Newspaper Page Text
!P ?J *U 3W 1 -f Notes From Our Potatoes are worth one dollar per bush el at the County Seat. Quite a crowd o£ Medora 'vo.«tiS people went down to the Short Ranch, Saturday evening to attend the dance. All report a line time. Mrs. Hdser I'uley and sons returned trom Dickenson na N-». 5- I"»eu.i c\en- •"Jg- Doctors Depew of |amestown and Ken- The county superintendent was a Sentinel Buttes new brick school build- Ke\. h. N. knulisli was on our streets Saturday ami Mmdav. Will 4* *k Will and Bell are unloading anothei car of hay. Landlord Johnson of the Rough Riders Hotel has thoroughly fumigated the hole, and is giving everything a thoro cleaning up. The Sheriff has another boarder. A party by the name of Mitchell is held on the charge- of running a "Blind Pig." Mr. Reichenicker and Mr. Larson of Mrs. Geo. eve is went to Dickenson Beach are finishing the painting on the Monday rwrnms and rutin nod l"uesd.i) Medora school house. They will be thru -withher sister, Mrs. J-Msar l-ole\. this week. situated in :ho renter 01 the county oil the banks of the Little Missouri liver, is the county seat of Hillings county. Five miles from Medora is the Custer Trail ranch and summer resort, the Maltese Cross ranch which was owned by Presi dent Kmwevelt is also near this historic little village. It is in the heart of the greatest Mock raising country in the world and is a trading and shipping point for the many -'Mock raisers alon'^ the I.ittle Missouri. ]udi |. A- l'axton is about settlc-d in his new home in the PeMures lesidenee. The new sidewalk trom the the depot to •'Court House and Hotel is completed and "/ill be appreciated next -ornK v.hen the water comes. The Bad Lands are full of hunters. Hut owing to there being no snow but very few deer are being killed. Mr. Geo. Meyers is out inspecting the school houses in ihe Medora School Pis trict, and will see that our buildings are in go ha or he in drick and Roan at Bismarck, with Mr. •Cohke, a mighty hunter from Dawson, are Messrs Britt and Nichols aje on a hunt down the river, camped near the mouth 'n8 trip in Dickenson. nf White Tail Creek, oil a hunt. Henry Mrs. N. D. Nichols was in Dickenson Peterson of Medora is chief cook and Pete Tuesday between trains. •i- I Steavens. ist. assistant. THE WEEK AT SENTINEL BUTTE.! iJr. Kitchen reports the birth of a girl at the home of Norman Kunyon south of Miss Knuy Shear spent Friday ,'ilternoon Sentinel Butte on last Sunday. in Wibnu\ returning to Medor.i on No. 5. |ohn Odland left Friday for Brookings, |udge I'aMon was up trom Medora Snn-. S. D. where he will take a two years scien day the iannlv will join Mr. l'axton 111 tific course of study: Mr. Odland will re iiboutamonth and will occupy the old De turn for the summers. Mores house west ui the inei. Manager Lucus of the Saddle Factory We understand that Hans Hasen will and Mr. Stipek, the Wibaux harness maker, move from the Martin ranch, where he has are in Chicago this week. long been foreman, to the section house The county superintendent visited Me ra De Me res. I dora, Beach and Wibaux Friday. Miss visitor Groff substituted in the Sentinel Butte it the Beach town school Monday. Mrs. school for the day she will take the work A. L- Arnold is in cnargeot the school and the excellent deportment ol the pupils and tsprogressiveness ot the work were noted with pleasure. permanently soon. Chairman J. B. Stoddard was in Medora attending the meeting of the county com missioners Friday. The good people of Medora wished their immediate coogress- mg is nearly ready for occupancy the plas- ional township to be set off as a separate lerers will be at work two weeks and the I school district. The petition was not in finishing work can then be done. proper form so could not be paised on. It Mr. 1. A. Kitchen purchased a full blood !is Jersey cow ot the Brown Dairy. Dickinson. WIBAUX HAPPENINGS. Jack Kldridsre lias bought ranch belonging to K. 1. Wood and will make it his home this winter. the Kinney and wife left Sun day night for Chicago. where they will make about ten days visit. P,an to divide Jhe lnt0 u,r We need your support. *h"v{ Woodlairn was in from the ranch Mondav ami Tuesdav. •lohn Leak\. alias. l„oiii .I0I111 was seen 1)1 our streets Tui'sdav. Air. Sal, 1 Kiilh-mli.rt has been confined to his room the past week with a soar foot but is now able to be out. We hud a dam-e last Kridav evening which was highly enjoyed by all who attended. The )r ehestra from (.ilendive furnished musie. St- Albeit licUeimti \i rv low 40 miles west of here. with pneumonia, lie lias a nurse front Dickenson attending him. We all hope that Albert will soon be on our streets airain. ]ast The Medora district smaller ones July ist. There area number of cases of whooping cough reported in our the town, but nothing serious. K. B. C'hap]X'l ann wife visited i'11 (llendive over Suudav. Henry Mallendore went Beach Tuesdav on business. Wednesday tor a visit- ret'irniiitc .she will spend the winter at their ranch •I. L. Collins and son will soonP1'* week. Mr. and Mrs town on busine the week. Mrs. Engle a time. Mr. and Mrs. Somnierfn-Wl are inn to move in town for th winter be fore lony. orchestra here. I hope that this step will not fail for we need a jjoud orchestra here vt-rv niui li. The above, is one wheat lield that yielded A} l.ushds per acre. This picture was presented to us by Jas. Smith, who stood in the midst when photoed. Wheat was a very good crop throughout the Valley this year. mummmmmm but one tional farm home Ohronicle advertising pays. Note the new ads of the CHRONICLE. to Mrs. Hay Skidniore anil Miss Myrtle Osterhont returned from (i lenitive Mondav. Be sure and come out to the. ,, .... I literarv society next Kridav ni'dit 1 arsons ill lea\e and help to nmke it su.ccss, this issue. in Dance and oyster supper at the hall Nov. 2Sth. Copies of this issue of the CIIKONH'T.K can bo bought for si per dozen. Leslie and Ult'ers, auctioneers, will have horse sales Saturdays 2.3d and Moth of this month. F. AI. '1'uliar and wife visited L. E. Waldo and family near Wi baux, Sunday. Ed Tinker is seriously ill at the Glendive hospital with intfaniatory rheumatism and erysipelas. Geo. IIolven went to Wis. this morning to spend a few weeks with friends and relatives. E. Lloyd purchased the 1-ehrke residence and lot, recently vacat ed by John linger. Misses Ethel Taggart and Tillie Kuskie departed on No. 4 Sunday, the former to Merrilan, Wis. and the latter to Minneapolis. Ed Hoverson and family moved into town from their farm this week, in order to give their child ren an opportunity to attend school this winter. K. P. and Charles ltainey, Ed gar Letson and Reuben Batherick, of Jackson county, Wis., are here today. F. W. Smith, representing the American Type Founders Co. of Minneapolis, made us a call Sat urday and boo&ed an order for printers supplies. Byron Curran and Will Wood hull, who proved up homesteads here last summer, departed for Taylor, Wis. to spend an indefinite time with home folks. J. Rafftery departed Tuesday for Ontario, W' is. to load a car of immigrant movables for shipment to Beach. 1 Ie expects to be gone two weeks. The ladies of the Catholic church will hold a bazaar at the Opera House on Tuesday evening, Dec. 17th. A chicken supper wijl be served from 5:30 to 7:30. All are invited. MacBride, the dentist, will open it permanent office in Beacli after February 1st, 190$ in the mean time the Dr. will continue to make leSu'ar bejrin their work on the new Will Potter, ot' .Melrose, Wis., bridge. Ihey have the irradinii' who has been here making extcn eontraet. j.sive improvement# on his farm A larjfe number have been ei.- adjoining town, better known as joyiny the skating here tor the the "Old Ranch", returned home monthly \isits. Sunday morning. ,' here in March. pleasure lias returned to town for 1 W. H. Smith is out of town at present .1 '"f He will move l....,...1. 1 tore in .uarctl. Walker Bros. Hardy, records, 1 lOpLl W« ti 111 legal blanks, office supplies and the fore part The CHUOMCI.K of (joining to tllis the second annivcr- sary number of jts establishment, 17 .50 p. tn. xpect- but a.s a Thanksgiving edition as 7 HO P- well. Its publisher has obtained iment' looking after his sheep interests. .'' 'I a fit ,«U iptl\ writc-llp| oo o'clock a. m. boarr] met persuant O a 1 to adjournment, present f. H. Stoddard, I near that we are to nave a first class countrv and ..t the reinarkablv services at the above represents the "Rose Farm" owned bv Simon Schmidt who has year making all of the above improvements in that time. This i* not It is but one of many such in the Valley. The newly organized Golden Valley Social Club in the Rocky Butte district wish to announce that they will give a Thanksgiving BaM in their new hall under way of construction on the Henry Mason farm. The ladies are re quested to bring^ake and the club will furnish the remainder of the supper. Tickets, including supper and dance. $1.25. In our efforts to show the many resources of Billings county, we were bisappointed in not receiving a few of our cuts. Among tlieift was one of a coal mine in the Bad Lauds, where subterranean burn ing coal, joined to action of air and water, has worn the clay into fantastic shapes and the heat has given the iron in the soil most brilliant colorings. Our county includes a portion of these pictur esque lands which are underlaid with lignite coal of the finest qual ity, the veins being so near the surface that they are easily worked. Thus fuel is plentiful and cheap and the residents of Billings Co. need never fear a coal famine. County Board Proceedings. Medora, N. D., Oct. 31st, '07, Board of county commissioners met persucnt to adjurmhent of Oct. 7, '07 there npt being a quorum present and the hotel being under quarantine the board on motion adjourned to meet Nov. 14, '07. Medora, Nov. 14, '07, board of county commissioners met per suant to adjournment of Oct. 31 present J. B. Stoddard, Chairman and Commissioners Roberts and Gorham. 12 o'clock noon boftrd 011 motion adjourned to meet at 1:30, p. m. 1:30 p. m. board meet persuant to adjournment, present 1. B. Stoddard, T. F. Robertp and F. E. Gorham. The bill of Dickinson hospital and Dr. C. H. Stickney in the matter of M. W. Fleet were laid on the table until next meeting, in order to take the matter up with the county physician. The following bills were presented, aud ited, and on motion allowed and warrants ordered drawn. J. A. McGregor, Frt. and Ex. as per bills attached S24.04 Burgess, postage from July G. E. S to Nov. 10 inclusive 11.00 ^Frt. and .express 6.55 1. A. Ferris & Son, Mdse. and stamps as per bill on file 44-94 Detterman Bros. & Co., Mdse. as per billon file 44-79 N. D. Nichois, justice fees 3.75 C. F. Will, sheriff's fees i6-35 John Keoliane, expense State vs. John Sherman 3-oo State vs. Satn Van Scliuyver y.oo List of special taxpayers '. 5.00 Total 1 rapid growth ot licacil. by Mr. Gorham. that the County Auditor be directed to ask 1 hanksgiving day at 1 I a. MI. there will be English Lutheran school house. Let all come, and join the thanksgiving sen iee. )n Fridav afternoi»n the Ladies Aid will meet, at the home of Mrs. Fleet in Beach. Sunday forenoon, 1 ••. 1st, there will be Knglish Lutheran servicjts in the school house at 11 o'clock. .-VH art invited to attend. The supper and bazaar last even ing under the auspices of the La dies Aid of the li. L. church was a decided success both socially and financially. A delicious supper was served from to S oo o' clock. after which a musical pro gram occupied a short time before the sale. ljev. Thorp auctioned oil' the many articles on sale, and the pike- which were received proved him to lie a very eloquent auctioneer. Proceeds were *101. W Ks Is S17.00 J. H. Craig & Co., coal and dray- ing Oct. 17 to Nov. 14 inclusive not only has the, furniture as per bill on file it- fi.-irlnr Souls & Butler. irldition to court house, cellar anrl extra work ^1, ^17.51 6 o'clock board adjourned to meet at m- board met persuant to adjourn aI! members Present- t- .1 10 o'clock p. m. board on motion adjourn I something extra tor this issue in .. rlnr T, .. .. ed ,r meet at 9 0 clotK rn- 3' MA ('.R\RH'IM 1{"'^rtMr. ?,an,1Roberts **-/'orh im- Moved by and secoonded foT bkls to furnish heat- in plant for courthouse. Motion carried. [Continued in next week's issue. surprise Kansas Comedy of Errors. Hen lfoolc. who has been spending 1 ihe witer 111 California for his health i''tir pru tire Jer.ided to come li'mic this week and and see US IIIK good ,vi!V by returning unumiotinr-.od. So lie left f.os Angeles Mon-lay a?v! arrived Here today. I wiiH hart also pb'nne.l sur- iiris" for ier IniHbr-nd. S'ne and tier nephew. :-'a Hook, left Monday -for CaiifiTiiiit 10 join her husband without, inft'.fin's l'ini of tVeir plan. They 1 have hissii! c:i the way and now he is at the end of the line and she is out in California. He Was cured. They i-Ml that you. have cured \i iivonie ins-muiia." Yes. i'a compli'tciy cared." "It must a .an-H relief." VcuH th:ni it I lie awake let if 'he '.li^bl tiv:i. '."..c.1. :o u'i'ev it." Why, iow been here an cxcep- S^franK^ Glade. ?iell me not in broken measures1 Modern farming does not pay, For a farm f: produces chickens. And ihe hens.- do they not Igv? Egos are high and going higheST Anc theprice is soaring fast.\t Every time we get to market sfl litis higher than the last. :i 2 coop but it produces dayan egg or two. 1 ooeach farmer gains his millions L=n Every egg is very- precious. Ana the hens are held in awe. When a hen begins to cackle VThfen the farmer goes "Haw, h§^|. In the broadf and busy farmyard, iSlruts a roosternow and then. J, ihe shreifijri bewhiskeredfarnter) gp-onjLnotices the hen^ Mrust no rooster, howelr showey* Be the feathers in his.tail. Pay attention to the biddies. And yourwealth'wi| never fa| RsSilj Ervesoff farmers all remind us may roll in wealth some dgy, rifwe hustle tothe marRet [/ith the eggs our pujjjets Ijy^ ~iee cmrutc A Reliable Remedy for Croup. With the dry, cold weather of the early winter months, parents of croupy children should be on the alert for ominous symp toms. There is no cause for anxiety, (io\v ever, when Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is kept in the home. If this medicine is given as soon as the child becomes hoarse or even after the croupy cough has appear ed, the attack may be warded off. Mrs. S. Rosinthal, of Turner, Michigan, says: "We have used Chamberlain's Cough medicine for ourselves and children for several years and like it very much. I think it is the only remedy for croup and can highly recommend it." For sale by all dealers. Belgians Cute as Yankees. Artificial nutmegs are made in Bel glum in so clever a manner that they can hardly be distinguished from the genuine ones, especially if mixed with tlie latter. A chemical analysis has shown t.liem to consist of a mixture ot finely pnwi'ere'l nnmies (from ex tracted or Injuiv-'l Uv'vnolsl and about 20 per tent M!' mineral sibstanccs. Withstood Other Treatment But Quickly Cured by Chamberlain's Coufh Remedy. "Last winter I caught a severe cold which lingered for weeks," says J. Urqu hart, of JCephyr. Ontario. "My cough was very dry and harsh. The local dealer, recommended Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy and guaranteed it, so I gave it a trial. One small bottle of it cured me. I believe Chamberlain's Cough Remedy to be the best 1 have ever used." This Remedy is for sale bv all dealers. Mot an Epistle. Oliver Hevford. v.iio is t'titmlly fam ous sis poet, iilu'ir-.tor! and brilliant wit. was emertninid'. ar niasazine editors at tuueherm when tit ft ho'i rang, end a maid entered with th- mail. "Ah," said the nf.itor, 'nn fjiistle." "No." aai.l Mr. U'-rford. ieari^u opea Ihe envelope—"not an epjetle, col leet." tfteach v7?erc. Company i"Dealers in (.-rroceriefs. Crock-: !erv and doting, 'e^rln-'ivplv. riyht. Call Beach, AmKNmcetneHts, Wants, Etc. Parlies accounts against or due my broth er, Gander Syre deceased, will kindly ad dress me at Sentinel Butte.—H. M. Syre. FOR SALE—A h. p. Fairbanks-Morse gas oline engines in good condition. The Post, Dickinson, N. D. Leave your laundry at the drug store. Basket will go every week to Fargo Steatfi Laundry. FOR SALE—A relinquishment ten miles from Beach and five miles from Sentinel Butte. All level. Price $350.00. Inquire at this office. NOTICE- 1 have a certain amount of oats to sell in the next two weeks, clean and free of foul seed.—W. F. Lehrlse, miles south-east of Beach. PAKTIKS desiring through Jbred barred Plymouth rock cockrels will do well to ad dress or call and see W. S. Marvin, two miles east of Sentinel Butte, N.. WANTKII---Your harness trade and shoe repairing. Will treat you right, J. 1*. 1-ar son, tirst door north of Cramer's black smith shop. KsrRAY Xo'lK Three pigs came to my place about two weeks and Speltz. LliVVtl. whefl (Ti No. Dak. K. K. MIKKKLSON, r.KA a Soii a 1 Cattle branded on left side as shown in cut. Kar mark: Sw allow fork 011 lelt ear. Horses brand ed like cut on left shoulder KANOE: Wannegan Creek in LZ NAT Billint-s Co. Same i-n left on' left side 011 Cattle. shoulder for horses. on left side on cattle. JON on left side of cattle. ago description: black polaml china, age three months H. Kettner. All members of the Masonic Lodge in vicinity of Beach are requested to attend a meeting, Tuesday evening, Nov. 26th, at S o'clock. By order of \V. A. Sprague, VV. M. MacBride, the dentist, guarantees all of his work. He will be in Beach, December iS, 19 and io. Sealed Bids. Sealed bids will be received at the office of the County Auditor at Medora, Billings county. North Dakota, until 10.30 A. M., December 6, 1907 for steam or combination heating plant to be installed in court house at Medora. The county. commissioners reserve the right to reject any Jlr all bids. Sketch of floor plan of building to be heated will be received from County Auditor on request. Dated at Medora this iSth day of Nov., 1907. J. A. Mc(juKGOH, County Auditor. 17 Jewel Elgin orWaltham movements, fill ed riickle cases $10.00 Ingersoll watches S1.00, large assortment of watches, watch cases, clocks and JEWELRY a big assortment of cut glass, hand painted china, silver ware, silver polish etc. at right prices. Tj arson. Beach, N. 1). Jeed Srttiding Custome grinding a specialty, All kinds of ground' feed for sale. Cash paid for Oats, Barley Wheat, We have the exclusive agency for the celebrated HART PARR traction engines, gasolene and ker osene burners for plowing threshing ,„jr tiauctoM. Grayce—HB» Jack proposed* IMelyt Mayme—Oh, yes—he proposes twice often as be used to. Grayce—la ho BO sure it'a safe now* A Climker. She—I hear you've got a lovely •notor car that will climb anythta* He—I should think It would. Wi yesterday it even tried to Climb tree. A Matter of How 8oon. "Ah!" sighed the rich old widower, 1 would willingly die for you." "How soon?" queried the pretty (Hit '"ral maid. Golden Valley Harness Shop. Fine Harness Made to Order Whips Robes Blankets Shaps Quirts, Etc. Repairing a Specialty A. B. KELLOGG BEACH N. D. a 0. HOUGEN, 9?ferchant Tjailor r-1 ''."...K All work guaranteed to be first class and strifctly up-to-date. See my new Fall and Winter goods and order your suit early. BEACH, N. II. Thes Kranick Concrete Works Mfg'rs. of Con crete Building Material Estimates promptly and cheer fully furnished on applicatio on all concrete building blocks and material. It is as "cheap if not cheaper than lumber. A llJheeiock Sc TVheelock 14.620 acres Golden Valley LAND FOR SALE WE OWN IT PRICES ARE RIGHT We loan money on farm lands .See Us Automobile and Eire Insurance FRANK C. DAVIS Vice President and Manager BEACH, N. D. Money! Money! Money! To Loan ON' REALESTATE SECURITY in the Golden Valley. See E. li. Noble at the Golden Valley State Bank. We are also dealers in Farm Machinery "of all kinds. Our full line of Wagons, Buggies and Carriages, Champion and Milwauee Binders are now an display for your inspection. We keep repairs for same. and BEACH NO. DAK.