Newspaper Page Text
•. .:•. ...:-T V- ••'•s' V* O. N. Dunham transacted imtiinoM in Bcach, Monday. llilli Jackeou was in from his laiui near Bur key, Sunday and Monday. Glen Snow of Burkey visits in 1 own a few days this week. John Laekey started on an east ern crip^sraay evening. Mrs, John Denton was a Beach Stopper Saturday. Mrs. L. F. Trotter of Trotters, was an east bouud passenger on r'o. 6, Friday night. L. Doyle, a merchant at EIroy, Wis., is a guest of John and' Patt )oyle, residing north of town. I Je expecls to engage in business Beacli. Mr. Felthuseu's team became frightened of a locomotive Mon day, and did serious damage to the buggy before they could be quieted. The N.P. Ry. Co. has opened up a new crossing a quarter of a mile cast of town, for the oouveinence of the public. L. A. Bearfield and family arrived last Sunday night from Lisbon, X. D., and have moved their claim near Burkey. Their car of immigrant goods ar rived Monday. Mrs. D. A. Hall, residing six miles north west of Beach died Saturday. Interment was made at Wibaux, Monday, Rev. Doug las officiating. Ciuw. Elliott is the victim cf quite a painful injury to his right hand, which is due to a tussle with anew brouc. The horse managed in some way, to strike his hand aquarely on the back so as to break two bones, and though the accident is not serious he will probably be deprived of the use of his hand for some few weeks. E. Brown who resides four miles east of town, felt the total loss of his house, barn and hay stacks, which were destroyed by Are last Sunday afternoon. It is thought that the fire started from the kitchen stove, and it had gained a headway too great to overcome when it was discovered by a member of the family, and they were forced to vacate quickly in order to save their lives. The liigh wind was of great encour agement to the fire and inside of a few minutes house, barn and haystacks were 'consumed in flames. Nothing was covered by insurance. W« might term the dance last Thursday night a "grand success" if scores of happy faces and excel lent music are symptoms. The dancers assembled about 9 o'clock and danced until 12, wheu every one indulged in a tasty lunch at lie New York restaurant. The music, rendered with Mrs. ltoy Near at the piano. Frank Emer son with the violin and D. M. (looper the cornet, ceased about a. nu, and everybody went liouie talking eagerly of the 30l,h. A. numlier of Sentinel Butte's iliGdt popular young folks and .-some of oar friends from Wibaux were present to make the oc (c-nssion aa enjoyable one. The .'iiusicians are subject to many ir'wvorable remarks and any time trhey eay, we'll "dance to their tnusic." Now for the OUR STORE IS THE iflhaai Golden S&its of jCocal 9?ews. Phil St. Jacque and Geo. Bath returned Tuesday from a visit to Minneapolis, Mesdatnes Coleman and Haigh were visitors at Wibaux Saturday. W. P. Aruold spent Tuesday and Wednesday in Dickinson. The opera house is booked for dances on the 30th of May, 7th and 14th of June. Rev. Jocob Waal, of Mountain Lake, Minn., has been visiting friends in the valley and returned home today. Liveryman, S. H. Stanbaugh ane Prof. Baird, of Wibaux were visitors Tuesday. M. Laughnan and Thos. Dunni gati were arrivals from B. R. Falls, Wis., last evening. John Brown, who was confined for eight weeks to the hospital at Glendive and underwent an oper ation for plurisv, returned home yosterday. He has not fully re covered, but greately improved. Henry H. Schultz, wife and children, who have resided here for over three years, are taking a vacation of about a month and departed today for Mountain Lake Minn., to visit home folks and old acquaintance*. Our local painters are making our town look good. Every store front in town is now beautifully painted and new signs up. Several resi dences have also been painted this spring. Mrs. R. W. Near, assisted by her pupils ot Wibaux, gave a parlor ricital at the home of Mrs. L. Feltennujr last Saturday. The pupils did tfieir best in making it an enjoj'able event to their visit ors and all agreed it was a great success. Miss Radcinaker of Billings, Mont., one of the visit ors, rendered a difficult instru mental selection and a vocal solo. Mrs. Near will give these "musi cals" frequently- throughout the summer. Wheelock & Wheelock, Incor porated, a well known firm in Fargo, selling North Dakota land, now occupy comfortable and nice ly fitted quarters in the Morris building in this village, with Dr. Davis as a local representative. Their new literature contains a full description of the Valley, and half-tone cuts of homes, ranches, grain and Beach are submitted therein. The editor noted with pleasure while on his way to Wisconsin last week that the crop conditions in Golden Valley are looking bet ter than anything he saw along the line. In the eastern part of this state, seeding is just com menced and nothing is growing last week the country from Steel to Fargo was Govercd with about five inches of snow. The spring in Minnesota and northern Wis consin is very backward the latest ever known. Taking in consider ation the conditions surrounding us. we Golden Valley people can rejoice. Our wheat is four inches high and not any time during the past eight weeks have we been unable to be on our fields and put in the crops. The good weather man has given us two good warm rains during the past two weeks and the soil is in excellent condi tion. Ye scribe thinks there is no better country than this. QUALITY STORE. ^Quality has ever been our aim- Nothing so surely and so strongly builds up a business as merit The farmer or mechanic who buys our goods is on the "quality" side of the argument. He believes as we do, that it pays to sell products that will produce pleased and permanent customers. Don't ffrrget this fact that yxm will keep in mind "quality" long after price is forgotten, ^"Our motto is: Good goods consistant with reasonable price yTonr money refunded if you are not satisfied. In our store can be found a complete stock of General Merchandise. Call in and let us show you arrouncL ^lf you are in need of a spring suit let us take your measure and fit yon with the best the worlds tailors can furnish- We believe we represent the best clothing tailors in the world and those who have bought off ais say ttaat our prices are as low as those who are handling inferior goods. ^In conclusion we wish to state that we have just unloaded a car of the Gladstone Pearless Flour. It gives the best of satisfaction and we cam sell it a little cheaper than our competitors can sell the Minnesota fflour •oar customers highly recommend it and we believe we are selling more all the other merchants in the county. THE PIONEER STOKE, Beach, N. 1). VOLUME} 2 NO. 27. BEACH, BILLINGS COUNTY, NORTH DAKOTA MAY, 23, 1907. DEATH OF PETER MCQUILUN. Man, May "Jo.-P«ter McQuillan a rancher 45 mil*? north of here, was seriously injured Internal)' Vrjday evening, and died this morning in the hospital Ht Dickinson. He was returning to his ranch from Wibaux with a load of machinery which tipped over on him pinning him to the ground. THE WEEK AT SENTINEL BUTTE Joe Middelton came in from Rocky Butte Saturday and took No. 4 to Dickinson. T. A. Cahill, the Medora district teacher is visiting in Montana. Manager Byron Crawford of the Man dan Mercantile Co., at Dickinson, was a business and social visitor the 18 and 19th. Jay Brown has let the contract for his house to Mr. Brier. Abeut twenty of the Sentinel Butte school children have entered the corn growing contest. Some adults manifest enough interest to ask for the free seed although not eligable for the contest. The seed should be planted before June. The sudden demise of Mr. l\ McQuil len the first of the week was a shock to his many friends. Mr. McQullin was bound for his ranch adout twenty miles north west of Sentinel Butte when the loaded wagon upset, whereby fatal injuries were received. Prof. I.. F. Crawford leaves the last of May for New Rocklord where he is to de liver the address before the graduating class of the New liockford academy. Mr. Crawford is a director of that institution. ft Mr. C. V. Knox circulated a petition to give Mr. li. Brown a lift. The petition met with a hearty reception in Sentinel Butte, the people being glad of an oppor tunity to render aid to Mr. Blown in his recent adversity. Rev. Alex Douglas delivered an admir able sermon Sunnay evening. Next Sun day-morning the theme will be appropriate to the memorial of the old soldiers and a large audience should be present. We are also glad to vote the increase in the in terest taken in Sunday school work. These officers were recently elected for the en suing year. Superintendent J. A. Kitchen assistant superintendent, C. V. Knox secretary. Almeda Kouse corresponding secretary Mabel Gilbert treasurer, Lillie Brier organist, Maud Gilbert. CARD OP THANKS. Wibaux, May 22.—We wish to extend our heart felt thanks to our many friends and neighbors in our late beravement for their goodness and kindness. D. A. Hall and Family. Wibaux. —From the Pioaeer. Frank Borth was down from Beach on business, Saturday. E. E. Jordon recently closed a land deal whereby, S. B. Clary and W. D. Hudson, both of Fargo, N. D., became owners of aiout 14,000 acres of the Stuart and Strouse land. Operator, L. C. Pope, of Allard is visit ing friends in town this week. K. C. Halstead came down from Beach on Monday to get a stray pig which lie found through an estray notice in the Pioneer. E. E. Noble, manager of the Dacotah Lumber Co., and Mr. Lloyde drove down from Beach in an automobile on Wednes day and as Beaver creek is too deep to ford with an auto, the gentlemen had to walk over on the railroad bridge. Coufh Good Words for Chamberlain's Remedy. People everywhere take pleasure in tes tifying to the good qualities of Chamber lain's Cough Remedy. Mrs. Edward Phil ips of Barclay, Md., writes: "1 wish to tell you that 1 can recommend Chamberlain Cough Remedy. My little girl, Catherine who is two years old, has been taking this remedy whenever she has had a cold since she was two months old. About a month ago I contracted a diedful cold myself, but 1 took Chamberlain's Cough Iitmedy aud was soon as well as ever." This remedy is for sale by all dealers. Price* of Coal. We quote you the foiling prices on coal No. 2 washed nut S5.J0 per ton. No. 1 S6.25 Lump SO.75 Scales and sheds east of the Dakota lum ber Co.—Livexmore & Co.. {*1* BEACH 18, WIBAUX 3 The Above Was the Result of a Batting Bee in Which the Golden Valley Boys Were the Principle Actors. The Golden Valley is getting to lie a famous spot on this old earth and is be coming more noted every day, not only on account of 40-bushel-to-the-acre wheat, but also for the fact that it can uphold its own when it comes to playing the great national game of baseball—the game of all games—the game of the American people. I.ast Sunday aft- »noon the first game of the season here was pulled oft when the Beach and Wibaux aggregations of horse hide jugglers locked horns on the home diamond. The result was never in doubt at any stage of the game and after nine long innings of play the "Wee Bo" team from over on the mighty Beaver in Mon tana was sent home, badly beaten and outclassed by the Golden Valley sluggers, who have formed an alliance with the real estate men to help make our valley and town famous. At this time a year the average Ameri can is baseball crazy the only way you can get his attention is through baseball so our loys have struck the right idea to advertise the Golden Valley. They have also struck the right gait and are going to keep it up and you will hear of more of their doings later. Sunday was an ideal day for *a ball game and a goodly number of loyal fans from both towns were on hand to see the first baseball "set to" of the year. Al though the game was not up to the standard and many errors were made on both sides, the game showed that both teams Jiave good material, especially the home aggre gation, and a little later on when the boys get more practice and improve on their team work, the Golden Valley fans will see some of the real article. Everything we have at Beach is the best and the ball team will be no exception. The visiting team drove down ami the game was called by Umpire Davis at about three o'clock with the visitors at bat. "Sea Fredrick" Smith, alias "Farmer" Smith, was the slab artist for the Beachites and "N. P." Green acted as reciever, and they did a land office business in retiring the "Wee Bo(ys)" In the eighth inning Smith was called oil the field for being too effective and for not allowing the visitors any batting practice, and "TuckHJirtttiJ- ., better known as "The Boy Wonder" was sent in lo show his ability to make a ball duck and dodge over the pan and avoid the swinging of the visitors bats. He did nicely and came out of the two innings with only one hit against him. Charlie Borth did good work at first, and altogether no complaint can be made against any member on the team. The main features of the game was the batting of the home team, every man tak ing several good sized wallops at the sphere, and the daring steal of third by "Hackenschmidt" -Madison which was enough to put any team "in the air". John Bowler, a brother of the "Boy Wonder" who played with the visitors, had the misfortune to get hit on the head with a thrown ball and was knocked sense less for several minutes, but when he came to he showed that he was no "quitter" and played the balance of the game out in his position in left field. The visiting boys are a bunch of jolly good fellows and tool their defeat like gentlemen and We hope that they will come to our city many times during the season and will be prepared to give us a good rub when they come again. Next Sunday the Beach team well go to Wibaux and play a return game. The fans should all go u]1 as they will not let us have a walkaway like we had in the first game and the contest will be a fight from start to finish. Don't fail to see it. The boys will expect you to be there. On June 14th a baseball dance will be given in the Opera house for the benefit of the home team. An invitation is extended to all lovers of the light fantastic in our neigh boring towns. WIBAIX CLASS OF 1907. Thu Wibaux High School held its first annual commencement in the I. O. O. 1'. hall Friday evening, May 17. The hall was beautifully decorated with the class colors, crimson and white, and class flower red carnations. Hie .two graduates, Miss Grace Rice and Miss Martina O'Neil, delivered their ora tions in a very pleasing manner, and both being musicians, also .delighted the au dience with an instrumental duet. They were assisted in their program by other local talent and by our townsman, Roy Near. Rev. Douglas also gave an eloquent address on the Making of a Good .School. Mr. Le'iper, a young attorney from Glen dive and .a former teacher of the Wibaux school was present. The origin of the .high school was .under Mr. Leiper's administration and he made some very appropriate remarks .to the pupils, patrons and graduates. The Wibaux people take greet pride in their school and turned out in Jarge jmru bers .to witness the occassion. The school is in .a flourishing condition under the able, leadership .of Prof. Baird and ihisa&si&tantsj and all teachers have been .called back another year. lor' The aunual school election wiQ Ibt ield in .the 8choolhouse at Beach June 4th, :be ing the first Tuesday in June. -One .direct or to be elected. Polls open from .two to five o'clock.—Joseph A. Kitchen, County Supt. of schools, In- shipping cream to Tj/iq Tlfissouri Sliver {Produce Co* it will 1« necessary to follow the direc. tions given below in order to have your, cream arrive in the best con dition: ist Adjust your cream separator so that the cream will test between 35 and 40 'r butterfat. and Wash the separator thoroughly every time it is used. .•ird Skini your mill: twice a day while it is fresh and warm, and then cool the cream thoroughly before mix ing with the older cream. 4th Before starting to fill your de livery can, see that it is thoroughly scalded and perfectly sweet and clean. 5th Keep the cream as cold as possible without freezing, in a place free from oders such as eininate from the barn, kitchen or cellar. lith Ship and deliver at lent twice in winter and three times per week in summer. Missouri River Produce Company, BISMARCK N. 1UK. Sol don Valley Blacksmith Works Shoeing and General Hlaksiiii(liing a Specialty. Wood work and repairing of all kind as per order. All work guaranteed uatisfac factory. Yours for business J. A. UNGER, Prop. Beach, N. D. Uho jCadies Bazaar is displaying a full line of up-to-date millinefy. The new styles are very pretty. Call and see them and get prices. Bessie J. Gullickson. Spring store. New shoes, rubbers, calicos, waists, wrappers, etc HEAD QUARTERS for the Sharood and RE-Z SHOES A shoe that will please you in fit. quality and price. Our stock is complete for men, women and child n.-n. We aim to carry a compute line of Ladies' and Gents' furnish ings and solicite your trade with honest valucsconsietant with reasonable prices. IN OUR GROCERY department is always found afresh and up-to-date stock of groceries, Hour fruit, etc. Our coffees and tea cant be beat. Try us with your next order. Chronicle* JOHN KEOHAKU State* t(v. KEOANE& '(twyers Office in Golden Valley State Bank Build. ing BEACH, N. U. J. W. FOLEY U. S. COMMISSIONER Recaivas Homestead Filings at his office in MEDORA, N. U. HEFFRON & CURRANT jCawyors Practice in all State and Fedral Courts and the U. S. Land Office. Careful attention given to contcstiiiK and all other IT. S. Land OHice work. Ray Building. DICKINSON, N. D. WELSH Sc ALLKN Carpenters and Builders Plans and Specifications turnishnl .r, application. All work neatly and pro mptly done. We have over /i»i house designs, modern and up-to-date. Will gladly show them to unvonr wishing to bnild. BKACH. N. 1. THE BEACH DRAY. GEOKGK WOOD Prop. Your dr.-iving solicited. Terms r« ason U!»\ All orders promptly executed. Masonary contracts also solicitnl. BKACH, N. D. J. W. FOX, Signs are here in every depart Masonary Contractor, Wants contractson cement block buildings. Am thoroughly experienced in that line. Brick woik and plastering alyo solicited. All work guaranteed to give satisfaction. Estimates of cost cheerfully furnished. BEACH, N. D. Published Every Thursday at Beach, N. 1. tural M. L. Kim Beach, N. I). Por Good FURNITURE! and alarge stock of the latest aud most desirable furniture to select from you cannot do better elsewhere. Our prices are low. Don't send away but icorne toere and Jot us quote -prices on ii\ur house #*nitlrwffi, Croctery Couches, £»rpeti,f1c M7e make s^nesjaHy ing. ai pktvis Jt *fe &each Justness dc {Professional ^Directory. K. F. CM.LAUHER ). Set a home of your own/ portion oi Write us for what you want. We must have it in our large list Respectfully, GOLDEN WEST INVESTMENT CO. Established 1905, Subscription price Si.50 per year in advance fa* Golden Valley Chronicle, BEACH, NO. DAK Is the largest paper published in Billings County, centra lly located in the the 3eed r'/a'iisa- A DAVTSASON, JDLckUuMJ, N ©, GoLDKN VALLEY. of its own hundreds of miles in extent or both sides of the main line ol' the N. P., in which it is the representative news vender. It reaches 800 homes .weekly and new names are rapidly being added to its list of subscriptions. Hence it is a valuable inediunj for its advertisers. It has a well equipped job printing department in connection. Commercial printing and advertising respectfully solicited. MONEY TO LOAN Srinding Gustome grinding a specialty. All kinds of "ground feed for sale Cash paid for Oats, Hurley Wheat and Speltz, We have the exclusive agency for the celebrated HART PARR traction e*vgmm, ^asoktne and ker osene burners for plmving and threshing N\ •r"'^- 1 T»" j, TrffSSV 4: $1.50 PER YEAR. H. PURCHASE jCaufjfi er Practice in all courts, also in I". S. LajC Office, General Land Office and (V" Department .of the Interior. Contasfc prosecuted or defended. Homestead tiling papers made. Pinal or cominufsv ion proofs. BEACH, N. 1). I.E. READ Contractor And builder. Jobbing a-specialty. Build ing plans and estimates ceerfully fur nished. BEACH, N. D. QUINLAVIN & LYTLE {Peat Estate We sell land and locate people on home-, steads, make out Land Office papers and look after Contest and Final Proof cases. Write for information. Office over Post OHice. DICKINSON, N. D. O. C. HAUGEN Tjaitor 1 am permanently located in Beach aoo will be pleased to receive your patron age, and you will be treated right. A:: my work is guaranteed to be first-clas aud strictly up-to-date. BEACH, N. D. Beach Machine Laundry Heach, N. D., is headquarters for firs: class laundering and washing. Prepared to handle everything washable and satis factory work guaranteed. Vour patronag-. respectfully solicited, Jusig Ju, Prop. {Peach {Photo Studio Portraits and Views All kind of photo work done at reaaonatik prices for good work. R. C. PHIPPS. at or near the thriving town of Beach, the future Metropolis of Billings County, dest&edvbe one of th* best towns in western N. Dak., in the near future, situated in the very heart of the fertile Golden Valley, North Dakota's fairest gem, surrounded on every side by rich undulating prairie farm lands, that are excelled by none*. We are offering for sale the best of these lands lyin^ adjacent to town and schools, some of which are n« more than ten minutes walk from the Depot, at prices and terms, that you cannot get elsewhere, although you g#» farther from Town. We also have bargains in Town ship lots and ranches of all sizes. W. A. Youny. Editor and Pub. thickly settled and prosperous agricul It has afield On Billings County Lnd In the Golden Valley If you want to borrow money on your farm call at our office, one door east of Kellog's meat market, and we can fix you out. No commission mortgage. No Bonus. Beach Land and Loan Company, BEACH. N. DAK. Thos Kranick Concrete Works Mfg'rs. of Con crete Bnilding Material Estimates promptly and cheeit fully furnished on application on all concrete building blocks and material. It is a* cheap if not cheaper than lumber. We are also dealer* in farm Machinery of all kinds. Onr binders, mowers and ralcet are made by the McCoflnlck Co. who leads the procesiloc of the worlds manufactures'. Our prices are reasonabfe. Call and see our line Uftfofe purchasing elsewhere. SA£