Newspaper Page Text
A STOKY OF MILLIONS. The Queen's Bench Said to Have Found an Heir to a Great Kstate. Buffalo, March 10. The wife of dea con Sidney S. Brown, of Bagdad, near Gowanda, N. Y.,has been acknowledged by the Court of Queen's Bench as an heiress to the Lawrence Townley estate in England, valued at $100,000,000, about .f 10,000,000 of which is believed to be her due. Before the opening of the present cen tury Lord Townley owned a fine estate in England and was the parent of a willful but comely lass named Mary, who, despite her father's protests, be come engaged to one John Lawrence, a man of good family but no considerable wealth. Failing to conciliate the lady's father the couple came to America, and were married at Springfield, Mass. During much of the latter colonial pe riod communication was but littie ear ned on l.tween the mother country and America, and the father and daughter never became reconciled. Lord.Townley died, and the family in England became extinct. For over fifty yc ars the estate was in the hands of the I'rglish author ities, with no claimants, and might have remained so up to the present time but for the late war. In 1SG0 James Jac ques was a Methodist minister, stationed in Illinois; but when the war broke out in the following year he enlisted as a private. Promotion in the field soon followed for bravery, be being the indi vidual who unaided, arranged the meet ing between president Lincoln and Jef ferson Davis, by means of which he hoped for a settlement of difficulties. At the close of the war Col. Jacques went to Springfield, Mats., to engage in the ministry, and while there accident ally ran across the record of the mar riage of John Lawrence and Mary Town ley. Being aware of the estate in Eng land awaiting claimant?, Col. Jacques set about hunting up the heirs. His in vestigation brought him to Gowanda, where he informed Mr. Brown that his .wife, who was a daughter of the late Judge Wilders, of Springville, was a di rect descendant of Mary Lawrence, and therefore one of the heirs to the vast estate. Mr. Brown executed bonds on the estate, raised sufficient money to prosecute the claim, and sent Col. Jac ques to Europe, whither he went after declining the position of Secretary of the Treasury under the late President (Jar field. Soon after his arrival in England the Court of Queen's Bench decided that the claims of the American heirs were valid, and since that time Col. Jacques has been engaged in complying with the technicalities of English law. Mr. Brown last week received a letter from Col. Jacques stating that he had given two members of the House of Lords an in terest in the estate, for which they were to procure an ac t of Parliament directing the transfer of the proceeds of the estate to the United States Treasury. Col. Jacques is to receive one-third of the estate for his labors. Sylvester Cowles, D. D., of Randolph, purchased bonds in the estate, and is said to be very anxious to live until the final settlement, when he expects 113. 000. lie is now over 80 3e;irs old. and wants to round off a use ful career by endowing Hamilton Col lege, from which lie was graduated, with 10,000. also placing $10,000 to tho credit of a college for negroes in Ten nessee. The Florida Orange Trees. Savannah Times. The transportation of the Florida or ange crop is an item of considerable im portance to the different transportation companies. Tho Savannah, Florida and Western Railway undoubtedly handles llie bidk of this trade, and to Mr. Wal ter S. King, freight agent of that road, a Times reporter is indebted for the fol lowing figures, which show the increase in the traffic: In 1S83-84 there was ship ped U.ISS barrels and 89G,30t boxes.while in 1884-83, 8.333 barrels and 590,418 boxes have been shipped. The season 1S84-S3 is not yet ended and is holding out remarkably well. The season will lap over into tho vegetable season, which will begin in about two weeks. Already quantities of cabbage are going northward, while a few straggling cases of cucumbers and tomatoes pass over the road bound for New York. A few boxes of early strawberries have also been bil led through for New York, where they will tickle the palate of some gourmand who has a well lined purse. Sensible Observations. Chicago Tribune. This old family business is becoming nauseating. Consider such rot as this from a Massachusetts newspaper: "Al though he bears one of the oldest fami ly names in Xew England. Mr. Endicott will be found one of the most affable and approachable of men." How kind of Endicott to be aproachahle when he belongs to one of the oldest families in New England ! The who'e idea is ab surd. Gathering llim In. Featherly had been cooling his heels for half an hour in the parlor. Fin ally Miss Clara tripped in: "You must excuse my delayed ap pearance, Mr. Featherly she said, but "when your card was brought to me I was very busily engaged in sewing some buttons on papa's coat. Before Featherly left he had fully com mitted himself. Mrs. Sarah J. Allans, the wife of "Ol iver Optic," died near Boston on Satur day; aged 59 years. v Assignee's Notice. I herebv Hire notice that I have been ap pointed assignee for S. Graham. All persons I indebted to the said S. Graham are requested i to come forward immediately and pay their ; accounts, and those bavins claims against him wiil present triem lor settlement. March 3, 1SS5. W'm. II. Wigo, Assignee. To All Whom it May Concern, Be it known that thirty days after the date hereof. I will apply to the Honorable Judgeof the County Court for Putnam county-tor leave to sell at privite sale the interest of William M. Green, a minor, in and to the fol lowing real estate, situate in the county of Putnam and state of Florida, viz. : N w 5-4 of n e 14, the s Yz of n e H and n e J4 of n w H of sec 21 tp9s of r 23 e according to the United states surveys. Said real estate to be sold for the benefit of said minor. March 11th, ISSo. Eiasn A W. Gkeen. Guardian of the Estate of William M. Green. State of Florida, County Court foJ Putnam County. In the matter of the estate of Frederick I). Lente, deceased. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed by the county court of Putnam countv, Florida, administrator of the estate of Frederick I). Lente, deceased. All persons having any demands against the es tate of said deceased are hereby notified to present the same to the undersigned, within the time prescribed by law or this notice will be pleaded in bar. William Kembix Lente, Administrator of the Estate of Frederick D. Lente. deceased, l'alatka, Florida. Commissioner's Sale. ESTATE WILLIAM S. Tl'CKEIt DEC EAS ED SALE FOli PAYMENT OF DEISTS. Under authority of an order made by the County Court of Putnam county, sitting- as a court of probate. I will sell before the court house door in Pa latka on Monday, the Oth day of April, same being sale day, at 12 m., at public outcry, the following: described land, to-wit: One-seventh undivided interest in east half of southeast quarter of southeast quarter of section 21, township 12, south range;, east. This tract contains 20 acres of high pine land, near the landing at Fruitland: is well improved and has a flourishing- orange grovo on it, now in bearing. Terms of sale cash. Purchaser to pay for papers W. H. Whig, Palatka, Fla.: March 4, lS. Commissioner Notice. In the matter of tho Estate of A. II. Johns, late of Bradford county, Florida, deceased. Notice is hereby given that I will apply to the honorable county judge of Putnam county Florida, in the tow n of Palatka. on March 2'jth. 18s5, for an order to sell the fol(owing describ ed lands lying and being in Putnam county, F'lorida, which belong to said estate to:wit: Lots Number one (1) and two (2) in section fourteen (14) and lot number five (5) in section eleven (11) township number nine (10 south of range number twenty-threo (2:$) east contain ing one hundred and thirty-two (1:52) acres more or less. Said sale being made for distribution among the heirs and settlement of the estate. February 24th, 1SS5. J. M. Johns, Executor of the Estate of A. II. Johns, late of ISradford county, Florida, deceased. Notice. Rooks for registration for the approaching city election are now open. Those desiring to register will call for that purpose at L. Ealk's store from 9 to 12 a. in. and from 2 to live p. m. The following names were stricken from the city registration list for non-residence, death and other legal reasons, viz.: S A Adams. CGillis, Annanias Berry, T Itrunson, E Hradock, O A Hell, J L Drown, 0 A Koardman, J K Ilulloch, .1 J llean, Jamesllurt, H II Bennett, Wm Conrad, W L Calhoun, A W Clatlin. N Col ins, II Chisohu, S F Culver, Warren Coates, S V Cashin, J W Deval, Walter Desvirncy, C Douglas, W Dunbar, James Evil, G L Fox, 11 Franklin, Sam Fryer. J B Thompson, Geo C Thayer, A Wcrgner, J E Goosby, Jas Ileggeman, Alex liourd, G P Healy, John Jackson, Levy Jackson, U Jones, .1 C Jackson, Jas Kennedy, H LLilientiutl. Frank Lee, G L Lee, Jos Ievy, -; Geo Miller, T MeGraw K II Mason, S W Mann, Sud Papy, W S Pauliuus, Sam Rico, John J Tillman, Ed C Perkins, J Quartermaii, C Shepard, A L Salon, L Smith, Isaac Thompson, J T Varnes, J L Whitmorc, By order of Council. An Ordinance. REQUIRING A LICENSE OF OWNERS OF oil MANAGERS OF OMNIBUSES, CAR RIAGES. OAKTS. DRAYS AND WAGONS USED FOR HIRE. Be it ordained by the city council of the city of Palatka, State of Florida, as follows: Section 1st. That for the purpose of police regulation, owners, or managers of omnibus ses, hacks, carriages, carts, drays and wagons used in said city for hire, or pay directly or in directly, for the transportation of any person or articles, in any of said vehicles, shall pro cure of said city a license, under the hand and official seal of the clerk of said city, and shall pay lor ttie same tne sum or live dollars a year for every such vehicle drawn by two or more horses or mules, and three dollars a year up on every such vehicle drawn by one horse or mule. Sec. 2nd. Be it further ordained that any such owner or manager of any such vehicles who use the same as aforesaid, and who does not procure such license as is required by the tirst section of this ordinance, snail bo lined upon conviction before the mayor of said city a sum not less than double t he amount re quired for such license, or imprisoned not more than sixty days at tho discretion of the said mayor. Sec. 3rd. Be it further ordained "that the same rules and regulations as to the manner of issuing licensed in other cases, anil as to the clerk's fees for issuing said licenses shall apply to the issuing of tho licenses herein provided for. Sec. 4th. Ra it further ordained that this or dinance shall tako effect March 1st 1Sn, and that licences issued under this ordinance for the year lsss shall expire I'ct. 1, Isno. Passed by tho city council Fob. 25, 1S.C. Attest J. H. Mf.kuyday. L. FAI.K. Acfg. Prest. Board. Clerk of council. Approved February Stttli 1SS5, A. V. Mount. Mayor. An Ordinance in Relation to Shows, etc. lie it ordained by the city conned of the city of Palatka State of Florida as follows, to wit: Section 1st. Hereafter it shall be unlawful for any per son or persons, to carry on or conduct any business, in said city, for the sale of any kin. Is of goods, wares or merchandise, where the sale of of the same is effected, by public out cry in the public portion of said city, or any business by which the sale of any kin Is of goods, wares or merchandise is effected by anv game of chance, or any business by which a crowd of peop!o is made to gather in the public parts of said city, for the purpose of inducing them directly or indirectly, to purchase any goods wares or merchandise, or to engage m any gaiuo partaking, of chance provided however that tut) provisions of this section shall not apply to regular licensed auctioneers in the course cf their ordinary business. Section 2nd. Be it further ordained that it shall be un lawful for any person or ihtsoiis to carry on the business of roie-waliiing, organ grind ing, monkey showing and any similar busi ness, by which a crowd is made to assemble on thestrcets or public places, of said cit y, provided however that this section is not to apply to theatrical troupes who performs in doors, nor to Hrst-class circuses. Sect ion 3rd. Any person or persons violating any of the provisions of this ordinance, shall be fined not less than twenty-five dollars or imprisoned, not less than twenty days, nor more than live hundred dollars, or imprisoned not more than sixt v days at the discretion of the mayor. Passed Feb. 4th ISSi W. J. WlNF.GAK, President of Council. Attest. Louis Falk, Clerk of Council. Arprovcd Feb. Ctlt A. V. Mount. Mayor. Orange Groves Send toC K. Waldron. Wclaka, Fla., for tils descriptive rcular of property from $') to $15,'XXi. No is the time lor bargains. .sun. : MasonlGiBuiiding, Lemon Street X HAVING purchased the stock and business of Dr. 11. S. Priddy, and having n!s purchased a very large stock new drugs, etc., are prepared to fill ail orders promptly. Prescriptions carefully compounded. RRilW -pi hp -j-1 1ST Tl IN GAPT. R. R. REID'S BRICK BLOCK, HARDWARE STORES, Paints and Oils and House Furnishing Goods, Sash, Doors and Blinds. jPlmiliji;, Tiiiiiiiij- siinl I?iic-llt t inv oxe!tiled on J-ilior t 3Votioo sit X?eas;oiille Toi'inss. 1. 6. PHILIPS, JEWELRY, Clocks, Silver-ware, Stationery, Books, Newspapers and 3Tlo:L?cLa Je a elxT;, Cor, Xemon ami Front frits. H: W. KLICKER Begs to Inform h!s Patrons and Friends hat he can be found at his Old Stand, on Lemon St. near Fourth. A Supply of Cashmeres and Woolens on Hand. IP O R SALE. City Lots, both on Lemon and Madison Streets. Will be sold Cheap to Cash buyers. IF1- C. COCHIKA.3SrE Wholesale and Retail Book-seller and Stationer and Dealer in Fishing Tackle, Key West Cigars, Florida Curiosities. ORANGE WRAPS A SPECIALTY. Florilfi Books, ZVLnpss, Cuiiess, Ect. Lcmou Stveet, Post Oflleo Uuiiaiij, I'jilatlvs., Xloritlti. FOH SALE Florida Southern Railway Company, SITUATED IX THE COUNTIES OF Columbia, Uratlfbrtl, Clay, Putnam, AJLiclnm, Levy 3Iarioii, Ontue, Suintei-, Ileiriiaiulo, IIillloi oiifyli, Brevard, Halcer, I?ollc anl Mnuateo. Consisting of the finest Orange, Farming and Grazing Lands in the State of Florida. 'Pi k e 81.25 to $5.00 per acre, according to locatieu. For further information apply to Office Florida Southern Uaiiway Company, Palatka, Fla. 1. IV. AVILKIE, H. COiXANT, Chief Clerk, Land Department. neral Manager MOTHER'S FRIEND ! This valuable prepa ration is truly n tri umph of scientific skill, and no more inestima ble benelit was ever be stowed on the mothers !of the world. No More Terror ! No More Pain ! I tIt not only short No More Danger enshp time ot' Jator and lessonsthe intensity . !of pain, but, better than all, it greatly diminish es the dang-er to life of Mpfrior nr Philrl 1 both mother and child, lYIOtntr Or Oniia ! and leaves the mother ;in a condition highly ; favorably to speed v re covery, and far less lia ible to flooding-, convul sions, and other nlarm- The Dread of m ati irm mnn iin symptons incident MOTHERHOOD ;to lingering and painful ntoor. its truly won. iderful efficacy in this ; respect entitles The Transf. nued to iJlOTHElt S r MEND tO DC 'ranked as one of the HOPE life-saving appliances given to the world by jthe discoveries of mod lern science. -AND- From the nature of JOY! the case it will of course be understood that we cannot publish certifi cates concerning this Kemeby without woun- ding the delicacy of the Cf i J c l writers, let we nave oaTety and tase,huudred3of such testi monials on file, and no -TO- mother who has once ur.ed it will ever again c cr it i be without it in her ounermgv omen.jtime of trouble. A rrominent physician lately remarked to the proprietor, that if it were admissible to make public the letters we receive, the Moth er's friend would outsell anything in the mar ket." I most earnestly entreat every feraa'.e ex pecting to lie confined to use Mother's Friend. Con plod with this entreatv I will add that dur ing a long obstetrical practice (forty-lour years 1 have never known it to fail to pro duced safe ami qtiic?c delivery. If. J. HOLMES, M, !.. Atlanta, Ga Scnd for our Treatise on ' Health and Hap pujisi of Woman;" mailed free. !5t: a i field Ukgulator Co., Atlanta, (ja. 50,000 Orange Trees For Sale. 5.000 Budded Trees, at "0 cent each. S tOO " " " ;;, " 5jn " " " i" " ' 10.000 " " " sr. " ' S5.M Soedlinp " " 10 to 2ue. " These-trees have iH'Cn grown on high pine land, and Iniilssel'X'ted from the choicest liear-ing-trec on the St. Johns river (stocks three years old). Nursery on Paiatka Height.-, one mile Trom wharves. Addre: W. C. HAIIOROVE. sopgl 4m Palutka. Fia. I DRAYTON ISLAND UNO FOR SALE. The undersiirned will sell an undivided one- half of 'An acres of land on Drayton Island, ; and join the purchaser in making a lemon or orange grove on some oi tne ncnesi man hammock in the Etate. Beautiful building sites on tt.e property and on the margin of the lake. V,P, WpionT. JacIkzsorL's DTToraroo tS s 1 fit std &, . - (J J II. W. KLICKER. BY THE An old man cf sixty-seven years has been subject to scrofulous sores live years. He had one on his cheek as large n.s a silver dol lar, swollen, raw and constantly extiding very offensive matter. Another on his foot of the same character, and several on his hands, all ,of about two and a half years standing. His general health was poor, and he could scarce ly get about at all. He has taken two bottles of Swift "s Specific. The sores are all well, leaving scarcely a vestige of their former ex istence, and his genera! health better than it has been in ten years. 1 consider it3 effects wonderful almost miraculous. Kev J. H. Camtiikli., Columbus, Ga. Mr. Campbell is a Baptist minister, eighty years of age, and is well known all over the south as oue of the purest men. I have had hereditary scrofula broken out on me for eight years. My mother and one sister died with it, and J, supposing that I would go as other members of the family had, had despaired of life. The treatment of mer cury and potash seemed to aggravate instead of curing the disease. In this condition 1 was pressed to use Swift's Specific. After taking six bottles the fearful ulcers on my neck and arms disappeared and the scars only remain to remind me of my sufferings. Had 1 taken S, S S. at first, I would have been a well man long ago. Fkask Gilchek, Danville, Ky. TSlieximntisiiUL Twenty Years. I have been a sufferer from rheumatism for twenty years, at times with almost intolerable pain. I had the best medical treatment, and took all sorts of remedies, but without relief. Being reduced almcst to a skeleton, and not being able to walk even with crutches, I was induced to try Swift's Specific, and it acted like a charm, and I am to-day entirely relieved. Have thrown away my crutches, and am in excellent healtn' I believe Swift's Specific wiil cure the worst cases of rheumatism. Mrs. Ezra Mershox, Macon, Ga., Aug. 4, '84 Communication. My babe at six months old broke out with eczema. My fami'y physician treated the child for five months but gave up in despair of doing it any good, and recommenced, me to call some other physician. I did so, but he declined to have anytning to do with the case, saying that the child could not live. In des pair 1 went to the druggist and told him the condition of my child. He gave me a bottle of Swift's Specific and I have used two others. The child is now two years old is fat and plump as a pisr, and in perfect health. There is no sign of the disease returning. Mrs. J. J. KlHKLAXD. Maiden, Tvx, Treatise oa Blood and Skin Diseases mailed i free. Tub Swift Specific Co.. Drawer 3. Atlanta, In. JfiS.H. SHELLEY &C07 COIVlfViiSSiON fIERQHAfITS 144 S. Water st CHICAGO, ILL, Consljjrtmfi'its J-ioHeltetl or Fruits & Vegetables J For Stencil, address ! JAS. H SHELLEY & CO., PALATKA, FLA. PEOPLE'S LINE STEAMERS St. Johns River, Florida S. B. PLANT, CHATTAHOOCHEE Ant .JENNIE LANE. ."OKMING (IX CONNECTION WITH THE L Deliary-ltaya Merchants') a DOUBLE DAILY LINK for Astor, Sanford, Enterprise and intermediate landings, connecting at As tor with the St. Johns and Lake Eustis Kail way: at Sanford with tho SOUTH FLORIDA Railroad for Maitland. Orlando. Kissimmee and Tampa, and from this point with Steam ships for Cedar Key, Key West and interme diate landings on the west coast of Florida. Steamer H. B. Blast leaves l'alatka from Florida Southern Railway wharf at 8:110 o'cl'k, p. m., on Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays. DeBary-lJaya Merchant's Line Steamer City of Jacksonville, leaves Palatka from Florida Southern Kailway wharf at 8 o'clock p. m., on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Returning, leaves Sanford dailvon arrival of the train of tho South Florida Railroad, from Tampa at J p.m., arriving at Jackson ville in time to connect with the fast mail train at S-:m a. m of the Savannah, Florida and Western Bailway. Steamer Chattahoochee leaves Palatka from Florida Southern Bailway wharf at II o'clock, p. m.. on Tuesdays and Saturdays. Returning, leaves Sanford on Mondays at 3 o'clock p, m., on arrival of train on South Florida Railroad from Tampa. Returning on Thursdays, leaves Sanford at 9:35 a. m., on arrival of train on South Florida Kailroad. Steamer Jennie Lane leaves Palatka from Florida Southern Railway wharf at 12 o'clock p. m. on Mondays and Thursdays. Returning leaves Sanford on Wednesdays and Saturdays. Tickets on sale at W. O. Woltz's Drug Store, Palatka, Fla., and on board of the steamers. All tickets and passes of the DeBary-Bava Merchant's Line will be honored until further orders. Steam Barge Uncle Sam, suitable for carry ing unusual and heavy freights, open for charter, SaiFor further part'eulars, inquire cf K. S. DOWD, Agent, People's Line St. John's River, Office Waycross Steamboat Wharf, Jacksonville, Florida. " DE BARY-BAYA Merchant's Line! ST. JOHNS RIVER STEAMERS SIDE WHEEL LOW PKESSURK PALACE STEAMERS BUILT OF IKON. CARRYING THEU. S. MAIL Thiiocgh Fast Mail. The cleg-ant iron compartment Palace Steam era CITY OF JACKSONVILLE, of the Denary Uaya Merchant's Line, ai d II. It. PLANT, of the People's Line, will perform the Fast Mail Service, leaving S., F. anil W. Kailway Com pany's wharf at 12 in., and De ISary-liava Mer chants Line wharf, foot of Laura street, daily 2::) p. m for Palatka, Astor, DeLand, lilue Springs, Sanford and Enterprise- Ke turninjr leaves Sanford at 3 p. m., arriving at Jacksonville early next morning, making close connections with trains forall points North, East and West, TnnocGH Fast Freight. Leaves Jacksonville daily, Sunday excepted, at u p. m. for Sanford. Enterprise, Lake Jes sup and intermediate landings. Returning, leaves Sanford at 9 a. m., arriving at Jack sonville early following morning. Through to Lake Jcssnp Wednesday, and Saturday. Jackson vi i.le Palatka, and Cuescent City Division. Leaves Jacksonville and Palatka Fast Mail daily, except Sunday, at H:00 a.m., for Palatka, Crescent City and intermediate landings. Re turning, leaves Crescent City daily, except Sunday, at 7-.;X); Palatka at 9:45 a. m. Palatka and Sanfoiid Daylight Division. New and elegant Iron Falacc Steamers FREDDeISARY and ANITA leave Palatka daily, Sunday excepted, at 10:12 a. m., on arri val of J., T. and K. W. Railway Fast Express Train with Parlor Cars attached, leavinar Jack sonville at 8:10 a. m., for Sanford and Enter prise and intermediate landings. Returning, leaves Sanford at 8:80 a. m., arriving at Palat, ka at G:15 p. m.. connecting with Fast Express, arriving at Jacksonville at 8-JOp. m. Elegant Waiting Rooms, with all modern improvements, will be found at Passenger wharf. Close connection made at Palatka with the Florida Southern Railroad; at Astor with St. Johns and Lake Etrstia Railroad: at Sanford with South Florida Railroad, for Orlando, Kissimmee, Tampa, Key West and intermedi ate points, and with steamers for Indian River. For further information applv to Ticket Office, southeast corner Bay and Laura, or at the company's offices, foot of Laura street. Freight wharves foot of Pine street: passenger wharves foot of Laura Street CHAS. B. FENWICK, Gen. Freight and Pas3. Agent. W. B. WATSON. General Manager. Jacksonville, Tampa & Key West Railway. THE "GEM CITY" ROUTE. THE ONLY ALL RAIL LINE BETWEEN JACKSONVILLE & PALATKA. THREE HOURS QUICKER TO JACK SONVILLE THAN BY ANY OTHER LINE. RAINS RFN AS FOLLOWS; GOING NORTH. Lv. Jacksonville. ...8:10am " Orange Park 8:37 " 1:42 " ' Green Cove Spg..9:05 " 2:0V " 4:30 p m 5:00 " 5:30 " tiiV, " Ar. Palatka 10:03" 3:01p.m. GOING SOCTTT. Lv. Palatka 8:45 a in 12:10 p in 0:3fi p m " Green Cove 9:53 " 1:15 " 7s " Orange Park... 10:24 " 1:42 " 8:07 " Ar. Jacksonville.... 10:55 " 2:10 " 8:40 " The Sunday train will leave Palatka at S:45 a. m. for St. Augustine and Jacksonville. Re turning leave Jacksonville at 4:30 p. m., St. Augustine 4:30 p. m. THE ST. JOHNS RAILWAY '-MAKES DIItECT COXXECTION At West Tocoi. to and from St. Augustine. The 12:10 p. m. train from Palatka and 1:15 p. m. train from Jacksonville make connection at Palatka with the Florida Southern K'y., to and from Gainesville, Ocala, Leesburg and in termediate points. M. It. MO RAN, Surf, March Sth, 1SS5. PUBLIC OR PRiyATE BOOKS" TTEPT BALANCED OK ADJUSTED, IN i IV strict confidence, by ; G. MOATI2S, Expert accountant. Practical instruction in Bookkeeping. Best of references. Apply at this office. ORANGE GROVE HT'ozr? Sale. - A grove which tore 73.00 fine oranges jn j lfw4 within four miles of Palatka. 1 reea ! j heaStby and growing Caely. Will be sold for f 5,5t it taken soon. Apply at this ofSee. PAINT WORKS, THE ONLY STEfiffl MANUFACTORY IN THE SOUTH. Hi- ME"Y"EB, Proper, Manufacturer of all kinds of Pure Paints. Wholesale and Retail dealer in ail kinds cf PAINTER'S SUPPLIES. Fire Proof Paints, Wall Paper and Step Ladders. Being a practical painter I also furnish estimates and take con tracts on ail kinds of house and tign painting. Agent for CHESS C0RLEY CO'S fire proof oils. lEsialolisBlzLOcL 1875. WEBB & SfSURAriOE AGENTS, XSooius; 1 una 1 ISIHIIOl 1JLOCK. Offer Special li.-ugaius in TOWN LOTS and WILD LAND in FOLK, SUMTER ami IIEKNAXDO Counties. EOBT. i i i m I ; l A. -r 5 P A L A T Ji. -Y , Eolivb. IR Eeid & Son It o it li ji, Dealers in General Merchandise. A Full Line of Goods Kept Tn tueri De partment. Always give us a Call. VBETEEES & CO. JV?STI WHOLKlSALIl nilAIKH II FLOUR, GRITS, CORN. HAY, OATS, BRAN, COTTON SEED & FERTILIZERS. OPPOSITE J. T. & K. W. K. 1!.- SOirTll SIDL. Ail Orders Will Receive Prompt Attention anil Quick Shipments Made Florida Southern Railway. rJTiio Ornugo licit Iiou(e. i Office Supeuintendknt ( Pai.atka, Nov. 2, 1HS4. t GOING SOUTH. STATIONS. Jacksonville via J. T. & K. W. K'y Palatka J. T. & K.W. Junct. Interlachen Wait's Crossing I MAII, am v'Jle xpn ess. Lv I i Ly Ar 1L':4 S V M ! 2:;i " 2:.V " :(:.'); ' 4:1" " 4:W " 5:15 " 5:15 " i:Z! " 0:05 " :31 0:55 " 7:(tt " 7:10 " 7:U " 7::tT. " Gruclle Gainesville Micanopy Lochliie Kcddicks Ocala Welahton North Lake Weir South Lake "Weir. j.m Conant Lady Lake. . Lecsl hi rg . . . Ar GOING NOliTll. STATIONS 1 G;ii uv'lle pia Lv Ar Ix-'csbuig Ladv Lake a m 1:4 I .. . 'i-X't 2:15 7-."'' " 755 " 8:(f! " 8:10 " W4 " ':() " !)::w " S:M " 10:20 " 11:15 " 10:5t) " 11::H " 12:15 pm ix:-x " conant South Ijike Weir North Lake Weir Welshton Ocala Keddick Loehbio . . j Micanopy I Gruelle. . (Gainesville Wait's Crossing Interlachen J. T. & K. W. Junct. Palatka I p.. j ... i :(:I7 ! :'-7 I 4:( ( am lni 4:4:) r,:-. 5:4 I (i:4:i .u:".i Jacksonville via J.T. & K. W. K y I 2:10 T It A I N S LEAVE OAI N ES V I IX V.. For Palutka, Ocala and Leesburg. For Micanopy II V M TRAINS AKKIVH AT GAIN ESV I I.I.i: , . From l'alatka, ) 1 1 ! 5 a m Ocala and - 5.15 p m Iicesburg, Prom Micanopy y jn. ',r, a m On Sundays a fast jiassenger train will ! run: leaving Palatka at 7:0 a m, conneetirnr with train for Leesburg at Gruel.'e, an-i arriving at Gainesville at 10 no a ni. Ijeaving Gainesville at 4 00 p ra. oonr-e. ting with train from Leesburg at Gruclle, and a:--riving at Palatka at 6 ai p m. CONNECTIONS. At Palatka with Jacksonville, Tnmpa Sc Key West Hy, fast river steamers tor Sr. Au gustine, Green Cove Sprimr?, Jacksonville and all points North, East and West, and with up riv-r steamers for South Florida. Alsc. with the Twin Screw Iron Srenmr-r "Cit v of Palatka," and Steamship City of Mont::.-i!o, for Charleston, New York Uoston Philade! phia, etc. Mail trains make close cer.nection both ways via J. T. & K. W. K'y., at Jacksonville v. ah At lantic Coast Line, Fast Mail, At Wait's Crossing with Florida lintlroad and Navigation Co., f or WhUIo. At Gainesville with Savannah, F!t.ii-;a & Western K'y for Tailnl, p.-ec. Savannah :iiu ali points North Ltust and West, and wirh Florida ttailwayand Navi;n;tion Co., for Ctdai-Key. Pensacola, New Orleans and Tampa. "At Ocala with Tlorida Kailway and N.iviga t ion Co.. and Hacks for Silver Springs. At rr wish the .t. Johns a:i-l I aV, Eustis division of tho Florida Southern Rail way, and boats on l ake Harris lot poii;rjt on Lake. Also with Graiinm's Hacks for Krooke yille, Sumterviile and ail points in South Flor ida, S.COXANT, JAS. B. HOLLISTER, General Manager. SurrintenUeiit O. W. IlROllWLLL, Gen l Pass. Agent MARVICK & GERKE j Stair Building Department und r Supervision of B. Hi nt. the BUILDERS POW NICHOLS, IR, BSID, s r -r-y- t i i ri v i i i F L O KI D A, IP 1 o l- i 1 :i. MRS. J.A.SiVISTH Millinery, And Fancy Goods, Lemon Street, - - jFIorit!:. W. B. CROSS, Gem City Market, Dcalei' In nil Kinds of Norton and Florida Meats, Jtiltiy and Game, Fresh and Salt Water Fish. USINA'S BLOCK, WATER STREET LUCAS' BOATS. STEAM YACHTS for CHARTER '"PHESn YACHTS are in t'rst- lasH order, of JL fast s)eed, and aie in charge of curful and competent crews. 1JOW HOATW. New IStat for hire at all hours, with good oarsmen, when desired, lloatson hand tosuit. the fancy of all, and in numbers to supply till demand.;. I-'JltltV- KOAT. Leaves I ucas' dock every thirty minules for groves on opposite side of river. Trip made quickly and tufcly. J. E. LUCAS, Foot of Water Street, near J., T. 4: K. W. K. K. Dett. An Independent Newspaper of Dem ocratic Principles, but not Controlled by any Set of Politicians or Manipulators; Devoted to Collecting and Publishing all the News of the Day in the most Inter esting Shape and with the greatest pos sible Promptness, Accuracy and Impar tiality ; and to the Promotion of Demo cratic Ideas and Policy in the affairs o Government, Society and Industry. Bates, by Mail, Pottpaid: DAILY, per Year $6 00 DAILY, per Month 50 SUNDAY, per Year 1 00 DAILY and SUNDAY per Year . - - 7 00 WEEKLY, per Year 1 00 Addrt. THE SUX. Xete York City. II it HS1 id 3