Newspaper Page Text
V* 5"fc k-'m PMMfMMMMflMMMll ••i. Leaves for Canada—Olaf Meleni, .'.one of the pioneer residents of Grand •Forks will leave tonight to visit one of ,hls sons who resides in Alberta. Gtlby Vlsitoi^~Miss Lisbon Abbey, of Gilby, who has been visiting Mr ana Mrs. C. a Stewart of this city for several days paat, has returned to her "home, yvv'"' Attends Meeting—President E. P. Robertson of Wesley, college will at tend a parents' and' teachers' meeting to be held tonight.. at^Chuycns Ferry. When You Have Anything you wish to exchange—no matter what—adver tise it in'The Herald. A want ad'will do it for you.—Adv. Digging Conduit*—Excavations for the conduits of the extension of the ornamental lighting system of Grand Forks commenped Monday at the new Masonic temple. Scotchmen Meet—Members of the St. Andrew's Society of the Red River valley, a recently formed organization of persons of Scotch descent, enjoyed a'rollicking good time at Peten hall, Bast Grand Forks, Monday night. For Sale—Seven room all modern home, hot water heat, good location, 93.200.00. Cost $4,500:00 to build five years ago. Garvin & Palmer.— Adv. Returns from Fair—E. L. Dows of this city has returned from a four months' trip to the Paelflc coast, in the course o^ which he visited the Panama-Pacific exposition at 8an Francisco. Baseball Players Attention We want all ball players to look over our line of mitts, gloves, masks, bats, etc. Bee our baseball and running shoes at $3.50. Lyons & Co.—Adv. Young People Meet—A meeting of the Bethel Young People's society was held Monday night at the church par lors. A program arranged by the Misses Hilda Hendricksdn and Olga Hendrickson was given, and refresh ments were served. Emerado Trip—A large number of the members of th? local lodge of Odd Fellows are expected to auto to Emerado tonight to attend a meeting of the order in that town. The Grand Forks degree team will initiate a class of eight. Hare Your Home Wired before you do your housecleaning by the Bhend Electric company. Estimates furnish ed on all kinds of work. We guaran tee satisfaction. Phone N. W. 278-J. Office opposite N. p. freight.—Adv. Reni Estate Deals—Transfers of two pieces of valuable farm property were recorded with A. I). Lodmell, register of deeds, yesterday. Jesse and wife transferred to Ross Walker 320 acres of land in Oakville township for a consideration of $«,-* 7150. Two and forty-eight acres in the same township were transferred by Henry J. Young and wife to Chas. A. DeWater for the sum of $1,500, Andrew Tomte and wife turned five acres in Ferry township over to L. J. Lundby for $100. C. HART CO. "The No-Vary Grocers 203 North 3rd St. Phone 167 With a Purchase of 6 quarts of Cranberries for.... Mc Ws Will Give You 8 pound of Granulated Sugar FREE! Phone us your orders. GEISTS new CHOCOLATES As sweet ss a kiss and mors nour ishlng-—50. «0 and SOc lb. Hardy's Bread Pastries and Pies Are the talk of the town." Try them once. You'll eat them always. ainU HARDY'S BAKERY A N O S Cam ne. S,. -I 1 Ijrim MMMM Help for the Farm can be quickly obtained through a Herald Want Ad. Teacher in Town—Miss Florence Williams, teacher in the schools of Inkster township, was a visitor in Grand Forks today. .O'-- Shoe* Repairing by. Parcel Postr— Don throw your shoes away. Mail to us. We return them good as new, prepaid. The Shoe Hospital, J. Sol land, basement 314 DeMers.—Adv. licbacken In Town—Clifford. Leback en of Reynolds, formerly a student at the state university, was a business visitor in Grand Forks today. Selling Out Below Cost—Ladles' pattern hats, no two alike, also hiar goods. Bon Ton Millinery and Hair Parlors, first block, 103 Cottonwood street. 1 Nordlund's $18 made to 'measure suits are surely winners, or our two piece suits at $16.50. Call and eee our samples.—Adv. One Orunk—One drunk, arrested last night by the local police, was fln J. U. ed $5 by Police Magistrate Church this morning. At the Mel—The program at the Met is "The Stage of Life." a two part story of the stage, and "The Keeper of the Flock," a heart story of every-day life. Helnholdt & Co.. do painting, inter ior decorating a specialty, for the best people in town. We give satisfaction. Just try us. 919 Chestnut street. Tel. 789L Tri-State.—Adv. Making Business Trip—j. N. Black of the Black Confectionery company, is spending a few days iri trade terri tory adjacent to the city. Autoed to Crookston—Oscar Knud son, proprietor of the Columbia hotel and the Knudsou cafeteria, ran hi!s new Franklin limousine to Crookston last night to show it to the residents of that place. With Mr. Knudson were Herb Harvey, E. G. Lemke, James Lyons and. John Hogan. Delegate Returns—Victor Gies, who represented the local chapter of the Phi Delta Phi law fraternity at the provincial convention held last week at Madison, Wis., returned to Grand Forks this morning. He reports that the meeting was one of the best in the history of the province. English on Tour—Dr. F. C. English of the extension department of the state university is on a speaking tour in the western part of the state. He spoke at Palmer Sunday, and at Tren ton Monday evening. Tonight he will speak at .Ray and Wednesday at Champion and Temple. Dr. English is also scheduled for an address at Hebron, N. D., April 21. Loyal Order of Moose—All mem bers are hereby urged to be in at tendance Tuesday night, April 13, to participate in the installation of of ficers. Lunch will be served. A lengthy program of entertainments has been arranged and all who attend are assured a royal good time. N. J. Luther, Dictator.—Adv. Plant Trees—It will pay you to buy from your Home Nursery as they are climated and shipments will reach you in one or two days. Send for catalogue and note special reduction list on forest trees and Caraganas (Siberian Pea Tree.) Address East Grand Forks Nursery, Oscar Wick, Prop. East Grand Forks, Minn.—Adv. SAVED 402 DeMers. Both Phones 848. Free! Free! Kirk's Flsks WhHs Soap (Look at Our Display) .We will give free to any person guessing the correct number of bars of soap in this window. •3.00 WORTH. Of. KIRK'S FLAKE WHITE SOAP. "...- The'persori guessing the sec6hd near est to th«- correct number of bars $2.50WQRTH OF KIRK'S FfcAKE WHITE SOAP. Ali numbers must be registered at our store by Thursday noon. .- Lily Blend Coffee la our. highest grade. It's worth a lot more t9C Home Tea Co. Phonos S3S. 14 *o. 4tk It. Buy Your Meats,. Poultry and Pish From the "Quality Butch era" where you will be sure to get satisfaction. E. WALKER Toil should use Punch Csdar Polish In your oil mops, as it Is the best polish oh the market. Tints,ISC. Pints, 40c. -f Quarto. 75c. "JOHNSON FI/OOR WAX"1 -St Johnson famous Floor Wax, the kind you want to protect the varn iih on. your hardwood floors. It also gives your floors a lasting luster. Per CPer Can, 50c. it "WINDOW KliEAN" Window Klean makes windows clean, and makes, them shins like crystal. Nothing nlcerfor a home than nice Shining window^. Window Klean will bring about these results. Each, S5& Thonos »S—Qpp. Owl Theatre. Leading Grocers WHOUBSAIiK AKDi RETAIL. Srd j*. "PUNCH CEDAR POLISH" 1 E N E E $Ke finest furniture finish you can buy makes tho old'look like new, and drlves-the dust away. ... swot Bottles ^fe. Medtam Bottles #0©,^, '.-V-• "UQCiD OiiOss" ••, For your automobile there Is nothing better than^Iilquld Olops. ^It makes a dry flnlsh an^ ^rlll not take the dust after an appllcatlbnr for It absorbs readily.: For a short time we offer you (1) ,One ($1,00) One. Dollar bottle of BMi, Uq, 0/' MM CASE Secretary of Grand Forks Company on Stand in Em bezzlement Action. Grafton, X. !., April 13.—H. H. Hand, secretary of the Northwestern Underwriters' association of Grand Forks, was placed on the witness stand this morning by the state in the hearing of C. It. Verry, charged with embezzlement, before Justice H. A. Ball. Mr. Hand's testimony was practical ly the same as at VerryV former trial on the same charge,, and related to the transaction by which Verry is alleged to have come Into possession of the notes said to have been sent to the Farmers' and Merchants' State bank of Park River. Only one witness was placed on the stand by the state Monday afternoon this being O. O'Brien, cashier of the hank. He testified regarding the con dition in which he found tho affairs of the bank when he took charge of them following Verry's retirement. Verry was arrested last Saturday, it appears, on the same charge on which his dismissal was obtained several months ago on account of legal technicality. Start Your Clean Up and Paint Up Campaign Right—.We will show you the most up-to-the-minute stock of wall, paper in the. state. "Homes Beautiful" make the "City Beauti ful,". Roat's Paint Store.—Adv. tNlVERSlTY READINGS. 7 a. m*. 37 maximum. 5(1 mln imum, S3 wind southeast, It miles barometer. 30.22. PEACE DELEGATES SAIL. Hoboken. N. J., April 13.—The American delegates to the Woman's International conference, called by Queen Wilhelmina of Holland to meet at The Hague the latter part of this month, were scheuled to sail today on the Dutch steamer, Ryndam. Jane Addanis of Chicago is chairman of the Woman's Peace party of this country. REASONABLE DOUBT. First Guide—"1 was looking fer deet tracks and singing 'it's a Long Way to Tlpperary,' when—sip! a bullet goes through my hat!" Second Guide—"Gosh! Did he shoot at you for a deer or tor your sing ing?" Colton&McElroy Grocers 408 DeMers Ave. Both phones 776. Cedar Mops Just the thing for polishing up your hardwood floors, •This Mop is made in a trinagle shape to react) all corners, with' a long handle set in ball bearing. The Mop with one quart of cedar polish $1.25 Ice Cream"rHs.sEST Delivered to any part of the town, any time, any" day* rhonts A S If Your Floors Could Speak Theywouldrebel at being Q1 treated Qeaner IO C«nt* •oerdiit without hwd rubtunx: 9| iwrii Mdi frem fegIililsTmieilBnu. Clw« ran VMmM*aadfUHoUImmw. PNntom Olvoa tar Wrassora OMtam «ke, MM «mtite Frat I NO zm Iatie Cm.Ma Ifssloo ia 'r- "favour Grocfcr UKsqII vttfc THE GRAND FORKS DAILY HERALD.. TUESDAY EVENING, APRIL 13, 1915. SaMIt FORMER HELEN GOULD AND HUSBAND T^KE A STROLL DOWN FIFTH AVENUE Mr. and Mrs. Flnlcy J. Sbcpard. Among the prominent persons who look part in tho Easter parnde on J"ifth avenue. New York, this year wore Mr. and Mrs. Kinley Shcpard airs. Shcpard will be remembered as the former Helen Gould. This nicturc of them was taken as they left Easter services for their home Officials Preparing for Fight f..- Following Proceedings Begun by institution. Washington, April 13.—Officials of the treasury department and the Riggs National bank are preparing for a legal battle t^ fallow .the proceed ings begun by:th$kibapk yesterday to enjoin Secretary McAdoo and Comp troller of CurrencjitWilliafna from al leged persecution of' that -institution. The next, legal step is expected Fri day when McAdoo, Williams and Uni ted States Treasurer Burke must an swer to the complaint of the batik in its prayer for injunctions. THE RAGTIME MUSE. Keep Smiling, But—— It will not sufflcie to keep smiling It will not quite $qrve to be gay. It's never enough Co. sing out: "I'm the stuff! I'll win—if you give me my way." You've got to.stand up to disaster,. Defeated, your courage renew Then say with a grip, that means busi ness: "I'll win In spite of the wocst you can do!" The world loves .a granted smiler—that's But sometimes the-world, without fear. Is quick to surmise that his anger won't rise. So hands him a poke in the ear.' Then if he keeps buoyantly smiling Nor takes in his humor .'a tuck, The'' world will declare: "Since lio seems, not to. care, "I'll swat hihi another for luck.'' get to smile with you That might have smiled at fore! vou be-1of The Impression One Makes plays a big part in deciding for success or failure. fT he healthy-looking man usually leaves a mighty good impression—: a big advantage in getting ^head in the world. Keen minds and stout bodies are largely a matter of eating the right kind of Orape-NuU has bfM word in thov prosperius homes. FOOD made of choice, wKeat and malted barley, supplies all the nutriment of the grain, including the mineral ele ments required by Nature for building ac^i^e brains a id vi go us ».i housa of happy, TlMre'i foaion lol4'*r Orncswr *WWJ njiMn. LONMEM THREATENED HER LIFE SEVERAL TIMES, SAYS GRACE ERICKSON TO LYCHE GIRL MAKES STATIJSIKNT. Hatton, N. I., April 13.—States Attorney C. J. ]j.viiic returned lute this nftcrnoon from Hlllsboro and Northwood. where, last night, he took'Miss Gratw Erickson's state ment regai-ding Sunday night's tragedy wlien she was shot by El ver Lommcn. In the statement,* whicli she signed. Miss Erteksoii declared that Lomnien had made several threats to kill lier. She did not tell any one of these threats. Slio said that she had steadfastly re futed all iommcn's adfances She also said she did not know that. lionimen was at the party un til lie appeared after It was over and asked to see her. She told her girl friend that she was afraid of him. All this occurred outside the Kmedstad home. Lommcn then fired the shot. Crookston Times: Misses Itiez and Ruth Butler returned to their h'ome at East Grand Forks this morning after spending their week en'd vaca tion. visitinjr their cousins, Lois and Beryl Davies. Mrs. ,T. W. Kenrnp and daughter Angela, of South Third street, have re- Miss Inez Anderson has returned from Manvel where she spent her va cation as the guest of Miss Bertha lsra gls. Mr. and Mrs. D. Mullaly have re turned to their home at Grafton after enjoying a short visit with Mr.: Mul laly's parents. Mr. and Mrs. D. Mullaly of Hill avenue. Keep.grinnibg! Oh,'yes, be' as cheery As'ever you wish to the while But show that beneath is a full set of! teeth' Sixty couples enjoyed the dancing To back up and bolster the smile- v?Vtv.?'yen in Remind the old world that you're fleiK.h£'orf again proved themselves rca3v ideal hostesses. Dancing was begun at To fight to the end of the war !9 °'c'ock »,nd was continued until 2 The world 1 hen—no myth!—you will, ztTr' visit wUh relatives at Aberdeen, S. D. G'es hall and_ the Royal s_ th,ree dances- p'epe. orchestra furnished a most enjoyable program Supper was served in the hall at midnight by..a number of ladies of the order after which dancing was resumed. There were large parties from Fisher and Mallory In attend ance. Mrs. George Smith and little daugh ter, Helen, of Brainerd, Minn., who enjoyed a short.visit here with Mrs. Smith's sister, Mrs. Emil Pratsch of Allen avenue, have returned to their home. Mrs. J. N. O'Keefe of North Third street left this afternoon for Oslo, Miqn-,. where she will enjoy a short visit with her sister, Mrs.. William Bennet. She will also visit friends in Forest *|Uver. H. Hiler returned this morning to his home at Erksine, Minn., after en joying a week end visit at the home of his son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hiler of Sputh Sixth street. Miss Elsie. Coulter has returned to resume her school duties after spend ing her vacation with her mother, Mrs. George Coulter at Mallory. MS HUNCH. Wa d«eur.Pe*sf, .. I .111 .. mmM As soon as you have de cided where and when you will move this Spring you will save time by tel ephoning to us. We will then know when to read and disconnect the old meter and when and where to make the new connection. The earlier you can give us this information, the better able we shall be to serve you promptly and it will also be an appreci ated convenience to us during the rush moving period. Call 376, either phone Red River Power Co. South Third St., Grand Forks DECISIVE BATTLE LOOKED FOR IN THE WEST (Continued from Page 1.) supply of grain on account of the diffi culties of transportation, fur grain is now at the highest price of the' year. There Is every reason to believe the farmers will-soon be able to dispone of their grain in foreign markets and at a great advantage." Discussing the Conference in Paris of the finance ministers of Russia. France and Great Britain for the con sideration of financial problems aris ing from the war, M.. Bark said: '"One result was the formulation of an agreement with our allies1 to pool all the expenses of the war. In accord ance with this understanding Russia, is to draw upon Great Britain and France for money expended in the war, while our allies are to call upon Russia for grain which they need. Need of Immediate Capital. "This is an excellent arrangement for all concerned for while Russia has enormous resources she is in need of immediate capital, and our allies, on the other hand, have more capital, than supplies. "I have already arranged a credit of 625,000,000 francs ($125,000,000) in France and of £.25,000,0Q0 ($125, 000,000) in England, which Russia is to us at any time the occasion re quires. We are on the point of making use of the French credit." In response to a question regarding the recent increase of .30 per cent in the tariff. M. Bark said: "That is only a temporary affair, 'de signed partly to make up for the loss in revenue from the vodka traffic. I do not believe that this temporary in crease in the tariff will discourage for eign trade with Russia. liooks For Big Inoreate. "In fact, Russia looks for a tremen dous increase in her trade with the United States and her allies, to replace the German trade existing before the war. I am not an authority as to what kind of trade treaties will be formed at the end of the war, but I am sure everything will be done to open' the Russian market to these countries and not permit-it to slip back to Germany. "There is now a particular oppor tunity for the United States for she of all the countries to which we look for trade Is not crippled by the war." M. Bark was asked what means were being. employed to. replace the revenues formerly derived from kodka. "The amount of this revenue ex ceeded 900,000,000 rubles ($450,000, 000)." Tie replied. "This is being re placed in a diversity, of ways, includ ing a special war tax on railroad trans portation, matches, sugar and most ordinary commodities." MONEY TO BELGIANS CAN NOW BE SENT New York', April 13.—Persons de siring to. send money direct to rela tive's or friends In Belgium, a privilege that has been denied them since the outbreak of the war, can now for a small rate of exchange, forward such money through the New York offices of the commission for relief in Bel glum, it was announced here last night sra* PAOE FIVE.' BBSBSBBBBBSSn •f .H 1 .»r -i. -y vl I .s*f .r "ir l.v Alexander J. -Hemphill, treasurer of the commission. .These payments are.permitted only to Belgians pr Bejgian.. -institutions. The arr'angeiwents have been made with the approval of all of the belli gerent governments with' 'a view to facilitating the work of the commis sion, it was stated. TWO COUNTRIES ACCEPT. Washington. April 13.—Formal ac ceptance of the Invitation to the Pan American financial conference extend cd b.v the United States to the "Latin American countries were received from Brazil and Santo Domingo A total of IS countricB n.ow have.accept,-, ed the invitation. THEATRE ROYAL TODAY va 4 «S Pw«r?ni. IWIWII Includes "A Study In Scarlet" By Conan Boyle. ... Francis Ford Is Featured As •SHERLOCK HOLMES. 1 Eyestrain may spoil your boy's elesigh't for life unless properly remedied now." FiU Spectacles may be just what '"he needs. Give him the benefit of our" thorough examination and (ind out Porte. W. Dak G. Hendrickson. AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE V74 i'- Is taken by all prudent owners of automobiles. The protection In our Company Is so cheap they xan i|M afford to be without 1L Written bjr Agents in every community. 3 PW Up CapiNt $100,000 --m-