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GOLDEN VALLEY CHRONICLE. BEACH. N. D. Entered at the pcstoffice in Beach, Bill ings county, Noith Dakota. as second clas mail matter. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY. W. A. YOUNG, Publisher. SUBSCRUTION price $1.50 per year in advance. Advertising rates JO cents per inch. Another heavy rain ins ist oven- Inter-state fair at Fargo, July 29 to August 3rd. The ruin LSI«t nijrht was •»ISJ panied by a heavy wind ni iir.iiilvT of Miaoks h!e'-v ov'r. The Partem ve^ivienee. on the north wr, Mild yete:-(lay morning to Mr. Eli ion. of Min nesota. Mr. A. O. 11, •?. carcc hero from Norwa.k. \V.. tirt of the week to 1e at i:onie with her husband on the ci-.ti: ::orth of town ahoia ei'vei, v:(' .:eVi Heath utul linker fitted up tite old bimkhuiidinjrsmfl ojier.ed a eoiirectionarv More it yesterday. The new 'inn ntuce w:11 he Heath Maker. 'i'iiey will canv a fail line faticy candy. :iv. fruit au! -oft drinks A dance and supjier '•vlil he given a: the hall Tue-day night. June is,, under the au-piees of the ladies aid society of the Cat die church. Knier-on's orchestra has been secured to furnish music. N"te the posters containing further particulars. Mr-. C'iias. Harkins. came here Saturday to reside with her hus band. who forli i'e\v weeks past has been empioved a- bo- 'keeper at the oftire 'it' the Iac"tali Lum ber F"f the present they will he at home in the Ihtrton Mac. in now residence on the north Late:', they will occupy rooms the Woouworth residence, underway of cun.-tructlon. east side of town. The ditiiy .fanesville. AVi.-co» tsin. ('azotic of May oUth eanie to our desk hist week. (ilancing through it we noted a lengthv written account of a celebration tendered Miles M. Tullar in honor of liis mnety-iirs anniversary of his birthday, by the Kvenville Old Settlers Club. Submitted therewith was presented a halt tone .ikeness of the aged gentle man. He is a father of F. M. Tullar. of Beach, and we take pleasure in quoting the synopsis of the writing: "On Tuesday. May 'js. Mr. I. A. Taggart en tertained the Old Settlers Club and a number relatives ami friends at iter home on main street 111 honor of the ninety-tirst birthday anniversary of her father. Mr. Miles M. Tull'ar. At one o'clock an elaborate dinner was served covers being laid for thirty'""""'"" 1 he afternoon hours were pleasantly spent in visiting. Mr. Iuilar is one of the pioneer settlers and lms lived near or in Lvansvilie for about sixtv-tive years. He is enjoying excellant health and until recently it has been' his custom to walk to his farm, a distance of two and one half miles, and is daily seen upon our streets. 1 lie event was yreatlv enjoyed by all present and the memory of it will always be a pleasure to those in attendance." Frank Noll, DEALER IN Farm Machinery The Walter A. Wood Binders, Mowers and Hay Rakes. Extras and Repairs for the same. Burkev, No. Dak. Shears and Sawbuck kept a store Such as never was before. City folks they wouldn't sell, Wouldn't let 'em have a smell. Fetched their money-but by jing Couldn't buy a blessed thing Couldn't meet em face to face An' then sell 'em with good grace. Country trade was what they sought. Folks who'd iy for what they bought Fore they saw it hide or tail. They sent catalogues by mail Out to every blessed one Gettin' mail at Possum Run. We set up at night and read When we ed orter been to bed. Book was bout as big as sin Had a lot of pictures in. Had a lot of merchandise, Every kind and every size— Ciivin' prices that they swore Looked so straight and seemed so true 1 bit at it—Jim did too. Jim my neighbor 'cross the way— Best man ever worked in hay, just let him top off a stack— Sheds rain like a turtle's back. Measure just to see him work, Never knew old Jim to shirk Swing a scythe like it was play, Love to watch him in the hay. Well, we, like a pair oi fools, Sent off—got some hayin' tools. Jim mot harness and a plow 1 a range—I see it now Iirat the thing, it was so light I'sed it for a toarch 01^ night Throv.ed the dam thing in the yard l."se it now lor rendering lard. 'Fore Jim used the plow an hour Found the blame thing wouldn't scour Tried his harness—broke a tug Sought for solace in his jug In the cooler all that night Sheriff Will was in town Monday net on an apprehending tour. Shear's dt Sawbuck* Way. THE WEEK. AT SENTINEL BUTTE! Church services will be held Sunday p. m. at S o'clock the Sunday school is held at 10:30 Sunday mornings, you are welcome to all these services. There is a general desire that some one mine coal this fall as a business and sell the mined coal this fall at the mine: the work of getting out coal by individual process is dangerous. Notice To Contractors. Sealed bids will be received at the office of the County Auditor of Billinge county, N. P., until 10 o'clock a. m. of July 1st., 1907. fcr the election and completion of three sides of a one story brick building, total length of yall, 46 feet, height of wall. 10 feet, wall to be 8 inches thick, brick to to be laid in brown mortar, building to contain two windows protected by iron bars, one deer to be of iron, factory made' floor to be of concrete made with good quality of cement, inside walls and ceiling to be plastered with wood fibre plaster, roof to be shingled with tarred paper under shingles. Also fire proof vault 11 by 13 by 10, with shingled roof over vault. Brick will be delivered on ground _at $12.00 per thousand. The Eoard reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Address all bids to, J. A. MCGREGOR, Ccuntv Auditor. A No. 1 Bardett organ for sale at the old ranch. 1*^ OVERSTAD & HOVERSON, DESIRABLE FURNITURE In the morning. Richard Stout, Hardware! merchant bailed him out. Jim said niter that he'd stick Close as bark to good old Dick. Since he left the I'ossum jail Savs he won't buy goods by mail. Say's Dick cheaper, anyhow— Might have saved some on th« plow. On the other goods some more. At his ol' friend's hardware store. Jim says. 1 but Frank Davidson canle in frcm bis ranch out north, the 10th Mr. Davidson says the settlers are very numerous in the vicinity of his ranch. The shearing plant is in full operation this week: Mr. Martin is personally acting as foreman this year. We are glad to note the safe arrival oi Mrs. L. F. Crawford and tlue ^children from their visit in Missouri. Blacksmith Freer caught No. 4 for Dickinson Monday mc/rning, and filed a homestead entry on the south east of 38, I 140-104, being a mile north of Sentinel Butte: Mr. Freer is fortunate in getting so close to town. An immense business is done now in hauling material and supplies from town to the new Milwaukee road. We understand that several residences will be built about town this fall, the crops proving favorable. joe Middleton, is in from Rocky Butte and iwill run a set of patent shears at the shearing plant. you that we have what you want in fur niture. Practically speaking, we are the only furniture dealers in Billings county and our extensive business necessi tates a complete stock. In aliout a week we will have in another car load of Furniture. In this stock is some beautiful pieces ior the parlor and 'awn. Quality Considered our Prices are Very Reasonable We cau't sell no truck To sich folks as Sears Sawbuck, They'll take all our cash away. B«t won't buy our cash or hay." That seemed pnrtv strange to me, So 1 told ol' Jim I'd see So 1 wrote to them that night Just to see if Jim was right. Ast em "what they'd pay for oats? Could they use some likely shoats? Had seme four tons of hay 1 could ship them right away. Could I furnish Mr. Shears With his family roasting ears? Also would my friend Sawbuck Buy some of my garden truck? Answer came one summer day. Said they "Could'nt use our hav, Couldn't use our oats or shoats. l'id'nt like our billy goats. When they needed truck so eat Bought it down on water street Sorry, but they must refuse Anything but cash to use." I sat down and wrote em then: "Hate to trouble you again. Hut 1 warn to thank you sirs. For \o:ir bunch of cockle burrs. II you iove your feller man. lVi him wood sirs, when you can While oar merchants sweetly sleep Shears Sa.'.buck shear your sheep." The Glenv.ood Herald. Base Ball Notes. The game heduled to be played at Dickinson last Sunday prevented by the rain. The locals will play Sentinel Butte Sunday at Sentinel Butte. C. H. Mou'.tcn was soliciting for a base ball fund yesterday. Nearly ail the busi ness people o-mributed liberally and nearly two hundred dollars was raised. A meeting will be held Saturday evening at Wheelock Whetlock Land Co's. office for the purpose of organizing, ,ase ,c cut a .. .. fast team. 1 he team will be greatiy allegation at 10 o'clock a. 111., on July 16, Announcements. Wants, Etc. WANTKI,--Light four horse teams AT Address. Wallace iV Davis, Fallon, Mont. I" OK SAI.e—40 bushels of good seed FOK SAI.E— 40 bushels of potatoes—F. K. Near. FOR S.M.H -Cabbage and tomato plants at a reasonable price BRHAD FOR SALE-at all times, pies on Saturday and cakes to crder. In Leach ™aci? 1'hoto Studio building. ESTKAYEE- Three head ol horses from my homestead in section One gray mare, branded circle B. roan three-year-old gelding and Jone black yearling mare. All have mane cut. Suitable reward for information leading to the whereabouts cr return of these horses.— Geo. (jearey, Bui key, N. D. l-.sTKAYKii— One bay mare, weighs about 950, has star cn forehead and white spot cn r.cse. branded double on right shoulder. Suitable reward for information regarding the whereabouts cl said mare.— H. H. Sperrv, Beach, N._D. STRAYED—A black horse and a gray mare. Mare hiped cn left hip. weight I.000 horse has a wire scratch on right bind leg, weight 1,100. Finder please notify W H. Hunck, Burkey. N. D., re ward cf ten dollars will be given. On account of going awav. will sell our household and kitchen furniture cheap, for cash. Inquire at the old ranch. A good relinquishment u', miles frcm Beach will be sold very cheap.—J. A. Miller. visit to our store will convince HARDWARE, MACHIN ERY AND FURNITURE. BEACH, N. P. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, Land Office at Dickinson, North Dakota, May, 1907. Notice is hereby given that John E. Read, of Beach, N. D.. has filed notice of his intention to make final commutation in support of his claim, viz: Homestead entry No. .'|i)0 made Feb. 23, 190O, for the southwest quarter of section 14. township 140 N.. range 10O W., and that said proof will be made before the Register A Re ceiver, at Dickinson, N. D., on July ,-jrd, 1907. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, the land viz: F. F\ Near, T. L. Smith. Elijah F. Smith. Jesse B. Houck. all of Beach, No. Dak. S. M. FERRIS, Register. First I'nbliseed May 30, 1007. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior. Land Office at Dickinson, N. 1'.. May jt, 1007. Notice is hereby given that Rebecca B. Craig, of Sentinel Butte. N. D., has filed notice of her intention to make final com mutation proof in support of her claim, viz: Homestead Entry No. 1 -jjj made July 24. I 1905. for the SE It section 2S. township IJO'N.. range 105 W.. and that said proof will be made before the Register iV Re ceiver, at Dickinson. N. D.. on July 15. 1907. She names the following witnesses to pi ove her continuous residence upon, and cultivation of. the land viz: Jacob Plumb lv. Ole Halverson. Edward Runk, John Rnnk. all of Sentinel Butte. N. D. S. M. FERRIS. First Published June 0, 1907. CONTEST NOTICE, Derailment of the Interior. United States Land Office. Dickinson. No. Dak., May n. K107. A sufficient contest affidavit having been filed in this office by Fred A. Powers, contestant, against homestead entry No. 2.i02. made jun* 12. 1901. at Bismarck. N. Dak., for the NWV section 24. town ship i- S N. range :oti W.. by Nora C. 'Courtney. Contestee. in which it is alleged that said Nora C. Courtney has wholly ir.ilec ami neglected to establish or main- electing officers and completing all neces- employment in the U. S. Army. Navy or sary arrangements for the seasons games. r^ar*ne corps dating the time o. „ar. said panics are hereby notified to appear. 1 1 pP°rss exPec,_ iuu ntr.i. notified respond and oiler evidence touching'said strengthened by Mr. Roy Sunders, of 1907 before the Kegister Receiver at Freeport. Minn., who has secured em-! 1'ickinson. N. Dai-.. he said contestant having, in proper ployment r.ere and is expected next wee,-:, aftklavit fiJed Ma set forth facts which show that after due diligence per sonal service of this notice can not be: made, it is hereby ordered and directed! that such notice be given bv due and pro- per public ,.icni Fallon to haul lumber for bridge to the S. M. l-'HKKIS, C. M. A: St. J'. Ry. rices liberal. I ,uinla\ in A'ie. Kegister. Agents for Contestee. 1 rices First published June C, 1907, CONTEST Nu'I'lCK. Department oi the Interieir, Mrs. E. J. Walker. States Land Office at Dickinson, No. Dak., fcr sale ,- May 31. 1007. A Cornell tewing .cr sale at sufficient contest affidavit having been the old ranch. filed in this office bv Hans Murphy, con- ,estjim A8AIOST jT-^ ,*4' lish :l I2 resit5en« It you want one of those safety deposit said default still exists, and that said boxes in the vault of the Golden Vallevt alleged absence was not clue to hisemplov State Bank, vou will have to hurrv. "?em in, ,h.e T. 137, K. 106. I S made' 'S heTeb\ United bestead entry No. 24197, at Blsnlarc for the Sh 1i' V. N 0 ,,ot tcmnshlP 138 N- range 106 \\.. by john Weber contestee. WANTKD- 50 acres of breaking for first in which it is alleged that said John Weber crop. Seven miles west Leach. Ad- has wholly failed and neglected to estab dress, Lex 43. Minot, N 1) A™'- Nk\", Corps during time of war: said parties are ESTFAYF.D—A team, a gravmare. weighs hereby notified to appear, respond and about 1,000 and a block horse, weighs °ffer "'Science touching said allegation at 10 clock a. m. on julv JO. 1007 before about 1.ico. .,ny information as to ttie- tlie l-Cegister & Receiver at the United whereabouts will be reasonably rewarded States Land Office in Dickinson, N. D. by E. H. Mower. Williams Creek. Town- The s:li(1 ship 1 j,0, range 105. affidavit filed May ordered and directed that such notice be given by due and proper publication. S. M. FERRIS, Quinlavin Lytle, Register, Agents for Contestant, First published June 0, 1907. NOTICE FOR 1 OBLIGATION. Department of the Interior, Land Office at Dickinson, N. Dak., June 8, 1907. Notice is hereby given that Mrs. Ran som Halstead, widow and heir of Ransom Halstead, deceased, has filed notice of her intention to make final five year proof in support cf his claim, viz: Homestead Entry No. 17911 made July 24, 1902, for the NE '.4 section 14, township 139 N., range 10C W., and that said proof will be made before the Register ..V Receiver at Dickinson. N. 1). LOST— Between Beach and Rocky Butte cultimion cf the land viz: ]. D. Ht tead. Mary Foston. Nobel btith, Fra a well machine wheel, about 3 foot high Heath, all of Beach, N. and has an inch tire. Finder will be re warded. Cluitten Guide. Beach, N. D. She names the following witnesses to prove hei continuous residence upon, and Hals- Frank S. M. FERRIS, Register. First published June 13, 1907. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior. Land Office at Dickir.ion, N. Dak., May 1907. Notice is hereby given that Frank Konczak of Beach, N. Dak., has filed notice of his intention to make final com mutation proof in support of his claim, viz: Homestead Entry made April 12, 1902 for the south east quarter of section 12, town ship 139, range iof, and that said proof will be made before the Register & Re ceiver, at Dickinson, N. D., on June 26th 1907. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of the land viz: P. C. Erickson John Bloomstrum, John Fast and Henry Schultz all of Beach, N. Dak. Uhe jCadt'es Wazaar is displaying a full line of up-to-date millinery. The new styles are very pretty. Call and see them and get prices. Bessie J. (jitllickson. Wibaux. S. B. Chappell bought a carload of draft horses of H. C. Short at Medora this week. Mrs. Frank Cannon and daughter Ly-[ dia, returned from St. Paul Saturday evening. after an extended visit. Colic and Diarrhoea. Pains in the stomach, colic, anddiarhoea are quickly revived by the use of Cham berlain's Colic. Cholera and Diarhoea Remedy. 'When in need of such a medi- cine, give dealers. it a trial. For sale by all Notice! Nciice is hereby given that my store will be closed on Sundays at io:jo a. m. sharp, taking effect June 2-jrd.—W. H. Hunck. Chair,berlaiu's Pain Balm. It is an antisepticjiniment and prevents blood poisoning resulting from a cut, bruise or burn. It also causes the parts t0 hea wilhout tain a lesidence upon said land at any [ess inle than when the usual treatment is at 1 lime since entry thereof or cultivate same as required by law. and that said default stiil exists: ar.d that said alleged absence from-said land was not due to her maturation and in much employed. It allays the pain of a burn almost instantly. For sale by all dealers H. J. KLOlKiETT & SON, Beach, N. D. Cattle branded as shown in cut. and YHV on left hip. Horses HO on right shoulder. Kage onBulliror, Creek. E. E. MIKKELSON, BEACH N. D. Cattle branded on left side as shown in cut. Ear mark: Sw allow fork on left ear. Horses brand ed like cut on left shoulder. KANGE: Wannegan Creek in Billings Co. LZ on left side on Cattle. Same on left shoulder for horses. NAT 'and or culti- vate the same as required by law, and that or ^Iarine contestant having, in proper It)o7 set forth facts which shoM that after due chlhgecce per- sonal service of this notice can not be cn left SK'.e on cattle. JON 011 left side of cattle. C. K. BARKER, Beach, N. D. Range Little Beaver Horses same. C. \V. ELLIOT, Wibaux, Mont. Cattle branded as shown incut also AN cn left hip. Cattle branded KO on left ribs Horses branded same on right jaw. Range Little a a tributaries. S. M. FERRIS, Register. First Published May, 23. In the begining God created the heavens and the earth the editor, the subscriber and the liberal advertiser—which was good. The next day it snow-ed and he created the man who dots not believe in ad vertising and another who does not take the home paper, and then he rested. About that time the devil got into the moulding room and created the man who takes the paper for several years and fails to pay for it. After he has completed this job, having a few lumps left, he created the excuse of a man who settles his subscrip tion I instructing the postmaster to mark his paper .'refused Throne Record. Horses branded on left jawasshewn on cut. KARL OLSON, Beach, N. D. So/den Valley Saddlery Fine Harness Made to Order Whips Robes Blankets Shaps Quirts, Etc. Repairing a Specialty A. B. KELLCriG BEACH 1 A. B. Kellogg Prop All kinds of hauling done. Juli N. D. Six Per Cent Interest Paid on Savings. CASH RESERVE Every business man, even the United States government itself, carries a CASH RESERVE. Each individual needs one just as much. You may say, "It takes all my income to live" but this is a fallacy. People with twice your income say the same and others with much less than your income do save. YOU can do the same' if you simply DE TERMINE that you will do it. Try it. We invite you to grow with a growing bank. The Golden Valley Slate Bank CAPITAL $10,000 F. E. NEAR E. E. MIKKELSON JOHN KEOHANE DEALERS IN Estimatesc heerfully and promptly furnished at any time. Prices are right. E. E. NOBLE Manager BEACH, If. Visit our Store and get prices on our Emerson Plows Old Hickory Wagons Superior Drills A. J. Reicheneoker, I President Vice President Cashier KELLOGG MEAT MARKET 1 Fresh, Salt [and Smoked Meats and Poultry. Fish, Oysters and other delica cies in season. Fruit, Eggs and Vegetables taken in exchange. Hides bought. Beach, City Livery v. Dray, BISPHAM & HALL Proprietors. GOOD RIGS WITH OR WITHOUT DRIVERS. Special attenticn to land seekers. Reasonable prices. (•MM Dcicotcih jCumber Co. LUMBER N. D. BEACH, N. and all kind cf building material. McCormick Binders and our ii'ne of hardware G. D. LOVELL Paper hanger and Decorator. All work first class. See his full line of wallpaper samples. BEACH,XO DAK. HUNTERS HOT SPRINGS. In the heart of the Crazy Mountains at Spring dale, Mont., give beneficial results in cases of Rheumatism, Despepsia, Neuralgia, Lumbago and stomach andKidney Ailments. Delightful surroundings. A Pleasant Outing spot. Pri vate Bathe and a large Swimming Pool. Rates: S15.00 to S17.00 per week, Baths 25 cents per day. Write J. E. McCormick, proprietor, for complete information. For railway fares call on or write to Agent of Beach, N. D* House & Sign PAINTER, NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY A. M. CLELAND, Geneaal Passenger Agent, St. Paul, Minn.