Newspaper Page Text
~-i, Did AVLV. i- •4 a few five Adv. Settle (Siberian Pea 1 f-'V ii* tf $ -#c MMH *«*?$? ii- •i-xfcu-W-tVf (Jfryriu4i« 4 Tilt Qty In Brief MMMAMMMMIMMIIM Man Hen James Carlye of Jamestown was". & business visitor in Grand Fork* yesterday. TEA Know that flat paints are being UMd widely for Interior deco ration with splendid results and ob tainable In .all tints by Larabe. tin Best Sunday Dinner win be SERVED at Hotel Dacotah of course. We serve the best every day.—Adv. Couple Here—Mr. and Mrs FI. Wilcox of Otlby passed through Grand Forks last night. They were married days ago at Park River, Mrs. Wilcox being formerly Miss Ada Stewart of Gilby. For Sale—Seven room all modern home, hot water heat, good location, S3.J00.00. Cost $4,500.00 years ago. & 'Palmer.— Estate—T. A. Iceberg of Meklnock. was in Grand Forks Friday on business connected with the settling of the estate. Baseball Players Attention— See Co-—Adv. •Sister Is Dead—Mrs. James •01 North Eighth street, was notified FRIDAY of the death of her sister, Mrs. Andrew Kirk, of Ton't throw your shoes away. Mail to us. We return them good as new, prepaid. The Shoe Hospital, -cost 16 10 records, cash, 1 p. m. Start Your Clean Office opposite Graves and C&raganaa Tree). Address East Grand Forks Nursery, Oscar Wick, Prop. East Grand Forks. Minn.—Adv THEATRE ROYAL TODAY 'The Black Pearl' A daring conspiracy cleverly Foiled. With Frances Nelson and Rob ert Henry. J. BART CO. "The No-Vary Grocers" 203 North 3rd St. Pbone 167 LIB. CANS SALMON CAPE CED CRANBERRIES I QUARTS...ME CANNED PEAS REGULAR ISE SPECIAL LOE SMOKED SALMON PER LB. ME ROMAN BEAUTY APPLES PER PEEK. .MO SLICED PEACHES IN GLASS JARS REGU LAR 80C. SPECIAL BUTTERLNE PER LB ...MO .ISE WHITE ONION SETS PER QUART .... .I6E RED ONION SETS S QUARTS MO Tallow Onion Bets 3 quart* ....Mo A OraqpMa Was of TegetaMa asf Viewer Seeds, Wmwbsnles, .. «H. „v-v^ a word a Cobden, Ont* Mrs. Kirk has visited in this city on a num ber of .occasions. Begin Now and enjoy yourself J. land, basement 14 DeMers.—Adv. Snap In Vlctrola-—Victrola graph good condition, with 75 cents each all good 910. Speak quick. Phone Northwestern. Call er Up and Paint, tip Campaign Right—We will show you the most up-to-the-minute stock of wall paper in the state. "Homes Beautiful'' make ful." Roat's Paint Store.—Adv. Have Your Home Wired _*wd Oranges, fNk MOMUS* 400. BsM ftsMnc* VS^ OAAULMRER, 'Sweet :c ifcAV*- 4 5^ .. noufes/orSale and Rent read the Herald Want Ads.—Adv. Surrey Man Here—P. Mehlum. su perintendent of schools, at Surrey. D„ J. H. Wright in Town—W. N. Wright of Manvel was a visitor in Grand Forks Friday. Back from Colorado—K. hem of 622 Couvrette Weber*, admin istrator of the estate of the late day.—Adv. Ttyner, by taking' your Sunday dinner at. Hotel Dacotah. We cater to the tastes of all. —Adv. Shoe Repairing by Parcel Post— Non-Support Charged—P. A. Du chene was arraigned today before City Justice R. J. Pureed" on-a charge of non-support. The case was continued until 10 o'clock next Monday morning. No Arrests—The Grand Forks po lice department enjoyed a quiet even ing Friday, neither vag nor jag ma terializing: to disturb the peace and dignity of the city Helnholdt & Sol- Phono 621.-J 851 Belmont aft Spoilers the "City Beauti *m* Co., do painting, inter ior decorating a specialty, for the best people in town. We give satisfaction. Just try us. 919 Chestnut street. Tel. 789L Tri-State.—Adv. Returns to Mlnot Position—L. J. Bonnett. who has spent, the past eight months in this city, employed at the Bonnett store on Cottonwood street, and visiting at his home. 118 Walnut street, tonight returns to Minot to re sume his position with the Great Northeru. at before you do your housecleaning by the Bhend Electric company. Estimates furnish ed on all kinds of work. We guaran tee satisfaction. Phone N. W. 278-J. N. P. freight.—Adv. Fortnightly Clnb—A regular meet ing of the Fortnightly club will be held next Monday night at the public library. The speakers will be C. W. F. Goodman, topic of discussion is to be ganization Can- and the "How Or Affect Municipal Growth." Plant Trees It will pay you to buy from your Home Nursery as they are climated and shipments will reach you In one or two days. Send, for catalogue and note special reduction list on forest trees and Reynolds—Selig's nine- reel masterpiece "The that so in .Meklnock Forks, lMdn'dc* lld to Tone SAVED ME Cuf N. is spending a few days in Forks. Grand A. Good Service LA to build Garvin Another «e P. A. We want all ball players to look over our line of mitts, gloves, masks, bats, ETC. our baseball and running shoes at 11.10. LYONS A Shaw- Griggs avenue, has re turned from Boulder, Colorado, where he looked after business Interests for several days. one of our strong standbys in making a bid for popular favor for our cafe. Take Sunday din ner at the Hotel Dacotah.—Adv. BOY—Dr. and Mrs. J. H. the parents of a baby boy, weighing nine pounds, who arriv ed yesterday afternoon. Both mother and the new arrival are very well. Grand Formal Opening of Knud son'S new cafeteria Sunday. Flowers given away. Music from 12 o'clock noon till 3 o'clock and from 5 till 8 .o'clock evening.—Adv. Want Ads In The Herald are result getters. Try one. Costs only A penny Spoilers," which played three times at the Thea ter Royal, will be shown .V. D.. at Reynolds, Monday, April 12, 1915, 3 and 8. p. m.—Adv. At the p. m. Met.—"The Exploits of Elaine" Is still the best serial picture that has been offered to the American public. The eleventh episode will be seen today at the Met. and in addition there will be the Pathe Weekly, show ing the news of the world at a glance. Admission 10c children 5c.—Adv. Spokane Wants Exchange—The Spokane Commercial club has ad dressed the Grand Forks Commercial club on the question of securing an exchange ot membership courtesies during the present year, largely be cause of the fact many Grand Forks club' members are likely to be in Spokane during the year, enroute to the San Francisco and San Diego fairs, Tjand Transfers—The records of Register of Deeds Lodmell show the following entries: O. G. wife to Charles Hanson and H. Jenks. 480 acres township, consideration private." Andrew, M^CORIEGAJ and to Norman Jac,ksoti,"Rone 'Budge FT .WIFE lot-in Graiid fishelman's addition, consideration private. State Bank of Reynolds to Henry Steinberg, seven lots in Reynolds first addition, consid eration 1200. Hattle D. Stampen, Mar- get Tyndal, Gunhlld Knutson, O. K. Knutson,' Betsey Omlld, Andrew OM- Q...Trydal, one-half section in Walle township, consideration pri vate. Hough's Special—Roast turkey with dressing, cranberry Jelly individual chicken pie, roast leg pork, apple sauce fruit salad, cream tapioca pud ding.—Adv. 402 DeMers. Both Phones 848. Strawberries—Faney Louisiana berries pint box ,30c Head Lettuce—Fancy ARM heads EACH 10C RADISHES—FRESH ROUND RED VARIETY, BUNCH 06C ASPARAGUS—FANCY, LONG, GREEN GRASS BUNCH 10C CAULIFLOWER—SMALLBLEACHED HEADS RIPE TOMATOES—FANCY RIPE TO MATOES LB. Whipping Cream. O S The Leading: Qrocer* mm* 6 Potatoes, A powits for srs&Fai. -T— ASFFLFIWFC ,t W W I A S Jbm? :, ?Mr fcwSb. Me. Orders fer^Ma' Cream taksn tetjay ChAtyed to your account here -C^»j--W*uiiifsha- CMms, Cottiie 'isn4 .Xito^iortea Swiw. Ifrtaosap Apples, Veck Measure, S6O. «0e. 7*eefc Asparagus, Vw bwaeh, lOe. OaM OystespUnt, a 1 0 Thome on Visitor .John Urness, of the public school at ompson, was in Grand Forks Frl- prtnclpa Thompsi day afternoon To Preach at DAKOTA—Dr. Fahnlandcr Funeral Monday—Fun eral services for the late Joseph P. Fahnls.nder, whose death took place yesterday, will be held Monday morn ing from St. Michael's Catholic church, interment to take place in Calvary ccnictcry. Has Had Setback—Peter Gannaw. of North Seventh street, seriously ill several weeks ago, but who showed material improyement for a time, has had a severe setback during the last two or three days, and his condition now Is very critical. Grand Lecturer Here O. H. .Tear deau, grand lecturer for the state of North Dakota, addressed the members Of Acacia lodge, A. F. and A. M., at the new Masonic temple Friday even ing. He will remain in this city over Sunday. Chidlaw Better—Chester Chidlaw, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Chidlaw of Kuclid avenue, who has been ill at the University of Wisconsin for several weeks, expects to be well enough to return home in the course of the next week, according to word received by his parents today. PERSONALS. Attorney Flemming of Fargo was among the'business visitors in Grand Forks Friday. .1. N. Black of this city returned, Friday evening from a business visit to Crookston. G. B. Keenan, a banker of Thomp son. spent Friday in Grand Forks. E. .T. lAne. formerly a resident of Grand Forks, now of Portland, Ore., is spending a few days here. Albert Hanley of Bemidji' arrived in Grand Forks last, night for a brief visit. F. Asseltine. who has been attend ing school in this city, has returned to Joliet. E. C\ Mayfleld. principal of the school at Orr. is in Grand Forks and will remain over Sunday. Judge C. M. Oooley of the district, court returned home from Bismarck Friday night. Robert Walker of Crookston passed through Grand Forks Friday on his way to Moose Jaw, Sask. H. O. Thompson of Thompson was a business visitor in Grand Forks Fri day. X.. H. Schnabel and S. B. E. Seese are on a business trip to the southern part of the state. Attorney Sveinbjorn Johnson has returned from a visit to Cavalier. A. Armon of Grafton, who has been visiting in Grand Forks for several days, has returned home. DROUTH HITS HOIJMAN: Duluth, Minn., April 10.—The five saloons of Holman, which at the last election polled eleven votes, have been closed. Officers of the Indian de partment, that closed the saloons, said that one saloon for every two voters was too many. O A S Developing and Printing At lowest prices, beat work and prompt aervloe. Write ua 6r Price list. We want your mall orders and guar antee satisfaction. SACOTAX HABXACT Grand Forks, n. 9. Colton&McElroy Grootrs 408 DeMers Ave. Both phones TT8. Strawbsmea Xead ZMttsee—Jumbo, each Faney Doulsiania, THE GRAND FORKS DAILY HERALD. SATURDAY EVENING. APRIL 10, 1915. s. F. Half yard, ot Wesley college, will leave tonight for Dakota, N. D., morrow he gational-Methodist where to #111 -preach at, the Congre union service. City Studios Open Monday—The city studios of Wesley .conservatory will open Monday morning aftei* the reg ular spring vacation. The senior con servatory classes and the regular Wes ley college classes will be resumed Tuesday morning. box Me solid, fresh CMEW&bers—Large, lOe green, each Oreen Peppers—LARGE, bell HE shape.. Olo Asparagus—Tender, Small stalks bunch Home Cured Hams,-lb Home Cured Shoulders, lb Home Cured Salt Pork, lb. Home rendered lard, lb Best Dairy Butter, lb Extra Sifted Early 150 .15C Cucumbers—Southern grown, each 15c Celery. Deaf Lettuce, New Beets, Car rots, Shallots, Parsley. Waukesha Cheese. Cottage Cheeae. arid US-im&MV 11 A. M. 8, E Lily Blend K- Jftsak Wateseres* VerbwMk, o«o. W E W Ossrets, ..JPsr feuaeh, 10s. asttaoa.^ Baeh, XBe. --ajiartf JNR deasu, ase. delivery en Sunday same' Home Tea LIE Blps Tomatoes— Solid and ripe, lb. Mo mcuu. 1M 180 ISO JUNE cans Peas 8 •So Deliveries. and :!0 P. M. los Crosm^asr61 BRICK or BULK zAny Piavop- .^ to. Grocer d» East Grand Prizes Announced and the I They Compete With Boys in Potatos Also—Local Banks Give Aicl. Ninety-three boys .mil pirls— Tolk county's best-—today enlisted in mem bership in the Weslrrn Polk County Boys' club, and by fu ilointc they as sured Pollc county's reputation of hav ing the largest cluli in .Minnesota. The Central high nclmo! uf Hast Grand Forks was the Under this scheme of division, the children in the north district do not have to meet in competition with those residing on the Minnesota Point dis trict, thus making the competitions more equitable. Local Banks Give 4W rf^V-%- wt I:V $^§$£g^ *v," scene of Money. Money for the three district con tests is provided toy the two local banks. The First National bank has Forks NK1M1EE OUSTED POLK the gathering today, and it was a. right inspiring meeting, too. Young farmer buy. juul girls—there were eighty-five boys hihI eighi girls —spent almost the entire jay listen ing to speakers discuss agricultural topics, preparing themselves for the several competitions which they enter for prize money during the coming yea r. !ots of Prize Money. Lots of cash for the boy* and girls making up the club is furthcoming.. The girls are eligible to compete only in the potato and pis-' contests, the corn growing being reserved en tirely to the boys. The scheme of division this year within the club is somewhat different from that previously employed. Three districts, one embracing the territory between the Red river and the Red Lake river one embracing the terri tory north of the Red bake river and Routh of the Northern Pacific Red Falls line, and one embracing the territory north of that line. —ullal „a»,f"c' Jr!'?k1' given $75, to be used as prize money I11® Y1" in the pig contest, which is general over all districts. "The bank also gives $8fi. for eaeft dlr^itjr ~ar a total of! $105. for the corn contests, while the First State bank has given $50 for each district. The method of using! the last money has not been deter mined upon as yet. Whore Competition Lies. Fifty-four of the boys have entered the corn contest forty-five boys and six girls are in the potato contest, and 15 boys and 2 girls are in the pig con test. In addition to competing for the lo cal prizes, the members also will com pete for the state prizes, offered both for individual results and for club re turns. The children come from eighteen school districts in ten western Polk county townships. Have Fine Time. During their stay in the city the children have had a right pleasant time. They had their pictures taken this afternoon they were dined in the domestic science department of the high school, and they attended the performance at the Grand theater in Grand Forks this afternoon. The dinner was served under the direction of Miss Joyce Eddy, director Of the domestic science department, assisting Miss Alveterra Enright and Marie Bowes of the high school cook ing class, and Miss Thorbergi Rehner and Miss Arabella Nixon of the high school faculty. Saiidwiches, baked beans, pickles, bananas and coffee made up the lunch. They Hear Addresses. The youngsters also were treated to some right interesting addresses. Su perintendent W. E. Wolfe, Prof. L,. H. Hauter and N. S. Davies of Crookston addressed them this afternoon, and T. M. McCall. horticulturist of the north western school of agriculture at Crookston, addressed them this morn ing. Potatoes was his subjoct. The most remarkable showing at tained by Polk county in the matter of organizing the boys and girls comes through the efforts of Superin tendent "W. E. Wolfe, who is an ardent supporter of the club movement and Who believes It is capable of produc ing most excellent results. Condition Very Bad. Mies Jean Brady, who F.-Graigi Are the talk W *•, 4Hi at. suffered a paralytic stroke a few days ago, ia re ported in a very low condition today. If it ia possible for her to stand-the trip, ehe will be taken to Minneapolis Monday to undergo special treatment. Her parents have arrived in the city from Brainerd. Miss Brady was stay ing at the home of her sister, Mrs. J. when- the-stroke occurred.— Hardy's Bread Pastries and Piei of the town.' Try them once. You'll eat them always. MBN Ave. Buy Your Meats, Poultry and Ifish ESTHER CLEVELAND IN TENNIS GAME AT CORONADO BEACH !x Youngsters Get Set For Race for Big Money. EIGHT GIRLS ARE TO RAISE PIGS This new and interesting picture of Esther t'leveiand, known the country over us "The White. House Ruby," was taken at t'oronado Beach, California, the other day while she was engaged in a fast game of tennis. Miss Cleve land is the daughter of the late Grov er Cleveland. Her mother was re cently married to Professor Thomas Preston of Princeton, X. J. R. M. Field III. R. M. Kreid, of the firm of Zeidlik rep«l:teld r'umc 111 with tonsi- bf! un hls 1 a5,e re d"»es for several days. E. G. F. SOCHI NEWS Jliss Stella Nelson will return this evening from Osnabrock where she spent her vacation, visiting her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Guilder Nelson. Mrs- Emil Pratsch of Allen avenue is entertaining as her guests over Sun day her sister, Mrs. George Smith and little daughter, Helen of Staples, Minn. Mrs. Otto Zaiser and her daughter. Miss Mabel Zaiser of Red bake Falls were guests at the home of Mrs. Zaiser's sister, Mrs. bonis Borchers during the week. Miss Zaiser has gone to Devils bake. X. p.. while Mrs. Zaiser has returned to her. home at Red bake Falls. Mrs. Albert Weber arid Miss Rosalie Weber have gone to Ada and Minne apolis. Mrs. Weber will look after business matters at Mrs. beslie Sullivan and two chil dren left yesterday for Brainerd where they will remain while, her mother, Mrs. Brady is here on account of the serious illness of her daugh ter, Miss Gene Brady. Little Bedtime Stories ODD MR. TOAD'S MUSIC BAG. By Thornton A HARDY'S BAKERY Prom the "Quality Butchers" wh«|e you will be aure 'to get satisfactions.- V" Be WALKER & GEIST'S new 4 CHOCOLATES -V- f'^^awa* a aour« W. "1 Ada and Miss Rosalie will visit with friends in Min neapolis for a short time- Mr. and Mrs. James Dangerfield of North Fourth street have received cards announcing the marriage of their friend, Harry Ren Trow of Wales. N. 0., to Miss beonore Kounts of Tur tle bake, Minn. Mr. Renfrow is the cashier in the Citizen's bank at Wales and he and his bride will be at home to their friends at that place after May l. Miss Ruth McNichol entertained twelve of her girl friends at her home on South Sixth street last, evening. Oamee and musical selections were the evening's pleasures and the ser vice of light refreshments concluded the enjoyment, Burgess. (Copyright, 1915, by J. G. bloyd.) Never think that, you have learned All there is to know. That's the surest way of all -Ignorance to show. "I've found Old Mr. Toad!" cried Peter Rabbit, hurrying after Jimmy Skunk. "Where?" demanded Jimmy. "In the water," declared Peter. "He's sitting right over there where the wafer is shallow, nnd he didn't no tics me at all. Let's get Unc' Billy and then creep over to the edge of the Smiling Pool and watch to see if Old Mr. Toad' really does try to sing." So .they Shallow. hunted up Unc' Billy Pos sum and the three stole very softlv over to the edge of the Smiling Pool where the bank was low and §URE the water enough, there sat old Mr. Toad with Just his head out of water. And while they were watching him something very strange happen ed. Peter'S big «ye» looked as It they might pop out.of his head. THE matter wtth hlm?" he whispered. "If he don't watch'out he'll blow up rid bust!" exclaimed Jimmy. "Listen!" whispered Unc' Billy Pos sum. "Do.mah 01' ears hear right? Tears to me tha* that song is commg right, from where Brer Toad is sit ting.^- a a •an the songs that made glad that glad spring dar there was none sweeter. Indeed there were few as sweet. The only trouble was it wns *o very iffibrt. It lasted only for two or three seconds. it ended 014 Mr^ToadJook- rA.s)s '%^s -if s~*,_ SUNDAY, APRIL MASHED POTATOES FRESH CAULlFbOWER OK KEN APPLE PIE MUSIC wish," said Peter Rabbit, I 'V "W !A 'H t? •?. $c~r Hotel Dacotah Cafe Grand For km, N.D. Evening Dinner DeLuxe—75c BY commonplace, almost ugly, as ever. I'ctcr looked at Jimmy Skunk. Jimmy looked at Unc' Billy Possum. Unc' Hilly looked at Peter. And no one had a word to say. They .lust, didn't. know what, to say. Then all three looked back at old Mr. Toad. And even as they looked his throat began to swell and swoll until it was 110 wonder that Jimmy Skunk had! thought that he was in danger ,of. blowing up. And then when it stdp-! ped swelling there ,amc again those! beautiful little notes so sweet and tremulous that Peter actually held his breath to listen. There was no doubt about it. old Mr. Toad was singing Just as he had said lie was going to, and it 11, lllt-SERVED FROM liM P. M. TO S:M PJf. E N FRUIT COCKTAIL CHEESE STRAWS DX TAIL AU MADERE CONBOMME A OX P8TXT POIt CELERl" SAbTED ALMONDS QUEEN OLIVES BAKED WHITE FISH. AU GRATIN POTATOES AU GRATIN- BOILE'D OX TONGUE, PIQUANTE ROAST RIBS OF PRIME BEEF, AU JUS ROAST STUFFED TURKEY, CRANBERRY SAUCE ROAST LEG OF LAMB, MINT SAUCE ROMAN PUNCH BRAISED SWEETBREADS. BORDEbAISE STUFFED PORK TENDERLOIN. DEMI GLACE CHICKEN CROQUETTES, PRINCESSE COMPOTE OF PEACHES WITH RICB COMBINATION SALAD FRESH STRAWBERRY SUNDAE FRUIT CAKE BRICK, CREAM OR AMERICAN CHEESE DATES LAYER RAISINS FIGS ROQUEFORT, CREAM OR AMERICAN CHEESE BENTS CRACKERS AFTER DINNER MINTS CAFE NOIR Next story: thing iore. 'that had a music bag like that/' was just as true that his song was one of the sweetest, if not the sweetest, of all the chorus from and around the Smiling Pool, it was very hard to believe, but Peter and Jimmy and Unc' Billy both saw and heard, and that was enough. Their respect for Old Mr. Toad grew tremendously as they listened. They hsd thought that It. was either a joke or that, he waa crazy when he had told them that he A CITY PLAN MEANS ECONOMY IN BUILDING The first cost is small, almost nothing compafed-with the saving it effects in future years. To build by a plan means to build so as* to serve all purposes and conditions to the best advantage possi ble. A plan eliminates waste creates practical, economical and harmonious surroundings. It simply requires more study by an expert competent to determine the best use and arrangement of the land in question, and for that purpose this club has arranged with Mr. Charles Mulford Robinson^«s pert city planner—-to come to Grand Forks to preliminary arrangements towards a permanent city plan.. Grand Forks leads—the first northwestern city be tween the Twin Cities and Oregon to undertake a city plan movement. EVERY CITIZEN WILL BE BENEFITED BY A CITY-PLAN: ItiflSSlf 1 This club has nothing to sell. Ita business to to prvmot* Forks city and county and North Dakota. It NBrMaata ests alike. mm Ij PAGE FIVE. :.'*r j/t STEAMED POTATOES NEW CARROTS IN CREAM COCO AN UT CUSTARD PIE VANILLA ICE CREAM THE METROPOLITAN ORCHESTRA. nl ijuilp his natural self again, just as was going down to the Smiling Pool to sing. "How does he do it?" whispered Peter. "With I hat bag under his chin, of course," replied Jimmy Skunk. "Don't you see it's only when that is swelled out that he sings, it's a regular mu I sic bag. And I didn't know he had any such bag there at all." "I wish," ssid Peter Rabbit, feeling of his throat, "that had a mueic bag tv ,„. ._ Iik^nttl}a, ln my ,hro And then he joined in the laugh of Jimniy anJ Vnc B)]lyt hm something of a Aook of wistfulneas ln his eyes. gi WAFERS Peter Discovers Some- CONCERNING HORSEPOWER. To lift 1550 pounds one foot in one second requires what is known as one horsepower. Similarly, s. horsepower' Is able to raise twice that weight one foot in twice that time, or one-half foot in just that time. Moreover, it can raise halt R50 pounds one foot in half s. second, or two feet in a second, and so on. Therefore, when we lift one-fourth of that weight, 187 1-2 pounds, four feet In one .second,, we are exerting a horsepower. Accordingly, when a person who weighs 137 1-2 pounds runs upstairs' st the rate of four feet a second, he is exerting the equivalent, of a horse power. For s. man weighing. twice that much. 275 pounds, it would be necessary to climb st the rate of only two feet a second to exert a horse power. -It Is possible to do much more. .As s. matter of fact, a horse often exerts many times a horsepower. The average horse can draw a wagon up a hill where a ten horsepower engine with the same load would fall. A horsepower does not represent the greatest momentary strength of the average horse, but Is a measure of the power which he can exert eontlnu- I ously. Itascs and Alloues are said te be mobilizing for separata local govern ment. I In the near future there will be some planning for a big Fourth of July celebration. Mm- Mrf & I ii§ |r Sib Si feffl IP iii! toil wl & 4