Newspaper Page Text
I & 'fr "r I •its & ?v.- t- GOLDEN "VALLEY CHRONICLE. BEACH, N. D. Filtered 1 the postoffice in Beach, HilJ ,nK: Cl,„nty. North Dakota, as second clas mail matter. Established Nov. 1905. IUBMSHED I-'-VEKV THV.HSDAY. W A. VOL-NO, Publisher. S'vl-'i''KIJ'T:ON p-:•'e advance. :nch. year in cents per A'ivorl Local Market Prices. J'la* Whe..: no. Dnru::i Hatley ... OaN r,.•:'!!• O. N. Ii niiam. is iti town to'lav. *1.06 •74 "7 .40 Hiiht and Madison are li for the mill today rilling Bisrimtvk, I tvis. I if Kat'iro is in town today slinking hands with nil] :t(\|Urtirit:ini--». Kdyar Jackson and \Ii~- »er rude Cr".»Miin!!. -'f Hurk-y. were united in the holy !onds of mat to. iu\' :it M''dril. a- nv yfo to jiro this after noon we It'urn that a message raine over wire front Wihaux tliat Mark Landman. ot i*» ':u-h. met with a:: a.-'-i'k": in the stock yards (.here while loadivii: mew. lroki-n No turfiit'i: learnc 1. In'i'.]i for »hi|i- It read that, his arm was and otherwise injured. !Mt'tica!av were. to just the 7jhing. -hortjii these lonjf I a 18 NO LONGER COOD FORM. People in High Sooiety Say ApF«ndi citia la Vulgar Diaeaae. The fashionable valetudinarian is .hieatenod with a distinct bereave nent. Appendicitis has been declared be bad form, titid those who wish to .trtsei ve a true social eminence must in 110 account suffer from it. There ffas time when onlv the educated 4uffer«d from «r'fenifeitiR, because inly the educated knew the Anatomi cal position ot the appendix, but in hese darstrf-vulgnr equality even the washerwoman knows where to put her finger when she is asked where the iiain is. As a result the supers !tried must And a new disease into whose domain the great unwashed have not yet round the!r way. An Eastorn scribe has marie inqui ries front prominent physicians and (he worst rumors are confirmed. One authority admits that but few opera tions are now necessary and that "we tire glad to send our patients from the surgiciil to the medical ward, where hot fomentations and a milk diet are prescribed." A well known lntrsiim sister said frankly lliat appendicitis has become ti»t ts)m»«:ble. an she added unkind l.v that !:shions in ihe medical world tai much as 111 the show rooms of a stylish dressni: k'. r. A well known stiri/voT admitted that "appendicitis lias lollowed the example of all fastt itmalde is"dy!na "a natural death. nd tor 110 other reason than that, il.e IHUMUTV- HOLY lias dared to Imitate the "Ne.ecUess to sr. v. I am not alluding to liimnne eases of the disease, but because the fashionable illness has heen pronounced unfashionable the latM' contingent ot hysterical patients have turned their.-atieimou to the crea tion some new complaint." The Medora Herald, a somewhat ver bo turn of mind, takes the Bismarck Tribune to task for elainiing that the Slope is ready to support "General Williams fori the Senate. The writer also intimates that with the reputation for calumny enjoyed by the capital city it is doubtful if a good representative of the people could be found in it.—The Tost. evenings, to entertain to heln pass awav the long winter on the THE EDISON. PHONOGRAPH. the soiiysot great singers, the music, of company. farm may hear m*. orchestras, and speeches of great speakers in your home. Kdison (Jem Phonograph Price S10.00 Edison Standard Phonograph Price 20.00 Kdison Home Phonograph Price 30.00 Gold Moulded Records, large assortment to ^choose from, .*5 cents. Call in and hear a piece on the best talking machine or. the market, for sale here. MeacA Drug Co. HEN I-/ N. I !-.K -!T?NT K. B. CHAPPELL, CASHIER Dawson County tfiank Wibaux, Montana deposit.<p></p>Auction! Capital Stock 25-.IKKI, Your business solicited W- P„y you six per cent on certificates of At the Stuart Ranch, Oct. 3, '07. I am now closing out mv ranch supplies, household goods, etc., consisting of bed rooni suits, piano, orgain. parlor cabinet, desks, and dining room and kitchen furniture, drags, plows, disks, and fire drag, good teams and saddle horses, wagons and harness. Terms cash. Free lunch will be served. Remember the date of sale is Thursday, Oct* 3. J.G. STUART, Preston, Mont. IOVERSTAO & HOVERSON. your claim -You great LIVING IS CHEAP IN JAPAN. How Tl-'" to Exist Comforta bl on Small Amounts. It is estimated that a professional nan in .lapan can live with his wife in .omfort or the sum of t2!vt. This means one large di\ Isible apartment., a small kitchen, a bathroom, a stu-iy and r. store room, a charming Harden, )ne tenant and surroundings of sre it refinement.. Mats are the coverings .if the fi«r. of course: j'tllows tie seats: table linen is superfluous where lacquered trays and paper nap kins are used: persona', laundry is at its minimum where two baths a day are the custom. The fagsois used ia rooking are not much larger than a mans Jinsrer and fuel for ironing is un necessary where clothes are stretclie.1 properly uion a frame Perfect pri vacy is one of the luxuries of This mi nute menace, for a high bamboo fence shuts off the view of siranuers. Each article of the house is carefully s le ted .m some of them are of r.-ire beauty Mid of a durability that per mits them to be handed on front one. generation to another. No waste take:-, place, for every crumb of the fool pK-patc-.l is eaten. Flowers are the' chief decoration, and the sconce (lowers is a part of th? ac o:nji!.?'' nu-nts of ihe I 10 of the house. The :00m. with its several mats an its ,1 ljiistiible pan it ions, lxvomes a! lnalit lime the sleeping place of th se\t-t'i.l members of the house, but dm ills the day qnicklv js convert: into a spacious, peaceful, flower cl" o lated ,ip,iitnient. the bed clothes hein? laid it way neatly 011 the shelf of the store room. Simplicity, delicacy nd refinement characterize homes these qualities—the homes of the poor who feel no poverty—the aboles or those who having: little would not com plain had they even less. 'IRON" AND "BULLION" ONCE. Names for Missouri Before Be'omirtg the "Show-me". State. "Did you know that Missouri was at one time called the "iron state?'" asked a man at the public library yes terday afternoon. "About 1825 what were supposed to be preat deposits of iron ore were found at Iron mountain, Pilot point and other places in the southwestern part of the state. This information soon spread over the country and it was not long after that the public gave Missouri the name of the 'iron state.' However, it did not seem to take, lor it is seldom heard now. "Missouri has also been known as the builion state. Thomas H. Benton, the first United States senator from Missouri, was always opposed to paper money. He advocated gold a&d silver as the only means of exchange* that should be adopted. His frequent refer ences to bullion caught the public and from this the state received the nick name bullion state." Kansas City Times. Settled. Si '.—Gladys is so sorry she took her •1:. ••.enu.nt ring around to the jewel r'n it valued. lis—-Why? Did he It was too fhe—f.'it. t.O. He said he would keep •r a bit as Freddie hadn't settled :.r it yet. f. a C. HOUGEN, Ttyerchant Tjaiior i'.Vv &?' mmm ,3 All work guaranteed to be first strictly up-to-date. See my and inter goods and order earlv. Bl-.ACH, N. MOLIN JOHN DEERE PLOWS Call at our -waiehouse and see our large stock »f plows and T, G.Mandt wagons. We will be pl«e:iseci to furnish prices and guarantees on these world famous pi e ments. HARDWARE. MACHIN ERY ASD FURNITURE. BEACH, N. D. Bargain Counter! We have a number of last years caps, mostly small sizes, a lot ot odds ajjd ends in dry goods, a tew soiled ties and boiled shirts that wc wish to close out to make room for our new stock and we have placed them on a bargain connter. Kegular one dollar shirts going at 35 els., ties 5 to 20 cts., caps at 25 cts. and upwards. Every thing must go this week. Next week we will do likewise uiih a lot of shoes. I'io uet-r Store. NOTICE FOK MJHLICATION. Department of the Interior, I.and Office at Dickinson, N. 1)., Sept. 24, 1907. Notice is hereby given that Algie I.. Arnold of Beach, N. I)., has filed notice of his intention to make final commutation 'proof in support of his claim, viz: Home stead Entry No. 156^ made Sept. 18,1905, for theSE of sec. 28, twp. 140, 105, and that said proof will be range made before the Register and Receiver at Dick 1 inson, N. D., on December 4, 1907. lie names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, the land, viz: las. 1\ Smith land C. V. Knox of Sentinel Butte, N. D.. and F. W. Brock and K. Brown of Beach, IN. Dak. '45 S. M. FKKRIS. Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION, Department of the Interior, Land Office at Dickinson, N. D., July, 20, 1907. Notice is hereby giventhat John O Ferill, of Beach. N. D.."has filed notice of his 1 intention to make final five-year proof in 'support of his claim, viz: Homestead Kntrv No. 3} made ]uly 7. 1904, for the SE*» Section 10. Township 139, Range 106, and .that said proof will be made before Register and Receiver, at Dickin eon. North Dakota, on October, 19, 1907. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, the land, viz: (. D. Hal stead. Thos. Kramck, John C. (ole, H. I Feldhusen, of beach. N. D. Aug. 29. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION, Department of the Interior, United States Land Office, Dickinson, N. D., Sep. 12. 1907. Notice is hereby given that William C. Schulz of Burkey, N. D.,' has filed notice of his intention to make final Commutation proof in support of his claim, viz: Homestead Entry No. 5093, made July 10, 1906, for the SE'4, Sec. S, Tp. 136 N.. R. 100 W., ?th P. M. and said proof will be made before Register & Receiver, at Dickinson, N. D., on Nov. 7. 1907. He names the following witness es to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, the land, viz: John Burkey, oi Burkey, N. D., Fred A. Moore, Charles Woodsend, and Oscar Leppla, of Carlyle, Montana. 43-5t S. M. FKRRIS, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, Land Office at Dickinson, N. D.', Sept. 11, 1907. Notice is hereby given that' Edward Hoverson, of Beach, N. D., has filed notice of his intention to make final Commutation proof in support of his claim, viz: Home stead Entry No. 2483 made Feb. 21, 1906, for theSE of sec. 30, twp. 140 N, range 105 W, and that said proof will be made before the Register and Receiver ai Dick inson, N. D., on Nov. Cth, 1907. He names the followibg witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, the land, viz: D. O. Thomp son, Geo. Meek, J. C. Guy and Ernest Johnston, all of Beach, N. D. 43 5t S. M. FERRIS, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, United I States Land Office at Dickinson, N. D., Sept. 17th,. 1907. Notice is hereby given that Hilliard W. Jackson of Burkey, N. D. has filed notice of his intention to make final commutation proof in support of his claim, viz: Home stead Entry No. 49S0, made July 5th, 1906, for the S\V ,'4 of section 2, twp. 136 N., range 106 W. of the 5th "P. M., and said proof will be made before Register and Receiver at Dickinson, N. D. on Nov. 7th, 1907. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, the land, viz: William C, Scliultz, William Watson of Burkey, N. 1). and pscac I.eppla and Charles Woodsend of Carlyle, Monta. Sept. 19. S. W. FKKRIS, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. I .D.epartmet of the Interior, Unfted States Land Office, Dickinson No. Dak., Sept. 26, 1907. Notice is hereby given that Mrs. Ella B. Sarver, formerly Ella B. Merwin, of Beach, North Dakota, has filed notice of her intention to make final Commutation proof in support of her claim viz: Homestead entry No. 1946, made Nov. 4, 1C05, Lots 3 and 4 and S'2 N'4 of Sec. 2, in Twp. 141 N., of Range 105 \V., of the 5th P. M. and said proof will be made before Register and Receiver, at Dickinson. No. Dak., on December 9, '07 She names the following witnesses to prove her continuos residence upon, and cultivation of, the land, viz: Charles W. 1 Elliott, Ellsworth H. Hall, George W. Delaney and Josiah K. Delaney, "all of Beach, N. Dak. -45 Sudden Attack of Dysentery Cured A prominent lady oi Brooklyn, N. Y., writes to inquire where she can obtain Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy. She says: "While stopping at a ranch in South Dakota I was taken ill of what seemed to be cholera. They gave me some of this medicine and it .cured me. 1 brot a bottle home and have just used the last of it today. Mother was taken sudden ly ill of dysentery and it helped her im mediately." For sale bv all dealers.- Across the Styx. "Kvcn Homer sometimes nods," re marked Swift. "Not wht-n he passes me.'.' complain ed Pope. "Ah. vos. I see. You- translated him 7" C'oiiti set Oct. 1st will adjourn sine 'lie said the States Attorney this morning. It is thought the .Judge will set the date for Nov ember. Suppressing the Cigarette -In China, The Empress Dowager received a memorial advising the suppression of the eigaioile. She evidently did not knew the pleasures or dangers.of the cigarette, r.n 1 r..- i,he citl not scent any anti-dynastic trick she called in the palace tkcior. who supported the memorial. Immediate'v t':e Empress ordered that r.'l the in ti:e paiaee be collected and thrown info the lake. The Ladies Bazaar headquarters for ladies fur nishings and beautiful head gear is open every Friday and Saturday.—-Bessie j. Gullickson. SoMen Uattey Saddlery Fine Harness Made to Order Whips Robes Blankets Shaps Quirts, Etc. Repairing a Specialty A. B. KELLOGG BEACH N. 1). y. y. 'Ji v.- y. y. Colli Weather will soon be here-better give us your order for winter supply of coal now—prices are advanc ing fast. Livermore &Uoulton BEACH, X. D. $ $ $ $ $ Save $—Order now $ $ Jjhe farming TJO 2Pu6i('c.% Do not neglect to in re a farm property. We will write you insurance on your buildings, house-hold goods of every description provisions stored for the winter, your horses, cattle and stock of .-til kinds: grain in stack or in buildings, feed stored for the winter on \our farm machinery, harnesses, robes, saddles in fact all personal property. The rate is the same as in the east and premiums can be paid this fall when most con venient. Will also insure'your sep erators for the season. You can have the pro tection so do not take chances. Respectfully, E, E. Noble, Ag't. KARL OLSOX, Cattle branded KO on left ribs Horses branded same on right jaw. Range Little a a tributaries. S. M. FKRKIS, Register. \V. ELLIOT, Beach, X. D. LZ Horses branc left jaw as she :ut. E. E. MIKKELSON, BEACH X. D. Cattle branded on left side as shown in cut. Ear mark: Sw allow fork on left ear. Horses brand ed like-cut on left shoulder.! RANGE: Wannegan Creek in Billings Co. on left side on Cattle. Same on left shoulder for horses. NAT on left side on cattle. JON on left side of cattle. H. J. BLODGETT iv SON. Beach, X. D. Cattle branded as shown in cut, and.VHV on left hip. Horses HO on right shoulder. Kage onBullion Creek. A. B. Kellogg Prop* 1 Ail kinds ot hauling done. 91: Six Per Cent Interest Paid on Savings. CASH RESERVE Every business man, even the United States government itself, carries a CASH RESERVE. Each individual needs one just as .much. You may say, "It takes all my income to live" but this is a fallacy. People with twice your income say the same and others with much less than your income do save. YOU can do the same if you simply DE TERMINE that you will do it. Try it. We invite you to grow with a growing bank. The Golden Valley State Bank CAPITAL $10,000 jw»M«nnn»M»»n«e F. E. NEAR E. E. MIKKELSON JOHN KEOHANE President Vlce'President Cashier DEALERS IN LUMBER And all Kind of Building Material. Estimatesc heerfully and promptly furnished at any time. Prices are right. E. E. NOBLE Manager Do You Need a Plow this FaH? If so you can't do better than buy an "EMERSON." BAHT & MADISON, DEALERS IN Pumps, Windmills-Supplies, Well Drilling a Specialty, and your orders are respectfully solicited. Office in Ovcrstad & Hoverson's Hardware Store. BEACH, N. D. GHe's Meat Market Pays the highest market price for cattle, hogs, poultry, and hides. Meat sold bv the side or chunk. 1 KELLOGG MEAT MARKET Fresh, Salt and Smoked Meats and Poultry. Pish, Oysters and other delica cies in season. Fruit, Eggs and Vegetables taken in exchange. Hides bought. Beach, N. D. The City Livery E. H. HALL Proprietor.. GOOD RIGS WITH OR WITHOUT DRIVERS I Special attention to land seekers. Reasonableprices. Dacotah jCumber Co. BEACH, N. D. 1 BEACH, N. They are the most dur- able, the lightest draft and do the best work of any plow on the market. Also we have a bunch of "OLD HICKORY" Wagons which can't be beat and our prices are right. G. D. Lovell. C. Site, iProp.