V•+ heavily on the monopolies and on.+he
cities, and very lightly on the farm
ers and in most instances on the farm
ers Hot at all. There are little or no
land values in the farms. A farm
does not consist of land. Land is only
an item. The farm consists of build
ings, fences, tiling, cleared area, fer
tility maintained, etc., not one item of
which would be taxed. When you de
duct these items from a farm, there is
little left to tax. Where the farmers
would pay cents under a land value
tax, the monopolies and the cities
would pay dollars, and where the
farmers would pay dollars, the
monopolies and the cities would pay
hundreds of dollars, and where the
farmers would pay tens of dollars, the
monopolies and the cities would pay
thousands of dollars, and in some
cases millions.
Our federal government must now
levy taxes on the American people
sufficient to raise from $4,000,000,000
to $5,000,000,000 every year. This
amount of money must be raised or
the government go in debt for the
difference. Next year the govern
ment* will run further in debt, from
$500,000,000 to $1,000,000,000 because
congress did not have the courage to
levy sufficient taxes to raise money to
run the government. Debt, of course,
means taxes with interest added, both
of which must be paid some time.
The administration wanted to take
taxes (jiff the rich in return for the
campaign expenses which the riah
paid. The administration was afraid
to pile more taxes on the poor, so it
chose the cowardly alternative of
debt. In June of this year Congress
man Oscar E. Keller of St. Paul, in
troduced into the house a real tax pro
gram. Mr. Keller's program would
not only raise taxes sufficient to run
the government, but create a balance
in the treasury to retire the public
debt. Mr. Keller introduced four bills,
the first of which repeals about 40
taxes levied on industry, production
and consumption.
Mr. Keller's second bill cuts the tax
rate on earned incomes in two. These
two bills would take about $1,500,000,
000 of federal taxes off of industry
and production. To make up this loss
in revenue Mr. Keller's third bill
raises the inheritance tax rate and his
fourth bill provides for a tax of 1 per
cent on land values, after exempting
$10,000 of land value for each individ
ual holder of land, and also exempts
all improvements on land from federal
taxation. Special provision was made
for farmers, whereby cost of tiling,
clearing, value of all orchards, trees,
fences, wells and maintenance of fer
tility were exempted from the tax.
Mr. Keller claims that these exemp
tions will so work out as to exempt
more than 95 per cent of all farmers,
who farm their farms, from the pay
ment of any land value tax whatso
ever. The remaining 5 per cent are
the "gentlemen farmers," the farm
ers who farm other farmers.
With the farmers jflractically ex
empt from taxation, this tax of 1 per
cent would still raise around $1,000,
000,000 in federal taxes. This tax
would catch the Anthracite Coal com
pany to the tune of about $15,000,000
annually- The steel trust perhaps for
as much more, and all the other
trusts and monopolies in, the same
manner. This tax would enter the
cities and catch the great bulk of the
landlords. It Would catch the owners
of valuable lots in the heart of cities
1 on which stand antiquated fire traps.
The tax on the land value of the lot
yi would be so heavy that 'it .would neces
sitate tearing down the old rattle-trap
building and erecting a better one in
its place in order to justify paying the
tax on the land. It would catch the
owners of vacant lots, for the tax
bears as heavily on a lot that is un
used as the one that is used.
This tax would go a long ways to
ward making the holding of land out
of use unprofitable. The Keller pro
gram would lift around $100 of taxes
from the backs of the average family
directly, and perhaps two or three
times that amount in added interest
and profit which is piled on to the tax
in the process of passing it on from
business to business until it finally
reaches the people. The Keller tax
program would reduce prices, especial
ly on building materials. It would re
duce rents and the cost of living in
When you farmers find some way of
reducing rent in cities and the cost of
living, you will open up a market here
in America of vastly more importance
Read the Good News Here From Ono
of America's Largest Manufacturers
to Pre-War Prices!
and Easier Payment Terms
New Butterfly
than any market abroad. Kemember,
that 65,000,000 of people live in our
American cities and towns. These
people are your customers. Take the
landlord off the back of the city dwel
ler and you will enable the people to
purchase more of your products. Take
the monopolist of natural resources
off the back of alPthe people and all
the people will prosper.
You farmers must study the tax
(Continued on,page 15)
is the big smashing cut of the year in
Cream Separator prices. And it comes on,
the famous Butterfly—a machine you know all about.
Ybu have seen it advertised in this paper for 15 years.
Your neighbors are'using them. Nearly 200,000 farmers say
they have no equal for clean skimming, light running and easy
cleaning. We have slashed every price on every machine we
make right back now to where they were before the war.
It costs us more to manufacture than it did then, of course,
but the things you raise cost you more to produce, too. So,
regardless of what other implement manufacturers do, down come
our pricestopre-war levels. The things you raise and sell never
bought so much cream,
separator value before. Think of it! You
can now buy any New Butterfly Separator for
Ond on Easy Monthly Payments as low as
Only $3 a Month
You won't feel the cost at all. By this plan your separator will earn its
own cost
and more before you pay. You can keep a few cows and with the help of a
New Butterfly Separator, have a good size pay check coming to you every
month. No waiting for crops to market No worry about money to meet
living expenses. A few cows and aNew Butterfly Separator will pay you a
big dividend every month. We will ship any size machine we make to
any worthy farmer on a payment of only $2 down and let him pay the
rest of our low factory price on very easy payment terms. If you need a
separator just tell us what size of machine you want and we will send it for
30 Days' Trial KoTSrs
Try it alongside of any separator you wish. See for yourself the extra
money it will make for you. Keep it if pleased. If not you can return
it at our expense and we
charges both ways.
refund the $2 you paid and pay freigit
'rite for Free Catalog Folder
Shows all the machines we make and quotes the new
low prices and easier payment terms. We will also
send you a book of letters from owners telling how the New
Butterfly is helping them make as high as $100 a year extra
profits from 4 or 5 cows. Send Coupon, letter or postcard
for Free Folder today.
2225Marshall Blvd., Chicago
Manufacturers Selling Direct to Farmers
Albauxh-Dovnr Co^ 2228 Marshall BIwL, Cbioago
Without bbllgation on my part, send me your free
Catalog Folder showing the new pre-war prices tad
payment terms:«
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