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WWII I Give This Christmas 44 Fancy Goods. A Edison Phonographs- Thanksgiving (letting ready for Thanksgiving turkey fat and growing fine— Lots of reason to be thankful: blessings full and free are mine. Health and home and smiles of loved ones friends togreet me on my way Love and laughter making music where my happy children play. Cosy nook beside the fire when the even ing shadows fall And the ease of solid comfort gathers 'round and over all. Getting ready for Thanksgiving?—Ev'ry day let it be said We have cause for deep thanksgiving for the blessings 'round us spread. —W. M. Maupin. I Buy Your Christmas Gifts at $12.50 1 Representative Martin suid Ed- C. W. Hooker of Wibaux was in Beach Monday and secured Auctioneer Leslie to sell for him at public auction in Reach, Nov. 30th, 20 head of rses, consist ing of well broke teams, mares with colts by their sides and sad dle horses, lie ordered bills printed which will contain further particulars. Northern HEADQUARTERS" WHEtt HOLIDAY GOODS OF EVEVRY SORT AND at every price may be found under one roof. At least see our line before making your selections. We have a display worth going many miles to see even though vou do not wish to buy. joliowing large assortment containing all the I,nest novelties in Toilet Cases, Manicure Sets, Smokers Sets. Fancy Mirrors, jap Lacquered Ware, Post Card Al bums. I'erf'umes. Pictures. Baskets etc. Books. A lar^e collection of copyrighted novels, burnt leather covered sift books, padded leather gift books, fifty cent novels, twenty-five cent novels, fifteen cent novels, books for boys, books for (jirls, bibles, Xrnas booklets and a larije variety of toy books. up. Chinaware A wonderful grouping of Austrian. Bav arian and Jap china. A lover of fine dishes cannot pass these by. Also an assortment of Yarmath Ware that is something new and novel. Dolls- -This is where we shine. Two tables completly covered with dolls ranging in price from 1 cent to We have enough dolls to make every child in Bjllings, Dawson and Custer county happy. $4.00. is a /is/ of our iine & JOO records to select from, or will order for you any record that we have not on hand. Records 35 cen each. Phonographs Drop in and look over the pretty thing's while you listen to a few pieces by the Edison Phonograph. Beach Drug Co. Several from Wibaux attended the dance here Friday evening. The "H T" ranch of 70,000 acres was sold last week to the Western Land Securities Co. for a consideration of $500,000.00 Henry Eckert departed on No. 4 Friday for a two with his mother Minnesota. itor Shear, of Sentinel Butte, were that all are busy displaying their business visitors Saturday. The, show billed for the |u ra house last Friday evening failed to put in an appearance and the inauagers of the opera got busy and gave a very delightful dance to the crowd that assembled. month's visit at Stockton, The CHRONICLE notes with pride the large stock of winter goods carried by our local merchants and holiday goods. Beach has a num ber of good stores. NOTICE FO"R PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, United States Land Office at Dickinson, North Dakota, Nov. iGth, 1907. Notice is hereby given that Dagmar Jac obsen of Buikey, North Dakota, has filed notice of his intention to make final com muted proof in support of his claim, viz: Homestead Entry No. 5711 made Sept 4, 1906, for the NE# & NW'+ of section 10, township 136 N., range vation of, the land, viz: Hi'lliard W. Jack- ,^e son, Albert Schouboe, William Glazier and lJ's Chester A. Glazier, all of FJurkey N. D. I 1st Pub. Nov. 21. S.M.FERRIS The and Christmas Holidays will soon be here. Many people visit then if at no other time dur ing the yea Have you thought of going East for a visit to old friends? THE offers you quick service, safe and speedy trains Transcontinental trains are strongly built, steamheated throughout, carry Pullman Standard and Tourist sleeping cars, and a Dining car. is always' in the train and serves meals at regular hours. If you contemplate A Trip Home for the Holidays call on or write to local agent for fares and full information. When ready to go have him arrange your birth reservations. A'a-,ka-Y.ukonTPacific Let us Help You Choose. Baskets A large assortment of Jap Fancy Basket Ware. Very useful as well as beautiful articles. Beach Souvenirs. -Burnt leather, engraved allumintim. china, shell, pearl and wooden ware, all with "Beach. N. D." on. These make fine gifts to send by mail. Candles.— A very large variety of bon bons and fancy box candies, mixed candies and nuts, also empty holly and novelty boxes. Cigars.—Several standard brands in $1.00 and S1.J5 Xmas boxes. Post Cards. A new bunch just in, containing hun dreds of the newest things in this line. Games.—Card games as Flinch. Trix. Bourse, C.aumut, Trolley, Japs and many others. Chritsmas Tree Ornaments.—Candles, tinsels, candy boxes, Santa Clauses, paper and tinsel ornaments. Toys.—A good showing of iron, wood, rubber, musical and mechanical tovs LIQUOR LICENSE OR TAX NOTICE. I Notice is hereby given that a government tax receipt for special tax on the business of retail liquor dealer was issued to Beach Drug Co.. of Beach, North Dakota, on the 1st day of July. A. D. 1907, 2nd 106 W.. 5th P. M. and said proof, will be made be fore Register and Receiver at Dickinson, North Dakota on Feb. 18, 1908. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence, upon, and culti- nanles vat'on 1907. Beach Drug Co., By C.- G. Lyon. LIQUOR LICENSE OR TAX NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that a government receipt for special tax on the business of retail liquor dealer was issued to Charles G. Jones, of Sentinel Butte, North Dakota, on the nth day of October, A. D. which said tax receipt is posted in the sales room of building located on lot Dated the 3, day of Nov. A. D. the following witnesses to prove cont'nuous residence upon, and culti- the land, viz: Thomas Dunlap, Register K" Haugen, John Anderson and George Gilbertson, all of Beach, N. D. 1 ist pub. Nov. 14. S. M. FERRIS, Register. Company Exposition, t9o 9 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, Land Office at Dickinson, N. D., Oct. 2248 made Dec. theSE of section 22, Notice township is which said tax receipt is posted in the Drug Store located on lot 2, block 18, of the Original Piatt of the town of Beach, State of N. D., which said building is owned by Geo. F. Camp bell and he is the lessor of said property, where said tax receipt is posted. Dated the 1st day of July, A. D. 105 1907. Charles G. Jones. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Intersor, United States Land Office at Dickinson, North Dakota, November 6th, 1907. Notice is hereby given that John H. Odden of Beach, N. D., has filed notice of his intention to make final commutation proof in support of his claim, viz: Home stead Entry No. 5625 1906, made August 27th, for the lot 1 of section 34, township 140 N„ range 106 W„ Si 138 N., range io W. of the 5th P. M. and that said proof will be made before Register and Receiver at Dickicson, N. D., on Jan. 21. 1908. She names the following witnesses to prove her continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, the land, viz: J. A. Nelson, B. H. Moulton, Hans Haukaas and Halvor Helland, all of Beach, N. D. 49 S. M. FERRIS, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, Office I at Dickinson, N. D., Oct. 1Land_ 9°7 14, Notice is hereby given that Philip Ku harski of Beach, N. D., has filed notice of his intention to make final commutatipn proof in support of his claim, viz: Home stead Entry No. 5439 made Aug. for theSE of section 6. 1906, 30, N., range township 105 140 W., and that said pioof will be made before Register and Receiver at Dickinson, N. D., on Jan. 17, 1908. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and. cultivation 6f, the land, viz: J. S. Morris, M. J. W. Szudera, Martin Laughnan and Albert Szudera, all of Bea'ch, N. D. 49. S. M. FKKRIS, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, Land OHice at Dickinson, N, D.. Oct, .19, '9°7- Notice is hereby given that W. Arthur Mowery of Beach, N. D., has filed notice of his intention to make final commutation proof in support of his claim, viz: Home stead Entry No. 5573 made Aug. for the S NE !+, lots 1 & 22, 1906, 2, section 6, township r4r N., range 105 W., and that said proof will be made before Register arid Receiver at Dickinson, N. D. on Jan. 24. 190S. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and culti vation of, the land, viz: Pat Doyle, H. H. Brenizer, John Cunningham and Ed Feld man, all of Beach, N. D. 49. S. M. FKRRIS, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, Land Office at Dickinson, N. D., Oct. iy, 1907. hereby given that Frank Kon- czack of Beach, v., has filed notice of his intention to make final five year proof in support of his claim, viz: Homestead Entry No ^414, made May theSE of sec. son, N. D.,.on lanuary 23, 1902, for 12, 106 twp. W., 139 N.. range and that said proof will be made before the register and receiver at Dickin 20, 1908. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, the land, viz: Pete Erickson, John Blumstrem, John Strem and John Fast: all of Beach, N. D. 49 S. M. FERRIS, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, Land Office at Dickinson, N. D., Oct. 29, 1907. Notice is hereby given that Joseph M. Cramer of Beach, N. D., has filed notice of his intention to make-final commutation proof in support of his claim, viz: Home stead Entry NO. ,1888 141 made Oct. for the SW of section 28, 1905, 12, N., range township 105 w. and that said proof will be made before the Register and Receiver at Dickinson, N. D. on December 10, '07. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, the land, viz: M. D. Sarver, Bert Brown, Jas. McGrath and L. Harvey, all of Beach, N. D. 1st Pub. Cct. 31. S. M.FERRIS, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office, Dickinson,' N. D., Oct. 24, 1907. Notice is hereby given that Christ N. Jensen of Burkey, JJ. D., has filed notice of his intention to make final commutation proof in support of his claim, viz: Home stead Entry No. 5964 made Sept. for theSE J4 of section 24, 1906, township 22, N., range W., 1907, block 2 of Original town of Sentinel Butte, N. D., of Front street, which said building is owned by Frank P. Stone and Charles G. Jones is the lessor of said property, where said tax receipt is posted. 1 137 5th P. M. and said proof will be made before Register and Receiver at Dickinson, N. D., on ]an. 27, 1908. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and" cultivation of, the land, viz: Andrew Son nek, John Herr, William L. Blue and Albert Schouboe, all ot Burkey N. D. S. M. FESKIS, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at Dickinson, N. D., Oct. 34, township 13^N., range 5th 5th P. M„ and said proof will be made before the Register and Receiver at Dickinson N. D., on Feb. 10th, tgo8. McKonkey, William L. Blue, Fred Krag bak and Christ N. Jensen, all of Burkey, N. Dak. S. M. FERRIS, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, Land Office at Dickinson, N. D., Oct. 26th, 1907. Notice is hereby given that Charles V. Knox of Sentinel Butte, N. D., has filed notice of his intentton to make final five year proof in support of his claim, viz: Homestead Entry No. 18125 1902, made Aug. for the SW of section 140 N., range 31. for the E tion 12 22, township 105 W„ and that said proof will be made before Register and Receiver at Dickinson, N. D., on Jan. 30, 1908. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and culti vatiop of, the land, viz: Henry Gilbert, James Paxton, Alex Douglas and Charles Brown, all of Sentinel Butte, N. D. First Pub. Oct. S. M. FERRIS, register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, Land Office at Dickinson, N. D., Oct. 29, 1907. Notice is hereby given that Mary V. Douglas of Beach, N. D., has filed notice of her intention to make final commutation proof in support of her,claim, viz Home stead Entry No. 6082 made Oct. 1, l/x 18, 105 31. JJhe farming TJO 19. 1907. Notice is hereby given that Bertha Lars gard of Beach. N. D.. has filed notice of her intention to make final commuted proof in support of her claim, viz: Homestead Entry Jio. SPu6/t'c: 9, 1905, for Do not neglect to in re a farm property. We will write you insurance on your buildings, house-hold goods of every description provisions stored for the winter, your horses, .cattle and stock of all kinds grain in stack 6t in buildings, feed stored for the winter on your farm machinery, harnesses, robes, saddles in fact all personal property. The rate is the same as in the east and premiums can be paid this fall when most con venient. Will also insure your sep erators for the season. You can have the pro tection so do not take" chances. Respectfully, E. E. Noble, Ag't. ORGANIZATION CERTIFICATE OF Farmers & Merchants Bank Baach, North Dakota. KNOW ALL. MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that we, whose names are hereunto sub scribed, have this day united ourselves together to form an association for carry ing on the business of banking under the laws of th» State of North Dakota, and have adopted and executed Articles of Association, in duplicate, for that purpose, and have duly forwarded a copy of such Articles to the Secretary of §tate of North Dakota that we do hereby under our hands make and file the following as our Certif icate of Organization: FIRST. The name of said corporation is Farm ers At Merchants Bank, Beach, North Da kota. SECOND. The place where the business of discount and deposit are to be carried on is Village of Beach, North Dakota. THIRD. The amount of the capital stock and the amount into which its shares are to be di vided is len thousand dollars, divided into one hundred shares of one hundred dollars each. FOURTH. The names and place of residence of the shareholders and the number of shares held by each of them are as follows: Name No. of shares Beach, N. D. H. C. Jensen N. M. Jensen J. W. Brinton C. H. Moulton B. F. Livermore 20 20 20 20 20 FIFTH. The period at which this corporation shall commence business shall be Decem ber 1st, 1907, cember 1st, 1907. and it shall terminate De 1932. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto set our hands and seals, each for himself, this 12th day of October, A. D. Signed:— H. C. Jensen, M. Jensen, J. W. Brinton, C. H. Moulton, B. F. Livermore. State of North Dakota, County of Billings, On this 12th day of October, 1907, fore me personally appeared H. C. Jensen, N. M. Jensen, J. W. Brinton, C. H. Moul ton and B. F. Livermore known to me to be the persons who are described in and who executed the foregoing certificate cf organization, and they each of them ac knowledged to me that they executed the same. George H. Purchase Notary Public. STAE OF* NORTH DAKOTA. Department of State Certificate of Corpor ate Existance, WHEREAS—H. C. Jensen, N. M. Jensen, J. W. Brinton and others have filed in this office a copy of their Articlesof Association and an Organization Certificate, as pro vided in Sections 4636 21, and 4637, Revised Codes 24, 1907, Notice is hereby given that Minnie Schouboe of Burkey, N. D.. has filed notice of her intention to make final commutation proof in support of her claim, viz: Home stead Entry No. 6088 made Oct. 1, 1906, for the S Ys of SE andS of SW %, section 105 W., p.m. and said proof will be made be fore Register and Receiver at Dickinson, N. D., on January 27, 1908. She names the following witnesses to .prove hef cotinuous residence upon, and cultivation of, the land, viz: William G. E. NEAR President A. B. Kellogg Prop. be Chapter 1905, said chapter being the law governing the organization and management of State Banks, setting forth all the facts required to be stated in said sections, and have in all respects complied with the requirements of the law govern ing the organization of State Banks as con tained in the chapter hereinbefore referred to: Now, therefore, I, Alfred Blaisdell. Sec retary of State of the State of North Dakota, by virtue and authority of law, do hereby certify that said parties, their associates and successors, have become a body polotic and corporate, under the corporate name of Farmers & Merchants Bank, Beach, North Dakota and by that name are hereby authorized to commence the businessof banking to adopt and use a corporate seal to sue and be sued purchase, hold and convey real and personal property, as provided by said chapter to have succession for a period of twenty-five years to make contracts and to have and enjoy all the rights and privi leges granted to State Banks under the laws of tnis State, subject to their Articles of Incorporation, and all legal restrictions and liabilities in relation thereto. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the Great Seal of the State ot North Dakota, at Bis marck, this 26th day of October, A. D. Tlfoney to jCoan 1906, of NW Lots 1 & 2 township of sec 141 N., range w. and that said proof will be made before the Register and Receiver at Dickinson, N. D., on January 31, 1908. She names the following witnesses to prove her continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, the land, viz: Pat Doyle, Mary E. Kerrigan, James Rofftery and Clarence Wilder, all of Beach, N. D. 1st POb. Oct. S. M. FERRIS, Register. A Good Liniment. When you need a good reliable liniment try Chamberlain's Pain- Balm. It has no superior for sprains and swellings. A piece of flannel slightly dampened with Pain Balm is superior to a plaster for lame back or pains in the side or chest. It also relieves rheumatic pains and makes sleep and rest possible. For sale by all dealers. All kinds ot hauling done. 1907, Signed, ALFRED BLAISDELL, [SEAL] Secretary of State, Remember that the Golden Valley Mill ing Co. grind feed every day and do quick. On Billings Co. Lane In the Golden Valley If you want to borrow mon ey on your farm call at our office, one door east of City meat market, and we can fix you out. No commission mort age. No Bonus. Beach Land & Loan Company, BEACH, N. DAK. FOR SALE—Eight three-months old pigs at $5.00 per head.—J. E. Richardson. Six Per Cent Interest Paid on Savings. CASS RESERVE Every business man, thtf United government itsell, carries CASH KKSEKVIv Each individual needs ouo Just us much. You may say, "It takes all n»y income to live" but this is a fallacy. People with twice your income say the same and others with much less than your income do save. YOU can do the same if you simply DE TERMINE that you will do it. Try it. We invite you to grow with a growing bank. The Golden Valley State Bank CAPITAL $10,000 E. E. MIKKELSON JOHN KEQHANE Vice President Cmshler »ee**«ee***eo***ee***ee: The City Livery E. H. HALL Proprietor. GOOD RIGS WITH OR WITHOUT DR1VEJ.S Special attention to land seekers. Reasonablepric-: -. *Dacotah jCumber Co. DEALERS IN And all Kind of Building Material. Estimatesc heerfully and promptly furnished at any time. Prices are right. E. E. NOBLE Manager When You Want a Heating Steve or range, remember that we sell the famous "Estate" line Also come in and see what you can find in the line of Christmas Goods We are displaying a very nice line of cutlery and silverware. Visit our store when in town. Yours for trade General Hardware. Implements and Farm Tools. BAHT & MADISOM, DEALERS IN Pumps, Windmills-Supplies. Well Drilling a Specialty, and your orders are respectfully solicited. Office in Ovcrstad & HoversoB's ^Hardware Store. EACH, N. D. Gile's Meat Market Pays the highest market price for cattle, hogs, poultry, and hides. Until further notice special prices will made on beef and pork when sold by the side or quarter. I THE CITY MEAT MARKET Fresh, Salt and Smoked Meats and Poultry. Fish, Oysters and other delica cies in season. Fruit, Eggs aild Vegetables taken in exchange. Hides bought. I Beach N. D. BEACH, N. D. BEACH, N. G. D. Lovell, N be C. SiietPorp. Beach, N. Dak. dB