Newspaper Page Text
VOLUME 2 NO. 49. Dr. F. (J. Davis sundayed in I ickinsou. Have you tried a sack of flour manufac tured by our new mill? It is good. This Indian summer weather is certainly fine. sale in Attend the big horse Beach Saturday. Henry (Seyer departed for Mi uot Monday to visit relatives. Anton Kovasli sold his village residence last Thursday to E. D. Logan. Mrs. A..X). -Roof went to Nor v.alk, Wis* Saturday evening for s- visit with former home folks. 11. F. Hawn, dealer in hay and t-'Vaw, is shipping several carloads tf baled hay daily. The'Golden Valley Saddlery has installed a!hew singer sewing nia c'rinc for repairing shoes. Mrs. F. D. Cooper and Miss I Iodgson visited relatives in Terry t'lis week, returning Tuesday. Peter Rut/, who has been thresh jriST in the. oast \inloaded his rig 'To Tuesday. The construction work on the now concrete U. L. church is pro gressing jjicolv and' •will soon be t'jnipletejf M. U.iBurko, of Eureka, Cal., was hcre-i' during the week and s'tld his Action of land at the Yates siding to -lensen Bros, of village. M. Fleet who was confined at tlie Dickinson hospital for several vroeks was- permitted to come home Saturday. He is improving slowly. Mr. W. .1. Patrick, of Hurley, fcr. 1).. iiriived Sunday with a ear of immigrant goods which he has moved out to iiis claim south-west o!" town. Otto Nelson, a contractor of .Herman, Minn., arrived here Sun day to build a house on his claim uoi-tli-ciistlof town and make .pre parations to move his family here next sprinsr. A farewell party was tendered .Miss Killenbeek at the home of lier sister, Mrs •!. \V. Fox, last A. 13. I Tiiursday'eveniti!*:. She departed gentlemen wl for home in rnnipeg Friday November 1st. morning. John Johnson, of Black River Fulls. Wis., was a visitor from 'Wednesday until Friday and ne gotiated it deal for a tract of land, tie departed for a tour in the northern part of the state Sunday. Miss Meeks of "Wibaux, and Mrs I. Bispham. of Beach, de parted on Wednesday evening for Lake i'urt. Cal.. where they will spend the winter and visit tlieir sinter, Mrs. I. A. Rice.-Pioneer. Kellogg has leased the vacated by LaMere's building Land Agency to .Miles City parties for a period of tw open years, who will restaurant in the same. An addition 22 feet long is being built on the rear end of the build ing. While here last week F. B. Dell, or Black River Falls, Wis., closed tt deal by which the Leonard L. Robert's farm near that city, con sisting of eighty acres was sold for a consideration of £4'hmi to hJ. Kinni'-rson. This new stock consists of Seneral Merchandise, Dance at the Opera tonight. The Athletic Club is making many improvements in the opara hall this week. Lou Waldo, of Wibaux, is a guest of his'sister, Mrs. F. Tullar today. M. Tullar, wife and daughter, of Sioux Falls, South Dakota, a visiting relatives and friends in this vicinity. H. W. Peek and wife left Sat urday for California where the}' will spend tin? winter visiting rel atives and friends. Bills are out announcing a ba zaar and big chicken supper at the Opera House tomorrow evening, givcu by the Ladies Aid. The new department to Over stad & Hoverson's store was com pleted this week and their build ing now presents a very attractive double front. The labor shortage this fall has been a great drawback to the threshing operations and is also at the present time hindering the plowing to a great extent. J. W. Brinton is spending the \\*eek with home folks in Fessen den. lie contemplates purchasing a newspaper outfit there and move it to Beach, establishing another paper here. John McNiece is suffering from severe wounds about the face and head sustained yesterday. He was in some way caught in a pick et rope and dragged by his horse. Smith Bros, residing nine miles south of Beach tendered the young people of their neighborhood a dance at their home last evening. A very pleasant time is reported. A deal was closed Tuesday whereby the new corporatin pre viously mentioned as having es tablished a Fanner's and Mer chant's Bank of Beach, became owners of tile Beach Mercantile Company's general store. 0 1 GUNDER SYER KILLED. Beach and viciuity were shocked last Saturday evening, Oct. 19, 1907, when the sad news came from the Odland Bros.' threshing rig, at work west of town, that Gunder Syre was killed while at tempting to couple the separator to the engine. In some way he missed his calculations and was crushed between the two large machines, death being instantan eous. The body was brottotown and Undertaker Davis, of Dickin son, was summoned to prepare it for shipment to Hurley, S. D., his former home. Deceased was a young man of twenty-live years of ago who came to Beach last March and located on a homestead. During his short stay here he made many acquaintances and friends especially among die young people and was held in the highest esteem by all. lie is survivi by a broth er, Hans Syre, residing south of town, and parents and relatives in and about Hurley, S. D. llecent efforts to have Col. C. B. Little of Bismarck withdraw from the U. S. senatorial fight have been promptly turned down by the senator. He is said to have remarked: "I have been tak ing a back seat along time for the favorite sons. I am in this pre sent race, and in it to win. I will stick till the matter is decided by the people of the state." Not much encouragement for the man who wanted to pull him off—in that.—Forum. A prairie fire swept over a large strip of country north east of town today and did considerable daniifge. John FIvberg suffers the greatest loss his granary with all his grain just threshed yester day. snd his barn was burued. North Dakota Just Beginning To Develop. Vi i- the opportunity to do a little boosting for Madl.-on of Beach and Zimmerman the state while the reporters interviewed of !50llth Dakota were the contest- jh'.m. He told the Dcs Moines Capital the ants. The former won the match. rill wrestle again opened Dickinson & Powers their large department business last Friday and llto very much unsettled and .still unpacking goods, they announce a nice trade for the week. Tlieir grand open ing will be announced in display next week. store for The Press: ••Money appears to be plentiful around Beach, at least local business tiieii tire incor-| porating tlie second bank The 1 Beach Chronicle would like to see Chairman J. B. Stoddard elected to the state legislature. Mr. Stoddard would make a good rep resentative for the 5» district." It is alleged that E. B. Coleman formerly in the restaurant busi ness and also farming, recently disposed of all his intere.-ts, har vested and marketed his crop and then departed unexpectedly leav ing behind a number of unpaid debts, some of which amounted to s2no. Golden Valley Milling Co.'s flour is pro nounced by those who have triad it to i.e first class. Tiv a sack ol it. The Pioneer Store Beach, North Dakota, urgently invites the Children, Misses and Ladies to inspect tlieir "fine and dandy" line of Jcm't and lifoolen Soods Scarfs, 3acinators, XJoques, Caps, JVoods, Underwear, 'Dress Soods, 'Underskirts, Stc. They guaraneee all wool in the above numerated: their stock also consists of niany tTretty' patterns of wool and flannelette dress goods. Signs of winter are shown through out the Ladies and Gents furnishing department of their general store. Governor Burke, while at l)es Moines ... 11 1 his wav to attend the deen waterway A wrestling match was nulled ... I convention at Memphis, lenn.. unproved folk,wing: "North Dakota has made great strides forward in the eighteen years, which represents the period of its statehood", said the governor. "Tomy mind however, it is even yet in the earliest stages of its development, and no better piace can lie found in the country for the investment .of capita! or the laying of a foundation for wealth. "Immigrants have poured into the state in the past few years and the prairies which but three and (our years ago were undisturbed now are thickly populated and yielding a wealth of products. The future of North Dakota is fully as bright as that of Iowa. One is merely before toe other in development and as X. D. grows older it will equal Iowa in evarything.". How to Cure a Cold. cold Then question of Ivw to cure without unnecessary loss of time is one in which we are all more or less interested, for the quicker a cold is gotten rid of the less the danger of pnctimojiia and other serious diseases. Mr. B. \Y. I.. Hall, of 1 Waverly. Va.. has used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for years and says: "I firmly believe Chamberlain's- Cough Remedy to be absolutely the best preparation 011 the market for colds. I have recommended it to aiy friends and they all agree with me." l'or sale bv all dealers. Local Market Prices. Flax 1 Wheat, no. 1 northern Durum Barley Oats Jffeath & Company. Si.00 1.00 BKA^ H, BILLINGS COUNTY, i\OKTH DAKOTA, OCT. 24, 1907. THE tVEEK Af SfirtlMfiL (SUITE. Abbie Burkey received a fine new piano Tuesday. Miss Ruth Smith was a visitor at the school Tuesday. Ladies Aid meets at the home of Mrs. Henry Gilbert this Thursday. J. Z. Gardner is building a good barn and expects to build a larger addition to his residence. Gus Rozell was headed for the Bad Lands Tuesday afternoon with arms, camping outfit and teams. Mrs. W. Williams returned from Boston, Mass., Saturday night after a month's stay in that city. Harve Robinson left Sunday with stock bound for Chicago to- be gone a week. Mrs. Robinson, Addison and Dorothy will visit in Medora in the interi m. The claim of Frank Diugman, about three miles south-west of town was relinquished and is now filed on by an Iowa farmer who will make extensive improvements and cul tivate the land. At the church services Sunday it was decided to build the church on the lots owned by the Ladies Aid it is likely the basement will be laid soon and1if the build ing is to be a frame structure it can be completed before severe weather. The Ladies Aid supplied a most excellent diversion Saturday by preparing a chicken dinner in the Saddle Factory. It seems that every body was there to enjoy the efforts of this society: ice-cream wasserved during the afternoon and at dusk a supper of hot biscuits and honey with other deli cacies. Over eighty well earned dollars thus found way to their treasury. Mrs. Lydia Richards has secured the agency for the town lots of this village and was here the 21st to sum up the situation. This estimable lady is rejoiced at the pre sent prospects this town of substantial en dowments has and believes there will be much dealing in dirt this season. The time is now opportune for several business enterprises and we know Mrs. Richards will aid anyone in the matter of business who wishes to establish here now. Quinsy, Sprains and. Swellings Cured. "In November, 1901, I caught cold and had the quinsy. My throat was swoHenso I could hardly breathe. I applied Cham berlain's I'qin Halm and it gave me relief in a short time. In tyvo days I was all right," says Mrs. L. Cousins, Otterburn, Mich. Chamberlain's I'ain Balm is a lin iment and is especially valuable for sprains and swellings. For sale by all dealers. QUEER LEGEND OF INDIANS. Explains Why White Men Are Supe rior Over Those of Other R?.ces. The Seminole Indians believed that when tlie Great Spirit created this world he made three men. all I'.dr of skin. He led Uiein to a lake and bade them jump in- "Tlie first obeyed and came out whiter than when lie entered the waters llie second hesitated, go ing into the lake where the water was a trifle muddy, hence canto out cop per colored, and the third leaped ill last and rat no out black. Aecordin.'i to the legend the Great Spirit then led 'them to three bundle usUii!"' eaeli tu chouse one. The black man chose the heaviest, which was found to contain spades, hoes anil oth er implements used in the perform ance of manual labor: the second found in his a llshnig red, a gun and warlike weapons t1:o ^|e man chose the sack which contained pea, ink and paper, and s'-lis?, so the story goes, laid the fouu-lut ion-for Ids supe riority over other races. Kansas Cilv Journal. NURSE WAS CAREFUL. Had Good Reason for Mot Attending the Picnic. "John Alexander DowSe." sal-'. 55ion City "had a s'jnnd Unnel putting things fj: i• und lor'-ib!y. "At one of his last nic?-'mrv hwe lie attached the modern ninth of eit'ty. tlie mother who lir-^h-ets her bi'di-en. "Why." s-iid. "1 overheard the mest remarkable eonvorsutioii be tween two nursemaids on a car y-s: day. "'.Are yon going 10 tho pk-iiie?' a"-' erf the fina nurse :l.i. S •7» •45 -No," s'-tld the second '1,'m afrai 1 1 shan't be there.' "'Why not?' cried the first. 'And you so fond, too, of [denies nn 1 daw: ins and youn: ltiea and all that there'' "'Oil. said the other nurseniai l. "I'd love dearly t'o '-'o, dearly but. to tell yon the truth I'm afraid to leave the babv with its tnothn." WHY DON'T THEY? A Question That Has Never Yet Been Answered Satisfactorily. Have yon ever been in a house where tl.ore is a couple eouriins? It is most trying. Yon think you will-: and sit in tile drawing room, and yon iitateh off there. As-you open the door vou hear a liois:- .'«s if somebody had suddenly recollei 1 'something, and when you get in i-mily is over hv ho window, full of interest in tho opposite side of the road, and your friend John is id the other end of tho room with his Whole soul held in th.all by photo graphs of other peoples relathes. "Oh," you say, pausing at the door. "I didn't know anybody was here." -Oh. didn't you?' Emily says coldly, in a lone which implies that she does not believe jou. You hang about for a bit then you say: "It's very dark—why don't you light the Kits?" GIVE OLD BUMBLE A CHANCE 7 All old Brindle wants is a chance. She wont dissa point you unless you're looking for a downfall. Old Brindle doesn't fall down—not when she has half a chance. Last year the value of milk, cream, butter and cheese produced by old Brindle and her sisters in the United States was worth $665,000,000.00. That shows what she can do when she has half a chance. Until Further Notice we will pay the patrons of Beach and vicinity 30c for butterfat in cream. Missouri River Produce Company, BISMARCK N. DAK. THE CITY DRAY R. I. NICHOLS PROP. BEACH. N. D. H. F. HAWN, DKALKK IN Baled Hay and Straw. If you have hay and straw to bale or to sell address me at BKACH, N. I). New Fall Goods Here In our dry j^oods department we are displaying new fall furnishing* of e\very kind for gents and ladies. HEAD QUARTERS for the SI a rood and RE-Z SHOES A shoe that will please y.ou in fit. quality and price. Our stock is complete for men, women and children. We aim to carry a complete line of Ladies' and Gents' furnish ings and solicite your trade with honest values consistant with reasonable prices. IN OUR GROCERY department is always found a fresh and up-to-date stock of groceries, Hour, fruit, etc. Our coffees and tea cant be beat. Trv us with your 4 next order. Kuss & Sunders. School Jjime a«ain. and it's lit the children out with new sola)ul clothes and shoes. We cordially invite you to call at our store and see our now fall stock in cashmoers. henriettns and other wool goods, hoys suits, caps. etc. You will find here everything in tile Furnishing Lino not only for the children, hut for men and women, also. We also solicit jour patronage for •ur Grocery and Lumber departments. Never before were we so well stocked to meet the demand in groceries, salt, cement, lime, nails, lumber and brick. Grain and all farm products taken in exchange. One price to all. Yours truly. SfteacA yjferc. Compi JOHN KEOHANE States \tty. any Invitation to Aeronaut#. The following sign is displayed by a firm of cycle and motor munuf-iotur ers at Hornsey. England: "'''o Aero nauts: Drop here for petrol. The Fading: Widow. T! Browns have a cook—a widow who's a perfect dandy. They're wor 10 death nboitt her." .c sit g.vins, notice?" -rkii'sv it." HEFFR0N & ('.TRItANT W. W. LARSEN We burners threshing ZD each business dc {Profession'Directory, KEOHANE & GALLAGHER aCawyers Office ill Golden Valley State Bank Build ing BEACH, N. I. jCawyers Practice in all State and l-'cdral Courts and the U. S. Land Office. Careful attention given to contesting and all other U. S. Land Office work. Ray Building, DICKINSON, N. D. NEW YORK RESTAURANT, TOM SUN'"., I'KOI'KIBTOK Meals served on the Kuropian plan. A rooming house in connection. A special rate to steady boarders. The best of accommodations. BEACH, N. IX jeweler And Optician. Watches, clocks and jewelery. Watch' repairing a specialty. BEACH, N. I). J. W. FOLEY U. S. COMMISSIONER Receives Homestead l-'ilings at his office in MKMOKA. N. 1). llJheelock dc MONEY TO LOAN BEACII, N. DAK. Thos Kranick Oencret J'eeci Srindinff Custome grinding a specialty All kinds of ground feed for sale Cash paid for Oats. Barley Wheat, and Speltz. have the e\'C for the celebrated $1.50 PER YEAR Q. H. PURCHASE R. F. GALLAGHER jCawy vr Practice in all courts and U. S. Land Office. Contests prosecuted or defended. Homestead filing papers tnade. Final or Commutation proofs. BEACH, N. D. .* QUINLAVIN & LYTLE ffieab£state We sell land and locate people jpn home steads, make out Land Office papers and look after Contest and Final Proof cases. Write for information. Office over Post Office. DICKINSON, N. D. SfteaeA ZPhoto Studio Portraits and Views All kind of photo work done at reasonable prices for good work. R. C. PHIPPS. H. B. MUSEUS. ^Physician 6c Surgeon, Office in Bank Building. BEACH, N. D. J. IS. READ Contractor And builder. Jobbing a-specialty. Build ing plans and estimates ceerfully fur nished. BEACH, N. D. tlCfheelock 14,620 acres Golden Valley LAND FOll SALE WE (WN IT PRICES ARE RIGHT We loan money 011 farm lands ... See Us Automobile m»l iiv Insurance FRANK C. DAVIS Vice President and Manager BEACH, N. D. On Billings County Land In the Golden Valley If you want to borrow money on your farm call at our office, oiie door east of Kellog's meat market, and w5 can fix you out. No commission mortgage. No Bonus. Beach Land and Loan Company, usive ayencv HART PARR traction engine? osene gasolene and for plowing ke r and Works Mf'm'rs. of Con crete Building Material Estimates promptly and cheer fully iuniishtr.1 on application on all conrren- building blocks and material. It is as cheap if not cheaper than lumber. We are also d\ih.-r.- in Farm Machinery of all kinds. Our lull line ol Wag.jns, Buggies and f.-irriagts. Champion and Milwauee Hinders are now on display for your inspection. We keep repairs for same. lilCACH BRING OUT YOUR HORSES! Anyone contemplating holding an auction sate can save money by employing LESLIE & ULFHRS old experienced auctioneers. These gentlemen will con duct sales at Beach the second and fourth Saturdavs of each month. Join your neighbors ami bring in whatevr You have to sell. Let them know in time to advertise. Lksuk & Clfkrs. Money! Money! Money! .To Loan ON 11EALESTATL SECURITY in the (iolden Valley. Sec K. K. Noble at the Golden Valley State Bank, NO. PAK Beach, N. D.