Newspaper Page Text
REPAIRS AT THE WHITE HOUSE. Annual Overhauling of the Execu tive Mansion. Owing to the president's residing in Washington longer than usual this sum mer, says the Star, the customary over hauling of the White House has been de layed somewhat. In view of his early departure, however, the work is being rapidly pushed to completion. All the carpets have been taken up and cleaned, the lambrequins and heavy curtains re moved, and the furniture draped in linen covers. Large rolls of matting now stand in the main corridor, to be placed upon the floor of the east room. Work men were recently engaged in taking apart two of the three monster crystal chandeliers of the east room. Each of these chandeliers consists of nickle framework surrounded by 5,000 pendant crystals, and it is no small work to dis member them and restore them correct ly. Heretofore it has been the custom to take them apart every year or so and thoroughly clean the glass. This year, howe er, it is intended to take down the nickled framework and send it to Phila delphia to bo replated. This has never lieen done since the chandelies were put up, in the third year of President Grant's first term. Only two chandeliers are to be removed at present, the north and south ones, The crystals as they are re moved are carefully packed in sawdust in large wooden boxes. They will re main there until the framework is re turned from Rhiladelphia, when the glass pieces will be removed, carefully cleaned, and restored to their proper places. The central chandelier will re main, while the others are gone, to illu minate the room in case of necessity, and to serve as a model for reconstruct ing the others. It will then be taken down and go through the same course of treatment. Prof. Max Muller's Ingenuity. Mr. Max Muller, the famous Oriental ist, says the London World, devotes his time to the translation of the sacred books of Sanskrit India. lie works in an airy library, with a bright morning light, and amid a legion of books. As ho rises from his mahogony writing-table one cannot help noticing that he has rigged on to it a jury-something or other of different material and color from the desk. So very unusual is such an apjiendage that persons of only ordi nary curiosity are smitten with a desire to know what it is for. No very long acquaintance with Prof. Max Muller is necessary to find this out. Holding tho first rank as an Orientalist, as a philolo ogist and aa a picturesque and elegant writer, he is naturally proud of his in ventive faculty as an amateur carpenter. The mysterious engine is a movable rest for the right arm, fashioned to contend against the advance of that peculiar weakness of the forearm which, sooner or later, attacks people who write a great deal, and is known as "'scrivener's pal sy " an affliction which counts for much of the illegible scrawl written by men of great mental powers ; for M. Max Muller, now that he has an excellent deputy in Mr. Sayce, writes more than ever, and actually feels tho effect of the more phy sical labor of caligraphy. Governor Cleveland's Plana. Albany, July 22. Governor Cleve land is daily engaged with the routine business of his office. He says that he will 6pond the entire summer in Albany, with the exception of a few days' rest in August. It is expected that the formaj notification of his nomination for the presidency will be made at tho execu tive mansion on Tuesday or Wednesday of next week. Among his visitors to-day were Henry L. Hoguet, president of the New York Catholic Protectory , Colonel Dawson, of tho Charleston News and Courier, and Henry A. Richmond, of Buffalo. The democratic state commit tee meets here to-morrow to organize for the campaign and fill the vacancy on the electoral ticket. Among the names sug gested are those of James Lynch, presi dent of the Irish Emigrant society of New York ; Eugene Kelly, of New lork, and Irancis Kernan. The state committee will open a temporary head quarters here to-morrow and begin the preliminary work of tho campaign. THE UVLoxg3LO ZP3n3a?rnn etoy ESTABLISHED 185G. Corner Lemon mid Front; Htn., - - PAIjATIvA, FLA Prescriptions Carefully Compounded Day and Night. FRESH DRUGS! FRESH DRUGS! FRESH DRUGS! RECEIVED DAILY AT A-c3s:ex"m stun. & J"a,oZkzscniis PHARMACY. All orders filled promptly and at bottom prices. PRESCRIPTIONS com pounded at all hours by experienced Druggists. WM. J. WIN EG Alt, President. R. J. ADAMS, Vice-President. H. G. PAYNE, Cashier. F. P. MERSEREAU, Assistant Cashier. OIE1 PALATKA. Successors to Wm. J. Winegar & Co., Bankers. TA.II XII CAPITAL SS:0,000. A. General Ranking Iluslncss Transsactiid. ItuyM and Sells Foi-eltjn Kxchiiiifje. Correspondent: Xoav York IIrt Na tional J Iiv ilk; Jtountzc Iti-ois., Koston; Maverick National Rank. KISSIfiEVIEE LAKD COMPANY. T. II. ASRURY, Paesident. L. TV. KLAHK, Treasurer. HAMILTON DISSTON, Vice-President. - T. TV. PALMER, Secretary. QAA AAA ACRES CHOICEST LOCATIONS FOR RESIDENCE AND CULTIVATION OF Z)))lJJ Oranges, Lemons, Pineapples, Uanannas, Cocoanuts, etc., in the counties of Orange, Brevard, Sumter, Polk, Hillsborough, Manatee and FiSonroe. Holtl in Quantities to Huit, Buyers. Prices $2.50 to $10.00 per acre, according to location and quality. w-Tt!TffPP nrrv I Rusiness Lots $300 to $500 KlbblMMLfc cii i j j'iVe-AcrG Lots $m) to $500 TV. T. XO!tI$T-S, Manager. Jacksonville, Fla. State of Florida, County Court for Putnam County. In the matter of the estate of Frederick D. Iente, deceased. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed by the county court f Putnam county, Florida, administrator of the estate of Frederick I). Lente, deceased. All persons having any demands against the es tate of said deceased are hereby notified to present the same to the undersigned, within the time prescribed by law or this notice will be pleaded in luir. William Kemble Lente, Administrator of the Estate of Frederick D. Lente, deceased, Palatka, Florida. In Chancery. In the Circuit Court Fifth Judicial Circuit of Florida. Putnam County In Chancery. James J. Montgomery, complainant vs. ; J Suit for . 1 Divorce. Mary A. Montgomery. Defendant. It appearing to the court -that the bill of com plaint was duly tiled in this case and aftidavtt made and tiled that Mary A. Montgomery the defendant, resides tieyond tho limits of the State ot Florida, but in one ot the United Mates, it is therefore ordered that the said Mary A. Montgomery, defendant, do appear and answer the said bill, on the First Monday in September, A. 1. IKX4, otherwise the complainant s bill will be taken pro confesso. WM. F. FORWARD, Clerk Circuit Court. TVm. Thompson, Con plainant's Solicitor. IN CHANCERY. State of Florida, in the Circuit Court for Put nam County, 5th Judicial Circuitof Florida. James TV. Robertson, Complt. "1 vs. Norman II. Chamlierlin, S-In Chancery. Mary Ettie Chauiberlin, I Delts. J It apiearing by affidavit, to the satisfaction of the court, t list the said defendants reside out of the said 5th Judicial Circuit of Florida, and beyond the limits of said State, but within the United States, the particular State being unknown, now, therefore, on motion of Cal houn, Gillis & Calhoun, complainant's solicit ors, it is ordered that the defendaitfs Norman H.Chamberlin and Mary Ettie Ctiamlierlin, do appear and answer the bill of complaint, tiled by t he complainant, in the above cause, on or before the til li day of Octotier 184,. otherwise said bill shall be taken as confessed. It is fur ther ordered that a copy of this order lie pub lished in the Palatka News, a newspaper pub lished within said Fifth J udicial Circuit, w here in said mortgaged premises arc situated, once in every week, for at least four months lie fore said 0th day of Oetolier 184. Dated May olst, 164. Ry the Court. seal. TVm. F. Forward, Clerk Circuit Court. Calhoun, Gillis k Calhoun, Cmpt's Solicitor, JACKSOXVlliLE TAMPA 4 KEY WEST RAILWAY THE "GEM CITY" ROUTE. THE ONLY ALL RAIL LINE TO ORANGE PARK, MAGNOLIA, GREEN COVE SPRING j& JACKSONVILLE. Three Hours Quicker to Jacksonville Than by any other line. BROAD GAUGE, STEEL RAILS, AIR BRAKES, FIRST-CLASS EQUIPMENT. o RAINS RUN AS FOLLOWS: p. 4.(10 4.H7 4.42 5:15 5.55 m. OOLNU SOUTH. Leave Jacksonville 9.50a. in. Orainre Park 10.2: " " Magnolia 10.54 " 4 Green Cove Spring 11.04 " West Toeoi 11:40 " Arrive Palatka 12:20 p. m. (iOINO NORTH. Leave Palatka ...Ki:;i5a. m. " Florida Sou. June. .10:45 " West Toeoi IMiO " " Green Cove Spring 11:50 " " Magnolia V2:m " Orange Park 12:.T, p Arrive Jacksonville 1:00 ' THE ST. JOHNS RAILWAY 4:15 4:22 5:118 5:155 5:40 m. X:01 0:45 p. m. DIltlXT At TVest Tocoi. -MAKES CO NNECTI OoV St. Augustine. and from o Rates and Fare to all Points ns Low as by anv other line, and baggage cheeked through. M. R. MOHAN, G. TV. UENTLKY, Gen. Pass. Agent. Gen. Manager. IBiricIk: Notice of Incorporation. BY AUTHORITY OF AN ACT OF THE Legislature of the State of Florida, enti tled "An act to provide for the I neoriMirat ion of Railroads and Canals," approved February l!th, 1S74, and tho acts amendatory thereto, notice is hereby given that a company has been formed under the name of the ftt. jVxiKtiHt ln ail I'alatlta, Canal und Traiiortation ComAa ny, to be invested with all the rights, powers, pri vileges and franchises conferred umii compa nies formed under said act, for the purpose of constructing, maintaining and oerating a canal and vessels of various kinds for the transport-tit ion of persons and property within the State of Florida. The main line of said canal shall extend from a jxiint at or near Toeoi, on the St. Johns river, to some point at or near St. Augustine, and from the channel of said river to deep wa ter in the Atlantic ocean, and said canal shall utilize the waters of the St. Johns river to gether with the waters ot Moultrie creek in St Johns county, Florida, on the East, and of Deep Creek on the West end of ed canal. Dated June 1st, 184.; those the propos- PARTIES WISHING TO PURCHASE AN EXCELLENT QUALITY OF GEORGIA BRICK, CHEAP, WILL DO WELL TO CALL ON Drew, H. L & Gardner. J. K. Rainey, R. II. Gahnett, J. S. COW DON, Cleveland'! Home Strength. From the Springfield Republican. Rep. Cleveland ia conspicuously strong in drawing votes from men who have usu ally acted with the Republicans. Recent years have educated New York State up to an extent of independent voting which the rest of the country fails as yet to appreciate. Let the inquirer after po litical light go among the active business and professional men of that city, and he will discover a supjiort for Cleveland that is vastly significant. The opposition of John Kelly is a tower of strength to the reform governor and presidential can didate. No w.Yorkers view the question of national government by the light of their local experiences. To them Tam many and Kelly emlxxlv and oppressive ly illustrate the worst tendencies and burdens of misrule. As opposed to liim by oflicial acts and well tried publb puc poses stands the governor of the state. Ensign Reynolds, of the Greeley relief party, is recalled to mind as the hero of the rescue of the men of the Austrian lark Olivo in mid-wean in November; 1879. He was then on the sloop-of-war Constellation. He stood in th lifeboat all day in a blinding storm, rescued twelve men and swam from his boat to the Olivo after dark and set her on fire. His bravery was acknowledged in a gold medal voted him by the Austrian government. In Chancery In tho Circuit Court Fifth Judicial Circuit of Florida, Putnam County In Chancery. Amanda llnwii Complaiuant 1 ujj. John Drown Defendant. S Divorce. It appearing to the court that the bill of com plaint was duly tiled in this case and affidavit made and tiled that John Brown the defend ant resides beyond the limits of the State of Florida, but in one of the United States, is in the State ofGoorjria, it is therefore ordered that the said .It lm Brown do appear and an swer the said bill on the First Monday in Sep temlier, A. D: lfcS4,otlierwisethe complainant'" bill will be taken pro confesso. Wm. Forward. Clerk Circuit Coil" TVm. Thompson, Complainat Vs Solicitor. W. B. CROSS, MARKET FINEST Florida Beef and Mutton FRESH & SALT WATER FISH CONSTANTLY ON HAND. AI.SO Vegetables and Melons HANDLED ON COMMISSION. tiT Smith's Old Stand, Water street. Putnam County Fifth State of Florda. In Circuit Court. Judicial Circuit of the F. Q. Crawford vs. In Chancery. Bill for Divorce. Tamar J. Crawford It apiearinf by the affidavit of the com plainant tiled in the ahoe cause that the de fendant resides out of, and lieyond the limits of the State of Florida, to-wit, in the state of Michigan. Now therefore it is ordered that the defendant Tamar J. Crawford, do appear and answer the said complainants bill for di vorce tiled nirainst her in our said court on or letore the tlrst day of Scptcmler, A. D. ls4, otherwise said bill may le taken pro confesso. Witness rav hand and the seal of our said court thit 2tth day of April A. D. lss4. Wm. F. Forward, Clerk Circuit Court. Notice. Notice is hereby (riven that the board of pulv lie instruction of Putnam county will convene at the court house in Palatka ou Friday the 1st day of A u (rust l&M at the hour of 1? o'clock a. in. for the purpose of examining applicants for schools and employing teachers to open public schools in this county on the 1st Mon day in September. 1SS4. Applications should be make to the county school superintendent endorsed by the local trustees. J. W. Sthic kla s i, See'y lid. Pub. Inst, and Supt. Schools. Palatka, Fhu, July 6, 1&H. J. C. JACKSON, JR., Wholesale and Retail Florida Southern R'y Dock, PALATKA. - - FLORIDA. Ice Delivered in any' part of the City FREE. Give me a Trial. SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO COMPANY'S Orange Brand For Garden or Grove. Guaranteed Analysis on Every Barrel. Manufactories: Boston, Mass., and Charleston, S. C. For sale by DREW, ft L. & GARDNER, SOLE AGENTS, PALATKA FLA. Also wholesale dealers in FLOUR, GRITS, MEAL, HAY, GRAIN, LIME, CEMENT, PLASTER, HAIR, Etc. FRANK R. POND, AGENT FOR THE SIMPSON & GAULT MANUFACTURING CO.'S CELEBRATED PORTABLE GRAIN MILLS FOR WHEAT, CORN OK FEED AND Flour Mill Machinery of all Kinds CASTINGS, SHAFTINGS AND IRON WORK OF ALL KINDS ON.SHORT NOTICE. JA CKS O IV V 1 Ij Ij TZ, I-" T..A . F. C. COCHRAN WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BOOKSELLER AND STATIONER AND DEALER IN FISHING TACKLE, FINE CIGARS Florida Curiosities, Florida Maps, Books, Canes, &c Post-office Buildinjr, Front Street and next door south, PALATKA. ... FLORIDA. P. CUNNEELY, IMPORTER OF FineWmes,Liquors ISte., Ktc. Acker, Merrall & Co.'s Cltoic I?innl!j ot Imported Segars o Billiard and Bowling Parlors Attached Water Street, - - PALATKA, FLA. Calhoun, Gillis & Calhoun, INSURANCE AGENTS. REPRESENT THE HOME INSURANCE COMPANY.of New York, THE "SUN," of London, THE NEW YORK UNDERWRITERS, THE G ERI ANIA, THE FACTORS & TRADERS, of New Orleans. THE ACCIDENT, of North America, THE EQUITABLE (Life.) Ml n L. MEYER, Water Street, - - Palatka, Florida. Wholesale and retail dealer in all kinds of Paints, Painter's Supplies, Ready Mixed Paints, White Lead, Linseed Oil, Shelac, Varnish, Turpentine, Putty, Window Glass, Paint Brushes Fireproof Paint, Roof Paints and all kinds of Dry Paints. Neatfoot Oil, Lard Oil, Machine Oil, Benzine, Ladders, Step-Ladders, Wall Paper In fact Everything Kept in a First-class Paint Store. Rein? a practical painter and having IS years experience in mixing and tiding paints I uiir ray own paints, and cannot lximiKsed iiixm y the interior mixed paints with which this prt of the country is Hooded and sold to unc.xpt rii nced dealers I offer one hundred dollars to my body who can find one grain of adulteration in any paint or goods that are mixed or iold in vaf store. Respect fully, L. 3IEYEK. LOW PRICES AND FULL WEIGHT GUARANTEED. IN CHANCERY. In Circuit Court, Fifth Judicial Circuit, State of Honda, in and tor Putnam County. STEPHEN HART, 1 vs I JOHN R. MARSH ALLand f JAN E MARSHALL, his who. J TT APPEARING BY AFFIDAVIT THAT JL the defendants reside out of the Fifth Ju dicial Circuit, of the State of Florida, and lie yond the limits of said State, to-wit.: in the State of Arkansas. Now. therefore, it is or dered that the defendants. John R. Marshall and Jane Marshall, his wife, do appear and ad swer the complainants bill tiled asrainst them in the Court on or before the 7th day of July, 14, otherwise said bill may be taken pro con fesso. Witness my hand, and the seal of our said Court, this, 21st March, 1M. SXAil .Wm. F. Fokward, Clerk Circuit Court. An Unadulterated Natural Guano, imported direct into Savan nah, Ga., from the Orchilla islands in the Garribbean Sea, by Tra- vers, Snead & Co., cf Richmond, Va. We are now offering this High Grade Fertilizers to the Planters and Orange Growers of Florida, feeling confident that it is just the thing they need, hav ing stood the test side by side with the best Fertilizers in the market for a number of years, and continues to grow in popu larity wherever it is used. ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED AND INFORMATION FURNISHED ON APPLICATION BY II. JJOYALL OO., Importers Agents, Water street, PALATKA, FLORIDA. DISSTOH PURCHASE-4,000,000 Acre FLORIDA UND JNOlKPROVEKENT COMPANY. HAMITON DISSTON, President. J. J. DUNNE, Vice-President. T. H. ASBT'RY, Treasurer R. SAL1NGEU. Secretary. LANDS FOR SALE AT GOVERNMENT PRICE OF $1.25 PER ACRE. IN BLOCKS OF NOT LESS THAN 80 NOR MOKE THAN 640 ACRES. WITHIN SIX MILES OF RAILROAD LINE, PRICE $2.50 PER ACRE. rHESE LANDS INCLUDE ALL VAH1ET1ES OF UPLAND AND LOWLAND AND ARE adapted to Orantrcs, Lemons, Limes, Pinc-Applcs. liannnnns, SuK'ar-Cane, Early Vegetable, tc. and arechiellv in the counties of St. Johns, Volusia. Brevard. Oranuc. Sumtor. Lew Hernando, Hillsborough, Polk. Manatee und Monroh. Our Lands are selling rapidly. Thousands of settlers have located on them during the paat six months. Do not delay if you wh.nt them at present Low Prices. Stock of this company will be received at fl;.00 per share in payment for land located ill compact bodies of l40 acres or more. For lurtht r nit urination apply at the oiiice of tho com pany. . . i . in-.,!-, Liinu commissioner, acusonvme, iia. A. & G. C. ft, and Okeechobee Land Co. S. H. (! KEY, President. V, 11. WRIGHT, Vice-President. M. KKEAMER, Engineer. HAMILTON DISSTON, Treaa. li. SALLNU1.K, (secretary. LANDS FOR SALE IN LOTS OF FROM 40 TO 10,000 ACRES IN THE COUNTIES OF BKEVAUD, POLK, MANATEE AND MONROE. PRICES: For average Pine Lands $ 1.25 per aero For average Prairie and Pasture Lands 1.25 ior acre For Lake and River Fronts S5.C0 to 10.00 ior acm For Susrar Lands 10.00 per acre 1 he Lands ot this Company are siK-ciany aoapieu to me ;ui;ure oi i ropical i ruus, nice, Susrar Cane, etc., and are w-iierally accessible by steam navigation. W. M i-Oll'ISISM. Land Commissioner, Jacksonville, Fla. Florida Southern Railway. TIio Oi-iiiicro I5lt ISonto. Office Si pehintk.ndknt, 1 Palatka, March isst. ( (iOlNtlSOUriL STATIONS. Lv Palatka Ar Interlachen Wait's Crossing Oruelle .... Micunopy Lochb'M Reddics Ocala . North Lake Weir South Lake Weir Ar Leesburtr .-. mail Aoom'd'tu ! M S:ll A M " !::i" " 11:12 " :i:.V. " 11:54 " 0:10 " 4:Ii" " 1:44 P M 4::0 " 2:-'7 " 5:40 " i:kl " ! ( ' . " !:") " 1 G.'" " 7:: " 8:20 " Savannah, Florida & "Western It'y "Wiij-ci-ojsk Short Hauo. All trains of this road are run by Centsa (iK)th) Meridiaan time, which is SJ luinun-g blower than Jacksonville time. 11, 1S84, arrive as . R:H0 a in . K:15 pin t:ll a Bi .11:05 a m . a:( p m ;$:17 p na ' m i m 5:10 p l 5: is p i STATIONS. Lv Leesbnrsr Ar South Lake Weir. " North Lake Weir. " lea hi " Reddicks " Ijochbie ' Micanopy " C.rm lle " Wait's Crossing. . . " Interlachen Ar Palatku GOINti NORTH. MAIL 6:00 A il I :::; :50 7::; :o; 8: 8:52 '.:2 1:5 10:.rr Acoin'd'tn 7:00 A M 8::E.' " 8:55 " VhSTt " 12:4. p H B:lo 3:20 " 4: is " 0:14 " 7::'.5 " TRAINS A Kill V From Palatka, Ocala and LeesburK. From Micanopy : AT f. A IX l'.SVl LLE :.'i0 A u and f 12:30 P M 4::J0" 7:45 A M TRAINS LEA V E OA 1 X LSV 1 LLE. S:fi(l a u and For Palatka, Ocala and Ix'esliurjr. For Micanopy f 1J:) P m H:tlO p U 5:tl p M MICANOPY. Train leaves at Train arrives at. . . First-class car through from Gainesville on all trains. r,:no a m . . . 0:10 P M I'alatka tc CONNECTIONS. At Palatka with Jacksonville, Tampa & Key West Ity, fast river steamers for St. Au jrustine. Green (Vive Spring, Jflcksonviile and all points North, East and West, and with up river steamers for South Florida. Also with the Twin Screw Iron Steamer "City of Palatka," for Charleston, New York, Boston, Philadelphia, etc. At Wait's Crossing with Peninsular Railroad for Waldo. At Gainesville with Transit ltailroad for Cedar Key, Pensaeola, New Orleans and Tam pa. At Ocala with Transit Railway and Hack for Silver Sprinjrs. At Leesburir with lats on Lake Harris for points on Iake and alontf Sr.. Johns and Lake Eustis Railway. Also with Graham's Hacks for Brooksville, Sumterviiie and all points in South Florida. S. CONAXT, JAS. D. HOLLISTER, General Manajrer. Sujterintcndciit. O. W. BRUM WELL, G. T. F. & P. A. 2:30 2:10 : 10 6:115 ti:;4 P p m p tu p in 8:17 p III l:4A a ui KEUKA AND ORANGE SPRING TRANSFER COMPANY Y"TEAM WILL LEAVE KEUKA FOR Orang-e Spring every morning' on arrival of the freight train fram Palatka, for the purpose of Transporting Passengers and Freight. For further information address KEUKA AND ORANGE SPRING TRANSFER COMPANY, At Keuka, Putnam Co., Fla. C. A. LOPEZ ic CO.. agta at Orange Springs. ZEToir? Sale. TWO CONE PULLEYS, (one a split pulley, three inch faoe, four gt ps, from ten to uf teen inches diameter. Apply at ;nn3 omcoa N and after Punday, May V PassoiiKcr Trains will leave and follows: NEW OKLEAN8 EXPUKSS. Leave Jacksonville daily at Arrive at Jacksonville daily at .Arrive ut Callahan daily at Arrive t:t Waycross daily at An-ive at Brunswick daily at Arrive at Thomasviile daily at Arrive fit Buinbridh-e daily at Arrive at Chattahoo:hee daily at... Arrive at Pensaeola daily at ll:4 p in Arrive tit Mobile daily at .. 4:45 am Arrive at New Orleans daily at 10: 10 a m Connecting at Chattahoochee with Pensaeo la and Atlantic Railroad daily for Pensacolii, Mobile, New Orleans, Tuxns and all trans-Mla-sissippi iointK. l'idlman Butlet and Sleepinjr Cars 011 this train, Jacksonville to lVusucolr,, Mobile and New Orleans. FAST MAIL. Leave Jacksonville daily at Arrive at Jucksom ille daily at. Arrive at Callahan daily at.. .. Arrive ut Waycross daily as Arrive ut Jcssup daily at. Arrive at Savannah daily at Arrive ut ( 'harieston daily at. . . Arrive at Washington, J .(.'., dailyat..ll:( nm Arrive nt .New York daily at :a(l am Connecting at Wuycross with Through Pull man Palace Buffet and Drawing Room Mfep iri? Cars, Waycross to New York without change. JACKSONVILLE EXPRESS. Leave Jacksonville daily at Arrive at Jacksonville laily at A rrive lit Sdhdiun dnil v at Arrive at Waycross dnily at Ix-ave Oainesville daily at feavc Xewnansville daily at. leave New Bradford daily at I a e Live Oak daily a Arrive at Dupont daily at Arrive at Albany daily at J-r ve at Jesup daily at Arrive at Maeon daily ut Arrive at Atlanta daily nt Arrive at Chattanoojra daily at. . . Arrive at Nashville daily at. Arrive at Ixitiisv ille daily at. .. . Arrive at Cincinnati daily at Arrive at t 'hicaRo daily at Arrive at St. Louis daily at Arrive at Savannah daily at Arrive at Auirusta daily at Arrive at Charleston daily at 12:40 p m Arrive Ht. v ashin,non daily at 10:25 a bi Arrive at NVw York daily at 6:;iO p 111 Arrive at 1 hoinasville daily at 0:45 a ni Arrive at Albany daily at Arrive at Mi.nrjroiucry daily ut . . . Arrive at New t irleuns daily at . . . Arrive at Nashville daily ut Arrive at Ixmisviile daily at Arrive at Cincinnati daily at Arrive nt St. Louis daily at Arrive at Chicairo daily at i'ulliiiRii Palace linnet and Drawing Room Sleeping Cars on this Train to Wahinnrton. Pullman Palace Sleeping- Cars, Juckbonville to Savannah. Pullman Sleeping Cars on this Train toLouiu viiie via Thomasviile. Pulltnari Hotel and Sleeping Cars on this Train to Cincinnati via Savannah. A Restaurant has been oened at Waycron. and abundant time will be allowed for moalu by all passenger trains. Connex-tinir at Savannah with fetcarnere for i New Vork, I'hiiadelphia, B'-ton and Balti i mot: , Conneetinjr at Charleston with steamers for I New Vork, I'hiiadelphia ni;d Baltimore. Trains on B. and V. It R. leave Junction, ! eoina west, at 12:10 p. in., aud for Brunswick t at 12:10 p. m., daily. j Through tickets sold t all point by Kail j and Steamship connections, and Bag-ifasra ! Checkel through. Also Sleepimr Car trthm i an i sections st-ured at Company's Office in Astor s nuntiinK. b4 Bay street, ana at Depot Ticket Oflice. JAS. I TA VLOlt, General PaeL-er Agent A. M. IVES. Agent. 13 AV 1VT A R, "Fg W. 1? 5:30 p ni .. W:0t a m ... :20 p in . .. :C p m 0:15 p m . . . fi:57 p m . . H:') p ni ... !t:4S m ...12:10 a in . . . 2:25 a m .IMS pm . 7:fl a m ...12:25 pm . . . . 8:50 p m . ... las n m .... 7:60 a ra 7:W a m :10 p m 6:20 p in .... 8::i0 a m .12:) p m .11.10 a m 7:57 p in :S0 a m 8:10 a m 3:00 p in 7:25 p m 7:50 a tu . a m I HAVE JUST OPENED A first-elass Meat Market, and keepcenstank ly on hand a supply of fresh beef, pork, P5 try, and vepetubles in w.ason. Goods dfiUVef wd free. Give ine a trial U all 1 ask. C. II. W1GG. co. Lemon & 3rl Stt