Newspaper Page Text
Pafre Six *r JC $r. &' 4. I United Stales Senator l"i V' & S §?•. i, 1-7 ut li ik 1 ?fV «r Representative in Congress 3rd dist. Governor Lieutenant Governor Secretary of State State Auditor State Treasurer Attorney General Commissioner of Insurance Commissioner of Agriculture and Labor Commissioner of Railroads Members House Representatives 39th District Sheriff CoMty Auditor County Treasurer $ Clerk of Court *L r,- Register Deeds .. State'* Attorney & County Judge County Surveyor Coroner Si Commissioner First District Commissioner Seieond District Commissioner Third District Assessor 1st Ditrict r I' Assessor 2nd District Assessor 3rd District Assessor 4th District Assessor 5th District Justices of the Peace •si 0 &'1 Constable 1 PROPOSED AMENDMENTSTO THE CONSTITUTION. Ths following proponed amendments to the Constitution of the State of North Da kota, having pnnnel tile Twelfth and Thir teenth Legislative Assemblies, will 1 sub mitted to the doctors of the State of North Dako'.n at the -mril election to V° held November .'M. It'll, for Mpiiroval or jectlon. THOMAS HAIJ.. NAME OF OFFICE REPUBLICAN PARTY Sccrctai'}" of State. PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE STATE CONSTITUTION. Chap. 93 (8. 15. \n. lessen) 1911 Chap. 101 (S. is. v,,. Mvcrsou) 1013 S«*ssii.n l.:i\v*i. fnovini\ !*"OS5 IIII: IXITIATIVK AM) II AS TO io\. To nmon Pre. an of Article II of the i. to jtrovuli' for the enact ment or RRIR«I oi IUV«N or pnrtn OF lulYK (!i.k «MMi»!e by mean* of vote taken at the |O1!M, lua? to iHo tbiiN renerv- PEOPLE it |»nrt of the power* •low wt iiiNtvH to the legiiv* lotI!re, FV or rejeet IIHVN. A ro\( T-mtiAT i::-:sni,rTioN for an ainciiilnieiil II itntion prnvid tur the illiti::t ivt- nii'l n-fi-renilmii. Be it lii-sf-lvi-'l by ti,,. Srn.-ite «f the Ktiito ol Norili I«a li..i :t. I he 1 louse of Hentat iri'.s «••!!«•-.:! i-injr 'I hat the fclhnviiii: :i :i•• 11''ni• 1 to the Constitut inn of the State of N( -th |t:iknt:i. adopted b.v the Tweirs'i l.e-islni,e \s •emlil.v of the state or No-tli liakota and or It referretl to the Tlih-i.'ciiili l.e^isla tlve Assembly of said slate lor appdval or rnjeciiou. is hereby agreed to a rl s:ieh •inondineiit shall be s.i'.initt.-d to the nnnl Ifiod electors of the state at the m:: ^'eii «ral election for a]• |r.vr-1 or relectimi In 'dance with the pio.isioiK of section tl1- ,°f the cons'.itiilluii of the state of North Dakota. AMi:.M».M.|:.\T. I Section '.1~I of article 'he constitution of the state of North Dakota is hereby aincii'leil to read as fol .lows: Section 25. The legislative anthoritr of •the state of North llakota shall be vested In a legislative assembly consisting of a •senate and house of representatives, lint the people reserve to themselves power to propose laws and to enact or reject the same at the polls, tmlcpcmlciit of the leg- Islntivc assembly, iiml jtiso r)»sci'v» power, At their own option, to .'ipprovc or reject Qt the pollw, any net. Uetu, section or pnrt of any net OR MEASURE |HIKMM| by the legislative assembly. The first power re served by the people is the initiative, or the power to pn.pnse measures for en actment into laws. and at least ten per 'Cent of tlle !ejral voters to be seeurc*il in 41 majority of the eounties of this state •'Shall lie required to propose any measure Itiy Initiative petition, and every such pe tition fthnll lurhxic tlie full test of the iu»^flure so proposed. Initiative petitions •hall he tiled with the secretary of state not less than thirty days before any rojru lar session of the legislative asseniblv: he aball transmit the sainto the legislative assembly as soon as It convenes. Such Initiative measure shall take prccoilencc over all other measures in the legislative assembly except appropriation bills, ami •hall lie either enactor or rejected with out change or amendment l»y the legisla tive assembly within forty days. If any •uch Inltlativa measure shall lie enactM] by the legislative asseniblv It shall be •uliject to refereiidttin petition, or it may be referred l»y the legislative assembly tc the people for approval or re.iei-tlon. I! It Is rejected or no action is tal:-n upci It liy the legislative assembly w.thin s.-'i forty days, the s'erctary of state shM submit It to the people for approval oi rejection nt the next ensiling riiril.-u genera I election. The li-jlslat ive awm bly may reject any measure so propose by Initiative petition and propose a dif feremt one to accomplish the s-.-ne |mr pose, and In any such event both nieas ures shall be snbtnltted by the sei-rctary of state to the people for approval or re ject Ion at the next ensiling regular elec tion. If conflicting meastires submitted to the people at llie next ensuing elec tion shall lie approved by a majority of the votes severally cast for an I against the same, the one receiving the highest number of aflirmative votes shall thereby become valid, aud the other shall there by be rejected. The second power is the referendum, or the power to order any net. Item, or part of any act to lie referred to tbe people for their approval or rejec tion at tha polls, and It may be ordered except aa to laws necessary for the Im mediate preservation of the public peace, %«alth er safety), as to any measure er any parts, Items or sections et any mcas nutwL hz. tbft- legl«l«flrs •jiwivujyy-" -.a Dated at Beach, N. D., this 8th day of October, 1914. ASLE J. GRONNA P. D. NORTON L. B. HANNA JOHN H. FRA1NE THOMAS HALL CARL O. JORGENSON JOHN STEEN HENRY J. LINDE WALTER C. TAYLOR ROBERT F. FLINT O. P. N. ANDERSON W. H. MANN W. H. STUTSMAN ROBERT J. LIST JOHN ODLAND GEORGE McCLELLAM \:. J. PATRICK G. W. LINDSEY A. E. SWAN T. N. ROBLE J. W. PAGE C. L. WALDRON TOM L. SMITH RALPH McKEOWN R. W. STOUGH R. LEWIS ODLAND GUY LEE L. E. CURL L. R. HARMON C. R. HUBBARD F. E. HEATH J. P. REEVE CHAS. DOUBLES HOWARD ECSAN either n.v a petition sfgnecT fiy ten per rent of the legal voters of the state from a majority of the counties, or liy the leg islative assembly. If a majority of the members elect vote therefor. When It Is necessary for the Immediate preservation of the public peace, health or safety that a law shall become effective without de lay, such necessity and the facts creating the same shall be stated In one section of the bill, and if upon aye and no rote In each bouse two-tlilrds of all the mem bers elected to each house shall vote on a separate roll call In favor of the said law going into instant operation for the Im mediate preservation of the public peace, health or safety, such law shall become operative upon approval by the governor. The tiling of a referendum petition Rita Inst one or more items, sections or parts of an act shall not delay the re mainder of that act front becoming op erative. licfcicndnm petitions against, measures passed by the legislative assem bly shall be filed with the secretary of state not more than ninety davs afler the tinal adjournment of the session of the legislative assembly which passed the measure oti which the referendum is de manded. The veto p/rwer of the governor shall not extend to uieaSuTTS referred to the people. All elections on measures referred to the people of the state Shall be had at biennial regular elections, ex cept as provision may be made by law for a special election or elections. Anv meas ure referred to the people shall take ef fect when It Is approved by a majority of the votes east thereon and not other wise*. a ml shall be in force from the date of the otlielal declaration of the vote. The enacting clause 'of nil tile initia tive bills shall lie. "15e It enacted bv the people of the state of North Dakota." This section shall not be construed to deprive any member of the legislative as sembly of the right to introduce any meas ure. The whole niimhc.r of voles cast for secretary of state at the regular election last preceding the tiling of anv petition for the initiative or for the referendum shall be the basis ou which the number of legal voters necessary to sign such pe tition shall be counted. Petitions nnd orders for (be initiative and for the referendum shall be filed with the secretary of state, and in submitting the same to the people he and all other of ficers shall be guided by tile general laws and the net submitting this amendment until legislation shall lie specially pro vided therefor. This- amendment shalT be self executing, but legislation may lie enacted to facili tate Its operation. PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE STATE CONSTITUTION. Chap. 8!) (8. It. inn—OlbhiMtB) 11111 Ses sion Chap. 98 (S. B. 73- (Jibbens) JIU3 Session Laws. PROVIDING KOIl 'run IMTf \TIVE AS TO THK COXSTITL'TIOS. amend Sec. 2«2 of Article XV of the Constitution |»ermltlnB Amendment a to tbe Constitution to lit) r-rononed by tbe people nnd requlrlnx Itnt they be arutwitted to tbe people a the next jreneral election, thits CIIVICIIDK DEMOCRATIC PARTY W. E. PURCELL HALVOR L. HALVORSON FRANK OSCAR HELLSTROM JAMES E. HALL W. J. ANDERSON FRANK SHANLEY MARTHINUS F. HEGGE SCOTT CAMERON CHARLES S. WHITTLESEY E. A. LILLI£RIDGE OSCAR GREENLAND SAM A. HALL WM. LOUGHLAND JOHV J. MADIS0N M. c. MCCARTHY THEO. SCHWEITZER GEO. CHRISTENSEN NONE M. H. JEFFERSON FRANK J. FITZGERALD ROY McCASKEY R. E. WALKER J. K. GUTHRIE A. J. O'KEEFE CLARK WALTERS WM. ROSENBERG A. M. STODDARD CHAS. BRETTIN ASA SLOCUMB CHAS. SLOCUMB as HToress— an—i p-r.-.urn amendment or amendments shall be agreed to liy a ma jority of all members elected to each house, then It shall lie the duty of the legislative assembly to submit s'nch pro posed amendment or amendments to the people in such manner and at such times as the legislative assemlily shall provide and If the people shall approve and ratify such amendment or amendments by a ma jority of the "electors itnalltled to vote for memkers of the legislative assembly vot ing thereon, such amendment or amend ments shall become a part of the consti tution of this state. If fwo or more amendments shall he submitted nt the same time, they shall be submitted in such manner that the electors shall vote for or euc the power, now held esrluxlvely by the leartalature, of proposing Amendments to the Conhtltutlon. A CONCURRENT ItKSOLUTION amend ing the Constitution of the State of North Dakota, providing for ttte future amendineut thereof. Be It Resolved by tbe Senate off the State of North Dakota, the House of Repre sentatives concurring: Section 1. That the following proposed amendment to section 202 of article 15 of the constitution of the state of North Da kota. adopted by the Twelfth Legislative As sembly of the state of North Dakota and by It referred to the Thirteenth Legisla tive Assembly of tbe said state for ap proval or rejection, is hereby agreed to and such amendment shall be submitted to »'.ie iiualiQcd electors of the state at the ^•neral election for approval «r rejection HI accordance with tlie provisions of sec tion 202 of the constitution of the state of North Dakota. A1IKNDM i: NT. Article 15. section 202. of the constitution of the state of North Dakota is amended so- as to read as follows: Section 202. This constitution may be amended so aa to read as follows: First: Any amendment or amendments to this constitution may he proposed In either houiie of the legislative assembly and If the same shall be agreed to by a majority of the members elected to each of the two bouses, such proposed amend ment shall be entered on the journal of the house with the yeas and nays taken thereon, and referred to the legislative as sembly to be chosen at the next general election, aud shall lie published, as pro vided by law. for three months previous to tlie time of making such choice, and If in the legislative asse niblv so next chosen |, such amendments sepa rately. f'eond: Any amendment or amend ments to this constitution may also lie pro posed by the people by the filing with the secretary of state, nt least six months previous to a general election, of an initia tive petition containing the signatures of nt least twenty-live per cent of the legal voters In each of not less than one-half of the counties of the state. When such petition has been properly tiled the pro posed amendment or amendments shaM lie published as the legislature may pro vide, for three mouths previous to the gcticr'fll election, and shall be placed upon the ballot to lie voted upon by the people nt the next jreneral election. Should any such amendment or amendments proposed h.v initiative petition and submitted to Un people receive a majority of all the legal votes cast at such general election, such amendment or amendments shall be refer red to the next legislative assembly and should such proposed amendment or nmcjid ments be agreed upon by a majority of all the menikiers elected to each house, such amendment or amendments shall become a part of the constitution of t111* state. Should any amendment or amend ments proposed by initiative petition and receiving a majority of all the votes cast at the general election as herein provid ed. but failing to receive approval bv the following legislative assembly to which ft has been referred, such amendment or. amendments shall again be submitted to the people at the next general election for their approval or rejection as at the previous general election. Should such amendment or amendments receive a ma jority of all the legal votes cast at such succeeding general election such amend ment or amendments nt once become a part of the constitution of this state. Any amendment or amendments proposed by Initiative petition and failing of inioo tlon as herein provided, shall not be again considered until the expiration of six years. PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE STATE CONSTITUTION. Chap. 97 (H. B. TS O'Connor) mil Ses sion Laws. Chap. 95 (S. R. 21!l Canssle) 1913 Ses sion Laws. TO A MR That the following proposed amendment to the constitution of tbe state of North Dakota adopted by the Twelfth legisla tive assembly nnd by It referred to the Thirteenth legislative assembly for ap proval or rejection. Is hereby agreed to ap«f such amendment shall be submitted to the qualified electors of the state at the next general election for approvni or rejection In accordance with the provi sions of section 202 of the constitution of the state of North Dakota: AMKNDMKNT.| That section 216 of the constitution of the state of North Da kota Is amended to read as follows: Section -111. The following named pub lic Institutions are herein- permanently lo cated as hereinafter provided, each to have so much of the remaining grant of one hundred and seventy* thousand acres of land made by the I'nlted States for "other educational nnd charltnlile institutions," as Is allotted bv law, vl7„: First: A soldiers' home, when located, or such other charitable institution as the legislative assembly may determine, at Lis bon, In the county of Ransom, with a grant of forty thousand acres of land. Second: The school for the blind of North Dakota, at Bathicate. In the county of Pemhlnn. wltb grant of •bl'ty thonsand acres. Third: An Industrial school and school for innntiat training, or such other educa tional er charitable Institution GOUJttNVAlX^t^h^iwl*' Certificates of Nominations I, M. C. McCarthy, Auditor of Golden Valley County, North Dakota, do hereby certify that the within and following is a true and correct list of the Constitution Amendments and the persons whose names have been certified to me, by the Secretary of State, the County Canvassing Board, and by petitions duly signed as required by law, as the nominees to be voted for on Tuesday, the 3rd day of Nov ember next, for the offices which appear opposite their names. SOCIALIST PARTY W. H. BROWN L. GRIFFITH J. ARTHUR WI'L-LIAMS H. E. THOMPSON W. G. JOHNSON J. E. KULSTAD L. S. JONES JOHN L. KOEPPLER F. SPATH ROBERT GRANT G. E. ANDERSON L. A. KNOKE HERMAN RIESCHE ERNEST W. JOHNSTON A. C. TOWNLEY A. E. BOWEN S. A. SMITH ROY S. CONKLIN C. J. STRUM E. E. PINKHAM C. W. HECKAMAN NONE A. O. WHITNEY ALDEN MOSHER HERMAN WOJAHN islative assembly may provide at the town •f Ellendale, In the county of Dickey, with a grant of forty thousand acres. Fourth: A school of forestry, or such other Institution as the legislative assem bly mary determine, at the city of Bottl nean. In the comity of Bottineau. Fifth: A scientific school, or such other ^durational or charitable institution as the legislative assembly may prescribe, at the city of Wahpeton. county of Richland, with a grant of forty thousand acres. Sixth: A state normal school nt the rity of Minot. In the county of Ward: pro vided. that no other Institution, of a character similar to any one of thnse lo cated by this article, shall be established or maintained without a revision of this constitution. PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE STATE CONSTITUTION. Chap.. 91 (8. B. 217—Welo) 1911 Session Laws. Chap. 100 (S. R. 07 -Albrecht) 1913 Ses sion Laws. STATE AID TO THE RUIMMNG OP PUIIMt' HIGHWAYS. To amend Section 185 of Article XII of the Constitution by ndtllni the words "Thnt the state niny appro priate money In the Treasury, or to be thereafter raised by taxation, for the construction or Improvement of public highways," mo as to read aa follows: A COXcntllKNT ItnSOl.t'TtO.N amend ing Section W." of the Constitution of the State of North Dakota, relating to state aid In the construction and Im provement of public highways. "'J 4 Resolved the Senate'of the State of North Dakota, the House of Repre sentatives concurring: Tlie following proposed amendment to the constitution of the state of North Da kota adopted by the Twelfth legislative assembly of the state of North Dakota and by it referred to the Thirteenth legis lative assembly of said state for approval or rejection, is hereby agreed to. and such amendment shall be submitted to the qualified electors of the state at the next general election for approval or rejec tion In accordance with the provisions of section 2(12 of the coustitiitlou of the state of North Dakota. AMKNDMKNT.] That section 1S5 of article 12 of the constitution of the state of North iJatcn a is hereby amended to rend as follows: Section ls.j. Neither the state nor any •ounty, city, township, town, school dis- l|'l THE STATE III.IXD ASYLUM, To amend See. 216 of Article XIX of the constitution of the State of North Dakota by xtrikinit out the words "A Blind Asylum" and Insertlnic In lieu thereof, the "School for the Blind of North Dakota,** no aa to read aa follows: A CONCTJRUKNT BKSOLUTION to amend Section 210 of the Constitution of the State of North Dakota pertaining to public Institutions. Be It Resolved fty the Senate of the State of North Dakota, the House of Repre sentatives eonettrrlng therein: 't or any other political sub-division shall loan or give its credit or make do nations to or in aid of any individual, as sociation or corporation, except for neces sary support ol' the poor, nor subscribe to or hccomc the owner of the capital stock of any association or corporation, nor shall the state engage in any work of In ternal improvement unless authorized by a1*wJ O *thirds vote of the people. Pro vided, that the state may appropriate money In the treasury or to be there- a*ter raised by taxation for the con Mrnrtlnn or Improvement of publle highways. PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE STATE CONSTITUTION. Chap. 90 (S. B. 229--Plain) 1911 Session Laws. Chap. 104 (S. B. 110 lMaln) 1913 Session TEUMINAL (MT\I\ EI.RVATOIIS WITHI.V THE STATE. T® authorise the leirlslatnre to provide by law for the erection, purchasing, or leasing and operation of one or more terminal grnln elevators In the state of Morth Dakota to be main tained nnd operated by the state, and to provide for tbe Inspection, weigh ing nnd grading of nil grain re ceived. A CONITRRKXT RKSOLUTION ainend the Constitution of tile State of North Dakota, empowering the legislative as sem ly to provide by law for erection, leasing, purchasing and operating ter minal elevators in the state of North Dakota. Be it Resolved h.v the Senate of the State of North Dakota, the House of Repre sentatives concurring: l'hat the following proposed amendment to the constitution of the state of North Dakota adopted by the Twelfth legislative assembly of tlie state of North Dakota, and by it referred to the Thirteenth legis lative assembly of snid state for approval or rejection. Is hereby agreed to and such amendment shall lie submitted to the quall- el!'0,ol's QJ the leg of the state at the next gen eral election for approval or rejection la accords ucc Willi the prgvlqloq* Of section. PROGRESSIVE PARTY SEVER SERUMGARD HENRY R. RINGOEN H. H. AAKER D. L. CAMPBELL C. H. STARKE L. B. GARNAAS DORR CARROLL J. P. READ KARL KLEIN O. L. ENGEN J. A. HYLAND MYRON P. JOHNSON 502 of the constitution or the state dt North Dakota. AMENDMBST.] The legislative assem bly Is hereby authorized and empowered to provide by law for the erection, purchasing or leasing and operation of one or more terminal grain elevators in the state of North Dakota, to be maintained and op erated in such manner as the legislative assemlily shall prescribe, aud provide for inspection, weighing and grading of all ffrnin rocciveti in such clovittor or eleva tors. PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE STATE CONSTITUTION. Chap. 95 (II. B. 23- Nestos) 1911 Session Chap. 103 (H. B. l'lf. 'Norheim) 1913 Ses sion L»ws. TO I'EIIMIT THK CLASSIFICATION OL'1 PROPERTY FOR THE PUR POSE OF TAXATION. To amend Sec. 17« of Article XI of the Constitution nnd Sec. I7» of Article XI of the Constitution as amended by the Fourth Amendment to the Constitution of North Dakota, to authorise iaws to be passed, classify ing property for purposes of taxation nnd requiring uniformity within the various classes, within the territorial limits of the authority levying the tax, A CONCITRRKXT RESOLUTION amend ing the Constitution of the State of North Dakota, relating to uniformity of taxation, and permitting the classifica tion of property for the purpose of taxa tion. and relating furl Iter to the assess ment. ifncl taxation of certnin public ntllity companies. Be it Resolved by the House of Repre sentatives of the State of North Dakota, the Senate concurring: The following proposed amendments ts sections 170 and 179, as amended by arti cle 4 of the coiistitiition of North Dako ta. of article 11 of the constitution of North Dakota, adopted liy the Twelfth Legislative Assemlily. and by it referred to the Thirteenth Legislative Assembly of said state for approval or rejection, are hereby agreed to and such unu-ndinents shall be submitted to the cpialiHed voters of the state at the next general election for approval or rejection, in accordance with the provisions of section 202 of the constitution of the state of North Da kota. Section 1. AMRXDMKNT.] Section 178 of the constitution of the state of North DaV-otn Is amended to read as follows: Section 176. Taxes shall be uniform upon the same class of property. Including fran chises within the territorial limits of the authority levying the tax. and shall be levied and collected for public purposes onlv. but the property of the I'liiteil States, and of the state, county and municipal corpora tions. shall lie exempt from taxation and tbe legislative assembly shall by a gen eral law exempt from taxation property used exclusively for school, religions, cemetery, charitable or other public: pur poses, and personal property to any amount not exceeding in value two hun dred dollars for each Individual liable to taxation provided that all taxes and ex emptions in force when this amendment is adopted shall remain In force. In the same manner and to the same extent, until oth erwise provided br statute. Section 2. AMKNDMKNT. 1 Section 179, as amended by article 4 of the constitu tion of the state of North Dakota, Is amended to read as follows: Section 179. All tnxubic property ex cept as hereinafter In this section pro vided, shall be assessed in the countv, city, township, village or district In which It Is situated. In the manner prescribed by law. The property. Including fran chises of all railroads operated In this state, and of all express companies, freight line companies, dining ear com panies. sleeping car companies, car equip ment companies, or private car line com panies. telegraph or telephone companies or corporations operating In this sti»te and used directly or indirectly in the car rying of persons, property, or messages, shall be assessed liy the state board of equalisation In a manner prescribed by ucli state board or commission as may lie provided by law. But should anv rail road allow any portion of its milivnv tc be used for any purpose other than' the operation of a railroad thereon such por tion of Its roadway, while so used, glial! be assessed In the manner provided fo« the assessment of other real property. STATU OR NORTH DAKOTA, Department of Slate. In accordance with section C34, article B. chapter 8. of the Revised Codee of North Dakota for 1905, I. Thomas Hall, Secretary of State, do hereby certify that the fore going proposed amendments to tbe con stitution of this state have passed the Twelfth and Thirteenth legislative as semblies have heen published as required section yy-t. cha9ttx^7. of the ttevteed 1 Tl\~t? VVL".^ M. C. McCarthy, Auditor of Golden Valley County, N. D. INDIVIDUAL NOMINATIONS EDW. E. EGAN Codes oT 190.": and" will lie placed upon the official ballot and submitted to the electors, to be voted upon at the next general election, to be held on the 3rd day of November. A. D. 1914. (GREAT SEAL) THOMAS HAM* Secretary of State. Dated at the capltol. Bismarck, North Dakota, this 2nd day of October, A. D. 1914a. Be it resolved by the Board ol of County Commissioners of Golden Valley county in regular Session on the 6th day October, 1914. that where as Harve Robinson and five hundred and ninety seven others did on the 30lh day of September file in the office of the county Auditor of said county their petition reciting that each of the signers were residents and qualified electors in said county of Golden Valley and to which each of the said signers made his affidavit reciting that each signer personally signed his name to the petition knowing the contents and purpose thereof and that he was a resident and qualified elector there of, and further reciting that said coun ty was organized Nov. 12, 1912 and -at there had been no general election in said county since the temporary lo_ cation of the county seat at Beach and that no court house has been ereceted or owned by said county and further reciting that the petitioners petitioned the said board of County Commission ers that said board of County Commis sioners submit to the electors of Gol den Valley county, N. D. at the next general election to be held on Nov ember 3, 1914 the question of ntfov ing the co. seat from the city of Beach in said county where it is now tempor arily located to another place, to-wit: to the Village of Sentinel Butte in said county, and the said Board having ex amined said petition and finding that the same was properly signed and verified by qualified electors of said county to the number of at least three fifths of the votes cast at said county at the last preceeding General Elec tion held therein. Now therefore be it resolved: That the prayer of said petitioners be granted and that the question of the removal of the county seat of Golden Valley county from the citV of Beach the place where it now is tem porarily located, to the Village of Sen tinel Butte, in said county be sub mitted to the electors of send Golden Valley county at the General Election to be held therein November 3, 1914, and the county Auditor is hereby or dered and acthorized to advertise, pre pare ballots and submit said question as provided by law. M. C. McCarthy, County Auditor. PROVIDING FOR WOMAN SUFF RAGE The following law, having passed the thirteenth Legislative Assembly, amending and re-enacting section 605 of the Revised Codes for 1905 and Chapter 131 of the session laws of 19II, providing for woman suffrage, in compliance with section 122 of the Constitution, will be submitted to the voters at the coming General Election to be held on the 3rd day of November 1914, for their approval or rejection. "Sec. 605. Who entitled to vote." Every person of the age of twenty-one years or upwards, belonging to either of the following classes, who shall have resided in the state one year and in the county six months and in the pre cinct ninety days next preceeding any election, shall be a qualified elector at such election: "First: Citizens of the United States. "Second: Civilized' person? of Indian decent who shall have sever ed their tribal relations two years next JUDICIARY BALLOT For Judge of Supremo Court A. M. CHRISTIANSON BURLEIGH F. SPALDING SCHOOL BOLLOT For Supl. of Public Instruction RICHARD HEYWARD E. J. TAYLOR For Supt. of Schools JOSEPH A. KITCHEN JESSIE L. K1NSEY preceeding such election, provided they have complied with the provi sions of any law which is now or may in the future be in force relating to the registration of voters, and all persons possessing the qualifications mentioned in thifc section and who have resided in this state one year,shall be eligible to any office in this state, except as otherwise provided in the constitution. M. C. McCarthy, County Auditor. Geo. Christensen Democratic Candidate for Re-election for Clerk of Court OF GOLDEN VALLEY COUNTY Subject to the Wish of the Voters NOVEMBER 3, 1914. «... ... i. "Ite Your Support Will Be Appreciated by A. 0. WHITNEY Candidate of the Socialist Party for COUNTY JUDGE of Golden Valley County, N. Dak.