Newspaper Page Text
1 s. fe ,* W'-, ffiits of JLocal Tfows. Mrs. R. 1', Rainey and daugh ter Avere over from Carlyle Mon day. Representative A. L. Martin was transacting business in Beach Monday. The local implement dealers sold over 200 binders and mowers, this season. The death of Mrs. Frank David son's mother, Mrs. Johnston, oc curred Sunday night. J. Taylor of Black River Falls, Wis. is visiting former acquaint ances here this week. S. B: Barr, of the Seven Oaks Stock Ranch near Yule, transact ed business in Beach Monday. L. Stockwell has sold his thresh ing rig to J. W. Hubble and has phvjed an order for a new one. !,.T. W. Brinton visited at his home in Fessenden and attended tbe fair last week, retuning Sun dav. Four new threshing rigs were unloaded here this week. There are now in the upwards of 25 ligs in the valley. The Ladies Aid Society of the Congregational Church will meet at tlie home of F. D. Cooper next Thursdav. ed to be present «!. H. Booth, a well-to-do ranch er and farmer residing 1'25 miles south-west of here, near Ekalaka post office, was here this week and took out a threshing rig. All members are urg- Misses Rowena and Helena Peek were guests of Miss Jessie Forsyth Tuesday and Wednesday. They returned this morning accom- Med by Miss Forsyth who will jiain for the dance this evening. G. A. Gilbertson returned to Tracy, Minn., Sunday after hav ing spent two weeks with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Kellogg, and daughters. He was accom panied by Miss Jessie Kellogg who will visit in Minnesota for an indefinite period. Ed. Holven and .1. W. Richard son succeed A. B. Kellogg and C. E. Barber as township super visors, "Win Mclvibbin is the new ly appointed clerk. The appoint ments were made at the meeting of the board Saturday. J. W. RajH-lje, J. C. Taylor and W. J. Uttlehales, officials of the Northern Pacific Railway Co. spent Tuesday in Beach. They interviewed the representative bus iness men regarding the opening of a street crossing and a suitable site for a water tank to have a ca pacity of 100,000 gallons the vil lage to have the privilege of usiug the water for tire protection. The depot will be remodelled and en larged. The gentlemen showed a great deal of interest in our town and expressed themselves as desir ous of doing all in their power to help-build it up. A hundred ton coal dock is nearing completion and work on the water tank will be started at once. we A. J. Reichenecker, take show Photographer Phipps visited Sentinel Butte Monday. Mrs. S. J. Duulap and children of Mandan were guests of Thos. Duulap and family from Friday until yesterday. Miss Marv tie Iff. of Mcdora, is visiting her mother who has a claim near town. E Jackson returned from Fess enden this week, where he had been acting as a witness having been subpoened on a lawsuit there. Banker Allen from Hurley, S. D. was the guest of F. E. Xear Wednesday. Jas. Kellev presented us a group picture of himself and six sons, who are all grown up men of the same height and about the same size. They till wear the same sized hat and shoe. The wedding of Miss Harriet Lake to Roy X. Ilayes will take place at the home of the bride next Sunday afternoon at 4:30 o'clock. John C. llaggert of Fargo and Chas. Gallagher of Glendisp were here Wednesday contracting for 100 tons of hay for the Glendive •Stock Yards. The contract was made with McXiece & Sons. Bills are out for a good wrestl ing match to be pulled off in Tay lor's Hall, Aug. 24, between Kid Gilbertson of Wibaux and Johnny Madison of Beach. Gilbertson is a brother of Gust Gilbertson who threw Madison, at Wibaux the Fourth. The match is for a bet of fifty dollars aside and the gate receipts. This promises to Paper hanger and Decorator. All work first class. See his full line of wallpaper samples. BEACH, NO DAK. Xjo the tPublic: IKJ one of the best matches ever pull ed off in this vicinity. Among the number who have new threshing rigs are P. C. Erick son, J. D. Halstead, Odland Bros., KusskeBros., Geo. Gilbertson and" Thos. Kranick. Others who have shipped in rigs are Johnson Bros., Smith" Brothers. P. O. Peterson, L. Stockwell, L. Roberts, Setter & Sou. N. P. Noben, (three) Fer agen & Hartse, J. Logan, Walters & Co. J. W."Fisher. Peter Birk and Severson Bros. Badger State Banner: "Mrs. Oliver Darwin, sr. died quite sud denly about 5:45 o'clock yester day afternoon at the age of 57 years, 7 months and 27 days. While she had been afflicted with heart trouble, taking a dropsical form, for some 15 months or more, and it was not expected that she could recover, her death was not looked for so soon, and not many of her relatives were at her bed side at the time. Mrs. Darwin was a woman of ambition, good impulse* and kind endeavor, and was ever a willing worker in any good' cause that presented itself. For many years she was among the leading work ers in the Woman's Christian Temperance Union of this city, and she enjoyed the respect of a large circle of acquaintances." Mrs. Darwin was a sister of Mrs. Elijah Smith, of Beach. House & Sign PAINTER, Qfl}? fltimwr Store tyatli & (Cnqraug 9»|n1ttara Cettrral AmtpttdiBf Notwithstanding the fact that nearly everything points to higher prices, especially on the staple goods such as Cheese, Canned Fruit, Sugar, Coffee, Tea and Flour, pleasure in stating that we have placed our orders early for large .shipments before the advanced price, and but little difference will be noticed in our prices. In fact we still retail our celebrated Gladstone Pearles flour at $3 per 100 lbs., sugar at the same price of $1 per 15 lbs., and no change has been made on coffee and tea. Our goods are second to none in quality, hence we have gained the splendid patronage we now enjoy. Although oiu\julvertiaing space is limited, we wish to call vour attention fur!iu-r. to our Shoes^ \Ve carrv a full line of Bnuilfty Motoilt YOU pleased to •is comfort and style. Let us fit you out with pair and convince you that the same is true. And, to be dressed-up. you will need a new suit of clothes. Our "order to measure" suits have stood tit. test far fiftv vears.' In all our dry goods department we can please yon in quality and pi ir:. iroods and juote prices, if you do not buy. GAME LACKING IN INTEREST Dickinson 19, Beach 0. The Post gives an account ol Sunday's game as follows:—"A crowd of 400 persons watched the Dickinson colts exercise at the ball park on Sunday afternoon. There was uo game. Some lads from Heach and Wibaux were present and assisted in mak ing the afternoon comedy a success from every standpoint. The locals took turns in swatting the ball and prancing around the cushions. It was a good time to prac tice Delsarte in base running and the Dickinson bunch made the best of it. A bout the only thing marvelous about the game was the noticeable improvement in the infield. Somebody has surely been coaching the team. There were no holes for safe hits and the way the fellows had of eating up the speedy grounders was a delight to the eye. At the bat everybody made good, even some whose stick work is not always the subject of enthusiastic comment. The Beach lads showed lack of- organi zation and practice. They were up a gainst it and knew it but were good for the best that was in them and are worthy of commendation for that. They played just as hard in the last inning as in the first and their good plays were generously applauded. The Beach field did good work but the infield was rotten. Two men got to third during the progress of the contest. "One player stopped a batted ball in the fifth and that about covers the game." J. C. Gile has his new meat market coinpteted and opened the same for busi ness Monday. He will also run a delivery wagon in the country thru harvesting and threshing. He wishes to state that he kills his own meat and will sell by the side or chunk. .Your attention is called to his dis play ad elsewhere. Farmers Elevator for Beach. That Beach is to have a Farmers Kle vator is now an assured fact. Enough stock has been sold to make the thing a success and the farmers of this community feel lucky to get a farmers elevator at this early date. Over fifty farmers have already signed up for stock and many more are anxious to become members of the organ ization. Mr. H. C. Jensen, an experienc ed grain buyer, who has charge of the work, has secured a 150 ft. site on the right-of-way east of the Thorpe elevator, and has commenced work on the structure which will be completed and ready for grain not later than Sept. 15th. A notice elsewhere calls a meeting of the share holders for Tuesday, Aug. 20th, at which time the organization will be incorporated and officers elected. Farmers elevators in the state have been paying enormous dividends, besides establishing better prices and grades. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Kinzel, of Wisner, Neb., are visiting Mr. and Mrs. |. A. Bow man today. They are on a return trip from a visit in Montana. Land For Sale. Nine sections of deeded lands 25 miles south east of Beach at $6 per acre. Three sections 9 miles N. E. of Beach at %y per acre one-third cash, balance 5 years at interest, also 12 fine relinquishments from 1% to 12 miles from Beach, at from (200 to $4,000, according to imprrvements and distance from Beach. 13,000 acres 35 mile! south from Beach and about 12 miles north of new Milwaukee railroad at $6.00 per acre. 320 acres adjoining a good town, 160 acres deeded and 1O0 re linquishment, nearly all fenced, good buildings abundance of water, '/1 mile from town wjitb high school, churches, etc. 25 per acre"one half cash, balance on easy terms. —GEO. H. PURCHASE, Teachers Examination. Teachers Examinatio will be held in the schoolhouse at Beach Friday and Sat urday, August 30th and 31st, commencing at 9 o'clock a. m. JOSEPH A. KITCHKS. County Superintendent of Schools, If you wish to relinquish your claim or sell your land on short notice list the same..with us. Quick sales and small profits is our motto.--Success Land Agency, Beach, N. D. Make me "an offer for sec. 9 and W'i sec. 1. twp. 136 range 106—B. S. Davis. BEACH, NI D., 8 9, '07 Shoes an:l '\vrv p:iir wMnaiiv.pJ, givn yon s.s-vic:' us well \\\. TJho Pioneer Store. will be "C,Vl 'tsa fl /v^ Vk*' VOLUME 2 NQ. 39. BEACH, BILLINGS COUNTY, NORTH DAKOTA AUG. 15, 190/! $1.50 PER YEAR THE WEEK AT SENTNEL BUTTE. \V. II. Hlinck ot tiie Hurkey store was in town Tuesday. Sunday School will be lxjld at lo .jo and Church Services at II:JO Sunday morning. Miss Jessie Kellogg visited Maliel Gil bert Sunday Miss Jessie left that night for Minnesota. James t'axton. County J.udge favored Medora with his presence Saturday even ing. There are some banner fields of grains just south of town: Tom Oldis has just cut his barley. He is setting up a new wind mill over the recently du. well. Mr. Joe Mverr, better known as Calam ity Joe, came in from his ranch Monday to have papers made out irging certain farmers near his ranch the felonous crime of shooting his catt* The funeral of Mrs. Johnson of DeMor es was held in the schoolhouse Tuesday afternoon. Deceased was the mother of Mis. Frank Davidson and Mr. Charley Johnson of DeMores: Mrs. Johnson came from Sweden last September to reside with her son and daughter. Henry Peterson and Miss Hansen, both of Medora, were married on Sunday. Aug. 4, by Judge van der Las in Dickinson. J. B. Stoddard is building a 36 80 foot barn on his ranch southeast of town. This building will also have a 16-foot lean-to on each 'side the full length of it. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Tomamichel and family, who left here about three months ago for Texas where they expected to make their future home, returned this week, having decided that North Dakota is a little the best place they have seen yet. Mrs. Tomamichel is somewhat im proved in health but 'he climate did not seem to agree with any of them, and this fact, taken with other disadvantageous ones, reminded thein so forcibly of good old North Dakota that they lost no time in returning. Their many friends here will give them a cordial welcome home. County Seat Happenings. Sf «*r —From the Herald. The state board of equalization increas ed the assessed valuation of real estate in Billings county 50 per cent.. Bowman county 50 per cent., and Stark county 150 per cent. Fred Pabst will ship twenty car loads of horses from this station tomorrow, the cars having been on the side track several days. There will be in the neighborhood of 600 horses in the shipment and they will go to St. Louis. County Auditor J. A. McGregor and daughter, Miss Ruth, went to Bismarck Monday to be present at the meeting of the State Association of County Auditors. They returned last evening and report a most enjoyable and profitable meeting. Chas. Evans and Mrs. Zena Zink had de cided to be married in a short time, but on Monday Judge Paxton came down from Sentinel Butte on official business on No. 8 intending to return on No. 5. In the meantime it was suggested to Mr. Evans that the presence of the judge afforded an excellent opportunity to be married at once. Acting on the suggestion Mr. Evans went to the hotel kitchen, where his intended had been officiating as cook for a few weeks and pleaded in his most persuasive style for an immediate marriage saying: "Come on Honey let's get married right away, the judge is here and I can't wait any longer nohow." The bride to be said alright and the judge and friends were summoned at once. There was no time to don conventional black or white silk with bride's roses as the judge momentar ily^expected his train, so the bride appear ed with such hurried changes in apparel as she was able to make and the groom in his shirt sleeves with his trousers tucked in his spurred cowboy boots. When the judge propounded to him the question "Do ypu take this woman to be your law ful wedded wife?" the groom replied with great unction—"you bet your life." Wibaux. —From the Pioneer Wilfong & Wannemacher sold their clip of wool this week for the consideration of 23 cents per pound. As we go to press we learn that Mrs. A. G. Parson's mother, Mrs. Foster, died of paralysis at it o'clock Wednesday night at the home of her daughter. The funeral will be held from Mr.. Parson's residence at io o'clock, Friday, August* 9. Land-man Near was up from Beach on business, Thursday. Geo. and Fd. Carroll and Jack O'Bann on, who were acting as witnesses in the Gore trial at Glendive, returned on Wed nesday to their ranches near Yule. Mrs. I. N. Meeks and daughter visited friends in Beach on Thursday. Albert Pickering and .William Thomas sold a team of horses to a man from Beach this week. HAD AN AWFCI. TIME BUT CHAM BERLAIN'S COLIC CHOLKKA AN1) DIAKKHOEA KKMIiDYCl/KKI) HfM It is with pleasure that I ffii'e yon this unsolicited testimonial. About a year ai^o when I had a severe case of measles 1 ot caught out in a liar rain and the measles settled in my sturuarh and bowles. I had an awl ill time and iud it not been for tilt use of Chainlierlaiii's Colic, Cholera anil Diarrhoe Remedy I couid not have possibly lived but a few hour, longer, but thanks to this remedy I am now strong and well. I have written the above through simple gratitude and I shall always speak a good word lor this remedy.—SAM H. GWIN, Concord, Ga. For sale by all dealers. H„".,*• GIVE OLD BUNDLE A CHANCE All old Brindle wants is a chance. She wont dissa point you unless you're looking for a downfall. Old Brindle .doesn't fall .down—not when she has half a chance. Last year the value of milk, cream, butter and cheese produced bv old Brindle and her sisters in the United States was §665,000,000.00. That shows what she can do when she has half a chance. Every indication points to ward a high market this summer and winter. Missouri River Produce Company, BISMARCK N. DAK. New Fall Goods Horo In our dry goods department we are displaying new fall furnishings of every kind for gents and ladies. HEAD QUARTERS for the Sharood and RE-Z SHOES A shoe that will please you in fit. quality and price. Our stock is complete for men, women and children. We aim to carry a complete line of Ladies' and Gents' furnish ings and solicite your trade with honest values consistant with reasonable prices. IN OUR GROCERY department is always found afresh and up-to-date stock of groceries, flour, fruit, etc. Our coffees and tea cant be beat. Try us with your next order. Russ & Sunders. Our Big Sum mer Salo. of our odds and ends of spring and summer calicos and other dress goods, hats, shoes, etc. CONTINUES UNTIL AUG. 26. We want you to take advantage of the bargains offered in this sale. And, when in need of Dry Goods, or furnishings, you will find our store well stocked at all times. We also solicit jour patronage for our Grocery and Lumber 'departments. Never before were we so well stocked to meet the demand in groceries, salt, cement, lime, nails, lumber and brick. Grain and all farm products taken in exchange. One price to all. .Yours truly. S&each Tlferc. Company For Good FURNITURE! and a large stock of the latest and most desirable furniture to select from vou cannot do better elsewhere. Our prices are low. Don't send av.av but come here and let us quote prices on House Furnishings. Crockcry Ware. Couches. Carpeis.'litc. V.'. make a-special'.}- of picture fraim i: i!. A DAVIS.& SON, Dickinson, N. D. Ci JOHN KKOMANK States *ttv. KEOHANE & CiALLAOHHR jCawyers Office in Golden Vallev x...t.- jt ing All work guaranteed to or- i:r-» cl-is-s and strictly up-to-date. S-e my new Fall and Wintei goods an! t'l'tv-r your suit early. BKACH N. HEFFK0N A. (Tint ANT jCawyors Practice in all State and Frdral Courts and the U. S. Land Ofiice. Careful attention given to contesting and all other U. S. Land Oftic work-. Ray Building. DICKINSON. N. 11. WELSH ALLEN Carpenters and Builders Plans and Specifications iurnished on application. All work ready and pro mptly done. have over joo house designs, modern and up-to-date. Will gladly show them to anvor.e wishing to build. BEACH, N. 1 W. W. LARSEN ewe tor And Optician. Watche*. t' .ck- and jewelery. Watch rep:«:ri:u .« specialty. BEACH, N. the City Dray R. I. NICHOLS PPOP. BEACH. N. D. J. W. FOX Masonary Contractor Wants contracts on cement block buildings. Am thoroughly experienced in that line. Brick woik and plastering also solicited. All work guaranteed to give satisfaction. Estimates of cos: cheerful!) furnished. BEACH. N. l. 3* VC^'« Srindiny Custome grinding a specialty All kinds of ground feed for sale* Cash paid for Oats, Barley Wheat, and Speltz. We have the exclusive agency for the celebrated HART PARR traction engines, gasolene and ker osene burners for plowing and threshing Jt.ipi ffieac/i business dt ^Professional ^Directory, i--. 'i.M.i.MiiiKu Q. h. PURCHASE in Build HKACH. N. |. O. C. HOUGH 9??er chant TJaiior JEawy* Contractor And builder. Jobbing a-specialtv. Build ing plans and estimates ceertully fur nished. BEACH. N. I). SQUINLAVIX & LYTLE H. If. MI SEUS. ^Physician 6c Surgeon* Office in Bank Building. BEACH, N. D. Ilfheelock 6c ItJheelock 1+.620 acres Golden Valley LAND FOR SALE WE OWN IT PRICES ARE RIGHT We loan money on farm lands See Us Automobile and Fire Insurance FRANK C. DAVIS MONEY TO LOAN Vice President and Manager BEACH, N. D. Money! Money! Money! To Loan ON UEALESTATE SECURITY :n the i* '.der. ailcv. S ieht! Keoh:i: at. J" tM fi? -..' ry nyP'r I W ^^••*5 er Practice in all courts, also in U. S. Land Office. General Land Office^ and the Department of the Interior/ Contests prosecuted or defended. Homestead filing papers made. Final or commuta tion proofs. BKACH, N. V. J. E. READ Estate We sell land and locate people oa home steads. make out Land Ofltce papers and look after Contest and Final Proof cases. Write for information. Office over Post Office. DICKINSON, N. D. I W FOI FV IT. S. COMMISSIONER Receives Homestead Filings a: his office in MEDORA. N. I. ffieach SP/toto Stuc/to Portraits and Views All kind of photo work done at reisoaibte prices for good work. I k. c. riiipps. LEASING. PAINSTAKING HINTING PROMPTLY RODUCED at OPULAR PRICES. —The Chronicle office. On Billings County Land In the Golden Valley If you want to borrow money on your farm call at our office, one door east of Kellog's meat market, and we can fix you out. No commission mortgage. No Bonus. Beach Land and Loan Company, 3EACH. N. DAK. Thos Kranick terete Works 3eed Mfg'rs. of Con crete Building Material Estimates promptly and cheer fully furnished on application on all concrete building blocks and material. It is as cheap it not cheaper than lumber. We are also dealers in Farm Machinery of all kinds. Our full line of Wagons, Buggies and Carriages. Champion and Milwauee Binders are now on display for your inspection. We keep repairs for same. BKACH NO. DAK. -.he •J-4.-- -, •-,) --J V-!' ./ JX 1