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'J .- 'V' .-•!•- the Visited by «'tSi (Mrs. Frederick McG he"CWBHBPW posies •V-r- W: V-'Kw lhC b°ard n%slt€PlipoU!"the'pt^vbtHngI,(hoaes ,^bn£if bhii ju" in nv/oifz f.j list 00 YH7 !nr. OH 29»loH ..jirf .iabluori«irij|h if oc4lluHno s!j£l .VJ Yri lial no She and Jeffer- ma ®ffi si vs naqo °f dlrectors 0 ».-8 ffctftlfolic of *jdi mine to blained thi of the ci ored race. The first time I enter* this "happy valley^'. yeam a&u. I bhIJ fu an uld negro, wht b4ookad3ats^ ^WeoiibtbtsaMas *Ww "tHe «MUflMrtnB9^ "IstfterulitKM'Ittm( "thii^riililferf^^afaff*W9'«lfMiOTed "Oh, no, indeed, honey,-' dat -7f?ain ain't on time." Then I asked: "Howj much is 'beifinrf Vii^ef'4ind he said'j "fa' bowrg." I wag appalled) and asked: "Has it ever been as much a4 foma kourAlOJl before?K and l^Nanj ^l week de train never come at an.: But a little circumatance^Uce that did munity. ifW^ Mr. Crlser has always' undertook in our family, andlsfrlO Ate it well." j, r.Wktchrreallv sounded so,e*aciJv as waff"feWtetf' jQuefen Victoria, am (IKtMi^en prt^lBtfF^-(herdid »t her own tab! weather burnau that we almaat hopodjll^i^^a^f,'^?^ in apnnrft "Old Blille" a noaltion In .,.! •... 1 the signal service on the strength. 13^'}® account of this *~y oj rq -««V Chn 'tUnt-irl 4iA«r/ktraw mnot nWt the "Cowardln Cap" of the A pha^f||ffltfir AM^it meimill «e! Sha| of what denomlnatTon 1 never fflbse^jftWeete dJsajy^r.ftn^^ ,be,nth •jsjheikithese.js ^thw-* .weddi^4n lofliurchsor.tfrsbBrtiateg! iaithejtfacklon JMflv«p«eafcr1y,)'to'4ee.'ttoe bnoobci'ti matter of chignqfh'St on. 'nJS^Hflikg?9#5!^ happen: 'W-thefbi isi BometWBg- fetartui |nd wonderful to behold. At a baptizing in the Jackson rl o^i4^So«K^iWt.3w«^ndl he hundred^ o^ %^hfQl singing shouting: •\wr vcny XTTot UiilSl. Btnn dnirn Intn Ihp walff And free-ly drink and squench zRi/i" IwfcWanii' dailghter." have beard rumors of the lares and pitfalls of the IM:?. 'the Warm Sprina^-hof^fan^t luded by saying: And together forever in uiui 'infidelity and may yp* MtoiJtlttJiijftgvtrt'y'l ubvci suppurate.' si iqe-Biup isles flfi.beavj It is&iit&iii& tl what rarelu K9 JI9I nr.iri )II3 .isbluo ii?. mmA'Memmi upon gout and_Eh£umatism, a great !taM&%,JftAtbfet0W4# I^MVI seen, iAs9mS5 «tMfi»*uStoP' Bsfigw"mm&m taixSets od3 ©j sd ,£Jo4sa jf''S#p«et:"t(raaoh«ii Wlf'talWd^at^b liiiTgo^lttti WMtiSSortartf fle«4'f*iWl( isdoteO lo tb dit- eld \lauoO and 18 tmm&vk'&m SfSVfSi jiw- told,nh^njoWhOiBh9(1T^8. if,.A§$& 0,Aft \a. poor id, and, bods of "done?'' his ^sj^wsfes^s,. i»6#%9rt5^Fi8«R»9 -ftfY'l 4ntarpsitet,fe^«jictfiT,^81i^ is Shetwes tel official who "PSt8«)nal|Vl&ofiW!l4OTti BdVlaBrssidftntatMsK^Bl^^P ^»T"hefl ^MiaU'-jfciri^BefeiflpirrfTotmftcWbfnPfp] rtiS9IP1 tflataeOeMj^^tekt Jfroott ttNtjfne^lft PtKdriBWt I^^nO^cj awn a'jrtWlUB^SfdiH^oiWftflE^ ito Me(V'| ftn% tfcatobad, ejjJArt^^e^ A ftftrj flhoy aflidl) fHrth«i:«, '^hftrf3 BreuWgpt iwdai(Jk:4»S'« J»9n,toter»Ptfl4ji* iffffwif bnflri oKfe had A»ld, &in&-ifch*t feoh i:wbb i* Qtjtdfmtowgy fjjn^^r^j atiQtwSa isrsdQeUo«:ofi(thmQnB)l'^9o| irrtnhicaii society, of, lo«d«n. *wA ffbf iftmltdiaeiiraltbiQuaeii ^ctori*)tftt hpf idtem toriflfe ati^Windeof v.«MtiM[it! Tif W^ichfiJi*nteiwl'terib«iSrHepbtf '{^jgH'ftr&ebthfe *bilI,lAWtllteth»r8bW| art, and°Wii'lBff5''ft# '.yteiterfal "ttW'^WafHfaigpWnfeiSii'tte^i^aW'iofce of 'ttHkeWTO^tltfe fllnln^ooirf'and at *h«fweot-,,ti fi^a!""Thfer#,iW trttH sMttiaiMfnlMst Sf'Hef€8^r«l«« kM«it4»fliieii«4 4v(Wfeit,%6xW«,of!ttffe %i68t's»tftgb in matters meterological, w*s qnpe supptfsal ^Shtt^SMrtled the'' faMhest-ttftf of some peculiarly disagreeable some of these African wlldernessei weather, ^iciH&q^plbnatlon was: ^J'A8- 'JY'ted to London by th{ "The heavy respections of the at- ,, .. ... mosphere make^he elements dismal ma^e him oneuf Its members, and hp. iit'tbl He was mvitea to Lonaon oy in R^'I^XSeS^s^b^iOTi society, wbicl made him one "of Itff members, and jpVrV'ofiitie'^orid'/Mwever, must ndt. be /ccordyd 'to bufnaii nature alone. es-d,tai^tboA!'iJr.1:he ldiHlst knd the dpfci' /wood'. w'd the' frbjt bfossomis, SfelSWSiM tO( tHeapp gipn'of' ^fie c-Sitntry is Wiebratedf,, Therr,we% !^ri^ hWtife tlibi'd whlqS, when in fuli 'bl66m' lwikd 'kfe lf'snpW. rpro tdi ndi ^ldftWe,Wv?nl. of waving. Roman fiyscliHlis. tha,"5«-^Me%,W Like Zi«Wfc Wniand' daughter." 'WO^ai^/^Kiftfi At a recient. ^[eddipg in the churchi T®3 V- aW^Mta-Rag the preacher, whcti] j*«•*» fcrties—au ^mi^sA^pnAi 1 THE NEW BABY tlwfr of tteAWteiasgaglit a ttmWObe gUtltt voa ttttotfSoi't) new, progressive nation full flush (WfcfTOWfc, .rJA^ftWOwWtfma save the! (pr%jtbtt»t«vr«Ki^efertk»t B^itd ian war had«nMhpediUflrlct«t!innU]el nHiodgl»! t'do th«jftea8iuir«Jntbl^xI f-jo Here was the country whose caWWr! :^Wlsie^if41W»?la*«^-Tfi'i' IftflYd of tliej fiies/ HISB 'I jr''"ai^M?li(l.''ff^*govCTMfent? ?'u iTTJIno a f" tvnJJJJmIbG ifJ'ioX .v'nr.'oo agnliiifl' WriiM bW.« ^trin^tmprna '.f JiMs# diame^Uj^i^^jiig^fi^as^.fgffPS! ature of 98 degrees. Jacksoh, wbO'Lfjn^ oftlhdwnJWjiaHn^wJf'd'«) ,-rt has been ttl Um ilUJii'B Ottlhhouses forjl ,ollow sevSMI frtBrtojslQiolit tiatfmtiM Hrti) ofXtttBiwdild'i MtM. driMnt»|io»£^ ln tJMWBaptMW*. ^3^' to#*11 refenflF^ -ri ivmil bml oqul n, rtftniWy, i)ft|an0P'GW«i 1tfOsiil •rgei^r »ilSirj4ilaSfi9Sd«'nVif«F.^,l 'K .Ut,tj-i.nu7) nlVfi •)-!n s,ni•» orli 110 ~B OT £FFI)09TO-I(( A l.'.lt.i Vi^^k linn it(i a B^li-ry! 11 «forf Ii 1 .I/, nifi uitn bus! ,i£U* ^iJ to fm-i'J as-gaaacV/ :s liufiO no ubiz Jlal no 10} iab(L'Off?. su*9XSg!%4tet4io TA.. MrtJ'rJone»^o»,nMiy^gHelor, I want «»wggMtfiiilm«ln6ubre ti bftby* urior si ii Hi:*, ijji 9:1} en« is-.iiounii'i'j-il ui-i^ijonoo v: o^Kinj t»J btJw'ztf 9 Ki'jfieiK Mr. Bachelor—Suppose you call her "The White SquaU." arfation to .gel ready for the main -Ph« ™i,^laration Wli«1B8iaB|»Bj)r the malii1 white wifely kngmn, as iPrussi«ji firstH jtpsfed the^f• flcMuny^oe itfe Kliliitar)f ny8teiii against Austria yifctory. ftary minfis'"5f' U{||^ii 11 mountain aF ?n1 tljp 'i'i .• V- .. ,y .yjauoo eaaHna lo Bh»d8 'Ouq-Jd GREAT NATION s.A: acwTov: MO fcfu Olnt bfmtltA tomJitn* hrrf-l' Xd oliti bwwins r£j trtaleiVf noJjjsKxfioo £ioi«a t£noV5 ,ta *,:« sriJ Jo .oUutl Ri noK boa *ifasv ,#woi 1o WeJ8 ,-isdiae*oii 1» .7 mliKwIO' uo» ejoMflB ,«« bo*! Wa» lo d« #&t ha jsm a sdi )o 0S3uJ&J« tfuntfs'wq ocf rtmVr *o ~'.fo5cO )o £b (D* «it!i ncqoroO f»fJlT«9»8 .-'ii bfayil ,ooiUin«H .11 ,H 1o ItJnuo'v) tts]o^£I ?5ii^tt8 -yuqoCl ilii ob s)C)U 90i on jj.flioaOTot «»ifj .oolvisji ia1 .sbnsA .TOfil .'wc'oIaO |p efrnoM Biitilw bnool -aaol O ..Jteci ,KAH«18U: ioc'» \ab S TjJlll to a lo eaotjibaoa vj oitfi b«wjtawi t9(aimr h«»£»8 bnevl srt&imW' «»wi»d iittou^o» ftho9$ a i»T AH9gjoar iasm^a bn* .i^bn-y/ ni mibioft lo "Jto edi lo iftftariiaittaiMttaflaai aho-too „:jOei lo v.£& J8IS Jnebxii ^nuOv 4fc9£ ^vnl1 ,w »rf« no -^a'l ?b ,p0. ton ?0i4on saio^ I .-i3v^ta 1t|f!Sr\ ________ initiqmo^ ini nt Dsbaunisfi l^iT 10 vjfroo ritjr sirfl ..1 .'A .rioEsa »6 bat(i(J_J :i'A ..SEiniiitU -001 .-laBWMTTTB'TJfl&KB v.u« »U .KlCflqajU .3 I ,1 u\f /7he "Bisma)rp^s^ffjf.v.uwoo HSf.-i'I'f! of ii a ga»ort an »iff: 0 .aarnoe ~io'i .:iln t: nil 9I!Jf™"** itary minds Of'the^liatioif Wfre'en-,, ,..1&& fcn«.«y MHmtaw' m-y warterfts, TM,4«S»frtkW4i^3S«8asJ of the arniy was inspected autest care.? -Tliis jwar meant n.Otl/fniS'1 but preparatioB for the ^grehtei1 co®-11!1 flict tioon1''ttt1'dOmfer. 'Aud'^wbeu I many ibeC ttiftie.^shfe "•4r :a'• rVk§x'MiAx ijost. 'low formidable was. the military and'v naval engine been building up. J.,T!Gti-$iauy wa^ .i:ead.v... ,Kian*p was:,:,jtjJ 4/ip^-s #m Vfifcwffcfci^en^ war in 1870 that the famous, -forged telegram of JJms w^de.toralfdrd a« ft jr a a a or •oiK^tein!1f.-teWlfc frP'B pulJiter- lI?olI I11K' the Japs similarly '.greeipltatecf^ 'ii,f litrugglfi \Yiih Russia 1 ,hv nttnri^'',',Ui| nif thn Bugglnn tiling ft Port ArlJiu^j 1 nd Chemulpo before war had Ijpen i'ormally declared. The prize for which was the rich one of ralne, and Japan, not portunity of livjng prcpriated cess that ji .'{IJ.lliO'l olflw 3 '.H! n«o I .nol G?wH»a XPmNfffv/ Two ladies were talking in -a 1 tif the1 drawing1 i.Jo37!H ,ft -t iaiMI ityMtIff to ftri'idZ ifdiilr.Qj p&jjmxA'j, '"""II !l -fy? '.fl Ujat war ^d-lt)iT fgainst AWtr^.fq^i: ^ear^^be^ore {tad_(j been dev^lppjefl^ainJ jv?par^d. .iinapp.rt«'fJ rsd-and.iin»f^aBied(.':.'i-j'fjiii[ ..- .ep £•0 with Jftpam j«(T*rp i^um'r^ti'jrt^lrt b'j •^fiinU'' afftfMed?1•'& attffiiftiWfat,'lfirfetextst iH rnern /!'J. -'»Had tnot MrfqWc graj-JfTbafc •yfff&'ljj: •"'v. jiki- 7/on "Yes/' 1 .1 "How does it happhi''to^Bi flaiik1 now?" a»aMi(gJ" From'ihe'^p^s^A'^^oint of vi in Sstlitlaf marries a rich widow. Wfa •v •.,. „. irmncO si eoiioV. qirfanwoj "ni ,S8 ooitfiBIMCe^MWMibKv I.^°^ao» .£JoirAl iir o7T .TOet ^HsiiB uei ,1 ii-'.uT stiagu^-^B9 fcnool mi )»aa£^ .sisniiUlt to yj -o.i'0 ..And 3r «80 Japan has Its Bismarck, too, In the i»l thn grmt laariar thn of foreign affairs, "so -Aftsifg nlw&a il iimlMfi 11 fcn« ,tMi Xiun'V ba£ noehiol joaafio «rft «o io, bits sdr -©jiO ro ,93irj«» tot vt,t. 1! I ,1 im ulotti & Mi 3 «ta VK itM 1 •jJi:c hi Jt R"4WlV tfi .VKMpiifl'} brui .10 hwr WW* ii-yj'mi I'M ,9| t' A Misogynist'' av f'Myi:father,t' satd Mrsi MiirpKy, "d!» way«:nfttfe1 up'wWnica l«dy! enthe^ the .nabmt* W .88 .,8£ttiUIU jfeSlt «dJf 7 j£* »dn qttfewPQ) 4ebn«it 1 a.i» n?ifiw bmwft »rf xia oiffi ^«|isc JOftf ,iHfo}90 xfib itt&t -fOEK £t biJlfi •Mfjr j, ril J)ooaiey|^nij»l'9gl)31 iirti 10 vjnijoo rfi:C 1 rfiiob^K Jfl giigi' °f ,i9laisDaa lo vfib rl)« "'"hip Japanese BisqiA09toatlte-:6Hunc Hiroumbi -J4o,-bw-ft- in 1^40, made aj Wj«'t/i©lfftOfflS(9XAnjhi®.oy»ll»r«K5 (liscoveiStAtl?*V'.Ofte llifiiftilizatlon oB iliimftd'Afoiteubbevoubtedoit bmob wtd far inferior to what tBsy2Rfl&w?fri''-the .'PfrtBferRttftl. of fU%{op3P»fcd Wen%$HHfe !fetia»hpamitP^siOii'5WI-eS^i! «fesJ6?6n racr ha£ srfi l'OTJao'. bnejJ «i^n a^)KiMiit^gont J^wie{RmUi -tell yoii:jtib*$« h«)lhaAddiihlo(a tM3nBteAii4U^ bconi4»tieifeon'*bSftniM-ck4it) lii'it 'jiii ^««nfe btlC /»m .iii/j A 1o' •ttam *fii Wfl^aaWfMililOTf|W^BBBBpiB|W^Pr/ ''J! -'5 »-vr*^ 2-' fH-' i'!' /.. :.,M'y//.o rj 'ill 10 o?s fIKJf .HdJdirj to "i.=" /Hioj-BocjtorSi^iiaMfjpeoBiet aire noftsovwell |itoOHint«r JW»UBt theJ^«re)coopBd up 6tn^hotlt11oilW. w]f^) i?®lKit.JSil't(iU!pnt#ei MB A A i"U.n'»i" sdl )M*t MA V.ilK jj rrTo.-:7/ ,. bnfi I) n& 1 MiiliMI «i .ynwjim. lir.".tbiHcn'( k.t i] 1 yi«rnjw^(te^p| i^eafWtflei'ito tlldt cdNSDneaiiii 1oavi6gitafti(nr»di no .twbns' ^aiAp ^Wit^fjJthe^^^fteSgttM !l«i :!T r,I8Mi(ii9vWl8l¥nio J¥oii 9 W a I admitted even by Bia^ipcl^ tgejnan of action Voiji UtkAike t%illl»n9iv nhsrfS y.3irq^J S a a a a famous Kield~Ma«shal-Qyama, under k«llomW^jeRW.WBhtOh«:9timiKl6 I with RuSBtoiCIVlii'jiidi"^*Uled 7» T? ""J' {!(.• sriJ Jo !fix••' 1 j-^'t blis. .•isiba 1 nih'ftiifi blua ')ni Wni 1 ,ni)V ^.joa^utiiV. to &J»)a .bcioinin«H 1' batttfl joofliw d|rf»r" ,aoi!t .^oirL Ko'v«b rftfii 0 ,3-l •tJtma'Wkif.?. 1$ hs roe .rijfe that at ^ievepyi'jjbiDlftiofipiieiiitimSniissfqiiiAlrisfSit ing its men and all thCTftMnSfe'ttiKt go Jit^eAii-ry 'WaPftfiig t^S^c^sBftil^riig. OiPMa lftftl ^ftWftgtHf^ftu^aMii :|taud'tfl!'-,tir«l'otHer'"fatn(jW«} I»d^Btf0f I 'Oift''i»z«r »aiHSS^ibnc') bns aitnst orfi fiiiii 7i olr.i t9TJ3f lye.iUio'j bn"J ••'iH btifiJ r.[0.)aoW •tiwvj .1 ro' 698 1o ods sahe»®' .vjhikio *Ef oid tuntaix- Cxii'l. arfr: xte«t«a O 7 & a iv '10 H'ittlS&Sn -rf) oi ).RIH «-III tw iwf .B'OAfsrt ril'IOVC .b»ii5nl«r:'j fib:'(i)l- /cid'?:..: b^ji-U 70S (j'J&a bniij £VX'3iU3'/l rU )i A'.taYi to -aJwH .Jit jas-.duslti S I .1 rfMOX sgnfi! •xl.i irii: 'hni ti ',&! OJtrt 'im T-jO Vi -rub IBS! .•.' b:*.* '»rf' ttn( Jf»P JJKi) .UtWiti .asolitifi to t.itxw ^'siSiobdM fc b+inCI .7(W/ .t'.lf.l -M 'it M. 1ft ttrttii't *«iij«-0 rfrro'/. VATOY, ft. Uij a i' W or s. /v -r, «Sj d'f*T' v. FIELD MARSHAL COUNT H,5M»W:TH WONj,MOUTKE, •:o Gtcamtiys great ticticlan. iJ'f I '«!S .l:iOJii:CI ,lr.n-/. «f:: "t*.» 1 ,::o liN^lHli #Wlt. '.•-Ai^'first-^rade 'boy' spelling papers he ^yrpp&t,. "•$$ ib.eH^ if tiVfeVfiv^' 'iiitf six ojitr,)f ten, a A real chus^ 'jls^- pdhcatte^-f'yrdfeRfaSts,'. 'witli sausage on the side. m. i'".l^ow .askjpd r'hlft,athee«) /•^acli^.'s jtault," renllejl.xjie ,, V.fe'fr we teacher's ia!nlt?K., ''S^ iiioi'.ed jlheilittle boyi:thht sat next to-.n9:"'! V' ./ .».• iv(/. -a '-fi' \ii* 'it'l If it wasn't^for his "wife,'the average use handkerchief until it was as black as the stove. -1 wms*. fu'/kG J1 oT 1 ic( P«'n.!a OJfi haii hflcu. s»ifj co .ijiaa?fr'- Msia ,JIr.'xcf, 9rf) -nr :ivo'. lo vftb ('MU8T BE r:8Ei.SCTEQ liFfl th» .vnr.^rrnv T»bf »rn'1 Use. TCli 1 ,ri4! i(iK.l ri••(» "My.x -.ri) Jo B'tjujaia ilWHSMtfllJ i^'stout ligures ffav(ng sni-4 trf 4i0 1 shoftWiwHUijOwni^it .••!ta..baWnc«f tlio litrti .»c «rM 1,. a- ti ,)ri, tlieqji/lgj^^iown in one uf tlie' cut s' ac j-,9«(wian.vii»«', iliis' Uv\i„f may be drawn a.s AisilUl lii-'S to Seagal I03910I »tfj itttm r.a.^^.tnie 1 pleases, but inxtoiul oL heinn pulled iftsjos^vrife.u.iifi «|IU^H2P toward tbo^Wn/imd t,la* toward IrttrtTMlta, and wlieni ilur tm«, IS/tiKht I enough the linal i:io miy bt('given. 1 The ends going around tin w.uat ll»T^ ta^ea:i(tf e.ithe»'!siia£jor:liii('n,".stiwii 011 them/'so UiUKlihPw'-ls iio wiuowiisUry liftlH. ^•Phe.' lwi,k"4S atid'-tiiii WRIB) a'M iH^'frltnts'5 iireviiilsi(:, ut Vfaa:w( I" c.m i cover "ttiby' jio, ^Vficuj'od M:'• a m6d6rai:e .]inf e''ai"0jf\ '^!?'s (the j.fipui^fir .Sy^jii i'iaijvs^^,' .iiice edges extending acros^i^u-li TJ^-is is 9/'J-Ihivc should novor IK' imyiJoops-jjr. boP's^on vtopt^i ders. The top of t.liusi)i»iritt('i olitmlcl ifQ"",7)CT*r be as flat as possible. The olijm of the «£4a itapes(belUK l(iBt vht ctwnm«y be adju^tetf. tbi ftto'iboHi'lou^ and short walstcM 'figures', 'iOiieiiWur luiwiHT-r, put these garments off ay\»l"h)tv'«- tliesj' ^3 Like Bismarck, Ito.inasatatifDilibeat rbaMnOaint4itattstUaiU()UBil^ dHOflffaipj. I ly. When the war in Chin§ caiS^ln tihut. fone'* ps^oiys^a pesifbif ti 'face! tofiWa nd| ^res^ns^ttie's^in and in some «B$es Teinp.vie, yejlpw SPPts, iaoluding,: frgqlMes., ,.. Nothing makes a fiico1 so lnaipid as tod/Sfciwit-aj'iebrokA. The growth may b«' thickened by ruUbln« Inttf them, once a day some red'rasieliiie The. white has been so refilled tha-t. it l|aa' less Mrengtlj .''/r'... ''1'''' ,. Cucuh\ljeil 1 j(flf is!?$,'}*$•, f.,f to mark witb?tOttttKll( three initials, ^r.^e^.sty^wi^he -nniv .TiJJCn3 nrtlft no sliudt aasd gaiviui 5ri) A": 1 UnH 'wlife.rtie »ht-tluw V^^to "fit- O^B ia". bleaches for the 'skiii .\»lie4i cj^enm bei-. carjnot lie. offtaiiied. fresli^ ripe i^rape fruit will l)! .fnund .a gmul.siib sUtute, Cut open and rub bed on'the ,.faoe, it is a tonlo as w«l.l »*. bleach. t: A rational diet, regular meals, -plenty^ ot-'escercise in the open air, 'copious dhiughtfe of pure water he t*"een'.'meals with' freijueiit and regu 'l^ br^atbinfi',exercises, constitute a ireaiment', for"'dyspepsia .thai will in "time "enable.'theVdiispenlic fo:tq^.Jot tlfts and pilie oiitjaf tjip windpW..,., iV -Wlien cold .-itreim i^. foupd to. .di sagree-with- the: shin« sometimes happens, try-: rubbingi aMittle almond oil perfumed with la:flew, drops of berganiot. Wash ^he' fHce '^el) first, and then rub in the oil, using!'the massage mbveri$ift^.: !'Wi,pe 'dlf'chre- fvjfly ill 's^ipfrflup^s 6J1.:,'' AiWONO'THE1 FiL-ET tTACES. Enjbro|dered Noveltiiis In. T• "T 0 A re jftet:. laces,to:.all-oypr pftttpins and trimming-bandp are. ff|goodiptyle Some of -the novelties in this line are very elaborately embroidered. Ainbrii1the"latest importations is a Hand of^goldSn-brow'n: ftlet, abduti six inches wide, darned with sdlid tfneads of gold, and filled with solid em braidery i» gold and brawn..s,-/ Gold 'and isilver flies are the very 1 heWesb1ex'iirbssion im this direction. !llBahd8 :bf !filet aYe 'embroidered in 'gi^s and gold-filet-of solidly embroid ^red''''sriamrpcks.'- ', ... A very^!ppeij .inesh filet, the braid bjjns,3t^least,',a, quarter.'of W» inch' apertj iq-,, worked with/ a^,,exiuisite mor(lore and gi is. embroidery, «nd out- renliejl.xjie boy.-.'r!! [fn^ wtth acairoi^ Various sizes.. »htn-'B fatal** k. Aniorig the Aiotlfs are-tdangles of. 'i)ta!c^- ft1et' f'embroidery,^acorn^ •ail flioft.iTcnw tfl Be Populars nb All^fioliloBp, liioh toneB^foi'itoilettf and wrayi and a prevalence of velvet ,4-M 4hiittLv/ JorUk,Hl^c^ cirifi tw' f«ntfly Tintfef,7.:{r'the','i1irt,tt{^1 tefl#k\sr««4«a io^'Xu -ot'miea'Htrftjrt nandkerchlefs. Finally, oi\e- ^rwUi»HbPpiAsi*jlH»» marks eaclr of her handkerchiefs with large and plain X,^eiwi«lM*t:f6bat no ibttffi'Ms^"#lll f^ai|M 1 tlwMijy I ,1 rn omi aTthft aril Mi r'N^yiAndiofa»bi(Mifl)iisiv«ijQM tlfSl'iTK'j'^l f)hi"tihe!)trfHv :^ndi (ti'l»8t WHUi "BftiS retNOi lititslWfnpt'eclOflssdhftawMl nrecicus stonSsf KS)totiV(W'tibtiNicWt'B 'luinei^J1 cpioj'.s arei'tHw®ch'it^ ',,(3eep Mm donite ("pink or !#4»e*,^s^^^fku|fc3and^v|||j!A-! .rfWisUe stw# ifiSf litictribrijv well i-iniiiqc^t^lstlu^fld jjflft "V44vei«nsac]iti»ai(MBtT(betii& t^R' 'it«HM^^,w'lo!rtg,'»»wed-.,tl»oiisfto«i(b»iJll usWiVi^vl- igitftfil«8'-iijnt'awbiiWi'j«»linc 'Sfi-eaVite .bf ^rtf6'roflEbl-icrt "bkdi nriMnMa find fffiljeii pu^.^ Mb ..ins^nailiw erv:^taiied srii laifg^Uv. iptftiA'aWK.ifl'P 'f( Wfrts •nk aO^SKMHe '•jif-'tRfe'1 b^nM^W#^TgM,vnss»d(B\»ili toe "'coiftfyojs&i ff/rittoflit»nj?t hMn 'W5¥ 'coloWs*1^ jlo11 «f^v^fly "f^ll 'VWiilr «UiM iriUW 9??.rr^?HI,,Vi dSgfgflfeit's' ability to prodiice such fascinating re suits in the i)efc!ln" i(f cOl^i'i!', _iyfliIli£L_k, 1 rtuo' uti Ceiarttt iof. Aiiw^jin. ffko^r*. MPhuti+ei-yidabk jriMUtel «hbUi^lMft)f*n a*W: rebi«w(6 ixia^eT-jtiierilsuAl't ci16Wnp,.,of' .riijjv ^w-«i!(de-rt'-fit. as ^id, ijaaje a,flat, straji. s^.ajii. lAh)W».,(l?niqo|tUij!, 111 Tbis.iiStytei -pf WMWPt s»«er -c#iii, hi pramirod attached to: *rgloye-lUtiiig "SkSrt. 'bitt these' hav6 to liu iii'dinod f!K vmii fAt^i'ttutwmK» iind 'n*ssxi^Y» i» I'olljUjVrWMt »il millinery assumes the nStlinK coior-j^xaiiHerM ia4»iWi^»f8 83 well, whether of plumage or. nowerH, ilei llioUv uiie/ tfi,,^ HH'i vqg^ JJiose wev p.i^iwO A(h caa^ a^^ l(t^ir ligliP'elotfcr'Lostubies huvie^ttta-.idyBu.ito 'WsWt1 tJ' if' eeoliwwi.v is iorgeqt'jdilbds #»y i/e ill Wghbivfllijtly^. fif .•oJ JiiBr.(fftaf)fmg,r. Vdgiiei* '((i a .ijtaao'j ^aiiliH 0. ••»'l lu iir.i ilfn 'jiii bo ,Hi.v iiuiumi ^Votfuon ef, „Firtelt#rj)id,j iJ The newi ifa«litoa. Of.i crowulog tbe head wltli a thick pWtt Ubntbryilusuful in formiiig1^"HWW^bkSih' tfl'the'-Mat. In ninfri:ases':birti!of ^nf^it'^ a plait of false hair a'nti oii^'ma^ 'eicpedt'tld'see it shortly wild ,vyith .the, li^tri a^ were the bnniskes o|,4a|set^|sfi.j LiTTLg^^7p^ %iift fun T!ve jacket has a sailori collar effect '111 the back, the plain/goods being cut off square ju^t below the shoulders^ ,lTnder the jafcket the princess di'ess is buttoned in front and extends 'Over the sho.uldeis in narrow straps wAich are ornamented with ecru lace-.ei) ai plique. flowers and soft sweeping plumage foe mjllinery' garnlsh/nents' are befpg ex pibitecl at the. shops. Mariy'bf the c^orj* that were fasbiobable'.Juijjring the summer are now being ,brp^ght out in heavier tones for winter, a num ber of them taking On foreign/ihues never before seen: After all is* care fully considered it Is almost aspired that the shades paf excellence fir the entire peaSOp will be purples and'such ecclesiastical Tones as rich plum,', vio. lot, hyacliinth and amethyst. ,. Materials -already, on sale make a splendid showing in these colors:. In the new silks and velvets thesetones are particularly1attractive, aisd7in un cut velvets, for whicb there is a no ticeable liking in millinery. Hats are being covered with it and fyc^d with silk: ot contrasting color inatohipg the accessory color in- the costume^: they accompany. -•:••/. ,j i-! rti, and frencri Beacea' Bags:: Oaihty indeed are some ttteWl b^ide^ 'wrist' bags frpnv Pajris.' The libtf«iing is,(lone^iii,carefully'subdued"cfilbrs to /match jjr.evaillng drepa, tones, and the moiuitings are of gold plate 'on white metal.