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Image provided by: State Historical Society of North Dakota
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$ I I 1 ir sr If "A J- 0. D. Brault Dealer in GRAIN "s --av We pay the highest market price for all kinds of grain. Correct Weights and Dockage Fully equipped for clean ing and separating grain and make a specialty of this busi ness. Give Us a Share of Your business LEE GRAIN CO. BEACH, N. D. Will appreciate your Patronage in all kinds of GRAIN And we pay for everything but wagon tracks. Adam Faris, Manager GOOD CARS AND CAREFUL DRIVERS Phone No. 76 or call at.our garage 2 doors west of State Line Hotel. We Handle Gasoline and Oils INSURE Your Farm PROPERTY In the COLUMBIA Of Omaha. Prompt and Satisfactory Ad justments J. A. HAIGH, Agent Patronize Beach Institutions The Beach -.'4?,.... Electric Co. A Home Institution Deserves Your Patronage Call Phone 107-2 and our Electrician will call and be at Your Service. Geo. Chrysler, Mgr. Patronize the Beach Finns who are Co-operating with the Chronicle in the County J. J. Greiner jNew York Auto jRestaurant Livery Seat Campaign Is Still Serving Square Meals at the Old Stand Board by the Day or Week LOUIS SUEY Proprietor. A GIFT to strengthen friendship— Your portrait made at JOHNSON STUDIO FRIDAY, OCTOBER. 30, 1914 Entered at the postotfice in Beach, Golden Valley Connty, North Dakota as second Class mail matter Hfc. CHRONICLE PRINTING CO. (Incorporated) i. W. BR1NTON. Editor Suacription price $1.50 per year in advance. Advertising rates: One to ten inches, 25c per incch to thirty inches 20c per inch 30 inches and up I 5c per inch. Special rates on stand ing advertisements and yearly con tracts. N.DRA. The Beach papers this week are issued by the County Seat Publicity Committee and on ac count of the large amount of county seat mat'/ we are unable to give the usual local happen ings which will be given next week—after the campaign is oir er—along with .the election re sults- The writer feels satisfied with the campaign conducted by Beach for the county seat and feels confident of a victory for Beach by a good maiority of from 100 to 200 votes. Our closing word in this cam paign to our friends is this: Vote for Beach for the county seat, little city in North Da kota and the ONLY CITY in Golden Valley county, and, we especially make t^ii appeal to everyone living in Beach territory and who make Beach their trad ing, business and banking head quarters- J. W. BRINTON. CHEAPEST GRAIN FOR THE YOUNG PIGS The young pig uses less of its food for keeping up the body than the old hogs. In an experi ment at the Wisconsin Experi ment station it was found that of 100 pounds of feed the 50 pound pig used 18 for keeping up its body and 82 for making prowth The 100 pound pig used 255 lbs. for keeping up the body and 75 pounds for growth. The 200 lb. pig used 36 lbs, of the 100 .for keeping up the body and only 64 pounds for growth. The older the hog becomes the more it takes of its food to keep up the body and the less it uses for making its growth- This is true when the pigs are petting all the food they need. If they are fed only half the food they need the most of the food goes for body up-keep and a very little for making growth- KITCHEN FOR SUPT. Joseph A. Kitchen received the highest number of votes at the June primaries for Co. Superin tendent of schools* and his name will appear as a candidate for that office. The school system of Golden Valley county is admitt ed to rank first in the state the rural schools are largely taught by capable, highly efficient teach ers who possess the highest grades of certificates. Mr. Kit chen's training and experience have been such as to administer school work to the highest effi ciency. He has taken College and University degrees in these courses: Commercial, Science, Art, Law- His life has been de voted to educational work his experience embraces rural, grad ed and high school teaching nor mal and University teaching. For four years, following the Spanish American War, when Mr. Kit chen served the flag in Cuba, he occupied the chair in Valparaiso University as Director of Physical Culture and Military training. Valparaiso University recognized his worth in bestowing on him the degree Master of Arts. Mr. Kit chen possesses a life Professional Certificate to teach in North Da kota- Sup- Kitchen's activities are not limited to school work only. On his homestead, one half mile south of Sentinel Butte, he has experienced with pedigreed stock and grains. This year he secured the $25 first premium on wheat exhibited at the Seed Growers Contest at Fargo, and his barley won first premium for North Da kota at the National Corn Show held at Dallas, Texas. His dem onstrations of crops in this action have proved invaluable as adver tising for Golden Valley county. Supt- Kitchen takes an active part in road and bridge building, and for several years he was ©olden VPalley Chronicle We Are Boosting For Beach For The County Seat 0 An Argument Without Words For Beach For the County Seat Supt. Kitchen has served as president of the Missouri Slope Educational Association, and is an active member in both the state and National Educational Associations. Supt. Kitchen is the only per son from Sentinel Butte seeking county office your support is heartily appreciated and is soli cited at this general election- adv. "THE VIRGINIAN" Messrs. Jones and Crane make the special announcement that their production of "the Bur re. m— Virgin ian" which comes to Beach opera house on Saturday, Oct. 31, ex cells all their previous efforts in so far as scenic environment and especially chosen cast of talented players of metroplitan reputation can aid in pleasing discriminat ing patrons of the theatre. "The Virginian" needs no special re comendation. as it was the dra matic as well as the literally sen sation, for a number of seasons, playing to capacity audiences everywhere. The book is still enjoying the special distinction of still being one of the best sellers as well as uccopying a prominent place among standard works of literature. It is generally credit ed that Jones and Crane have ad ded the finishing touches to their already long list of successful productions, and while the great er output has been along dram atic lines they believe they have in "The Virginian" a happy com bination of romance, drama, and sparkling humor. It is a thor oughly American play, catering to Americans of every faith. One We Solicit Your Support in the Coming County Seat Fight v#5 BACH DOT R£rtl?£3E«T$ SO PEOPLE-, •STAR CBNTEf? Of (TH/S MAP WAS JtCCt//?/iT£LY CO.-IP/ttO F/?0"! THE. COUNTY fi'erCOPOS.y chairman of the Bajjrd in Sentinel Township. Supt. Kitchen endeavor^ to do his full duty as a citizen- His prominence in commercial af fairs is attested by his being pres ident of the local Farmers' Ele vator organization at Sentinel Butte. As a reslut of the pedigree grain experiments, his homestead is visited sevral times a year by members of the faculty of the State Agricultural College, when grains are inspected and condi tions here noted. POPUUATIQhi. needs but to posses but the aver age amount of intelligence to ap-\ predate this stirring and entranc ing play- The memory of its hu man and heart appealing interest lingers in the memory as a beau tiful fragrance of some costly per fume of romance, reminding one that all is not sordiness, and that there are more precious things than money worth striving for. New Non-Part'sian School Ballot. For the first time at a general election in North Dakota there will be two candidates for the of fice of County Superintendent of schools on a non-partisan school ballot and all political parties will vote this ballot. At the June primaries the two highest candi dates for that office are entitled to be placed on the ballot at the general election. Joseph A. Kit chen, the present official, receiv ed the highest number, and Mrs. Jessie Kinsey the next highest these two names will, therefore, appear on the non-partisan ballot Supt- Kitchen resides on his home stead one half mile south of Sen tinel Butte. Mrs. Kinsey at pres ent, resides in Beach. The general duties of this office are to supervise all the schools of Golden Valley county, act on the county Board of Health, togeth er with a physician and State's Attorney, act as a member of the Board of Appraisement for e:hoa, lands situate within the county, act as a member of the Board for appraising farm for State farm Loan, act as a member of the Board of Arbitration within the county, etc. The Golden Valley School sys tem comprises the Beach city schools the Sentinel Butte village schools, and fifty-nine rural schools all schools within the county are now in session. In personnel and grade of certificates and training, the teachers of Golden Valley county rank first in the state. There are ten school districts with more in process of organiza tion. r/,% ,i *, s/'Vv VOTE FOR BEACH FOR Woodward BROS'. LADIES GET YOUR FALL COAT OR SUIT FROM Ed. Perry, The Tailor. You do not pay me one cent until you see the garment and it is entirely satisfactory. Get Your Hair Trimmed Before you get into the county seat campaign at The McColeman Barber Shop Two Doors East of Beach State Bank. —WE CUT TO PLEASE— J. McColeman, Prop. FARMERS' Feed and Livery Barn Under New Management Formerly conducted by Wildes Brothers Good Grain, Hay and Water and our Prices are reasonable Let us feed and care for your Team While in Town ALBERT C0USER Proprietor Humor and Comment I CONTRIBUTED CUPPED or STOLEN by «M of PASTE COUNTY SEAT Coal,Flour AND SMOKE DON CASSI0 CIGARS -VJ'- YLJ* DOEMNG and Feed of all kinds always on hand RED LODGE, MONTANA LUMP and WASHED NUT Call up phone No. 6L and have order delivered promptly South of Old MH1 on Franer st Hotel Callender A. M. WALLACE, Prop. Sample Room Steam Heat Electric Light Running Water Bath Golden Valley Farmers Co operative Co, BEACH, N. DAK. Receivers and shippers of Gol den Valley GRAIN A Co-operative company under the co-operative laws of North Dakota. LLOYD ELEVATOR Independent Grain Dealers Elevators at Beach and Lehigh Dealers ii All Kinds of GRAIN A Share of Your Business is Solicited. I." •1 •MM vi :.w VSw'-Vg -V 3 iftl r\ •v3l f'i