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All Home Print Farmer Friends: On November third an im portant question is to be settled for all time I The question of whether or not it is good policy to remove our county seat from the city of Beach to the Village of Sentinel Butte. J. M. Still Writes on County Feeling that the mutual inter ests of the farmers of Golden Val ley county is the essential point for our consideration and, in or der to arrive at a just decision as to the proper place for our county seat, we must weigh the proposi tion from a farmer's standpoint rather than from the standpoint of which we may personally wish to benefit the City of Beach or the village of Sentinel Butte. Our hope is that each of them may prow to be a srreat city, and we should endeavor not to estab lish a feeling of prejudice against either place in arriving at a final conclusion. Such a feeling might "benefit us in securing votes and perhaps influence many to vote against our mutual interests as "brother farmers of the Golden Valley, but would it not be an injustice to our glorious Golden Valley to locate our county seat under such conditions? If every farmer in our county weighs the county seat proposi tion carefully, considering both 'the present and future welfare of 'our mutual interests as framers, 'considering the question form a proper viewpoint such as which is the most convenient place, con sidering the peculiar shape of the county, the natural la^ of the land also the natural trend of the road leading to the place where "we wish to conduct our business, not allowing personal desire of giving benefit to either town, if Lased on prejudice or selfish in terests, influence us- Then, and then only will the county seat of Golden Valley county be located properly with regard to the mu tual interest of the farmer- Each should take a personal interest in the proper location of our coun ty seat, such location to be where it will, serve the mutual interests of all. To assist in arriving at a con-1 elusion that you will never regret let me invite you to a few mo ments study, and let your un biased conclusion be final, re gardless of whether you may! agree with me or not, Then we: will each vote right. Follow the lines of your county from north to south consider the general conditions thus far you, will agree with me that the coun ty seat should be located some-! where along the lines of the Nor thern Pacific railway, but just at what point is for us to de cide. We wish to build around our county seat, a modern city, therefore—as we must look into the future—we must consider a location where other railroads may cross from north to south, a location to which the county roads from a greater portion of the county naturally lead con sidering the lay of the land as a basis of where the most people are living, and will be in the fu ture, therefore giving opportunity for new towns in the agricultural communities to be conveniently located with regard to the cen tral place where our court house should be. Select the ideal, spot for a city good drainage, not too low or flat, neither too rough nor hilly now begin at the east side of our county and continue west, you naturally stop at the first level spot which might be large en ough for your city, and notice, it is about half way or what you might term the geographical cen ter. Do vou find f»wnrpble cm ditions for a city? Do the roads naturally lead from the four cor ners of your county to this place? If not. why not. Are the most productive agricultural portions of your county contiguous to th's place? Will anything prevent the majority of the people of your county from making it their trad ing place to an extent sufficient to furnish the business necessary to build your city? Could a rail road traverse y.our county from north to south at this point and thus make your city easily acces sible by the majority of the in habitants of your county? Should we not pass further on to consider a place that may be better 1 ocated to serve our mu tual interest as farmers? As matter of fact, does it not pear to vou that some ten while a ap- years uuit some ten years! many predicted and 'S* believed this would never be an rgriculturai center, someone saw the future of this country at a distance, po'\- h]v had vision of a little countv blessed with beau tiful homes, determined to build a modern city and with great r.are selected th® ideal spot, a boauti-! fid place for a modern city, such ns Beach in the heart of the Gol den Valley with its rich, produc-1 tive soil. Was it not planned just I as a mother would plan the future I of her shild? Did not the vision of Mrs. L. W. Richards,the moth-1 er of Beach, in a short space of time come true? Will you drive the prodigal son from the home and place the inscription "Un welcome" where "Welcome" has been for so long? Don't do it. Vote for our mutual interests as farmers. In behalf of the home steaders of Saddle Butte Town ship, I ask it. Respectfully yours, J- M- STILL. We have casually ob served a cartoon in the Sentinel Butte "Funny graph" and upon calling it to the attention of our cartoonist, he states: "It is unnecessary to picture Sentinel Butte as a San tanic character or any of it's citizens as living in a place which is close to the gate of Hades, for the voters are fully aware of these facts. What we want to picture is the truth as it really ex:sts and the facts as they really are. We shall and will not use any exaggerated and fic ticious characters to pre judice the minds of the voters but we shall illus trate the conditions as we see them so that he can vote intelligently on the question with malice to ward none." •Y- Publicity Committee. I 2% Day Ai Dickiii: O crowded than at the time of the Buffalo Bill show, when so many thousand people were in the city for the attraction. The flights of the aeroplane, with out doubt, interested a great er number of people than did the ball game. Even durnig the game the playing was stopped for a few minutes so that all might1' gaze heavenward at the bird man cor as he flew overhead. Both flights one during the game and one soon after, were very good and everyone was greatly pleased with the demonstration. It clt |.rly Jnng before there was any in length, and at times the oper-1 ator reached a height of from 1,500 feet to 2,00 feet above thej Dr. S. E. Long, who will conduct revival meeting at the U. B. Church beginning October 28, accompanied by professional singer. Saturday, October 31, Will Be County Seat Day in BEACH Free Shows During Afternoon and Evening—Free Dinner Served During the Day—Band Will Furnish Music All Day and Evening—Speakers Will Address You on the County Seat Question Be on Hand Oolden lPalle$ Chronicle A Newspaper that Causes Comment in a Town that is Talked A' OLUME 10 PUBLISHED AT BEACH, GOLDEN VALLEY COUNTY, NORTH DAKOTA, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1914 NUMBER 50 Beach's new :ultural Hiirh School ow under conslruc Shortly after 1 I players of both te I at th^ ball park for lore l~-' Dickinson saw the largest •rowd that has ever a re in a die city on any occasion on 1 i/es- J'ans hy a^scorc tf t( day. 1 he streets were far more '.ik* 'B est crowd that ever witnessed a ball game here, the All Nationals met their second defeat of their 1 ve Over 2,000 people were in the ball park and there were more people on the outside. The ground was black with men,wom en and children on the open space east of the park where the air ship was located and the rail road track was also lined with people, probably a grand total ... during my intercourse with my of at least 5,000 in and about! .. ,, farmer mends that they are tak the ball grounds. Liood judges, .. mg the faction"! right at Beach have placed the number ot auto- .. ... more seriously than they should mobiles in commission on ac count of the festivities at 500 to 600. baseba.l lollowers of 1 1 1 11 lollowers this section of the cn nitvy lu:d an opportunity to see gathered such stars in two teams us were seen on Tuesday at Dickinson. Communication It is with no intle reluctance that 1 come before you at this time, but it has been brought to my attention from time to time and it is my intention in this comj I m,unication to give to you a few reasons why the personal fight at showed how these machines tion or factional fight in Beach the air can be used to such good j^y interests have been such advantage in time of war- Each bight was at least twenty minutes! Beach should not delude the farmers in voting against their own personal interests far-1 ,iiii neta^iioiooioboooooooo I have been a citizen and tax payer of Golden Valley county the ]aRt eJeven years ertheless wjt^ t£e stcry fight from the ground- Mr. Bell's engine has pUrpjse to extol myself in 80 horse power and moved the machine easily. Each time the aviator circled over the city sev eral times, always in sight of the crowds. -t v** .P#* cck the appeared r\out be t'i '.j larrr-i tj 1 iUu and dur ing that time mv business ha3 1 -een such that 1 have obtained v/jje acquaintance throughout COunty and state- I was here am ,3sen- independent of any tj,at (his matter, but my purpose in stating these personal matters is simply from the standpoint of a voter and taxpayer- But, how ever, that rn^v be, the voters and taxpayers at this time should not under any consideration and in tion the factional fight at Beach? .j 1 i' ii c!. ii .1 L.ish J.? r»f il« \]1 Ameri- tin ~j I. Never a fee Ni T.T, 06 Ui among the ccrp r.f c'.is -d artists selected for the 1 he Girl and the Stampede." stands the talented yonnio author and actor Mr. Victor Lambwt. wiio has in past years contributed much toward making successful, several of the theatrical pro ductions of note. He portrays the type of the rue western manly man, in a manner that is life like and soul stirring. The author has surrounded himself with a company of artists fully capable of handling their re«pective parts in keeping with all of Mr. Lambert's productions. "The Girl and the Stamnede" will be offered at the Beach Opera House next Monday, Oct. 26th with the scenic equipment and complete production, the same as seen in New York, Chi cago and all the larger cities. Beito Buys the Belfield Studio Deal Consummated Last Week— Will take Possession and De- vote Entire Time to After November 1- I am well acquainted purchased the Belfield studio of beginning. It is not of this factional photographer Johnson of this citV- anv event let the Beach factional work as well a copying and fight delude them into voting atainst their own personal inter-) Mr. Beito is a practical photo ests. Why should the voters and graper, having operated photo taxpayers vote against Beach if ^aph galleries before coming to they do not take into considera-| Studio Saturday last week. Peter E. Beito,who, for some time has been controversy but nev-| employed at the Chronicle office Mr. Beito has severed his con nection with the Chronicle to take effect the first of the month and will devote his time to taking pic tures in the future. He will keep the studio open on Friday and Saturday of each week and will be equipped for all kinds of port- en a rgl Beach- 1 LQO£ QUT FOR Think of another reason wnv you should vote for Sentinel Butte. Shorlty before election, too factional short a time to head them off. roorbacks of one kind or another if you eliminate Beach fight. Of couse it has been estimated by som): of my good farmer friends that they have been crafted upon by certain Beach business and professional men, but I am inclined to the opinion that this has been grossly exag gerated. Mankind is naturally suspicious and we often conclude that we get the worst of it. That is no reason at all why the voters ,-nd taxpayers should vote against their own personal interests. In concluding, it is mv opinion rs a taxpavcr outside of Beach 'hat Beach is the losri^al place for' election night in the county seat. I feel confident building on the corner 'hot the taxpayers of Golden Val W county, after giving th's matter personal cors deration, »h:nk as the writer does, that interests, as well as mine, re ovire the retainment of the coun ty seat at ts nresent locatio„n. I am- vours truly JOHN W. McNIECE. ROORBACKS are likely to be started, emanat ing from men of different politi cal persuasions, and these roor backs will be designed to mis lead or stampede the voters- The people should not permit this. There has been plenty of time to get facts before the people, and anything sprung shortly before election should be looked on with suspicion. The people should not cor.scnt to be misled. Don't forget about the dinner and lunch which will be held on ht in the Dickinson by the Ladies of the Lutheran church. Dinner will be served from 5 to 8 and lunch from 8 to midnight- A vote for Halvor L. Halvor son for Congress, is a vote for an honest, peace loving president who wants Congress to back up his administration Adv- Hfcto^ The much heralded and wide ly known dramatic success "The Virginian" will be ceen at the a O a O 3 1 The dramatization of Owen Wa ter's gripping story of the west, is a construction of more than the usual novel play, Messrs, Jones and Crane its producers have given it a wonderful and lavish scenic equipment, that combined with thrilling situations, romatic atmosphere, bright comedy and sparkling wit, with which the play teems, makes this attraction one of the theatrical events of the season- A carefully chosen com pany of players will enact the many different and unique char acters of our own west that has forever gone with the advance of civilization and progress- Suffrage Notes Do women want to vote? The North Dakota Federation of Women's Clubs endorsed Equal Suffrage by a vote of 123 to 26. Yet the antis say the majority of Socl€ltig[it To Whom It May Concern: We. the undesigned, do hereby certify that we called on the county judge on October 23, 1914, and asked for recoids in the estates of Grant and Keen that the said couaty judge, M. H. Jefferson, was not in his of fice that we were shown the following records and viewed them viz: Book No. 1 Executor's Record of Golden Valley County, Book No. 1 Will Record of Gol den Valley and Book No. 1 Court Orders of Golden Valley, same being shown us by Harry Halstead, de puty county auditor, and same being taken from the county vault in the Beach State building that above mentioned recoids were not posted and were in the same condition as received from the printers that later we called at the county judge's office and that Mr. JefierGon, the county jiu!r(e came in and when asked to show the records in the above estates, he answered in these exact words: "1 will tliow you them records when 1 gi?.! Cj—d Good ana re'adv." Vc fiu'.her testify that we was ordered out of the ofi-ce by .suit! M. 11. Jefrevson that later we returned and a rani made demaud for county judge records for inspection and that said county judf.'e left lha ofhee and did not el it in and later anoih. parly to his office io imovm us thai we could not see the records that day further thai il was about 3:30 p. in. when we first call ed and that it was 5 00 p. m. when we were informed that we coi!Id not see the books. Sipned this 23rd day of October, 1914. JOHN H. HA1GH, M- K. BOWEN The "Virginian" Coining Aug. 31 Pages J. W. BRINTON. J. A. HAIGH, LEWIS F. CRAWFORD, On this 23rd day of October in the year 1914, per sonally appeared before me John H. Haigh, M. K. Bowen, J.. A. Haigh, Lewis F. Crawford and J. W. Br in ton. who personally subscribed the above in my presence knowing the contents of the same, and ac knowledged the same as their own free act and deed. Barney T. Piesik, Notary Public. North Dakota* My commission expires Nov. 12, 1916. women do not want to vote. Is work for woman's full bal lot a "side issue" in temperance reforms? Answer—Do the brew ers so regard it? Thousands of men and women in Montana have heard the suff rage speakers, and not only one meeting did a man speak disre spectfully to them. Immediately a "real man" standing nearby look the interrupter quietly to one side and cuffed his ears! Mayor J. W. Brinton Will speak at the following places, on the dates below in Golden Valley County. A young woman of property, who has always sccffed at suff rage, basing her opposition on a general ignorance of its basic ar guments, has found out to her amazement and consequent dis gust that the will she carefully ex ecuted a year ago, according to the statute of wills of New York State, will be revoked upon her marriage. This little slap at her pocket book makes her look with a wary eye upon men's dealings with womankind, and she shows a tendency to wabble toward the feminist camp. Now is the time for some anti to save her from contamination and remind her that it is only natural for man to look out for the shekels, as it has been his principal occupation since the flood- It is gems of thought like these that make women believe that whatever is is right- Alpha Hall, Monday Night, October 26th Buelsdale School, Tuesday Night, Oct. 27th Beach Opera House, Wed. Night, Cct. 28th Bullion Hal!, Thursday Night, October 29th Sentinel Butte, Friday Night, October 30th Don't fail to hear the "babbling cheerful young ioiot," as his enemies are pleased to call him he has a ineGsarre to deliver and will kick it out from the should er, without fear or favor he will defend his position as editor of the Chronicle and reply to the slanderous at tacks made on him by his enemies, giving information and facts that will interest you. Come out and hear him and tell your friends and nnic-hbers to be there. Remember the places and dates.