Newspaper Page Text
¥%**?, £s'vKvi"7» '-j 'tr °-. i. "s- ,fn *r. 1 VOLUME 2 NO. 15. MitS ews. Mrs. Millio Smith went to Bel Held Monday to do dressmaking. Win. Davis went to the cities l-iatr week to be absent for a mouth. F. YV. Brock was unfortunate in losing a very good work horse lirst of the wo _»k. Mcsdaincs F. 1). and D. M. Cooper wero Dickinson shoppers I tf't.wwn trains, Tuesday. Bert Chessner returned to Uoach Sunday evening after pcnding the winter in Wisconsin: Conductor EI. Ileath, of Man (ian, visited F. E. Ileath in this illage a few days first of the week. kcv. Douglas conducted Congregational ..'/rvices before a large audience Sunday •veiling at the home of D. M. Cooper. The next service will be held at F. E. Near's, Sunday, March xo, in the morning. Asocial will be given by the Congregational church at the par lor of the State Line Hotel, to morrow evening. A. program is prepared. A silver collection will lie taken. Leonard Stockwell and Leo nard L. Roberts have received ad rice of the shipment of their Co lean plowing engines and are preparing to make an early start this season in breaking. Rev. Thorpe delivered an elo '{ueut sermon before a large and appreciative audience at the school 1 louse last Sunday morning. The Haine day in the afternoon he con ducted Scandinavian services at C. "nulson's and was likewise fav ored with a large attendance. A very social event of the week was the entertainment and basket social at the hall Last Friday wveiling under the auspices ot the li. N. of A. The society reali zed $54.50 fronr the same. The program consisted entirely of «peuking and singing. County superintendent Kitchen was pre sent to favor the audienco with a '•oupki recitations which received 'he applause of the appreciative listeners, and for which we are requested, in behalf of the society TO extend herewith, thanks. Mr. Kitchen is an eloquent speaker. O. M. Olson, states that he has Seen shipping cream to the Mis souri River Produce Co. at Bis marck and is very much pleased with the test and price. The cream has netted him 75 cents per gallon f. o. !. Beach, and :ie says that bout* nuking butter :iiul peddling' it out. to the store for whatever price they wish to }av. He advises, that anyone Staving cream, should ship it to lie above named company. He receives his returns and checks on return mail after each I saw a 'I, ship ment.' Mr. Olson contemplates •ugagina extensively in dairying this spring. We would like to •tee more the farmers do so as we believe there is no certainty as to the success of grain every vear here.. Power of the Eye. "Talking of the power of the human 1l8cusslon on mesmerism, maddened, snorting bull *-as bearing Btraight down upon me, my he-* I stood still. I rushed on a few yards and—then I remembered the iower of the human eye, and I turned rind bent a magnetic gaze on the ad vancing animal. "On, on he came toward me, till at »ast he was within a few feet of me. fhen he lifted his magnificent head -ind- caught my eye. For a moment he vavered then he turned and raced fiack. As he peased there arose a storm of llsaent. "I forgot to mention," the quiet man continued, when he got a chance to re sume, "that when I rushed those few yards I was able to jump over a stout. wall, and the gazing was done from the safe side of the wall/' "Well," said cne of the dissenters, angrily, "what'* that got to do with the power of the human eye?" "If it hadn't been for the power ot the human eye," finished the quiet man, "how should I walir* have seen that Notice To Farmers. Buy your formaldohyde of the legitimats dealers in drugs and poisons. We can give you any information desired as to its use for we have had considerable exper ience In handling it. W- have had a sample of our tormaldehy Pro) Lodd, state :hemist. tii guarauted it to c«. uj !y with Ui Si- OI Xo. IIJ Dakota, .'J not T» ATI r.v usiug an inter.o, grade, io -f the proper staii-Jiirt it wiii "i ih «Hrlc. We i|ill match price with aiiy 011 J: I.I S^I 1 S».L JY iti- 1 1:1 1' i. 1 ». a, iTf-jj Editor Shear was a brief caller today. Mrs. Emma Reichenecker was a county seat visitor Tuesday. We are certianly enjoying very fine weather. It couldn't be bet ter. Frank Noll is in Iowa this week buying a carload of horses to be shipped here and sold. There is quite a demand in the Burkey country for horses. Members of the Cathotic church are arranging a hard time dance for the bene fit of the church. It will be held Easter Monday. Tickets 99 cents. Supper 26 cents. The RafUe and dance was well patronized Tnesda}' evening. E. B. Coleman held the whining number and got a saddle pony for cents. A moving picture show was given in the hall last evening and largely patronized. It is reported as being good. It will be given again this evening and a dance will also occupy a few hours after the show. Mrs. Livermore will lead the young peoples' meeting Sunday evening. Special music and sing ing. AU are urged to be present. Reports are that Mrs. M. D. Sarver is seriously ill at the Sis ters Home in Bismarck' with ap pendicitis and there is but little hopes of her recovery. The peo ple of Beach sincerely hope for a change for the better and a speedy recovery. Farmers, note the new ad of Overstand & Hoverson in this publication. They are placing in a very large stock of farm tools^ machinery, buggies and hardware They probably have the largest store in the county and it will be well to visit their store before making a purchase elsewhere. J. W. Hubble is again able to be out of doors, after his seige of several months confinment with a hemorhage of the stomach. His condition was serious as well as long suffering and necessitated the best of care and medical aid The people~of the village were pleased to see him in town Saturday. Many of the farmers south of town have named their farms and are using printed stationary, such as letter headings and envelopes O. M. Olson's large dairy farm will be known hereafter as the Clover Leaf 'Dairy John Bloom strum's, the Rosedale Farnj F. E. Powers', Prairie-Belle rarm and J. Johnson's, the Shamrock. Others are contemplating the same. We not only are pleased to received this extra printing, but to see farmers have this pride and it is a* essential for the for mer to do so as it is for the mer chant. It is the businesslike way and there is no danger of loss of letters or having them read at the dead letter office. We fur nish 250 envelopes and 250 letter heads for §2.75. Name your farm and join the procession. 1 rye," 8RL(I the quiet man, joining in the 1 "I was pass ing through afield when a terrific be! •owing caused me to look around. Aqd vrhen HER IDEA. Mrs. Tellitt Wright—This discussion of the servant girl problem is a serious thing. Mrs. Benton Holme—Very true. You can't tell what minute the servant girl will overbear you. Clianibe'la^n's Cough Remedy a Favorite "We. prefer Chamberlain's .Cough Kem erfy to any other for- our ciuldrea," says Mr. L. Woodbury of Twining, Mich. "It bats p!so done the work for us in hard colds and croup, ant! we take pleasure in reco mending it." For sale by all dealers. Had Plenty. "My dear," announced a lady whose hushmd had acquired a fortune rath er suddenly, "I believe you ought to set :i oat-of-arms." "Nonsense,"replied the man, whoso wealth was considerably In oxeeas of his education.. "I've already got xaoro clothes than I know what to do frith!" '•*:, ., »^x- "*5?^ W v^'." .. •ymBfmmi ABOUT SENTINEL BUTTE PEOPLE Miss Effie Kellogg of Beach was visit ing friends in town this week. A large delegation of our people found its way to Medora last Friday. Mr. Lewis F. Crawford returned from his visit in Kansas and the Soutnern states. Mr. Penny, who lives west, and a little south of town, was on our streets Sunday. Mr. Penny has been a stranger to us for some time. v. Frank Stone returned from Dickinson Sunday. Mr. Kitchen had the pleasure of being entertained by our former townsman, A. B. Kellogg, when in Beach- Friday to attend the R, N. of A, programme. Albert Gilbert and Sam Rouse visited the upper school room Monday and gen erously distributed candy to the girls at recess. Both these young gentlemen were formerly pupils of our school. The high degree of intelligence evident in Sentinel Butte was emphasized Monday when a full petition to bond the district for 4 seven thousand doliar school, was secured in forty minutes. But one place was opposed to the measure. Our unanU mity is certainly gratifying. We are willing to contiuue the $2,000 county fun for a stock protective associa tion as we have secured an average bounty of $275 for iwenty years for a school. Let us put our children on is good a basis as our cattle, even though wo do not care so much for thsm. Several of the farming gentry seem pleased with the treatment accorded to them at tin- general store where) their butter aud eggs are gladly taken. The spirit of malevolence toward our farming friends is being liurried. Dr. J. L. Kitchen, practising physician and surgeon of Chicago, will retire from the active practice and locate in Sentinel Butte where he will be near his sons. If himself and family like the country "they intend to loeate permanently. Announcements, Wants, Etc. Came to my premise .1 ta.iy liuuv old enough to vote, lias 110 brand.—A. M. Dillivan. Cattle herded for this summer at $1.50 per head. Plenty of good running water, also good r:ui e. C. \V. Iilliott, Beach, N. Dak. For Sale—200 busnels of speltz, 1 '/i cents per pound.—H. II. Schultz. The Yoemen will give a dance at the opera house March 15th. FOR SALE--At my ranch, on I.aine Steer, 12 miles south of Beach, Co head of work mares, weigh from 1000 to 1300, at right prices. Come and see me.— S. B. Chappsl, Wibaux, Mont. Preiidedt Melvin, of the commercial club urges that all members of the club be in attendance at the meeting next Wednesday evening at the hotel. Regular meeting nights of the M. W. A. are the second and fourth Saturdays of each month. All visiting members are cordially invited. Meetings held in the Opera Hall. W. L. MCKIBBIN, Consil W. A. YOUNG, Clerk. WANTED—A young man to haul hay from four to five miles and do general work on ranch. For particulars, call at this office. The Lutheran Ladies' Aid society will meet next Thursday, March 7th at the home of Charlie Haugen. On the same afternoou all the voting members of the congregation are requested to meet at the same place as important matters are to be discussed. Teachers Notice. Examination for teachers' certificates will be held in Medora, Friday and Sat urday, March 8th and 9th, commencing at 9 in the morning. AU warrants issued to those teaching and not holding a valid certificate are void. jfc 3i,i 1 5 JOSKFH A. KITCHEN, County Supt. of schools, COMMISSIONERS PROCEEDINGS. Medora, Feb. 23, 1907. Board met persuant to call of county auditor present, J. B. Stoddard and F. E. Gorhaiu. 12 o'clock m. Board, on motion ad journed to meet at 1:30 p. m. 1 1.30 p. 111. Board met persuant to ad journmeut present, J. B. Stoddard and F. E. Ciorham. The' following bills were presented and warrants ordered drawn. S. N. Lebo, reti/tning ballott box $2.00 40 miles travel 2.00 W. A. Shear, notices for deposite of sinking fund 7.50 Commissioners proceedings 48 squares 36.00 1000 letterheads and 500 envel opes for Supt. of schools 8.50 500 letterheads and 500 envel opes for county judge 5.50 Commissioners proceedings 16 squares 12.00 1906 tax notices 4 squares 4 times 9.00 Pure food-list 41 inches 2 times 41.00 A. B. Grambs, stove, and step ladder 34.30 J. A. McGregor, repairs on type writer 2.50 Express and freight 3.36 The surity bona of the Belfield State Bank, a depository for countysinking fund was on motion approved. J. S. Snider asked that his assessment be abated, on the ground that be had been assessed twice on the same property and on motion Mr. Snyder's assessment was abated.^ On motion the following bills were pre sented, allowed and warrants /ordered drawn. F. E. Gorham, 2 days services $8.00 24 miles travel 1.20 J. B. Stoddard 2 days services 8.00 50 miles travel 2.50 On motion Board adjourned without date. J- A. MCGKEOOH, County Auditor. I- H'^4 BEACH, BILLINGS COUNTY, NORTH DAKOTA FEB. TRIE CONDITIONS IN NORTH DAKOTA Partners and Business Men Join in Denying Exaggerated Tales. "The Northwestern North Dakota Fed eration, representing the agricultural und business interests of that portion of North Dakota, was formed at Minot, N. D.. Feb. 22, 1907, for the purpose of making a thorough investigation, including the coun ties of Ward, Bottineau, McLean, Williams McHeury and McKeniie, and reporting to the press and general public. The organization was formed for the purpose of.making a searching investiga tion and confining its report to the facts alone, reporting deaths, if any, endured by the townspeople and country residents, the fuelshortage question, the traffic bio ckades, depth of snow, extent 01 cold and matters appertaining to the past winter in North Dakota atW particularly to the counties mentioned above. Delegates from McKenzie and Williams counties reported that as the»e tvu enmit ies are probably the last in the state to be taken up by hometseaders, the trials of the winter weather probably fell more heavily upon their settlers than upon those of any other county of the state. Many of them came to this section last fall Irom the eastern and southern states with less than $100 in their pockets. Through lack of funds they were unable to buy sufficient 1 umber with which to build more than single board shacks with tar paper cover ings. They were unable to buy sufficient clothing to protect their own bodies and even went hungry to bed for lack of food many times. They suffered of course, as they would have suffered in any other state in the union. Among the older elass of settlers, or those who had raised one crop or more, tfo suffuring of any kind occured. Two deaths from freezing were reported. Early in the winter, before the snow came, a young man living near the Canadian boundary line was f6und five feet away from the door of a neighbor, who lived some eight miles from the young man's claim. His cap, coat, overshoes and mit tcus were r.-.iaiirg frcni the man's body and the conclusion arrived at was that he had become demented, and while in that condition and wandered oil in the night.The other cjise was that of a youcglady While driving across the country in com pany with two other girls and a youni man, an accident happened which fright ened the horses and caused theni to run away, tipping the entire party out. Leav ing the girls, the young man went for the team. When he returned two girls only were to be found. The other had become frigntened and started ofl alone in an en deavor to reach home. Her body was not found until the following morning. Owing to the great deposites ot coal and "heavy growth of timber along the Mis soure river, the fuel shortage reported in some sections did not effect them. It is reported that from Williston 15 rural routes radiate in all directions 60 miles crossing the Missouri river into McKenzie county. The reports sent to Washington show that but one delivery on one rout only had betn missed during the winter. From the stock growing districts of Mc Kenzie county it was reported that thou sands of head of horses and cattle were wintering in the brakes and on the prair ies along the river streams and that the loss from cold or exposure would be no greater, if as great, as in past years.' Lenghty reports were made putting forth the fact that the immense yield of grain had handicapped the railroads to such an extent that cars could not be had for the purpose of shipping in supplies that the elevators had become filled with grain which couid not be moved to market. There were no deaths form freezing re ported in this'locality. The delegates from the western part of Ward county and trom McHenry county were unanimous in their statement that there had been practically- no suffering whatsoever from the severity of the win ter, and that there has been but one case of a person freezing to death in this sec tion of the state. The case is that of a woman, past 70 years of age, who resided on a claim near Ryder, in McLean county, about 35 miles south of Minot. The woman was sick with pheumonia and was left alone in her shack while her nephew came to Minot for medical aid. When he returned to the claim he found that his aunt had frozen to death by leason that she was helples- ?n th?- case there was plenty of fuel an-i provisions in the shack. While in some of tljt- outlaying towns there was a scan-io. o! lucl, in the early part of December there was no suffering as a consequence nnr! v, lien the author ities took notice oi liu- fact that there would be a fuel i:inin". in their localitv unless aid came 10 ihem within a short time, they appefiM legislative and congressional repn 'i^ntatives and also to the railroads, winch appeal resulted in getting the district. most in need before there was any actual .tillering. In Minot there ii.ul been a plenty of everything at all tii ies. This section of North DaKota did not have what is gener ally termed a blizzard during the entire wicter. From Dec. 6 to Feb. 7, the weather was cold—unusually so—but on any day during that time the farmers were able to get to town by reason of the fact that there was very little wind and the cold was not noticed as it would have been under other conditions. PROGRAM FOR REAL ESTATE MEN. Bismarck, N. D., Feb. 25.—Commis sioner Gilbreath of the state immigration department has arranged a program of addresses on the occasion of the meeting of the real estate men to .be held here Thursday. it is thought the meeting will be one of the most important of the year, inasmuch as it will result in an organized effort to disbuse the minds of non-residents of er roneous ideas concerning the recent rail road blockade and fuel famine. The speakers and subjects will be as follows: J. A- Sorley. "The Commercial Centers of the state J. L. Cashei. "The Upper Red ttiver Valley H. Streeter, "The Labor Interests of the State," T. li, Mockler, "The .State Capital, Past and 3 iV4 Wiliilil present T. T. Twichell, "The Valley of the iu North Dakota W. E. t'urcell, "The Garden of Ed«-n, tile South east Corner of the State L. A. Simeon, "The Missouri Slope, Its Magnificence and Fertility," K. N. Stevens, "North Dakota's Wealth and undeveloped Resources Governor John Burke, "The State as a Whole." COWBOY BREAKS UP LYNCHING. Glen Ulliu, N. D., Feb. 25. —News has been received of an attempt to lynch a halfbreed by a party of Kussians, near Leipzig, in Morton county, about forty miles south of here. The halfbreed and two or three Rus sians had been drinking in a blindpig. An altercation arose in which the half breed hta'jbed, and perhaps fatally wound ed, one of the Russians. The breed attempted to escape, but a crowd of Hus sions persued aud captured him. The wretch was taken some distance out of town, tied to a small tren and the forty (it- more Russians, arming themselves with boulders, began to stone him. A cowboy from a South Dkaota ranch rode up and attempted to interfere to save the life of the prisoner. He fired into the crowd and roped another anddragged him for some distance. The remainder of the crowd came to the rescue and the cowboy had to flee to save his life from a volley of stones thrown at him. This diversion, it seems, eventually saved the life of the halfbreed. the counsel of older heads among the Russians finally prevailing. The man who was stabbed is still alive, but in a critical condition. Those who were injured in the attempts of the cow boy to save the prisoner were not seriously hurt aud will recover. Child's Life Saved byChamberlain's Cough Remedy. Mrs. John Knglehart, of Gera, Mich., tells of the anxious rtioments spent over I her little two-year-old daughter who had taken a hard cold resulting in croup. She says: "I am satisfied that if it had not been tor Chamberlain's Cough Remedy she would have choked to death. I gave this medicine every ten minuets and she soon began to throw up the phlegm. lean recommend it in the highest terms as I have another child that was cured in the same way. Sold by all dealers. liw Shoes, over shoes, leggins, arctics, flan nels, flannelets and cali cos The latest cut HEAD QUARTERS for the Sharood and RE-Z SHOES A shoe that will please you in fit. quality and price. Our stock is complete for men, women and children. We aim to carry a complete line of Ladies' and Gents' furnish ings and solicite your trade with honest values consistant with reasonable prices. I IN OUR GROCERY department is always found a fresh and up-to-date stock! of groceries, flour, fruit, etc. Our coffees and tea cant be beat. Try us with your! next order. JH. li. ItUSS. lieach, N. IX ffieach 'Drug Store It is here to supply your wants. Let them know what they are. Jfeadquartors for 1 Souvenir Postal Cards Pure and Fresh Candies Nuts and Fruits Patent Medicines Fine Grade Cigars Toilet Articles Fine Stationery Books Rubber Goods Etc. Purity and quylity of every article guaranteed. Try" a bottle of Lyon's Toilet Cream to keep the chaps away. The Beach Drug Co. EEASINO. J'AINSTAKINO klNTJNO I'HOMPTW KODUCED at OJ'UJ.AK PRICES. ThuCbronicleolftte ,»• Chronicle* JOHN KEOLLANE Stntrs Ally. JENS R1VENES Attorney at Law. Honk Suulerr..l)utchci jldvekat. Probate matters, Land Attorney, Practice in all court!-.. GLENDIVK, MONT. Masonic Anne WELSH A LLKN Carpenters and Builders Plans and Specifications furnished on application. All work neatly and pro mptly done. We have over jno house designs, modern and up-to-date. THE BEACH MtAY. i-it. -n fflectch S&us/ness dc ZProfossional 'Directory. R. GU I AC.HK* Keohane & Gallagher LAWYERS Office In Golden Valley S.Mie I'siiM ins UliACII. N. I), Will gladly show them to anvone wishing to build. A CH. N. 1). GEOKCiE WOOD Prop. Your draying solicited. Terms reasonable. All order* promptly executed. Masonary contracts also solicited. BEACH, N.I 1. J. W. FOX, Masonary-Contractor, Wants contractson cement block buildings. Am thoroughly experienced in'that liue. Brick woik and plastering also solicited. All work guaranteed to give'satisfaction. Estimates o[ cost cheerfully furnished. BEACH, N. D. Set a home of your own/ at or near the thriving town of Beach, the future Metropolis of Billings County, destined to be one of the best towns in western N. Dak., in the near future, situated in the very heart of the fertile Golden Valley, North Dakota's fairest gem, surrounded on every side by rich undulating prairie farm lands, that are excelled by none. We are offering for sale the best of these lauds lying adjacent to town and schools, some of which are no more than ten minutes walk from the Depot, at prices and terms, that you cannot get elsewhere, although you go farther from Town. We also have bargains in Town ship lots- and ranches of all sizes. Write us for what you want. We must have it in our large list Respectfully, NEAR & HARPER, Fnblithod Etery Thursday at BMCII, N. I). BEACH, NO. DAK MONEY TO LOAN Is the largest paper published in Billings County, centra lly located in the thickly settled and prosperous agricul tural portion of BEACH, N. DAK. Custome grinding a specialty. All kind* of ground feed for sale. Cash paid for'Oats. Barley Wnjut and Spelt/.. We have the exclusive agency for the celebrated HART PARR traction engines, gasolene and ker josene burners for plowing and threshing Painter. A. J, lieiciiettucker, solicits WANTED A good, well broke anj 1 your ord«rt tor wall paper. He ha* hi* gentle farm Uors :. H'ill f/(V ish L. \V. new 1907 samples. Call and them Richards ^r v1 1 '1 -1' Fl OVv^ 4 ^0 A 1 T" V--' $1.50-PER YEA\R. H- PURCHASE LAWYEK. Practice in all courts, also in U. S. Lam| Office, General Land Office and thf Department of the interior. Contests pmsecuted or defended. Homestead tiling papers made. Final or conimuta- tir.n proofs. BEACH, N. D. E E A Contractor and Builder. Jobbing a-specialty. Build^ ing plans and estimates cheerfully furnished, JJKACH, N. l. QUintflVin 6 I.YTLE Wu sell land and locate p«-M ill' on IIoiiiiiHttiildis, make out Land Office papers and look alter ('ontest and final Proof cases. Write for information. Office over Post OlHce. DICKINSON, N. D. So/den Valley blacksmith ll/orks IIorMi Shoeing and General Hlacksniitliinr a Specialty. Wood work and repairing of all kind as per order. All work guaranteed satisfac factory. Yours for business J. A. UNGER, Prop. Beach, N. D. BEACH, NO. DAK. Established 1905. Subscription price $1.50 per year in advance Golden Valley Chronicle, W. A. the Goldicx Valley. It has afield of its own hundreds of miles in extent on both sides of the main line of the X. P., in which it is the representative news vender. it reaches 800 homes weekly and new names are rapidly being added to its list of subscriptions. Hence it is a valuable medium for its advertisers. It has a well equipped job printing department in connection. Commercial printing and advertising respectfully solicited. Young, Editor and Pub. On Billings County Land In the Golden Valley If vou want to borrow money on your farm call at our office, one door east of Kellog's meat market, and wc can fix you out. No commission mortgage. No Bonus. Beach Land and Loan Company, Thos Kranick Concrete Works Jfiecct Srindiny Mfg'rs. of Con crete Building Material Kttioiates promptly and che* fully furniahed on application on all concrete building blocV.t and material. It in chav|, if not cheaper thun lnmbor. We are also dealers in Earut Machinery of all kind*. Our binder*, moworis and riifce.-. are made by the McCoriuick Co. who lead tha procansion of tha worlds manufacturers. Our price* are ruaaouuLie Call and nee our lins before purchasing else when.-. BEACH, NO. 1) VR.