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THE DAILY NEWS. COII RESPOND ENCE Solicited on all interesting topics throughout the state. We will bo especially prratef ul ior4 all local items of interest to the public. News sciit by wire should be abbreviated when prac ticable, and sent after o'clock, p. m., address edto PALATKA DAILY JiEW?. AGENTS FOI1 THK XK1VS. The following gentlemen are the authorised erents of Tub Palatka Daily and Weekly News, in their several localities: W. 11. BeWitt, San Mateo. W. C. Valentine, Nashua. C. S. Packard, Welaka. It. M. ISard, Norwalk. J U Marshall, l'ruitland, Fla. J I McCalium, Orange Mills, Fla. A. li. liaitlett, Georgetown. Daniel Darling Drayton Isiund. . K. K Hijfley, Lake Georsre. J. Tj. Hurton, Crescent City. J. ,'. Strickland, liiterlachen. A. Munroe, McMeekin. Wm. C. Braddoei, Beviilf. J. S. Covdon, St. AujfU'-:tinc. H. A. Vosrelbtich, Melrose. Charles Moore, Lake Worth, Fla. PALATKA, FLA., JULY 27. 1884. Tlio lily Newe Can be purchased at F. C. COCHRANE'S NEWS STAND, at the Post Olfice. Tho News Ofllce. The office .if The Daily News is located on Water street, in tho new building next to Xteid's general store. DAILY WEATHER REPORT. The thermometer atthe Morag-ne Pharmaey rcjfistered yesterday 78 decrees at 7 a. m.; 90 degrees at Vi rn. and 81 decrees, at t; p. in. IteticliiiK Notices. BOARDING at THE WOOLSEY" HOUSE. An attractive home. THE PALATKA FANCY AND STAFLE GltOCEltY STOUE AND BAKEHY Phopkiktok, B. J, -Imported IHiropean and other Goods just received at" The Store." "Stand not upon the order of your com injur but come at once.'" Jud.ire for Yourselves. 12 lbs. Granulated Sujrar for ne dollar only. 13 " Extra (J Sugar for One dollar only. 2 " ( 'tin Tomatoes per do?,, for One dollar only. And other Canned Goods etc,, in pro port. n. Orders solicited and taken by our Bread de livery each evening and promptly attendet- to at once. The season lias arrived when I shoulc do something l'cr my custonierp, seein:? the kind and liberal patronajre they have afforded ne and which certainly should be reeiproca :1, and it is a real pleasure that I now have '.he opportunity of doing the correct thing. Use Odenta for the teeth, prepa-ed only at the Putnam Pharmacy. Fon Kent. - I'uT fihihed rooms without hoard in a pm at" i.nnily. Itcniis large End i -iry, locution ; ! ile. Corner Front -nd iTi.'Mson Streets 4-V'-tka. S. McClellam . Jit t received .h 1 r Pioneer Ice iind G .tin war ; house of t'.u. s . Forward, new lot of X i.jii Seed M' u', V.Viiern Corn. Oats, ;- ay ff 'r.. also Maryland Ci ; Hay, at lowest ;.os isiuie tixiires. At the Pioncc r Ice House of wm. F. Forw .trd are being discnarja 1 carsrocs of pure Dint Kennebec Ice, the product of the mountain nils and streams of Maine, Pure clear and solid Kennebec lee, at piicts defying all competition and as low as any points in the south, delivered free from the pioneer Ice House i ! Wui. F. Forward. Tiu Flo hi OA Mki-kinf -Boon's Eun: ka Pn-iwred expressly fortius climate. At: hid season sn this eliinute a iK'id'eet household pan acea. 1 1 prevents ma laria, cures biliousness, iCliee. s constipation and keeps you heaMiy indwell. To the business man it is invaria ble. Simply take a dose when you feel unwell and you will not have to lay up, but can at tend to business and eat what you like, and go in any sort of weather. Kor sale by druggists in Palatka and elsewhere. wts The Harnett Hoitsk, Ka v ann a h. Visitors to Savannah, Ga., will hnd the Harnett Hi use a comfortable and desirable stopping pi ice, where the uniform excellence of the table is a subject of general remark, while the pric ia only j:J per day. Chicago National Hotel He porter. Call for Primary Mooting. Francis, Fla., July H), 1884. Pursuant to a resolution of the Demo cratic Campaign Club, and in conformity with tho order of the Conservative De mocratic Executive Committee of Put nam county, it is ordered that a primary meeting lx held at the court house in the city of Palatka, on August 2. 1884, at 12 in... for tho purpose of selecting thirteen delegates to represent precinct 8, in the county convention to he held at Palatka, August Gth, 1884, at 12 o'clock. A full attendance is requested. I. A. Webb, Chairman. J. P. Boyp, Socretarv. Call for a County Convention. A Conservative Democratic Convention wilt be hold at Palatka, August Gth, 1884, 12 o'clock, m., for tho purpose of nomin ating a stato senator to represent the 17th senatorial district, and two members of the assembly to represent Putnam County in tho next legislature. Also to choose an executive committee for Fut nam County. The different precincts will bo entit'ed to the following representation, baed upon the vote of 1882: Precinct No. 1 6 delegates. " 2 ;$ " " 4 4 " 5 3 " " 6 2 13 .4 .4 .G 0 10 11 12 3 IS 3 14 2 15 (part) 2 Total. 59 It isoruereu i me precinct meetings be held on Sana-day, August 2d, and thai the chairmen of the various el tbs arrpcge the hour and place of meeting to Insiiras full attendance as possible. !1 precincts are urgently requested to e1 ,ct i-.ii.jl. . .. i full delegations with alternates, that each precinct may U fully represented. It is puggestd that precincts which have not K'rtdy organized clubs do so on August Sd. E. S. Crux, ) Jos. Price, S. J., , uommiueo Wr V. F. Forwakp, I V, II. Wiutf, J W. CITY NOTES. Jim and Jack are on the track To try a race with Grover ; But Jim is lame and Jack's the same, So Grover will walk over. Yesterday was a remarkably quiet day for Saturday. Sir. Ed. Rumley, of Keuka, was in the city yesterday. Capt. W. II. Mcintosh, of the steamer Mermaid, made us a pleasant call last night. Services at the Baptist church at 10 :30 a. m. Sermon by the pastor Rev. Geo. W. Bower. "The old man on the othor side" was fighting mosquitoes and catching trout up the river 3 ester Jay. Services in the Methodist church to morrow as usual. Subject, morning, "Special Providence." Cant, A. N. Edwards is in the city, and is as good-natured and jolly as if the thermometer was down to twenty. First Citizen "Why, Jones, how are j'ou? Glad to see you." Second Citizen "I am 110 in the shade, thank you ; how are you?" It is about as cool in church as any where else, and the heat is no valid ex cuse for remaining away from services this morning and evening. The police captured some cows Friday night and had them in pound yesterday morning ; but they could not succeed in getting up a case for the mayor's court. The tug boat R. L. Mayley arrived yesterday afternoon, and will tow the schooners Joseph M. Ilaynes and Minnie andGussie down to Jacksonville to-day. The guests at Graham's hotel were treated to clam chowder yesterday at dinner. Mr. Graham knows how to pre pare such dishes in the very best manner. Lake City is bragging on a forty-pound watermelon. Palatka stepped to the front some time ago with a 79 pound melon, and the balance of Putnam coun ty is yet to be heard from. The eleven-year-old son of Mr. W. II. Harwood, who lives at Nashua, died Friday night, after a lingering illness, of typhoid fever. The body was interred at that place yesterday afternoon. A party of young men chartered the steamer Pi mcess and left last night for the St. John bar, where they will spend today enjoying the sea breeze and salt water baths. Sorry we can't lo along. A good crowd will doubtless go on the excursion, over the Jacksonville, Tampa and Key West railroad this morning for Fernandina, Tho train will leave at 7 o'clock, and the excursionists will have five and a half hours in Fernandina. A little excitement was created on Lsmon street last night, by a policeman arresting a negro woman, when a crowd of negro men interferred and took the woman from the officer. From what our reporter heard it was all about a wash bill. We regret to announce the death of the infant son of Mr. and Mrs William A. Evans, which occurred at Federal Point on Friday night. The child was alxmt nine months old, .and was buried from the Episcopal church in this city yesterday morning at 11 o'clock. We learn that tho steamship City of Norfolk has been purchased by the Charleston line, and will run weekly trips front this city to Charleston, via Savannah. She will run in connection with the City of Palatini, and will give this city quick and cheap freight rates over that line. L. Meyer is determined Palatka and vicinity shall be well painted, even though he never attempts to "paint the town red." lie received yesterday the largest shipment of all kinds of paints ever brought to Palatka, and he wants the people who have use for it to call around and look, at the stock. E. W. Green & Bro. have recently purchased the stock of B. G. Lasseter, at the corner of Inuon and Third streets, and have added their stock to the busi ness. They advertise goods at low prices this morning, and it is their intention to do a lively trade in fancy and family groceries. See their advertisement. There is no discount on the small boy and the young "coon" using every means to keep cool during this summer solstice. They jostle each other in their efforts to get the pieces of ice that is thrown out of the schooners when their cargo is discharged. The little fellows carry the ice off in baskets, bags or tied up with strings, and seem as happy as a lob-taikxl horse in fly time, when suck ing the cooling crystal. A Nuisance. The citizens living along the river front near the Cove are bitterly complaining because of the stench arising from the decaying carcasses of the two horses drowned at the wharf here the other day. The carcasses were towed down and tied to a stake near enough to the houses in that neighborhood to make it uncomfort- ; ablo fur tho inmates. We were informed j vt.storjav that several families had to j kot1 their house closed up during this j hul wcatUer ou account of them. The ; attt,nt;a of the proper authorities is j ... this .....since, and it is to 1. honed the carcasses will le removed right away. When so much effort is being made to put the city in good sanitary condition, it is dangerous to allow disease-producing nuisances to lie at our very doors, aside from the discomfort caused by the stench infected atmosphere. St. George's Society. The Englishmen in and around Palatka propose to form, at as early a date as possible, a St. George's society. The fraternity is very strong in America, and new societies are constantly being formed in all the cities, and the English men at Palatka do not propoae to be be hind theiir brothors in this respect. Due notice will be given of the call for the formation of the society. For Welshton. Captain Welsh has invited a number of his friends to spend the day with him at Welshton, the new town on the Florida Southern railroad, on next Wednesday, and a train will leave this city at 7 o'clock that morning to carry the gentle men over. The captain will give his guesl3 a good dinner, and show them the beauties and advantages of the growing town at Welshton. The News will try to have a representative along to tell of the doings of ths day. A Card. The undersigned and family desire to express very earnest thanks to the friends who assisted by many kind acts during their recent affliction and sad be reavement. The remembrance that it was not old friends and long-time acquain tances, but the gentle hands and kind voices of strangers, impresses very deep ly, and greatly enlarges their apprecia tion of the kindnesses bestowed. Very touching was the sight of the elegant flowers arranged in beautiful designs; the generous donor of these, with the others, will ever be held in grateful re membrance. Very respectfully, J. W. McLavry. A Presentation. Yesterday morning, when Capt. R. R. Reid entered his office in his store, he was surprised by finding a handsome and comfortable arm chair that had heen placed there by his clerical force. A card attached to the chair read : "Compliments of E. S. Neck, S. E. Bond, J. R. Neck and Joseph Courier to Capt. R. R. Reid." The occasion that brought forth the gift was the sixtieth birthday of Capt. Reid. The captain fully appreciated the thoughtful gift from "his boys," and expressed to , them his grateful thanks. The long years Captain Reid has passed through sit lightly on him, and to-day he is fuller of life and energy than most men his junior. The News congratulates liim on reaching his three score years so gracefully, and wishes that he may live far Ijeyond the allotted years of man, to shed the sunshine of his genial nature among his fellow men. CONTRIBUTOR'S OBSERVATION. An Old Citizen in the Role of a New Reporter. The following items have been kindly handed The News for publication : Some of the plank sidewalks alout the city are in a dangerous condition. A broken leg or some other serious injury to a citizen, may, in a suit for damages, result in a heavy expense to the city council. A statement of the financial condition of the county of Putnam by the board of county commissioners, would by looked over by tho citizens with a great deal of interest. A great deal of gratitude and praise is due to tho board for the master ly and superior management of the af fairs of the county for the past two or three years. There seems to be a lull in the many suggested enterprises of last winter. G is works, water works, saw-mills, planing mills, furniture factories, ice factories; machine shops, etc., are dropped for the hot season, to le revived again when the impulse of new-comers and visitors from abroad stimulate the activity and eradicate the present lethargy of our really enterprising business men. One of the most direct ways to increase the revenue or the city, is for the council to open out the streets leading to the southern and western lines of the corporate limits. As an exem plification of this, the improvement of Kirby street a few years ago, by the city council, now adds to the taxable proper ty of the city about $15,000, with a pros pect of leing double that amount sewn. The expense of clearing out Emmett, Hawkins, Lemon, Orange streets and some others would be very small, com pared to the perpetual increase of revenue that would result to our Gem City, at once. You cannot encourage the erec tion of fine and costly dwellings on streets now growing up in palmetto and sorub and unfit for travel, which ol struct many outlets to the city. There are only two or three streets which pre sent a drive way to the country. Francis Gal ton, who has been investi gating the heredity of genius, concludes that the brain of a child naturally tends to develop the faculties, more or less equally commingled, of both its parents. This general rule is, however, modified in the first place by the superiority of one pex over the other. In some fnrailies the influence of the father's intellect, or want of intellect, is conspicuous in all the children, and prevails altogether over that of the mother. In other fami lies the positions are reversed, and in many instances some of the children re semble one parent and some the other. Sometimes they are like neither parent, but an uncle, aunt or some other col lateral relative. A correspondent describes Sirs. Oscar Wilde as a somewhat timid, rather pret ty little body. Well Qualified for the Business. N. Y. Sun. " So you would like to become a black smith, would you ?" he said to a little barefoot boy, as he stopped blowing the bellows for a moment. " Yes, sir," the boy replied, " I would like to learn the trade." " Are you strong and healthy?" "Yes, sir." "And quick? I wouldn't have a boy around who wasn't quick." " Yes I'm quick." Here the boy stepped with his bare foot on a hot horseshoe, and the blacksmith remarked : "Well, I guess I'll give you a trial. You seem to be one of the quickest little Ijovs I ever saw." Mr. Walton, the "plunger" of the turf, was lucky enough to win $25,000 at tho Monmouth races on Saturday. Dogs, Ueware ! On and after August 1st, 1884, the dog ordinance will be enforced. One dollar for license and a quarter for the collar. A. V. Mount, Mayor. An instant and permanent cure for Neural gia, Sick and Nervous Headache and all ner vous pains: Take a teasioonful of Jordan's Joyous Julep as ier directions on bottle. In painful menstruation it acts like maie. If one dose relieves you instantly don't stop tak ing till yon are iermaiiently cured, PrjceaOc. For sale by druggists in Palatka and else where. , wis For Tax Assessor, Under the provisions of the democratic stat e platform I oiler myself as a candidate for the ollice of tax assessor of Putnam county. ISe.n.j. V. Roberts. For Sheriff. T offer myself as a candidate for the ollice of Sheriff of Putnam county in accordance with the resolution of the Democrat ic State Con vention. Very rcspeetf nlly, tjiEo. J, Zeiinbar, Jr. To Democrats ! Following the rule adopted by the conserva tive democratic state convention, I present mv name to the voters of Putnam as a candi date for recommendation to the governor for shenll oi said county. Very Kespectfully, M. C. Goodson. FACTS WORTH KNOWING! That we have not oiiened a carriage reposito ry for the purpose of selling oil' a lot of cheap goods, but it is a fact t hat we have opened a re pository lor tne sale ot lirst-class goods. We have come to stay and intend to make onr ): pository a credit to Palatka and oUl Putnam county. Our stock consists of ladies' carts, la dies1 pha?tons, end spring and side-bar top bug gies, farm and express wagons and carts of J. It. DEY'S MAKE, JACKSONVILLE, platform spring wagon, Watcrtown grocers wagoi r-, two-horse gearing, lumber gearing. broad tire. Harness of all grades, poles, shafts. ha Iters, whips. All our gt us a re warranted tit be just what we recommend them to Imj. Give us a call and see that we mesa business. FARRAR & JONES, MERRY!) AY'S BUILDING, Lemon Street, Opposite Court House Treasury Department, Office of Comptroller of the Currency, Washington. July 15th. lssf. Whereas by satisfactory evidence presented to the undersigned, it has been made to appear that the "First National Hank of Palatka" in the City of Palatka, in the Countv of Putnam. and Htate of Florida has complied with all the provisions oftfie rev ised stat utes of the United States, required to be complied with before an association shall te authorized to com mence the business of banking. Now therefore I, Henry W. Cannon, Comptroller of t ho Cur rency, do hereby certify that "The First National Hank of Palatka" in the City of Pa latka, in the County of Putnam, and State of Honda, is authorized to commence the busi ness ot banking as provided m section htfv one hundred and sixty-nine of the revised statutes of the United States. In testimony whereof, witness my hand and seal ot ollice this bt h day ot July IhSt. SEAI..1 U. W. Cannon, Comptroller of the Currency, NO. 3233. The First National Hank of Palatka will open its doors to the public on July IS, lsst. office hours from .:;() a, in., to 2:M p. m. It will succeed to t he business and occupy the olheo ot I he flanking House ot m. J. Wine gar & Co. Wm. J. Win eg a it. President. II. G. Payne, Cashier. u. J. I.EACI1 fe SON,. NURSERYMEN PALATKA, FLORIDA. A LL FRUITS GROWN SUITED TO THIS climate. Catalogue free. WIRE MEAT SAFE MANDFAC'Y Wholesale and Retail. SEASONED CYPRESS LUMBER DOWELS, CHAIR SEATS FURNITURE REPAIRED, VAR NISHED & RE-UPHOLSTERED -AT- OSCAR W. YOUNG'S Lemon street, one door east Convent: Saws Filed 20 Years Experience, E.W.GREEN4BR0 Cor. Lemon and Third Streets. TIMES MAY BE HARD, MONEY SCARCE AND BUSINESS DULL, BUT WE SELL Groceries, Canned Goods, FINE FLOUR CIGARS, TOBACCO, ETC, So cheap that it makes business good and times easy, so far as the family is concerned. New goods received almost daily, which ate sold at surprising low prices. Call and See for Yourself. OPENING OF THE T T E FAMILIES AND HOUSE - OUR DELIVERY FORCE THOROUGHLY amzea lor Capt. B. A. Deal assumes command of the DEVEREUX, ROGERO & SON, Brigade. Black Horse Delivery always ready Family Supplies, Fresh and Carefully put up to Order, and Delivered in any Quantities to any Part of the Citv. CAPT. B. A. DEAL, WHO HAS of BOOK-KEEPER from the inception of our business, and who still has charge of the office and books, with a competent assistant, will in future give his special attention to our family grocery and yjv cuy patrons may tiiereiore rely upon being promptly and honestly served with evervthinsr the market, afford, mid nt finr nmmlar Mmnnlmi prices. Orders are in order ! Look out i rM tiay. 1 UK SAME OLP CORNER. EOBT. JEl. IRIEIID, THE ZFZMZIL" STOEE I ALAT If .V, IT Hi O It I 1) V. ZRcTfcrb. -R. IRecL & Son KZoiO-Ikza. Family S"to:r?o lieu ka, Dealers in General Merchandise. A Full Line of Goods Kept in Each De partment. Always give us a Call. W. T. WXllM. ALL CLASSES OF REAL ESTATE BOUGHT AND SOLD. I'ALA'J KA, FLOIJIDA. tsi?,te,e1ES &v CO. .AaVI AVIIOL'EHAIiE DEAIjTll M I IV FLOUR, GRITS, CORN, HAY, OATS, BRAN, COTTON SEED MEAL & FERTILIZERS. GIUFFIN'S BLOCK, WATER STKEET, I'ALATKA, FLA. All Orders Will Receive Prompt Attention and Quick Shipments Made t i i i i T r i J I 1 Pi JJ uaraw HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, ' SASH, DOORS AND BLINDS, HARNESS, SADDLES & MIXED PAINTS lLU3XI5irSCi, TINNING fc I'll'l FITTING Executed on short notice and on reasonable terms. 1m1si1v:i, - - ----- ITloi-iln. MY STOCK OF MISFITS AND ORDERED CLOTHING MUST BE SOLD WITHIM POTJETEEU TDA5rs WITHOUT IMSKKirVIS To make room for my SUMMER STOCK. No reanonable ofl'er refused. Mjr son will stay In town, at the old etand.all summer. All work left in his charge will receive hi clodont attention. II. W. KLICKmi. FOR SALE ! IN THOMAS, ii TOWN LOTr-4- Beatifully situated between the Station on the Jacksonville, Tampa and Key West Kail way and the Church, Masonic Hall and Public School Room, Instance from Thorn Station one-half mile. Good iine land, healthy pood water, srood society. Man recorded, t lear ti tle. Prices reasonable. For further informa tion, call at the premises or address at Palatka, Florida, J. W. THOMAS. .UJAJl II. FINLEY, GEM CITY HAIR DRESSING ROOMS LEMON ST., PALATKA. FLA. FRESH, SALT & SULPHUR BATHS GREAT CAMPAIGN ! NTiON KEEPERS GENERALLY I tne uanipaign. Wagon every day and for a Charge. SO ABLY FILLED THE POSITION for the Rlack Horse delivery every DEVEREUX. ROGERO &. SON. 1 o i i tl n , IS. NICHOLS. TCT" li i i - I NJ r i . 1 fi are, werv, stoves & FOR GROCERIES OF A l l . TCin cls GO TO B. G. LASSITER, LEMON AND 3EI 8TB, PALATKA, FLORIDA. PUBLIC OR PRIVATE BOOKS JEPT BALANCED OR ADJUSTED, IN strict confidence, by W3I. G. MOATES, Exi'rt accountant. Practical instruction J took keeping. Beet of rfrencfca. Apply a thin oiiiou.