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a The Rich Chew You want your chew to have the luscious richness of ripe fruit. SPEAR HEAD has it. You want to taste that fruity flavor long as the chew lasts. SPEARSPEAREAD PLUG TOBACCO J. G. PEALL, "gr&t For Reliable Information Read the Chronicle HEAD holds it is made of the most richly flavored red Burley. In only a very small part of the annual Burley crop have the natural juices reached that perfect rich ness required for HEAD. Try ANNOUNCEMENT I have opened a plumbing and tinsmith shop in the building formerly occupied by A. J. Wein berger as a carpenter shop—south of Eliason's hardware store. 1 am prepared to do all kinds of plumb ing, fitting, tinwork, heating plants installed and general work connect ed with a first class plumbing and tin work establishment. SPEAR SPEAR HEAD—the most delicious of all chewing tobaccos. THE AMERICAN TOBACCO CO. Premium Griddle ABELS from 50c worth of Karo (blue or red) and 85c brings you fine 10H inch alu minum griddle by parcels post prepaid. This Karo griddle, light and easy to handle, bright as a new dollar and needs no greasing, therefore no smoke. Heats uniformly all over, is very economical, will not rust, is easy to keep clean—and MAKES THE FINEST GRIDDLS CAKES YOUR MEN FOLKS EVER TASTED. This griddle retaile regularly at $3.33. Send your order for the Karo Aluminum Griddle today. This ofler will prove popular. Place your order promptly. The Men of America Know Pan cakes and They Know KARO At great expenae we are aecktng to place a Karo Aluminum Qriddle in the homae of all Karo uaera, «o that Karo—the famoua epread for griddle cake* and wafflea—may be acrvad on the moat deltcioualy baked cake* that can be Our Corn Product* Cook Book anil Preserving Book—illustrated in full color*—prepared by America'* foremost culinary authoritica will be eent free with each griddle, or without the grid dle on request. Com Products Refining Company New York, N. Y. D*»LR.X. P.O. Bra Ml. taauue Ulies to Aban don Dardanelles! Berlin, Oct/ 20. (Via wireless to Tuckerton.—Spe cial dispatch to the National Zeitung "from the Russian wrder says: "Your correspondent learns rom a well informed source that abandonment of the Dar danelles campaign by France and Great Britain already has seen decided upon. Russian circles, interested in this mat ter, have been informed that the allies will not suspend op eration in the Gallipoli penin sula all at once but will grad ually withdraw troops from there. Military circles of the en tente powers are fully con vinced of the hopelessness of the Dardanelles undertaking in its present form. Another reason for the abandonment is that the troops are needed for service in Serbia" London, Oct. 20.—Major General Charles Carmichael Monroe has been appointed to command the Dardanelles ex pedition in succession to Gen eral Ian Hamilton, who is re turning to England to make his report. This announce ment is made by the war office. Pending General Monroe's ar rival at Gallipoli, Major Gen" eral Birdwood will temporar ily command the troops. That all has not been going well with the expeditionary forces'sent to the Gallipoli peninsula to open the way to Constantinople has been indi cated not only by the official reports but intimation in high quarters in London' A few days ago in the Brit ish parliament, Lorn, Lans downe said it was impossible for any member of the gov ernment to say whether the troops would be continued in the Dardanelles operations or withdrawn from them. Gen eral Sir Hamilton, who has had command of the British troops from the time of their first arrival in April, has in his recent report to the war office chronicled very heavy losses to his forces with comparative ly small gains. The result of this has been to arouse dis cussion as to whether the op eration in the Dardanelles were progressing in a way to warrant their continuation. Sir Edward Carson Resigns. Sir Edward Carson, attor ney general, has resigned from the British cabinet. The res ignation of Sir Edward Car son, the Ulster leader, is the first open manifestation of di vergence of views known to exist among the ministers, and is the result, according to an authoritative statement not of the controversy over conscrip tion but to the condition of af fairs in the Near East. Expecting Exciting Debates. It is expected that there will be exciting debates in the house 'of commons this week as severe attacks on the gov ernment are planned by mem bers of the house in connec tion with the general military Doticy, especially in the Near East' WAR PROFITS. Six subscriptions accounted for $100,000,000 of the $500, 000,000 credit loan to the al lies the underwriting of which was completed a few days ago. All these subscriptions came from holders of contracts for war supplies for France and Great Britain, and there is reason to believe that the smaller subscriptions from similar sources accounted for not less than half the capital sum. The largest subscription was that for $25,000,000 by the du Pont interests' announced in recent papers. The second largest was for $20,000,000, and came from the Bethlehem steel interests. The third was for $15,000,000, and was ac credited to the Westinghouse interests, which have $60,- GOLDEN VALLEY CHRONICLE 000,000 of munitions con" tracts. The three next larg est among the subscriptions were for $10,000,000 each and while it became known that they were made by those who profit, by war, it was not possible to identify their mak ers authoritatively. Outside of New York, es pecially in New England, Pennsyvania and Maryland, holders of contracts made their subscriptions through their banks, and efforts are be ing made to keep responsibili" ty hid behind that cloak. These subscriptions, however, to gether with- those-made by in dividuals financially interested in supplies concerns, bring the total of this class close to, if not actually beyond, $250, 000,000, it is declared. Conflict Teaches Germans Economy Berlin, Oct. 18.—The war as a teacher of economy is scoring new results from time to time even among a people already so economical as the Germans. The newspapers are calling attention to the ex traordinary increase this year in the cultivation of the'com mon sunflower. It is seen in great quantities in the gardens in the suburbs of Berlin and ot'he1" cities, and along rail" ways everywhere. In the previous years the only practical value of the -lant was in feeding the seeds io birds but this year the seeds are used to make an oil which is pronounced equal to the best olive oil for cooking purposes. Shoots Can be Eaten. A writer is also pointing to further possibilities of the plant The oilcake left after making oil, he says, is an ex cellent feed for animals. Whereas the seeds themselves can be roasted and used as a substitute for coffee. The young shoots and undevelop ed leaves can also be cooked and eaten as a palatable substi tute for spinach. Substitute Leaves for Tea. In Belgium, too, the Ger mans are turning their thots toward discovering new uses for old and familiar plants. An agricultural weekly pub lished by the German author ities has just been showing that tea can be made from tender, half-grown leaves of the blackberry and raspberry nlants, which has all the qual ities of its famous Chinese cousin, without its nerve dis turbing effect." Two Carloads of Farm Machinery Consisting of Plows, Wagons, Buggies, Manure Spreaders, Fanning Mills, Wild Oats Separators, Stationery Engines, Feed Grinders, Power Wash ing Machines and Cream Separators See Our Prices Before Buying Elsewhere Berlin, Oct. 20.—The res trictions regarding the sale of distilled liquors in Greater Ber" lin, which were proposed in August by Police President von Jagow to the governing authorities, have gone into ef fect. They are so drastic that landlords and distillers are in despair, and the general public feels that its indulgence in "schnaaps" and similar drinks is to be very largely curtailed. The rules now laid down for bid the sale of distilled li~ qucrs except between 9 a. m. and 9 p. m.—the sale in res taurant? having women wait resses and bar maids—the sale in "automatic" restaurants and sale to drunken persons. The liquor may be drunk on the premises. Glendive, Mont., Oct. 20.— From Glendive to Glacier Park through the heart of the greatest agricultural area in the northwest is soon to be come a reality if the proposed plan of County Agriculturist George E. Piper is favorably taken up by the localities ef fected, and put through either as an agricultural side-route of the present Red Trail, or as an independent highway thru the richest farming country in America' London, Oct. 20. The news is printed today that Sir Edward Carson has resigned. Premier Asquith is urging him to consider his action to avoid disclosing any unpleaant cab inet friction' She Will Recover So her doctor said. Her friends and neighbors felt sure of it too. They have used Peruna themselves and know of its merits. That old cough that had worried her for years and years, for which she had taken ali sorts of cough medicines, has disappeared. Peruna is doing the work. She will recover. Indeed, she has recovered. Iler name is Mrs. William Hohmann, 2764 Lincoln Ave., Chicago, Ills. She had suffered •with catarrh of the bronchial tubes and had a terrible cough ever since a child. As she got older she grew worse. She coughed both winter and sum mer. Had to sit up at night. Could not sleep. "But ail that has left me now. Peruna has cured me." There are others, and there Is a reason. B. LINGER Demountable %mf fymMsion Windshield axwE cTJve"Woivcter Demountable Rims The 1916 Maxwell is equipped vfith de mountable rims, and has the same size tire on all four wheels. Two vitally important features. To replace a tire on the road it is only nec essary to loosen five bolts slip off the flat tire slip on spare rim and tire tighten three bolts, and proceed. We are waiting to take you for a test ride in the car that has broken all low "First-Cost" records, and is breaking all low "After-Cost" records. Correspondents Wanted If your locality is not represented in this paper, write us at once as it should be. Do it tocL» now. Put Your Neighborhood on the Map Ca.r" ^BectricStarfer HedricLlqhts Uapieto fynition r.O DETROIT "&/en/jR(&disa Alaxwellfyad HUGH EGAN, Agent, Beach, North Dakota.