or v. w e ufier oui'eives to ur.ig along an uinio:.i life'esa exist ence." So s.ay I to you. parents. Lend a hand of a-istance iu advancing the in tellectual and moral capacities of tho!e whom you love. You can easily do it. Visit t'.io ischool-rooni you entourage t l Ul tll I'lli'll (Mill c nt 111 I, I dm ,,11 illHI ! . 1 1 t 1 It iT I'lllil ' I 111 I T . .! 4 I l ; I l I - il '1 I'l l,lt,.l' est in your children s allairs while at school I mean iu the development of his whole nature. Man is a Man is a three-sided i auural, and i-ided iu order not to do a oie j wo should deve'.O!) our mental, moral and physical e iua!. As a Liver of education. powers 1 cott'd say more upon this important subject, but will close by saying that if we would give as much att'Mit'oii to the perCectirg of our free school system as is bestowed u ion the local opi ion law our common schools would be an honor to our com monwealth and a blessirg to this young generat'on. T. L. M. The President has issued a proclama tion warning all settlers and intended sett'ers off what tire known as Oklahoma lands-in Indian Territory. The lands are declared to be the property of the Indi; l tribes, and all w hites w ho take possession will be removed bv force if neeessarv. To Democrats ! Folli iwin:r the rule adopte'l by the conserva tive dene n-iiii ie slate convention, I present lay mime to the voters of Putnam ns a eumii late for recommeiiilatioii to the jrovcrimr for slierill of tutd county. Very Kespeetf ally, M. '. Goonsox. Notice. .Notice is hereby iriventluit the board of pub lic instruction of I'utinun county u ii) convene at the court house in J'alatka on F'-iday the 1st day of August ls-4 at the hour of 11 o'clock a. in. tor the purjwise of examining applicants for schools and employing teachers to open public schools in this county on the 1st Mon day In September. Isst, Applications should lie make to the county school superintendent endorsed by the local trustees. j. W. SruiCKi.AMi. S -c'y IJiI. Pub. Inst, and Jv.;pt. Schools. Palatka, F!a.. July 5. isst. State of Florida, County Court for Putnam County. in lr- ma; ter ot tae estate oi Frederick I). Li uie, deceased. Notice is hereby (riven that the undersijnied has been appointed by the county court of Putnam county, Florida, administrator of the estate of Frederick I). U'lite, deceased. All persons ha viinf any demands atr iinst the es-:at-'of aii dece;i-ed are hereby notified to po-s-'Ui t!.e-;-',ie I., the . ' 1 1 ie i L:tl ed, 'vithlll I he time preset-: !-d I y ia,-or t hi s notice will be pleaded in b.e'. Wt i.i.i v K iti.t; I.r..NTV. Admit:isti.i'o.-o; t;f Km ate ot F'.-.-di.ri'k I. Le.Te. dccc;'s,..j, p.-iutki), I-lorida. FOR SALE ! UNDIVIDED HALF INTEREST IN 100 Lots in Boardman's Addition to the City cf Palatka. An undhv 2 ; mid 7. Palatka. ded half int Lvin-- .n -rest in block 2-G. 2. Lemon street, citv of An tiiniiv: l h ii-f intert-st in the Pala'lra Tm.isfer ("onipanj", det-i dolly one of the best paying invesinients in the city. Good reasons jri ven lor frf'linjr. 0. VV. BROMWELL EOBT. IR.. EEID, the .nyciLir stoke ,V 1a ,V T Iv .V, lv l Dealers in General Merchandise. A Fuli.Line of Goods Kept in Each De partment. Always give its a Call. "Wj f if S I KcAL 113313 &z ITIOSOLS p t fi t r n n a u p d IM1 All CUSSES OF REAL ESTATE BOUGHT AND SOLD. ONEY TO LOAM OH CITY PROPERTY l'ALATKA, FLOHIDA. V"EE,TI?,EES & CO. FLOUR, GRITS, CORN, HAY. OATS, BRAN, COTTON SEED MEAL &, FERTILIZERS. C.HIFFIX'S HUH K, WATKK STHFFI', I'ALATKA, FLA. All Orders Will Receive Prompt Attention and Quick Shipments Mad ZED . T. Xj if Hii Hardware. HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, ! SASH, DOORS AKD BLINDS, HARNESS, SADDLES I MIXED PAINTS rcuiflL rJ MY STOCK OF MISFITS AND ORDERED CLOTHING MUST BE SOLD W!TH5SS wrriio i r To make room for my Sl'MMKH STi K'K. No tuvvn, at the old stand, all sumui'-r, All work left A WITH ICE COLD Willi lur.; .Vt The- 1J i P m it w a Hunyadi Janos Wator on Draught, FOR G ROOERIES - 1 1 - B. C. LASS3TER, LKMOX AM) oIH) rs, lVL.Vrriv.V, IXORIDA. FOR SALE I?s THOMAS lieatifully situated bi tween the Station on j the Jacksonville. Tatiitit and K--y West. Kail- ' way and the Chun h. Masonic Mail and Public : School 1. mm. li.-ranee from Thomas Station one-half mile, (".ood pine land, iiealthv jrood ; water, jtoimI soeietv. Map recorded, ( 'leitrti- I tie. Prices reasi for funher itiforma- or address at Palatka, j tion, call at the prc-iuis 1 norma. J. W. THOMAS. Fruit F avors 1 J. O IS I I V. E DHUEUfi It E jT ZEE! f ft Si ails r. i 1 ' 1 1 U ' l"li-iiii. it ii s 'Xi :wv 1 : n aoua!iie oiler r.-fiised. My son will slay in in his charge ""ill receive hiscl. .sest at tent ion . II. AV. IvI.K 'Ii Miff. LANSING & CO. i Keep constantly on hand u eomplete stock of res CANNED GOODS -AND PROVISIONS We have now an assortment of VERY FIXE TEAS LANSING & CO., Lf.m -TKf KT, I'ALATKA, FLA FACTS WORTH KNOWING! That we have not ojen'd Hetirrinjre reposito ry for the purpose of scllinir oil a lot of cheap jrood-, but it is a fact that we ha ve oiened a re- posiffiry lor t he sale ot first-claM K'xxU, Wo nave come to yi;y and intend to make our re ooiifory a creoit- to Paint kn and old Putnam 1 eoiimy. Our stock coii-ists of ladies' cafts, la j 'i"s' ptvetons, end s;,;-ir;- ;)rid ide-b:i r t op butt; i Rie.s. ' till! i-tld e.vpres.- v, -j i; is jtlld art s of J. V. DKY'S MAKE, JACK.SOXXILLE, platform st ring witjron, 'Vatertown vroc-f-rs vvajrons. two-iors- irearin,'-, lumix-r jreaririir broad tire. Harness of all trades, jkiIck, shut' halters, whips. All our sroods are warrant'-d to be ju-t what we retitnii:cnd them to In-. Givu us a cull and see that we mean liifc-iness. FARRAR & JONES, Iil.'ILlJlNf;, Lemon Street, Plx'site Court House K'VDAY . j t FLORIST & LANDSCAPE GARDENER la i;g Vj yAunrrY of palms, itAitn j. 1 tos.-s and settii-l ropical Plants in tffnerul cou--;:!m.. oiin.oKi. . orrospon.leiice solicited, front street, next to Hank. P.U.ATKA, Fi.a. GEM CITY HAIR DRESSING ROOMS LESION ST., 1'ALtTKA. 1 LA. FRESH, SALT& SULPHUR BATHS mm mm 5 loves