Newspaper Page Text
38*' All Home Print Celebration at Bridge Dedication Plans Laid For Big. Event. at Medora in May or June-Cel- in. ebrities to Be Present. Extensive plans are being laid far a rousing celebration to mark the dedication of the new Red Trail bildge ait Me dora. The date so far has not been definitely set, but the event wtillrtake place in May or eainly June of thus year. Word to 'this effect has 'been received by Rev. G.N. Ken iriston of 'this ciily from Presi dent Turner. Rev. Kennis ton has been one of the active ^workers in making the new bridge a 'reality and it was lar gely due to hits efforts it'hat the flakes great pride in his recent funds sufficient to build the purchase Tlhie newspapers of the towns adjacent to the new bridge conducting a vigorous cam paign advertising the dedica tion, wfhich promises to be uni que and every way wiorth -wihile. Delegations are being planned which will make the trip in automobilUes. Nota ble m(en among them the crov erniors c«f North Dakota. Min nesota and Montana, are ex pected to take an active part in the program CURTAIN PURCHASES TALENTED PACER E. J. Curtin, president of the First National bank of this city, has purchased from Thos. W. Murphy the pacing gelding 'Major Qng 2:03 1-2 and we understand the horse will be raced over Iowa half mile tracks during the present sea son Mr. Cutftin bridge were (raised. Major Ong was raced for The lack of a bridge a?Me- jtwio years over Iowa. Illinois dora for several years has been and Missouri half-mile tracks, the only break in the chain Ihere he was all but unbeata connecting the Red TraH from jble. Another season's exper coast to coast, and due to the ience in the hands of an able fact (that motorists experienced considerable expense and ag-i gravatdon in foirding the Little Missouri. rriuch of the oonti nenitell tma/ffic has paissed to the north and .south, though those routes offer 't)he traveller less soentic advantages than that of the Red Trail. Tihe comple tion of the new bridge will change all this, and result in •a heavy 'traffic this yeair. HEAVY EATORS ARE BAD RISKS New York, Feb. 14.—Insur ance statistics slhow that' the man who over eats as well as the man who over-indulges in •alcholic drinks is a bad risk, ac cording to Arthur Hunter, a life insurance actuary. Mr. Hunter delivered a warning against over-indulgence in an address to a Young Men's "Christian association last night He said that the heavy diner 3S wiell as the heavy diiinker was sure of a short life but seldom a mierry one because the conditions under which he lived precluded tihe full enjoy ment of eitiher mental or phy sical well-being. But at the top of the 'list of 'llife shorten ing habits he placed the use of alcoholic liquors. "Seventy years ago." said Mr. Hunter, "an abstainer was unknaWnandwhen the first ab stainer applied tlo a large Lon don company for insurance, a special meeting of the board of dirctor Was called to deal with this phenomenon and a special prenrtium was demand ed Contrary to all expectat ions this man lived to be 82 years oAd. Charles M. Ebbert, has been appointed star route carrier at Carringtan, N. D. vice Alon zo C. Mouser 1 has placed Joe Turner, a Well-known trainer of Marshaltown, la., in charge of the hoarse. The addi tion of Major Omg to the west ern half-mfile track brigade should lend great interest to the events in tlhat section for 1916. He has developed as tonishing form on the track, and great things are predicted *'of hiim, by Mr. Curtin who i"r\'ncir Willi make hiim a fact or to be reckoned wath in turf meehs, according to local hcremen. Chinook Routes Legions of Snow Balmy Weather Results in a Speedy Disappearance of the "Beautiful." All this week a balmy Chi nook. aided by a smiling sun has been assailing the legions of winter's snows. As a result of the rapid thaw, many low places are sheets of water, anc country roads formerly in passable because of the deep drafts, are now almost itrtpass able because of the wiater slush and mud. A few more days of continued wai weather will witness the dis appearance of the "beautiful" In the city, the thawing of iihe packed and frozen snc wihich impeded the pedestrian in his peregrinations about the city has given many property owners the opportunity to clear their premises and walks of the accumulation, which in many instances wtas as much as two to four feet. The walks in all but a few instances aire now clear. In order to facilitate tihe clearing of the streets of the rapid accumulation of water, Chief of Police McNiece. act ing in his dual capacity of street commissioner, has had a force of men busily engaged with pick and shovel remov ing snow from the curbs, in order to make a free channel, and clearing away the ice which closed the sewer inlets. As a result, the Water is being rapidly taken off through the sewer to tihe outskirts of the city. A vast amount of Water being daily taken off, and is wiith a continuance of present weather city streets wall soon be in fair condition. As itlhe ground froze with about five ifeet of moisture, the iirfarcense amount which will be available for the coming crowing season augurs splen did crop conditions. •I VOLUME XII i^UBUSHLD Ai BLACM, GOLDEN VALLEY COUNTY, INORiH DAKOi A, FRIDAY FEBRARY 18, 1916 War Threatens Woolen Goods Situation Augurs for White Overalls, Etc., Also, as Res ult of Shortage in Fast Dyes The "far-flung battle line" of the world war soon may thieaflen the peace and com ort of Beach citizens, and thus bring home with painful orce tihe truth of Sherman's famous three-word axiom. Tlhiiis doesn't mean that a bel igerenit army will camp itself jn Golden Valley soil, or that a flock of Zeppelins will terror ize our citizens and cause them to frequent tihe quiet re lireat of their firesides more i'hsin hitherto ha/s been their •wont, or that submarines will blockade the streams and rivu leits caused by the melting enow. A greater danger than this threatens the coirymunitv. wo'olless underwear, overalls of a creamy white color, color less pop. and unsweetenedlr" 1 synthetiic honey. Our citizens vlilWIUrU ft 111 may wiaill pause and ponder at this silent invasion of the forces that contribute to their physical comfort. Thus the edict goes forth from the big city manufactur er and wholesale houses, who prognosticate that it will not be long before they will be compelled to alter their manu facturing methods to accord With the new order of things. In the meantime, some one wiltlh brass and hardihood suf ficent to cause the people to fall all over themseVles to get in "style" iwioulld receive grate ful and financial recognition by the manufacturers, we aire told. The wjool crop of this coun try is insufficient to meet do mestc demands, which in nor mal times results in the im portation of vast quantities from Australia. Now the Au stralian government has siezed and aire using the enifliire out put for tihe manufacture of winter garments for their troops in the theatre of wiar, with the result tlheit all impor tations have ceased. Literally, the manufacturers are up agEirnst it, and claim to have a supply on hand sufficient for but a shimt tiure longer. The dye fi'tuahion also is pwba^asriinw'ih'jfTrianufacturers who have 'hitherto depended upon Europe for their supplies. Golden IDallev Chronicle A Newspaper that Causes Comment in a Town that is Talked Ai wmi result we are promised ov eralls of creamy white, and dre?i3 goods and "shirtings" with makeshift dyes with no claim for pemr^anency. Though government and private chem ists are seeking tlo solve the dye prcbleir.13, it •will be largely to the consumer to deter- up mine for himself whether the dyes will "run" or bold "fast". If the former condition pre vails. the average Monday morning's Wash promises to reva' a clothesline full of gar m-m of a motley, variegat ed color scheme comparable only to Joseph's famous coat. clothiers, we are :n frin ri all of the wool in that country, qualified to dispense justice expect to :.»\.perience considerable difficulty in op taiining real guaranteed wool len goods after another, year, if the war in Europe con tin ,, been prepared u®s to skyrocket the prices or wool ?,nd dyps, even when ob tainable at all, though early season buys made by enterpris ing lr~ al rr|°n familiar with the •«i't'.'atoon offers temporary re lief. be a Candidate The Press understands that Judge W. C. Crawford will be a candidate for re-election as Judge of the Tenth Judicial Dictrict. This 13 as it should be, and we believe it w'oiild be a distinct disappointment to his cc ntsiituents had he announced oltherwse. During the past few years Judge Crawford has been mentioned in connection with higher judicial offices and has been urged to accept tender ed prcurlctions. He has per sistently refused all sugges tions, however, remaining con tent Uo fill his present office and continue to make the city of Dickinson 'his home. Judge Crawford is one of those few big n(en wlho are thoroughly qualified to dispatch justice earl essly, impartially and from restlessly, inipartia'ily TO THE VOTERS OF [THE CITY OF BEACH In the belief that the adt inistartiion of Beach city ^affairs should be devoid of all factional strife, to the end* that civic affairs may be placed upon a sound business and financial footing, and recognizing that the attitude of the people is such as to approve of such a course, the undersigned present the name of a Bind from the standpoint wihich he thinks right. His splendid ability has been recognized upon several occasions by the sup reme court of the state, when he 'hias been called upon to of ficiate upon the supreme bench. It is with satisfaction thait the oeiople of the Tenth Judicial District hear that he expects to be a candidate to puceed himself. Dickinson Pi ess. man *whom. we sincerely believe, can accomplish the desired results. Politically, he is a man who stands on his ow!n feet who Weairs no political or factional collar With no friends he is obligated to reward, no enemies to punish who always has held himself aloof from the prejudic-.* es excited by factionalism and who is eminently cap *able of taking the responsibilities of the office, and pur suiing a course which will accomplish this end. The man is W. A. Sprague, for many years a tax payer and citizen of Beach, an honored and respected citizen and 'in presenting his name for the considera-* tion of ihe voters ot beach, it is our sincere belief that he is the man who can accomplish the desired res ults. (Adv.) COMMITTEE OF NON-FACTIONAL VOTERS. for mayor j=. —vsro*,. K. of C's. Hold Annual Banquet Local Meirfoers and Their La dies to the Number of Sixty in Attendance-Dance Fol- lowed. One of the notable i. xv Wallace's culinary staff. The tables were beautifully decora fed, and handsome streamers, the colors of the order, deco rated the dining room. ess on sue socia events of the season occurred jto last Monday evening when in two weeks. It is understood the Knights of Columbus of from Rer.i!,rep's letter that tihe the city held their annual ban-'^P^^S^f accepted, is to take quet. The affair took place1 local menibers of the order, ®vent '-'o which he is eirj' 'tled vviith their ladies, were present reason of Rentrop greater and paltook of the splendid Bismarck man five course supper which had ^PP*n5 ^?am at forty-odd by Landlord County Auditor. M. C. Mc Carthy acted in the capacity of toastmiastler, a function at which the genial auditor proved himself particularly ?.pt. as the applause which greeted his sallies proved. A unique and amusing feature was the reading of "phoney" aerograms from absent mem bers and out-of town concerns to the local menibers of the 'order. The banquet was con cluded by excellent talks from several of those present. R. F. Gallagher delivered the prin cipal address, wihich was fol lowed by remarks from Hugh Egan, James Burke, M. A. Egan and J. P. Lally, the later a visiting Knight from St. Paul. The affair ended with dance, Foster's orchestra fur nishing the music. Mike Mo ran and M. A. Egan amused the gathering with a genuin Irish hoe-down, a performance hat was greeted wfith stormy applause. Dancing held forth until shortly after midnight. CALL ISSUED TO REV. A. J. TJORNHOM At a meeting of the congre gation of the Norwegian Lutheran church last Wednes day evening for the purose of getting a successor to Rev. Thorpe, resigned, a call was issued (Jo Rev. Tjcrnhom of Rharrie, this state. We under stand that a sirriilar meeting was held by the Sentinel Butte that alike action was taken. For years Rev. Tjornom had the pulpit in the Lutheran church at Rhame for some time past and is a young man of rare ability as well as pleas ing personality. He conduc ted preaching services at the church here both forenoon and evening last Sunday and creat ed a very favorable imlpression. We are told, that while he has not as yet accepted the call very little doubt is entertain ed but what he will. Mrs. H. H. Miller is in the Twin Cities purchasing a new stock of mijllinery. preparatory to opening up a millinery store in the Heath building just west bf the State Line Hotel. H. H. McCulloch was call ed to Omaha, Neb., last week by the death of a very dear friend. HUton RENTRGP HURLS LATTA SWEEPING CHALLENGE Charlie Renthrop, a Bis marck wrestler of some claim to fame as a result of his prow the mat, this week s- to Kid' Latta""'the' young whirlwind of this cit}', a .! swleepitag challenge to meet him on'hlis ciwn termis, the bcut take place scare time wiLth- lhi'3 city- at the Hotel Callender, and -ta has offered to was a splendid social success Rienlrop, provid'.mg, in every way. Thrty of the) ever' a handicap pounds in excess of that of the Bea'c-h man. At the present time, we understand, all that is necessary to completethear ranwemen is are an acceptance by Rentrop of the Kid's claim. This writer is not convers ant with Rentrop's prowess at ihe mat, and it is our belief "hat he is unknown to most Beach fans. In any event, knowing Kid Latta's clever work, it is predicted that the Bismarck aspirant will find his hands full Popular Stuart Couple Married Blain Bryson and Miss Evelyn Glazier of South Country, Quietly United in Matrimo ny Sunday. The miany friends of the contracting parties will be pleased to learn of the marriage at the homie of the bride's par ents. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Glaoior. of their daughter, Miss Evelyn, to Mr. Blaine Blrysen, a popular young far mer of the south country. The Wedding was a very quiet affair, none but the rela tives of the contracting parties bi'ng present. Rev. Whitaker of Stuart officiated in the cere mony tlhat united the lives and foitunes of the young people. The bride is an accomplished young lady, of many excellent qualities, and successful school teacher. With her parents she has m'ade her home in the Golden Valley for about eight years, and enjoys an extensive acquaintance in that vicinity, with whomi she is very popu lar The groom, likewise, has njade his hcrrje in the Stuart neighborhood for a number of years, coming wiii'th his par ents from Wisconsin and with them flaking up a homestead. He has been successful in his farming ventures and is a sub stantial young man of charact er The young people will re side on the groom's farm near Stuart. The contracting parties have mlnny friends who hasten to xljend congratulations and best wishes, in wihich The Chronicle joins. Fourth-class posfimiasters ppDointed for North Dakota Snnritwood, Stutsman Co.. Hii'ding F. Qhristofferson, vice Otrd V. Clarrto resigned, Thompson, Grand Forks Co., Lemuel C. Larkin, vice Miss Hazel L.arkin, resigned. Eight Pages NUMBER 15 The Feast The of Little Lanterns Chinese Operetta by a Home Talent Cast of Twenty-five Was a Brilliant Success. Probably the most preten tious honte tal: nt production occurring in this end of the state took place at the opera house yesterday evening when "The Feast of the Little Lan terns", a Chinese operetta in acts, w"as given by a bevy of twenty-five fair maids of '.he 'city schools, undsr the capable direction of Miss Al ice Kohlars, of the English de partment. The production revealed ex cellent histriorrc talent on the part of the performers, which was especially evident in the nkndid fashion in w'hioh the rrAin characters, Irene Eide as Princess Chan Eleanor Wall as Mai Ku L.ilas McColeiwan Wee Ling and Freda Brault as Ow Long, handled their difficult parts. Each proved herself a youthful pri rrh donna in the making.1 They were supported by a chorus ensemlble of twenty-one dainty "Chinese" rrfaiids, and all were arrayed in picturesque hinese costume. Individual make-ups were perfect, even to the oblique eyebrows and 'peculiar hairdress, giving a most realistic effect. Each •member of the chorus carried a Chinese lantern and fan, wihich were waved in rythmic unison in the chorus response. All played their parts with a rare zest and symjpathy espe cially praiseworthy.The stage was appropriately decorated fn Oriental style. Foster's or chestra rendered several num bers and accompanied the chorus. The operetta was the direct result of much real and con scientious work on the part of both directress and cast. FolkivMing is the prologue in brief: "The ancestral estate of Prince Chan is held in trust until the night of the Feast of the Little Lanterns, when it shall be given over to any two surviving children. Princess Chan, having lost her brother and sister When they were all children at play in the moun tain summer-home of the Prince, is in great sorrow at the thought of losing her home wihich, however, is saved for her. "The first act opens with iihe celebration of the Feast of f.he Little Lanterns, various legends being Woven into the f.ext of the songs. The Gov erness who would regulate af fairs of children in China, and the little maid wflic- adores her n^stress. cause some am*use ment and entertainment. Then the surprise for the Princess is introduced in the person of the little Japanese juggler girl, who pleases them mightily until summoned to the palace. The chorus de parts and the curtain falls with the sorrowing Princess alone in the garden. "In the second act the Prin cess is discovered still alone 'and lamenting. The chorus comes back with Lee Wing caught in mschief after (Continued on page four) $' I ¥f •i4 -fl