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Image provided by: State Historical Society of North Dakota
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'h'- Mr- HORSES One Binder. One Gang Plow. One Suky Plow with Stubble and Breaker Bottoms. One Drill. One Pump Engine. One Harrow. One Harrow Cart. One 1-horse Cultivator. One Jumper Sleigh. One set of Runners for Buggy. One Fanning MilL One Grindstone. One Manure Spreader. Having rented my farm, 1 will retire from active farming and will offer, at public sale, at the farm located on the northeast quarter of Sec. 12-13-60, on the Montana-Dakota state line, one half mile south of Beach and two and one half miles west of the Beach cemetery, on THURS„ AA1L OCTOBER £oUl the following described property: CATTLE, HOGS, CHICKENS Three Milch Cows, fresh in spring. Eighteen Head of Hogs and Shoats Two Milch Cows, giving milch, will be some are thoroughbred Poland Chinas. fresh in spring. Some Chickens. Two Milch Cow*, fresh in spring. Ten Geese. rp All sums of $10.00 and under, Cash. .On sums over $10.00, time 1 ermSIwUl interest from date of side or a discount of 2 per cent, will be given for cash on sums over $10.00. FREE LUNCH WILL BE SERVED AT NOON. A. C. THOMPSON, Owner J. S. Ulfers, Auctioneer O. C. Attletweed, Clerk One Mare, 9 years, weight 1400, with foal to a jack. One Bay Gelding, 4 years, weight 1250. 1 Sorrel Gelding, 4 years, weight 1150. One Iron Grey Gelding, coming 4 years, weight 1000. One Brown Stallion, grade Percheron, 6 years, weight 1350. One Black Gelding, coming 3 years, weight 1000. One Bay Gelding, coming 3 years, weight 900. One Grey Mare, 12 years, weight 1150. One Roan Mare, 5 years, weight 950. One Bay Gelding, 12 years, weight 1200. ETC. One Wheelbarrow. One Top Buggy. Two Wagons, one 26-in. Bed and one triple, complete. One~3-hole Oil Stove. One Kitchen Range. One Sanitary Cot. Pitchfork, Shovels, and other articles too numerous to mention. Two Sets Work Harness. One Set Single Harness. One Bull Tractor Engine. One Windlass Derrick for butchering Hogs or Beeves. be given until Oct. 1, 1916, on bankable paper bearing 10 per cent, GOLDEN VALLEY CHRONICLE Burke's 'Prodding Brings Results First Break in Interest Rate Comes From First ational Bank at Williston.—Six per Cent Instead of Ten and Twelve. Williston, Oct. 12.—Farm ers tributary to Williston Fri day saw the first tangible res ults of the fight waged by United States Treasurer John Burke to compel the federal reserve bank at Minneapolis to fulfill its mission of service to the northwest, when the First National Bank of this city issued a formal statement to the effect that it will take ad" vantage of the new ruling by the reserve bank by which North Dakota banks can se cure money at 3 per cent, to be loaned on grain in ware houses at the rate of 6 per cent and will loan money to Williston farmers on storage tickets at the latter rate. The announcement of the First Na tional bank was shortly after ward followed by the an nouncement of the Williams County bank, which will cut its iterest rates on grain securi ty to meet the move made by the First National. This report is recognized as the most im portant news western North Dakota has received in the past decade. It means the first big break in the high in terest rates prevalent through out the western territory of the state. Farmers in the Wil liston territory are jubilant ov er the announcement and curing better prices in the late According to Mr. Wingate the iod of five or six months ofl^ necessary. This low rate of V™1,*' will result on a majority of the' of the new ruling and loan ™ake the importance of the new rate made possible by Burke's fight will be appreciated. Exchange Slumps Regardless of Loan Meeting Held for Purpose of Devising Means to Bolster Sterling When Foreign Ex change Slumps in Face of Credit Flotation. New York, Oct. 13.—For eign exchange rates went down again in the face of the successful flotation of the $500,000,000 credit loan to Great Britain and France, to their lowest point since Sep tember 15. So disquieting was the situation deemed that three hour meeting, attend ed by Wall Street brokers and Sir Edward Holden, a member of the Anglo-Franch financial commission, was held late in the day at the National City bank for the reported purpose of devising some new meth od to bolster the value of the English pound sterling. For the past week sterling has been selling at about $4. 72. Today its sold down to $4.67 1-4. The meeting held today, it was reported, was primarily to reach an understanding as to the best available method of stabilizing exchange. A supplement credit of $250,000,000 it is said, discussed. icommend Burke's aggressive attitude in the matter most highly, it being universally conceded that Burke's prying the lid off from Washington and taking direct issue with!charity in that city, and the officials of the Minneapo- cently a committee was lis reserve bank officials has pointed to report the caused the beginning of the method to adopt. most momentous change in in- The members of this terest rates and financial ac- mittee have formulated a __ commodations to the farmers port recommending the estab in the history of the north- lishment of a free children's west. clinic, at which clinic all the 'Word received from the needy and deserving children federal reserve bank today is of Grand Forks will be given to the effect that we may ac- medical attendance free of all cept local warehouse receipts charge. as collateral for six per cent Under this plan, it is ex loans on grain," said Mr. Dav* pected that a great many crip idson of the First National of pled children may be cured of this city. "We therefore are deformities, illness and physi in a position to make loans of cal defects, so that when they this character, it being under- reach the state of grown man stood that money at this rate hood and womanhood they is available only where grain will be able to take an active stored in the local elevators is part in the battles of life and offered as security. We are stand an even chance with not allowed to loan this mon- their more fortunte and health ey on any other class of secur- ier comrades. ity or on grain which is held About a dozen Grand Forks on the farm. The loans may physicians are members of the be made for as long as 90 Scottish Rite Masons, and all days." have volunteered to doate State Bank Follows. their services in this Indicating the progressive-'rnent* ness of local business men and institutions is the announce ment of the Williams County State bank through Vice President L. C. Wingate, this bank will handle loans on grain at six per cent. Farm-Ied ers of the northwest have be'I was N. D. MASONS PLAN A CHARITY. North Dakotans are noted for their charitable inclina tions. For several years the Scottish Rite Masons of Grand Forks have been contemplat ing the organization of some re ap- best com re- move- AIRSHIP WILL FLY AT MANDAN FAIR. Mandan, Oct. 14.—A. T. Heine of Minneapolis, herald- as a w^°i second Art Smith, and wil1 sta8e gun asking for loans on grain exhibition, at the Missouri at a low rate of interest in or- grounds at three der to enable them to hold I ^.c Sunday afternoon, their crop with the hope of se- P™* '8 fn aeroplane acco winter or spring. dari ngaf Ameri The WMUaJ County State bank has decided to loan mon- Directors of the fair assoa ey on grain for this purpose. I,hon' who hls loans may be made for a per- ®nt®eJthat. incJudf interest applies only on grain j°°P» V|ng upside down, loans and the grain must be hunting with smoke bombs in stored in the elevators. the ai.r' Rumor has it that the ac-L Heine uses a double engine, tion of the Williston banks d°uble banks of the northwestern, part of the state announcing .aso' that they will take advantage .ng to those P^o have seen his work one contracted for aPPeara"ce h,ere- Have hls Program oyer wing leaf ?r°P lo°P and othe 1 raisers- Curtls me W a last stand money on storage tickets as|p™zf. government. The collateral at 6 per cent. In P"1*1 view of the fact that the pre- ®U foreigners. He declares vailing rate in western North ™at foreigners must look to Dakota at this time has been |Carranza ma latest model ex'' Vll a 18 t- 12. ,now attempting *o against the chief 18 ansrered against for 10 to 12 per cent with bon uses exacted by some banks, Chronicle want ads pay. Protection. Checks for Grain Farmers always And attentive to their banking needa. Oar experience enable* na to handle their bnalneaa with more than ordinary care and dlapatch. When eheeka are received In pay ment, bring them here to be paid. First National Bank Beach, N. Dak. WISCONSIN CAFE Place has been remodeled and new Fixtures and Booths Installed. It is now in First Class Shape»Good Cooking and Good Service. F. J. ESSENE, Attention Farmers of the Northern Golden Valley A MOVEMENT HAS BEEN STARTED TO FIND OUT WHAT THE POSSIBILITIES ARE OF SECUR ING A RAILROAD FOR YOUR SECTION OF THE COUNTRY. AS SOON AS POSSIBLE MEETINGS WILL BE HELD. IF YOU ARE INTERESTED, ADDRESS THE EDITOR OF THE GOLDEN VALLEY CHRON ICLE, BEACH, NORTH DAKOTA. The North Side Feed and Livery Sale Stable F. C. KNODLE, Proprietor Horse and Auto Livery With Careful Driving Good Hay and Running Water from City Waterworks PRICES REASONABLE AND SERVICE THE BEST Make Our Place Your Barn and Livery Headquarters Real Estate Snaps SNAP NO. 1. A tract of land of 800 acres, any part of which may be sold. One quarter, which is plowed, is on telephone and mail line near store and road house. It is plowed and fenced and has a living spring. The remaining part of the tract joins this quarter, 500 acres of which may be steam plowed. For this land $17.00 per acre is ask ed and may be bought upon easy terms. SNAP. NO. 2. if*wwff*v«TCVvffvif«fm*iB Quarter section two miles southwest of Yates, $35.00 per acre. This quarter has improvements to the value of $1500.00, with good well, and is well fenced. Aside from these we are able to advise you where there are several good relinquishments. Chronicle Real Estate Exchange 1 GOVERNMENT SUPERVISION MEMBEtI BANK UNOER FEDERAL RESERVE ACT —may he ranked or banked at the Flint Notional Bank regnrdlrHM of where they are drawn or made pay able. Proprietor