OCR Interpretation

The nonpartisan leader. [volume] (Fargo, N.D.) 1915-1921, October 17, 1921, Image 11

Image and text provided by State Historical Society of North Dakota

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn89074443/1921-10-17/ed-1/seq-11/

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U. L. Burdick, head of the North
Dakota Farm Bureau federation, who
is NOT a Nonpartisan leaguer, in a
recent statement to a farm paper of
the Pacific Coast said:
The state of North Dakota is not bank
rupt in fact, no state in the Union owes
as little Btate debt per capita as North Da
kota. Our state debt does not exceed $1
per quarter section of land. You hear
much about 40 banks closing in North Da*
kota. What closed the banks ef North Da
kota? The banks in North Dakota closed
for the reason that the farmers around the
banks closed first. Years of crop failures,
running: as high as five straight in some
sections of the state, together with the
price of the 1920 crop slightly over half
of the cost of production, simply put hun
dreds of farmers out of busniess.
So it wasn't Townley that did it!
ANew Oil Lamp Free
Burns 94% Air
N. H. Johnson, 609 W. Lake St., Chicago,
111., the inventor of a wonderful new oil lamp
that burns 94 per cent air and beats gas or
electricity,# is offering to give one free to the
first user in each locality who will help intro
duce it. Write him for particulars. Agents
Jnet to get ac­
quainted, send your name and well send free
of cost the Dollar Skinning Knife Sharp*
It fits your pocket—keeps edges
keen and works like lightning. We want
your name to keep you posted on world fur
prices. You'll lose money if you don't get
our figures. We sell fur all over the globe—
when it'e low one place it's high another.
We find the high markets always.
We give honest grade pay more than you've
been getting. Last year when other houses
were refusing fur we were glad to get it.
Your bank will tell you we're a million-dollar
house, and your experience with
make yon ship here right along. The Clay
way is the best for you.
Send your name today—a postal will do—we'll
Bead the free "Dollar Knife Sharp*
ener" and keep yon informed on world for prices
that will open yoar eyes.
Ship Your FURS tor the World
Trade it You're After Prolkm
ClayExportCo., 1121 -AA W.S5thSL,Chicago
Examination soon. $1600 to $2300 a year. Steady
.life-time job. Common education sufficient No
h"pull" necessary. Mall coupon for Catalog.
Patterson Civil Service 8ohool epovirr enunm
Dept. 8010. Rochester. N. Y. \®fc"VICE SCHOOL
Sire: Send me without charge Dept. 8010
your Catalog describing this and
other flue u. S. Government posi- N
Editor Nonpartisan Leader: It
makes me tired when I know we farm
ers can change things if we want to,
but don't. We pay our dues and then
don't even read the paper that is sent
to us to keep us posted. When in
Nebraska last winter a farmer said he
was not going to renew his member
ship because he had been to a sale and
they had told him all kinds of things
(naming some) and he had to take it
because he could not answer them.
I said: "Do you read your League
papers?" He said: "No, I haven't
got time."
There are hundreds of you who
don't take three minutes time a day
to read your papers, and that is all
you need to spend to be posted. Most
of you think all you have to do is to
pay your dues and then "let George
do it." If you would quit talking
about the short crops and the low
prices and would talk politics to your
wife and family and to your neighbor,
you would soon get better prices for
everything you have to sell.
If farmers don't wake up soon, they
find that the other fellow who
Editor Nonpartisan Leader: I will
admit that I do not belong to the Non
partisan league, but I have advocated
the principles it stands for as explain
ed in your issue of August 22, which
fell into my hands today. The doc
trine taught in it meets with my red
hot approval.
Our lawmakers, both state and na
tional, are crazy in squandering the
people's money preparing for another
war. Therefore it behooves the pro
ducers in all lines to call a halt and
unite in our endeavors to bring mat
ters back on a line of justice to the
whole people.
I was talking on the street today
Unheard oi Shoe Bargain I
Men'sheavy veal,one-piecegrain I
leather, all-around work shoe. Rein- I
forced double leather toe. Half bellows
Dark Brown
Grain Leather
Triple Stitched
y-fitting Munson last Strongest- long-wearing heavy
jles, brass nailed and extra stitched. Price slosfud
$L29. (10c postage.)
But You Must Act NOWI
Never such price before on shoes of
this quality. Limited offer to intro
duce other shoe bargains in our big
catalog. So unto today, NOW.
A Postal or Letter Brings I
Them to Your Door
terputatheminyourhands. When the shoes
Letters From Our Readers
politics will own them body and
soul, and you will work for him and
eat humble pie. You know that you
are only worth 50 cents from your
neck down, but there is no limit to
what you are worth from your neck
up. So use your head and see what
headway you will make.
Next year is at the door and we
have a big fight coming. Are you pre
pared to help? Let's start something
and make the-membership 100 per cent
by spring. Are you mad enough to
take off your coat and wade in How
many of you are willing to help? Now
all together. JULIUS H. BENDER.
Fergus Falls, Minn.
come, pay the R. F. D. carrier or post
master. Perhaps you prefer to send
cash with order. Remember, the
price is only $2.29. with lOe extra
for postage. Sizes, 6 to 12—no
half sizes. Widths to EE. Ask
for No. 20 A.
D. 902. State size.
Owe. 24 MIMWIU..
Mentior the Leader When Writing Advertisers PAGE ELEVEN Mention the Leader When Writing Advertisers
when a man expressed himself in this
manner: "I do solemnly promise be
fore God and these witnesses that I
knowingly will never put in my vote
for a single one'that now holds office
in the county, state or nation, so help
me God."
There were quite a number of by
standers who spoke up and said they
thought the same.
Chelan, Wash. W. J. LONG.
Editor Nonpartisan Leader: Why
not promote the sale of union made
goods direct to the people The same
agents selling such goods could sell
subscriptions to the Nonpartisan
Leader and Russell's book on the
League. Farmers should by all means
help to find markets for union labor's
products. They bought North Dakota
bonds. We want their goods.
Benedict, N. D.
The Public Ownership league of
America will hold its big annual con
ference in Chicago, November 19, 20
and 21. The Nonpartisan league will
participate by sending speakers and
delegates. Manager Cathro of the
Bank of North Dakota, Governor
Frazier and Senator Ladd of North
Dakota and other prominent Leaguers
will speak. Senator LaFollette, Con
gressman Keller of Minnesota (labor)
and other big men in the progressive
and public ownership movement, will
also speak. Leaguers are cordially in
vited to attend, both by the Public
Ownership league and national
League headquarters. Public owner
ship of banking and transportation
facilities will be among tiie chief top
ics discussed.
In its current issue, the Searchlight
(Washington, D. C.) puts into one
comprehensive picture the outstanding
official facts which show what Hard
ing and the "old guard" are doing.
The Republican legislative program—
the tariff, the taxes, tucking the farm
ers into bed with the railroads, re
pealing the excess profits tax, the
foreign loan refunding bill—all these
measures are' revealed in their rela
tions to the public welfare in the cur
rent issue of this valuable publication.
The personnel of the American dele
gates to the disarmament conference
is also discussed from the point of
view of their previous attitude toward
ihilitarism and secret diplomacy.
Cheaper Than Coal or Wood—Gives
Twice the Heat in Half the Time
A wonderful new burner which
works in any coal or wood stove is the
proud achievement of the Interna
tional Heating Company, 4552 North
Broadway, Dept. 181, St. Louis,' Mo.
This remarkably simple and inexpen
sive invention heats stove and oven in
half the time and does away with all
the dirt, ashes, and drudgery of using
coal or wood. It gives one of the hot
test and quickest fires known, con
trolled by a simple valve. It is abso
lutely safe and can be put into any
stove in a few minutes. The recent,
big cut in the price of oil makes it a'
great money saver. The manufac
turers offer to send this remarkable
invention on 30 days trial to any
reader of this paper. They are mak
ing a special low price offer to one
user in each locality to whom they can
refer new customers. They also want
agents.' Write them today.—Adv.
Animal Bait
Send postal for free earn
pie of our Wonder Bait
works where others fail—
holds under enow or water.
Nothing: else like this. Also
fret particulars of how you can get you
lures FREE—increase your catch and
profits without a penny's expense*
SUberman not only grades high and pays more,
hot helps yoo trap more for. Let Us Help You
I Get More forYdurlurs
land Increase Ybur Catch
Fifty-five years
in the fur business and two
million dollars capital make
the best
house for you to do business with. Paying
big prices, square grading and prompt
pay has built this wonderful business.
Don't fail to send for the Free
Bait Sample, Special Proposi­
tion, latest Fur Price List and Trappers'
Supply Bargains. A postal brings them all.
133 Stlberman Bldo* Chicago, 111.
Oct Out Your Trappin' Irons
I'm paying top prices for fur
again this year, boys, and you know
me, I'm always good pay—and I ain't
long on tiiis hard sorting business nci
ther. Writemetoday. I've got pleasant
newsforyouandsomerip-snortin' good
I prices, too. THE OLD MAN.
OmlsHHsiFirCsn 790fc.1tthSL.Oaihi.Nil
No Oommlsslon Charged
time for aUkradsoffurs,bides and roots. Ship to
this old squarede*l house and get Top-o'-The*
Market prices. Write Now for Tags and Price
List* Sent FREE, Addresss
MASON run CO., Inc.,
318 TrappersWdBM $!• Louts, Me.
Brooks' Appliance, the
modern scientific inven
tion, the wonderful new
discovery that relieves
rupture, will be sent on
trial. No obnoxious
springs or pads.
Brooks' Rupture Appliance
Has automatic Air Cushions. Binds and
dra\i$ the broken parts together as you would
a broken limb. No salves. No lies. Durable,
cheap. Sent on trial to prove it Protected by
U. 8. patents. Catalog and measure blanks
mailed free. Send name and address today.
462F State St., Marshall, Mich.
Ladies Let Cuticura
Keep Your Skin
Fresh and Young
8g.p,Ointn^t,T»lcmn,8Sc.«»«ij ForssmgS
addrM. 0«Ue«nUMnt*itM Jt.pl V^KsMn,

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