Newspaper Page Text
Jfr jgUo The BaUicAutoihn. What means tHegladness of the plain, This Joy -of. eve and mom. The mirth that shakes the beard of grain- And yellow locks of corn? Ah! eyes may well be full of teare, And hearts with hate are hot, But even-paced come 'round the years, And nature change^.' not. She meets .with smiles "oiir bitter grief With sotfgsi our grrfans of pain She mocks with tjfit o£ flower and l?af- The warfield's uVimson stain. Still, in thecannon's, inursc,' we hear Her sweet thanksgiving psalm Too near to Cod to dfltfbt or frai', She shares the clofndr caln.. ®HE knows the. seed HPS Sh* 6ees safe below The fires that, blast and burn Ti a "?e 'Pars of blood we sow She waits the rich return. with Clearer eye than ours The good of suffering born— The hearts that blossom like her flow ers, .A11 ripen like her corn. K'VE TO UP, in times like these, Tlio vision of hor oy?s: And make lier Melds and fruited trees '-'ur golden prophecies! O, to ns her liner ear! Above this stormy din. We, too. would heal- the bells of cheer Kins pcacr and freedom in! —John 1. Whiltier. Mifi. D. Fnrdney, 73J North Fifth ^trect will give a reception this even mg: from S to 10 oVloel? at her home, in honor of Mrs. l^iura. R. DeWeese and daughter. Miss Bessie of Spo kane, Wash. All friends of the hon or guests are cordially invited. Hs ij: Choose your Christmas gifts at the No-Vary exhibition parlor and begin saving No-Vary 'always good) cou pons. Coupons and some money may be used or you can get them abso lutely free with coupons and certifi cates.—Adv. *L» JJC The students, at the Grand Korku School of Music save an interesting recital lasit evening in their hail in the Security block. There was a. large at tendance and ail taking part did ex ceptionally well* Those who appear ed on the program were Mabel Down ham, Doris Lond, Marlon Wilder, Miss Hamel, Miss Hagen. Helen Lehman, Kva Matthews, La urine Odcit, Adel aide Collins, Beryl Seymour, Loutae Ryan, Clementine Bronson, Ardis Oil more, Anne McMahon. Ernest Mc laughlin. Mildred Odell, Grace Grif fith, Ruth Brown, Helen Evans, Helen Wolff. Cut Flowers FOR ANY OCCASION. Funeral D&mign* Made on Short Notice. *f# aIIv® ntftit. Both phor 6St. Night call Grand Ferlb Floral Co. B. G. IiKMKE. 30" DeMm Ave,. Grand Porta. Do Yon Write Fire Insurance What are you doing for .the HOME COM PANY. They can give you assistance where others can not. Give us atrial. Write for our agency. Paid up Capital $100,000.00 W 'V, N0RTRHK mamMXGo. Home Office: 'Mind KourEye NOT WHAT THEY ARB DOING IN SOCEBTV i-Mlss Mary Erickson and Martin Katlstad,. both of ftatton were mar wed In thih city yesterday afternoon! •The wedding took place at 3 o'clock at the Zion Lutheran parsonage and Rev. Martin Hegland performed tne ceremony. The attendants were Miss Ella Gordon and Lars P. Karlstad. The couplo will reside in Hatton. *. 1 The ladies of the First Presbyterian church held a very successful sale Thursday afternoon and ,evening in church parlors. A splendid line bf ar ticles was offeted for sale and several very attractive booths, were arranged. One of the most attractive displays of dolls ever seen in the city,' was shown at the bazaar. At 6 cloek a delicious supper H'as served, and several hun dred -people were present. Mies Katherine Whiteiey, principal of the Bcelmont school entertained a party of friends there, in honor of Mrs. W. I'. Davies of Crookston. The ladies were seated at a long table arranged in the corner of the dining room and dainty cards marked the places for the guests and each one received a corsage 'bouquet of lilioe of the valley. 4c & Christmas gifts absolutely free with No-Vary (always good) coupons and certificates or at a very low cost if you use coupons and .money. Pick out your gift at the No-Vary exhibition parlors, opposite Hotel Dacotah— Adv. •Mrs. Julia Witteishofer of New York city has arrived in the city to spend some time visiting fricndu and looking after business interests. She is a former well known resident, of Sratid Korks and will be given a cor dial welcome by her inany old friends. The city library will have its usual story hour Saturday morning at 10 o'clock. The boys and girls attending the Industrial exhibit at the court house will be the guests of honor but all the children in the. city are invited. A special feature will be the Victrola music. Several cycles of children's .songs will be sung and other numbers popular with boys and girls will be given. The program is ae follows: Glow Worm Intermezzo. Victor orchestra, played on the Victrola. Uncle Remus stories, told by Helen Young. Mr. Terrapin shows his strength. Mr. Fox gets into serious business. Mr. Fox and the little rabbit®. Lncle Remus stories, told by Ruth Tubbs. Old Mr. Rabbit he is a good fisher man. Mr. Rabbit nibbles up the batter. How Mr. Rabbit lost, his fine tail. Songs, played on the Victrola. Cuck-coo clock. Slumber song. The Secret. Old Chanticleer. The .hungry windmill. Sung by Eliza bel li Wheeler. The scare crow. The acorn. The burr. Art Song Cycle-— In China. In Scotland. In Germany. Sung by Elsie Baker. ... °ry- "The Elephant'* Child," by Kipling. Told by- Miss TCcKmnn. 11 umoreeque—Ivoark. Venetian trio, played on the Vic trola. The junior students of Wesley col lege conservatory of music will hold their regular weekly recital Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock in the city studios. A good program has been arranged and a. cordial invitation is extended to all parents and friends. The program follows: Conzonetta Whelpley Thelma R.vstad. Sleepy Song Virgil Mildred Augustine. £ailor Song Virgil Esther Bathgate. Song of the Bell :....... Virgil Kathryn Clifford. Happy Day Virgil Ruth Rishoff. Fairy Fingers Virgil Donald Watt. Village Chimes Virgil our British friends use it, meaning "look out"—for. there is no need to look out for Gordon Furs because ail of them are made and- sold under the Gordon Pure Fur Law. "Mind Tour Eye" as we use it, means—if you like the looks of a Gordon Fur—buy it— Tou will know before you pay a cent just what fur it is, where it came from and how long it will wear-~So, all you have to do is "Mind Tour Eye" and buy it. Right in this very dty there is store that tells Gordon Furs— Go see them, they are well worth it GORDON & Ruby McKensie. ... The Merry Hobolink Krogman Laverne Galbrath. The Fairies' Revelry ... Baith Laura NUM. Village Dance Pennington Elsa Bendeke. Water Lilies Ducellc Nina Larson. Away to the Fields Eckhardt Ina Lodmell. Dance in the Green Bohm Marlon Ferguson. Les Myrtes Helns Mae Fogel. used as Cafacul,silk line* 3f" Ho •ealdjred Muk. nt (Hudson Seal) |im FERGUSON, MfiSat 0*00*0 ON TURK fur CVyD^rrr Law jru*.s *r r**i-y xnmH «g Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Davies of Wal nut street are entertaining as their guests for a few days,1 Mrs. W. L. Davies of Crookston' and son J. K. Davies of Chicago. 4t 3|c Mrs. Roy Miller and brother Karl Ackerman of Wllkle, Sask., have ar rived in the city to spend several weeks visiting at the home of their sister, Mrs. George N. Nelson of Wal nut street. )|c sfc ,^c Mrs. Hugh Reid' entertained the Woman's Auxiliary of St. Paul's Epis copal church this afternoon," at' ner home on South Fifth street. A good program was given following which the usual social' hour was enjoyed and light refreshments were served by the hostess. sk 4c 4c The Luther League of the Swedish Lutheran church held its regular meeting last evening in the church parlors. A fine program was given and those taking part were Misses Edith Algrln, Loretta Giockner, Gud ruh Hulteng. Helen Engstrom, Messrs. George Engstrom, Roy Benson, Har old Anderson. Refreshments were served by the hostess, Miss-Edith Al grin. Mr. and Mrs. T. II. Richardson of Walnut street, accompanied by their two children. Herbert and Harriet, left this noon for Nebraska City, Neb., where they will bo present at a fam ily reunion to be held on Sunday in that city, the occasion being the gold en wedding anniversary of Mrs. Rich ardson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thom as McCune. The advanced students at Wesley College Conservatory of Music gave their recital last evening in Corwin hall. A program of interesting num bers was given by Misses Gay Gidley, Maude Martin, Ruth Purcelt, Lula Williams, Gladys Whitman, Esther Johnson, Gladys Mayer. Myrtle Ellen son, Vera Winger, Patricia Lynch, Herman Wolff. s|c The members of the "66" club en joyed an informal dancing party last evening in the Knights of Columbus club rooms. The hours were from 9 to 12 o'clock and the music was ren dered by Finlcy's orchestra. 4t The Y. W. C. A. high school mem bership banquet will be held this evening in the Y. W. cafeteria. The banquet will be served at 6 o'clock and a good program of toasts has been arranged. Miss Helen Young will pre side as toastmistress. The German club will open its so cial season this evening by giving the first party In the series. The dining room of the Hotel Dacotah will be the scene of the gathering and the music will be furnished by Rorke's five-piece orchestra. Supper will be served at 11 o'clock and the tables will be ar ranged in the lobby of the hotel. Mrs. •fames Dinnie will be in charge and the assisting ladies will be Mrs. W. H. Alexander, Mrs. E. J. Densmore and Mrs. Herman Wolff. Miss Alice Jackson who teaches school near Northwood returned to her school duties after enjoying a visit with relatives in this city. Miss Jackson's school No. 2, district 40, re cently «}d a, very successful basket attd'the.' ptocetas amounted to social $32, the JiUK cqili e^to be used in purchas er the school. A large number of people attended the annual, .Ipnap.' Whlch was given last evenlog i^i the First Lutheran church h&the.members of the Dorcas society. Many pretty articles of fancy work, aprons, wdrk bags, dolls, etc., were on display and. a neat sum was .realised. Refreshments were served during the evening. 1 9k The graduate nurses of the Deacon ess hospital met yesterday afternoon, in the parlors of the institution for tne purpose of organising' an alumnae association. An organisation was perfected and the members decided to meet the first Wednesday of each {n^nth. The election of officers was held with the following result: President—Miss Matilda Hotf. vice President—Miss Effle Kringle. Secretary—Miss Nora Anderson. Treasurer—Miss Matilda Thompson. *Y* W, C. A. at the state uni versity will hold its annual basaar Saturday, December 5, in the Wom en league^rooms on the first floor of Davis hall. The hours will be from 6 .o clock and many attractive booths have been arranged. One of especial interest will be the Japanese booth with two little maids in appro priate costcme. The candy booth will rival the university book store for the one day as the bon bons will he made by the Y. W. C. A. girls. Many pretty and useful articles, suitable for Christmas gifts, will be found at the novelty booth. The parcel post booth will also attract a great deal of at tention and another special feature will be the fortune teller. Following the basketball game in the evening, the young ladies will serve light re freshments in the league rooms. ESveryone is cordially Invited. There were guests for twenty tables at the party, which was given last evening by the Women's league, of the Catholic church. In the auditorium of St. Michael's churoh. The houra were devoted to playing cards and at the close of the game handsome favors were awarded to the holders of the high scores. Mrs. Robert Moore re ceived first honors for the ladies and J. D. Johnson won the flrst prise for the gentlemen. The other prises were awarded to Mrs. Cathiren Riley and M. J, Maddock, who won second places. Following the game and awarding of favors, a delicious luncheon was served at the small tables. Mrs. J. P. Adshead was in charge of the party «»d the asstotlng ladles were Mrs. Cleary Monley, Mrs. J. a. THE CRAMP EQftftS DAILY HERALPrTOlDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 4,1914. TO MAKE HER BOW SOON AFTER XMAS Miss Dorothy Drake. Miss Dorothy Drake is one of the prettiest girls in the Washington de butante list this season. Her presen tation to society will occur on De cember 29 and the occasion will be a tea given by her mother. Mrs. Charles M. Drake. How It Was. (Judge.) Brother Baggy—How come de jedge to turn Brudder Bogus loose? Brother Slack—Oh, his white lawyer proved an albinu. 18 A Beaupre. Mrs. J. J. Daly. Mrs. J. F?Arth. fiw H. Ortffln, Mrs. ®. J. O'JCeete. Mrs. Fred Werstleln and Mrs. & E. Hack ett. The Royal Neighbors held their an nual election last evening and the fol lowing offloers were elected: Oracle—Mrs. A. C. Wonderlich. Vice Oracle—Mrs. Elizabeth Cling man. Chancellor—Mrs. I411ian Rediek. Receiver—Mrs. Laura Young. 'Recorder—Mrs. Esther Selfert. Marshal—Mrs. Carrie Galbreath. Inner Sentinel—Mrs. Mary Coulter. Outer Sentinel—Mrs. Nanoy Mc« Haffle. Managers—Miss Ethel Hazlett, Miss Cheryl Clingman, Mrs. Olive Melby. The newly elected oracle appointed the following graces: Faith—Miss Adeline Hazlett. Courage—Miss Cheryl Clingman. Modesty—Mrs. Anne McMahon. Unselfishness—Mrs. Nancy Me ntlHfti Endurance—Mrs. Anna Bdle. held In Odd Fel wwi bftll And following* thi buslBWi meetiM a social session was held and refreshments were eerved by the members. Phoeafe Arts., Dec. 4.-^Tw« eon* demited.murderes* appealed to the supreme court yesterday for new triaU and their action will act as a stay of execution, thereby cutting the numbar. of men to be hanged at TMr enoe penitentiary December i* te six. The-only hepe of these sic is a com mutation by the governor. Buy Can't You Duplicate 1914-1915 heavy winter coats in the popular Chinchillas, Zibelines, Boucles and fancy mixtures that have received their second price cutting during this sale. Just because we refuse to carry them over, you buy them for off $4.98 ial on Corsets The famous Henderson and C. B. laceback corsets in the plain and brocaded. All are late mod* els and sell at $4 and $5. For Friday and Saturday $2.95 GLOVES Gloves are going up In price so you better stock up during this sale. 18 button gloves in white, black and tan. Regular $8.60 valuea. Two clasp street gloves In b6th lln kid. ed and unlined kid. 9Q Speolal at S'fiEMpney *i KOKTHLY REPORTS Heads of City Departments Making Regular State ments to Auditor. The police department of Grand Forks found business rather dull dur ing the month of November just ptuss* ed. only 2? offenders being tak^n be* fore Police Magistrate J. R. Church. Of these 22 were common or gard en drunks, and three were charged with disorderly conduct. The Other two wore vagrants. The amount col lected in fines wan $86. according to Judge Church's monthly report tiled today with City Auditor William Alex ander. The monthly report of the superin tendent of the city pumping station also tiled today shows that 38,048,000 gallons of water were pumped by the city during the month of October. Of this amount 22,565,14 gallons were used by ordinary consumers, the Great Northern railway, hnd the Rus sell Miller Milling company. The re maining 9,480,804 gallons were used I for extinguishing fires, lost by leak age, etc. The collections for the month of October amounted to $3,404.30 ac cording to the report, A total of 647 loaas were weighed on the city scales during November. Of these 80 loads consisted of coal for the city, and were weighed free of charge. For the remaining 567 loads, the sum of $56.70 was collected. BOUCHARD PREPARES SURVEY Secretary of School Board Believes Unfortunate Home Conditions Cause Most Non- Attendance. F. F. Burchard, secretary of the ftity school board is preparing a study $15.00 Suits for... .$10.00 $20.00 Suits for... .$13.34 $25.00 Suits for... .$16.67 foi. Our Anniversary Sale Saves You T. in A Gift of Quality, Service and Beauty is represented in every one of our coats in the favored Astrakhan. Zibeline, Boucle, Plush and Imported Novelty Coats. $10.00 coats, none better made, now $ 7.50 $15.00 coats, extra value in every one, now $11.25 $20.00 coats, style, fit and fabric, now $15.00 $25.00 coats' 2 years wear in every one, now $18.75 $30.00 coats, sold for more other years, now $22.50 Your mother, your wife or your daughter will appreciate noth ing more than one of our late suits and you buy' them at one-third New and striking Christmas Gifts are reaching us by every train so we suggest you come often as convenient. New Waist Special Five dozen crepe de chine shirt waists in whites, pinks and blues. This shipment just arrived and as an extra special for Friday and Saturday we offer them for $2.95 Holeproof Hosiery Holeproof hosiery is proving ex tremely papular with all women who are very particular to have their apparel in good taste. It's fine quality, superior finish and dainty styles make it Just what you want. One lot Ladies' Hose in black, brown, blue, pink, ete. Splendid values up to 50 cents. While they last. S pair QQ Coats Greatly Reduced In Price_for_Sa{urda^s_Se^ng npIIIS includes our entire line of ladies winter Every garment this season's newest and best' styles in the most popular materials. You may take your choice Saturday at 33\% Discount We Close Christines Eve at Six O'clock LADIES WEAR W STi Of the causes leading to non-attend ance at school by pupils of school age. As far as these cases have come un der his observation it appears that the most general cause of non-attend ance Is unfortunate home conditions. Nine out of 10 of the pupils who evade the school laws, will be found he believes to have drunken, or other wise incapable parents. The study will also show, he thinks, ft tfr -trfrfc £2 "She" Will Surely Approve of Your Taste If You Buy Her Present at Taugbols Because when she buys anything to wear for herself she always comes here, and the store is brimful of the best ever suggestions in Ladies' Wear, just the things most suitable for gifts. We Are Celebrating Our Anniversary Now So You Buy at Bargain Prices We Urge You to Shop Early $30.00 Suits for.... $20.00 $35.00 Suits for $23.34 $40.00 Suits for... .$26.67 UNDERWEAR Mentor Knit Union suits, high neck, long sleeves, ankle length. Some fleeced lined, others (1 1 not Special at Mentor Union suits, £S wool, in both high and low ^)Q neck. Per suit Mentor wool and silk Union suits, high and low neck, long and short sleevea, ankle mom $1.00 for New Hats Select any one of a lot of 1914 1915 trimmed hats that range in price from $4 to $7.50. These are extra special. Friday and Sat urday for $1.00 $439 length. This sale 4 CORSETS Any woman can find here just. the corset model best adapted to her figure. 1 lot of corsets, Henderson, La Grecque and Warner Kit PAGE THREE. that there are comparatively few cases in which the non-attendance is caused by actual necessity. Announcement—The Misses IShaust announce that thoy have opened an Art Ovaft. department in Miss Howe's Millinery Store, South Third street— Adv. How a. man docs admire children—If they are his own. ts iSr t! bright 18 makes. $1.19 96.00 and 90-10 Modart laoe front corsets. Models Hand F. Spe cial values during, Aff gale ... We Will Pay Parcel If Post on Mail iQrders V'F, VK vM \Ll *#1