Newspaper Page Text
"i'f r„« Page Four sf & CONTEST CLOSES NEXT MONDAY, FEB. 16 One of the things that is attracting the most attention just now »is the Cnfonola contest being conducted by the Lee & Rice drug store. The rea son that it is attracting attention is he cause of the fact that it will clofce next Monday night at 10 o'clock and the contestants and their friends are-work ing l»fd to get the prize, which would |,e beautiful and entertaining addi tion to any home. Great Deal of Interest Being shown in Grafan ola Contest Being Conducted By Popular Drug Firm—Prize is a Beauty and Rivalry is Votes are being: recorded ntw at the Lee & Rice store" on almost every purchase, so keen is the rivalry be tween the candidates. No. 64 is still in the lead but some of the other can didate* which have apparently done nothing for a long titne have commenc ed to skew a great deal of activity, No. 188 in particular. This candidate jump* into third place this week from fifth, having cast nearly 70,000 votes the past week. No. 27 has been climb ing steadily and Nos. IC5' and 81 may surprise them all when the contest is over and the votes counted. The store is selling trade books, ^ood for $5.00 in trade, and a great deal of vote-getting from now on will be through the purchasing of these books. A $5.00 book when purchased entitles the purchaser to 25,000 votes -which may be the case for anyone of the several candidates or a new one not in the field. If the book is traded -out before Monday night the purchaser is entitled to 5,000 more votes. The books, however, are good for one year from date of purchase and give the purchaser 25,000 votes at the time of Bowling Tourna ment Is On Two Matches Played and Each Side Win—Married Men's Team Lead on Averages and Total Points. The bowling tournament which was ataHed last Saturday night between the married and single men for the purpose •f selecting a team to play outside tea&ns has proved to be quite an inter esting affair and a very close match. th* married men won the first match .Saturday night, by 194 points, with a teMn average of 153. The single boys made a team average of 140, but their mdn, Gordon, showed up strong, mak ing the highest individual score, 222, which is also the high score of the tournament so far. His average, how ever. was only 159, but this was the M|l. average for his team. On the married men's side A. R. Hoffman the highest individual score and the highest average, 202 and 165, re spectively. Dr. Rice surprised his team mates by coming in second with an average of 162. which is a good show ing considering that this was his first bowling for two years. Monday night more interest was Aown and a good crowd turned out to see the second match. The single men seemed to lose their stage fright, which handicapped them the first eve- pg and started out much better, Gor don. scoring 203 in the first game and the singles winning the first two games, but falling down bad in the last. Gor don again made the high average, notj only of his team but of both teams,' 173, and he was also the only man to: lowl a 200 score, Jacobson coming, -next with 109. It was the married, men's off night and they were defeated fey 10 pins and by a team average of one point, the scftre being 2242 to 2252 and the average being 149 to 150. The married men, however, liave the best of the six games, their total score being 4545 against 4361 and their avearge being 151 against 145. The following is the score of the two matches and a summary of the six games Saturday's Match. Married Men 1st 2nd 3rd To. Ave. Qrinton 130 140 129 399 133 liter 155 169 153 476 159 Thompson ..136 177 132 445 138 purchase whether he trades the book out or not. The "contestants should not overlook this feature, as it gives them a great deal more votes than ordinary purchases. As an illustration, $20 spent for trade books would give the purchaser 100,000 votes and the $20 in 'trade can be taken out anytime within a year.' H. L. Rice, who is managing the congest for the firm, says that every thii)| will be absolutely on the square, pndthat he is going to post a bulletin shoeing the contestants' tsandings and kee£ this revised, whenever any large amount of votes are .cast, right up to the 'time of closing. The Chronicle, predicts that the Lee Ac Rice drug store will be a lively place in town for the next few days—and if you want to see the finish you had bet ter get in early if you want to get within eyeshot of the bulletin board. The standing of the contestants yes terday afternoon was as follows: 64 Mrs. Hugh Egan 787,975 27 Miss Alma Krueger 764,365 188 Mrs. J. J. Greiner 414,460 105 Miss Clara Erickson .377,655 81 Miss Stella Wagner 363,365 14 Eilene Madison 323,495 3 Miss Rita Brault 285,235 I Miss Ruby Pinkham 226,770 4 Miss Angeline Waters. .. 245,1 40 95 Miss (Catherine Uetz 216,195 140 Miss Bess Bridges 210,480 123 Miss Josie Sifert 129,460 98 Mis sAlma Brittner 1 25,480. 188 Mrs. F. E. Whitaker 119,495 40 Mrs. Ed. Gilbert 105,090 Hoffman Rice .202 .184 190 166 Total Single Men Noyes Fulton Jacobsen McCarthy Gordon Total 103 137 Married Men 1 st Brinton Baer Thompson Hoffman Rice 495 517 165 162 .807 842 654 2303 153 1st 2nd 3rd .128 115 136 .122 136 162 .126 138 133 .115 137 184 .103 222 152 379 420 397 436 477 To. Ave. 438 146 .154 14* .159 135 .142 199 .114 147 .203 178 Total 772 801 679 2252 757 2242 748 737 Total Summary Total pins for six games, married men 4545, single men, 4361 team average for six games, married men 151, single men 145. UPPER GOLDEN VALLEY Henry Gasho has been on the sick list the past week with an attack of blood poisoning. Miss Mary Guy visited with Miss Florence Herrick last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Turner re tuned from their visit to Spokane, Wash., last week. They Report a very pleasant visit, but had bad weather most of the time. Wm. Sperry, Jr., and Miss Wells vis ited with the Brunsvold's fast Sunday. A few from here attended a dance at Cleve Brown's home on the river and spent a few days visiting. All re port a fine time. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hubbard ligious opinios into went to Wibaux last week to meet Mrs. Hubbard's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Thompke visited with Mr. and Mrs. John Kammerer Sunday. The Aid meeting at Mrs. P. Gasho's Thursday was well attended, although the weather was very cold. Chimney Sentinel. Fuel-Saver A O A I No matter how hard the wind blows, this device automatically regulates the chimney draft to just the right velocity. This uniformly correct draft makes any fuel burn steadily, evenly and without waste it prevents waste. That means a Saving of 25 on fuel bills (by actual test), a uniform, comfortable temperature in your home, less time and labor spent in fixing the fire. It's simple in design, easy to install, lasts a lifetime. Price from $6.00 up. Get one now. It will mean a big saving of fuel during the windy months of Feb ruary, March and April. Ask for book containing reports of scientific tests made by well knowa beating experts sad University engineers. GEORGE S. CRYSLER HOW BEACH COT IT'S NAME (Continued from first page) pany 6th Infantry. As the track of the N. P. extended west more troops were required for guard duty along the line when the companies of Captains Beach and Choisy died in December of this year. 1 was on an Indian expedition to the Indian Territory and on our return when about forty miles from Griffin, Texas, some dispatches were ordered sent to Griffin. It was late in the aft ernoon when H'e started. Choisy was on the expedition and as one of his children had died duirng his absence he was anxious to go into the post where his wife was. He was furnish ed a horse and given a small number of soldiers and some Indian scouts for guides. 1 was a member of the pary. The orders were to try and make Old Camp Cooper before dark and then make Griffin early next morning. The Indians' families lived on a rest near Griffin and th^y had no notion of remaining at Coop«*r over night. Soon after we started the Indians took up a very fast gait, and just kept in sight of the troops, for Choisy' could not ride, out of a slow. trot. We were 'in an Indian country and it was well known that all the Territory Indians Were off their reservation. Choisy ht came very, nervous, thinking that if the. Indians were once out of sight we would be surely lost. We were just outside of what was known as .the "tim ber line" and this timber the Indians wanted to make before dark. For they knew once they were in sight of the timber, to Griffin the road was plain. To Ave ^"n*t'n8 the bugle for 9 o'clock roll sounded. I asked him: "Do you believe His answer was: "Why did the 126! 140! now" 132! 145 159 .594 748 767 2109 140 Monday's Match. Single Men 1st 2nd 3rd Noyes Fulton Jacobsen McCarthy Gordon 4 When in sight of the timber which was nearly dark one Indian rode back and said "Catch him timber" and away he went at a rapid gait. Choisy asked, "What does he mean by 'Catch him timber' and I told him the trail to Griffin was just inside the edge of the timber and that 1 well know where we were. He had little confidence in me as a guide for we did.not find the road as soon as I expected, and the farther we went into the timber the more he doubted my ability to find the road, and when we did not find it he would not believe that I knew where I was. It was some few miles to Griffin and when wc reached the crossing of the Clear Fork, I asked hiiv if he knew where he was. He replied "no," nor do 1 be lieve you do." While the Worses were Indians leave us?" I told him they were human like ourselves and wanted to see their families, which they would not have done that night had we stop ped at Cooper. After this digression will proceed: The road reached Sentinel Butte by fall and this was the end of the track for the winter. Lieutenant William I English, 17th Infantry, with a small de 1^5 tackivient of troop's were stationed there 122 I to receive and forward such govern I ment supplies as might reach the place. There was established this year a contomnent at Glendive, which was commanded by Captain C. H. Greene and a detachment of his regiment, the 17th Infantry. This contonment was abandoned in the fall of 1882 and the troops came to Lincoln. This year Co. Otis was advised by a young physician at the post that he was suffering from diabetes. Otis was a very large man and a great eater and consumed large quantities of liquids, though not intoxicating. He thought as he had an uncurable disease he bet ter leave the post and prepare for the future. He asked for a sick leave. To secure which the certificate of Post Surgeon Wolverton was necessary. Wolverton did not believe he had the diabetes and thought his symptoms were all the cause of quantities of food and drink taken. Post Chaplain Jack son interceded with Wolverton to get his signature to the certificate on the No.,. D„m«. h, .ponu!,' f"" nearly a year with the Brotherhood ard came back a well man. Oh ye of little faith. JAMES W. FOLEY. PROTESTANTS AND CATHOLICS. (Continued from eighth page) our associations with each other. Jesus, of Nazareth, the greatest Jew who ever lived, bade us "whatsoever ye would that men should do unto you, do ye even like wise unto them. That's a pretty good rule of practice for everybody. Now, 1 wouldn like to have my daily newspaper come into my home bearing an attack upon my religion. 1 wouldn like to have a man come into town and lecture in a public hall and attack the Methodist church. I might say some pretty severe things about that organization myself, but I don't want someone else to do or a Catholic does not enjoy having someone attack their religious organi zations. I prefer living in good-will among my neighbors. Some of the best friends you have are of other regilious faith than yours if that is not true, you are to be pitied for the poverty of your friendships. Some of the most faithful employes of this office are of religious belief as di verse from that of the editor as it is possible to imagine. That difference does not prevent them doing their work well, being loyal, kind and true as steel. Why should they be disturb ed, or their church attacked) Why should we want to stir up medi val bitterness? When all the anxious forebodings indulged in by some folks GOLDEN VALLEY CHRONICLE' are being actually fulfilled, that will be time enough to consider a species of agitation which alienates friends, di vides communities, creates suspicion and makes heartaches. Is it worth while) Is it the method of the Prince of Peace whom all sec tions of Christians worship and whose greatness is admitted by all who do not worship Him) Reckless agitation, false statements, bitter retorts, personal alienations, are not worth while. Let us in Fargo keep our good friends let it be our pride that we are good friends, though of dif feirng creeds, and let us be big enough, broad enough and patriotic enough to work together-for good things, and for the welfare of our city and country without descending to acrimonious re criminations and' attacks upon each other's religious faith. A precious thing for any human be ing is his religious faith. Often it in volves the tender sentiments clustering about infancy and home and parents. When it is attacked or he feels that it is villified he it hurt and wounded. Let each man respect his neighbor's con victions and worhsip. We all see through a veil darkly.. Everyone of us has enough to do to take the beam from his own eye before tackling the mote in his neighbor's eye. The Courier-News will print the news and do it fairly and give everyone a square deal as nearly. as possible, and when it attacks anything or any body. it will be in a good cause.—Fargo Courier-News. PRODUCTION OF PRIZE WHEAT (Continued from first page) field. The straw had just a ting: uf green, and the grains were quite lirm. 1 had sown a bushel to the acre, and the yield was thirty-seven bushels per acre. Made World's Record. It became evident that I could not get a machine very early, so 1 hauled several loads of sheaves to the barn. The remainder was left in the stook or stack. It was the wheat stored in the barns that won at Tulsa, Oklahoma, weighing slightly over seventy-one pounds to the bushel, which 1 under stand is a world's record. The other wheat was threshed late causing a loss of several bushels per acre, and was of a somewhat bleach sample, which, however, would not im pair its value for seed. threshed and sown next year. I shall continue improving my wheat, if this is possible. My system of soil tillage may be dif ferent from that favored by farmers not familiar with our soil, climate, and other condtiions. Were I farming in some other countryf the problems there is singularly richjn these elements which produce good wheat. It is not a question of enriching our soil. My main effort is toward conservation of moisture. In this I try- to follow the Campbell system of soil culture (Camp bell Soil Culture Nebraska). In low, I prefer starting the previous year, by following the binder with a diagnosis of the younger phvsician. I Goldefo 'Valley and State of North Da Th,. Wolverton did OK. £."**?' j* "f to receive a rain, and permit the water the dry earth, stubble, etc., would be turned under all in one mass. This therefore 1 can understand why a Jew which would he an inhospitable hon-.e with statutory attorney fees and the for roots of plants. Water from below the depth of the furrow cannot reach the roots, neither can the roots reach the water. As soon as the moisture in the surface soil is exhausted the plants suffer. Fourth, by covering weed seeds at that time many will commence to grow and freeze during the winter. Those that .do not die or those that fail to grow udring the autum, will grow early the next spring, and are then cared for. Sfi? I am still further improving my wheat by hand selection, according to the rules of the Canadian Seed Grow ers' association. While culling over the small fields above mentioned, I noticed some plants showing a super iority over the other*, the heads were nearly square and filled from end to end with large kernels. I spent three days selecting a sack full of these heads, which W$$j^*shed in a bag to avoid any possifcje mixture. Last spring I sowed this seed in the garden and after the pnf|Us were headed out, I weeded out any heads not true to the type I desired. As soon as the grain was ripe, I selected a sack fullof heads conforming to my ideal. These wiil be land as much humus as I can. In de- stoying the stubble by fire, you do not improve your soil. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE BY ADVERTISEMENT. Notice is hereby given that that cer- ta'n cuted and would demand other methods. Our soil! J*ndre,w" de,ivered company, Lincoln, thereafter and on the 24th day of Sep preparing summer fal- *em.her. A. D. 1913, by an instrument j- j. "lent was thereafter and on the I ItH disc, harrow, discing the stubble as day of February A. D. 1914, at the soon as the grain„is.cut, keeping far hour of 10:45 o'clock A. M. duly fi'#d enough away from the standing groin to permit the large wheel of the binder ,??*£*, !.n r®c,ord A as the straw is removed, the protection t* fcoue and sun and winds soon dry out the surface. Four Reasons. ko? By discing as stated, I gain in var ious ways: First. I break up the capillarity of Ccurt hou .„d '7°'," blanket on the earth* preventing the hat default now exists upon the part evaporation to a large extent. As soon 3*d mortgagor, in this, and that the promissory note for which the said the surface soil to prevent the loss of the County of Golden Valley, and state moisture through evaporation. -North Dakota, at the hour of 2 Second, the soil is in splendid shape °'c,°ck P" M" to enter the soil quickly, and to escape :he saici cate of sale. The premises through evaporation very slowly. described in said mortgage and which Third, by thoroughly mixing stubble will be sold to satisfy the same are «traw etc with the srii 1 I do not recommend burning stubble SALE real estate mortgage, made, exe- by Clarence Shero, Step hen Leahy mortgagees, dated August second. 1913, and filed for record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for Golden Valley County, North Dakota, on the second day of August A. D. 1913, at 10:00 o'clock A. M., and recorded in Book 3 of Mortgpges at page 522 thereof, and which was a88'gnet' to Golden wh'C,h said.'"'f'V in the office of the Register and. f?r the County of i„ Bo.B l.„, 2 was c-ccuud and delivered as security fo rthe payment thereof, and the said mortgage is now past due and. uApaid, and that the said mortgage '•"ill be foreclosed by a sale of the pre mises in such mortgage and hereinafter described, at the frogt door of the se in the City of Coach, in on the ,enth de*c"hed CtC" W'th weeds, roots, the surface of two inches thC Sl1' more' when turned under with the plow w:!! north (138) of Range one hundreu-six produce a fine root bed, whereas, if all west of the fifth principal meridian the this material veer left without disc:n ,'! being in Golden Valley County, as is often the practice on most farn:i, 0th) day of April A. D. 1914, to satisfy the amount due upon such mortgage upon as follows: The Southeast Quarter (SE'/4) of Section one (I) in Township One hundred thirty-eigh-. I re a op the said date of sale th: sum of Eleven hundred ninety Dollars and would cause an open, dry condition, ninety-four cents (1190.94,) together I costs of sale: Dated February 13," 1914. Golden Valley State Bank, a corporation, assignee of Mortgagees. R. M. Andrews, Beach, N. Dak., Atty. for Assignee of Mortgagees. SALESMAN! ATTENTION. Build up a business of your own sell ing groceries to ranchmen, farmers and other consumers. Line up with the house whose goods stand the test ar.d the quality of which guarantees repeat orders. Our oldest customers arc our unless there is too much to disc un- best ones. Special inducements to der. In cases where a large amount of hustlers. Liberal advances on safes, stubble is present and noxious weeds Territory protected. George Meldrum as well. I would certainly resort to & Company, Wholesale Grocers, Chi burning. I desire to put back into the' cago, III., Deptn-F..—*dv-pl3-23. 1. THE CHRONICLE Is read|in nearly every farm home in the Golden Valley, the Farmers* Paper and therefore the best MERCHANTS' MEDIUM. €|lf you are not a Chronicle reader you are missing something worth while if you are not advertising in the Chronicle you are losing business. €|Be wise, read and advertise, in BEACH'S LEADING NEWSPAPER. Would You like This Beautiful Grafanola Asa Present The Chronicle is Free to Someone This Given Away 9C*« FRIDAY, FEB. 13, 1914 #isfey Untri f'.L We shall POSITIVELY give it to some one of our customers. Come to our store and hear this splendid instrument and we will tell you all about our plan of giving it away .o: :o: LEE&RICE Druggists, Beach, N. D. '9\ &s /. v. A