Legal Publications NOTIC'I? roil I'rill.IC.YTION" Department of the Interior U. S. LAND OFFICE at Dickinson, Nortli Dakota, Dec. 2nd,, 1915. NOTIC13 is hereby given that Laura B. Thompson, widow of Thomas Thompson, deceased, of Skaar, North Dakota, who, on April 11th, 1910, made Homestead Entry, Serial, No. 010S93, for Northeast Quarter, Section S, Township 145 N., Itanire 104 West 5th Principal Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make Filial Five Year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Karl P. Hetz ler, United States Commissioner, at 8kaar, North Dakota, on the 16th day Of February 1916. Claimant names as witnesses: M. F. Dodd, of Trotters, North Dak ota, and Silas M. Dodd, Roy M. Coen, and Kay M. Coen, all of Skaar, North Dakota. W. B. Dickson. Register. CITATION HEARING PETITION FOR APPOINTS!HVr OF ADMINISTRATOR STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA County of Golden Valley ss: IN COUNTY COURT, before Hon. Tom L. Smith, ge. In the Matter of the Estate of A. J. Reichenecker, Deceased. Evelyn E. Reichenecker, Petitioner, vs. Harriet C. Reichenecker, William Keichenecker, George Reichen ecker, and Mary McMinn, Respondents. THE STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA TO THE ABOVE NAMED RESPON DENTS AND ALL PERSONS INTER­ ESTED IN THE ESTATE OF A. J. REICHENECKER, DECEASED. You and each of you are hereby noti fied that Evelyn E. Reichenecker, the ger etitioner herein, has filed in this court petition praying that letters of ad ministration upon the estate of A. J. Reichenecker, late of the city of Beach in the county of Golden Valley and state of North Dakota, deceased, be granted to E. E. Noble, and that the said petition will be heard and duly considered by this court on Wednesday, the twenty-second day of March, 1916, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day, at the court rooms of this court, in the county court house in the city of Beach county of Golden Valley and state of North Dakota, and you and each of you are hereby cited to be and appear before this court at said time and place, and answer said petition, and show cause, if any there be, why the prayer of said petition should not be granted. By the Court: TOM L. SMITH. Judge of the County Court. Dated the 25th day of January, 1916. (SEAL OF COl'RT) JOHN L. KOEPPLER. For Attorney for Petitioner, Beach, North Dakota. SHERIFF'S SAKE NOTICE IS IIHREHY GIVEN, That by virtue of the judgment in foreclos ure rendered by the District Court of the County of Golden Valley, Tenth Judicial District, North Dakota, on the 7th day of December, 1915 in an action •wherein International Harvester Com pany of America, a pornor-ition. vis plaintiff and Alden Mosher was de fendant, in favor of um piainuu uiai against saiil defendant. AMen Mosher. for the sum of $1,933.52, which said Judgment among other things directed first the sale by me of the personal properly hereinafter described in the manner provided by law for the sale of personal property under execution, and that 1 apply the proceeds of such sale, less my fees and expenses, upon the pavment of said judgment and costs: and by virtue of tt writ of yp cial execution to me issued out of the office of the clerk of said court, and under the seal thereof, commanding me to sell said personal property pur«u:\:H to said Judgment. I, S. A. Smith, sheriff of Golden Valley County and the Person appointed bv said court to make said Bale, will sell the hereinafter described iersonal property to the highest bidder cash, at public auction, at the cen ter of the X\V 1-! of- section 19. town ship 143 ranee 1fl. in the County of Oolden Valley and St:'te of North Da kota. on the 5th day of February, 191i, at the hour of 2 o'clock in the after noon of said day, to satisfy said judg ment. with interest, and costs thereof, Jind the costs and expenses of such sale, or as much thereof as the pro ceeds of such sale will satisfy. The personal property to be sold as aforesaid, pursuant to said judgment and said writ of special execution and to this notice is described as follows: One 20 „horse-power sinele cylinder International Mogul Engine, U. B. 37S9: one 5-hottom P. & O. engine gang plow with stubble bottoms: two An derson 125 bushel grain tanks one Aultman & Taylor 15 barrel gasoline tank. Dated this 19th day of January, 1916. NoMee of Pntpouriipnt Notice is hereby eix-en that the sale of the property above described is postponed and said property will be sold to the hig'.iest bidder for cash at public auction at the place above def ciofl on V. cdnesdav. the sth d-'v of March, at the hout of two (2) o'clock In the i1• ftcmoon of sfiid «iv S. A. SMITH. Sheriff of Golden Valley County, North Dakota. MILLER. Zl'GER &• .TII.LOTSON, Attorneys for Plaintiff. Bismarck, North Dakota. 11-12 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the matter of the esta'te of Hen rietta Lee. Deceased. Notice Is hereby given by the und ersigned E. E. Noble, Administrator of the Estate of Henrietta Lee late, of the town of Medora in the County of Billings and State of North Dakota, deceased, to the creditors of, and all persons having claims against, said deceased, to exhibit them with the necessary vou/'her". four months after the first publication of this notice, to said Administrator at •bio ofic" in the city of Beach, in said Golden Valley County. i.tlcd February 3rd. A. D. 1916. E. E. Noble, Administrator. R. M. Andrews, Atty. Beach. N. Dak. First publication on the 4th day of February A. D. 1916. 12-4t NOTICE OF rilATTEI. MORTGAGE I'OKEl'I.OSI RE SAKE Notice is Hereby Given, that where as iiiuit lias occurred in the con ditions of that certain chattel mort gage executed b.v G. E. llougeii, mort gagor, to the Stone l'iano Company, a corporation, mortgagee, bearing date tlie 1st day of June, 1911, and liied for record in the office of the register of deeds ill and for the County of Golden Valley, and state of -North Dakota, on the lath day of .lime, 1 S, at nine oiulock a. in., by reason of the failure of the said mortgagor to pay the debt secured thereby, and Whereas, there is now due and un paid oil said indebtedness to the und ersigned, the sum of Three Hundred Seventy Four Dollars and Twenty Cents ($371.20) principal and interest.. Now therefore the property describ ed ill said mortgage, towit: One Schiller l'iano, Style 35, Walnut, No. .'wN.'!!, will be sold pursuant to the power of sale in said mortgage con tain-d. pibli. ~e In 1.11c highest bidder for cash, on Wednesday the 23rd •lay of February. 1916 at two o'clock p. m. of day, at the front door of 111e court house, being the Beach State Bank l:ldu. in the City of Ueacn, County of Golden Valley and state of North Dakota,- the place regularly de signated by til-- Board of County Com missioners as the place for the holding of sales, to satisfy tlie debt secured by said mortgage, and the costs and ex penses of these foreclosure proceed ings. I-t'-d at Fariro, N.. D., this 7th day of February. 1916. STONE PIANO COMPANY Mortgagee. B""fening Baker. Attorneys for Mortgagee, 630 de Lendrecie Bldg., argo. li. SECOND SUMMONS In Juntlee Court, Before A. M. Stoddnrd Juhtier of the Pence State of North Dakota, County of Golden Valley, ss. W. J. Patrick, Plaintiff, vs. W. F. Porter, Defendant, and Elliott & Bacli, a co-partnership composed of George Elliott and A. 1-1 Bach, Garnishees. TIIE STATE nf NORTH DAKOTA TO SAID DEFENDANT: By this second Summons herein you ar«i directed to appear before me at my ouice in the City of Beach, N. Dak., at ten o'clock a. m. on the 0th day of AJarch, A. i. 1916, there to answer the complaint of the plaintiff, W. J. Pat rick, against you alleging that Miare is still due him from you the sum of on: Hundred Sixty-nine and lis-200 (t: «l .t»s) Dollars as the balance due -o:- rent covering the mi lea.-.e held ou lioin said p!uim::'.: oil tl.e pre iiusc-s in Wibaux County, Montana, !e"cribed as the East half of the Northwest quarter (Ei of NWti) and the East half of the Soutn west quarter (EVi of SWU) Section Eight (S) Tuvn.-,hip Thil teen 113), llange Sixty (60), said sum still due representing the value of the 1915 crops raised and produced on said described premises and belong ing to the plaintiff herein as his share thereof and you are further notified that on the 2th day of January, 1916, there was garnisliecd in this cause in the hands of Elliott & Bach, a co partnership composed of George El liott and O. E. Bach, the proceeds of Three Hundred Twenty-nine (329) bu shels and Two (2) pounds of oats, the property of the defendant and that the plaintiff de mands that the personal property so garnisheed be applied to the satisfac tion of his claim and you are further notified that unless you so appear and answer tile Plaintiff's complaint said plaintiff will take judgment against you accordingly. 1916Ven tlliS llay 0i Fel,ruiu'y D- A. M. Stoddard, Justice of the Peace Golden Valley County North Dakota. Let service of the above Second Summons be made by publication in the Golden Valley Chronicle of Beach, •N'orth Dakota, by publication of the same in one issue of said newspaper "ach week for three successive weeks, the last publication to be on the 25th day of February. A. D. 1916. A. M. Stod 'ard Justice of the Peace "old-»n Vn'i"v County North Dakota. Clement L. Waldron. Vtto'-ne-- for Plaintiff, Beach. North Dakota. 14-3t NOTICE OF SAI.E ON IIK A I, ESTATE JIOn'i'UAdR I'lllt EC I.OS t'RE WHEREAS. Default exists in the mortgage hereinafter described in that both the principal mortgage debt and interest thereon, although past due and payable, are still unpaid, by rea son whereof the power of sale contain ed in said mortgage has become op erative and WHEREAS No action nor proceeding at law or otherwise has been brought for the recovery of any part of said mortgage debt: NOW THEREFORE. Notice is here by given that that certain mortgage "Xecuted and delivered by Edward Madison and his wife Mary Madison, as mortgagors, unto Michael Goetz, as mortgagee, dated the 7th dav of Dec ember, 1910, acknowledged the 3th day of December. 1910 and filed for record in the office of the register of deeds of Billings County, North Dako ta, at 9 o'clock a. m. on the 10th day of January. 1911, and recorded as doc ument number S905 in book 9 of mort gages at page -1ST, and upon the seg regation of Golden Valley County. N'orth Dakota, from raid Billings county transcribed and rerecorded in the office of the register of deeds of said no'den Valley Couutv in book of mortgages at page r,«1. will lie fore closed by a sale of the premises in said morturmf and hereinafter des- Ib.'d at 1 The premise': des-e'-i1 ed iu said mort •aie iipd which win l.p sold to satis- ,*t tne sanic •.«•(. situate iu the county Co'd. 11 Valler- 'formerly a part of "_ie county of Bi'lings) aed state of "-th Dakota and are describe,] Attorney fn- Mo-tea B»ac!i, Xortli Dakota. NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE OF HE A I. ESTATE I MIEil .11 DG ME.NT IN FORECi.OSl RE OF MECHANIC'S MEN OF REAL PROPERTY. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that by virtue of a judgment in Mechanic's Lien foreclosure rendered by the Dis trict Court of the Tenth Judicial Dis t-i -t in and for the County of Golden Valley, North Dakota, entered in the off'ce of the Cl -rk of said Court on the 26th day of May, 1913, and docket ed therein on the 26th day of May, 1913, in an action wherein the North St. Lumber Company was plaintiff, ami John F. Scott was defendant, in favor of the said plaintiff, and against said defendant, for the foreclosure of •1 Mechanic's lien of real property up on the lands hereinafter described, for ami to make the sum of Seven iiun- --1 :"i :t\ Two and PO-lOO f$762.60) Dollars, r-iiount due on said lien -including co-ts and attorneys lees of sahl action, vhith -aid judsn:-nt, amort other tilings, directed the sale by me of rid real estate to satisfy said "amount, with interest and costs and expenses of sale, and WHEREAS, said judgment ordered, adjudged and decreed that a!! t'-e -ight, title, .equity and interest of tile '-••ill defendant. .Tohn F. Scott, in end to said hereinafter d^scrib-d ma mis sold by me, and by virtue of a wi'it of Special F\-ecmi«" the»"on jo-nerl bv 111" out of the office of the Cl-rk said f'o'i't .'e,. |i se-l Of Said Court, dated the Sth d-v of January 1 16, direetintr me «-'"i' -=ni-t reel es tate pursuant to said judgment, and WH I-'*' l-'AS, b-ij .viwi on the hereinafter desc-ibed pr-miscs. and ment on tlie date of sale the sum of '•'•veil Hundred Sixty Two and 60-100 'C-r*' r/it I ol 1 »-v tn»-. t' er \i-i I-. -m' ued interest, ami with interest there from and since til-*- ii day of Mav 1913 at th" rate of seven (7 per e-.nt'« per cent per annum, and the costs and expenses of sale. 1, S. A. Smith. Sheriff of Golden V-1 ''-""M* N'o-th feikota. the person appointed by the court to make such sale, will sell, all real property and all •imurt'-minees a' public auction to the *i"i-iest bjdd for cash, at the front -loor of the four* House in tlie Citv of ch. ttoldeTl \*att:-y Co'inf'* f)"Hi lv?l«:ota. on the 10th dav of March. at one o'c'n'-li P. ^\T. to satisfy said judgment with interest and costs and evn-ns's of sale, or so much thereof as the proceeds of sale appli '-le thereto will satisfy. Th" premises to be sold nursunnt to -•id judgment and said writ of execu tion and this notice ar» described as Y.I1o'- s. to-wit: Lot Three (3) in t-j'o-l: Ei- ht (S) of H"nter-« Second \ddition to Beach in the County of ijo'.-len Valley, N'orth Dakota. D-itcl this 11th day of February, 1916. S. A. Smith. Sheriff of Golden Valley Countv, Vort*! tp].'Ota. BCKFEN1NG S- BAKER. Attorneys for Plaintiff, r?n Del ndrecie Building, Fargo, North Dakota. V. C. Sherman. Of Counsel, 442 An drus Building, Minneapolis, Minn. CITATION AND NOTICE OF HEARING OF INVENTORY AND AP l"n i«i:wi-\r Tn County Court before Hon. Tom L. •?mith. Judge. State of North Dakota. County of jo'-ier Vj-ii'v. IN RE ESTATE OF HENRIETTA i,pp IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF HENRIETTA LEE Wm. Lee, peti tioner vs. Jacob H. Lee, Nancy A. Schmidt, Fred B. Lee, Robert E. Lee, /Cora M. Swingle, Dora Young, William N. Lee, Granville H. Lee and all other persons interested in the estate of Henrietta Lee, Respondents. The State of North Dakota and said County Court to the above named respondents. Greeting. You and each of you are hereby cited and required to be and appear before the County Court of the County of Golden Valley, In said state, at the office of the County Judge of said County, in the City of Beach in said County, on the 20th day of March A. D. 1916, at 2:00 o'clock in the after noon of that day, then and there to hear the report on the inventory and appraisement of the estate of Hen rietta Lee as returned to this Court by the administrator of said estate and offer and file any objection, if any you have, against the allowance of the said inventory and appraisement. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF. We have caused the seal of tlie County Court of said County Court to be here unto affixed. WITNESS, the Hon. Tom I,. Smith, fudge of the said County Court, at the City of Beach, in said County, this 10th day of February 1916. (SEAL) Tom L. Smith, 16-6t *e frort door of the court house of Golden Valley County (le t''e buildintr of the Beach" Stale Hank) in the city of Heach, county of •'o'deii Vallev and state of North "Da kota. at the hour of two o'clock in the fternoon on Wednesday, the "••••ut v •coiid (22d) day of March. 1916, to •itisfy the pmount dee upon said "O-tgaffe on the dey of sale, together •villi costs and fe.-s of fo-.-elosuve and le. nil that '-•••id «-'ale will be "lade at public auction by the sheriff of ail Golden Valley County. 1 a follows, to wit: T.ots One t'11 and Two f'M in T^oek ,\i«*'ht of Hunter's Fourth '-ItlO ^d'ition to the Oriirinal Townsite of Beach, aceordintr to the plat thereof on •Me and of reent-d in the office of the master of deeils of STjrl Coldep Valley County, together with the build'nsrs. ditament« and appurtenances »-.*• unto belonging. will be due on said roo"tfaere fio lav of S"*e t, -*e sum of two •housand two hundred and vr. and thi»*ty-seven cents ($2245.- 37). besides costs and fees of foreclos ure and sale. Dited this 11th dav of February, 1916. MICHAEL Oe:T/. Mo«tirn cr»e, Vo" vaik, Wisconsin. JOHN T, KORP I 'I,!. -!, Judge of the County Court. 14-3t SUMMONS In Dldtrlct Court. Tenth Judicial District State of North Dakota, County of Golden Valley, ss: H. K. Balthauser, Plaintiff, vs. Ffank Hess, Defendant. THE STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA TO THE ABOVE NAMED DEFEND ANT: You are hereby summoned to answer the complaint of the plaintiff in the above entitled cause of action and to serve a copy of your answer upon the subscriber hereto at his offices in the First National Bank Building, Ueacn, North Dakota, within thirty (30) days utter tne service of this summons upon you, exclusive of the day of service, itnu in tne event of your tailure to ap pear or answer the complaint of the plaintiff herein, judgment will l.o tak en against you by uefau.t for the re lief demanded in the complaint. i-atc-d at Beach, Nort'i Dakota. Feb ruary 15, 1916. Clement Wal-Iron, Attorney for Vlainti'f, Office and postoffice address, Beach, North Dakota. To Frank Hess, Defendant in the above entitled action: You will please takfe notice that the original verified complaint in the above entitled action is tiled with the Clerk of the District Court, within and for said Golden Valley County, North Dakota. Dated February 15, 1916. Clement L. Waldron, Attorney for Plaintiff, Office and post office address. Beach, North Dakota. SIMMONS In District Court. Tenth Judicial District State of North Dakota, County of Golden Valley. Interstate Bank of Billings County, of Sentinel Butte, a corporation, Plnintiff, vs. Frank P. Adams, De fendant. The State of North Dakota to the above named Defendant You are hereby summoned to answer the complaint in the above entitled action which will be filed in the office of the clerk of the district court of the Tenth Judicial District, in and for the county of Golden Valley and State of North Dakota, and to serve a copy of your answer to the said complaint on the subscriber at his office in Dickinson, Stark County in said state, within thirty days after the ser vice of this summons upon you, ex clusive of the day of such service and in case of your failure to appear or answer judgment will be taken against you by default for the relief demanded in the complaint. Dated: I-Vbruary 4, 1916. L. A. Simpson, Plaintiff's Attorney, Dickinson, N. D. To the above named Defendant: You will please take notice that the summons and complaint in the above ntitled action were filed in the office of the clerk of the district court for saiii county at Beach, N. D„ on the Uth day of February, 1916 that said action is an action to quiet title to the following described real estate, viz: Tne NW'4 of Sec. 34, Twp. 1-11, Range 103, located in Golden Valley County, N. I. L. A. Simpson. Plaintiff's Attorney, Dickinson, N. l.». First Publication, Feb. 18, 1916. \uviri-: or imumahy w.Konoji to IU-: o\ 'I'IKSUAV, MYIU'II 21. ISM (I. NOTICE is hereby Riven that oti Tuesday, tlie 21st day of March next, a Primary Election will be held in Golden Valley County, North Dakota, under the provisions of Art. •, Chap ter 11, Political Code, Compiled Laws of 1J13. At said Election all qualified Elec tors inay vote their choice for Candi dates of their respective U'irties, to be nominated for President of the United States, and for Vice President of the United States, which Election will be opened at eiKht o'clock in the morning anil will continue until five ocloclc in tl' :ift- "no" nf t' dilt». The following will "be voted on for I'll lO. One National Committeeman for the Kenublican Party. Ten delegates to the National Con­ vention for the Republican Party. One National Committeeman for the Democratic Party. Ten Delegates to the National Con vention for the Democratic F'nrty. One National Committeeman for the Socialist Party. Dcleprntes to the National Con­ vention for the Socialist Party. There will also bn voted for nomin ation at said election the following: Five Presidential Electors for the Rf-nijblic-'n Pnrtv. Five President'al Electors for the Democratic Party. Five Presidential Electors for the Socialist Pa'ty. Given under my hand and S»*."l or "v Court of ''olden Vallev, N'ort!i Dakota, at the City of Beach, on the 1 4t day of February, 191 fi. (SEAI.) M. McCarthy. County Auditor. Golden Valiey Courtv. North Dak ota. 4t SUNNY RIDGE "Must be some Attraction," boys. Everybody is busy hauling ligr.ilte this winter. Otto Wagner called at Rcb-j ert Perrys on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Edrriison were allots at Dennis Monday. Saddie Henderson called at Rjobeit Perry's Sunday after noon Edd Skelton, will Hender son and John Ohlrich spent Sunday at Sunninghama Baker callers were: Edd ^ortney, D. Foust, John Gul iford, Edd Skelton, John Per y, I. N. Crowe. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Henderson and Mr. ndMrs. J. C. Perry. LAND FOR SALE OR Rent S. E. of Section 5 Trown •sio 139 Fjange 105. Will con sder renting on shares or sell- :ng on crop payment W th rea sonable apiount of cash paid down. (15-3t) .W. R. Everett Dickinson. N. D. GOLDEN VALLEY CHRONICLE OUR PUBLIC FORUM Peter Radford ON ADVERTISE IT IN AMERICA. As a citizen of this nation and one Intensely inter ested in its material development. 1 want to add my ap proval to the "Buy It in America" movement. Commer cial patriotism and business pride are the foundation stones of success in industry and no country can become supreme in commerce and trade unless It fosters a spirit of friendship and partiality for its own products and insti tutions. It is the spirit of the hive that makes the wheels of industry turn and each community should be a progressive unit in our industrial universe. All things being equal the farmer should patronize tlie local mer chant, who is always a good citizen, a heavy taxpayer and friend of the farmer. The farmer sends shiploads of raw material to foreign markets and factories that meet on their way vessels laden with finished and foreign grown products coming to America. Any effort to minimize this eco-o.nic waste ought to be encouraged. But as a farmer and friend of the manufacturer and merchant 1 want to suggest an "Advertise It in America" movement. The manufacturer and Jobber may blow loud blasts on the horn of patriotism but if they will put an 'ad" in th© newspapers in their trade territory, making a business presen tation of their goods, they will find it far more effective than waving the Star-Spangled Banner. The farmer is as much Interested in the price of the things he has to buy as in the price of the things he has for sale and the advertising columns of his newspaper are his price list. The price is the thing and the farmer wants the figures in cold type. The politicians give him all the patriotic buncombe he cares for. Business enterprise is a far r.ore suc cessful salesman than business patriotism. There are many most worthy organizations working to promote commerce and trade but we seldom find organized effort to promote the press, yet it is recognized as the most powerful agency for progress the world has ever pro duced. We have all sorts of days calculated to promote business and bono? industry such as Trades Days, Bargain Days, Labor Days, etc. why nt nave a press day and all business concerns advertise tlie things they have to sell and everybody subscribe for the local paper and all delinquents" pay a year in advance? There Is nothing so elevating in civilization as the smile of an editor and nothing will contribute more toward the welfare of a com munity than the prosperity of the press. The farmer is a friend and patron of the newspapers. He subscribes for the local paper and reads every line in it and it is the best investment he can make. There is no news so valuable as store news no information sc interesting as market demands no tragedy so entertaining as the rise and fall of prices and no page more closely studied by the fai mors than the adver tising columns of the press. Chas. C. Prouty ON THE SHIPPER AND THE RAILROAD. Chas. C. Prouty, while a member of the Interstate Com merce Commission, in discussing the relation of the Commission to the shipper and the railroad, said: "The original purpose of the interstate Commerce Ant was to protect the shipper. The most eminent man who ever sat on the Interstate Commerce Commission was its first chairman. Judge CMOICV. the history of that commission Judse Cooley published an opinion in which he said that the business of tlie commission was not to enable niiln.aiis to maintain reasonable rates, but to project shippers against the imposition of unreasonable rates.. .Vow I think since Judge Cooley published that opinion conditions have changed. I ihink that today it is just as much the c'i'y the Commission to see that the railroads are given reasonable rates which -.vill yield to them a lair return, as it is to see that no unreasonable rate is charged the shipper, and 1 believe this is in the highest interest of the shipper iiimself. "At the basis of a'.l right thinking about this street Tes the fact, verj often stated, very little apprehended, that t: rahivad is a public servant. The property is private property, but the thin d.,::e i.. a Kovenunental func tion. It is done by the government in most Kiuvpcan couni ries. Now, if the government is the master, and if the railroad is tlie servant, the servant can not propr-rly discharge its duty unless the master, instead of hampering and discouraging, sees fit to assist and foster. "You understand that if the business of this country is to develop the railroads must develop also. You also understand that in the case of many railroad systems, and perhaps most railroad systems, their business is de veloped up to the point where but little additional business could be taken on, with th« present facilities. "Now where is the money to come from with which this is to be done? Where did the money come from that built the railroads of this country? It came from the private investor it came from exactly the same source that the money comes which operates your business, which operates every other business. And why was that money put into railroads? It was put into rail roads because the people who put It into those railroads believed that it would pay a return. This money which must be had by the railroads of this country has got to come from this one source—private investors. In the past, railroads have been able to borrow whatever their necessities required. Railroad stocks have been a favorite form of investment. Railrond bonds, next to municipal bonds, have sold higher than any other securities. Now, if that is to continue, it must be because the railroads make such earnings as will fristify the investment." Peter Radford ON THE BUSINESS PREACHER. anil very early in The recent confession of Dr. Newell Dwight Hillia from the pulpit of the Plymouth Church, Brooklyn, that he erred in becoming secular is in many respects the most important statement made from the American pulpit in this generation and if it marks the high tide of min isterial lust, for worldly power that has bew« Hooding this country for the past quarter of a ceutury then Dr. llillis has not erred in vain. It must be said to the credit of this noted divine that his purpose in stepping o-nt ot the pui'pit was to acquit the means of rendering a more capable service to those who need and deserre assistance, but the pathway from the pulpit to tlie world is always strewn with good inten­ tions. Satan knows as well how to tempt a saint as be dots a sinner and he has lured many a minister down the primrose pathway of worldly poiver to ruin, for no or.e knows better than his satanio majesty how it is to get a preacher to enter business or politics "in the name of the Lord The laymen of this nation have viewed with alarm and the world with derision, t, grov.iiu tendency of ministers of the got.pej to abandon the liiilpit a powe- ayaitist evil and seek the influence of worldly agencies to put into effect their Christian ideals. The man who has not sufficient faith in the power of religion to ferapple with tlie sins of this world ought not to be in the p'i'pit and if he wants to accumulate wealth in order to relieve poverty or wield a scepter in order to enforce morality, then he ought to be a banker or a mayor, instead of a preacher. The two great temptations that confront the Christian a-.inistry today are business ami politics and between the two evil^ Dr. Hiilis chose tlie least aiid by bis able conduct has turned error to his credit and transgression to the advantage of the pulpit. It is no compliment to say a preacher is a uharp trader or a smooth politician and certainly no applicant for the min istry would offer such qualifications as evidence of equipment for Christian work, and ministers engaged in undue activities in either iield become a menace to the church and a peril to the state. It is true tlie ministers, as a class, are underpaid, but their average in come will exceed that of the average farmer. Stocks and bonds, land and securities, politics and the lecture platform have tempted many a preacher, but the plow handles are without sin so far as luring the minister from the pulpit is concerncd. Any preacher who feels the inclination to abandon the pulpit should plow a few rounds and I venture the suggestion that he will hurry bacl. to t' pulpit. Now. that Dr. Hillis has led the business preacher "back to the pulpit" will some me of our leading political preachers confess their Bias and le»d U»elr wayward brethren back to the fold? Chronicle Want Ads Bring Results e,JL VTOCKSTILL and SCHUETT POST office at Wibaux, Dawson Co. Montana Range 1891 lleadive Household Goods For Sale Cheap. One birds eye maple dresser, one Hoosier Kitchen cabinet, three c-hairs, kitchen table, one upholstered Morris chair, one big bedroom rug 9x12, one linoleum rugr, and other household necessities too numerous to mention. Inquire at the Chronicle office. Wanted Correspondents in every section of this locality. For Sale—Three year old reg istered Holstein bull. Adores* John Thommen, Medora, N. For Sail® Cheap, team of Avell-rr.atdhed work horses, Weight 2800. George Hoeck. 15tf WANTED—girl for gener al house work. Call 21. (tf) CARD OF THANKS We wish to tender our sin rcre thanks tc those who ten dered us so many acts of kind ness during our recent bereav nient, as Mell as to those who gavr Rowers. The mas Kranick. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Zabel and family. Po.Iph Kranick. Mr. and Mrs. D. W. White .and family Mrs. Mavme Kranick. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Wise COUNTRY CORRESPON DENTS WANTED We desire to obtain the ser vices of a correspondent in every community within a ra dius of twenty miles and we will furnish stationery and stamps, besides other enum eration to anyone who will send in items of news from their community. The Chron icle has by far the largest cir culation of any paper publi shed in Golden Valley county and will materially assist in up buiding any community with the news items it will publish, if obtainable. Write for sup plies. Wrestling Match Jack Herbertson. 148 lbs. of Los Angeles, will meet Kid Latta. 145 pounds, of this city :n a wrestling bout! at the Op •rra house Saturday evening at *he opera house in this city, rrjatch at 9:45. Best two out fHhree takes honors. Herbertscn is cn his way (rast. and has not been dsfeat "d by any one his ov.:n weight. He can be depended upon to out rin a good match against the local man. who needs no introduction to Beach mat fans. The event will be gcod, clean hout, to which the lad ies of Beach, who will be ad­| mitted free, are invted to at i^nd. Admission is 50c and 75c. (Adv.) Stiti- of North I) i}\ota. County of Golden Valley ss: l-'cliiuary 11. 191fi, at Xisc o'clock a. ni. The Konrd of f'o-inty Commissioners met iinrsn:ri» to uiHoiinimont. Present Ocllnnd and Curl. Absent I^ee. The Hoard took nt 'natter of '•ilN. 1 J-*o!h'« 1 HRONICLE WANT of th" Joli'en V-'lley tat" Hank, in the Northwestern T»-'ist "omn-nv. in the sum of $5."fin no •in' Hie n»i/l of the Stofe R-.»nk, in the Fidelity and Trust Compmnv! «-ipi of nnn on rv.pnvit'1 ries wore apir-oved ly the '(at-'s Attorney as to form and the Moird of County Commissioners as to ••"ioi.nrv «."'fne Tv elve Noon, Board adj-ur:to,l to AdM wair of fiodini the best investment tor those idle dollars. Read the rat*-s carefully before mailing in your orders which must be accompani by the cash. RATES: cent per word tor first insertion and I-2 cent per word each sub sequent insertion. No ad taken for less than 20c for first iusertion. Creek Brand on Lefc Ribt, For sale or rent a 160 acre Varm 6 mi las from Elevator, 150 acres under cultivation. House and Barn, will sell cheap and cm easy terms, call Tel. •No. 114 or write C. W. Fink !e, Beach, N. Dak. 13-tf CLOSING OUT SALE OF PERjCHERONS HORSES— Halving sold my farm I will Oell my entire stock of regis red Percherons at public aucction. at Omro, Wisconsin March 1st. 1916. Parties in terested can write for catalo gue. Address John H. Haigh bwner R. D. 27 Pickett, Wisconsin, or-J. H. Denhar' Neenaih, Wis. Auctioneer. 3t One $40 Edison phonograp! and one $ 1 5 record cabinet and 25 records all for $25. Rice & Pierce. ENGINE OWNERS TAKE NOTICE Bring in your cylinders for re boring before the spring rush.—Par sons Machine Shop. (9t£) WANTED—To rent one or two quarters of good farming land near Beach, buildings not required. II. M. Bartlett, Houghton, S. D. A drill and several horses if or sale. —C. J. Raw. (14tf One brand new flat top desk for sale at Wholesale price. Rice & Pierce. nt Olio p. in. One p. ni. Board met pursuant to ad journment with all members present. John Sister appeared before the Board aecompanird by Stated Attor ney Waldron, and represented that lie was ••mireiy out of money, and it was iief-ssary that he should become a County charge and after due con sideration the Board decided to return him t*» his home in Sioux «.*ity. South Oakota. Alov. by J,eo, Seconded by 'ur!. that the Auditor be authorized issue a Warrant iu the stun of to pay railroad fare and trav liiiK c.\p use of John Oister for his riturn 11 Sioux City, South Dakota MI the above -Motion all members vot ed, Aye. Mov. by Curl, »S conded by Loe, that the Auditor be authorized to is su*' a Implicate Warrant in the sum of ?vs» in favor of Karl l,f?dKet\ on ac count of Warrant No, under date of July LMt 1U1:{, having been lost. On the above motion all members voted. Aye. .Moved by Curl, Seconded by, that the Treasurer be allowed addi tional help during the last week in February and the lirst week in March, making a total of twelve (1-) days, at the rat.' of $70.(Hi p(*r month. On the above .Motion all members voted. Aye. Moved by I,ee, Seconded by Curl, that K. I,. Menaimh, be appointed as sessor for the unorganized territory of the Third Commissioner District. On the above Motion all members vot ed, Aye. The Application for Abatement of Taxes of 1'rnest Meyer a resident of the State of Montana was received. Mr. Meyer asked that the Kefund of •?l.oo be made for School Poll, paid under date of February !*, for the reason that he was not a resident of the State of North Dakota. Moved by Curl. Seconded by T^ee. that the Audi tor be authorized to issue a Refund ing Order to rover the above amount. On the above Motion all members vot ed, Aye. The Application of J. W. Ooss the ?batement of personal property taxes for the year line was received, and up on investigation the Board found that Mr. ("loss was not a resident of this county or stJ»te, until the 2Sth day of April, Moved bv Lee, Seconded bv Curl, that the Auditor he authorized to cancel the above tax of record, and notifv the State Auditor. On the above motion all members voted. Aye. The following bills were "allowed, subject to personal property taxes, df" and delinquent. H. A. Olson, Iteportinp Births and deaths $1.50 T,. BauKhinan, reporting- births and death* o.M H. Morris, Reporting 1 births anrt deaths T/. A. Cram, reporting births and deaths .75 T,. Halverson, reporting births and deaths 75 N. H. Schillo, reporting births and deaths 3.7? 12. ICgan, reporting births and deaths 11.2f» 2. Hunt, reporting births and deaths ,r0 John Oilbertson, reporting births and deaths fi.00 Thomas Wirtzfeldt, reporting births and deaths Tohn Wentland, reporting births and deaths 1.2?» !•'. L. Hubbard, reporting births and de- iS 4 o- T. K. Hudson, reporting births and do- «h- 27.0 M. H. Newell, Pptv. in Clerk of o'M-t's Offiee W. O. Crocker, Supplies Supts. of 'j.tu Treasurer, Kxamination Coun­ ty dfices flfl.oo Jolden Valley Chronicle, Publishing I roeeed 1!) gs :»0 'I lie Advance Publishing Compativ, stationary and Supplies 4.00 P" dvai!fi• Publishing Companv, Printing A Advertising 1 W A. Shear, Publishing Proceedings T-. Waldrnn, Money advanced for the return of John Cistor °0 00 IIIC Ai l'ilTC... Spplif-K "V.10 *\ahlro»i. Railroad fare to 1 K-kmso,,. iS1. vs younL,_ ,,nfl ,'fc f. to Jlpls. Bui-toil I,!?--'" 11. n.Milro.-i.l f:,r" 'to I'i unison in ease of .St l.i!k I'ic'.siiison in case of .State vs. Yotini 3.20 Tel. Services Moll!.-n ViIJPV T1 CO 'ff'fi-s Month of 01 '".'lif'", I 'H.lley Tel. Co.. Sheriff's" Office "'month' of """-'.oner, repair tient's TrL':lsur'-r' fis in of Insane^Pa'. I St"ifHi.l, Supplies 90 Brucx° sr 1 Medicine for Kay S. A. Smith. ri»!ro-..l ii a I I p®? I.ense in State s. Younsr 71% A ftnuth. Kailrond fare to Dickin­ son and expense in State vs. Young- ficei 0 a Supplies County*Of? li. B. Museus. care of Burton like'' Holden Valley Chronicle, printing "Jfe Advertising igi I.ewis Odland. Commissioner service 'eage to date jo Ouy, Commissioner service and lilenp-e to date 1 4 0 0 I.. K. Curl. Commissioners service services -...missioners and mileage to date The Board adjourned. M. C. S.OO McCarthy, County Auditor.