Newspaper Page Text
GIRL WANTED to do gener al housework. Inquire of Mrs. P. H. Lee. Wanted—A girl for general housework. Phone 139. Mrs. C. F. Smith. 41tf Work wanted on a farm or ranch. Address Chronicle. 49-5 lp Dining room girl wanted at once at the "American" board ing house, opposite the high school. 40-tf BTOCKST1LL and SCHUETT POST- office at Wibaux, Dawson Co. Montana HH| Range Glendive I^SI Creek Brand on Left Riba. FOR SALE Hard coal burn er, fumed oak sideboard, large Elwell kitchen cabinet, 8x10 rug and library table.—Mrs. O. C. Kucheman. tf. CHRONICLE WANTS For Sale or Rent—The Square Deal Restaurant and bakery in Beach. Phone Maple 71, or ad dress E. Brown, Sentinel Butte. 37tf. Chas. Erdman, taxidermist, mounting of all kinds true to life, standard methods, work guaran teed. Send me your next speci men at Rocky Butte. 48-51 FOR SALE: second hand stove, Radiant Home Hard coal burner library table, quarter sawed oak dining room table and dresser all in good condition will sell cheap.—C. F. Smith, proprietor Beach Opera House. tf "BELFIELD TIMES" FOR SALE $1,000 down takes the plant balance on very easy terms. Do tag business of $400 to $500 a month. Belfield is a good live address Times. Belfield, N. Dak town with large territory. For par Heulars call at Chronicle office oi FOR SALE OR RENT. We will rent for hay and graz ing purposes, sections 7-25-31 T. 143, R. 104 also offer these for sale or reasonable terms They will make desirable grazing land. W. R. Everett, Dickinson, N. D. tf Legal Publications NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, U. S. Land office at Dickinson. N. Dak., October 7th, 1914. Notice is here by given that Hazel Z. Stout, of Alpha, N. Dak., who on May 20, 1910 and Sept. 15, 1914, made homestead en try No. 022208 ad. to No. 011303, for SE'/j and NE'/4 of section 8, township 136, range I04W., 5th P. Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make "final three year" proof to establish claim to the land above de scribed. before H. L. Halliday, U. S. Commissioner, at Beach, N. Dak., on the 23 rd day of November, 1914. Claimant names as witnesses Frank lin B. Stout, Curtis Sill, Joe Valen tine, Ray Stout, all of Aipha, N. Dak. J. G. QUINLIVAN, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, U. S. Land office at Dickinson, N. D. Oct. 19, 1914. Notice is hereby given that William E. Sperry for the heirs of Moody Spe|ry, deceased, of Trotters, N. D., who on May 15. 1909, m'ade H. E. Serial No. 08841, for lots I, 2, 7 and 8, section 2, township 144N., range 105W., 5th Principal Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make ^nal five year proof, to establiY, claim to the land above described be fore Geo. Christensen, Clerk of the District Court, at Beach, North Dakota on the 30th day of November, 1914. Claimant names as witnesses:Asa L. Stevens, Frank McNiece, of Beach, N. D., Ben Russell, Andrew Nellermoe, of Trotters, N. D. J. G. QUINLIVAN. Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, U. S. Land office at Dickinson, N. D. Oct. 5. 1914. Notice is hereby given that Harriet M. Brookfield, of Wibaux, Montana, who cn May 15, 1911, made H. E. Serial No. 017057, for NE'/j, section 24, twp. 144, R. I05W.. 5th Principal Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make final three year proof to establish claim to the lane! above described, before Geo. Chris tensen, Clerk of the District Court, at Beach, N. D. cn the 30th day of Nov ember, 1914. Claimant names as witnesses: Huron T. Brookfield, George H. Tebo, Ben Wentl?.nd. Edd Wentland, all of Trot ters, N. D. J. G. QUINLIVAN. Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at Dickinson, North Da kota, Sept. 23rd 1914. Notice is here by given that Marthy Nordby, of Wi baux, Montana, who on May 19 1910 and April 25th, 1914, made home steal entry Serial No. 011295 and Serial No. 021*97. (~r SFJ/, N'Wi'. NE!4SW!4„ SE!4SW!4, Lou No*. 2. 3, 4 section 30, Township I43N, Range 105 West 5th Principal Meri dian, has filed notice of intention to make Final Three Year Proof, to estab lish claim to the land above described before George Christensen, Clerk of District Court, at Beach, North Da kota, on the 7th day of November 1914. Claimant names as witnesses: John P. Grambo, Harvey E. Hall, William L. Farra, Paul M. Nordby, all of Wi baux, Montana. J. G. QUINLIVAN. Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at Dickinson, North Da kota September 28th. 1914. Notice is hereby given that Thoir&s O'Keefe of Wibaux, Montana, who, on Aug. 29th, 1910 and April 25th, 1914 NE)4NW]4 and Lot one Section 30 Township 143 North, Range 10 W, 5th P. Meridian, has filed notice of in tention to make final three year proof to establish claim to the land above described, before George Christen&'en, Clerk of District Court, at Beach, N.D. on the 12th day of November, 1914. Claimant names as witnesses: Vic tor Ganiean.y August Krier, William Krier, Earnest Simmons, all of Trot ters, N. D. In district court, tenth judicial dis trict. A. L. Martin Plaintiff, vs. Ebenezar A. Brown and G. R. Brandt, made homestead entry Serial No. .... 012025 and 021677, for and, 105 the place of voting being the J. G. QU1NL1VAN, Register. NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE ON EXECUTION State of North Dakota, County of Stark. Defendants. Notice is hereby given by the un dersigned John J. Madison, as sheriff of Golden Valley county, N. D., that by virtue of an execution issued in said action out of the office of the clerk of the district court of Stark County, N. D., and directed to me as sheriff of Golden Valley County. N. D., and which said execution is now in my hands, which execution was issued upon a judgment in favor of the plain, tiff A. Martin and against the de fendants Ebenezer A. Brown and G. R. Brandt, 1 have levied upon the fol lowing described real eitate situate in Golden Valley Co. N. the prop perty of said defendant Ebenezar A. Brown, viz lots four(4)and five(5) in block four (4) of the original plat of the town (now city) of Beach, Golden Valley County, N. D., also the north west quarter (NW'/j) of section thir ty four (34) in township one hundred forty (140) North of Range one hun dred five (105) West, and that I shall on Saturday the 24th day of October, 1914,at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m. at the front door of the build ing wherein the district court for Gol den Valley County is held in the city of Beach, N. D., proceed to sell all right title to and interest of the above named Ebenezar A. Brown in and to the above described property to satis fy said judgment and costs amounting to $1465.60 together with all accru ing costs of sale with interest on the same since July 22, 1914, at the rate of seven per cent per annum, at pub lic auction, to the highest bidder for cash. September 12, 1914. JOHN MADISON Sheriff Golden Valley Co. N. Dak. L. A. SIMPSON, Attorney for PlaintilfP, Dickinson, N. Dak. 45-51 Notice of Real Estate Mortgage Fore closure Sale by Advertisement Notice is hereby given that that certain mortgage, executed and de livered by George G. Houck and Em ily Houck his wife, mortgagors, to J. R. Waters mortgagee, dated December 15th A. D. 1911 and filed for record in the office of the Register of Deeds of the county of Billings and state of North Dakota on the 23rd day of Dec. A. D. 1911 at 9:30 o'clock a. m\ in book 15 of mortgages page 200 and subsequently transcribed to the record books of the office of the Reg iter of Deeds of Golden Valley county state of North Dakota and as thus transcribed recorded in book E of mortgages on page 173 of said last named office. Also that a power of attorney has been executed to the undersigned Joseph Denoyer to foreclose the said mortgage by said mortgagee and is now possessed by the said Joseph Den oyer and that the same has been re corded in book of miscellaneocs re cords of the Register of DeecU of the last named county at page will be fore closed by a sale of the premises in such mortgage a .id hereinafter de scribed at the front door of the court house (the same being now at corner of Blanch street and second avenue) in the city of Beach in Golden Valley county state of North Dakota at the hour of two o'clock on the 14th day of November A. D. 1914, to satisfy the amount due upon such mortgage on the date of sale. The premises described in such mortgage and which will be sold to satisfy the same are described as fol lows: West half of Southeast quarter and East half of southwest quarter of section twelve, Township One hundred and forty-two North of range One hundred and five west. There will be due on said m'ortrage at the date of sale the sum of 1 wo hundred arid ninety-five and 80-100 dollars, $295. 80. Dated at Beach, N. D., Sept. 29th A. D. 1914. J. R. WATERS, Mortgagee. Joseph Denoyer Atty. for Mortgagee. 47-52 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, U. S. Land office at Dickinson, N. D.. Sept. 30th, 1914. Notice is hereby given that John S. Wildee of Beach, N. D., who on June 6, 1911 and Sept. 29, 1913. made homestead entry Serial Nos 017173 and 020568, for Ei/J NEJ4 and the SE'/$ of section 6. township 142, range 105 W., 5th P. Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make final "three year" proof, to establish clain.' lo the iand above de scribed, before H. L. Halliday, U: S: Commissioner, at Beach. N. D., on the 9th day of November, 1914. Claimant names as witnesses: Clar ence B. Wildet', Willis Wallace, Har rison R. Steadman, Alvin Faara, all of Beach, N. Dak. J. G. QUINLIVAN, Register NOTICE OF GENERAL ELECTION State of North Dakota sg County of Golden Valley) 1, M. C. McCarthy, County Auditor in and for the county of Golden Val ley, state of North Dakota do hereby give notice pursuant to section 637 revised Code of 1905 th3t officers for the following named Congression al, state, district and county offices are to be elected also the six Con stitutional Amendments and the Womf an Suffrage question are to be voted on at the General Election to be held on Tuesday November 3, 1914 between the hours of eight o'clock in the morning and five o'clock in the afternoon of the same day. Notice ia also hereby given that at the time and places herein named there will be submitted to the electors of Golden Valley County for vote, the queation of the removal of the county aeat of Golden Valley County from the city of Beach, the place where it ia now located, to the village of Sen- tinel Butte, in said County. That said General Election Will be held in the several voting precincts in said county described and named as follows: Hubbard precinct comprising Townships 144 ranges 103, 104, and Hubbard school house on the SW cor ner of section 19-144-104. Mosher precinct comprising Town ships 143 ranges 103, 104, and 105, at the Mosher school house on the SEJ4 corner of section 27-143-104. Divide township comprising town ship 142 range 103.'At the Wanagan Creek school house on the NW'/4 of section 28-142-103. Elk Creek township comprising townfhip 142 range 104. At the 1. school house on the SE'/4 of sec tion 29 township 142 range 104. Elmwood Township comprising township 142 range 105 at the Bonnie View school house on the NW'4 of section 28-142-105. Wanagan Township comprising township 141 range 103 at the Twin Butte school house at the NW corner of the sw4 21-141-103. Delhi township comprising town ship 14 I range 104 at the Plain View school house on the NE corner of sec tion 22-141-104. Saddle Butte township comprising township 141 range 105 at the Little Peaver school Vous** ^t the SW corner of section 23-141-105. Sentinel township comprising town ships 139 and 140 in ranges 103 and 104 at the opera house in the village of Sentinel Butte, N. D. The village of Sentinel Butte com prising all land lying within the village limits at the town or village hall. Beach Civil Precinct No. I com prising township 139 ranges 105 and 106 and township 140 range 105 at the garage on the A. P. Kukowski farm on the NWV4 of section 3 I town ship 140 range 105. Beach Civil Precinct No. 2 com prising township 140 range 106 at the old school houi'e on block 12 of Hunter's second addition to the city of Beach, N. D. Stoddard Precinct comprising town ships 137 and 138 in range 103 at the Wolf ranch on the NW'/^ NE'/4 of section 18 of township 137 range 103. Garner township comprising town ship 138 range 104 at the Bullion Creek hall on the NW corner of sec tion 28 township 138 range 104. Lone Tree township comprising township 138 and 137 ranges 105 and 106 at the Burkey town hall on the SW corner of section 4 township 137 range 105. Bullion township comprising town ship 137 range 104 at the Carew school house on the NW corner of section 20 townshilp 137 range 104. Williams Precinct comprising town ship 136 range 105 at the farm house of R. D. Knapp on the NE'/i of sec tion 10-136-105. Bull Run township comprising town ship 136 range 106 at the Williams school house on the NE of Section 14 in township 136 range 106. City of Beach, N. D. comprising all lands within the city limits, at the fire hall in Said city. The following is a list of officers to be elected at said General Election: The Congressional officers are: One United States Senator. One Congressman for 3rd district The State officers are: One Justice of the Supreme Court. One Governor. One Lieutenant Governor One Secretary of State. One State Auditor. One State Treascrer One Superintendent of Public In struction One Commissioner of Insurance One Attorney Gerer-il One Com'p'V.-aioner of Agricul ture and Labor Three Commissioners roads The District Officers are: The Countv Officers are: One Sheriff One Auditor of Rail- Three members of the House of Representatives to represent .v ni r\* the 39th District One Treasurer One Clerk of District Court One Register of Deeda One State" a Attorney One County Judge One Surveyor One Coroner One Superintendent of Scliools One Commissioner for First Dis trict One Commissioner fox Second District One Commissioner for 1 hird Dis trict One Assessor for First District One Assessor for Third District Four Justices of the Peace Four Constables In witness v/hereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of the County of Golden Valley at the city of Beach, N. D., this 25th day of September, A. D. 1914. (SEAL) Signed, M. C. McCarthy Auditor for Golden Valley County, N. D. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, U. S. Land office ?.t Dickinson, N. Janu ary 24 th, 1913. Notice is hereby given that Hatt:e Raven, formerly Hattie Hiilrnan, of Trotters, N. D., who on June 28th 1909, made homestead, No. 09123, for NW!4, section 10 township I44,range 105W 5th Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make 3 year proof, to establish claim to the land above de scribed, before R. M. Andrews, U. S. Commissioner, at Beach, N. D., on the 8th day of March, 1913 Cl&imar.t narrfes as witnesses: Arth ur Wilson, Bert Sperry, Frank Mc Viece, E. Farnam, all of Trotters, N. D. J. G. QUINLIVAN. Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior. U. S. Land office at Dickinson, N. D., Oct ober 9, 1914. Notice it) hereby giv en that Peter E. Anderson, of Wibaux, Mont., who on July 24th, 1911 made H. E. Serial No. 017418. for W'/2 SW '/j and SEJ4 SWJ4, section 20, town ship 143, range I05W., Fifth Principal Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make final three year proof to es tablish claim to the land above de scribed, before Geo. Christensen, Clerk of the District Court at Beach, North Dakota, on the 22nd day of November, 1914. Claimant names as witnesses: Nels Hultgren, of Wibaux, Mont., Harry H. Miller, of Beach. N. D., Harvey E. Hall, Dick Hamilton, of Wibaux, Mont. J. G. QUINLIVAN, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, U. S. Land office at Dickinson, N. Dak. October 9, 1914. Notice ia hereby given that Nels G. Hultgren, of Wibaux, Mont., who on July 24, 1911 and Dec. 24, 1913, nr.'Jide homestead entry serial No. 017419 and serial No. 021222, for E'/2 NW4. and W'/2 NE4, W'/2 NWJ4t section 20, township 143N, range I05W. 5th Principal Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make Final three-year Proof, to establish claim* to the land above described be fore Geo. Christensen, Clerk of the District Court, at Beach, N. Dak., on the 22nd day of November 1914. Claimant names as witnesses: Peter E. Anderson, Harvey E. Hall, of Wi baux, Mont., Harry H. Miller, Beach, N. Dak., Dick Hamilton, of Wibaux, Montana. J. G. QUINLIVAN, Register. SUMMONS (First publication Oct. 16, 1914.) STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA COUNTY OF GOLDEN VALLEY) IN DISTRICT COURT, TENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. James A. Haigh, Plaintiff, vs. Margaret S. Griffiths,also known as Margaret S. Griffith, defendant. The state of North Dakota to the above named defendant You are hereby summoned to ans wer the complaint in this action, which is on file in the office of the clerk of the above entitled court in the city of Beach in said county of Golden Valley and state of North Dakota, and to serve a copy of your answer upon the subscriber within thirty (30) days after the service of this summons up on you, exclusive of the day of service, and in case of your failure to appear or answer judgment will be taken against you by default for the relief demanded in the complaint. Dated this 14th day of September, 1914. John L. Koeppler, Plaintiff Attor ney. Residence and Post Office address: Piesik Block, City of Beach, Golden Valley County, \orth Dakota. 49-54 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, U. S. Land office at Dickinson, N. D., Oct. 13, 1914. Notice is hereby given that John Johnstone, guardian of Samuel A. Johnstone, of Beach. N. D., sole heir of Mary Olson, cjeceased, who on October 7, 1907, made homestead en try No. 07208, for Southwest quarter, section 24. township I )6N, range 106 W., of Fifth Principal Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make five year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Register and Receiver of the United States Land Office, at Dickinson, N. D. on the 24th day of November, 1914. Claimant names as witnesses: Mary Anderson, Hans Hawkes, Axle Nelson, J. A. Miller, all of Beach, N. Dak. J. G. QUINLIVAN. Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Dtipartn.'.:nt cf the interior, U. S Land office at Dickinson, N. D. Oct. 10, 1914. Notice is hereby given that Ray Coen, of Trotter?, N. D. who on July 8th 1909, made homestead entry Serial No. 09176, for NE'4 section 18 towr.ihip I45N. rnnge I04W, 5th P. Meritlian. has filed notice of intention to make final five year proof, to es tablish claim to the ind above de scribed, before Karl P. Hetzler, U. S. Commissioner, District of N. Dak., at Skaar, N. Dak., on the 25th day of November, 1914. Claimant names as witnesses: Silas Dodd, Ned Bonn. Ralph AdamSon, M. F. Dodd, all of Trotters. N. Dak. J. G. QUINLIVAN, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, U. S. land office at Dickinson, N. Dak., Oct. 12, 1914. Notice is hereby given that William 5 Qf i:F'l\ Wibaux, Montana, who on 1 a 1 1 November 2, 1910, and Oct. 31, 1913 made homestead entry Serial No. 012376 and add. H. E. Ser., No. 020624. for W'/2 SE'4. SW«/S NE'4. NW'4, E'/2 NE'4 and the F'-7 SE'4 of section 28, township 144N, "inpe I04W, 5th P. Meridian, ha9 filed notice of intention to make final three year proof, to establish claim' to the lanf. above described, before H. L. Hallidry, U. S. Commissioner, at Peach, North Dakota, on the 27th day jf ?ove,Trber. 1914. Clair mnt names as witnesses: A. G. Turne.', C.arence Hubbard, C. A. Hvbbard, JoV:n Kammerer, all of Wi baux, Montana. J. G. r.UlNLlVAN, Register. E. W. JOHNSTON A* E. BOWEN, Jr. A. C. TOWNLEY Socialist Candidates for the State Legislature from Golden Valley, Billings and Bowman counties. WE ADVOCATE: Direct Legislation, Initiative, Referendum and recall. Equal suffrage for men and women. 7 he enactment of legislation to prevent child labor. AH owners of land who are not personal users thereof to fix th' ir own values for the purpose of taxation, with the option in the state or county to acquire »itle to same at the valuation so fixed. State ownership and operation of banks, to do a general bank ing business, and to be depositor ies of all public funds. State lands to be leased and not sold, and when rents equal to the market value of the land at the time possession is taken, have been paid by the tenant, rent to be reduced to the amount of taxes paid on similar land by private owners. Voluntary state, life, fire pest, animal and compulsory hail in surance, all at cost. The Chronicle is the "newsy" paper. G.W.LINDSEY Republican Candidate for COUNTY AUDITOR Vote for the republican nom inee—a progressive republican standing for honest and efficient government in county, state and national affa!rs- 2 E. E. FINKHAM Socialist Candidate For Clerk of Court Golden Valley Ccun'y Election Nov. 3, 1914 Vote For A N I E A for COUNTY JUDGE A.: Is I strongly advocate the princi ples of Woodrow Wilson, "A Square Deal to All, Partiality to None," I present my name to you on the Democratic ticket and solicit your support. FRANK FITZGERALD For Couny Judge lis W. J. PATRICK Republican Nominee for SHERIFF of Golden Valley County The Peoples' Choice and Popular Nominee T. N. ROBLE Republican Candidate For CLERK OF THE DISTRICT COURT Your Support Solicited JOSEPH DENOYER Lawyer 'ractice in ail court* and U. S. Land Othcb. Ripley "Moclc Beach, North Dakota J. A. MILLER Attorney and Counselor at Law Will take caaea in all courta. Ab stracts of title examied. Real es tate law a specialty. Beach, N. D. R. M. ANDREWS Lawyer Practice in State and Federal Courta tnd U. S. Land Office. U. S. Commiasioner. Beach, N. D. L. A. SIMPSON Lawyer CITY ATTORNEY 'ickinsor., North Dakota R. E. WALKER Funeral Director «nd Em balmer At Overatad & Hovetaoa'a Night Call. 'Phone 70-M E. E. NOBLE General Insurance Agency t'arm and City Property Fire. Tornado, Hail and Wind Storm Inaurance Beach, North Dakota GO TO LETSON'S rONSORIAL PARLOR For Good Hair Cut, Shampoo, Shave, Face Massage or anything in the barber line. C. H. Letaon, Propr., Beach JOHN L. KOEPPLER LAWYER Over Power Clothing Store Beach, N. Dak. PROFESSIONAL CARDS L. H. MOORE General Auctioneer Address or Phone MED0RA, N. DAK. References: Interstate Bank of Sentinel Butte. E. D. LOGAN Dealer In Hard, Soft and Blacksmith O A CORD WOOD AND SLABS Buaineaa and Reaidence Lota for Sal* Rooma for Rent. Office Opposite Bartley's Store. Railing Beaver Board to new walls ra BEAUTIFUL a B. MUSEUS Physician and Surgeon Office over Golden Valley State Bank Beach, North Dakota A. B. MacNAB Physician and Surgeon Office over Golden Valley State Bank Reaideace 'phone 80. Office 'phone 13 Beach, N. Dak. DR. R. W. STOUGH Physician and Surgeon Office on South Blanche Street Beach, N. Dak. L. G. SMITH Physician and Surgeon Beach, N. Dak. O. R. NIECE Dentist Over Hartley Blk., 3?uh, N. G. M. FOSTER Dentist Officea Firat Floor Noble Bldg. South Blanch St. Telephone lOOL Beach, N. H. DR. E. SUTTER Aaaiatant State Veterinary ... Office ... Ia Ulfer'a & Morrow's Feed Bara Phone ISM Res., 155 L. M. BURKEY Attorney-at-Law. Office in Hoffman Block Beach, N. Hougen Tailor Shop First class tailoring in all its branches—Cleaning, Pressing and repairing done on short notice- All work guaranteed satisfactory in every particular. Reasonable charges. 0. C. Hougan & Son BEACH. N. DAK. I. A. MORRIS Auctioneer An old-timer at the busi ness and the man who gets results. Address or 'phone Read The Chronicle for Reliable Information Carlyle, Mont* a 1 a as S3ES "D SAVER BOARD •A'aDoan (raw woourorir TRADE walls and ceilings add 100% to the effectiveness of your home. To that advantage ycu acid many others by using BEAVER BOARD It is made in larr^e panels cf pure-wood fcbrc. It is quickly and easily put up. Itcanbe painted in beautiful and durable colors—isnever covered v:ith unsanitary wall paper. It needs no repair ing as it docs not crack. Let us show you just what it looks like, and tell you its Goodridge-Cail Lumber Co. 52E, l! Putting Beaver Boat over old walls MARK Will Improve Any Building 41 great advantages. IQMWQC74 saaol