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Tem? VS i"St 1 THE OLD :-fSj ,V, ®ow 1$ 4s 1 JT -1 AT 1 »jr* .•Jtef: V* OF OAKEN BUCKET. 5ear t0 this heart are the scenes of my childhood, When fond recollections presents them to view, The orchard, the meadow, the deep .tangled wildwood, And every loved spot which my In fancy knew T^e wide spreading pond, and the mill' which stood by it, ,' id a re cataract fell The cot of my father the dairy house nigh it. The moss-covered bucket which hung in the well— The old oaken bucket, the iron-bound bucket, That moss-covered bucket which hung in the well. That moss-covered vessel I hail as a treasure For often at noon when returned from the field, I found It the source of an exquisite pleasure, The purest and sweetest that nature can yield, How ardent I seized it, with hands that were glowing! And quick in the white pebbled bot tom it fell Then soon with the emblem of truth overflowing. And dripping with coolness, it rose from the well— The old oaken bucket, the Iron-bound bucket. The moss-covered bucket arose from the well. How sweet from the green mossy brim to receive It, As, poised on the curb, it inclined to my Hps! Not a full blushing goblet could tempt rrie to leave It. Though filled with the nectar that Jupiter sips. And now far removed from the loved situation. The tears of regret will Intrusively swell,' As fancy reverts to my father's plan tatlon. And sighs for the bucket that hangs in the well— The old oaken bucket, the iron-bound bucket, The moss-covered bucket which hangs in the well. —Samuel Woodworth. Here for Smith-Woods Wedding. Miss Geraldine Jacobi came In from Lake Bemidji last evening to attend the marriage of Miss Alta Smith to Dr. Donald Kendrick Woods. Miss Ja cob! will return to the lake later.' Returned from Eastern Trip. Mrs. George H. Wilder and daugh ter, Miss Marion, have returned from an extended eastern trip. They were away two months and had a most en joyable time. Bethel Aid Meeting. The Ladies' Aid society of the Beth el Lutheran church will hold its reg ular meeting Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock In the church parlors. Miss Tandberg -will be the hostess and a cordial invitation is extended to all. Home for Summer Vacation. Miss Mabel Zimmerman, who has beep teaching school at Gardena, has arrived home to spend the summer with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Zimmerman of North Fifth street. Party for Mfss- Jensen. Misses Lillian and Ttllie Thompson and Elaine Tolff .entertained a com pany of young people last evening at tlie home of. the Misses Thompson on North Seventh street In honor of Miss Julia Jensen, a June bride. The guests spent the evening on the lawn and porch and Japanese lanterns were used for Illumination. Games and niu sic were the diversions and at the close of the pleasant evening a de licious luncheon was served. Miss Jensen was showered with parcels, containing many pretty and useful gifts, for use In' her new home. Brooks-Brown Wedding Today. A pretty wedding will take place this afternoon at *5 o'clock at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Brooks on Cottonwood'.! street, when their daughter. Miss Edna Brooks, will be come the bride ot George F. Brown of this city. The ceremony will be solemnized at o'clock, and Rev. F. M. McCoy, pastor of the First Meth odist church, will officiate. The at tendants will be Miss Jessie Brooks and Frank Umlaut. Following the service, the wedding dinner will be served by the bride's mother. Among the out of town guests here for the weddlpg are Miss Viola Alpstag of Langdon. Edward Brooks of Devils Lake, a brother of the bride, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Brooks and three children of Dunseith, N. D., and Charles Smal ley, of Stewartville, Minn. Ladles' Aid Meets. The Ladies' Aid society of the Trini ty Lutheran church meets Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Iver Anderson, 11S3 Boulevard avenue, at 2-so o'clock. E ALL OVER BODY Worse On Arms. Itched and Burned. Sores Would Fester. Suffered Day and Night. Cuticura Soap ana Ointment Completely Cured. f. B. F. D. No. 5. Sturgle, Mich.—"Last cummer I picked cucumbers about a week before I noticed I was being poisoned. AU at once I broke out with a terrible rash all over my entire body. It looked like pimple* only «u very much smaller. On my arms It ^eemed to be worse than any place else. It would Itch and burn ao I would scratch and make small sons that would fester. I suffered day and night for about two weeks but could And no relief. ."I used and and many. others but they all failed to bring relief. At last I was advlled to try OuUeura Soap and Ointment. Every two or three times a day I would wash with the Outlcura Soap and at night I would apply the Cutl enra Ointment. After lutaf them one month I was completer cured." (Signed) Miss Clara Mallory, Sept. 10,1018, TO REMOVE DANDRUFF Prevent dry, thin and falling hair, allay ttattnc and irrltatlon of the scalp, remove Mitts and scales, and promote the growths jaw beauty of the hair, frequent shampoos Wttb OnUcura Soap, assisted by otyaslonal diamines with Outlcura Ointment, afford a mmt sffeetfre and economical tffcalment. Opttcum ~Seap' (36c.) aad Catfcmra ,Oint meat (toa) are sold by druggists and deai «n Liberal,.sampto.of each-.: malled freel wltliSS-p. Skln Book. Address-: pert-eard "Outoura,,Dept.T. Boston." HTMsa wteslwWsiidshsiM&wltliCtK WHAT THEY ARE DOING IN SOCIETY HERE'S SHOWY HAT BY PARIS MILLINER Will Entertain for Miss Jensen. Mrs. O. Norby and Miss Minnie Ol son will entertain informally this evening complimentary to Miss Julia Jensen, a June bride. They will re ceive their guests at the home of Mrs. Norby on Walnut street. Returned From Vacation Trip. Miss Tillie Taugbol has returned from a two weeks' outing at Lake Be midji and her sister. Miss Gina Taug bol, left this morning Tor the lake, where she will spend two weeks. Altar Society Lawn Social. The Altar society of St. Michael's church held a lawn social this after noon at the home of Mrs. E. Butler on University avenue. The hours were spent in sewing and visiting and refreshments were served during the afternoon by the hostesses, Mrs. But ler, Mrs. J. E. Sheehy, Mrs. J. B. Corrigan, Mrs. J. B. Johnson, Mrs. L. J. Kenney, Mrs. Louis Prescott, Mrs. Richard Monley. and Mrs. Adeline McMahon. Refreshments will be served during the evening and a cor dial Invitation is extended to all. Wedding Announcement. At the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Butler on North Fifth street yes terday afternoon at 4 o'clock occur red the marriage of Mies Hermina Fnllesco to Henry Frank Goldammer of Lakota. Rev. William H. Mat thews, pastor of the Presbyterian church, performed the ceremony. The attendants were Miss Ruth B. Hendricks and A. B. Rogerson. The couple will reside in Lakota. Shower for Valley City Bride. Valley City Times-Record: night at: the home of Mrs. Getchell, Mesdames Getchell and Wy lie Nielson entertained a number of old friends of Mrs. Berg and those of Miss Berg at a miscellaneous shower for the bride. Last Lois The house was beautifully decor ated with wild roses among which Miss Berg was one of the most charming. She was the recipient of a large basket full of pretty gifts which were presented by her moth er's and her friends and she re sponded very gracefully and sweetly, expressing her appreciation of the kindness and generosity of those present. Music and games.helped the even ing to pass all too quickly and after' refreshments had 'been served' the friends bid their hostess and the bride-elect goodnight... Miss Berg will be married tomor row evening to Carl Somdahl, a Val ley City boy, who has for the past year or more held a splendid position in Indiana. MME. CAIIIM, EDITOR'S SLAYER IS READY FOR TRIAL (Continued from Page 1.) sloiis were sold, by the French gov ernment, and .the proceeds retained by the treasury. In subsequent articles Qaillaux was called a grafter, and the charge made that he used, every means to secure personal aggaiidizement. Cleaner. Politics Wanted. Since the murder a formidable re ligious movement has been launched for a higher moral standard in poli tics. The religious press -calls atten tion to the fact that Mme. Calllaux is a divorcee, that the man she mur dered had. been divorced, that' Calf laux had been divorced twice and that the defending lawyer, M. Labori, is the husband of a divorcee, the for mer wife of the famouft musician, De Pachman, whose divorce was ob tained by Labori's legal efforts. The Caillaux trials will again draw the attention of the whole world to the shocking condition of. morality in the private lives of French states men and the terrible dangers to the very life of the republic arising from these conditions. Caillaux( it .will be recalled, discussed Intimate state se crets tin correspondence with a wom an not then his wife- As this has also occurred with' 'other, statesmen equally prominent, the question is asked: "If these men divorcV and remarry every few: years, scattering confidential information broadcast in their feminine circle a« they go from one woman to another, how many years will the republic continue to exist?" One of the 'reformers has said: "Things are 'as had today In Paris when liberty, equality and fraternity are supposed to be enthroned Instead of the, divine riglit of kings, as, they ever wgre when Mm*,. duvPotapadour and the du Barry, were the actual arbiters of the nation's weltaire." The American republic, whoee pe lltlcal corruption is a time-worn sub ject of distusslon In Europe, is now brought forward In France as a model 'in that Jt make* a man'* pri vate morality a part of, his' putftc record* to be subjected to the'strict- V'j WiJ, 'fi AfsA1 Guest at Graber Home. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Graber of Riv erside park are entertaining as their guest for several days Mrs. E. W. Hazeltine of Minneapolis, a former prominent resident of Grand Forks. entertained Bridal" Party. Mrs. J. W. Ogren was hostess last evening when she entertained the members of the Smith-Woods bridal party at her home on Belmont ave nue. Will Leave for New York. Miss Frances Collins. Miss Eva Poupore, Miss Alice Hunter, Miss Ella Flynn and Miss Johanna Londergan will leave this evening for Ithaca, N. Y., where they will attend the Alpha Phi convention, which will be held there June 28 to 26. Visiting at Wldlnnd Home. Miss Calvina Robbers,' of Sauk Center, Minn., arrived in the city last evening to visit for a week at the home of Miss Margaret Widlund on South Fourth street. Miss Robbers was a passenger on the wrecked train last evening. To Enjoy Eastern Trip. Mrs. R. T. Young of Belmont ave nue, accompanied by her little son, Robert, Jr., and Madame Young, will leave Thursday evening for an extend ed eastern trip. They will visit friends and relatives In Rochester, N. Y., Philadelphia and other cities of in terest. They will be away all sum mer and are looking forward to a de lightful trip. Surprised By Friends. Mrs. O. Hlppe of Riverside park was pleasantly 'surprised by accom pany of ladies who gathered at her home to spend the afternoon and help celebrate her birthday anniversary. The ladies brought their needlework and sewing and visiting were the pastimes. The pleasant afternoon was concluded with the service of a very nice luncheon. Those present were Mrs. Storvick, Mrs. Jondahl, Mrs. Berg, Mrs. Cushman, Mrs. Edln, Mr?. Waxvick, Mrs. Amonson, Mrs. Urness, Mrs. Berger, Miss Ellen Berg, Miss Hazel Jondahl, Miss Nettle Hlppe. Mrs. J. Martin of Park River came down to attend the commencement exercises at the state university. Her daughter. Miss Mabel Martin, is a member of the graduating class. Judge and Mrs. A. A. Bruce and son and daughter have arrived in the city from Bismarck to spend the sum mer here. They will occupy the O. G. Llbby house on South 8ixth street. Dr. arid Mrs. Libby and children will spend the summer with relatives in Tennessee. Mrs. Bertha Brown of Leeds among the out of town guests in the city this week. She came down for the commencement festivities at the state university. Miss Elizabeth Brown, her daughter. Is one of the graduates. Mrs. Laura Wickard of Willlston, who Is to be the new matron at Lari more hall, arrived In the city last evening and will take up her new du ties at once. Mrs. Germain, who has been in charge for a number of years, will leave soon for Minneapolis, where she will reside In the future. Miss Mary E. Moxcey of New York Is' a guest at the home of Dr. and Mrs. E. P. Robertson at University Place. Miss Moxcey Is enroute to St. Thomas, where she will deliver an address before the Sunday school con vention, which 'Is in session there. Bhe will return to,Grand Forks to at tend the Epworth League institute, which wll be here next week. MlSs Esther Buor ot Black Duck, Minn.i is a guest for a few days'at the home of her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs.' t. Zimmerman ot North Fifth street. Miss Margaret Duggan, principal ot the school at DeGraff, Minn will leave' this evening for a month's visit with friends at Lake Mlnnetonka. Cut Flowers ===5=r^: For any occasion FUNERAL DESIGNS Made on short notice. Peoormtto— Out of town otfan given apaelal. attentiftn. AffeBte Wasted. Grand Forks Floral Oo. e. a. ummx. Mgr. pi SOT IteXers Av*, Giw^d Forka. fHE GRAND FORKS DAIIY HERALDS WEDNESDAY EVENING, JUNE 17, 1914. mm Visiting in amgo. Mr. and Mr*',. Flnley V. Cameron and children have gone to Fargo to visit tor a tew days at the home of Mrs. Cameron's parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Grant. Entertaining Guest. Mr. and Mrs. H. Aden Enyeart ot Walnut street -are entertaining as their guest tor a few weeks Mr. En yeart's mother, Mrn. E. M. Enyeart of University Place, ^s'eb.' Aid Meeting Today. The Ladies' Aid society of the First Baptist church held Its regular meeting this afternoon In the church parlors. Following the business meet ing a social hour ivas enjoyed and light refreshments were served by the hostesses, Mrs. A. Kaufman and Mrs. J. P. Read. To Spend Vacation in Bismarck. Miss Mabel Wright, who has been the efficient secretary at Wesley col lege conservatory of music, will leave this evening for Bismarck, where she will spend the summer months with her sister, Mrs. K. B. Goss. Miss Wright graduated from the conserva tory this year and will teach music In Edmonton, Alta., next year. She has made scores of friends during her residence here and her departure will be deeply regretted by all. The best wishes of all will bo with her to her new home. Hostess Yesterday Afternoon. Mrs. L. A. Chance was hostess yes terday afternoon when she entertain ed informally at her home on Vernon avenue, in honor of Mrs. Louis U. Rowland, who leaves Thursday for the east, and Mrs. Thomas WoodB, of Medicine Hat, who Is the guest of her parents. The hours were spent in sewing and visiting and at 5 o'clock a daintily appointed repast was serv ed and a pretty color scheme of pink and white predominated in-the ap pointments. Covers were laid for twelve and Mrs. Chance was assisted in serving by Mrs. Willard R. Adams. Pretty Wedding ot Fargo. Fargo Courier-News: Yesterday morning at 8 o'clock at St. Mary's Cathedral was solemnized the mar riage of Miss Mary Flynn and John G. Pfeffer, Rev. Father Egan officiat ing. The bride was attended by her sister, Mrs. James Shea of Perham, as matron of honor, and the groom by his brother, Charles Pfeffer. Fol lowing the ceremony a wedding breakfast was served at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Flynn of Tenth street north, to about twenty relatives and intimate friends. Mr. and Mrs. Pfeffer left in the after noon for a two weeks' honeymoon at the lakes. They will be at home after August 1 at 1013 Eighth avenue north Out of town guests present were Mrs. Pfeffer of Chicago, mother of the groom, Dr. and Mrs. Thornby of Barnesville, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Hayford and son, Richard, of Detroit. Wedding at Larson Home. This afternoon at 4 o'clock at the home of Louis Larson on Walnut street occurred the marriage of his daughter, Miss Isabel Mathilda Lar son, to Andrew Briah Lee of Harbour vllle, Nova Sootla, Rev. O. Larson of Fkrjro, an unele of the bride, officiated in the presence of a small company of relatives and friends. Miss Agnes Larson a sister was bridesmaid and Clarence Larson was best. man. promptly at the appointed hour the Mendelssohn Wedding march was rendered by Earl Larson and the bridal party came down the stairs. The bride who was given away by her father wan becomingly attired in a •beautiful pown of white satin trim med with lace and pearls., She wore a corsage bouquet of bride's roses and lilies of the valley.-' The house diqtwtWns'.werer In pink and white and* baskets ot-lovely plrik carnations, lilies of the. valley and white sweet peas were artistically ar ranged throughout the rooms. Following the ceremony a delicious wedding dinner was served and the guests Included Just the members of the bridal party and the relatives. The bride Is a charming young woman and a graduate of the Grand Forks high school. The groom Is a prosperous young farmer, who owns a valuable ranch near Towner. Mr. Lee and his bride will leave Thursday morning for Towner, where they will make their future home and the best wishes of scores of friends will go with them. MAPLE LAKE Maple Lake. Minn., June 17— Mrs. E. Rolsch and daughters, Lil lian and Genevieve and fions, Harold, Willis and Lee of Crookston spent Sunday at Lakeside hotel. They have rented the Ramatead cottage on Washington Heights. Faith Griffith and Fern Starkweath er of Grand Forks are spending a few weeks at "Breezy Point Villa." Mrs. L. K. Hassell and family of Grand Forks Wave opened their sum mer home "Oaklands." H. Bendeke has opened his cottag# for the summer. Mrs. Beneon and daughter, mother and sister' of Sheriff Benson are spending a few days' at Buhn's hotel. Mrs. F. A. Brown and daughter Elsie have opened "Tarrymore'' for the summer. Harry Randall enjoyed Sunday at hie cottage "Mlnn'ewawa," but he en joyed his new launch "Chief" much more. Mr. and Mrs. Pierce and family and John Brummund of Thief River Falls spent Sunday at Lakeside hotel. Mrs. A. R. Witherspoon of Grand Forks spent Sunday at Breezy Point "Villa" as the gueet of Mre. F. E. Tal bot. Mrs. Kent Keith and MisS Lizzie Panovltz were spending the summer in the Panovitz cottage "Bungaloo." They have as their guest Mtes Lu Hall of Grand Forks. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Buovy of Grand Forks are gueste at La'keeide hotel. Mrs. W. E. Dunbar and mother of Grand Forks are spending a few weeks in the Healy cottage "Lone Bock." R. K. Waslend and family, Harvey Hansen, H. Beiewenger, Elner Ross berqr, Earl Glenn, Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Giles, Mr. and Mrs. O. I* Berteleon, Leonard Hooleend, Mr- and Mrs. A. D. Stephens and son Marian, W. E. Mc Klnger, L. Elenyboe, Marcus Stephens, Mrs. Dampler, Louis Btabenfelt, Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Misner, J. M. Cah cart and Mre. H. C- Misner of Crook ston, Mre. J. Rappe of Pasadena, Cal., Arthur Koewolden.'T. W. Zachzt, Wm. Eagle and .Matt Holten. of Fertile and Ed. Carlson of Maple: Lake spent Sun day at Buhn'e hotel. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Twite of Crookston are spending the summer in the Rapln cottage. M. McLaughlin and A. R. McKinnon of Crookatori spent Sunday at Lake side hotel.: Mr. end' Mrs. Zealand of Crookston have rented the Ferguson cottage for the summer.- Chester Stebeng and. A. R. Roberta of Crookston are »pending a few. weeks. In the Hageq cottage. Mr. Rosenberg of,, Crookston has. openea hie. cottage- on: Washington Helfhta tor. the eummer. D. Patterson and family of St. Hilaire bave opened their cottage for the. summer. •, The Boidone of Winnipeg have opened: their summer, heme oft WaAit* HelfhU Returned From Fargo, 'f Miss Ethel Haslett has returned from Fargo where she haa been visit ing friends tor the past few days.' Will Leave for Boston. Miss Nella Kingsbury, head of the expression department at Wealey col lege conservatory of music, will leave thie evening for Boston where she will visit during the summer vacation. Miss Kingsbury will enjoy an outing In the Maine woods the latter part of the summer. 'She will return to the conservatory In September. aee Returned From Minneapolis. Miss Louise Black has arrived from Minneapolis where she visited for a week with friends and relatives. She was accompanied home by Miss Blanche Kemerer. who will be her guest for several days. Miss Kemerer is enroute tp Scobey, Mont., where she will visit her sister, Mrs. Ira Nel son. From there she will go to For syth. Mont., to join her parents, who have recently located there. Left for England. Valley City Times-Record: Word has been received by J. J. Earley end Mrs. Spurr from Rev. Moultrie that after an exciting trip to New York, he has sailed for England. On the trip from Chicago to New York Just east of Baltimore, the train on which Rev. Moultrie and Earl were riding was. wrecked and their sleeper went off the track. The wreck resulted in a few scratches and a sprained shoulder for Mr. Mtultrle but the other passengers who were In the diner were not injured. However Rev. Moultrie was able to proceed on his journey and received many steam er letters and telegrams for which he expressed appreciation to his friends. Of Interest to Women 4 4 4 FASHION" NOTES. Black Ms much worn thie season. But It is decidedly a season of blue Blue of every shade, from palest evening tints to navy blue, Is popular. No wonder. Women almost invar lab. ly look well in blue, whatever the col or of their eyes, hair, .and skin. So when fashion smiles on blue, woman kind is happy, and accepts it enthusi astically. Half a dozen street suits of blue can be counted in any fashion able crowd to one of any other color. The waistcoat is in line for much use. The waistcoat belt is a feature of some of the Summer frocks and a most comfortable feature it is, too. It is simply the bottom of a waistcoat, with the pointe that extend below the waistline cut oft and fastened to a belt. One new frock of pink taffeta i« elaborately trimmed with rather wide flounces of fine white batiste, em broidered in pink. The combination in this way of silk and batiste is charming. Choosing Dinner Gowns. There Is no hard and fast rule for the choosing of any other \frocke or suits. It Is impossible to be guided by any rule or system. Each bride knows her income, her social oppor tunities, her environment, and these are the controlling factors In buying the trousseau. But she most apply to the purchase of her clothes the knowledge that she has gained In the last two years, sjnent the changeableneas of ell fashions in a mo-nth's time. .She wants to buy only the gowns she really needs, for tomorrow everything may be differ ent. Her dinner gowns may serve for dance frocks as well as for the the ater. The fashion of wearing decol lete frocks in the afternoon makes it possible for her to do much with lit tle. The fashion of wearing a net quimpe In the day with an evening gown happily has passed, but a scarf of white tulle is very helpful. i, Af! One lot of waists in lawns, per cales and dimities short sleeves, low neck. Very spe cial values at, each, 59 TPHINK of the conven ience of dictating at any hour of the day or night—think of the ad vantage of knowing that what you dictate can be written without error by any stenographer—think of the saving of your own time and that of your typewriting department when stenographers are not necesssary for your work. The evenly among all the operators, insures promptness and reduces the chance of errors to a minimum. The Edison Dictating Machine has been developed to its present advanced design by a corps of experts under "the personal supervision of Thomas A. Edison. It is the machine approved and labeled by the Underwriters' Lab oratories, Inc., under the.direction of the National Board of Fire Underwriters, and the only dictating machine equipped with an Auto. Index for conveying corrections, instructions ,etc., to the transcriber. Its many mechanical and electrical^ advantages are explained in oqr booklets, which you should read before investigating, f. V„.f ====. Sole Representatives STONE PIANO Every thing Known in Music Grand Forks Fargo Blsmark 7 AIST SPECIALS Lot 2 A beautiful assortment of waists, made from fine crepes, lawns, plain and embroidered voiles, etc., the new shoulder effect short sleeves, low neck, extra special at, each, $1.50 LADIES WEAR THE sraHEVF SIHV/Cf. Are You Interested In Good Roads? Then come to Grand Forks on Thursday, June 18th, and stop at Hotel Dacotah Hear Mr. D. Ward King Edison Prevent Substitution, Specify "Made by Cdiscn" Makes all this possible in any office, on any work. Its use brings about a system that saves the time of dictators and dictatees, makes business letters the clear, logical, concise letters they should be distributes the typewriting -u At Waists for Hot Weather :-i 'ACE Send in .Coupon^, STONE P|*JfO COOT/ Oipal Storks. & Plsa#» send me your let. ."The Tired Bu. Msa." describing how Bdlson Dictating Maehln may be adapted to mrn and your booklets on mechanics! and *li advantages. Name ,.. Firm vW« •ill