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Image provided by: State Historical Society of North Dakota
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Beach Market Report No* 1 Northern 1.13 No. 2 Northern 1 1 1 Winter "\VKeat 1 09 Ca. Oarnm Wheat 1 a No. 1 Flax 2 10 No. 2 7iax 2.03 Barley .51 Rye Oats .3 Above prices correct-d Feb 18 LOCALS J. P. Smith transacted bus iness in Sentinel Butte Mon day. Rev. Father Wolpsrs was a Sentinel Butte visitor Mon day. Martin Ziinsli of Sentinel Butte was a business visitor rn the city Monday. M. K. Bowen. the big far yr of the Cllie country, was jisactdng business in ihe city .. ednesday of this week. A Masguerade dance will be given at the Leo Kukouski home Saturday evening Feb. 26lh. The public is invited. The ladies of the Alter So ciety of the Ca'.holic church will meet at the heme of Mrs. Lou's Hail'h Thursday. Febru ary 24th. County Commissioner and Mrs. L. E. Curl, of the Bur key-G.clva country, were gusl:?ts at the Callender the fore part of the week. Ccunty Commissioner Guy Lee, of Sentinel Butte, was a Beach business visiter several days during the past week, representing his district at the '"orramisE'ioner's me!i'ng and at nding to business connected ith the abstract firm cf which is a mismber. Charles Doubles, the pop ular young farmler of near Burkey, was a business visit or in the city several days this week. Mr. Doubles is a pro rrtinemt K. C., and attended the Knights of Cclumbus ban quet which occurred under the aus?i*ies of the local order at the Callender hotel Monday evening. Mirs. Agnes Shepardson, of Pennsylvania, who visited her sistsir, Mrs. W. A. Tennay, two years ago on her way to Washington, has returned to this city and will remain with Mrs. Tennay for the rest of the winter. Mrs. Shepard son has enjoyed an extensive trip through Washington and southern Oregon, and though the country is exceptionally fine in summer, the severe S. R. Vail •winter, (worst since 1898) has I teachers in Seven Day Advent caused great hardship. schools. Morris was a business visitor at Wibaux and Glen :!ive the first of the week. Advertise in the •nd 3Tou will have arllon of pleurisy. 'ms wife to Thursday. sa of knowing that your ivertising Mr. 'Vttn j* cor fined to the local hospital with Building now occupied by lie Toggery for rent March 1. Will fix to suit tenant Inquire of Gilbertson Optician & Jew eler next to Beach State Bank. Mrs. L. W. Richards left c~ the Twin Citiies Tuesday, where she will spend several Vi'^ek looking after land busi ness. A't'ty. R. M. Andrews left Wednesday on No. 2 for Kan sas city on important legal mat ters. He expects to be away nbout two weeks. State Representative John Odknd Was in Beach Wednes day in the interest^ of the Sen tinel Butte Milling Co., of w'hich he is a prominent stock holder. J. H. Haigh left Wednesday rcr his home at Norwalk, Wis., 3.fter having spent about a •-voek her looking after busi ess interests and visiting his sonsl Mrs. P. C. Erickson is at Boyd, Minnetosa. where she was called by reason of the serious illness of her mother, who is very low with an attack cf pneumonia. D. I. Walde will leave next veek for Hill City, Minnesota, where he will maike his future home. He has rented his farm, south of town, and will take life easy MR. FARMER are you interested in cheap farm power? If so, I have a number of second hand and re built Farm Tractors for sale at a price that I am sure will interest yon. I have one 40 H. P. tractor in running order for $600.00 on easy terms and engine gaag plows, in good condition, for $40.00. I can supply you with any sized tractor you want, either new, rebuilt or second hand at the right price, and on easy terms. If you are in need of a tractor or plow, don fail to call telephone No. 114, or write C. W. FINKLE BEACH, N. DAK. lihe his days. remainder The Ladies' Aid of the M. E. church will be entertained by Mesdames Clifford Smith, Blodgett and A. M. Stoddard =).t the heme of the latter on Thursday afternoon, Febru ary 24th. Everybody is wel come. Misses Eilizabeth r:-\ Walde left yesterday for their respective homes, after having been called here by the 'llness and death of their nio'uer, Mrs. Anna Walde. Miss Elizabeth returned to Goodrich, this sitate, and Miss Helena to Lincoln Valley. They are both employed as he social Hour club will iracet wiih Mrs. R. A. Sprague Tuesday afternoon. Feb. 22. Chronicle When you have an item of the tjs-Nncws call No. !y°u gees into 1900 this paper will appreciate tl 'n the borders of Golden it but it will receive more pub county. a severe attack Mrs. Hill accom Beach hospita1 and He e- }c:wing jg 5 and we assure that not only the edi'xr licity than is possible through |any other similar advertis' Rocky niedium in Golden Valley. Socialists Put Up Full Ticket Koeppler, of Beach, Nominat ed for Supreme Court Judge Minot, N. D., Feb. 10.— The Socialists cf N. D. metj here and r.orriinated the fol-i lowing ticket: United States •Senator. John Erickson, Gar den congress. First district, I V. Gram, Devils Lake: Sec-' brd district, Oscar Anderson, Velva Third district, W. D. C'vuings. Lignite: governor. Oscar Johnson, Bergen: li'u-i ter?.nt governor, Arthur With "rcwe. Mandan secretary of state, H. R. Martinson, Minot luitor, J. B. Clark. Donny rock: treasurer, O. E. Lcft ns. Kloten attorney general, R. R. Goer, Devils Lake sup erintendent of schools, M. Brumwell, Hatton commi's- Tioner cf agriculture, L. A. Kncke. Willow City Comtnis sioner of Insurance, Jim Ma loney, Baker railroad ccim irfssioners, Jas. Mack, Plaza C. J. Knutson Voltaire O. B. Lee, Malcome Judges sup reme court. C. 0. Gosman, Minot J. L. Koeppler. Beach Mat Delhi, Columbia. HIGH SCHOOL LOSES ONE GAME BUT WINS ANOTHER The Beach basket ball team went to Miles City Friday, where they played the local team that evening, being de fated by a score of 36 to 23. Our boys played a good game and proved themselves equal !v gcod losers. After the game, the Beachites were royally en 'urteiined at a banquet tenered 'them by the victorious team. Patrick and Noyes starred for the locals, and Noyes and Wells for the cow town. Fol- t^e line_Up: Miles City uosl0 Narey Wells Watson Egeberg Pennewell Beach 0 U®SHHW R. F. L. T. R. G. Purvis Noyes Patrick L. G. Sub. Logan Tobias At Terry the following day our boys took the Terry High into camp by a score of 42-26. The Terry bunch put up a strong game, but were unable to ccpe with Beach's vigirous attack. Patrick starred for Beach by making 10 field bas kets and one foul basket. Noyes m|ade 3 field baskets and 2 foul baskets. 'Olson •nade I field basket. Follow ing the game the Beach quin tette were hospitably enter tained by the losing team. The line-up follows: Terry Beach Flint R. F. Purvis Cameron L. F. Noyes Lynch C. Olson Ptass R. G. Patrick Weeby L. G. Tobias Wesby Suib Logan Announcement I hereby 'announce miyself a candidate for nomination for ounty Treasurer, on the Re nublncan ticket at the June orimaries, subject to the will of *he voters and respectfully srilicit yciw support. Yours sincerely T. N. NOBLE GOLDEN VALLEY CHRONIC E O E A N A CHURCHES METHODIST. Carlyle Opera House. Sunday school, 10 a. m. preaching, 11 a. m. Preston Church Sunday School 2:00 p. Preaching 3:00 p. Ollie Opera House Preaching 7:30 Ira F. Rankin, Pastor. CONGREGATIONAL Sabbath School. 19: Morning Worship 11:00 a.m. AGAIN: ONLY 10 DAYS MORE SL. & PrrB"TlffBWBBf'i ltiUltVitnywir*r a'. vf* E O m. S E 6 3 0 p. m. Evening Service .. 7:30 p.m. Midweek Bible sfudy and prayer service wfill be held each Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. This is an invitation to go to church. If your choice does not impel you elsewhere, I will be glad to have you wor ship with us. George N. Keniston, Pastor. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH Preaching Service 10:30 a. m. Sunday School.. 11:45 a. m. Epworth League .. 6:30 p. m. Preaching Service. 7:30 p. m. Wed Prayer Service7:30 p. m. E)p Worth League Business Meeting First Tuesday of the monith 7:30 p. m. Teacher training Class every Friday 7:30 p. m. Ladies Aid Society Every Two weeks. Th® pi'btfic is welcome. Ira E. Hammer. Pastor. U. B. CHURCH Services wtill be held both lO More Days of This Great Selling Out Sale at The Toggery (Rosenberg & Lewison) Beach, N. Dakota O morning and evening at the by the church orchestra and the male quartette. All not obligated elsewhere ar cordi ally invited to join in the ser vice. W. T. Kessinger. Pastor. ANNUAL BASKET BALL TOURNAMENT The annual basket ball tour namenfi for the southwestern district of North Dakota will be held in Dickinson Febru ary 25th and 26th. The games will be played in the Armory there, its floor being one of the best in the state for that purpose. As we understand it five teams, Manda, Beach, Bis rrlarck, Hettinger and Wash burn, will compete and there will be plenty of excitement in every game played. The Beach aggregation expect to bin the pink of condition and it is said that a goodly number from: here Will go with them to cheer on to victory. The rapid thaw, liberating immense quantities of water, has in several places in the city submerged the crossings, retaking it difficult for pedes trians to cross. At the cross ing just north of tthe N. P. tracks west of the depot, the wafer accumulated so rapidly this iriorning that in a short time it w(as several feet deep, and for a time it wtas neces sary for pedestrians to make a wide detour in order to es -ape the deep water. A hast ly constructed foot bridge, laid over the crossing, and traffic contibues unimpeded. ar mgMfcSMW I The roof is on our new building at Ollie, Mont. working hard to get the building completed in time for our early occupancy and we hope to move sotin. Do you realize the loss it means to you if you do not attend our sale within the next 10 days and take advantage of the ridiculous low prices we have placed on all ineichandise. Oar minds are made up to sell all and SELL OUT WE WILL. Ehlen, the price slasher, has trimmsd prices with an AX, not whittled with a JACKKNIFE. He has no mercv on this stock. The goods don belong to him and he does not "are how he GIVES 'EM AWAY. His instructions are to CLEAN OUT QUICK and he is goini tod, it, if low prices will, and you appreciate new and up to the minute merchan dise. ou should attend, you cannot, justice to yourself, miss this onlv opportunity to outfit vourself and family at prices that have hit the BULLS EYE of the bargain J11^: We have put in an order for fine weather. The weatherman infoims us that he will fill tue order and you will be able to attend our Subzero Price Slashing Selling Out Sale DO IT NOW Miss Lillian Luella Orr vis ited the school Wednesday. Mr. Laplumte, a photogra pher from Miles City visited the school Wednesday and took pictures oif the various apartments, including the as sembly room. Tihe last game of the sea son to be played on the home floor iw'ill be a double head er between Beach team and the Dickinson and Wibaux teams. Folcwving the games the H. S. willl entertain the teamls in the H. S. Domestic science rooms ait which refreshments and a program will be enjoyed. Next week it is expected that a num ber of the H. S. students will accompany the home team for the itournament held at Dick inson The Basket Ball Boys ac companied by itlheir coach M. Hanson went to Miles Ci'ty. Friday and there met wfith a defeat at the hands of the Milps-Gity boys. Although our boys put up a good fight all the way thru, tlhey were una ble to mlake the scores neces sary by which to defeat their opponent/ On their way home Saturday they stopped off at Terry and that evening mist the Teirrv boys on the'ir home flccir. The game was carried off wiith a score of 26-42 in favor of the Beafb %y». Ed Perry was in attendance at the Elk's doings at Dickin son last Saturday evening. 01 lie The carpenters are the shortest possible OF BARGAINS AT THE E School Notes I E E N S A E S O N O What's Wrong? —your eyes? —or your glasses? •—do you know? —want to know?. .—it's a pertinent —the sensible course* ascertain the cause* AVecantell you. My Glasses Guaranteed to Give Satisfaction And to Be Fitted Correctly We save you $3.00 to $5.00 a pair from charges made by traveling Opticians. Have installed $300, worth new instruments for exam ining eyes and have one of the best equipped fitting rooms west of ithe Twiiin Cities. Gilbertson Optician The Chronicle, "The Papei With The Circulation."