Newspaper Page Text
VOLUME 3 NO 3. R. I. Nichols and fatuity re turned Saturday from their ox tended visit in South Dakota. Alvin Hoverson and I-iewis Erickson went to Glendive Sunday where tli^y will attend high school. R. FtJley, of Medora, visited Beach Thanksgiving and attended the dancc. He stated that it was his first visit to Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Forsyth, of Sen tinel Butte, visited over Saturday and Sunday with Elijah Smith and family. "Hold your wheat if possible was the injunction made by speak ers at the annual meeting of the North Dakota hranch of the American Society of Equity in Devils Lake. The Goldeu Valley Social Club of Rocky Butte were given a large crowd at their dance on the 2Rth. About oue-hundred people are said to have bien present. Eugene Almon was taken to the Dickinson hospital, Saturdry eve ning, seriously ill with sciatic rheumatism. Ed Madison accom panied him there'. J. W. Hubble and Atty. Pur chase are in Fargo this week on legal business before the United States Court. It is claimed that J. W. Hubble is going thru the proceedings of bankruptcy. If you want lirst class dental •work don't forget to see MacBride the dentist. He is the only dent ist in the northwest who carries a complete dental outfit with him on the road. Watch these col umns for his next dates. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sunders, Dr. Museus and the editor were royally entertained last Sunday at the home of Vincent Wicka, four miles south of town. A sumptuous chicken dinner was nerved by the hospitable hostess. Rev. Fast, of Mountain Lake, Minn., has boen. visiting his son, John Fast near this village, and conducted dedication services last Sunday at the new residence of H. H. Shultz. Among those from town in attendance were Mr. and Mrs. P. P. Russ. Mr*. John Keohane entertained very pleasantly, Saturday even ing, in honor of Miss Gallaghar. About twenty guests enjoyed an evening spent in playing charades and visiting. A dainty luncheon was served at midnight. Miss (rallagher departed Monday to re sume her school work iti Dickinson T. 11. Rush of Wibaux, who was recently defeated in Justice Gardner's court in the case against Johnston, wherein Johnston se cured damages for injury of grain by Rush's horses, was -here Tues day to continue the case and se cure a jury. It will be a case of interest to all and the herd law question in this county will then -toe determined for all time. The CHRUNICI.K will endeavor to keep its readers in touch with the pro ceedings. large rarity of The Pioneer Store's Son. Merchandise. Note the uew ad of Haiigen's Tailor Shop in this issue. "Dad" Emerson, who lives west of town, is reported seriouslv ill. Haijsman Hros. have purchased a ha}' baling machine and will buy and ship hay. has accepted a1 Miss Kerrigan position with Mr. Laughnau as clerk in his new general store. The Farmers & Merchants Batik building is being rapidly fitted up and will probably be in readiness for business in a week or ten days. Rev. Charles Thorp, of Glen dive, conducted Thanksgiving ser vices in Beach and dined at the home of Ed Hoverson. Leslie & Ult'ers conducted a very successful horse sale here last Saturday for C. W. Hooker of Wibaux. S. H. Pelkey is suffering from a fractured hip as a result of fall iug iuto a basement at Glendive on the 28th. Section Foreman Moran and wife spent Thanksgiving with friends at Sully Springs and visited the burning coal mines. All Woodmen are urged to be in attendance at the meetiug Sat urday evening. Visiting mem bers are cordially iqvited. Miss Cora Townley, who is teaching school southeast of Sen tinel Butte, came up to spcud Thanksgiving aud reside a few days on her claim. Mr. John Michels, of Strum, Wis., is building a two story res idence on his half section two and one-half miles west of Beach. He expects to move here next spring. H. Karis, tinner for Overstad & Hoverson, departed Tuesday morning for Norwalk, Wis., to spend the holidays with home folks. Oliver Andres, residing north of town accompanied him. M. Laughnau, successor to the Beach Mercantile Co., has taken possession and has his stock of goods all moved to the new depart ment of the Bank and Mercantile building. He has a very neat looking store. The Goldeu Valley Social Club of Rocky Butte will give a basket social in their new hall Dec. 6th. The baskets will be sold at auction and the proceeds will apply on the building expenses. After supper the floor will be cleared for a free dance. Everyone is invited. Several'farmers have called at the Chronicle office of late and asked if Beach were going to hold a Farmer's Institute this winter It is now an admirable location and we have every facility for handling the visitors while here. We can have the Institute by ask ing for it. A little work on the part of the Commercial Club Jind a letter to Supt. Hoverstad of the Agricultural College is all that is required to have it. Great Christmas Shop one door west of the post office opened Dec. 3rd with $1000 worth of well selected, well made, for alt tastes and conditions, Christmas Things. This department of their general store contains only Holiday goods, such as are enumerated below it is entirely separate from the other departments of their store and will have clerks who attend to it only, giving the busy shoppers their entire attention and assistance while they make their selections of presents. In this display of ornaments and especially appropriate articles for Christmas gifts are some very beautiful Nakara and Filigree jewel cases and puff boxes Ranging in Price From $1.40 to $5.00 aa assortment of decorated China ware, glass ware, water sets, jardiniers, fern dishes, vases, lamps, Filigree ware, Japanese metal trays, dolls, (every kind, color and size) Christmas tags and Christmas tree trimmings. Ycm will also see there some very use ful gifts, such as manicure sets, leather cuff and collar cases, hand bags, traveling sets, drawn work handkerchiefs, lunh cloths, center table covers also battenberg center table covers and doilies, fancy box stationery, etc. Last but not least to be mentioned their list is the assortment of toys for the children. It is complete. Don't fail to visit this Christmas Shop when searching for Holiday goods. Mrs. Patt Dovle went to Kendall. Wis. today to reside for an indefinite time with her mother, jl Clarence McGregor, son of the c6untv auditor. of Medora, was seriously inju'red by an explosion of blasting powder, Tues day. Mesdanies G. D. I.ovell and M. Moran were Dickinson visitors between trains, Tuesday Dr. Davis spent yesterday in Dickinson and closed a sale of land to Mr. Spaulding of Minnesota. Miss Mary V. Douglas departed Tues day for Greely. Colorado, to visit her ho is quite sick. She expects to return in about three weeks. sister who 's luite Peter Rorwick. returned from Lake Port, California, Sunday. He had employment there the past year. The. Pioneer Store has very pretty display of Holiday goods in the sample room one door west of the post office. Your atten tion is called to their ad. C. G. Lovell, W. A. Sprague, W. A. Scott and J. lvusske are enjoying a week's outing hunting deer along the Yellowstone. Henry Sunders accompanied his father to Bismarck Tuesday, returning Wednesday. The aged gentleman will spend au indefinate time there receiving treatment for his eyes. Mrs. Lydia Richards is confined to her bed as a result of injuries received Sunday afternoon by being thrown out of a buggy. She was unable to controll her team which became frightened and ran away. One horse was badly injured and the new top buggy smashed. Gus Stundebeck who has been with the Beach Mercantile Co. during the past year returned to St. Cloud, Minn., with his family the first of the week. He will engage in business in his former town. Editor Kane and Banker Fisher, of Wibaux, Hon. A. L. Martin and wife. Landlord J. S. Snyder and wife. Messers Smith, Hyland and Gilbert and Misses Gilbert, Shear, Rousch and Magness, of Sentinel Butte, and R. Folley, of Medora, were among the visitors at the Thanksgiv ing ball. In a display ad in this publica tion the Beach Drug Co. claim headquarters for Christmas goods and numerate in part the large line they have in stock. Your atten tion is called to the same. That Beach has a first class drug store can be readily seen. The Social Club will give anoth er dance in their opera hall Dec. 13th. Every one spoke very highly of their last dance and a large attendance is assured on the above date. The Beach orchestra has been secured to furnish music. Dance tickets will be $1 and sup per 50 cents a plate. The decision of Roosevelt to remove the motto, "In God We Trust" from the face of our coins has stirred up quite a controversy with the pulpit. A great many minititers are severe in their de nunciation of the President's pur pose and have paid their respects to him in Sunday evening sermons. It would seem that the President's attention shou'd be directed to more important matters than changing a motto adopted with the best of intentions aud purposes bv our forefathers. jfceath Sc Company. a in BEACH, BILLINGS COUNTY, NORftH DAKOTA, DEC. 5 1907. EXCHANGE COMPLIMENTS- JACKSON Co. (Wis.) JOURNAL. ." 1 he Beach. N. Dak., Chronicle pub lished an illustrated review of Beach and the Golden Valley, last week, the issue combining the features of an anniversary number and a Thanksgiving edition. The Chronicle is keeping pa-ie with the rapid growth of that western colony and also with its financial prosperity." Tint DICKINSON PRESS. "The Golden Valley Chronicle cele-1 brates the beginning of Volume HI by giv-1 ing a write-up of the thriving village of Beach and vicinity, illustrated by several good cuts of the town, the J. B. Stoddard ranch, Custer Trail aud bonanza wheat and oat fields. The paper is a credit to Editor Young and the country it repre sents." BILLINGS CO. REPUBLICAN. Brother Young got out an anniversary edition of his Golden Valley Chronicle last week that was a "peach." The num ber was replete with halftones of various Beach and Billings county objects of in terest and is a credit both to the brother and his town. He is giving bis patrons a good uewspaper, is keeping up with the rapid progress of the west and deserves the patronage he receives." THE MKDORA HERALD. "The Beach Chronicle got out a very creditable anniversary number last week. The Herald is pleased to felicitate its con temporary upon its evident growth and prosperity." THE WEEK AT SENTINEL BUTTE. Mr. H. Self, a teacher in the Medora school district, was in Sentinel Butte on business the 3d. Mr. Blue was in from south of Burkey Tuesday. J. Z. Gardner is building a large barn on his premises a mile south of town. We hear many favorable remarks on the recent special anniversary edition of the Golden Valley Chronicle which illustrated the remarkable growth of western Billings county during the past three years. The county superintendent visited the two schools in the Valley school district Tuesday and was favorably impressed with the model school buildings, the good attend, ance and the excellent training the pupils were receiving. Gladys Williants stnd Vera Paxton have returned from visits east. Ranchman Frank Davidson was in town Saturday. Merchant Bartley is unpacking quite a consignment of toys for the Christmas trade. WIBAUX HAPPENINGS. John Jones is down from Forsyth where he is engaged in contract work on the N. P. He will finish his work soon and come here for the winter. Dan Sutherland is in from his ranch this week on business. The activities of Thanksgiving are now over and the burgh is again resuming its quiet condition. Brubaker Bros, were finishing their work on the new bridge Monday, thus finishing the cement portion. E. D. Wood came in from his ranch Tuesday on business. The home talent play to be given here Dec. 13th is progressing rapidly and every one connected feels as tho it will be a success. Be sure and see it. Dec. 13th. The Literary society will meet Friday evening, Dec. Ctli. in the hall. Every one is invited. Our streets art kept hot by some of the blooded colts in and around here. Some of them are promising young fellows and will make some body go some when they pull onto the track at the Dawson County Fair next year. C. A. Clark was in from his ranch on Pennel creek this week. Henry Mullendore is Attending a meet ing of the County Commissioners at Glen dive this week. Mr. Sam Mullendore who has been con fined to his room with an attack of neural gia is able to be around again. Burkey News. Frank Kandash and H. Barrs and wife were Sentinel Butte visitors Saturday. Mr. Alfred Swan returned to S. D. last Friday. F. Kritinger will build a house for him on his claim. Cius Olson returned to S. I). after mak ing improvements on his claim. Miss Alice Koch visited her sister, Mrs. Van Dale. Sunday and Monday. Mrs. Jessup. Mrs. Lyman Page's mother, has been ill for a few days. $liss Clara Wise is attending school. She stays with Mrs. Hunck. Our school is progressing finely. We have a much larger number enrolled than last year and more are coming. The Lfedies Aid met with Mrs. J. I.. Denton last Wednesday. All came in the forenoon and spent the day. Frank Kritinger came back from Spring field. Minn, with a carload of stock and machinery. The Indies Aid is invited to' meet with Mrs. Wm. Hunck, Wednesday, Dec. 4th. Come before dinner. MacBride. the dentist will be in Beach December 18, 19, 20. "The Passinf of the Prairies" By the Tribune Poet in answer to J. W Foley. It is true they've plowed the prairie-har rowed it and seeded, too. And they've chased the sneaking coyote back entirely out of view Covered it with sleek, fat cattle where the bison used to roam— Where yon fellows built a campfire. there's a farmer with a home: Where the antelope were feeding and the timid deer were seen. They have changed the bare brown prair ie to a sea of waving grain. Where the buffalo was ruler--the buffalo and you— They have built a thriving creamery and put up a school house, too, .And from every nook and corner of that "echoed void" you knew There's the ring of manly labor with sure results in view. For your "blight of man" is on it and the endless acres yield As the good Lord intended, tor they're now a harvest field. And the West you thot worth knowing you shall never know again, For it's filling up with workers—with a sturdy race of men— Who are building up an empire with the plowshare and the flail, And the railroads and the autos need a different sort of trail. And they're shutting out the lawless and the reckless life you led: For they know the world is filling up with mouths that must be fed. But they've not shut out the sunshine nor silenced any hymn— Only made it clearer, louder, more ac ceptable to Him. The sunsets still are splendid and the breezes free and pure, Tho old Judge Lynch has left us and life is safe and sure. So you saddle up your bronko and keep riding on and on— For they're cutting out the useless and you're day out here is gone.—Terry Tribune. NOTE8 ON FEEDING. Values of Different Foods and 8hould Be Fed. While sorghum fodder is much rel ished by cows still it will not com pare with clover hay. The former contains but 1.5 pounds of protein to 100 pounds, the latter 6.8. Skim milk, when not .diluted with water, has a very narrow nutritive ratio. It should not be used as an exclusive diet for the brood sows, or, as for that matter, swine of any kind. Oats at say, 35 cents per bushel, cost more after grinding than bran at $23 per ton, though they dre not worth more for feeding purposes. They would, however, be a good com bination with one-third peas. Mixing corn and oats in equal parts, feeding fresh cows about eight pounds per day. with ail the hay each can eat, and a mess of roots two or three times a week make a good ra tion. No one would expect to keep up a hardworking horse on cornstalks or oat straw. The milking oow expends energy just as certainly as a horse that is working. Wherefore though she may relish a little straw and the like now and then, she should not be compelled to seek such material for maintenance or for the producUon of milk and butter. A WOODEN GUTTER. How Most Serviceable One Can Constructed in Cow Stall. Be A correspondent of Prairie Farm er tells of his method of constructing a wooden gutter in his cow stable. The general plan is brought out in the accompanying illustration. As shown no cement is used. The stand- Wooden Gutter in Cow Barn. ing floor for (he cows is shown at left. Back of this Is 16-inch gutter eight inches deep. To the extreme right Is the floor of the alleyway. The gutter is made by framing sides and bottom supports are every three feet at sides. Inside of the frame work, including bottom, the ceiling is made of 2-inch matched stuff, care fully planed and pointed so as to not interfere with the* work of the stable men. When one desires a wooden gutter this plan is said to work satisfactorily. Education on Dairy Matters.—When eoj)le are better educated on dairy natters, we will not need so many aws to protect them from impositions, for they will be able to protect them ielvex. Just 1'i«* uialir milk Milk makes butter B'.ittfi- money Money niakf* flour: ii'l'iur 111 Hk**H liread i'h*:»l'orc rows make bread. Don't Fill Too Full.—Many barrels apple* are niiueil by having the bar *1 too full «T apples at the time ibe ere*- Is j.til v.ito tHtf head. 17 Jewel Elgin orWaltham movements, fitt ed in nickle cases $10.00 Ingersoll watolu large assortment watch cases, clock watches. JEWELRY big .assortment of cut glass, hand painted china, silver ware, silver polish etc. at right prices. fl/. TV., Uarson. WINTER What Twenty-five cows require 75 tons of silage to carry them through the Sea son. If fed during the summer, an added ton to the cow is necessary. Ijoods are beinj displayed in every department of our store and countless number of buyers visit us daily. We have gained this large trade by carrying good merchan dise consistant with reason able prices. Let us lit with a pair of our SHAROOD SHOES A shoe that will please you in fit. quality and price. Our stock is complete for men, women and children. We aim to carry a complete line of Ladies' and Gents' furnish ings and solicite your trade with honest values consistant with reasonable prices. IN OUR GROCERY department is always found a fresh and up-to-date stock of groceries, flour, fruit, etc. Our coffees and tea cant be beat. Try us with your next order. Russ & Sunders. EGINING ON Dec. 7, '07, at the old Beach good coffee with every $2.00 purchase of dry goods and footwear. M.Laughnan. Beach, N. D. Announcements, Wants, Etc. For Sale, two or three dozen pullets tod bens.—J. C. Oile. FOR RENT—A good large oflice and bed room on first street, at $25 per month, cash in advance.—C. H. Letson. EST RAYED—One brown horse with white star in forehead, weight about 1050, brand ed open A on left shoulder.— ESTRAYED AWAV—A two-year-old colt branded lazy S W on left hip. Was last seen north of Wibaux a year ago in the round-up and was turned loose with other strays. It was then a yea* old. Will give $10 reward for any information leading to the whereabouts of said colt or to any one who will return it to Beach I-ivery,-S. D. Whitman Beach, N. D. No. 2. 2W. LIQUOR LICENSE OK TAX NOTICE, Notice is hereby given that a government tax receipt for special tax on the business of retail liquor dealer was issued to Beach Drug Co., of Beach, North Dakota, on the 1st day of July, A. D. 1907, which said tax receipt is posted in the Drug Store located on lot 2, block 18, of the Original Piatt of the town of Beach, State of N. D., which said building is owned by Geo. F. Camp bell and he is the lessor of said property, where said tax receipt is posted. Dated the 1st day of July, A. D. 1907. Beach Drug Co.. By C. G. Lyon. For Good FURNITURE! and a large stock of the latest and most desirable furniture to select from you cannot do better elsewhere. Our prices are low. Don't send awav but come here and let us quote prices on our House Furnishings, Crockery Ware. Ceuchct. Carpets. Etc.' We make a-specialty of picture traini ng. A DAVIS & SON, DlelciaMN, N. D. $1.50 PER YEAR Business and Professional Cards O. H. PURCHASE jCawyor Practice in all courts and U. S. Land Office. Contests prosecuted or defended. Homestead filing papers made. Final or Commutation proofs BEACH, N. D. JOHN KEOHANE Stato? \ttv. and Ke.u-h X. I). J. E. READ Mercantile Co. stand I will give 1 lb. of C. W. Elliot, Beach, X. I. PARTIES desiring through bred barred Plymouth rock cockrels will lo well to ad dress or call and see VV. S. Marvin, two miles east of Sentinel Butte, N. D. WANTED—Your harness trade and shoe repairing. Will treat you right. J. P. Lar son, first door north of Cramer's black smith shop. R. F. GALLAGHER KEOHANE & GALLAGHER jCauryt ors Office in Golden Vallev State Bank Build ing BEACH. N. l. S. A. MILLER Attorney and Counselor at Lay Will take cases in all courts. Abstracts of title examined. Keal estate law a specialty. BKACII, N. !. HEFFROX & BAIRD jCatvjfors Practice in all State and Fedra! Courts and the (J. S. Land Office. Careful attention given to contesting and all other U. S. Land Office work. Kay Building, DICKINSON, N. D. QUINLAVIN & LYTLB SPoa/ Estate We sell land and locate people on home steads, make out Land Office papers and look after Contest and Final Proof cases. Write for information. Office over Post OfHce. DICKINSON. N. D. S&eacA ZPhoto Studio Portraits and Vfesvs All kind of photo work done at reasonable prices for good work. R. C. PHIPPS. H. B. MUSEUS. 1 Physician 5c Suryeon. Office in Bank Building. BEACH, N. Ps I Contractor And builder. Jobbing a-specialtyT Build ing plans and estimates ceerfully fur nished. BEACH, N. D. 1 A. J. Reichenecker,A"' House and Sign Painter .s Paper Hanger & Decrator All work first class. See his full line of i*v wall paper samples. Office on coroner of Grant street and 2nd Avenue, S. W. H. F. HAWN, U. S. COIOOSSIONER Receives Homestead Filings at his office" MEDORA, N, D. W. W. LARSBN fowoior And Optician. Watches, clocks and jewelery. Watch repairing a specialty. BEACH. N. D. NEW YORK RESTAURANT, TOM SENG, PROPRIETOR Meals served on the Europian plan A. rooming house in connection A special ~y '}W rate to steady boarders The best of accommodations. $ 7*, BEACH, N. D, Cold Weatlnr is now here-better give us your order for winter supply of coal now—prices are advanc ing fast. Livermore & Logan, BEACH, X. D. u», y, BEACH, N. D. THE CITY DRAY DEALER IN Baled Hay and Straw. If you have hay and straw to bale or to sell address me at BEACH, N. D. J.W.FOLEY V*. I* R. I. NICHOLS PROP. BEACH. N. O. r- T. 't 4 yy.hX