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VOLUME 2 NO. 20. ffiits of jCocal 9/ews. Thus. Cahill, of Bellfield, was .'i Beach visitor Monday and Tues day. Ed Hovcrton transacted busi ness in Fargo Monday and Tues day. Misses Belle and Anna Bersa $el, of Ada, Minn., arrived Sat urday evening for a week's visit vitli their brothers. F. M. Tuller has accepted a lOnition as salesman in the yards the Dacotah Lumber Co. and tiegan work Monday. C. H. Moulton, who spent the vinter at the coast, returned to iteach Saturday. H. F. Plotz was in town Satur day, the first time in two months. He has suffered with iuflamatory rheumatism and was confined to his bed for more than a month. He is yet very feble and will be unable to gain his strength for several weeks. Albert Stetzer and family, of Melrose, Wisconsin, arrived here Monday with two cars of immi grant movables and have taken up their new residence on the A. Townley claim north of town. Agent Cooper's March report •contained 33 immigrsut cars for that month, unloaded at Beach. Sixteen have since been added to the list. A great many of the new settlers of the south west portion of the Valley unloaded at Wibaux, hetice we are unable to give the entire number coming in. Chas. Woodsend and Oscar Leppla, of Fessenden, were a tnong the parties who shipped their goods in from other points to the Golden Valley this week. Messrs Woodsend and Leppla are located about 20 miles from Beach, south west of Burkey. The Hard Times dance given the aid society of the Catholic •ohurch was a decide^ success, 350 people atteneed the ssim'e and •everyone had a good tirqe. Wi baux and Sentinel Butte were well represented. Proceeds were $185. J. A. Ragan, well known to many of the pioneer settlers, who made commutation proof otj a •choice claim three miles north of fown about three years ago, spent it few days of the week in our »usy little city. Mr. Ragan now resides in St. Paul and travels Por a mercantile firm. He still wn.s his land here and values it *t $20 per acre. Messrs Miller, Matson, Tucker, McDonald and Olson were on the plaintiff's Bide in a contest Tues day at the U. S. land office for he Charles Johnson claim. Ole •iohuson and F. W. Fowler were -vitnesses for the defendent. We sincerely hope Mr. Johnson will not lose his claim and it is not at «ll likely that he will. "Charlie" in une of our best known and re flected youug men who eatne in the country when it was quite iie\v, used his influence in get ting in settlers, has all his interests here, and has made a showing of •rood intentions of making a home of his claim. He is an orphan with limited means ami is deserv ing of his homestead. Such is rlic public sentiment. UR STORE IS THE Miss Mabel Kellogg visited in Dickinson Monday. Geo. Purchase and wife were Wibaux visitors Monday. N. B. Stith supports a new and fine looking driving team. A. F. Merrill went to Stillwater yesterday to pick out a homestead. Rier Thompson and family, of Blair, Wis., arrived last evening. No. 3 excursion train last even ing, brought about forty land men to Beach. Mcdora advertises for a black smith. Well, what's the matter with the Herald man? W. A. Orgain and wife were among the many from Wibaux in attendance at the Hard Time Social Monday evening. William F. Plane at the opera house this evening. Dance after the show. J. P. Reeve was injured yes terday by falling from a horse. His condition is quite serious. The new laundry and tailor shop is now completed and will be opened for business this week. Plowing contracts with your name printed in, are furnished at the CHRONICLE office for $L per hundred. J. P. Doyle, of Elroy, Wis., moved here with his family, household goods, stock and ma chinery this week. His claim is north of town ten miles. F. J, Rocel of Olivia, Minn., was here during the week sizing up the situation for putting in a store. He is now engaged in the mercantile business at Olivia. Homestead filings are taken by j. W. Foley, U. S. Commissioner, Medora, N. D. Mr. Foley has placed his card in our business directory. The Ladies Bazaar is to be complimented on having the pret tiest display window in town. Miss Gullickson is an artist in dis playing millinery. Mrs. Chas. Kuoke, of Prat, N. D. arrived Friday evening for an indefinate visit with her daughter, Mrs. Karl Olson. Banker F. £. Near and Miller O. D. Brault returned last evening from a busi ness visit in Minneapolis. Mr. Brault is hustling all preparations for building his new flour mill here. Attys. Keohaue & Gallagher, Dr. Melvin, Nobel B. Stith and ye scribe were county seat visit ors Tuesday. A. L. Martin and Harve Robin son were Beach visitors Tuesday. The CHRONICLE was favored with a call. W. A. Sprague and W. A. Scott, of Forest River, immigrat ed here first of the week and es tablished their residence near Bullion creek. Land agent, J. R. Smith re turned to Beach last evening in the interests of the Golden Val ley Land & Cattle Co.'s succes sors. His headquarters will be in the Letson building. Four Congressional townships in this valley were set aside as oue civil township, Tueaday, by the board of county commission ers. We can now have local prestage, regulate our taxes, build roads, etc., as we see fit. QUALITY STORE. ^Quality has ever been our aim. Nothing so surely and so strongly builds up a business as merit The farmer or mechanic who buys our goods is on the "quality" side of the argument. He believes as we do, that it pays to sell products that will produce pleased and permanent customers. Don't forget this fact that you will keep in mind "quality" long after price is forgotten. ^Our motto is: Good goods consistant with reasonable price your money refunded if you are not satisfied. In our store can be found a complete stock of General Merchandise. Call in and let us show you arround. Tlf you are in need of a spring suit let us take your measnre and fit you with the best the worlds tailors can furnish. We believe we represent the best clothing tailors in the world and those who have bought of us say that our prices are as low as those who are handling inferior goods. •Jin condition we wish to state that we have just unloaded a car of the Gladstone Pearless Flour. It gives the best of satisfaction and we can sell it a little cheaper than our competitors can sell the Minnesota fllour our customers highly recommend it, and we believe we are selling more flour than all the other merchants in the county. STEEL JACKSON NUPTIALS. Last Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Waldo n«ar Wibaux, occured the marriage of Chas. A. Steel and Ger trude Jackson. It was just four o'clock when Rev. AIM Douglas, of the Congre gational church, in his impressive way said the words which united for life this young couple. The groom came and settled near here last year on a homestead where he ha* a cosy home in which they will go to house keeping at once. The bride came last year and has been teaching at Fallon. This wedding is the outcome of a love that sprang up years ago when they were children back in South Dakota. Both young people are favorably well known here for their pleasing manner and true friendship and they begin life together with the best wishes of their many friends. Sentinel Butte Miss Mable Kellogg of Beach, visited the school room Monday. Fourteen or sixteen cars of immigrant cars of supplied were switched off Monday these new settlers nr- people of means and are gladly welcomed to our thriving com munity. Work was commenced on Dr. J. L. Kitchen's new residence this week. Agent Hatfield is rushed these days, but still wears the smile that won't come 08. I.aura Brier substituted in the upper school room Monday, the superintendent being in Medora. Several ot the county officials were in Medora Monday Judge l'axton, Clerk Gilbert, Chirman J. U. Stoddard and Supt. Kitchen. Mable Gilbert supervised the federal work on Monday. An important meeting of the commercial club is heralded for this Saturday night. Mr. Fisher's thresher and steam plow outfit was unloaded Saturday. The Ladies' Aid presents a program and ice cream refreshments this Friday night. Admission 25 cents. A crowded house enjoyed the Faster sermon Sunday night. Rev. Douglas de livered au eloquent discourse and the school girls some tine songs. We need a larg«r hall. W. Y. Barnett was in Friday and an nounced a little girl at his home. The successful examinees at the March state examination for certificates were: Cora Townley, F. H. Lyon, Lyman Page, Laura Brier and Ruth Smith. Dr. Harmon was in from his claim Mon day, en'route to Dickinson to file on a claim. The supplies at the lumber yards are dwindling away before the rush of home steaders for building material. The north '/i of sec:ion 6, just south of town is to be fenced soon. Sam White was in from his ranch over Sunday. Some individual, to whome ethics or decency are at a wide varience, discharged several shots from an explosive weapon Sunday night while church services were being conducted. This exhibition of bes tiality deserves united condemnation. The section for a separate school district for 139-105. was granted by the superin tendent and county commissioners at the Monday meeting of the board. The above district has been deprived of school advan tages and can now act according to their needs. The petition was given a careful scrutiny and analysis by Chirman J. B. Stoddard as he desires no measure to meet the approval of the board unless it will in ure to the benefits of all concerned. The cereful work on the part of the chairman merits our approbation and in the chair man we recognize available and qualified timber for a higher state elective office. J. J. Tomamichel returned from Texas the latter part of last week, and finding Mrs. Tomamiehle in very poor health, took her to Dickinson for treatment. J. J. has decided to sell his holdings here and move to Texas.—Republican. Whooping Coufh. I have used Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy in my family in cases of whooping cough, and want to tell you that it is the best medicine I have ever used.—W. F. GASTON, Posco, Ga. This remedy is safe and sure. For sale by all dealers. THE PIONEER STORE, Beach, N. D. Easter Sunday In Beach Eiuitsr Sunday w$* well observed in Beach. In the morning Rev. Thorp con ducted. before a large and appreciative audience, most impressing and eloquent Easter services. In the afternoon the beauti fully decorated hall was filled to its seating capacity to witness au excellent and ela borate program. The singing and speak ing was grand and the children are to be especially complimented' in rendering their part of the program so nicely. The following is tne program: Processional, Where Leads the Risen King Invocation, Rev. Douglas Primiary Song, Happy, Happy Easter Time Reci tation, Joy in the Morning, Jessie McKib bin Song, Light up Our Hearts, by the choir Recitation, Rejoice ye sons of men, Clyde Livermore Solo, Mrs. Houck Exercise by six girls, Tite Gifts that Easter Brings Song, Shines Our Morning* Star, by the chior Recitatiiv.t, The Lillies, by Ruth Laughnan, Duet, The Risen Lord is Shepherd. Mrs. Smith and Miss Barber Exercise by seven boys, Sweet Violets Solo, R. \V. Near: Exercise, lieside the Well, liv the chior Duet. Mrs. Richards and Mrs. McKibbin: Recitation, Hazel Baker Solo, Mrs. Poston Song, let the Shout of Victory Ring, Choir Drill, by the Children, March of the Leaves Clos ing song, All Hail the Power of Jesus Name. New County South. History is making rapidly in the country south. During the past few days a town site for the new Milwaukee town. Hettin ger, has been platted in the south one half of section 13, township 129, range 96, in Hettinger county. This is on the sur vey of the Milwaukee on Jiidden Wood creek. 127 miles west of the Missouri river where it is supposed the roail is to make a freight division. I he town is to be called Hettinger, and the present plan is to divide the county, including 32 townships in the northern portion, which is to retain the name of Hettinger, and 28 in the southern connty, which is to be called Adams. If this plan materializes, the new town of Hettinger will be the county seat of the new county of Adams, and should at once spring into a bustling city. People are already tent ing in great numbers in the vicinity of the new townsite.—Press. Chamberlain's Coufh Remedy Aids Nature. Medicines that aid nature are always most effectual. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy acts on this plan. It alleys the cough, relieves the lungs, aids expector ation, opens the secretions and aids nature in restoring the systeiri to a lieaRKy^condi tion. Thousands have testified to its superior excellence. For sale by all dealers. The prospects are growing better every day for the construction of at least the south line of the Northern Pacific road out of Mandan this summer. The lineis al ready surveyed up the Cannon Ball river as far west as Hettinger county. It is re ported this week on good authority that the Milwaukee road will be completed into southern Hettinger county by the first of July, and the Northern Pacific must get into that county with a feeder from Man dan this year or abandon the tremendous traffic that rightly belongs to it to the Milwaukee, The latter road will certain ly send out feeders to tap the former's territory, and unless the Northern Pacific makes a move soon the Milwaukee may be in Mandan before many moons.—Mandan Pioneer. Miss Maud Richardson, aged 18 years, of Warrens, Wis., sister ol Mrs. L. L. Roberts, residing north of town, died at the home of her parents Saturday, March 1 j, of typhoid fever. Besides the parents, two brothers and three sisters sur vive. David P. Gillette*, also of Warrens Wis., a cousin of Mrs. Roberts, died March 26, ol typhoid fever. MARCH REPORT OF GOL DEN VALLEY STATE BANK. Report of the condition of the cdtden Valley Stote Bank at Beach in the State of North Dakota at the close of business March 22, 1907: RKSOURKBS: Loans and Discounts Sj.S,274.95 Overdrafts secured & unsecured. 527.20 Banking house, furniture and fixtures, 5, 902 J7 Due from other banks, $12,677.75 Checks and other cash items, 61.85 Cash, 1,982.42 14,722.02 Total, $59,426, 54 I.IAI1I1.1T1ES: Captial stock paid in, $ 10,000.00 Undivided profits, less ex penses and taxes paid, 234.05 Indiv. deposits subject to check. 37,251.60 Demand certificates of deposit, 1,310.06 Time certificates of deposit #106,30.83 49. fo-MQ Total, S59,426.54 STATE OK NORTH DAKOTA County of Billings, f' I, John Keohane. cashier of the alxve named bank, do solemly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. John Keohane, Cashier Subscribed and sworn to before me this 1st day of April, 1907 VV. A. YOUNG, Justice of the Peace, Billings Co., N. 1J. C. li. Barber, Correct Attest. j. E Near_ Directors. A friend of mine told me yesterday that if I could start something new, something that has never been tried, I could get rich at it. I didn't think of it at the time, but I believe now I'll start a radium farm. That's new so far as I ever have heard. In shipping cream to TJhe V7fissouri Sftiver {Produce Co, it will be necessary to follow the direc tions given below in order to have your cream arrive in the best con dition: 1st Adjust your cream separator so that the cream will test between 35 and 40/ butterfat. 2nd Wash the separator thoroughly every time it is used. 3rd Skim your mill: twice a day while it is fresh and warm, and then cool the cream thoroughly before mix ing with the older cream. 4th Before starting to fill your de livery ran, see that it is thoroughly scalded and perfvetly sweet anil clean. 5th Keep the ireaui as cold as possible without freezing, in a place free from oders such as eininate from the barn, kitchen or cellar. 6th Ship and deliver at least twice in winter and three times per week in summer. W Missouri River Produce Company, BISMARCK NO. DAK. TJhe jCadics Bazaar is displaying a full line of up-to-date millinery. The new styles very pretty*. Call and see thein and get prices. Bessie J. Gullickson. Spring signs are here in every depart re store. New shoes, rubbers, calicos, waists, wrappers, etc HEAD QUARTERS for the Sharood and RE-Z SHOES A shoe that will please you in tit. quality and price. M. L. EUSS. Published livery Thursday at Beach, N. D. 6ur stock is complete for men, women and children. We aim to carry a complete line of Ladies' and Gents' furnish ings and solicite your trade with honest values consistant with reasonable prices. INCUR GROCERY department is always found a fresh and up-to-date stock of groceries, flour, fruit, etc. Our coffees and tea cant be beat. Try us with your next order. Beach, N. D. LEASING, PAINSTAKING RINTING PROMPTLY RODUCED at OPULAR PRICES. —TheC hronicl eoffice Beach Machine Laundry Beach, N. I)., is headquarters for first class laundering and washing. Prepared to handle everything washable and satis factory work guaranteed. Your patronage respectfully solicited, JuNr. Ju, Prop. For Good FURNITURE! and a large stock of the latest and moct desirable furniture to select from you cannot do better elsewhere. Our prices are low. Don't send away but come here and let us quote prices on our House Furnishings, Crockery Ware, Couches, Carpets, .Etc. We make a-specialty of picture fraim ing. A DAVIS & SON, Dickinson, N. O. Beach Business 6c ZProfoottonai directory* JOHN KKOHANK »i. G.MXAi »IIRK Slat's thy. Keohane & Gallagher LAWYERS Office in Golden Vallev State Hank Build ing HKAOH, N. 1). J. W. FOLEY U. S. COMMISSIONER Receives Homestead Filings at his office MEDORA, N. D. WELSH ALLEN Carpenters and Builders Plans and Specifications furnished on application. All work iu:atlv and pro mptly done. We have over joo house designs, modern and up-to-date. Will gladly show them to auvouc wishing to build. B3ACH. N. D. THE BEACH DRAY. GEORGE WOOD Prop. Your draying solicited. Terms reasonable. All orders promptly executed. Masonary contracts also solicited. BEACH, N. D. J. W. FOX, Masonary Contractor, Wants contractson cement block buildings. Am thoroughly experienced in that line. Brickwork and plastering also solicited. All work guaranteed to give satisfaction. Estimates of cost cheerfully furnished. BEACH, N. D. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE CHRONICLE Set a home of your own/ We are offering for sale the best of these lands adjacent to town and schools, some of which are no more than ten minutes*walk from the Depot, at prices and terms, that you cannot get elsewhere, although you go farther from Town. We also have bargains in Town ship lots and ranches of all sizes. Write us for what you want. We must havi it in our large list Respectfully, NEAR & HARPER, BEACH, NO. DAK Is the largest paper published in Billings County, centm 11 located in the thickly settled and prosperous agricul tural portion of the GOLDEN VALLEY. It has a field of its own hundreds of miles in extent on both sides of the main line of the X. P., in which it is the representativ news vender. It reaches 800 homes weekly and new names are rapidly being added to its list of subscription.-. Hence it is a valuable medium for its advertisers. It has a well equipped job printing department in connection Commercial printing and advertising respectfully solicited MONEY TO LOAN Custonie grinding a specialty. All kinds of ground feed for sale Cash paid for Oats, Barley Wheat' and Speltz. We have the exclusive agency for the celebrated HART PARR traction engines, gasolene and ker osene burners for plowing and threshing A large flour mill and elevator will be built in Beach this spring. $1.50 PER YEAJR. O. H. PURCHASE LAWYER. Practice in all courts, also in L*. S. Lmd Office, (ieneral Land Office and BKACH. N. D. ttfi Department of the Interior. Contesfc prosecuted or defended. Homestead I filing papers made. Final or commuta tion proofs. I E. READ, Contractor and Builder. Jobbing a-specialty. Build ing plans and estimator, cheerfully furnished. BKACH, N. D. QUinLHVin 6 1-VTLB We sell hind and loeatc people on Homesteads, make out Land Office papers unc took at'ror Contest and Final Proo: utiles. Write for information. Orricq over Post Office. DICKINSON, N. V. So/den Ualiey Blacksmith 7i/o rks Shoeing and Goier,. Blacksmithing a Specialty. Wood work and repairing of jili kind as per order. All work guaranteed satisfn. factory. Yours for business J. A. UNGER, at or near the thriving-town of Beach, the future Metropolis of Billings County, destined to be one of the best towns in western N. Dak., in the near future, situated in the very heart of the fertile Golden Valley, North Dakota's fairest gem, surrounded on ever)' side by rich undulating prairie farm lands, that are excelled by Prop. Bcacli, N. I. none. lying BEACH, NO. DAK. Established 1905, Subscription price Si.50 per year in advance Vhe Golden Valley Chronicle), W. A. Yonny, Editor and ]'D! On Billings County Land In the Golden Valley If you want to borrow money on your farm call at our office, one door east of Kellog's meat market, and we can fix you out. No commission mortgage. No Bonus. Beach Land and Loan Company, BEACH, N. DAK. Thos Kranick Concrete Works S^eeci Srineiiny Mfg'rs. of Con crete Building Material Estimates promptly and cheer fully furnished on application on all concrete building blocks and material. It is as choap if not cheaper than lumber. We are also dealers in Farai Machinery of all kinds. Our biuders. mowers and rakes are made by the McCormick Co. who lead the procession of the worlds manufacturers, Our priors are reasonable. Call and see our line before purchasing elsewhere. BKACH. NO. DAK.