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9 V- FRIDAY, OCTOBER, 30. 1914 .V*V. "V- "\:.. v.-- "V.' The Locke Theatrical Enterprices Present 'The SAP HEAD" A new play by Will H. Locke Special Scenery Excellent Specialiis A Strong Plot Singing and Dancing A Play Full of the Joy of living LAUGHTER, PATHOS, HUMOR, SENTIMENT Reserved Seats on sale at Stensrud Drug Store. Prices 25-50-75-$!.00 This Attraction Guaranteed to please you or refund your money. OPERA HOUSE WAU A One Night, Wed. 1 The North Dakota Pure Food Laws are Very cm The standard set by the pure food officials for baking powder is very high. And It Should Be Dealers and consumers are entitled to the fullest protection against poisonous and harmful substances in their foods, and against fraud, deceit and misrepresentation in their sale. The wise manufacturer is getting in line with the Pure Food Laws Xnot righting them) and co-operating with the Pure Food Officials to make his product better, purer and free from all taint of misrepresentation in its sale. KC BakkgPowder -»J W i.^1 all Pure Food Laws, and its manufacturer has never fought them. It does not contain any albumen (sometimes called white of egg) an ingredient discredited everywhere— and we have never used the fraudulent ""water glass test" Just a can of pure, legal bak ing powder, guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction. (Morn than a pound end a half for a quarter) At all grocers. Jaques Mfg. Company, Chicago *r N O E E BEACH MARKET REPORT No- 1 Northern 1.00 No. 2 Northern .97 No. 3 Northern 93 No. 1 Flax 1.12 No. 2 Flax 1.04 No. 3 Flax 1.03 Oats 35 Rye 72 Barley 41 Tales of the Town GIRL WANTED to do gener al housework. Inquire of Mrs. H. Lee. 1 Mr. and Mrs. K. P. Hetzler returned from the twin cities on Thursday evening Oct. 23 where they spent a few days of their honeymoon. Tehy were recently married at Lake Park Minn., at the home of the bride. On Saturday evening, Oct. 24 Mr. and Mrs- K- P. Hetzler were given a rousing reception at the Skaar hall, by a laige number of friends and neighbors who gath ered to welcome home the new bride and groom. Fully two hundred guests were present and Mr. and Mrs. Hetzler were C. J. STRUM Socialist Candidate for COUNTY TREASURER Golden Valley County Subject to the Will of the Voters Nov. 3, 1914 GOLDEN 14 miles west of Newlon, on the main line of the Great Northern Railway now under construction. 1 st and special service on day of sale from Glendive at 7 A. M. I FOR SALE at a bargain two six room houses, one three room house, four nice resident lots. In-! the voters desire to quire of P. H. Lee. We are opening up an up to date studio in the Dickinson building on the corner and will be ready for business Nov. 1 st. I We solicit a share of your patron age.—Welsh. Photographer. I desire to contradict certain campaign statements: During the school year ending June 30. 19]A I I visited each school within Gol den Valley county, as I do each year, also, that I have appointed :r.o deputy in Golden Valey coun ty, although the law gives this of fice a deputy at a stated salary- I estimate that I save the county, I each year, in this respect, at least $1 200.00. Joseph A. Kitchen. Co- Supt- of Schools. VALLEY CHRONIC Choice business and resident lots will be auctioned on that day—low prices and reasonable terms. Inquire of D. J. HULL, JORDAN HOTEL, Glendive, Mont. presented with a purse of $48.75 as a token of esteem and congrat ulations. ^#•#1 50-51 [services, the same careful con sideration given in the past will ma LE IN Joseph A. Kitchen for SuPt. of Schools Having received the highest nummber of votes at the June Primaries. I desire to thank the voters for their support and trust I shall receive the same consider ation at the Gener|l Election. During my tenure in office 1 have given equal rights to all, adjudi cated all school matters strictly according to the terms of school laws. During my office tenure every case instituted to uphold school laws has been won and no official opinion lia3 ever been re versed or even modified. Should retain my Sunday Nov. 8, service with communion at 11:30 a. m. and evening service at 7:30. Friday Nov. 6 Ladies Aid at Mrs. Ramstad's. J. Theo. Bursett, Pastor. METKODfST CHURCH Dr. J. G. Morrison, of Dickin son will be with us Sunday, Nov. 1, and will prnach at both fervi'"^ as we are planning to make this a great day for the new confer ence yer.r and all members and friends of the church to attend Dr. Danford will be with us Sun- dav the evening was spent in dancing' both services.^ All come. and a bounteous supper was ser ved at midnight. 7 Joseph Kitchen- NOTICE OF TEACHER'S EX AMINATION Notice is hcrebby given that the quarterly 1 eachers' Lxamina tion will be held in the Court House at Beach on 1 hursday and Friday, November 12, 13, 1914. beginning Thursday morning at 8:15 o'clock. Applicants for teachers' Certificates are supplied by the county with paper, ink, pens, etc. Joseph A. Kitchen, Co- Supt- of Schools. THE LUTHERAN CHURCH Sunday, Nov. 1, evening ser vice at 7:30. Nov- 8 th, and will preach at F. W. Gress, P. C. NOTICE OF CHATTEL MORTGAGE SALE Notice is hereby given, that default has been made in the conditions of that certain Chattel Mortgage, dated the 8th day of November, A. D. 1913, made, executed and delivered by P. J. Hammerel and Nellie Hammerel, mort gagor^, to A. \1. Dillivan, Mortgagee, to secure the 'payment of Eight Hun dred Seventy-nine and 62-100 ($879.. 62) dollars, and interest according to the terms of one certain promissory note, dated on that day and due on or before October I, 1914, and which said Mortgage was duly filed of record in the office of the Register of Deeds of Golden Valley county, North Dakota, on the 10th dav of November, 1913, in I book "1" of Chattel Mortgages, at page 56: that the nature or said de fault consist:.1 of the failure of said Mortgagors to pay said note and in terest when due and that there ia due at the date of this notice, the sum of $982.22 dollars, besides costs and dis bursements including legal attorney's fees and that said mortgage will by virtue of the Power of Sale therein contained be foreclosed by a sale of the personal property therein men tioned, at the front door of the Court House at Beach, in Golden Valley county. North Dakota, on the 7th day of November, 1914, at the hour of 2:30 o'clock in the afternoon of said day, and that the personal property so mentioned and which will be sold to satisfy the same is as follow#, to-wit: One light roan gelding, 4 years old, branded N O on right shoulder one dark roan gelding, 4 years old, brand ed N O on right shoulder one bay gelding, about 8 years old, branded N O on right shoulder one black mare, about 5 years old, brander on right shoulder named Ted one bay mare, about 13 years old, named Cur ley. weight 1400 lbs one sorrel geld ing about 12 years old, weight 1400 named Fletcher one set Concord harness one set of plow harnes"": one set of low hame harness one Mandt wagon complete with Rock Island box nre Victor 10 ft. single disc drill near ly new one P. & O. 8 ft. disc one Independent gan plow one 5 section wood drag, also all crops of every name and description which have been or n.*3y be sown, grown and planted, cultivated or harvested during the year 1914 on the following described real estate: North West Quarter (NW'/J) of section ten (10,) and southeast quar ter (SE'4) of section four (4), all in township one hundred thirty-seven (137), ran"?e one hundred five fl05). Golden Valley County, North Dakota. Dated at Beach, North Dakota, this 30th day of October, 1914. A. M. DILLIVAN. Mortagee. Clement L. Waldron, Attorney for Mortagee, Office and Postoffice ad dress, Beach, North Dakota. 51-56 NOTICE OF CHATTEL MORTGAGE SALE Notice is hereby given, that default bus been made in the terms of that certain Chattel Mortgage, dated the 23th day of March, 1914, made ex ecuted and delivered by Peter J. Ham merel, Mortagor to A. M. Dillivan, Mortagee, to secure the payment of two hundred forty ($240.00) dollars, and interest according to the terms of one certain promissory note, dated on that day and due on or before Oct. I. 1914, and which said Mortgage was duly filed of record in the office of the Register of deeds of Golden Vallev ccunty. North Dakota, on the 25th »y of March, 1914, in book "1" of Chattel Mortgaged, at page 58 that the nature of said default consists of the failure of said mortagor to pay said note and interest when due and that there is due thereon at the date of this notice, the sum' $257.00. besides costs and disbursement* including at torney's fees and that said mortgage will by virtue of the Power of Sale therein contained be foreclosed by a sale of the personal property therein mentioned, at the front door of the Court House at Beach in Golden Val ley county. North Dakota, on the 7th day of November, A. D. 1914, at the nour of 2:00 o'clock in the afternoon of said day and that the personal property so mortgaged and which will be sold to satisfy the same is as fol lows, to wit: One black or brown gelding, blazed face, weight'pbout I 300 lbs, ace about 12 vears, called Sherney, One bay gelding, age about 12 years, weight about 1300 lbs. called Bogus. Dated at Peach, North Dakota, this 30th dav of October, 1914. A. M. DILLIVAN, Mortgagee- Clement L. Waldron, Attorney for Mortagee. Office and Postoffice ad dress, Beach, North Dakota. 51-56 $325 note to trade for P. E. Beito, Beach, N. D. 19 14 FORMER SAN FRANCISCO auto. MAN IN SHERIFF RACE S. A. SMITH S. A. Smith, formerly a very popular resident and owner of a blacksmithing busi ness in this city, is now a resident of Beach, North Dakota, where he is a candidate for lVlr. Smith has a host of friends in this city who wish him every success and if wishes could bring results, he will sur ly be elected.—San Francisco Daily News- Pare Train service by Nov. IF Ivory Soap sold for 25 cents per cake, a great many people would consider it the finest toilet soap in the wo'kl. Because it sells for 5 cents some think it is merely laundry soap. The fact is, Ivory Soap could not be be made bet ter for toilet purposes if it sold for $10 per cake. It contains the finest materials th* can be bought. It is made perfectly so that there is no free alkali or free oil in the finished product. It is mild. It is white. It is pure. It floats. It lathers freely and rinses easily. IVORY SOAP 99&5H PURE Think of the accomodations in Beach. There are 147 rooms exclusive of those already rented and rooms in private homes that can be obtained. Sentinel Butte has 16 rooms. Do you want to sleep on a pool table. On the floor and hand on a hook over night? Think it over.