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,-s™-11. 1 |F\ ~V. I,*..-?. *v 4 f. ADVERTISEMENTS Stack Your Hay Easiest Way Itackara andSwaapRakoa Harvesting hay the Jay hawk Bweep to harvest and save every hay crop. Pays for Itself the first year, oily guaranteed. Bold direct at mana f&ctarers price. Write today for free catalog and F.WTATT MFG. CO- 923 N. 5th SI* SAUNA. KAR3 REPAIRS Mention the Leader When Writing Advertisers c- CONVINCED BY TRIAL Editor Nonpartisan Leader: I paid $5 to the League representative when he was here with the understanding that if I found the League to be all right after investigation I would pay the remaining $11. I have found the League as represented and am ready to pay the remainder of my dues. C. C. HANSEN. HumptUlips, Wash. 7 FOR PLUMB PLAN The action of the National Grange in opposing the Plumb plan is being condemned by resolutions adopted* by a number of local and Pomona granges throughout the West. You Should Buy Genuine Made Exclusively For /, The Line By the INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER»COMPANY made for International implements and other farm operating equipment by this Company are the. only repairs made from tne original patterns. All others are copied from copies, and in this roundabout reproduction they may lose in correctness of shape, sharpness of detail, closeness in fitting, and quality of material used. Genuine (0) Repairs for Deering, McCormick, Milwaukee, Titan and Other International-made Machines Are Better in Quality Fit Better and Wear Longer The Harvester Company makes good machines and stands back of them. We want them to make good. Is it fair then, to us, to the machines, or to yourself, to substitute an imitation for the genuine when repairs are needed? Repairs made by other concerns and marked "Made for" or "Will fit", are not genuine I parts. They often lack weight, are not always correct in shape, sure imperfecdy finished, do not fit properly, or are made of inferior material. Buy Genuine International Repairs for your International Farm Equipment. Beware of Any .Other Kind The best dealer in eveiy community sells the Full Line of 1H repairs, twine and machines. INTERNATIONAL. HARVESTER^CQM PANY OP AMPBtfA ailk. rrfftrriit iiT'itiM iWi*»ii(iM^ilTff airs Gronna Bill Stirs Up the Animals Minneapolis Chamber of Commerce Delegation, Quick to' Protest, Hears Some Unpleasant Truths Washington Bureau, Nonpartisan Leader. EARINGS upon the Gron na bill to abolish the United States Grain cor or at on to Washington half a hun dred grain brokers, ele vator men, millers and jobbers mar shaled by Secretary McHugh of the Minneapolis Chamber of Commerce. The basis of the objections of these interests was the fact that they all had contracts with the grain corporation. The production of the contracts show ed why they objected to having them abrogated. The contracts allow ele vators, jobbers, millers and bakers to buy wheat or other grains at the gov ernment guaranteed price and to prof it from any advance in price. On the other hand, if the grain corporation should fix a resale price lower than the government guaranteed price, the corporation contracts to make good any loss that the elevators, jobbers, millers or bakers may suffer. It is a case, with the elevators, jobbers, mil lers, etc., of "heads we win, tails you lose." In addition the contracts pro vide that if dealers, ^elevators and brokers "after using every effort and all diligence to ship in any week 20 per cent of the amount of wheat in his elevator and owned by him at the beginning of such week," the grain corporation will pay the dealer, to cover insurance and interest, seven twentieths of 1 cent per bushel per week on the entire amount in the ele vator at the beginning of the week. In the case of Pacific coast dealers this guaranteed payment is not even de pendent upon efforts to move the grain ONLY THREE FARMERS HEARD BY COMMITTEE Three farmers were heard. John Simpson, president of the Oklahoma Farmers' union, and State Senator Carpenter of that state urged that the government guarantee the price of wheat for the crop of 1920. State Senator Mish of Maryland asked for a three-year extension of the farmers' guaranty. Legislative representatives of the National Grange, National Farmers' union and Federation of State Farm bureaus were present, but offered no advice. Farmer organiza tions in a few localities wrote their congressmen in opposition to the bill, on the ground thkt it removed the guaranty from the wheat price. Sen ator Gronna, author of the bill, ex plained this was incorrect. The Equity Co-Operative exchange indorsed- the bilL Boiled down, the question was whether the millers and jobbers and bakers should or should not be assist ed by the further existence* of the grain corporation to realize the prof its they have expected to realize on the wheat and Hour of the 1919 crop that they have on hand or may buy. &t"fi Senators Capper of Kansas, Mc- Nary of Oregon, Norris of Nebraska and Wadsworth of New York, by their questions, appeared to feel that they had been justified in voting a favor able report on the Gronna bill. The measure was not recalled from the senate calendar, and it is still subject. to being called up for passage. During the final day's hearing Sena tor Gronna declared that "The only real solution for this problem is for the farmers to organize completely and effectively—as completely as you business men are organized—to con trol their own industry and its prod uct. When they are so organized they will need no grain corporation to con trol the marketing of their wheat they will control it themselves.' "The fight against the grain deal ers and grain gamblers in our part of the country has been going on for more than 25 years. The Minneapolis Chamber of Commerce has been ac cused of being the greatest gambling den in the world. It was because of that that the Nonpartisan league was organized." *7* w: V. I it Vtt I Ail vp*: T-