Newspaper Page Text
^:-. v. .-y. .•/" .\V':' .*» #v i?.y. IMTCS. Summer Is past for the little leaves, 80 the wind by night and day Gathers them close, while he sighs and grieves. And carries them all away. Leaves that are yellow as beaten gold, lieaves of a passionate red, leaves that are broken and brown and old. Leaves that are withered and dead. Some he will blow to the mad sea waves, And in the ebb and the flow. They will reach the green forgotten graves Of the drowned that He below. Some he will drift to the place of sleep, The great brown Mother of rest. And to Slumber, dreamless, sweet and deep, She will hush them on her breast. "For the fleeting days of blue and gold They will fret no more or sigh— They will not know it grows dark and cold, Or stir when the rain sweeps by. And none shall unfold the mystery Of the things that come and go, Save only He who holdeth the sea. And malcetti the winds to blow. —Vina Sheard. Mrs. O. 8. Haneon and two children have returned home after enjoying a few days' visit with friends and rela tives in Fergus Falls, Minn. «lt Miss Grace Eastgate Who has been visiting friends in the city for a few days, has returned to her home In Tolna. j|p The Pythian Sisters were hostesses last evening when they gave an enjoy able dancing party in the Knights of Pythias hall on south Third street. The hours were from to 12 o'clock and a program of excellent music was rendered by a local orchestra. $ |t 4t Choose your Christmas gifts at the No-Vary exhibition parlor and begin saving No-Vary (always good) cou pons. Coupons and some money may be used or you can get them abso lutely free with coupons and certifi cates.—Adv. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Relton and daughter, Miss Ruby, left last evening for Gilby, where they will attend the marriage of Miss Myrtle Douglas to George Learning of Mennedosa, Man. The wedding will take place Wednes day afternoon at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. Janet Douglas. Mrs. R. L. Bennett and Misses Church. Lucas and Paulsen entertain ed informally at the home of Mrs. Bennett in Inkster In honor of Miss Ella Montgomery, a November bride. The rooms were made very attractive with color scheme of pink and white, wedding bells, hearts and cupids were used in decorating. The evening was spent in games and music and one of the special features was dressing clothes pin dolls. Each guest gave the bride-elect her favorite recipe for a new cook book. The pleasant even ing was conclu'ded with the service of a delicious luncheon and the bride elect was Showered with kitchen uten sils. Those present were Mrs. C. F. Holmes, Mrs. W. Roche, Mrs. R. B. Montgomery, Mrs. A. Nelson, Mrs. J. Bemls, Mrs. W. Scouten. Mrs. J. Nel son, Mr*. H. C. Plehl, Mrs. J. H. Mc Lean, Mrs. I. E. Lawrence Misses Ella Montgomery, Barkee, Lehr, Pflffner, Brown, Gilhooly. Matthle, Lang, Clock, Ball, Sears, Olive Mont gomery, Martha Montgomery, Sey mour, Beckstead, Cruttenden. Now Going 150 Untrimmed Hats values up to $5.00...... 100 Trimmed Hats all new values up to $5.00 150 Trimmed Hats latest designs values up to $8.00 200 Trimmed Hats new shipment values up to $10.00 One Lot Winter Coats values up to $20.00 One Lot Winter Coats up to $30.00 One Lot Winter Suits values up to $25.00 One Lot Dresses black and colors values up to $22.50.......... vtf'. v.*:': WHAT THEY ARE DOING IN SOCIETY The Eastern Star will hold its reg ular meeting this evening at 8 o'clock in the Masonic hall in the St. John's block. All members of the order whether affiliated with the local chap ter or not, are cordially invited. The Florence Crittenden Circle held a social this afternoon at the home of MTB. T. J. Smith on Belmont avenue. A good program, consisting of musical and literary numbers was given at the close of which refreshments were served and Mrs. Smith was assisted by Mrs. C. S. Marsden. The Women's Catholic Order of Foresters will hold a meeting this evening at 8 o'clock in the Knights of Columbus hall. Several matters of importance will be discussed ana every member is urged to be present. Christmas gifts absolutely free with No-Vary (always good) coupons and certificates or at a very low cost if you use coupons and money. Pick out your gift at the No-Vary exhibition parlors, opposite Hotel Dacotah.— Adv. Valley City Times-Record: Miss Lillian Topping of the Florence Crit tenden home at Fargo, arrived in the city this morning, and spent the day here. Miss Topping came up to talk before the meeting of the Sorosis and Sheyenne clubs this afternoon, at the residence of Mrs. John Tracy, and while in the city was the house guest of Mrs. J. E. Featherstone on West Fourth street. Miss Grace McCannon. secretary of the junior department at Wesley col lege conservatory of music, enter tained the junior teachers Informally last evening. She received her guests at the home of her sister, Mrs. E. C. Converse of University Place. Music and visiting were the pastimes and a daintily appointed repast was served at the close of the evening. Miss Mc Cannon was assisted bv Mrs. Converse. s|e 4c flc Mrs. David Douglas and Mrs. Esther Wilcox of Gllby gave a very pretty party last evening at the home of Mrs. Douglas in Gilby, complimentary to their niece, Miss Myrtle Douglas, a bride of Wednesday. A color scheme' of red and green predominated in the house decorations and baskets of love ly carnations and ferns, were artisti cally arranged throughout the rooms. Various forms of entertainments were provided for the entertainment of the guests and an enjoyable feature was a "mock wedding." During the evening an Arabian peddler came to the door and delivered a pack of parcels to Miss Douglas and on opening them she found many pretty and useful gifts. The pleasant evening was brought to a close with the service of a delicious luncheon and covers were laid for forty guests. 4e sit The Woman's Home and Foreign Missionary society of the First Presby terian church will hold an open meet ing Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock in the church parlors. The subject for discussion will be "Indians" and an Interesting program has been arrang ed as follows: Responsive service. Vocal solo—Miss Maude Martyn, ac companied on piano by Mis* Edith Altken. The American Indian on the New Trail—Mrs. Scott Rex. An Indian Story—Miss Hortense Moore. A'social session will be enjoyed at the elose of the program and refresh ments will be served'by the hostessed Mrs. C. E. Brawner, Mrs. J. F. Sowle and Mre, J. Arthur Williams. The new text books for the Mission Study class will be distributed and all members of the class are urged to be present. Entire Stock of Mrs. H. P. Knudson To Be Sold Regardless of Cost One Lot Skirts all new black and colors values up to $10.00 One Lot All Wool Sweaters $5.00 kind One Lot Corsets values up to $3.50 One Lot Lingerie Waists values up to $4.50 One Lot/Winter Underwear $1.50 kind All i-yv,.''.. All Pattern Hats, Latest Designs—Half Price. Furs, Muffs and Neck Pieces at Unheard of Prices. Something for Everybody—to Suit Everybody's Pocket Book. Merchandise Marked in Plain Figures a, 13 So. 3rd St. '5 JACK TURNBULL, Sales Mgr. The Women's league of the univer sity held its regular weekly tea this afternoon from 4 to 6 o'clock in the club rooms in Davis hall. An inter esting talk was given by Miss Ethel Poupore, followed by the service of refreshments. Miss Lulu Loughlin entertained the members of the Dannes club last evening at the home of Miss Gertrude Norman on Reeves avenue. The evening was spent in music and visit ing and refreshments were served at the close. 4? 4t a|t The Ladies' Aid society of St. Mark's English Lutheran church will meet Wednesday afternoon at 3 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Robert Boese, 110 Forest street. All mem bers are urged to be present. aft ift The regular meeting of the Rebekah Book and Thimble club was held this afternoon at Odd Fellows' hall. There was a large attendance and after an hour or two of visiting and sewing refreshments were served by the hos tesses, Mrs. M. A. Hawkins, Mrs. Fred Redlck, Mrs. O. G. Glidd/en and Mrs. M. H. Redlck. The Young Women's Christian as sociation has a treat in store for all members of the association and any women interested in missionary work. Miss Irene Sheppard, recently of South America, will arrive in Grand Forks Wednesday, November 18, and will be with the city association all day Thursday and perhaps Friday. Miss Sheppard has been for some years one of the two American sec retaries to South America, with head quarters at Buenos Aires. She is un der the direction of the national board visiting the different fieldB telling of her work and the needs of the young women of South America. A meeting is being arranged for Thursday even ing and it is hoped the women of Grand Forks will give Miss Sheppard a warm welcome. The second in the series of thimble parties was given this afternoon by the membership committee in the par lors of the Y. W. C. A. The hours were from 8 to 5 o'clock. The ladles brought their needlework and spent the afternoon in sewing and visiting. Miss Jane Buckingham gave an in teresting talk on "The Work of the Association." Mrs. L. C. Harrington rendered a piano solo and Miss Sarah Winters gave a reading. Tea was served at 5 o'clock by the member ship committee which is comprised of Mrs. E. J. Babcock. Mrs. J. S. Hatcher, Mrs. Clinton A. Thompson, Miss Chrlssle Budge, Miss Robertson, Miss Jane Smith, Mies Helen Young and Miss Mary Berg. Fargo Courier-News: Among the pre-nuptlal events scheduled this week. Is a bridge luncheon today at which Miss Abble Williams will be hostess. The guests of honor will be Miss Luclle Bristol whose marriage takes place next Saturday, and Miss Alice Lewis, a bride of next month. Wednesday, Mrs. E. A. Ricker will entertain eight young ladles at a luncheon complimentary to Miss Bris tol. Yesterday afternoon Miss Helen Welter entertained the members of the Monday Sewing club in honor of the two members soon to be married, Miss Bristol and Miss Lewis. A dainty three course luncheon was served at 2 o'clock. Green and white decora tions worked out with smllax and white carnations were very effective. At the plates of the guests of honor were cpi-sage, "bouquets.. of hyacinths and white'.'rpsesw Assisting in thef serving were Mrs. Hugo Bachenhelm er and Miss Edlthe Grass.. An after noon of needlework followed. Non members who were present were: Misses Harriet Hunt. Dorothy Hanna, Hermolne Mitchell and Jane Tyler. fi'V« S -H Store Open Evenings 39c 98c 1.98 2.98 4.48 9.98 7.48 4.98 .3.98 2.98 79c 98c 98c VH THE GRAND FORKS DAILY HERALP, TUESDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 17,1814. I Among the social events scheduled for this- eVenintr wi!] be an informal dancing party to be given at the Guild hall by », number of young peo ple of the clts^. Sj Dancing will be en joyed from' to o'clock and the .music will be'rakdered by Korkes or chestra. Miss Edna Twamiey was hostess last evening to the members of the P. E. O. Sisterhood and entertained them at her home\ on North Fourth street. Mrs. O. G, Llbby was in charge of the program and discussed the life and work of Maeterllck." She gave an interesting review of "The Bluebird." Thei usual social hour fol lowed and refreshments were Berved. & St Agnes Guild of the Episcopal church met last evening at the home of Mrs. E. A. Arhart on Walnut street. Plans were made for the party to be given Friday evening at the parish hall for the young people of the church who attend the university. A reception, will be held from 8 to 9 and a short program will be given Mrs. E. A. Arhart being chairman of that committee. Dancing will be en joyed from 9 to 12 o'clock and re freshments will "be served by the ladies of St. Paul's Guild. Miss Lillian St. Lawrence was hos tess last, everting when she enter tained a company of girls in honor of Miss Alta Olwin, who will leave soon for her home in Fargo, and Miss Jessie Duval of Crookston. The gueBts enjoyed a theater party at the Met, and Mrs. T. P. McBlroy was the chaperone. Later the guests repaired to the home of Miss St. Lawrence on Cottonwood street, where music and visiting were the pastimes. At 11 o'ciock a delicious three course re past was served and the dining room decorations were in red and white Mrs. St. Lawrence was assisted in serving by her daughter Miss Pearl, and Miss Dolly Emard. Those present were Misses Olwin, Duval of Crookston. Violet Dauben berg, Thelma Peters. Florence Han cock, Grace Emard, Sylvia Hunter, Hazel Fink, Pearl Paulson, Edith Benson, Anna Gruboskie, Cora Kean Ethel Davidson and Agnes Nolan. WILLISTON Wllliston. N. D., Nov. 17.—Chas Newell returned Sunday from a two weeks visit with his parents in Olney, 111. Mr. Newell visited friends in St. Louis and Chicago. C. N. Bustal, state agent of North Dakota Mutual Life Ins. Co., of Velva was in the city Saturday. Miss Lucille Drake returned home Monday from a two months visit with friends near Poplar, Mont. S. B. Seese, secretary of the G. N. Life Ins. Co., of Grand Forks, was in the city on business last week. Miss Nellie Davidson entertained very delightfully twenty-flve of her lady friends at a Japanese party Sat urday evening. John Page of Rugby was the guest of.Wm. Owens this week. Mrs. Harry Snell of Culbertson spent a. few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Atterbury, last week. Mrs. Bent Bell and Miss Edna Shep hard returned Friday from a visit with friends in BalnviUe, Mont Jacob Luthold, Jr., of Kasson, Minn, was a visitor here last week. Joe Mitchel, who has been a guest of his sister, Mrs. W. C. Messlnger, left Sunday for a visit in Stanley. Miss Alma O'lfceefe returned Sun day to her home in Stanley after visit ing with the Misses Shea. W. C. Messinger ieft this week for Malmony, .Canada,/Where he was call ed by the death mether. Wm„. ScluilabeaLsf., Manella. Minn.* was in the.olty.'ldUciiic after1 business interests. Mr. and Mrs. L. N. Sties returned from Minot last week. Geo. Carpenter made a business trip to Plenty wood last week. Paul Leonhardy left Sunday en a business trip to the twin cities. Mra Harry Lansing of Grand Forks visited friends here Friday. E. C. Carney entertained his Sunday school class at his home Tuesday evening. All enjoyed a very pleasant time. Mrs. Gertrude Barnes left Sunday to vlBit friends in Minot and the twin cities. Mrs. D. McFarland returned to Ray after visiting her mother, Mrs. Rut ledge. Mrs. N. Balllnger left Sunday for her home in Monroe, Wash. C.F. Curry and family have return ed to the city after spending the sum mer on their homestead in Montana. Owing to the greatly increased busi ness the Wllliston Motor company will build as soon as possible a brick annex to their garage on First Avenue I east. The Wllliston Motor company is the distributing center for the terrl tory reaching from Tagus to Glasgow on the west and Including the north western counties of North Dakota and the northeastern counties of Montana. Cut Flowers FOB ANY OCCASION. Funeral Dea/gnw Made on Short Notlc*. We are alive day and night Both phones 689. Might call 1254J, N. W. Grand Forks Floral Co. E. O. LEMKS. 807 DeMerm Ave.. Grand FVirhs. 1 Henry Nelson, the 15 year old son of H. A. Nelson of Ray leads in the corn contest with 68 bushels of ma ture corn to an acre. J. H. Cooper of the First National bank has returned frono Wisconsin where he purchased a herd of Guern sey cattle for the W. S. Davidson farm. W. P. Winn who has been a resident of Wllliston left Thursday for Oregon, Harold Shaw, son of Rev. and Mrs. E. S. Shaw, left last Friday for Fargo where he will take up his work as di rector of the gas engineering school. Duncan Mackinnon of Crosby was In the city last week on business. E. W. Hall, better farming agent left Friday for BonetralU to attend a two days farm club meeting. Sheriff Erickson went to Bismarck last week, taking Charles Davis to thu state penitentiary. Rev. J. I. Asher of Minot, the dis trict superintendent for the M. B. church spent Sunday evening at. the Methodist manse. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Quale left Tues day for their new home in St. Paul. Miss Genevieve Allen of Ray visited friends here. F. N. Fuller spent a few days last week aivl Lake and Sidney. M. A. Nntfers, Ford motor car man ager for North and South Daxota, was in Willi6t on last week. G. Carpenter left Sunday for Kargo. A. A. Stenehjem of Arncganl was here Wadi wday attending tc business. Joe T'L-ner, representing I»A \or*li em Commercial company of Fargo, spent a day in the city. Miss Hilda Hayden, formerly a res ident here, who is now attending the Minot normal, has been chosen presi dent of the normal Y. W. C. A. E. a Larson of Farland and W. Bid good of Tioga wars in the city Tues day. Walter A. Snow, superintendent of Sunday schools of North Dakota, preached Sunday in the Congregation al church. Miss Cora Flaten and Miss Mabel Flaten of Wheelock were united in marriage Friday afternoon to Theo dore Thorseth of Epplng and Theo dore TorkelBon of Wheelock. Judgs Butler performed the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. James H. Cooper en tertained six tables at grand nola Wed nesday evening. European Plan Rooms $1.00 and up IT costs no more to stop at the best hotel in Grand Forks. Large, cool, airy rooms. Spacioussample rooms and lobby. The best cafe and service in the city. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Goodman very Thats what yon want, and that's what Cal umet is guaran teed to give you— It is sure in perfect leaveo ingandraising qualities, in wholesomeness, in purity. Iy raised, melting ly tender bis cuit, cake, muf fins, griddle cakes,are bound to result from its use a goes farther than other bak ing powders— and it's moder ate in cost. Insist on it at your grocers. RECEIVED HIGHEST AWARDS World's Aire Food Exposition, Chicago, Clearing Prices on Now place every suit on sale at a great reduc tion in price to make a quick clearing. This sale includes every suit in the store. Some of these suits are recent arrivals. The styles are correct, the materials good and they are perfectly tailored. These suits sold from $20 to $40, and now all suits are di vided into three lots, on sale at $10.00 $12.50 $20.00 pleasantly entertained the members of the Minot Symphony orchestra at their home on WeBt Broadway Tuesday evening after the dance in the armory. The Medicine Lodge social society gave a surprise party to Mr. and Mrs. E. Henry Friday evening at their home north of Willlston. Several auto .loads of town people enjoyed an outing Friday night to the L. D. Lynch home where the ladles of the Catholic Altar society served a de licious chicken pie supper. Supt and Mrs. S. L. Sinclair enter tained a small number of their friends at their home at the reclamation pow er station recently. During the after noon a visit was made to the power plant and mine. made to overcome the error of re fraction of your eyes, give you per fect near and distant vision, they are decidedly more youthful look ing than the old-fashioned cement Mfoeals—let us supply yours. 18 N. 4th St* Grand Forks, N. D. V, \p. 1 Electric Coffee Percolators For Christmas Gifts Specially Priced at $3.75 Reduced From $7.50 The lowest prices ever made on electrical gifts Christmas have been achieved this year by co-opera tive effort of electrical supply dealers, merchants, manufacturers and our company. SHOP NOW! Buy Electrical Gifts—Inexpensive, Charming, Practical. Electrical presents are the kind to buy when you want to make your money go farthest and tender a remem brance which will yield the utmost in pleasure and utility. See complete lines at MONLEY & SMITH McGUIRE ELECTRIC CO. PAGE THREE. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Palmer enter tained at dinner Friday evening In honor of Rev. and Mrs. H. Harris. Supt and Mrs. L. A. White gave the fourth of their series of dinner par ties Friday evening. Miss Irma Townsend entertained a number of high school friends Friday evening at her home. Get in Line and At the Best Place In the City. HOUGH'S NEW DAIRY LUNQH Strafford Block, DeMers Ave. South Thirds v. vv €5 ivM fas I#*, I 1 W kf f|\ I lit. for