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Vt f\Sv II ORTH. DAKOTA'S overwhelming vote for the Nonpartisan league ticket in the most desperately fought campaign ever conducted in the six years' history of the organization in that: state asgli sures the farmers and workers of ful-* fillment of their program of industrial democracy and true justice, for which they have fought a quar ter of a century. Outstanding features of the., sweeping victory are: third term. Assurance of complete control of the indus commission, which will supervise and ££Cte#operate the new state industries, by the true V: ^friends of the farmers and workers. Unanimous approval of .the League program the entire electorate of the state. ^Nfj| Elimination of the traitors, Langer and v^sitzky, from the state government. Extermination of the Democratic ^.^tparty, the punishment brought on by isjrfits own members who listened: to the :rgt'' swan song of the opposition and were z^Jenticed into the Republican primaries i^to vote ^against the League. The party" ^/failed to poll the required number ofo^ "Votes to continue on the ballot. sfl By placing Langer in the field against Frazier, the opposition virtually admitted that the League .ticket could not be de feated on its merits and on the merits of its program. So- the traitor Langer, the bogus Leaguer, the man who pretended to be a firm believer in the-League program but against the "details" as laid down in the laws passed by the state legislature, was put into the race in the hope that he could, by silver-tongue oratory, sway enough League sympathizers and believers in the League program away from Frazier to bring Langer victory. Had Langer beaten Frazier, the anti League politicians would have supported the Democratic candidate in the fall, had the Democrats been able to retain their place on the ballot. The Democratic can didate was named by the League opposi tion and is an out-and-out opponent of the League program. He had no contest in tha Democratic primariesr^'%t,%,!^St'-e'^' BOTH CANDIDATES INDUSTRIAL PROGRAM Thus, with Frazier, the genuine, and Langer, the bogus Leaguer, both standing for the program, the vote virtually was a ..unanimous approval of the "New Day" plans: Of course enemies of the League program voted for Langer, but the fact stands out that indorsement of Laager is an admission that the enemies of the pro gram are in the helpless minority. This was the first time the opposition hac attempted to kill the League by "bor ing from within," and the decisive repu diation of such tactics by the voters ^prob ably will make it the last attempt. Langer, as one of the three members of the state industrial commission, which is charged with the supervision and opera tion-of the new flour mill, terminal elevator, Bank of North Dakota and other new industries of the state, was a stumbling block. While pre tending to be for. the program, but against the "details," his presence on the commission was a hindrance. His defeat for the nomination for." gover nor and the nomination of Wil liam Lemke, Leaguer, to suc ceed Langer as attorney gen eral assures, the elimination oi all opposition on the-industrial commission the first of the coming year. The new commis fm si: Junes H. Sinclair, League congressman, renominated sion will be composed of Lem ke, Governor Frazier and Com-. missioner Hagan of the depaifc-.. 1 i&s $43 Xo*' Sl__' Nomination of Governor Lynn J. Frazier for would be ahead when official returns are compiled.' North Dakota's Triumphant Victory Frazier Renominated for Third Term, Ladd as Senator, With Legislature and Industrial Commission Retained for the People—Traitors Eliminated ment. of agriculture and labor, all friends of the' famers'program. The repudiation of Carl Rositzky, state auditor,-* for his betrayal of the farmers, and the nomination of D. C. Poindexter, Leaguer, is a distinct victory in itself for the movement. Whether or not Tom Hall, the traitor secretary of state, has been elimi-"v: nated is uncertain as this is written, although League headquarters in Fargo expressed confidence^' that Hall's opponent, Senator J. I. Cahill, Leaguer,- S?&$ The race is close. The result in the second congressional district^ also was undetermined as this was written. Con- North Dakota without party gressman Young and Thomas Pendray, Leaguer, were running close. League headquarters claims Pendray's nomination. Miss Ruth Johnson, League candidate, is nominated for state superintendent of.' public instruction, and Seth Richardson is nominate THE INDUSTRIAL COMMISSION North Dakota now has a 100 per cent loyal industrial commission in the offing, the body which will supervise the construction and operation of the new mill and elevator at Grand Forks, and the operation of the Bank of North Dakota, the home builders' law and the remainder of the League program au thorized by the last farmers' legislatures, John N. Hagan, renominated as commis sioner of agriculture and lator, is shown at the left Lynn J. Frazier, nominated for his third term by the organized farmers, is at the right. Below is William Lemke, whose battle for the farmers through courts all over the United States has brought him a reward in-the form of nomination for attor* ney general. If elected,- these three will comprise the Hew industrial commission. Governor Frazier, Mr. Hagan and the traitor Langer are' the present members. Langer has been eliminated by the voters. 'm. ed by the League to oppose Supreme Court Justice Christiansen, anti-Leaguer. Congressman Baer, Leaguer, whose district includes the hostile cities of "Grand Forks land Fargo, was defeated by a small majority by a Jerry Bacon protege, O. B. Burtness. AH other state officers are nominated by the League by decisive majorities. The nomination of Doctor E. F. Ladd, head of the state agricultural school and long a champion of farmers' rights to succeed Senator Gronna is one of the biggest features of -the League victory. Gronna conducted a bitter campaign, but was de feated by approximately 10,000 votes, according to ^partial unofficial returns. The nomination of Doctor Ladd, which carries an assurance of election, will give the League its first representative in the United States senate. Here tofore enemies of the League have been able to at tack it unchaUenged in the United States senate, and iAGB FOUR M! the farmers have had no real champion in that body to re ply to these attacks and to fight for their legislation in the upper branch of congress. The North- Dakota legisla ture again will be in the hands of the people, the nominations being decisive for League candidates in practically all counties. For the first time, legislative can didates are on the ballot in D. C. Poindaxtcr. norni-v •find to nxuxed the ../traitor Kmftaky '••as* state auditor. "'ssr designation, as in Minnesota. Previously candidates ran on party tickets. Early tabula tions assured the League ma jorities in both house and senate, {toward R. Wood|& Leaguer, was renominated for lieutenant^, governor by a big majority, R. H. Walker^ Leaguer, is nominated for treasurer, anct|fe| Frank Milhollan, C. F. Dupuis and C. McDonnell, Leaguers, for railroad commis sioners. S. A. Olsness, Leaguer, has beens^f renominated for commissioner of insiit-Kl: ance, also by a big majority. •'.• V| REPUBLICAN NOW ONLY N. D. POLITICAL PARTY The V. A., which directed-the opposi __tion campaign, destroyed-the Democratic pairty in this election. There was no oppo sion to the candidacy of J. F. T. O'Connor, anti-Leaguer, on the Democratic ballot, and so the I. V. A. urged anti-League Demo crats to vote for Langer on the Republican ballot. The result was that the Democrat®?^ ic paijty failed to-poll the necessary 25 per cent of its last general election vote, which was 36,733. Instead of polling the necessary 9,184 votes to keep the Demoi^ cratic party in existence, O'Connor receives? ed probably 2,500 or thereabouts. "Thus,*4^| it will bejneeessary for O'Connor or some^ J3 other anti-League candidate to file by peti«|S tion as an independent, if the opposition iij to make any campaign against Frazier iii the general election All other Democratic nominees must do'likewise, as they can not run as Democrats. There is only one party: in North Dakota now and that is the Re^^ publican party. pi' The following table shows the increase in the Leiague total vote: $$ 1918 (primary) 54,362 1918 (general election) The uflofficial retaurns from 1,918 out of 2,064 preS?,^ cincts in the state give Frazier 56,481 and Langer 51,278. Virtually all of the remaining 146 pre cincts are in pure League territory, where Frazier will: show an overwhelming lead. His total majors^, ity is expected to exceed 7,000 votes. 8*$^ With about oAe-third ^f the vote counted, Doctor Xadd's nomination was certain. He was leading by more than 2,000 votes, and it is estimated that the later returns which are from strong League terri ^ory, will put his majority al)vut 10,000 over Gronna? Governor Frazier, in his after-election statement, declared the vote Was not a personal tribute as much as it was a demand of .Jt^e majority for the^ League program. ^certainly appreciate the majority given this & ...54,517 „„i 1919 (referendum) 69,364 ri^l920 (primary) j. 60,500 This shows how the League in North Dakota has constantly added to its total, vote in North Dakota. The League cast its biggest total vote in its experience in. North Dakota at the recent primary,, as shpwn above, with the .exception of the general election in 1916. In that year, after the League victory in the primaries, the regular Republicans accepted Frazier as the Republican nominee and made n$ fight on him in the fall election, which acfft counted for the big League majority in th# 1916 election. Since then, howeyer, the opposition after Frazier captures the Republican primaries, goes to the Democratic candidate in the fall. l-4l 3. ij