Newspaper Page Text
PROOF FOR TWO CtNT*. If You Suffer with Your Kidneys Back Write to-This Man. T,r a, W. Wlnney, Medina, N. Y., In cites kidney sufferers to write to him. To all who enclose pottage he will re ply telling how Btooplng spells Doan's Kidney PUIB cured him after he had doctored and had been In two ^different hospitals for eighteen months, suffering intense pain in the back, lameness, twinges when or lifting, languor, dlzsy and rheumatism. "Before I used Doan's Kidney Pills," says Mr Wlnney,*'I weighed 143. After taking 10 or 12 boxes I Weighed 162 and was completely cured." Sold by all dealers. 5(f cents a box. FOBter-Milbum Co., Buffalo, N. Y. A Plain Man. "Have you a coat that would lit my monkey?" "Can't say theft I have." "You don't seem to care particularly for my pet's custom." "No I don't want any monkey business." Once Upon a Time. Cholmondely—You and your sister are twins, are you not? Marjoribanks—We were when we were children. Now, however, she is five years younger than I. (RHEUMATISM 1* most painful. What's good? SMACOBS OIL Givea instant relief. Removes the twinges. USE IT, THEN YOU'LL KNOW 26©.—ALL DRUGGISTS—60o. Room for One More. He was on trial for bigamy. "What" queried the judge, "ever in duced you to marry fourteen wives?" "Superstition, your honor," replied the prisoner. "I consider thirteen an Unlucky number." Going 8ome. Monday Aaker's Business college Bent Miss C. Johnson into a position as stenographer in the office of Attor ney Lasell, LaMoure to-day, Tuesday, Oudrun Lund goes into a similar po sition in the office of President Bog Btad, Moorhead. .Six A. B. C. students have gone into positions the last few days. The department of telegraphy Is also proving a great success, and it should it is the best equipped and has the only Experienced teacher of telegraphy in the state. For catalogue address the school at Grand Forks or Fargo. All 8nug. "Fixed for winter?" "Fine. Three pecks of coal and half B. ham in the cellar. Let the long Arctic winter set In." PATENT8. List of Patents Issued Last Week to Northwestern Inventors. Reported by Lothrop ft Johnson, patent lawyers, 911 Pioneer Press building, St. Paul, Minn.: Axel B. Arctander, St. Paul, Minn., window screen Edward Thompson, Minneapo lis, Minn., wheat separator Harry B. Cornish, Minneapolis, Minn., car bureter Fred Gehner, Garrison, N. D., wrench Isaac W. Hodgson, Minneapo lis, Minn., resilient wire Christoph Schaffer, Melville, N. D., gate Oscar L. Sole, Sioux Falls, S. D., filling cab inet. The ideal that Is only a dream and never a deed Is always a detriment to the character. WANTED* OLD VIRfilNIi LANDS PALL IN THE NORTH WOODS. The Returned Vacation Qoer Discusses the Beauty of Snow. "That rainy day you had here the other day, Tuesday, wasn't it—or Wednesday?" said a man just back from the Adirondacks, "it snowed all day where we were. First time I'd ever been up there in the fall and I don't know but it looked more beauti ful all In white than it does in summer when everything's green. Ice there, too, you know, now. Shallow places in the lake where it was frozen over now so that you couldn't get around in 'em any more in a boat. Not such an everlasting sight further north than in Vir glnla ta buy, rent or work on shares, Good land cheap FARMERS good water plenty, of timber no ex tremes of heat or cold. Inquire of-* i. b. Mclaughlin.'- Morrisviiie, $30 AN HOUR New York, but away from the salt water and higher elevation, winter there a good deal earlier than here, of course. The hotel where I stayed closed the day I came away. What? No, not for grief over my departure but because I was the last guest. "You say the hotels In New York are still keeping open? I see they are, and New York never looked better to me, but do you know I think next year I shall take my vacation in the fall again and go up around where I've just come from, hunting for bear. Yes, v«, ,ve bar* land* 10.OH •aanvap. For further Information ad4re»%ltie •KOUTHHllTis BKA1.TY CO.. Inc., Petersburg V*. Takes is With Our MERRY GO ROUNDS pu til tiers. Dept.ll. SPOT FOR tOkD|KM AND Hg|SS All fed between acres bctoWjuneM, tgfrlCTMUtffitq^lUm bouemesdrUbt*whtcblbay. If lolfltpisflssrf.hi elracan aellT Talk to old soften, irtSSwaeBa UDl find aome aoldler relative who went We* or South after I be war and bomesteadsd government JattS. Get hnnand makeaoiaeeuy money. WriteHsxar Bir, they get bear up there as well as deer don't have to go to Loulsiania for bear. But here's my trail, I mean street so long, old man, just now I'm hunting business." One Reason. "Why do girls leave home?" "Well, many of them get married, and their sordid dads object to shel tering the other halt of the sketch, board free." VENU8 DE MILO A FRUMP. That Is What the Modern Woman Would Call Her. It is questionable whether the real Greiek woman, of that immortal epoch when sculpture meant something more than a decorative end to an arch itectural means, possessed the chaste loveliness accredited to her in the chiseled remnants left to us. It has ever been the whim of artists to work away from the physical facts of their models toward the ideals of their fancy. The sculptor is usually a proudly careless historian and but a poor reporter. AH Greek sculpture doubtless is a highly glorified record of true Greek ethnology. But, grant ing such a woman as ,say, the Venus de Milo did exist in all her bodily and facial perfection, she would meet with but cold reception at the hands of our critics of femininity to-day. Her mod ern women associates .would, I am cer tain, adjudge the classic lady a frump. Ideals change with the centuries if nature does not. The Flood. "Now, chilluns, everybuddy went into dis ark, exceptin' de Roosevelt ob dat day." "What became of him, Uncle Ned?" "He swum it out." Domestic Amenities. "John, if you didn't smoke, I could have a fall hat." "And if you would live on stewed peanuts, I could have a steam yacht. They're very nourishing, I understand. Johnny, who won the football game to-day?" How's This? We offer One Hundred Dollar* Reward (or Mf eaae of Catarrh tint caanot tx cored by Hall* Ciurrb Con* F. J. CHENXY CO., Toledo, a We, the nnderalgned. have known V. J. Cheney for the laat 15 yean, and believe blm perfectly hon orable la all builneu traaucUona and Snanclally able to carry out any obligation! made by hla firm. Wammso, Kinkah*Hum, Wboleaale Drufgl.u, Toledo, O. Ball'a Catarrh Care la taken Internally, acting directly upon the blood and msaona surfaces of the lyatem. Teatlmoalala aent free,. Prlos 75 Mats pet bottle. Bold by all Druggists. Take BaU'a Family FUU for oositlpstlas. Rivalry. "You belong to the Forty club, do you?" "No, It's full, and won't take any more. But we're starting a 'For Tea' club, and it's going to be every bit as exclusive." PR. J. H. RINDLAUB, (Specialist), Eye, Car, Nose and Throat, Fargo, N. D. Successful in One Way. "What success did you. have hunt Ing?" "Splendid." "What did you get?" "Nothing, I was lost hunting." Abb KINDS OF £TOVE REPAIRS, Bend name and number of your stove to American Stove Repair Works, St. Paul, An Innocent Victim. "Bliggins is always telling some thing smart that his baby said." "Yes," answered the crusty bachelor "If that baby knew how Its father is acting it would be sorry it ever learned to talk." HIDES TANNED FOR ROBES. COATS etc. Oldest tanners in N, W. 8end for prices Foster Babe fc Tannins Co,. Minneapolis, More Wisdom, "If people had to pay a tax on what they think they know," remarked old man Wiseowlskl, "the government would not need no other source of rev, enue," When a man aims at nothing he sel dom misses his target. The General Demand of the Well-Informed of .the World hai always been for a simple, pleasant and efficient liquid laxative remedy of known value a laxative which physicians could sanction for family use because its com ponent parts are known to them to be wholesome and truly beneficial in effect, acceptable to tfce system and gentle, yet prompt, in action. In supplying that demand with its ex cellent combination of Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna, the California Fig Syrup Co. proceeds along cthicol lines and relies on the merits of the laxative for its remark able success. That is one of many reasons why Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna ia given the preference by the Well-informed. To get its beneficial effects always touy the genuine—manufactured by the Cali fornia Fig Syrup Co., only, and for sale by all leading druggists. Price fifty cents per bottle. Regulating Amount of Perfume. Scent manufacturers declare that ladies nowadays demand very strong perfumes, which will retain their scent upon the handkerchief for several days at a time. It is to be hoped that they will take warning from the fate of a lady who recently entered a Berlin tram car after having freely perfumed herself with musk, a scent which experts de dare will cause polished steel to be come fragrant if placed in the some box, contact not being necessary. On this occasion the passengers were al most overpowered, and said so with no uncertain voice, with the result that a free fight ensued between gentleman who was accompanying the lady and the aggrieved ones. The police were called In, and now. it is said, a law may be passed by the municipality fixing the maximum ex tent to which a woman may perfume herself before becoming a public nuis ance. PRODUCTIVE POWER OF WESTERN CAUDA SOIL past season it has been shown that in grain raising qualities it possessed the very best. The late spring pre vented grain being sown in many cases before the middle of May. Yet, a large percentage of that sown at that time produced excellent yields. Had it not been for the frost early in August, which visited most of the north half of the continent, there would have been a magnificent yield in every dis trlct in Western Canada. Throughout the Southern Alberta district where about 100,000 acres was sown to win* ter wheat the yield will be enormously large. There are vast tracts ot valu able grain growing land in Western Canada that are available for home steads, the Canadian Government giv ing 160 acres free, and entry may be made by proxy, by any near relative, thus Baving considerable cost to the American who may have entry made in this way. Any Canadian Govern ment Agent will give you the partic ulars. Your correspondent has just re ceived the following letter from Craik, Saskatchewan, which bears out the statement made in the first part of this letter. "Craik, Bask., Aug. 1907. 'May 24th we planted a Dahlia root, which we brought with us from Min neapolis. Aug. 12th, 80 days later. It was ta bloom. The plant is now 4V4 feet high and covered with blossoms, We never got half as many flowers on it in Minneapolis, even during Septem ber and October, although we had more time to attend to it there.' I mention this only as an example of the great productive power of the soil here in Saskatchewan, Canada. To the Best oT His Knowledge. Johnny, what is your father's na tivity?" asked the teacher. "His what, ma'am?" "His nativity—His nationality, you] know." Oh, he hasn't got any yet, ma'am. We just moved here from Nebraskay last week. TO CURB A COUGH OR COLO. Doctor's Prescription Cheeks an Acute Cold in a Day and Cures Chronic Coughs. ounce of Concentrated oil of pine, one half pint of good whisky, mix and shake thoroughly each time and use in doses of a teaspoonful to a table spoonful every four hours, This, if followed up, will cure any cough that is curable or break up an acute cold In 24 hours. The in gradients all can be gotten at any drug store. Concentrated oil of pine comes put up for medicinal uses only in half ounce vials sealed in air tight cases de signed to protect it from heat and light. Other oils of pine are insoluble and are likely to produce nausea and cannot give the desired results. Tender Spots. We all have tender spots, which touched, Cause us to wildly rage A bald head's apt to be a man's, And woman's is her age. SHIP YOV1I CKEABI to Crescent Creamery Co.. St. Paul. Minn. Writs to-day (or taci and orlrea. Note the evil results of smoking as illustrated by the volcano it constant ly suffers from eruptions. HIDES, PELTS AND WOOL. To set full value, ship to the old reliable N. W. Hide & Fur Co., Minneapolis, Minn. There are very unhappy marriages —the unhapplness comes later. CUTS THROAT WHILE ASLEEP. Farmer Wakes to Find He Has At tempted Suicide. With a gash seven inches long and through the windpipe in his neck, four ugly cuts through the arteries of the wrist and seven punctures above the heart Ole J. Germundson, a Sawyer farmer, is lying at the Ward county hospital at Minot on the fair road to recovery. Germundson slept Saturday night at the Merchants hotel in Sawyer and was discovered in the morning lying in a pool of blood. The tale he tells, which is carried out by the wounds, is one of the most ghastly ever heard by the professional men of the city. He claims he awoke from a sound sleep only in the morn ing to find himself attempting to carve his body up. Seven Jabs were made at his heart with a rusty knife which he carried, but none of them took ef fect, only penetrating the skin. The man then gashed both wrists, cutting through the large arteries which run through that pa#t of the body. Not satisfied with this he made a slash at his neck. The first cut merely cut the skin and did not penetrate as far as the man deslded. The knife was then inserted below the right ear and drawn across the neck to the other ear, making a gash seven inches long, and when his head was thrown back, four inches wide. It extended down to the Windpipe In one place cutting through a portion of the cartilage surrounding the channel. When Interviewed the man claimed that he had no intention of committing suicide, but that he awoke to find that he had done the deed. He claimed that the idea was so strong upon him that he could not stop. He said that last year he had the typhoid fever and that he has not felt right since. He also stated that he felt another attack com ing on. It is believed that the previ oous illness had some effect on the man's reason. Winnipeg Correspondence. There has never been any who have I doubted the productiveness of the soil of Western Canada, but there are sometimes found those who question the fact of Its superiority. During the horse stealing at Williston. It was FIVE YEARS FOR MILLER. McKenzie County Man Found Guilty of Horse Stealing. Bob Miller has been found guilty ot claimed that Miller and a man named Cox had stolen horses from Dr. Day, a rancher in McKenzie county. He was arrested at Bottineau and taken to Schafer. The case came up at the term of court held about six weeks ago In McKenzie county, before Judge Winchester. A change of venue was asked by the defendant, who claimed that he could not get a fair trial in that county, as the people were preju diced. It was refused. An affidavit of prejudice was then filed against the judge, but was afterward withdrawn. On the evening court adjourned at Schafer, Miller made a dastardly as sault on Attorney Bessie, who had been assisting in prosecuting it. the case, as the latter was stepping into the ho tel, breaking his jaw. The people wanted to lynch him, but Mr. Bessie prevented Miller was thereafter closely guarded, and waB taken to Mi not, where he was confined until the coonvening of court at Mandan last Monday. Mr. Bessie assisted State's Attorney Norhelm in prosecuting the case at Mandan. The jury was out ,flve minutes, when they returned a verdict ot guilty. The judge sentenced him to five years in the penitentiary. BOWMAN LOT8 BRING BIG COIN. Lot Sale of Milwaukee Townsite Com-1 pany a Grand Success. The sale of town lots at Bowman by the Milwaukee railroad townsite offi cials was a great success in every sense of the word, both In point of at tendance and in prices brought. There were about 2,500 people at I the sale. Many of them were persons who had camped there waiting for the sale of lots, but a large majority of the crown were outsiders. The first ichoice brought $1,750, the second brought $900, the third $1,100, the fourth $800, the fifth $600, the sixth $600. Residence lots sold for $110. In all 178 lots were disposed of and the total amount realized was $43,011. Parties who were questioned regard ing the report that the Milwaukee road I will be completed as far as Miles City, Mont., within four days, were consid erably skeptical as to its truth. They I say that the tracklayers are not six miles west of Bowman. Marmath, the next town to the west, Is about twenty- The following formula is a neve* failing remedy for coughs or colds: Two. ounces of glycerine, one-half I eight miles from Bowman on the Little Missouri and It. is a big question whether the remaining twenty-two I miles can be laid and connected with the road west of the Little Missouri within that many days. FIRE THREATENED CROSBY. Citizens Used Chemical and Ex tinguished Blaze. Sweepage from the gasoline lighting plant caused fire to catch in the draperies In the store of R. R. Her ring at Crosby. The prompt and ef ficient use of a chemical extinguisher probably saved the entire town, as the burning of the building in which the fire started would have rapidly spread the flames to other buildings. As it was, there was only a small amount of damage done. The scarcity of water and the close call of the town brought a realization of the danger of the citizens from the fire fiend, and steps were at once taken to install a complete and ade. quate fire fighting apparatus. There is a movement on foot to re* peal the law which makes it so easy for hotel men to collect bills. Many! people believe the law is unconstitu* tlonal because It is class legislation—* and others see no reason why the ho tel men should have any more proteo tlon than a grocer—or ether dealer. «DRI»M B1Q A8 PENNIES. Whole Head and Neck Covered—Hair All Came Out—Cured In Three Weeka by Cutloura. "After having the measles my whole head and neck were covered with scaly sores about as large as a penny. They were just as thick as they could be. My hair all came out. I let the trou ble run along, taking the doctor's blood remedies and rubbing on salve, but it did not seem to get any better. It stayed that way for about six months then I got a set of the Cutlcura Reme dies, and in about a week I noticed a big difference, and in three weeks it was well entirely and I have not had the trouble any more, and as this was seven years ago, I consider myself cured. Mrs. Henry Pojcter, Albion, Neb., Aug. 25, 1906." Two of a Kind. "Why did you leave your last place?" she bluntly asked the appli cant for housemaid's place. "I couldn't stand the way mistress and master used to quarrel, mum." "Dear me, did they quarrel very often?" "Yes, mum. When 'twasn't me an' 'im, 'twas me an' 'er." A Prejudiced Reply. "Our society has just taken up a very interesting discussion," said the psychologist. "I want to ask your opinion on the question, which is this: 'Can a man die twice?'" 'Not exactly," answered the New Yorker "but he might move from Brooklyn to Philadelphia." WB PAY TOP PRICES FOR CREAM. Cash every day. Write for prices and tags. MILLER & HOI.MEB. St. Paul. Minn. Lucky Girl. "How did that marriage of the Mill yuns girl to the count turn out?" "Fine. She got a divorce for-cruel ty before he had spent half her for tune." The Politician. A boomlet by Salt river's brim A busted boomlet was to him, And nothing more. PILES CURED IN 8 TO 14 DAV8. PAZO OINTMENT Is guaranteed to cure an? caw of Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles In to 14 days or money refunded. He. Many a man mistakes a stock of pious quotations for riches of religious character. HIGHER CREAM PRICES, Write us to-day for particulars and tan. MILTON DAIRY CO.. St. Paul. Milan. The slow-going dray horse landB more coin than the average race horse. m|i riJf K-A II si r'H/ ALCOHOL 3 PER CENT. tltfStotuadts JNFANTS /f IIILDK ness and RraUCnntalm nriMw OKinuMorplUnc mrMtant ot Narcotic. AtfrifMIkSBUUnm* Amtit Sndm JSSSm* AMfeUfi sbatSai* agjj^trv IWwMllann ApetftalteniMyforCtRMM Hon, Sour StouduDiantat Worms jConvnlsioasfincrisk nessandLossOFSUEF. FKSrafle Siftttiwe of YDHK. Exact Copy of Wrapper. W.LDOVGLAS $ rr JkmiMlMmx 35? MBMBEH Or THK FAMILY, The Magaslne Lyceum. "We are going to stai't a department of untimely talks on untimely topics. Our first article will be on the sub ject of how to get rich. What do you think of it?" "I think you'd do better these times with an article on how to stay rich. That seems to be the real problem." After a man has been married a week he begins to unlearn a lot of the things he knew about women SAVE 40 PKR CEXT OP YOl'R FUEL. Write for price list and testimonials. Economy Fuel Saver Co., Minneapolis. You can always get fine feathers with money, but a fine face you can not buy. The following letters should con vince every suffering woman of its virtue, and that it actually does conquer tumors. Mrs. May Fry, ot ty CAUTION. W. L. Douglas nuns and price Is atomped on bottom. Take No BaV tHnto. Sold by tbe best shoe dealers everywhere. Shoes mulled from fi frustrated catalog free. 8.16 IPOHN MKDIOAL CO.. CkobtoM* SMtntokcM*. Ooehen, Ind., U. S. A. CARTERS TUMORS CONQUERED Overwhelming Proof that Lydia E. Pinkh&m's Vegetable Compound Succeeds. One of the greatest triumphs of Lydla E. Plnkham's Vegetable Com pound is the conquering of woman's dread enemy Tumor. The growth of a tumor Is so in sidious that frequently its presence is wholly unsuspected until it is well advanced. So called "wandering pains" may come from its early stages or the presence of danger may be made manifest by excessive monthly peri ods accompanied by unusual pain, from the abdomen through the groin and thigh. If you have mysterious pains, if there are indications of inflammation or displacements, secure a bottle of Lydia E. Pinkhani's Vegetable Com pound, made from native roots and herbs, right away and begin its use. w. Colfax Ave., South Bend, Ind., writes: Dear Mrs. Pinkham:— "I take great pleasure in writ ing to thank you for what Lydla E. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound has done for me. I also took the Blood Purifier in alternate doses with the Compound. Your medicine removed a cyst tumor of four years' growth, which three of the best physicians declared I had. They had said that only-an operation could help me. 1 am very thankful that I followed a friend's advice and took your medicine. It has made me a strong and well woman and I shall recommend It as long as I live." Mrs. E. F. Hayes, of 26 Ruggles St., Boston, Mass., writes: CASTOMA Fw^^antsandO^Mren. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA YMB eiNTlUN CMMNf, NSW VO«« OITT. 1 MEN, BOYS. WOMEN, MISSES AND CHILDREN. insMfWto«ab KLllMffsa $4 amfll OW CMjps tine every*! PonttlvwlyctSMd ly iNiUHbMb. ttey also relieve M» IHMlWP)BT«piU,l ^fNttokMdTo#9iiity htla|. A perfeet ttm edy for PiatHaa* Km sea, PwwiImm, TattelatbeKontli,Oea* «d Tongue, Mt ia thi Side, TORPID UVBS. nwrnfulMtkiBomla. Pnraiy VumMa SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE. CARTERS 'ft?* Genuine Mutt Bstr Fao«Simil* Signature REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. "I have been under different doctors' treatment for a long time without relief. They told me I had a fibroid tumor, my abdomen was swollen and I Buffered with great pain. I wrote to you for advice, you replied and I followed your directions carefully and to-day I am a well woman. Lydla E. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound ex pelled the tumor and strengthened my whole system." Mrs. S. J. Barber, of Scott, N. Y., writes: Dear Mrs. Pinkham:— "Sometime ago I wrote you for advice about a tumor which the doc tors thought would have to be removed^ Instead 1 took Lydla E. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound and tonlay am a well woman." Mrs. M. M. Funk, Vandergrift, Pa., writes: Dear Mrs. Pinkham:— "I had a tumor and Lydla E. Plnk ham's Vegetable Compound removed it for me after two doctors.had given me up. I was sick four years before I began to take the Compound. I now recommend Lydia E. Plnkham's Veget able Compound far and near." Such testimony as above 1b con vincing evidence that Lydia E. Plnk ham's Vegetable Compound stands without a peer as a remedy for tumor Growths as well as other distressing ills of women, and such symptoms as Bearing-down Sensations, Displace ments, Irregularities and Backache, etc. Women should remember that it Is Lydia E. Plnkham's Vegetable Com pound that is curing so many women. Don't forget to insist upon it when some druggist asks you to accept something else which he calls "Just as good." Mayer Use •JixrlHtittlt. Bm ussHsrfstsaysrfae. factory to any Hit W. DOUGLAS. Brockton, COLT DISTEMPER be biwllid »c name htable, no mat by u»li HIDES, FURS. WOOL. .BERGMAN & CO., ST. PAULMINN. of iMMI Dl/V HtTUHH S an:. 'jh.H'ir.r:, TAG 5. •STABLIBHED Iflt. WOODWARD ®. CO. Minneapolis GRAIN COMMISSION. Dalnth "u,"» .v "Special Merit* School Shoes are cxptculy made for the hard knocks and severe wear of healthy, romping school children. They are mad* of thoroughly seasoned upper leather and tesgh. old-process and llme seaseaed sties,thestrongs^ and most dur able material obtainable—that's why they "wear like iron." Plenty of room for growing feet, sensibly shaped ehoes, strong enough for the hardest everyday use, drcMy enough for Sundays. Your dealer will supply youi if not, write to tts. Look for the name and trademark on the sole. F. Mayer Bott State Cupaiy MILWAUKEE, VIS. FARMS" ..FREE Typical Fam Scaaa, Slwwiac Stock Rahias i* WESTERN CANADA Some of the choicest lands for (rraln growing, stock raising and mixed farming in the uew dis tricts of Saskatchewan and Alberta have r« ccutljr been Oprasd for Scttlsawat under tbe Revised Homestead Refnlatlens Entry may now be made by proxy (on certain condltfone), by tbe father, mother, sou, daugh ter, brother or sister of an intending home steader. Thousands of homesteads of ISO acres each are thus now easily available in these ?arming rreat grain-growing, stock-raising and mixed sections. There you will find healthful climate, neighbors, churches for family worship, schoola for your children, good laws, splendid crops, and railroads convenient to market. Entry fee in each case Is S10.00. For pamph let, "Last Best West." particulars as to rates, routes, best time to go and where M» locate, apply to CBAS. FltllW. CWMMscfe. OrsaS rufcs, Htdk Mtfs. N O N —NO 49— 1*07