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VOLUME 2 NO. 41. ffiits of jCocal 9/ews. E. L. Holven is erecting a large house on his farm south of town. E. II. Orr is erecting a barn on his farm 40 (JO with a shed on cach side. County Superintendent lvitcnen of Sentinel Butte was a caller Monday morning. Martin Eckert returned last evening from' a four weeks visit with home folks at Winona, Minn. Gust Verliasselt was down from his horse ranch, seven niiles^west of Wibaux, Saturday. F. W. Brock has been market ing some of the finest and cauliflower we ever saw. cabbage L. E. Waldo and family, of Wibaux, were guests at F. M. Tullar's Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. A. L. Arnold conducted eighth grade examination at the school house Monday and Tues day. Mr. Simon Uhlenkott accoiu-. panied A. L. Martin to Chicago this week, with a shipment of cattle. The Wibaux-Beach team of ball tossers were again .shut out Sunday. They went to Bellfield and were defeated to the tune of 10 to 0. The lumber dealers are enjoy ing a rushing business these days many farmers erecting barns and arraneries for the crop under way O of harvest. Soiue of Miss Elsie Jordan's friends gave her a very pleasant surprise party Monday evening la honor of the seventeenth anni versary of her birth day. N. B. Stith and Christ Arnold who have been exploring in Idaho returned home Sunday. They filed on a mineral claim and will return there next spring to develop it. Len Stockwell returned from Wisconsin Saturday. lie was ac companicd by Dr. liemaly, of Melrose, who came to look over our Golden Vallev. The doctor bought a half section of land from II. W. Peek and returned home Tuesday. The wrestling match in the hall Saturday evening between Madi son and Gilbcrtson was largely at tended, but very little money changed hands. Gilbertson car ried oft the honors. Among the number in attendance from Wi baux were Messrs. Jordan, Bene dict and Stambaugh. C. E. Barber received the follow ing letter yesterday from W. C. Gilbreath. Commissioner of Agri culture and Labor: "Dear Sir, the committee which passed upon the grain and grass exhibit dis played at the capital, August 18, awardee you first prize. I cons gratulate you on your succes ond your excellent display, herewith enclose check for one bundred dollars for first prize." Chester Parsons returned Tues day from a prospecting trip in southwestern North Dakota. He was gone several days and was in the new town of Mott in Hettin ger, and at Beach in the famous Golden Valley. He stated that the crops around Beach were the best he had seen.—Wells County Free Press. In fact we-Btill at the same HOW our a(jverti9Lng Mmfort and E. B. Coleman relinquished his claim west of town this week and the same was again filed on by W. J. Patrick, of Hurley, S. D. The Ladies Aid of the U. L. church will meet with Mrs. Carry Haugen, seven miles south of town, Sept. (5th. All are cordial ly invited. Land Agent li. 1'. Rainev re turned from Independence, Wis. yesterday accompanied by a party of men who expect to buy land here. Messrs. O. N. Dunham and H. Milstead of Bismarck are visitors today. Mr. Milstead is a con tractor who put in the cold stor age building at Bismarck. lie is here looking over the country with a view to investing. Cripps Bros, of Independence, Wis. immigrated here yesterday with a car load of stock, machine ry and household goods. They are moving out to Oakley Cripps farm'south of Beach, which he purchased last spring. residing Mrs. John Johnston nine miles south of town was judged insane Mouday by Judge J. A. Paxton, and taken to the Jamestown assylum by deputy sheriff Bispham. It is thot that the attack is only temporary being caused by too much pondering on religious nfatter.s. Sereral threshing rigs were set of here this week there is now thirty-five of these rigs in the valley and several more will be shipped here next week. The number acres of grain is estimat ed to be about 50,000. If men can be hired to run all of the rigs, threshing will not last but a few weeks in shis neck-o-prairie. The steam breakers will be in the field early and thousands of acres of the sod Will be turned over this fall. Watch Beach grow! Mr. E. E. Noble, the resident manager of the Dacotah Lumber Go's yard here, is now in charge of the Golden Valley State Bank. At a recent meeting of the Direc tors of the bank, Mr. Noble was "elected cashier and in future he will officiate in that capacity. He succeeds John Keohane who was formerly cashier. Mr. Keohkne is our present States Attorney, is also iu the abstracting and law business, and found that these take up so much of his time, that it was impossible for him to give the bank's affairs the attention that its rapidly increasing business required. He now becomes a di rector in the bank. Mr. Noble needs 110 introduction to the peo ple of Beach he is one of its most highly respected and well thot of citizens, will become a val uable man to the bank and we can bespeak for him that success that has always characterized lus un dertakings. Mr. Noble will con tinue to have a general supervis ion of the Dacotah Lumber Co's business here for au indefinite pe riod as his services are considered so valuable to the interests of this corporation that he was induced to still retain the management. LEASING. PAINSTAKING RINTING PROMPTLY RODUCED at OPULAR PRICES. —The Chronicle office^ fhimwr &tnr? (Caapang yraprirtar* Ctttrral IRmtpttttsr Zfo the {Public: Notwithstanding the fact that nearly everything points to higher prices, especially on the staple goods such as Cheese, Canned Fruit, Sugar, Coffee, Tea and Flour, we take pleasure in stating that we have placed our orders early for large shipments before the advanced price, and but little difference? will be noticed in our prices. retail our celebrated-Gladstone Pearles flour at $3 per 100 lbs., sugar price of $1 per 15 lbs., and no change has been made on coffee and tea. Our goods are second to none in quality, hence we have gained the splendid patronage we space is limited, we wish to call your attention farther, to our Shoes^ We carrv a full line of Bradley Metcalf Shoes and every pair is warrauted, to give you service as well style. Let us fit you out with a pair and convince yoji that the same is true. And, to dressed up you will need a new suit of clothes. Our "order to measure" euits have stood the test for fifty years' In all our dry goods department we can please you in quality and price. We will be pleased to sho'w you goods and quote prices, if you do not buy. LIGNITE IS PLENTY Prof. Leonard of the Unlve rsity Finds Abundance of 9oa* In Billings County Grand Forks, Aug. 21.—Dr. A. G. Leonard, who has had charge of a United States geological survey party in Hillings county the past two months, is home for a few days. The party has been making a detailed study of the coal beds in an area lying north and south of the Northern Pacific railroad, the strip of territory cov ered being twenty-four miles wide and ex tending west from Medora to the Montana line. The lignite seams were found to be much more extensive than formerly sup posed. some being traced twelve to fifteen miles and more. Dr. Leonard will return this week to the western part of the state to continue the work for another month in Billings county. He will take two university stu dents with him, Jay Bliss and W. J. Smith. Tribune. PETER CHRISTEN KILLED. We learn of a double tragedy occurring at South Heart Tuesday afternoon. Peter Christen, of Sparta, Wis., who was well known to many Beach residents met his death there at about 2 p. m. He was re turning on a freight from Diflcipson where he had been to close up a land deal. An engine was sent after a couple of cars that were moving down the track and it is thot that he was standing on the platform of the caboose and. being unable to see the approaching engine, was not prepared for the bunt the cars received when the coup ling was attempted. He was thrown oft the platform beneath the wheels of the cattle car and at least one pair of trucks passed over his breast, death being instan taneous. M. Teal, head brakeman on the above mentioned freight, was thrown from the top of a car to the ground and seriously injured. He has been taken to a hospital at Brainerd. AUG. REPORT OF GOLDEN VALLEY STATE BANK. Report of the condition of the Golden Valley State Bank at Beach. N. D., at the close of business August 22. 1907 RESOURCES: Loans and discounts, $52,439.63 Overdrafts, secured & unsecured, 37°-62 Banking house, furniture and fixtures. 7.020.52 Due from other banks, $7,038.09 Checks and other cash items. 10.00 Cash, 3 ro.572.90 "fttal, $70,403.67 LIABILITIES: Capital stock paid in. fro,000.00 Undivided profits, less expen ses and taxes paid. Indiv. deposits subject to check* Demand certificatesof deposit, Time certificates of deposit, Bills Payable Total. STATE OK NORTH DAKOTA 620.64 28.895. ir 1.085.21 14,802.71 15,000.00 »7°, 403.67 SS County of Billings I, E. E. Noble, cashier of named bank, do solemnly the above swear that the above statement is true, to the beat of my knowledge and belief, E. E. Noble,Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 29th dav of Aug. 1907. F. E. Heath, Notary Public, My commission expires May 7, 1910. F. E. Near. E. F.. Mikkelson, C. E. Barber. !. Directors. Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will be received by the school board of district No 3 for supplying coal for -four schools, viz Beach, Halstead. Brown. Rocky Butte and Richardson. Bids to be made sepa rately for each school, stating price per load and to be presented before Sept. io. Board wishes to reserve the right to reject any and all bids. H. Feldhusen, Clerk. Life Insurance. For twenty-five cents you can now insure yourself and family against any bad results from an attack of colic or diarrhoea daring the summer months. That is the price of a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, a medicine that never was known to fail. Buy it now, it may save life. For sale by all dealers. BEACH, N. D., 8 9, '07 7Jhe {Pioneer Store. BEACH, BILLINGS COUNTY, NORTH DAKOTA AUG. 29, 1907. LEGS AMPUTATED, A New Salem Farmer Meets, with Treribie Accident. While cutting grain on his farm TO miles out of New Salem Tuesday. August 20th, the team of August Theile, got frightened and ran away throwing him in front of the moving sickle which severed one of his legs and cut the other so badly that it had to be amputated.—Mandan Pioneer THE WEEK AT SENTNEL BUTTE. David and Frankie Davidson drove to Beach the 26th all alone. A fine new buggy is seen in Mr. Craw ford's yard and thus we surmise the owner. Schools will commence Monday: the new country buildings are being hastened that considerable schooling be given the pupils before the severe weather. Miss Clara Barber of BeacVi visited friends in Sentinel Butte Sunday. Miss Maude Martin left for Minneapolis the last of the week to prepare for 'duties as instructor in the Minneapolis city schools. The Tomamichel residence has been sold to Mr. Roush. The new elevator is looming up and gives the western part of town ail air of business. Ranchman Will Collis came in Satur day and set up a new harvester to take to the ranch these implements of utility are now being generally used by the up-to date ranchmen. Rev. Alexander Douglas conducted church services Sunday night he announces that he will be unable to be here Sunday, the tst of Sept., so there will be no devo tional exercises on that day the Sunday School will meet at 10-30. A gentle rain descended Sunday night and the way cucumbers and tomatoes com menced their new lease on life was a cau tion to the calamity howler. Mr. Joseph Myers was in town Monday to prepare papers charging certain parties with shooting his stock this business of stock shooting or any other malicious and criminal lawlesness, should be dealt with severely. "There is no wrong without remedy", according to equity, and people jeopardizing their character and liberty by shooting any stock should expect little sympathy when apprehended. Jack Snyder, one of the pioneer settlers of Sentinel Butte, will return this week to assume proprietorseip and active manage ment of the Butte hotel the lease of Mr. C. D. Rouse expires Sunday. Mr. Rouse deserves several good words for the com mendable manner in which he conducted he hotel the past year. HAD AN AWFUL TIME BUT CHAM BERLAIN S COLIC CHOLERA AND DIARRHOEA REMEDYCURED HIM It is with pleasure that I give you this unsolicited testimonial. About a year ago when I had a severe case of measles I got caught out in a hard rain and the measles settled in my stomach and bowles. I had an awful time and had it not been for the use of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and diarrhoe Remedy I could not have possibly lived but a few hours longer, but thanks this remedy. I am now strong and well I have written the above through simple gratitude and I shall always speak a good word lor this remedy. —SAMH. GWIN Concord, Ga. For sale by all deales. GIVE OLD BUNDLE A CHANCE All old Brindle wants is a chance. She wont dissa point you unless you're looking for a downfall. Old Brindle doesn't fall down—not when she has half a chance. Last year the vatfue of milk, cream, butter a*td cheese produced by old Brindle and her sisters in the United States was worth $665,000,000.00. That shows what she can do when she has half a chance. Every indication points to ward a high market this summer and winter. to Wibaux. —From the Pioneer. Miss Elizabeth Payne departed on Sat urday evening for Missoula, Mont., where she expects to remain until next June, when she will complete a course in the study of music. Wm. Breitenfieldt received a letter from his old home in Wisconsin stating that the large barn on his farm, at that place, and all its contents, including eight head of stock and considerable hay, was struck by lightening last week and burned to the ground. Mrs. R. Pickering has had a large fam ily monument erected on her lot in the cemetery, and a foot stone has also been placed at the foot of each grave. The monument is a beautiful one and very large and imposing looking weighing over five tons. It is a nice tribute to her dead hus band and four children. Suit has been started in Billings county to correct an error in the title of lots re cently sold to the county for court house purposes. It seems that an error was made in the description of lots when W. T. Denniston transferred the property in question to Mrs. J. S. Snyder, and, as he does not seem willing at this time to exe cute a duplicate deed, the matter will be taken into the courts. The Snyders will of course see that the title to the new court house property is straightened out and for this purpose have retained Attor ney L. A. Simpson. —Press. J. G. Taylor returned Saturday night from a visit among former Jackson county ites at Beach, N. D., and thereabouts. He comes back as much elated with that country as any of them, and says that all the Jackson county boys are doing well and have good prospects of great crops this season.—Badger State Banner. ESTRAYKD—A small white mare, brand ed I- on left hip followed by a two-year old colt, bay with bald face and white feet, branded yp on left shoulder, Last heard of at Gus Rozell ranch near Sen tinel Butte. A suitable reward will be paid for their return to me at Medora or for information leading to their recovery. —Geo. L. Nelson. If looking for bargains in land specu lations call on or address, Success Land Agency. F. W. Kevech, Manager. Beach, N. Dak. Missouri River Produce Company, BISMARCK N. DAK. New Fall Goods Here In our dry' goods department we are displaying new fall furnishings of every kind, for gents and ladies. HEAD QUARTERS for the Sharood and RE-Z SHOES A shoe that will please you in fit. quality and price. Our stock is complete for men, women and children. We aim to carry a complete line of Ladies' and Gents' .furnish ings and solicite your trade with honest values consistent with reasonable prices. IN OUR GROCERY department is always found afresh and up-to-date stock of groceries, flour, fruit, etc. Our coffees and tea cant be beat. Try us with your next order. Russ & Sunders. School Jjime again, and it's fit the children out with new school clothes and shoes. We cordially invite you to call at our store and see our new fait stock in cashmeers. henriettas and other wool goods, boys suits, caps, etc. You will find here everything in the Furnishing Line not only for the children, but for men and women, also. We also solicit your patronage for our Grocery and Lumber departments. Never before were we so well stocked to meet the demand in groceries, salt, cement, lime, nails, lumber and brick. Grain and all farm products taken in exchange. One price to all. .Yours truly, Jft each Tlferc. Company For Good FURNITURE! and a large stock of the latest and most desirable furniture to select from you cannot do better elsewhere. Our prices are low. Don't send away but come here and let us quote prices on our Haute Furnishings, Crockery Ware. Couches. Carpets JEtc. We make a-specialty of picture fraim ing. A DAVIS & SON, Dlckinsoa, N. D. STRAYED .AWAY, from the Mullendore Ranch, a tiger cat with white breast and one white front foot. $5 reward to anyone who will return said cat to Mr*. E. A. Dickinson, Beach,. N. D. JOHN KEOHAN& State* Atty. O. C. HOUGEN Ttyerchant Jjailor All work guaranteed to hi- first class strictly up-to-date. Sec my new and Winter goods aud order vour early. Vice {Beach {Business dc {Professional ^Directory, KEOHANE & GALLAGHER JCa Office in Golden Valley State Hank ing BEACH, N. Li. ij.. K. 1 \!.L\ .u J. E. READ lllk"i and l'all suit BEACH, N. D. HEFFRON & CURRANT j£ai wuers Practice in all State and Feint! Courts ia and the U. S. Land Office. Careful w. W. LARSEN 1 attention given to contesting arc J. all other U. S. Land Office worx. Ray Building, DICKINSON. N. D. WELSH & ALLEN Carpenters and Builders Plans and Specifications furnished on application. All work neatly and pro mptly done. We have over jno Ivim^e ruL1]v designs, modern and up-to-date. Will gladly show them to anyone wiskinn build. BEACH. N. L. Jeweler And Optician. Watches, clocks and jewelery. Watch repairing a specialty. BEACH. N. [). THE CITY DRAY R. I. NICHOLS P30 BEACH. N. O. 14,620 acres Golden Valley LAND FOR SALE WE OWN IT PRICES ARE RIGHT Wo ioan money on farm lands See Us Automobile and Fire Insurance FRANK C. DAVIS President and Manajer MONEY TO LOAN We have the exclusive agency for the celebrated HART PARR traction engines, gasolene and Ker osene burners tor plowing and threshing A. J. ReiclNincker, $1.50 PER YEAR. .' v. Contractor 'nl''der. Jobbing a-specialty. Build- U/tfOrS jnSr p|ans atid estimates ceerfully fur .. nished. BEACH. N. D. jOUINLAVIX & LYTLE {fteal Cstate We sell land aad locate people oa home steads. make out Land Office papers and look after Contest and Final Proof cases. Write for information. Office over Post Office. DICKINSON, N. D. J. W. FOLEY 1 U. S. COMMISSIONER I Receives Homestead Filings at hts office MEDORA, N. D. ^each {Photo Studio Portraits and Views All kind of photo work done at reasonable prices for good work. R. C. PHIPP3. 311 1 {Physician dc Surgeon. Office iu Bank Building. BEACH, X. D. J. \V. FOX Masonary Contractor I Wants contracts on cement block buildings. I Am thoroughly experienced in that line. Brick wot and plastering also solicited. All work guaranteed to give satisfaction. Estimates of cost cheerfully furnished. BEACH. N. D. lOheelock 5c lOheelock BEACH, N. D. On Billings County Land In the Golden Valley If you want to borrow money on your farm call at our office, one door east of Keliog's meat market, and we catt fix you out. No commission mortgage. No Bonus. Beach Land and Loan Company, BEACH. N. DAK. Thos Kranick Concrete Works J'eed Srinding Customo i-rinding a specialty All kinds of ground feed tor sale" Cash paid for Oats, Barley Wheat, and Spettz. Paper hanger and Decorator. All work first class. See his full line of wallpaper samples. BEACH, NO DAK. Money! Money! Money! To Loan ON REALESTATE SECURITY in the Golden Valley. See John Keohane at the Golden Velley State Bonk, Mfg'rs. of Con crete Building Material Estimates promptly and cheer fully furnished on application on all concrete building blocks and material. It is as cheap if not cheaper than lumber. We are also dealers ia Farm Machinery of all kinds. Our full line of Wagons, Buggies and Carriages, Champion and Milwauee Binders are now on display for your inspection. We keep repairs for same. BEACH NO. DAK. House & Sign PAINTER,