Sty.' \K f- I ibjS%»v' r. I 1 \$r A U: 1«££ IK- 11**'1' 1*5 1 IviV •/,1 5k3j| $*?v r-. fev V"^ SECTION ONE ,/V W I •,/rtVS'. $ «, .V II 1 ,* a .1 A 'V 'V'' *3$ ... •i 1 _* t. VOL. XXXIV. NO. 32. New York, Nov. 7.—Only the un certainty of a few close states whose electoral vote can't effect the elec tion of Wilson and Marshall specu lation ov.e? the. popular vote of the three presidential candidates and the completion of the legislatures that will name United States senators was the greatest interest today. Taft Gets 12 Votes. The total of the republican electoral column apparently is fixed at the 12 votes of Idaho, Utah, and Vermont, but the footing of 'Wilson and Roose velt columns flickered alternately dur ing the night. Doubtful States. Late returns' from Iowa, Kanass Minnesota, South Dakota, Wyoming, indicate a change from the earlier re sults With -the votes of these are placed in the "doubtful" column Wil son has 387 certain votes in the elec toral college Roosevelt 89 Taft 12- Returns tonight from the doubtful states except South Dakota gave in dications of going into the Wilson list. Suffrage Victorious. Woman suffrage won in Kansas, Arizona, and possibly in Michigan in dications are it won in Oregon while it was defeated in Wisconsin. There were many surprises during the day. New Hampshire first credit ed1 for Taft went to Wilson. Idaho, it was believed for Wilson, now appears certain lor Taft. Roosevelt Wins Washington. Seattle, Wash., Nov. 7.—(Roosevelt's ^plurality over Wilson in Washington, today is estimated at 23,000. Ernest Lister, democrat, was elected governor by a good plurality. Wilson 5,000 in Oregon,. Portland, Ore., Nov. 7.—With less than half the total count Wilson's plurality in Oregon undoubtedly is 5,000. McGovern is Elected. Milwaukee, Nov. 7 —That Wilson carried Wisconsin generally is .accept ed beyond doubt. Returns tonight show Governor Mc Govern will remain the chief execu tive for another term. It is estimated Wilson's plurality is between 15,000 and 30,000 over Taft. McGovern will have with him a republican legisla ture. Osb« Cists 85,000 in California. 4 A 1 NEW JERSEY GOVERNOR HAS 400 VOTES IN ELECTORAL COLLEGE Largest Democratic Vote Ever In the History of the United States—Roosevelt Was Second Bit fell Behind Ail Over the Country. Carries Every County HON. GEORGE M. YOUNG, ,X A fWC1 4. JY{ 4 }&» San Francisco, Nov. 7.—The feature of the returns is the strength shown by Debs, socialist candidate for pres ident. If his present ratio is maintain ed he will, have a total, of. 85,000 in the stated Returns indicate an over whelming progressive majority in both .branches of the legislature. Wilson's plurality is estimated at 12,000. Wilson's Plurality at 47,000. Denver, Nov 7.—Wilson's plurality today is estimated at 47,000. Kenyon i* ^e-eleeted. Des Moines, Nov. 7.—United States Senator Kenyon, republican, was re elected according to late incomplete returns today. Roosevelt Carries Illinois. Chicago, Nov. 7.—-Estimates based on returns up to 1 o'clock this morn ing are that Roosevelt .probably has carried the state by 10,000 over Wil son. Wilson gradually gained strength in the down state section but the col onel's lead of 38,000 in Cook county is expected to carry him through. Illinois remains in the progressive column in the state for presidential electors by barely 15,000, with/ a third of the state yet to hear from at noon today. Wilson gained 10,000 .on a plur ality of 26,477. Roosevelt was given Chicago and reports show the gov ernor is slowly gaining. Solid South. Memphis, Nov. 1.—Governor Wilson carried the "solid south" generally by the usual majorities as indicated on the face of early returns available at noon today. Texas, Arkansas, Georgia, Florida, Kentucky, Alabama, South Carolina, North Carolina, 'Mississippi, Louisiana and Virginia, giving him a lead of 700,000 over his opponetns. Missouri, the ""mysterious stranger" in the republican ranks for the past eight years is back in the democratic line with a majority for Wilson of 100,000. St. Louis for the first time in its his tory went democratic. In Kentucky the figures indicate that of sixteen congressmen selected only two are republicans according to the early erturns- Republicans Will Hold Senate. St. Paul, Nov. 7.—sit was still doubt ful at 9 o'clock today whether the democrats had secured control in the CKWP. kWF^^l' .... ... ..„ ...•'Ijjsjir1.,*|k.y^vjr^ •w^.-yar,..*. 3W, AND THE EVENING TIMES-RECORD Landslide & Photo 'copyright by American Press Association. senate although a gain of two seats in Colorado and one in Montana would •put them within one of a majority." With a lead of six republicans to over come they were sure of two, one in Delaware and one in New Jersey, be yond these it was doubtful. In Colorado the claims are made that the democrats were elected with the Wilson ticket but the opposition refuses to allow the grants. In Illinois the legislature is divided between republicans and democrats with the progressives and socialists holding the balance of power. Montana shows that probably Walsh the democrat, was elected but this is doubtful. Oregon is doubtful, Selling, the republican and Lane the democrat are neck and neck. The 'Massachu setts republican legislature is to choose successors to Crane, republi can and Norrls republican. In Nebraska the republicans lead by a small margin. Wyoming reports probably the re-election of Warren re publican, Massey, republican is lead ing in Nevada. The result in Iowa de pends on the completion of the as sembly. The same is true in South Dakota- The probable count of the house of representatives 'Will be democrat", 252, republicans 86, progressives 6. Still unreported 89, total 435/ This table was compiled at 9 a, m. The sixty-third congress total of 252 gives the democrats thirty-four more than necessary for a majority and. twenty-two more than the majority in the last congress. COMMUNITIES FREE TO CALL ON NORMAL IFOR SUBSTITUTES That there is an increasing feeling of freedom for communities about the state to call upon the Normal school for substitute teachers was seen last week when a hurry call came from Auxbridge on Saturday for a teacher to take a position for a month in place of the regular teach er who was ill. On Monday morn ing Miss Maude Schrdeder, who had 'been called upon by the Normal school to fill the vacancy, was on the scene and there was no delay with class work or other loss of time. Miss Ella Schroeder has also taken a~ position in the Mlnnewaukan schools, ibeing called upon after the opening of the term. W00DR0W WILSON. miTr? 1 /*•', 1 VALLEY CITY, NORTH DAKOTA. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1912. for 'A 'w'/ CARRIES THE STATE BY 4.000 Wilson '/r, '&CM A-W The Sewer Proposition Carries Strong SANITARY IMPROVEMENTS WILL BE MADE IN THE CITY AT ONCE The following shows the vote cast on the proposition to bond the town for sewer improvements: Precinct Xo. 43—57 for -sewer, 55 against. Precinct Xo. 44—"§ for sewer 42 against. Precinct No. 45—116 for sewer 17 against. Precinct No. 46—93 for sewer 4'5 against. Total of 325 for sewer, to 212 against. Athletic Department Has Large Enrollment The classes in physical education for women at the Normal school have been called in doors this week. It is the aim of the department to do as much outside work as the weather will permit during the fall and spring terms this work consisting of hock ey, basketball, baseball, tennis and walking. The only classes conducted in the gymnasium thus far have been those in Swedish and aesthetic danc-' ing •Practically every young lady in school is enrolled in the department of physical education, under Miss A. Elizabeth Broomhal!, who has recent ly come from the New Haven, Conn., Normal school of gymnastics and the Gilbert school of dancing, to take charge of the department of physical education for women. Among the men in school those who are not on the football squad indulge in soccer twice a week, while the weather permits, and will later re turn to the gymnasium for regular work in gymnastics until the opening of the basketball season with the win ter term. An opportunity will then he given those of the gymnastic class and the football squad, who Willi be enrolled for gymnastics at the dose of the season, to take up basketball work. Others wifll be given indoor track work to do. :-SJ8SB ww^isra $ 1,4 vt •S )V -:r lV i# fi' The following telegram has been received by Mr. Hanna: ^Bismarck, N. D., Nov. 7, 1912. f*'Hon: L. B. Hanna, Fargo, N. D., 'I tender my congratulations to you upon your election. (Signed) F. O. HELLSTROM." Barnes County. The complete returns in Barnes county give Taft, 560 Wilson, 945 Roosevelt, 654 Prohibition, 48 and Socialist, 93. The state ticket went Hanna 998, and IHellstrom 94)6. The following is the county ticket as elected' Tuesday. There was no opposition, and as a result the county election caused very little excitement: For representatives—F. E Ployhar, A. P. 'Hanson. For state senator—C. F. Mudgett. For treasurer—Thos. Collins. For auditor—Chas. W. Nelson. For register of deeds—Olaf M. Roe. For sheriff—H C. Stenshoel. For Clerk of Court—C. H. Olsby. For superintendent of schools— Minnie J. Nielson. For county attorney—M. J. Englert. For county surveyor—Thos. Smith, County Commissioner, 3rd district— R. B. Cox. County Commissioner, 4th district— Frank Heimes. County Commissioner, 5th district— Martin Conlon. For county judge—O. H. deS. Irgens. North Dakota. Hanna has been elected governor. His lead will be at least 6,000 and it may reach 10,000. Taft ran much better than many people had anticipated- It is evident he gained rapidly during the last three weeks, while Roosevelt had lost. The big run by Wilson pulled Hell strom up to a higher point than had been anticipated. Sweet ran weakly. His candidacy was a disappointment and there are evidences that he was double crossed by the bull moosers. Reports today are that leading bull moosers passed the word in some «os*. vvw {W W NANNA SAFELY ELECTED GOV ERNOR WITH AJEDUCED PLURALITY Republican State Ticket and All Congressmen Elected—Sweet Vote Was Very Light Bnt Wilson Pulled Helstrom lip. Elected Governor LOU 13 B. HANNA counties to vote for Hellstrom and dis regard Sweet. The election of the two republican congressmen—'Helgesen and Young— is conceded- The democrats claim a victory for Halvorsen in the third, hut reports indicate' Norton is slightly in the lead. Returns on the supreme court fight are very meagre. Bismarck reports 'Bruce in the lead. Local advices are too indefinite to 'base any claim There were some exciting fights for the district judgeship with defeat of iCowan claimed in the Second district. Templeton, Allen and Burr are said to have won re-elections. Twenty-seven counties show Wilson between 2,000 and 3,000 in the lead, with Taft in second place. Complete returns will change these figures somewhat but may not change the relative positions unless Roosevelt runs unexpectedly heavy -in the west ern counties, in which case Taft will fall back to third place. Late advices from Minot are that Halvorsen concedes the election of Norton, which gives North Dakota three republican congressmen. The returns from some counties are practically complete. One or two pre cincts are missing from others. Still others have only about half the pre cincts. The fight on Gilbreath was unavail ing and the commissioner of agricul ture and labor, as well as every other candidate on the state republican tick et, has been elected by a safe elad. Some reports from the state are as follows: Returns slowly coming in from the counties over North Dakota are fast decreasing the estimated plurality which Times-Record figures yesterday showed Woodrow Wilson would have in the state. From 10,000 plurality the estimate is now cut to 4,800 but that Wilson will carry the state is conceded both by republican and progressive head quarters. Hanna by 3,500. 1 PAGES 1 TO 8 'MV «I ESTABLISHED 1ST*. Congressman Louis !B. Hanna will (Continued on page tour) rifin h?.. v. *1 il VJjf $ -1 I .'1| 3 lis