Newspaper Page Text
$ pv«» If 1 *, L" W$ A INK •S*C jSBf fe5£ SSI /V •At*: IWC I l,i«t mm Ti I I in Kansas are "sticldng" and the na tional office of the League is rendering such assistance as is possible, but it is a hard light and it takes lots of money, and all the moral assistance that peo ple everywhere tan render to put down big-business-encouraged violence of this kind, especially with the state authorities afid newspapers against you. Persons in Kansas can help ma terially'by giving, moral and financial assistance to the Ellsworth County Leader, Ellsworth, Kan, This is a .^weekly co-operative farmers' paper, the only paper in- the state standing up for the farmers in this fight. It needs more subscribers, CANADIAN GOVERNMENT* IS ASKED TO INTERFERE It may be added that an «ffort is also being made to interest both the United States and Canadian authori ties in the -matter through the fact that a Canadian citizen, EL A. Dyk sfcra, who is not a member of the Non partisan league but who vrorka as a farmhand for a Leaguer, has been mobbed by Legion men. He went to town after his employer was seized by a Legion mob to see what had become of the ".boss" and was caught by the same mob, stripped of his clothes and forced to run down the main street of the town in' his underwear.. He has appealed to the Canadian consul in Kansas. It TOuld be a sad commen tary on American government if the Canadian, government takes steps to protect its citizens from Kansas mobs, while our government sits idly by while American citizens are abused. The Kansas mobs have been incited "by the Kansas Employers' association, of which one E. Zimmerman is ."field secretary." Mr. Zimmerman has been paid to go about the state making inflammatory charges against the League, declaring it to be a move-, ment originated in Russia, financed by Germany and bent on overthrowing the government by force. He addresses Legion meetings and roils up local business men and other townspeople ,* by this appeal, and as "the newspapers refuse to print the facts about the League it is difficult to offset lus work. ... Zimmerman's work has undoubtedly misled many Legion jtnen who would otherwise not participate in the law lessness. 3 BANK GOING GOOD The monthly statement of the con dition of the Bank of North Dakota shows big gains all along the line for. the state institution. Its various loans to banks and farmers are now $5,500,000,. as compared with $4,800, 000 for last month. Resources are $25,842,776.73. Over $3,000,000 of public funds were expended by the various treasurers of school districts, counties, townships, cities and the state during the month ending June 15, the statement sh&ws. im ^CLOVER SEED NOT INJURIOUS r- DRAKE MILL PRICES A Screenings containing sweet clover seed are not injurious to sheep, the United States department of agricul ture reports, after having made an exhaustive investigation of reports that animals had been' poisoned by such feed. The following-prices are being paid by the Btate-owned mill at Drake. N. D„ for wheat: Dark northern spring—No. 1 (58-pound), $2.86 No. 2 (57-pound), ?2.81" No. 8 (56 to 66 Donsd), 42.76 No.: 4 (54-pound), 2.71 No "4 (58-pound), $2.66. Northern spring—No. 1 (58-pound), $2.81 No. 2 (57-pound), $2.76 No. 8 (55 to 56-pound), $2.71 No. 4 (54 pound), $2.66 No. 4 (58-pound), $2.66, The following are prices on .products: Flour Patent, car lots, $16.60 per barrel less than car lots, $15.70 per barrel straight, car Iota, 114.7ft bakers, car lots, $ll,60. Bran—-Car lots,' $50 per ton less, than car lots, $51 per ton. Shorts—Car lots, $6S• per ton less than ear'fots, $66 per ton. Dickey Glazed Tile Silos "The Fruit Jar of the Field* ARE PERMANENT 811.08. NO UP KEEP. N0THIN8 TO WEAR OUT. Send for catalog. No. 28* MACOMS'ILL!^ KOMI Qir, lb. Chattanooga, Ttnn. WESTLAWN DUROCS Bred Sow Sale Aug. 9,1920 Home of WUletta's Monarch, grand "cham pion Kentucky State Fair, 1919. Write for catalog. P. M. PULLER AND SON Redwood Falls, Minn. BigTypeChesterWhites FOB SALE At CLOVER BLOOM FARM JjMeh cany the bejt. blood lines in the breed. Nothing bat the best ottered for sale. All Stock .guaranteed. Can supply you with al most anything you need. Visitors always wel come.. When witting mention the Leader. A. P. BANS. Springfield, Minn. Duroc Jerseys The home of Model Orion, the $20,000 boar. Stock for sale at all times. .' HUBERT PINSKE, Arlington, Minn.. HERRMANN'S BI6 TYPE POLAND8 We have a fine lot ot March and April farrow. They areof the best breeding. We ban the blood lines of 8"* Bob'BjOfcUtor. Repeater. Giant Prioe. Shadow Wonder, Clansman, Liberator. Evolution, FasMonpiece. Giant Prospect ahd others ot the beat breeding.- Pedigrees furnished. Write any of as. 8. J„ J. H„ «r A. F. CHESTER WHITES FaU and •prtog boars for ecle AND some BOWS tor —tow. These of for"") Write us yoor. wants. Barber Colleges LEARN BARBER TRADE. LOW RUMMBB Mf wages eau work and expense saved bj Holer Barber CoUsn I AVI A J* apolla. Mlhg. fetabllshed 1893, BABBffi TBADE SUCCESSFULLY posts, xdikhb. TAUGHT TO everybody by Professor Glladorf. New catalog free. Call or write Twin City Barber College, 204 Henne pin Ave.. Minneapolis, Minn. Lumber WESTERN BED CEDAB TELEPHONE POLES AND fPnt 5?™ Several care posts ready, flood qual lty price attractive. A.B.Derr. ClarkBfork. Idaho. LUMBER AND SHINGLES AT REDUCED PRICES. Farmers trade our specialty. Best duality. Bobert Emerson Co.,. Boat 1156J^ xiunma,. Waah.'-^ AVBITB FOB DlSLrVUBBD •PBICES, ON dEDAB ~*8t8. Pay after unloading. J. B. Overton,. Bagle.- Honey and Cheese FOB SALE—NEW CLOVER HONEY,. CROP OF 1920. GtOranteed duality. Carefolly padfed and prompay shipped. Sample. 15 cents. Price list free. M^T. yrayj Breston, Minn. HQNBY—POBBBXTBACTED, «O-PO0ND CAN7|U twR ??»v ^2r.50 l^hpound ctiL $2.70 flre-pound ptfl. $t45. Fancy brtet cheete, «ents per pound. Chiia Bahr, Almont, K. P. Steamship Tldcets and Foreign Exchange PRA8T8 AND HONEY OBDSBS. ALL EUBOPEAN counttla, prompt aerylSe lowest' exchange rataa. Stearahlp_jtldKita,_aU lines to and from Europe. B: 35.- Udinao, TOO Boston Block, Mlnneapolts, Minn. •, Real Estate BELL YOUR PROPERTY QUICKLY FOE CASH. NO matter where located. Particulars free. Beat Sa tate Baleaman Co.. Dept 535, Lincoln. Neb. •. WANTED TO HBAB FBOU OWNER OF LAND for aale. O. K: Hawley, Baldwin, Wl». Professional Schools LEARN TELEGRAPHY—SHORT HOUB& PLEAS ant work. Salary,, $140. Write for our dfacrip. Uto catalog.' Barry's Telegraph Institute, Mlpne apolls. Minn. Printing .100. HAMMEBMILL BOND ENVELOPES AND Letterheads, (1.26. Samples free. Drewtoa PreBB, Box 287-C, Detroit, Minn. Wanted to Buy SCRAP IRON IN CABLOTS. ALSO METALS AND old rubben. Write' for- qootatfoni. M. Naftalin, Farto, N. D. Miscellaneous AKMY TENTS—TENTS—TENTS AND OTHER SURPLUS SUPPLIES CAMFEKS FISHKB8 HUNTERS (Ml innt 4an« ___ .goods. Special price ta move this large stock. Head- quarters -for all-- army and nary used merchandise, TENTS AND TARPAULINS Boy Soont or pup tents, khaki, each 3.50' Used army tents, pyramid shape— .» «Kt goTemment $100, each.. 42.^0 Wilt class B, each v............ 85JW lgxlt.. dMS C, each 80.00 OJtanrientfc used 9x9, each {22.50 to..... ". 85.C0 Tarpaulins, Sxl5, each 12.00 Tarpaulins, 12x15, each 16.00 -HARNESS r-, ^.SUe faaoe h«raess with. Concord haroes. 1 loch lines, %~inch bridles. Special price, ..Per set ................ 30.00 U. S. breast collar lead harness with 2i foot .llnes.^Per set »T,5# breeching barhess. bafc tanned 'leather, „l*. to*. Unw. per set ..................... 70.50 la .inch breeching harness, 1 Inch lines, .per Mt ii 65 00 l?i lndi goTemment breeching harness", 1 inch Unes, ner.aet 8150 2 J"3} ~°rt t*ace_ harness, 114 inch lines, 1H _lnch.strapwork. per set. u. a HERRMANN. Nenreod. Visa. These aw of ferer*! dUTexcnt'bioSl ffell farrow. Wrii ROY W. LEWIS, Lewlsvllle, Minn. A I S E IN E A I S allyou rilM. b^^tbanpooltwcreqwibe. Ftarttariars* laipauUns. 12x15, good weight duck, while they last, $16JS0 each. Catalog malted free. Midway jEtamegs Co:, 1958 Pnlverslty AT*.. St Paul. Minn. FBBE INSTBUCTIONS IN FLO WEB AND SIGN paintUw on gUsa to boys and glrU Who sell Slm ^Ilfled fountaln pens sample, 25 cents. Home laity Co., mi Nlnfli Street SouOi, MlnneapolU, COUNTBY DBIED PBUNBS FIPTY-POUND boxw, tB: 100 pounds. $17.60.^ GSrfleld Fruit & Produce Co, Barfleld. Wash. HIGHEST PBICES PAID FOB POULTRY. EGOS. horse hides, cow hides, -pelts," wooL McKay Prod uce Co., St. Paul Minn. BABY CHICKS PUBEBBED, SELECTED, beavy-lwlng strain. Healthy,, vigorous stodc. R.O., WMte.and, Brtwn Lashoms, |16 per-100: 300, $45 Barred Bodes, An con as, Reds, Buff OrpinJtons, $18 postpaid. Live arrival- _guar anteed. Largest hatchery in this sectldn. Eatab U^ed Is. 1914. Catalog free. Booth Hatcliety. Clinton, Mo. BABY CHICKS—PUBEBBED STOCK. BEST grade. 15 per 100, pos^ald. Live arrival guar ... .anteed. White iieghornS,. Brown. Legborns. Im mediate delivery. Catalog free. Triangle' Hatch ery. Clinton, Mb.r -r BOSS-COMB BUFF LEGHOBN, SILVEB, GOLDEN aiid Columbian Wyandattes hens, t3 cocks, $2.50. Young stock reasonable.' L. Joh.smiftmOhp.. Bel trami, Minn. Agents Wanted POWKRENE 'IS EQUAL TO GASOLINE AT .5 cnta a gallon.' Salesmen and agents wanted. Exclusive territory granted. Powerene Is guar anteed to be barmless, to remove and present carbon, doubling the lira of all gasoline motors, easing repairs, addbw snap/ speed,: power. An amount equal to 20 lallons of gasoline sent to any address In the United States, charges prepaid, fbr $1, W. Porter Bameg, Santa Bosa, Cal., Dept IS, Ji.^AGE FIFTEEN Dogs and Pet Stock HIOH-GBADE BELGIAN HABES, YEBY BEASON ahlc Satisfaction guaranteed. -Walter A. Jobe, Alexandria. Minn. 1 BELGIAN' HABES, 3 MONTHS' OLD, GOOD Slock, tl earii. Oscar Olson, Bear Blver, Minn. BLACK SHEPHEBD PUPS FBOM HEELING .parents.. Uerbard Wolter, Hamburg, Minn. TQB^ SALE SHEPHERD PUPS.' HERMANN Bruesehoff, Norwood. Minn. 7" Lightning Rods ilGHTNINq BODS—EXCLUSIVE AGENCY AND 'TJlddli's TTnlver ...90 per cent pure. Write for agency. Prices are right L. Diddle Co., Marshfleld,. Wis. _j- Employment DO YOU .'NEED FABM HELP? MARRIED couples, single men, haying, harvest and threshing hands, cookE. enslneers, separator and tractor' men. Tri-State Enudoyment Ca^ 125 Marquette Ave.. LEADER CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT afe—— advartlae your itoeki farm machinery, chickens, essa, produce and auction sales to make your wants known and have them (applied. Best res tilts come Irom Leader Classified Ads. •upyneo. «st Rates are lO eenta per word per issue. To members ot the National Nonpartisan learae when adTertising to sell their own prodnets or supplying their own needs, a rate of 8 cenus per, word to made. Leasae aseabera Mast (ire the Banber of their Bember i"P Tj"* dalmtny the 8-ceat rate._ _All adyertlsing for sale of lands carries the fall site. Adt sort retch ot two weeks before date of publication! ALL CLASSIFIED ADS. MUST BE PAID IN ADVANCE 93.50 wWjtffltaBd gorornment baiters, per dozen 12.00 .. MISCKLIiANEOUS AtKBCHANDISE Anay mess kit*, each .„., .....4.v........... .60 191T issue oanleons. eatii 60 Steel hospital cots, esdi e.BO New hip rubber Jjoots. per palr 6.00 jwt saddle bags, leather, per pair 350 McCMlan saddles, each 15.00 U. SL Amy pa* saddles, all complete, each .. 25.00 v..8. Government metal .borse collars, adjust •Me- per ptfr $4.50. each —.'......... 2.50 8- IgfUier horse collars, slie l8-18,. each 7.00 j,.Stae:a» and o?er. each -900 Knapsado. each 125 New goremment horse blankets, canvas, wool ^toeS. i"? war- .... .:. 11.00 secondhand goremment wool lined,,- canvas Vtaone blsnketa. per pair.......v.-. 25 U. S. lieaty wool O. D. blankets, each ........ J.00 Hewy may army wool blankets, eaeh 5.50 u. 8. Army eomforters,. osed. each ............ 2.00 Horae conn, which liave liatdUr been uaetL per :_T*lr .......11.......,.... 5.50 Svuatora. manufactured by Starch Bros., each nWl :............ .t 50.00 New u. S. recruiting eadts, eadi .............. 1.25 Hand com plan ten, best made, '«ad» .......... 1.00 Anay painted barb wire, per spool -rr.......... 2.10 HaH orders promptly fllTed.- Send draft or money .- order along. Include postage if by jwrcel post, and. vbere aeoessary, 8jecl^ ^lres. We do not Issue ^catalogs. BABBBTT & ZIMMERMAN, Midway Horse Market, St. Paul. NEW, HEAVY BBA88-TBIMMED BREECHING Sfrs?1' K? ."ii new McCtellan army saddles. 919.85 new 1 ^4-Inch haKera, $1.S5 each genuine' wool amy camp blankets, fS Farms productive soil, one. ahd three-quarters miles from Minnesota town on rural mall, telephone, .consolidated school 6 cows, 5 young stock, tchlckens, harness, 2 wagons, sleigh, plow, drag, cultivator, feea cutter, cream separator, potato' sprayer, small tools and all crops $47.60 per See Mr. Keefe, care of John W. Norton Co.. Shubert Bldg., St. Paul, Minn. INVEST YOUR MONEY IN IMPROVED FARMS surest crop district of North Dakota. We have 20.000 acres Of improved farms now selling at $20 to $125 per sere, on easy tenns ahd crop payments. Free auto Mobile excursion from Nome to the .Canadian border, by wav of Valley City. Cooperstown, McVllle, JJevlls ^ake. Can do and Hanaboro every first and third Tuesday each month during tbe summer. Write for literature and reservation early. Henry A. WUberg, Nome. N. D. COBN LAND, 40, 80 OB 160 ACBB8 GOOD HEAVY eoll well-settled part of Todd county, Minn. gaaV roads, schools and churches. Will produce good crops of corn, oats. Potatoes, etc. Price, $15 to $35 per. acre. Terms, $2 per acre cash, balance $1 .per acre per year. Six thousand acres to select from. Schwab Bros., 1028 Plymouth Bldg., Minneapolis,' MiUO. 1 NOW IS THE TIME TO INTEREST. YOURSELF IN the groat possibilities offered In central Minnesota. We arc in tlie corn and clover belt and lake region, write today for free information oh how to get one °f °"r on .eanr terms' snd smaU cash pay menta. Wild land $90 farms $3S and up. NEW YOBK STATE FABM 8—WRITE JOB COM plete list of farms Tor sale. We have a size, loca tion-and-price to please you. Stock snd tools in cluded on most of them. Msndevllle Beal Estate Wte. each: 1,000 brand new per acre and up. Improved C. W. Boyer. Backus, Minn. Agency. Inc., Dept L. Olean, N. Y. 'FOR^SAUB—291 ACBES: '90 ACBES IN CBOP. lfwiMnv Hna TK s*u» k.l». f.n I uun»iumut. tfrtsiuun um Blriisall. Harlovrtotrn, Mont A BEAL BARGAIN—SIXTY^-ACRE FABM! 40 UN-: cultivation: level loam -land: fair buildings fi* milM to town: prlo6. $2,000. Many other bat gains. Sr. Ixith. ColonljaUon Co. Dept 2, Merrill, FOB SALE—FABMS SOLD DIRECT FBOM OWNER to buyer. Well-Improved farms at all prices. Please dont write but come. Farm Owners Land Co., Mllaca. Minn. I HAVE CASH -BUYERS FOB SALABLE FABMS.' Will deal with owners only. Give description and cash price.. Morris M. Perkins, Columbia. Mo. FINE IMPBOVED PEMBINA COUNTY FABMS. Also northern Minnesota and Manitoba farms. A square deal.. H. Bando, Cavalier. N. D. BABGAIN —TWO SMALL FABMS. CAN USE tractor or auto In. trade. V. B. .Basmussen. De-/ irolt, Minn. $«.000 IMPBOVED QUAKTER, OUICK SALE. $2,500 terms. John T. Parrlsh, Hinckley. Mlnn. Livestock EXTOBME BIG TYPE POLANDS. AM BOOKING' orders for .100 March and April pigs, Sired by Sinunet's Big Price, the world's champion Black ...Prloe, and Slmmet's Giant Tlmm pedigrees- furnish-' ed. Henry Blmmet New Ulm. Mlna. PUBEBBED SHOBTHOBN BULLS—TWO YEAB llngs, two six months old, two one month old. All red and strictly tbe milk strain.- Scotch and Bates breeding. Price. $75 to $150, Pedigrees furnished. Boy: Bmn, 2,': 8ebeka, Minn. .FOB BALE—REGISTERED HOL8TEIN BULLS, ready for service, and bull calves four to six months old. F«an iams produelng 55 to 91 pounds of but terfat in. 80 days. write for prices. Herman Schumacher. Villard, Minn. FOB SALE—ONE BEGISTERED BED SHORT hom August bull calf. -, A good, big bone fellow. Three high" grade Sbbrtharn bull calves, two" roam and one white.. Write for prices. B. Huttner. IJg nlte. N. D, BEGISTERED CHESTER WHITES. boars, fall and spring pigs, either sex. representtgg ~"»t popular, and champion blood lines TWO HERD Hubert Altmann, Gibbon. Minn, six of tbe most of .the breed. BIG TYPE REGISTERED POLAND CHINA boars, two months' old, naV for-December service. The -kind you "ant Write and let us tell sou more about than. Bosplodc Bros., Arpln, Wla. FOB SALE—PUBEBBED DUBOC-JEBSBY BOARS from March litters.. Famous Pathfinder family. Write for partleularg. E. A. Jaclnon, Shafer, Minn. GUratNSEY-HOLSTEIN HIGH-GRADE CALVES. 128 to $85, -either sex express paid.:' Guaranteed aafe delivery. Joe Gorlach, Palmyra. Wis. PUBEBBED CHESTER WHITE SPRING PIGS. either sex: cholera immune. Satisfaction guaranteed. J. Flygare Bros.. Lafayette, Minn. DUROC PIGS AT $20 EACH, FBOM PBI^ winning stodc. Papers Punished. J. E, Cesak. St Anthony, N. D. OAK LEAF FABM LARGE YORKSHIRES, SPRING gigs and bofts for sale. C. V. Carlson, Atwater. REGISTERED CHESTER WHITE SPRING PIGS for Sale, Stephen Tokash, St Anthony. N. P. POLLED DURHAM BULLS. TWO TO TEN months .oldi F. Schwagel, Richmond. Minn. FOR SALE-SEVEN GOOD BED POLLED BUIZST (X-rFarden, Maxbaag, N. P. Kodak Finishing MAIL US A BOLL OF FILM AND •(& h&. 4^" -I -'Z- 23 CENTS FOB leveloping and printing six prints as a trial for hotter kodak pictures. Printing 2Hx4tt and larger, 4 cents: smaller" slse S cents. Quick servloe., Oftedahl Studio, Uttle Falls. Minn. KODAK FILMS JTtOM ALL PABTS OF THE world. Deliveries dally. Send for price list and easy mailing plan. No wrapping in packages. Ask about free enlargements. Northwestern Foto Service,, Msndan. N. :P. SEND UB YOUR FILMS—BEST WOBK. PBOMP^ serrlee. Fotocraft 2020-22 Plymonth Ave.^ Min neapolis, Minn. Mention the Leader When Writing Advertisers