Newspaper Page Text
v« J. S. Snyder of Sentinel Butte Was a Beach visitor Monday. Merchants, buy your I'.IO'.J cal lendars from the CHRONICI.K and you will ive money. J. Madison and Billy Sherrard, of Webster City Iowa, wrestled "in Dickinson Christmas Kve, Mad ison loosing. P. C. Kricksou was, awarded the large doll premium given awav by the Pioneer Christmas Shop. Sheriff' Bispham and C. G. Moulton were Wibaux oallevs Saturday. Miss Douglas who has been vi siting relatives in Colorada return ed to Beach Sunday evening. Hoy Taylor writes from Mitch ell, S. D., that he is the happy daddy of a daughter born on Christmas day. Ernest Johnston's farm resi dence, and all its contents were destroyed by fire last Saturday evening. Mrs. W. F. Ijehrke returned Tuesday evening from Wisconsin after sending a month visiting relatives. E. D. Baker and Miss Emma Sommerficld were quietly married on Monday evening, December 23, at the home of the bride's par ents, Rev. A. Douglas officiating, ller sister, Miss Ida Sommerficld, attended, the bride while C. C. Stockstiil acted as best man. The happy young couple took up house keeping,at once in the home which Mr. Baker had prepared for them.—Pioneer. The Masquerade Ball New Years E/e was a success in every particular. About sixty-five cou pie were in attendance and many handsome as well as comical cos tumes delighted the eye of the spectator. At 10:30 the maskers formed on for a march at the close of which prizes were awarded iu the following manner: Geo. E. Baht received a gold mounted fountain pen for being the best costumed gentleman, Mrs. Henry Sunders a gold signet ring as the best costumed lady, J. W. Brin ton as Gloomy Gus was presented with a pair of military brushes for being the funniest costumed gentleman and Mrs. Kvech re ceived a toilett scl for being the funniest costumed lady. After supper the dance was turned over to the ladies who gracefully ac-. ceptedthepnvaUgeofLeap\eai and gave the gentlemen portnnity to rest- tV 1 Sfti'ts of jCocal /Jews. Jen Nichols, who spent the fall jfai,cd here thrashing and making im provements on his farm, departed Sunday for his home at Roaring Creek, Wis., to complete arrange ments there for immigrating here with his family. who is testing Dr. II. Anderson V. S, spending the week here horses for glanders, found it nec essary to condemn live and order them killed three of which be longed to .F. W. Brock, one to F. A. Powers and the other one to R. O. Tangen. The loss of these three horses is hard on. Mr. Brock as he has no others with which to begin work next spring. I Thursday,' January 2nd, i!)08. I Miss Lultuc, teacher of tho Val ley .school, is quite sick. IJofich Drug Co. have installed a new up-to-date soda fountain. K. L. Ilolvin and family were quests of Rainy and family yesterday. Eugene Almond returned from the Dickinson hospital Saturday evening, Jerome Wolfe, of Wibaux, was transacting business in Reach the first of the week. A. II. Kettner. and wife are visiting relatives in lVmbina, N. Dak. Miss Agnes Qogan, of C'arlyle, departed Sunday to visit for an indefinite time with home folks in "Davis, S. D. ... Beach now su]|orts excellent fire protection a water tower, hose and cart, ladders, buckets, etc. Dr. Anderson, district veteri narian^ and ye scribe spent Satur day afternoon on the ranch of J. P. lteeve 14 miles north of Beach, testing his horses for glanders but to fi,uI The second day Christmas pro gram given at the L). L. church .was very eutertaining the tree was beautifully decorated and con tained many presents. Reverend Thorp was in attendance and de livered an eloquent Christmas sermon. A series of special will begin next Sunday at 11 a. m. in the school Mackinaws, regular $5.00 value this sale at $3.89 3.25 ,, 11 2.44 3.00 ,» 11 11 2.19 *1 1* $2.0b and $1.25 heavy bed blankets at $1.67 and Beginning Monday, Jan, 6, this sale Sen. Merchandise. ru symptoms. States Attorney Keohane was pfosecuting attorney in a case at Medora Tuesday. Attv. Crowford of Dickinson, defended. The state brought action against a man for attempt of murder, men tion of the same appears in the county seat notes in another coluui. The defendant was fined §10 and costs. ». meetings house, and will continue during the week at 7:30 in the eve. Rev. E. Ells-' worth Smith of Glen Ullin will be the principal speaker. He comes from a like series at Rocky Butte, where his ministry was greatly blessed. He is an earnest Chris tian worker, genial indisposition fluent in speech. You will like him. Don't fail to hear him. The. new law which went into effect yesterday regulating the subscriptions of newspapers and all periodicals which are allowed access to the United States mails at pound rates, makes it a misde meanor for the publisher of a paper to misrepresent the same to a postal inspector, if called on for information, and if guilty of such misrepresentation, lie forfeits all rights to the use of the mails at other than the fourth class rate— sixteen cents per pound. This rate would be prohibitory at the present price of newspapers, and as a consequence the publishers of the country will be compelled to require their subscribers to pay before the end of the year or lose their papers, if they are residents a a a gn countl! the time 0 betweenXnce" lin,lu«nc' is I months. %tde. «hortened to three PRE-INVENTORY SALE Owing to the contintnd warm weather we will hold a CLEARANCE SALE, prior to taking our inventory, on ^11 the warm goods in the store. Mackinaws, Sheep Lined Coats, Corduroys, Boys Suits, Winter Dress Goods, Bed Blankets, Etc., ALL MUST GO. Cordnroy long coats, sheep "lined, $15.00 a alue, this sale $12.9 Duck ,1 ,1 *1 1-10.. «, ,. ,, Duck short co'iar, 3. Duck wombat 4. (J8c. Boys wool and corduroy three piece suits at pr Vaat em fas: 1 9a- ,," •, -,v,^c rt* W VOLUME 3 NO. 7. BEACH, BILLINGS COUNTY, NORTH DAKOTA, JAN. 2 L908. The |mst week has linen one of most beautiful weather. Start the New Year right by subscribing for-THE CHKONTO.K. The city jail, cart and hose house is nearing completion. Simon llorn departed Wednes day evening for Sherridan, Wy oming. J. L. Jordan and family visited with W. J. Patrick and family yesterday. Pat Liberty, of Sentinel Butte, made this office a pleasant call to day. Sentinel Butte jieople gave a public dance in tne new school house last evening. Severl of the young people from here attended the dance at Wibaux last night and all re{Krt having a good time. Miss Florence Ualstead, C. Johnsen, Dr. II. B. Museous and W. A. Young dined at the home of Simon Schmitz, five miles south of Beach, last evening, and were very hospitably entertained. The families of E. Stockwell, M. Laughnan, D. Stockwell. A. Burlingaiu, J. Baker, Mrs. K. P. Tucker and Margaret Dougherty, were seated to a sumptuous New Year dinner at the home of Len Stockwell. Odin llougen made, filing before commissioner J. W. Foley at Medora, last Eriday on a fine homestead near Carlyle, and is hauling lumber to-day for a resi dence. The Misplaced Comma. "Some lawsuits of the highest im portance have hinged upon the right placing of a comma," said Judge P. C. -Downing of St. Louis. "When I first started to practice law a Missouri editor came to me in a peck of trouble to defend him against a threatened libel suit grow ing out of faulty punctuation. He had not meant to give some innocent young woman the slightest offense when he wrote a story about two young men who went with their girls to at tend a lecture and after they left, the girls got drunk.' Putting that misera ble little comma out of its right piace did the work, as it made the giris the ones who became inebriated instead of their escorts. 1 managed by prop er diplomacy and the publication of a heat apology to stave off the damage suits, and afterward my editorial friend became an expert on punctua tion." Announcements, Wants, Etc. New Year's services announced for Jan. 2nd. will be held Jan. 5th. Sunday fore noon. Rev. Thorpe. TAKEN UP—one bay gelding two years old, branded on left shoulder, white strip in facg, left hind foot white.—A. O. Roof, twp. 142, range 105, section 20. FOR SALE—About 50 tons of good June cut hay, one-half mile, from Beach. In quire at this office. Edison Phonographs and records for sale by the Beach Drug Co. All members are requested to be pre sent at a regular meeting of the Masonic Lodge, Tuesday evening, Jan. 7th. tiy Order, W. A. Sprague, W. M. The Pioneer Store wishes to announce that no credit will be rxtended to any one longer than JO days, and that all book accounts past due must be settled in full by the 15th inst. An Electric Bath. An electric bath in which the pa tient is deluged with electric sparks a foot long is announced to work won ders by celebrated French scientists. Hardening of arteries, cerebral hem orrhage an A heart lesions are declared to yield to the treatment. 10.05 •^•44' 3At •^4 •.* l* Sentinel Botte Attv. Keohane of Beach passed thru town Monday. *1 Mrs. J. /. Gardner lefl jhe last day.of the year tor Marietta, M'an. where she' visits her daughter. Miss Esmond Groff, ourjjrioiwry teacher, was a Dickinson visitor RiMay. S Mabel Gilbert is in .tow|. enjoying her Holiday vacation.. Editor Shear says the Btltie hotel served a fine dinner Christmas, Sunday school next Lord's day at 10:30 a. m. You are welcome. Cora Boyer and Miss Laura Brier were iu from Kocky Butte Saturday. Supt. J. A. Kitchen left Monday for Grand Forks to attend the .meeting of the County Superintendents, .'• 's The first Tuesday of 1.368 will be an auspicious day for the school children. The splendid new school building will commence its period of service. It is a very fine building and everything is being done to promote the interests of education in our town. Little Helen Crawford is recovering from a severe illness. The revival meetings will probably com mence in two weeks. Reverend Elmer E. Smith will be on the ground to assist Pastor Douglas. A season of beneficial meetings just closed at Rocky Butte and fourteen conversions were the result. The earnest ness of these spiritual leaders deserves commendation. Boost For Be«ch. 1 A dollar spent in the town rolls round and round, pays dozens of bills and finally returns to the starting point to resume its course. The dollar sent away from town is lost to us forever—as surely as if it had rolled into the sea. There is nothing that will kill home trade and put the local merchant out of business so quickly and sp certainly as trading with out-of-town concerns. The motto of this paper—"Patronize Home Industry"—should be the watch-word of every citizen and resident of this town who has the welfare of the town at heart and poasesses the loyalty and pride he should possess for the town in which he lives and cherishes hopes of a future large and prosperous city. Residents and citi zens should patronize home 'stores,- eve,n though they pay a little morav for their supplies than perhaps is asked(.'by the big mail order houses. POSTMEN'S WALKING FEATS. Distance Traveled by Men Long in British Mail Service. There must be few, even among "men of letters." who, like Joseph. Hunt, a Lincolnshire postman, can claim to have tramped distance of, roughly, 240,000 mile?, not much less than the equivalent of ten journeys around the earth, says the Westmin ster Gazette. Not long ago George Thompsoon retired from service as postman in the Langrick district of Yorkshire, af ter covering on foot 12.5,000 miles iu twenty-six years of letter carrying, a service fourteen years shorter than that of his Lincolnshire rival. In thirty-four y.ears Orine M. Brown walked 111,000 miles as postman be tween Cupar ond Ki'.rr.any and Logie —a-distance, as was stated at the ap propriate present,!tion to him of an easy chair, near equal to half that which separates the moon from the earth. John Simmonds of Henley-on Thames, retired with a record of 181, 000 miles of fair "heel-and-toe,"' the result of forty years tramping while most amazing of all. Thomas Phipps, a postman in the Chipping Norton district, was credited with an aggre gate journey of 440,0' 0 miles between the years 1840 and 1898. Three "Double Holidays" in 1908. Next year Washington's birthday, Memorial day and ths Fourth of July all fall on Saturday, giving the public three "double holidays.'' Ordinarily these three do not full on the same flay, but by the intervention of Feb. 29 aext year Washington's birthday falls lust fourteen weeks earlier than' Me morial day. which ressnlarly comes Ave weeks before the Fourth. JPoufan's Jjailor Shop O. C. AUG EN, Prop. First class tailoring in all its branches—cleaning, press ing and repairing done on short notice. All work guaranteed satisfactory in every particular. Reason able charges. and "•veer BEACH, N, D. For Good FURNITURE! mm 3- stock of the latest and most ciesi furniture to select from you can better elsewhere. Our pr low. Don't send away but roi. md let us quote prices on nishings, Crockery Ware, ches. Carpets, Etc. -V leciaity of picture fraim- AVIS & SON, nson. N. D. p: JS^n* A Jfave 2/ou a Phonograph in 2/otrr JKome? Husband, make your family a New Year gift, one that will give much pleasure to all, an Edison Phonograph The enjoyment it affords is the kind that lasts and the kind that every member of the family appreciates. It is a gift, not for the time being, but for all the time, taking on a new interest with every new record. The Phonograph Sings. Plays or Talks, it is gifted in grand opera as in minstrel fun. It means as much to the little folks as to grown folks. The prices of these world fumous instru ments range front"$12 to $30. The re cords are 30 cents each. Call at our store and investigate them and hear one played. Beach Drag Company. WINTER goods are being displayed in every department of our store and countless number of buyers visit us daily. We have gained this large trade bv carrying good merchan dise eonsistant with reason able prices. Let us fit with a pair of our SHAROOD SHOES A shoe that will please you in fit. quality and price. Our stock is complete for men, women and children. We aim to carry a complete line of Ladies' and Gents' furnish ings and solicite your trade with honest values eonsistant with reasonable prices. IN OUR GROCERY department is always found afresh and up-to-date stock of groceries, flour, fruit, -etc. Our coflFees and tea cant be beat. Try us with your next order. llviss & Sunders. A. J. Reichenecker, House and Sign Painter Paper Hanger & Decrator All work first class. See his full line of wall paper samples. Office on coroner of Grant street and 2nd Avenue, S. W. BBACH, N. D. The Wis eVirgin. The old man la'-: down his newspa per. "My child." he said to the fair girl in sables, who had just come in, her cheeks pink and her eyes shining from the frost.-- —"My chi'ui, I am unspeakably sh^V'-d and grieved. Your mother infons- me that you are engaged to five young men at,once." But his daughter lau&hed and pat ted his shoulder in reassuring fash ion. "Dear old stupid .dad. it's all right,'' she said. "They are football players, iind at 1 lie end of the season shall wed the survivor." "Oh, said the father, and. is brow clearing, lie resumed his reading. Dr. jVlelvin went to Medora yesterday to attend a pat'iont. COFFEE IN FRANCE. Many Persons Dring a Quart a Day Habit Common Among Women. Dr. Kernel, an eminent. French phys ician, is quoted by the British Medical Journal as authority for the statement that the use of coffee has increased in France to such an extent that it is now common for the people of that country to drink a quurt or more of a decoction of coffee daily. The habit Is especially common among laboring women. Rreat numbers of whpm are received at the hospitals I••r treatment for disorders solely attributable to it. Miss Scliouboe left today for Yates Center, Kansas, to visit, rel atives. She will also visit, in Iowa and Nebraska before letuni inr. Why Rabbits Tails Are White. •Rabbits have white tails," said Hen A. Easley of Baton Rouge, La., "so that the young may be able to dis tinguish their mother in case of pur suit. The color of a rabbit is so like lhat of the ground that this would otherwise be didU-ult, if not impossi ble. "When a rabbit is running you can see nothing but the tail. It looms in ihe distance sorter like a beacon light. And that is why rabbits have white tails. The young ones can see the aider folks scampering across country. In this way they can keep an eye on Ihe frisky mother and father." JOHN KEOHANE States *«}•. KEOHANE & CiALLAttHBR jCautyers Office in Golden Valley Stan- Hank Build ing BEACH. N. 1 J. A. MILLER Attorney and Counselor at Lav Will taRe cases in all OKII QUINLAVIX & TOMSKN,. PROPRIETOR Meals served on the rooming house &eeti Srinding t? ~tS !V' Chronicle's Business Directory Absiracts of title examined. Ktal es at: law a specialty. I1KACII. \. I. LYTLE ffieat Estate We sell land and locate pr-np'r ..n home steads, make out I.and Oliice j-ap^rs and look after Contest and I'inal H. B. MUSE IS. Physician urgeon. Office in Bank Building. BKACH, N. ]). J. W. FOLEY Receives Homestead Filings at his in MEDOKA. N. 1'. •ttice MINNEAPOLIS REST.U KAM Serves Meals at all h«nrs on iront street 1 in the Kellogg Building lor j: ro:us. We solicite your patronage. address ine at NEW YORK KESTAI A NT, W' Custome ^rintliny a specialty. All kinds of ground feed for sale. Cash paid for Oats. Barley Wheat, and Speltz. We have the exclusive agency for the celebrated W Europian in connection. A sp-eial HART PARR traction engines, gasolene and ker osene burners for plowing and threshing VI. .. .) --r I-?' R. f. GALLAGHER Q. H. PURCHASE jCauryer Practice in all courts and U. S. I-and Office. (Contests prosecuted or defended. Homestead filing papers made. Final or Commutation proofs. BEACH, N. D. HEFFRON BAIRD jCawyots Practice in all State and Fedral Courts and the U. S. I.and Office. Careful attention given to contesting and all other U. S. Land Office work. Kav Building, DICKINSON. N. D. S&eaeh Photo Studio Portraits and Views 1'iM,,1 rases, ... .. Write for information, ojiin- over Post photo work done at reasonable Office. prices for good work. DICKINSON. N. 1). K. C. PHIPPS. J.E. READ 1 Contractor And builder. Jobbing a-specialty. Build 1 :ng plans and estimates ceerfully fur nished. BEACH, N. D. I U. S. COMMISSIONER THE CITY DRAY R. I. NICHOLS PROP. BEACH. N. D. h. F. HAWN, DEALKK IN Baled Hay and Straw. '011 have hay and straw to bale or to sell BEACH, X. I). LARSEN plan. A BEACH. N. D. BEACH, N. jeweler rate to steady boarders. The best of And Optician. Watches, clocks 'and accoramod_ations. je.velery. Watch repairing a specialtv. Tlios Kranick Concrite Works Soiden Valley jCutnber 2/arct Successors to Beach Mercantile Con dealers in and all kinds of building material. LUMBER celebrated Monarch 100% Pure Paint. If your roof leaks try some of our roof paint, it will stop the leak at once and make your roof last from 3 to 5 years longer. Our prices are right and we solicite your trade.—Yours for business, R. THOMPSON, Prop. A. R. THOMPSON, Mgr. The GOLDEN VALLEY CHRONICLE is a valu able medium for its advertisers for the reason that it reaches 1,CC0 homes every week, and is a representative news vender of the large and thickly populated Golden Valley. It has afield of its own 100 miles in length north and south of the main line of the Northern Pacific R. R. Our Motto JUST TREATMENT TO ALL M. Laughnan Denier in General iHrrchandise Boots and Shoes We are still offering the 25 discount on our blankets and odds and ends in winter goods. More than that we are giving one pound of coffee with every |2 purchase of dry goods and shoes. We carry a good in the three departments, and we are selling at reasonable prices new settlers tell us our prices are the same as in the eastern states solicite a share of your trade on the merits of our motto and anythi may be found otherwise we will gladly make it goal. Call ami Beach, N. D. IJ. Mf *7 prfiti 'rs. of Con crete Building Material Estimates promptly and cheef fully furnished on applicatioa on all concrete building blocks and material. It is as cheap if not cheaper than lumber. We are also dealers in Farm Machinery of all kinds. Our full line of Wagons, Buggies and Carriages, Champion and Milwauee Binders are now on display for your inspection. We keep repairs for same. BEACH NO. DAK. We also handle the "ft* 1 $•* .A! vr* tVMi y* I $1.50 PER YEAR Mi -1* •pSmiM 00S0I taliSl 1 $ •Mi Beach, N. D. a 'if .c -"A Pi ,v ock rhe We .hat 1 .V us.